United States' Telegraph from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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sanjrr jr candidtc to prtarnl the 'rankfurt Dfclct in the nmCoflpcts Commentator Jta that this gentleman if ft teuHy to the presen administration communication The Director of the Chrsop akc sad OIho Canal Company sire respectfully invited to cnl at the armer1 Hotel street and examine the midel of ta tot'pccuUr1y adapted lh' CUM! nitig itiB of an easyUpQof wter and to carry a heavy to be propelled by steam wiihajit injury to the banka in thro ngwU fro'u'thebuw uf tuikoatf er by the prewurcof the water from Use Ue uftto boatnfo fftbe case the plan now in operationn4aJW boat pro pelled by horae poer Aiiather important ahai)tsge thia boat poatosM ove bat pro netted by hute power ia that it can pin the whole route through rivera toy Jake n4 riunla caiula A numberf genltetrien wtuifluve seen this qdel have bxpresacd their decided approbation of Ute plan 7SS J(bNTUCKJ ja caw aanotrs jrwsq ffpew pcrvmsere awareof the peat profit Md advantage ftM the cuflure of bee Nocouhfry potiraae greater advantage far theiretrfltraNoe tbatwur owsfcteinHrtf kmd The genttemsn jlaaray that rugr has beet bought tn the Wert Indieis dating thelprt year atTpttr cent apftindi and 1 jtn willing fur the preterifo piftihq argiimtpi on cntfcrv afadhet pretend 1 deny' buf that IhW'SiW fc lfonr' Muwe roen of wealth there are UM nf wiK here on tq offer rcysackriow every where fl sow severs! myself that Mr ffledrementsto the gpOjlcnm tor all ihe Acfe gone from ihfte other State unper! yr'cafte8hUbTeha adduced It Ueorgbr Virginia atuh hare i uuWdharqbeen duty to seaatkjhem taken llirirwcahliWith them thought ery few SWWZSobai'A 4 WdSTijreti A Jbx Th ioard of Visiter ap pointed byjfce Secretary of War to attend the enauing'exainmStiarirWdMrfbdt of the Mi litary Academy in June nexJcbnslst of the following gentlemen ff Cobb of Kentucky 7Pr 1 Sharpe do JC vWnvS rankfiri of CcoMflrania Usfwbright i wdos' Simpn Cameron do t' John Page Profs and Mary Col Va I Dr BrpcteenbrougbotfYirglnia of Dr Wm lining of New JerseyGeniP Van Coiinhndt ofjfew York Hon 'sW do John A Di!" do Key John arnum do Major General Scottf tji Army Brig Gen LeavCpwoith do Mn Umd air Engtsh aphriinaaijjrta that 4 duandred hive aa be prop srfy tnaoazeff by one peraon hith aome alight asdsttnee diw jrjg the awtemiug enwm Ilf state the profiff fire fmr and 'Equitable cn'4 making'M the tame time fair aWitrance pt (he lan't tooi kififulkpint aneewrtot ptwvenGSippwe pMwa patr cbMC irakarm tbr a tiotea the actual profited the end ofjfire year will be 63f 14' 54 ling? 1 he great itaportaace rf Thia branch 6f agriculttwc te a counuy will appear a beiVtf ijdon Aterrd thajngtad toy annually to the nprthiof Grmanyntl ludy 8SW3f sterling for Ihe pioaucipfjUte bec lAccAd'a to' a raqalarn aiitkor jt has been' etilutted that Use kttje isltet CtnJsro duced' no letu tiwr 490009 lb of Six cfeightminioit pounds of tsortey annually an immense source of wealth fot Utile island and aU from the laboro of a Ettle insect The culture of the bee a particular object to the HfnpreruMt thjir produce of1 wax in 1 fSJj waa ewiaaateil afS00090 pound And of bo rtey 4509000 pound a most incredible quantity lobe collected in one ear Even in America1 boney and waxiaro im ported rto a amount i but yrere proper atedtioa bestowed on the subject theueceMty ofdmportatim wight be entirely in A hundred fold more of beesjnighl be supported tian npw hare'existpuce in purtourtry'i Aii apiary woukhbe a of jsmosflnieiit as siappeilage to every rural es tabfialiment WitliwgAat th re fore we my enjoin it upon our fricn in the language of ths renchburtiup to hi i npover jahed clergyKir aa xar The practice of destroying the bes when the i honey Ukeniup Is a bad one and re quire improvement MBee are very carpe ia this country in bf the great num ber that are killed in the usual method of re moving the honey from the hive' AVe find that inuny firmelitill their bee every fall in order to gel ihe'honey This loss can be avoided by uaing ahive of the foUowingdescHption 1 Make fjur sqdare'boxsji with a rabbet on Cacfi sp that they may form jointswhempnais sfet upon the other Thiwbole ir covered iyeab hof 'wliic1 1 ore? le i boXefanding from thccentrfnjltat4 jhe'rain may run off It i necessary tirplace' a stone or weight upon the top of the' rojfto keep it on firm and tight The joint whertf the boxes cone together sinto the be covered with some kind of cement If the rwartn i ycry numerous three oc even two of these boxes be sufficient' Each of them'k jouli be three inches in height' arid about ix inches tn tlje cl with Tfil s'lOulj be made of wood at least one inch thick that bee wax Ac may bs les affected by cbangn in iheMemperatufs of i)ie atmosphere itliin the boxef af iheiij per part there should be fixed twobartin tlte fifrm "of a' cross with the extremities 1 renifing to the angle of the boxiTotiiero "bar the attaci their combs 'x v( 'iS 1 4t (helower part of each box in fr jnj there must be an aperture or door high as couaryfurtho' bed tn pa conveniently and abqut an inch and a halfwido! Oftheae apejj ture only die lower onejjAo be left open the otfier4 lo bexloed by piece ot wood perfectly fitted to themTo lessen or enlarge it only require a ilioa or in crease of number of thr boxes and com m'inication With the internal parte can easily be effected by the removal of die cover These hives re quick made and cheap Nothing requisite but to jointfour boards with nail' Or in any other manner so pimple tint it miy be done by a common laborer This hive pos sesses the follwingprtjpeMies i irst it i Ca pable of enlargement or contraction according to fthe iiumtier of the swarm Secondly it will admit of being opened without dts urbing thelbee either for the purpose of cleaning a of freeing it from inaects of increasing or di viding the swarm orf'iradq)iion of a stock of provision in winter Thirdly it so constructed that the produce may berenisved without injuring the bee 'This last advantage ihwmam object at Which we aim at present for with it the firmer may take up hi honey from time to timt iby removing the upper ipx and the bee will remain below uninjured Where this is done the hive should bri 'examm ed frequently during the winter ana if there should be a scarcity cf Loney to support the bees they may be Jed in the following thin ner Bake thih reakff of Indian meal split ii open anil spread toney upon it till it becomes perfectly saturated Then place the bread in the top of the hive ind tlie'bees wilt feed up dri it and live pofottably Jhe hives should be placed' in a south situation not too much exposed to die heat of the roh' wh'ch tnay be mitigated by placing the tree la shade the hives a violentlieai is injurious not Only to 'tlie but to lite wax' and honey TH hives ahotrtd ba Kept from the dd nrtjch possible in winter by a covering of straw or sometliingof tlicS kind Tlii Country abounds with wild flowers ajnJ apiaries may become very profitable appendage to almost' any si' 1 "ship John Aihm CptMnvorhrfs to tliMiditerrsne 'adedfroTxHamptorr'ltdaI wi'S iurdy Captii Kennonited from 1 Up de" Janeiro Much? to jbSnWu fiigte son'ComndoroCaltC'rJf Cpt AndreWs' of tfe'brigjLn Beselum arrived at Baltimore on Thursday last in day Cajliof left at that pl Ce 3 1 it jln' Wt Jobi) DJsioat comma der all Lieutenant Coihmandmt An drew itehttgh was Waiting the return of the Suter tchooher Dolphin from Huandiau to take command and proceed on a cruie to leeward probably taerchnt shir uia tU coast are peculiarly fortunate in the a tentmnby the squadron otlie United particuhrly Captain Sloat aad the officer Ttelt wlio'ipared no effort when Ibcir servicer were required arid have recently saved two vessels fro tUte Iqs by their ac live and hdmaaa exertion Nur Bvtan following simple why bf preventing the flics from sitting on pic turea or any other furniture i well expenen ecd and wifi if generally usedprevent troublend a Birge bunch of leeks swk four or five day In a puit full of water nt waA the picture or any other piece of fur niture with it the flies will never come any thing so Ccrtdnly the flieafwould "never aain come near the pictuyeifor thejrig who wrote the recipe 'must know thatthe picture after inbeen washed arith" a decoction of leek could scarcely Catfoached even by Welshman It i stated in the message ofthriWoVernor oC Connecticut thatfor lhe year ending 31st March last the net gain of the State jirtson after paying erery ex pense of guarding feeding clothing and in struction was ff B34 12 By the Ppealiont ow Thursday of last wets there srared at thj prot detachffiibnt iroqpK conaistogof jjff rank and 61eUnd lhc com ma id of Lieutenant Richard ichr aartd by UeutenantfCaafialfffasd Petted We learn shaUn meesequsw of the leney of the small pox in New Orleans troop made no ty there( and that a the detachment re destined fur Red river a ipartfurArkansa THE PEACH TRE "rf a dcsire to encourage tlte culture oflhe Tree we offer th'e following the re stilt of experiment and observttion It is tbattworais near' the' surface of the earth destroy them by eating tire bark the object is therefore to fiud pre iventativw in order Utet tlt tritfCs may become in healthy state It i evident that these worm pass through' the common chaageand assume the form of xixisu 'early in tho summer stiff deposits their eggs ip the bark low' as they can find access to il and that the worms proceeding fromtliem begik tQ Operate in the latter part of the summer when they have been found the size of common pin If ffertfftu remain they grow to the thickness of rye straw each of them girdles the trecjiboul an inch snffthe wood from the pounds to the heart dies Hence it is that a single wound impairs the vigor of ths tree and a number kill The point! tffbtl gained is tonratect the tree from the milers auiby a simple method wen have succeeded fur severe! years whictv isyecommeuded with full confidence i the of iy remove the'airth from the body of the Veo andjhift it to Hie height of or IS iocfies: iip such manner aaq tox cludatho urilkrs burying the lower ipart Of if in'the earth i tYt b' ve used Mixw cut to the length and sbsut haK inch in thickness bound on with twitte Thisahuuld be remov ed about pf September tit sfe jhmteometimeJpund the young worm in the upper pari of the straw being then readily discover ed the surface uf the barkp eovered by a gup) The process should be zconunetv 'ced' when tlie treed iley hve bien found in a npid growth the first fall aftersit 'sprouted 'Thu a few sninu'pssinr year de voteff io a iicee will pro'ect it gainst this censeof decay 3 aXcry Trifling cXpcne compared with' thtyvaUe tet this healthy and delicious fruit" aTU AN RAC 1 WELU8 vJWJJcH IMLAY? Utrijvri fCvti'J Sfp 1830' A of the folbwjrig pwagr'" Buttsit will be recollected wasProfessor of Chemis'ry in ffha University of Maryland! Ilia recent death was noticed" in oUr paper and is fleplored by alwbs canHSt raentover the loss of talentsnd ge nius is The names of tho eininent scientific meth who are candidate for he vacant chair are of themselves sufficient testimonials to the mfit of the departed professor ylfiuvtriily tJ Jtirland Considerable nx iety having been manifested iu ihbeotjcture tiiade appbiiitnfeffittjbp twa vacant chair in the Medical Department the UliTvefsity of Maryland Jt mxy be Interesting to some' hot otherwise informed to know the jiaiiut Of tlie candidate! who have far of fcred themselves Tlie applicants for the cluir of CKtmiitry0 fite tie writer of this nmici has learn' are st present Professor of CA mistiy in the acility of Art's and'Sciehccsofr the UmversityAf Miry land and lecturer onjVaff luraPkilusophp in the Aiarjland etlilufe PurferaoTormtrly of Philadelphia now filling the c'iiiof Natural PkitotapM iff the UAitf 'tilf vf and Doctor f'rnk 'lin hiltute of the Stsffff)cnnylvania The applicant fbr the Ciwr bf Inalothpj pre Jhg John fi Readcl a practitioner of Medicioe Baltimore county Doc' or punglitson bf Eiiglsrid at preso Professor of ujc of in the University of Jfirginm( Dob tor Webster of Philadelphia lecturer On fcrotys aiki Doctor Geddmgst tjt present pdjuiicfProfessor of Anatomy in the'Mcdical College of South Carolina''' We sre ndt aware that any" ibtlicr ippfibitifcift have beori trade pm rtmente are to beflMdeXb'ika first day oi? uext'fliauth June' 't'j 'iLCoxascricirr Thcgovernriient of tins State of Connecticut forthe tacjJycar cornmeno ing Ort Wedneslsy last was organised otrtliaU 'day by thoiiKWCUun" of 'Itte peWi Govertiur elect John Peters and the semblng Of the gubircr was elected Speakerotthk lfoiiseuf Repferon uuvcs Tliere haiingbeina ch jcoby the peopIBJijf LieuteiuivitXlovern jr Oriinge Meivirfi frm'crly a member of CoBgresfram: that Shtf bixlecd elected bv the gisia uro of Jhet rhivrsh*tch enhsnted their ubstance by the pvodacl tlw canerf Neithsralo I de ny buljtot there are sundry persons therwho dwell in deeeat iftaase and five a person mihirlyrqircunwisnced do in other countries i re they enabled to live the tame style at tie gance aud people of (qua! condi tion Jn otlier Stales Sir speak of the great mjOritypfihos whQara engaged in tlie cul ture of sugar when t'tay) that Mhey are men who tni sJ drbdge jw wjt thtthgentk foih nu conception of vduring the pepod pf their harvest' wbUh'ruus through portion of the winter they have to labor Jthu live long night is well sxby that who fur eleven months in tfie cslendarv go dad io blanket coat and d' ear 'domes ic trowseri from that they are men yhq habitually sit down by a deal board'tabfetp a homely" repast uf bread and salted fish or meat bought from? voptq which somnot all are enabled tp add uie zest of a measure of cheap claret wine which 'the sultriness of 'lheie climate makes an almost dispcnsable requisite to existence while other persons" hixui uling beneathgjjje bland jnflu ence of mtidor ikies are banquetting 01V the culled daiuiffaof lhetearth sir! rous ng their sated appethc by the co lyptrtions of and of Spiiitiju it the rich juice of the fur ten Island iniorJer to I'jscrirpinate wbelhM lhe vintage have 'been chilled by tlie too Hide visita'ioit of shebreesson the north ern slope or be dashed by the fiue qraiui im parted by thu smithrn exposureyfe those men who you say tax and oppress are men who delve and fevd eoarse to tax and reality but they tax you with easitend afflqcncej and they oppress you with Champaignewitlx Sherry with Madeira And what dojymt while JAVhy you sit jravely talking qfjteheir wealth aud ItixuriodinissLiJuwl 'sqkmnjg dwcussiug t'ie propriety of legiHatiye intervention lo Jbrwg thept down from tg py Iriglx $ttei gr in tailor ihrasefto bring UteljOa butoqjrhole lower Now Mr SpeakeiiiT wlU appeal to i it uoianjaxing that any portion of our coun try nd especially thul little wook if it should even aMh day be so illy comprehcrided so liable toibe misunderstood cventy intelligent ll informed Amencsnstatesmenxr''Witli no thing staH ofiromiuicetin its'podhsonv arithdut' 4nountin4ud without mist though) wWi plenty of rain jnd hot a platri unpte nt tgr offset couutiy of hard the most site cessiblktih the world to our friendsknd your from the sea as well as from th tend and which as anqually visited by thousand snd'tens of thbuMjids pilgrims to the shrine of pleasure or of gain from every State in this Uiiion I cI it not passing 'Strange that Such a place tiiouid' continue to be the theme of Inch wild1 tapro babje incoherent imaginings Why ns 1 sup posc it is not strange it would seem to be pre ordsined AhaCit should be so The tms Ua! tucinaiion' Jissex sted form hundred yeateiftL more and Will dare say exist for a hundred yeWA9f9'rir aMlchsiori preiaileifcQ 'a very' early period of our history Tlie wnaie ci 01 i ari waMuuacu by the rphrenxy Public declaim rs then a now with law a vauonary enthusiast or mad 'iihemer at their bead proclaimed that the banks uf the Mtssiuuppi were diofcrttousAifo: radbofWhichVhepQct hadraved inhabi tants they depicted Thompson describe the' inmates of the Castle of th all dwelt in sumptuous pblsces: by night they slept on cushions of by day reclining 011 damisk ottomans listening to tlie lisciviou windings of the In this Eden of the new world they asserted no'lubor was men sowed hot neither did they reapj wishes were no sopn formed thin gratified kvkiy Thatcould minister to tlie appetite Wh scattered An spontaneous profusion through the land every clod par klvd with i every pathway was strewn with glittering of silver and of gold Arid the tale bad it proselyte then iteemsto havte now an I as thing incredible al ways Wilk "Hundred and thousands believed the and air what came ol it I It even turned in the Celebrated Mississippi scheme in which hundredff bf deluded victim of both sexes embarked They cam to the Ekloradq and what did they They fouftd drtafy coasts sndJnhb pit ble shores priineval for eat Bink with noxious vapoq d( spreading morasses' "rife lethiferous4 malaria fan J' worse than 11 the ret squalid misery and ghastly damipe Maringthejn in the free but the eloquence of the gentleman from GwurgWnotamforeibl re minds one fcf theid's io'wfiich the inflation oarvd it birth 1 1 4kowt are such errors' Ind mlscOiiceptidris to'be 1 know of but'6tib'Wy olid that Ts Jiy free and frequent That is one reason per have generally whenever! bad a rhy yqte for the construction of road" cdiisjder it i national a great naiiaharnlyect 'whtnvrer any one man is in duced to travel bejoid the limits of hit own immediate Vicip igc to go to see spdjyisit and hold comtntuiion witli liis fellow citizen in et portionaof thfe country he then see thing a diey are not a he has been told they are he is th reby 'enabled to rectify fat pre im pressions aud to heal himself of the besetting sin of misguided prejudice He'i sure to re tumliorhu belter philosopher a betterteitw sen' and a better man Instead of giving my to abridge the 'mileage of member of Congress I $0uld vote to extend instead of pairing billi tnske bin? go in atraight line througlttlie airlike some migrating goose that sp es'a miles off the lake in which she Soon iutcridi to lave and springing into ether wings her way with un erring I woui if possible jriake him Wis'd ever State in tbe Union and wouId pay hitQvritslleni ghtgp tig or he'migiit go rounj(ffuit go Ite shoul 1 if practicable in to ofi'ey from thqteonvictibri that when he next approached theshajls he would come witti feelings chaitfnjrdaiid ubduefi and hi a uftrii bcr( fittfiigk those Mteh fuhrtion't which 4nKii thoM Deity on earihj of making law fur the govenh 1 meat ha'ppincss of liu frlloiv men there is a little trait oipersou history' which most of have Jxien nude 'to resd in the day spring of qrjime'rytreaj I and rae law gi ver win wus tfierWaYd prompter to a vriy higiiwi'ion in the judiciary 1 dpot just? uQw hi iiamoy nor ia st mterul determineoat he field twayin Crete" jVJ This sage iaw xnskus harboring in" hi bo isorh lbewuh and the design id udtiitbejjjt ofiluj rpebpJe wliohad grown 'retweilwy scarcely knew why resolved I journey into foreign parts 1 in ordr to study lluPjpolity 1 nd exsmine with his Owa eye Hhe condition and resource of some juther Stated thrtirtre Alien' high renowa ame with heettiAny tongue told him of the wealth and splendor of Egypt iheexuoerance of her the grandeur and magtrifiueace of her sfill her ctilr cumb i i 'tij 7 fj tbmleakbys Wo osyr they i thgyarea WBalfnortiBn nutoerirafiy crinsia'' ad oTkbMnR fitirtr Mfhatsrnltr Mwolaf whakbjasted vieeroy iqst a A A A A A Mak A a Wil Jrrckk WIUIUOI MIK IVMtMUU fl 'men aoterioosly skekflrwr pUia unostentatious uncostly 7 practically republican nen in all any uijaree Artiwe been ttnv duly to aeaatblhero out if andl have no doubt rtUa Ukeolhem fromtjie State spera floutfed cbrotmler 1hk4 1 v'" wtsrnaw'zti rvea me to saVrShe barmonv and goadmndera'sndin between his opinion and ev they 1 contend do Aot lire Rore S' I 1 a I 1 aww ala IDiQO JliUSl CIQ Jir Mywj nuk cue wafigliioit the moment 'lte to arawneTYfmwes and seeks twen Intellect by wbalh'e has bcerioid rtwt be Sfloaxd fcr th? moment to turn laWVer end enter my objection to thedusiba fi'rf the hearisybaT With (hat ingenuoosue which snark Iris lfe anil cmnyrration he nd ffiiti tlMklis hakno precjicafuicquamtauco with pd'tahjettrbut be saysifist Iriend or per hap plural pumper of friends hve toM himAslfOwit ls' jl sifaithtene dashTof hi pen itamlpdie addition of arisen number of zeros he HvTe sapS oii our devote4 head I than tmercr dug from the caverns bf Potosi Whv the gentleman tnu 4 have discoveredfor our benefit that grand jreanum supposed to exist in mature but torowldclx the dreaming i alehymst 1ms sought vain since the birth ofimc 'A teery he but touches us and MljoJkwtfM I confessed in form and pr ssure WlfOrid maSs uf the shining dross Hqalipw vbytealculstion' very satisfactory to bmelfi I liaVo nff do ibt that saccharine concern in thattebitntry yields suet profit to its ow ner of more iliawthirty wo percent 1Ie lakes up a plan 5 tittoiu' which he estitjatit with All its para phernalia itapparatii' it laborera il horse Tit of every kind At'lrsy thi iiSMid floltarts he theft proceed to state fl keCOUnt carrenttef profit for the ycae in the most mfrtantile' yloof dtbit and per? teoriffs and" he bring st Jhe rend pHfit'vt morpth thou randdonara tothcroprieibr 5 this is certfinfy ahaitfliome little Inter test pu money Jn syqti JiartJ timejaslbeie And I wohdet why some of tlie lottac cash that is Ijiwktng'abpru th Wiothcr our and fij ainun doej not flowTn that dirJctioifand eek'l? invent itself in sugilfilaite wonder lUWO jbird of thepiq nle'it Loui Jana shpuljl'cpntinut to uyc fw ndthipg yvthq cultutapf col ton whin thi tec tfisir next door neighbor their £rn with I te'9R4frJbat theieqjTe of the adjacent tStet onrtnh every thing j'equi ite in hand dptiot step pier the bordcoapd make ttuir fortunes 'I marvel 1 that the gciftlemyi Jii'nself loes not mount his Ahgo ffiont (hc perils oiU the hrida Strait antl aaff up the Mlsqippi tor pluck the gulden I jtail tell lym Whylie does nol It i 'because he knos a very well there is no" such 'fn ike there if tliestdfy Were entitled to crcdencesyo would find in Geor gig alone ten thousand' valor us men to art at the word Slid attempt the ehiprixt If bnt pne ilialftlle decribcdwia1th'were tolie collected our shore wc riibuld be bverran In testhan jw1rAimonthJy a warm more" numerous and more greedy gold th'an: were the blue eyed tiesaes onthe devoted Provinces of the 'ifty thousand dollars' yielding a nit profit of twenty tltousand dollars in a year! 1 luve ho objection tMi to the gentle arithmetic I only ih jt coulfflay claim Ire'tiwnA ruufiAn if that BCC11TACV ascribed to the' exact sciences I sincerely 111 for the sake of the gentleman himself andil his frtelid Georgia that itVcre but half 'iihiei: aye'' that it were but In one fourthparte an I that illio a w'ut imbesiistingly leiiy hre is a'mootcd juilnt' Tle gentleman) s'twen'y thousand I say not Jfpe jlow shall we decide thf issue To whatumpirage shill we riCor To a wager no lest of truth Yet petfiiips uho JJiow tt'e genlleuan from Georgia or aorrie bf bi nifonnanta fhiglit bi willing tri underwt'ite the' result' "May be they jo achisryment sure by the appliance of flwir pw asIuII and craft in tne science of tillsgkj if so "then I say ta them come one' edme ril anl wiil pledge myselfnd will fiirmrii a Imndrcd responsible Co obligors on the if required that they may Select any establishment in rthe State they please' nokhrorfli miiee tln fifty thousand dol hr and id yrti will estimate the mere land below What best laud in Geor gia geU'lbfifiaitdijhW'hfsv thfen assume tbeen tire fjf arjy lefigtli of time they please two Uiree five or teri years rhy to the said net profit of dollar per annfair 4n i if they ddi that we unurpyrt guaranty tretqAhein an anntfil Mtiry of fifteen thousand dollars royear foe thdr'sitvlHesV and tlnj shall hed hpird washing besides nda horse to riier Uie Parochial Church tri bbOtttWai ttrert dfer a fiffcr The gentfeiijari ys they1 nlake no lung ill Georgia Here i acltanc 6t fortdnj with us Do yoi come and orehee 'and ehSure toils thcprofit of twenty thousand dollars wliidi yotteto coirfldently describe Tand we will theft ensure to you an annual stipend of fifteen thou xsiod for jxnir pains and' allow you bis'desthe sundry little Traftchisr! hive mentioned iu of itia yoiirpoiSkrit ifty tfionsaf doltirs yit Idmg a clear' profit of tyenty fhousind dollars! Wiiat immensely rich elutseters thust we brt Mr Speaker one of the most liarnff ss pastimes of ilie Rioiey hotfer is said to mortUst inkbp joyi of foiling his pelf rone of the most frfnpceiit plcaiurei of the rich ill reckoning' the' aggregate of gains Now only frui tion ofthis kind! andllA bsicount" According to the jrat roti mates arc ena bled to obtain Our investment culture amount to fifty mijlionf xf aye Sir to fifty millions Ofiisrd dollsrs rnot earn ed hoiJever by the cultivation of sugar Now for the toppojtlUA' If asthe gepkman as sfrts' fifty 'thousand Apllaraield a net profit of twenty thousand lii ope yeafhpw mMh do Jhe fifty niilftoh thoitni Wry Sir twenty milliorff od'olisr slm ist equal to: the wliole rivefihe of the United States The budget tefi of finance puts dowffthe groi revenue of the UnjtedStates nt twenty two rmfliaiu rl drop imctSotwa The budget ofithe gtnflittnirt (rem tGeorgta assigns to one elm of planters A gi State a Stste liaving but Hired Iteptcsntat tivea dn this floo equal to th whola gross coMsetioni of yvur Govern meet' with all it imputed blood suCkifig and VftmpyridmrrfibtWiHatanding its alleged ylem of taxation aqd oppression which they i ay mich that the pcapiroo' no longer bear it I Sir deduct collection the salaries'toi'yddrqffijmjptoe tend tfe cost qfyoar revcpu errics whit may bs abtot' assifoi'Meroibujr and then sCOotdihgJotelre gengentin bjpotlieris the difference SviU'bft but a fraction betweenhewjwte income 'of the UnitedSiatcs teUtT thii nek income few planter ip Louis iana And who are they that areteccumulat jng soch iubftfitidn 0 ihe predoui metri a1 if tniistlqp short limecruih' through the feeble' substratum oftheir alluvion mi whelm both it and tbetpsclve to the depthiof the hot ruslag provided tbe nntaimeirt oChte jmir PoMpr pp0ffdxW4bkHedfbtitl'e wlaWesef Tbebio ukk her gtekshd wlist'dii be see' Wtiy'wkhsoase Mmbtaocc exteb i pa! splendor besswr rauoie and Unet the seven plague of Egypt CMinrhlseyc Wbrrind thioegn the land Ke beheld with a sml indeed trf'unjxminfcfl fertility yet iKMsr itoil wom' and denreasetl them lelre'' whilrfrbm the hore 'uf plenty they 'abud Jaace pHo the Up df 1 the surrounding' States sat vfielrHj hastened back to hi owi eouairy whWfie' nowliked bet? ter andfound it bd better off than all those of which he Igtdficird 0 Brach He appliedhimelf to south 'and com pose agitatsdG rinirttts 'of hi beopley and by fi' zptept sriff hi example' be led them onjef commerce tff' Agrieuluire to arts and totiappineta rNow if the gcntlema frgrp Georgia'wofl3 but dtr the if he or any of hi who think badoes would nTvotichaBre to come for and with us oa the Dclla of our grol friher of we have sa ny hdpitahlyand vouli bail hiv coaiing A with and would take the 'pains to in vesllgate the process and Scrutinize The ac cuunt not tbsriccount of Ma own copious! tna ginstiou but the actual account book of any off our fanner of hp choice: Ifhe should prefer it 1 wonld introduce bim to some of ha own immediate countrymen poraibly hi former sociate and friends Who tore g01! there and embaiked their all in the busines and whom it is uoW perfect natural fur the gentleman to seek to for I hjEBthe pleasure to count several Georgians among the of my most esteemed and valued ri Jf be will do this I will pledge piyielfforte to 5 tai radical revolution in hta ideas on 'till sub ject He will at once perceive that it is ftit 4 for ourselves We distill the Jiat we are in fct butflhe Jshoring srms whp hive honey for the ravenous vedptnlAiour neighbor hood plunders and I feU assured thatewhsphe bid us which to us wdl bs: a mo ment of he will exclaim in candorif not la sorrow Sic vm nan tabic mtlhfialit apet I would hire turn my backoi th part of the subject 1 fear I have already said ttqo much on must be allowed be fore I smta it to relate to tlie 'gentkman aa incident or two of no great Xcst or importance in themselves blit which may I trust tore a toeoRvineehim oflhe dangeiHbere I 1 a at a i a im uiaCBvnca iixr uivuii un 'question withjiome whether truth be always the object of to rely too touch ontWhsT tie is told especially on this tube ject uf sugar making i Theftryt incident I would mention to 1 lutes to a man from Iris own State a Georgian Tins Geprgun sbouttwo yebrs ago associated jiimself witji scversl other persons connected with him by tie contracted in' that country to cktablidf one of those plantations They were cone of tapin practical farwier if 'had been they probably would never luvet juched it Thq(peofgiaa pbomit tt my purpose 'jleairade theMuidipal of the fir owning a preduectirin for hi formei1 abodewent back 18 Georgiy in aqnkeldiood to the own County wnd laid out fifteen thousand doljar ia laborersA He nekt fepiir eitfo ih westerm country snd expendeil'frite or six Alouind dollar in iron casting snd'mt ohipery he then returned hom 'and sfdck'e 1 h'sfartn with theunual number of horse prob7 ably 'about' fifteen hundred dollars worth'3'? bought from the sttst and filled hi granaries from the "great redundancy of their Weternst ore re Take it all in sll it was an es'ablish meHwlncli' rnUat hatfe'Cost him about 'fifty Btmmafl'doiferertimgf mt cmti: of which wa r' tfiejfreviotpspleJua'iff the4sne And jniirt me at the very outset at least one half this ca pital is diffused over these United States and of that half mure than a moiety goes to the pocket of thepeople of Georgia 5 Ilcr6 ybu have a common instance of one of those engines of oppression described by th'e gentleman Itopringirito fife equipt and rea dy for action not frowning? in martial hedmet and brandishing in dexter the quivering baitsof battle but holding iff it open and distended palms the tembletetenl merce the incentive at once ana the reward of peaceful industry And fdre A has' made the first step yts before its young limbs have essayed the first attempt at motion it scatters fifteen thousand dollars into the bourns of the people of Georgia And s'r it is but a fair specimen of our doings in that way Of the seven hnnflred in that country sixhundred al least within the last ten or fifteen yean would furnish the elements of a similar Djcunodiieile umne But sir this is riot the moral with whichIr wished to point the tale "1 will proceed with it: The Geotgian now set himtelf about to or ganize hi plantation and erect hi buildings tfie first year be made nothing: he expect eff tn mtricffnothiiig During afft tot period no hing was heard within hi border but th fe note of preparation the constant clink of ihe'outlaying of hi'cab the regular fall of the axe with the chyme of the beating time on the an vH? Ti But the terriqueou tbbg moved onr in it orbit until now another autumnal sun shone upon the land' Theperiol torahich I now alltftle wSs about the last of October 1830 te few day before 1 left home to come to my du ties here By this time some yellow cane Waved in the field his houses were arid he was busily engaged in prepa ration to comtpence the manufacture of sugar On a ndw ahd expensive principle which at traetdd some attention through tho neighbor hood er pn At that uncture the narrator happened to be some distance in the interior from whence set out to proceed to 'my point nf embrktion( in to lake the gentletnanV house in my way When I gor within twenty miles of lit residence' was informed by several personswhonvI met intelligent person that he had tebrnnibltfeed tiBnopeniitenvr ifiahe 'haff been rolling as wf term foTherO fur several days' and that bis experiment succeeded wolf derfullyv tbat it was turning him out two hogs head snd a half to the acre My heart glad dened al the tidingsi ana tnrowmgtue reins to the companion of my way we proceeded until coming in sight of hi dwelling I strained tny optic in tl)e direction and looked longaqd inteniejy but I raw no smoke or va por curling in bold relief agahut the sky Drawing still higher 1 could perceive no throng ot men and horses and carts ia wont on oc casions such that I thought 1 sas sppraach ing In point of fap he had nut com nenccd the riinufactute of sugar at all Hews not ready to begin he did n4 expect' to begin fok fifteeA drfl to come Now' wpoder if tjiat story whirai told to me i shape twenty mite 1 of hii residence 'bad bepii caught up by thing which every moment flie and gam npw strength ahd vigor as she igoe' apd had been repeated 4Mm tongue to tongue of jicredible metfs lAiutil it bad been Wkfted'lo hp irs uf iJa 4U friends tn Georgia what it would Inyo AUS been! fikfi that tiirie 2 Wily Aho Aitount whir Which the gentleman ha entertained pa here hogshead te'lhe scie to the hiliit'Mriu1dhave beetvtk)r' vapid and wholly1 tfitpiquaijt in the comparion Ny tbe ltalfle'ixlash we coartkiilly ieq going thU roifials of the newspapers derived from an equally authentic sourefc relieved by a little 4 wiffulsniirepreaehtalianp those mmdacioujtab idWities gefterited by scribblers who mever saw a sugar cane grow hnd cam poond fit only to begulped by would liave tod tri hide their diminished heads at de void uf rektive iaterest and poignancy i lochia benlinutdyr ro I friMiii iTi VT IjBULLiJjJ uinrj 1 ff Ltas krajwn to thp readers of tlut paper thsttba ssfitoe fc fir aorae days absent frosh th'i cifrt'feyeompaiiicd bkdraigtam tifjSiw them at tehapL BrnwiH In TW fcyr resurne i fii "7 r' tbom merie thrtting0tnroen the houre ots 8 of Tuesday 8 Al JL pf Jrelnet rtra ra4rl't (YkA ftoHfu MftStftR tm I Mreue 16 brig 4T ah i 71 vessel 1 er Gad fishing rived fromlAnce Kewgsrenav or the 38m oQ By them jre learph kn: 1 dfatiit (Chippewas) JnhwtinrVtejWMer jrf4 EakeBuperlOrJ state of ffarvationltahy of them We ae mjjrptgd to sort a statc qf wrenevff creyt 15 late 'dcircuit Court held st Sifern Indians jtif action ia mages brought by onj Miyldnil against some tw rife or thirtren other for wring and etrtieriig'i The complainiht got a verdict of 600'dolter damage 'f vr Having dopiedintobur papjffimm thc Boa I' too Atiyertisey am ajeount of an alleged act or attempt tq commit act of piracy Jy i the commander of thffBrig justice to our fellow cdtiarns of Balti riiorejreqtilriei thi Insertion of the foil iwmg Jq relation to'lt Iq copying the following article we consider it due to Captahx Jt is jere and the lionotj of yur city thatthepubto hion until the return of Captain RouCfir which will 'be ere long The brig Seraplura wsi regularly cleared from this place and hid only a crew requisite for auch a jhe cjrries a gua it Is true but being built for est In dm trader this is tor protection agauuiptrafec If captain Bosriere were oa any improper voy age would lie hive th spam a utrthe vessel in full on jierstera? Wcn iyc jjo dubt captam Bossiere will give a full explanation of this matter oil his return find moreover will require such a explanation from thp captain of the bng Cygnette as aril! satisfy the mot preju Balt Ojz i In a preceding papet mentioned that the BsRnpr tie edited by Coftdy ItaguMJEsq WoqM henceforth be pub fished in Philadelpbii It li for us tospeatof (tie merits eithe Jtlerary or po iitical whidz characterise thl Journal they 'speak fcrf themkilves Wetehitde to itrte Pep sentnterely'lwlth'a view attention iq the foltowing proposition I Mr Raguati'tios propoiiidld raise a fund for the gratuitous weekly circulation riflhe four last pages or folds of the 'Bannei1 containing (the editorial am! original matterbpoq the fol io wing termi I shall be pubtohedt 1000 extra co pies on cheap common papeVfor gratuitous circulation throughout the fifiy4w8'eoMrtie 'of Pennsylvania in the ratio srfi tflair representa tion in thc State' Legislature" vi 2' Every editor of jr mewspanerof party every member of tlia Legislature and every member of Congress shall receives co py if be is wiling to pay the postage of ft The othercopie wllbe sfipfou ed niother public Officer' ihj rptewdwldiMfci'i may be considered the moz inclined to co operate' 3 The distribution of th papers and the sole management of the fund will be placed under the supervision of three respectable gen tiemen Who at the expire ion of one year will close their accoun and furnish each contribu tor to the find with a report of their opei tion 4 Tlie charge which will be made orfe thousand copies wiil athe precise amount and no we of the actuaLcort of the paper the press work postage on tetters and the expense incidental to the distribution the eilitor desiring no advantage fi omthfy rxtta edition except wt mjypltimatdy result to him from a mote enlarged sircukuon Of th paper siewtuc'n 5 Hie publication of plis extra edition shall be cmi'nenced soon a a sum aboil be ob tained adequate to cover tlie expenses for six months and will be conUnued jr one year VnoviriSD the fond contributed shall hald out so long Should the fund contributed amount to rriore than sufficient topiy for lhe one thou sand copies for one yeortWff4rplu Will be ap plied to tlie publication of additional Copies' to be distributed a ths Commutes of iperviiionhall directive 7 MARYLKN3 UNIVER31TT the ihznury of ai'compiis'ipd gentle finish'dsclipijr tend amiabtewian could GEORGIA The Augusta Journal hflntamt an account of thedcuruction by fire of the Penitentiary it Milledgeville The following are tbe de'ails: Extract of a letter to the editor from a friend in Milledgeulle dated irdledgmth 3d May 1 83 1 fy'Daae St: The Pdnrtentnuy of this State is now a heap of mnuderngruius Jfothing of it remain but the bare and tottering wall Last pfght at a little after 9 fire wa di eovereff ja ttovroKffend he rngc bf work Irigtehops and rapid was itat progress thatto arrest it in it course impOsaibtei "The safety n) sec*ntymf convict was early an object of soCcitude Mtoy were taken tram their roams jo at possible hare and placed under a strong and efficient guard without ths walla' There was not single attempt at cs cape The fire ctafinunicated with the jail which was 'the only building outside of tlie 'Penitentiary srallsdeatrqyed IJ i not knom hbw the fire origutjledi'A' 'jv The JouroaJ aiWMtoit It will 1 be secriibyrthe fetter of cur corm pondenti that thotteftitentisry at 'Milledgeville is burnt VtWe regret this casualty the more as we fra it Will put an end he Penltenbiry System in tiiis a proposition that hi been brought before ffir Legislature in some shape or other almost every session New Orleanc friendin New York will be glad to learn by (he (annexed ex tract of a tetter that the mail to NewOritms by rthfi wsy of Mobil isty th'e ketivity of contractor likrly eoqvtrx bc restored" to the regularity which ba been iterrupffd by the late floods in tttat April 29Thtagcat ofthe con tractors has handi enough euqri ij ed in repric ing ttiffbridgefl on the Pascagotija road to com plete them in ten days 1 am diapfyXo inform you (hat but two smairbridkes between Pstca goulasnd the rankfia Bridgn have been re moved by the high wwtereMhiJJridge and Croeswsy' three mite below the lower stand The md goes "round 'by water very regularly and 1 nope will continue" to' do 0 Dr'g Neponset" at 'this port from Calcutta has brought an elephant auJrhioocero both living The latter iy small but Jhri elephant is very large 'altliough be is supposed to hue tost 1003 iund bf Bet's on the passage The sustenance pf lltetee'ri qu the voyage occupied forty tun Botlvn Pap 1 I.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.