Los Angeles Evening Citizen News from Hollywood, California (2024)

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:4 iGrvAi-uEivJJ- NEWS-REPORTSFfeOM THE ENTIRE r'- NEWS REPORTS' FROM rr- i THE ENTIRE 1 -'y SAN- FERNANDO VALLEY SAN FERNANDO VALLEY Friday September 26 1941' AA A -i Parking Rules Overhauled Home Benefit For Burbank Traffic Safety Group Recommendations Adopted by Council To Board Julian Beck Tom Bishop And Arthur Meacham Confirmed for Offices VAN NllYS Sept The elec-i (Jon of Julian Beck of San Fer-Tom lywood and Arthur Mearham NORTH HOLLYWOOD Arrangements for the benefit garden party being planned for the Florence Crittenton Home were under way today following a 1 meeting held at the home of Louts Manseau president i The public party will he held' Oct 5 to 6 pm in the gardens of the Manseau home 11568 Chiqulta St The Florence (Triftenton Home established in Los Angeles In 1892 It is a shelter for unmarried mothers and its policy is to help every mother keep her child when is possible In order to further this plan the hahies are' Clegg kept at the Home until serurity concert violinist who will play for hp moUwrs and infants is rs for the San Fernando Valley -Study Clubs in North viaiinkt An Agnes The North Hollywood Cirelc has taken over the cap of one room TRIPLE-THREAT' PLANNER Bruce Alllngton chairman of theiif Valley division He and Rowe! fir attended the general meeting 1-' Tentative plans to obtain sites 'jv in Van Nuyt and North Hollywood 1 for the construct ion of hraneh 1 Mi SepL Kxm sive expansions of parking limits including no parking 10-mtnuia parking half bout- and twodiour parking areas were being install ed throughout Burbank today fol lowing the City Council adoption oif maytr recommendation for relief of traffic congestion made by the Traffic Safety Committee Ten-minute parking spaces were being painted- on the curbs in front of all city schools and four jsuch spaces were granted to tha Burbank Market on either side of Its loading zone on San Fer- nando Rd Leshner had requested installation of half-hour parking limits in the block but the Safely Committee ruled in favor of the shorter periods Howard Stiles city manager reported in connection with it that requests had been made to him for 10-minule zopei in front of all schools and Councilman Tilton's suggestion that a single business firm should not he so favored to the exclusion of other applicants was adopted NO-PARKING RECOMMENDED No-parking wa recommended on- the west side of San Fernando Rd southerly from the Southern Pacific Railway crossing to Broad-way City Manager Stitrs advised nrecfing activities for theiY huildinK "PPmved by the activities tor Tne AnKe)p Md a opening social event at the campaign for large capital sum Florence Crittenton Group to Boise Funds for Shelter ill-' pallor I Jack' ntlmis wuIT' is RrigandL carl Kno iund and Paid and sews layettes curtains bed-' clothing and supervises Ihe ap- point ments and general care of that unit Dues are used to huy milk cod liver oil and orange Julre the babies- Although a mem-i her of thr Council of Social Agencies ihe Home no! re relve-finanrial support from the Community Chest but relies on Ihe An anneal for ail irhihililstinn' trrlt of Its circle members i tianj son-ice officers 7t thc aoihMrs- Rniurt THEY CAN WISH CANT "Wishful' iwrvHX oilicrn me mom1 in wnn Defense Corps Party Rais Money for First Aid Supplies NORTH iVlLLYWiUpI) SrpL To laisc-jfundsfor puri-lniHO of surgical kiiiiplies'V instruments and gauze to carryoit find aid work the and Defense North Holly woiyl a Hallow Oct 31 Oldfield Valley fptid to help oilier women in-learning to he of assistance in the national defense work Serving on the ticket commit- tee are Liciit Johnnie Webb of Rloomlicld Ave Farlowol Tujunga Ave and Sgt MsJ Marie Cassell -of Radloid A vp A number of State Guardsmen who have been driHing the North Hollywood Unit were guests of honor at a pv Md high he Nnrt lhdlywo Recre-1 atlon Center Honorees- and their wives In eluded Sgt' 'Gem-ge Rifcs Sgt James Ragles Corp Ci Curry Joseph Tetter and? Ovicn Gladden Pills Gooigr Antil Alliert Lapic JIuhrTt Newman and LowtII Carpenter who has lieen instructing the first aid glasses DEMOCRATIC WOMEN TO TAKE PART IN FUND-RAISING FAIR STtfDIO-TTY Sept 26 Val- ley women today were planning to attend the Countv Fair to ly con- dueled fomorrow 3'pm 'at the Hollywood Bowl Tea Garden Tlie event i being -sjionsoi-cd by tltfAYomen's Division Democmnr State ('enind C-ommiiioo as the annual furfd raising day of the organization Gaily decorated booths strolling ihIhaIitIs NndJimiwf'niPnts quizzes ate beinc arranged Mrs Alphonse Marteir of Studio City 42nd Assembly District chairman amUIrs William Barhcr of North Holh-wnod will hcVn charge the Valley hnotliwhic-h will han- Valley 'de pie and rakes: A nationwide -litKkup-a' pm will brine a mr-sage to the group from Mrs Eleanor Roosc- velt Aircraft Workers Tell Loss of Accessories The workers toda i eior tt craft theft of am'Ksqrirs Jmm their -cars ruy Coy 1326 La ('minda Blvd told officer that a tin1 wheel rosting $27 w-as taken from his car while Samuel El -wood Boyer 638 Harvard St i i JT 1 jT thinking 10(1 variety of plans were in order when the North Hollywood Florence Crittenton Circle met to discuss a garden benefit for the Crittenton Home to be held Oct -5 form 3 to 6 pm at he home 0f Mr arid Mrs Louis Manseau M586Chiquita St North Hollywood- Pictured at the wishing well are the n- rx -j si- co-chairmen of the event Mrs Robert DeLeon left and Mrs i District American Legion throughout' the Valley to sHrnd --u today by Comdr Lee Warburton The organization meeting will pro- j- cede the general district meeting in the recreation building Echo Burbank Woman's Club this yCar a salad luncheon fashion ka show and bridge party is Mrs Robert Tyler-715 10th St Burbank ways and means chairman Jhc event will be hold at the dub Sept 29 at 12:30 pm 0 Arthur rima phntn Boosters Form Committees NORTH HOLLYWOOD Srpl 1 26 -Presiflenl Barney Oldfield of Ihe North Hollywood Cliamlier of Coirmrnv today announced luur ininmiKecs authorized by the Ixwml On a nominating emnmittee are Bill McCann chairman Ax line Gmvrr Swart Russ Quison berry and' Ted RaMibun It is to submit it sla(e within three weeks Hie annual ejection will 10 held in November Inwvligahnn of flip projiosod 'railCr camp on Sherman ay nyon Blvd Requested bY delegation of property imn-j anticpaton or further City -mudu-by I Met Schofield chairman Swart Norlh Hollxwood exhibit (Wnin(j 10 chairman aided hy Cnpt Getty and ThnrVal Tunheim The request of the Newport pb ptmri -h i Also taking an active part In 'if-1! arrangcmcnis will be Mmes Don JrKirtnw1Ji Milo Weddington Willard Wilson Ice officer Warburton satd i iArthur O'Keefe Earl Opsahl have valuable information for all rvr-- wniiam Pitt De Groote William Pilts umr rehabilitation and service officers Lmhfrtand Serrano I urge that every post be STUDIO CITY Sept Studio City-North Hollywood Sor-optimist-Club today was off on its third year of civic service having celebrated its charter an- nivrrsary jointly with that of the VANNUYS Sept The al- pountjjng 0f gomptimism with a ley Hi-Y Council -will hold a Fall mPot ing in Eaton's Rancha Mrs Alida Dyson Regional Rep- Hl-T COUNCIL TO HOLD FALL PLANNING SESSION planning session Sunday Oct Walterl Manseau president crvoexaTisiicr eiiia SOROFTIMST CLUB BEGINS THIRD i YEAR OF SERVICE She cmphA only as good and that for the success of a cluh does not irsl with the officers but with the members" Mrs GlfttV Farrand rhairman of the day presented Alice Nohlcs Oi till? CUty prPSPIltlHl AllCP IwODlC DixTiSvelTIrf k--h i Hollywood High School VOTE firM Priv'p business YOU Tom buiMing In San Fernando Valley ive Secretary of equipped with a pasMigrr cle KM a Ii was announced today hy the rorrtimi Rait Associate Secretary of the or Valley YMCA following ftotri I im numg oi me ororr in uaa- jWork Start to Be Celebrated NORTH HOLLYWOOD Sept 26-To celehrale the beginning of the improvement of the shoulder of Tujunga Ave which has been a major objective of Ihe group for nearly a year the Tujunga Victory Property Owners Assn will meet Monday at 8 pm- at the home of Mr and Mrs Leon Farrand 6103 Tujunga Ave Work was started on this Improvement Tuesday according to Donald Murray president of the group and Will include the placing of an asphalt shoulder on both sides of the cement stripsk to the curb-line bn Tujunga Ave from south lo Oxnard St Ml Arthur Meacham tq the Board ter builder-owner The two-story-1 David Marche Metropolitan Proof Managers land-basem*nt structure is nearing jgrams Secretary of Los Angeles 'completion at Camarillo St and: talked on HI-Y activities and John Bench of Commerce for probably ifjil he launched in the Vineland Ae opposite Ralph's jRait brother of the Associate Sec- supporl of a proposed naval train- Spring to' raise funds for build- I Aakm rarnni Itr IIMWIMH Im expected to alle- viate materially thr deep four- nlw'tZ sen" and thS 110hJ1d he thb Mnd during he dry work Iwrather 0f "Rose Mane song jislIM(on aPre Emphasis" which Rail twill he the theme of an Inter nub rally at the end of the foot- ball season To Start Tonight 'Little World Series' MONTREAL Sept 26 tTi -The Montreal Royals' International League farm of the Brooklyn Dodgem carry the-family into action tonight the I 1 jRowe Executive ing expansion and that the Valley branches wr budgeted in the Chairman Lemoyne Blanchrt of the North Hollywood com meeting on Friday night Oct 10 in the Cbamher of Commrrce Rlilg A sub-committee will be siih-commitlee will be niirfinl to survey the area for a building 'site and the proposal will he the chief matter of -dis- cusMon RITTENHOUSE NAMED BURBANK Sept 26 David Rilienliouse city license clerk legionnaire and rluhman today had Wp appointed hy Gov Cul hert Olson to art as chairman of the hoard's reemployment commit- tce tor ro leased draftees acconiing 15 1-- to 'S Sandison rhairman of Board 182 1104 Western Ave Gleqdalr Rijlenhouse will try lo return 41 1 1 siltlurs to jobs they vacated jtmn Glendale i missing four nr VAN Nl'YS Sept 26 A puh- discs and mib-'fw ing h- lie card parly -pomored hi SI T' -1 ui Guild will lie held tomoB- R49 Buena Vista SI sil that nm 8 pm Mark's Epis- "fender pants cotiui( 811- prih itmue Svtvnn int fender ptints ciwtnu: sii Pirjvh Hliusp s)van and Membership In the association is growing Murray said and all Restoration Work property owners in the general vicinity of north of Oxnard St and east of Lankerehim Blvd are A expected to attend sessions Mat- non hfnd to "'IvSStlSiSKSrj! nounred by the Friend of the neighiorhoKi are discussed Chopef MEDICAL BUILDING i WITH ELEVATOR WILL OPEN SOON NORTH HOLLYWOOD Sept! oms ing rooms ex- basem*nt ieemed to necessitate installation of the elevator" In addition to Dr Carter the Medical Bldg will be occupied by Dm Leo Niemeyer' Jack lin and Townsend all North lin and Townsend all Hollywood physicians surgeons and dentists Two other suites will he available A1 Gardner of t0iip Lake is the architect One other elevator exists in the Valley that of the Valley Municipal Bldg Eoiftril SfflP Conducting iz Cai' Ill Bitm eOTOn Burial sin i BURBANK Sept Funeral wnVcs 'wcro fo conthirted to- hv o-30 nm in the Steen chap'l for Mm Sadie eUL 73 k- vihndied Tuesday at her homej 44 rtvhourn Ave irtie Rev Hemchel Tiedgpeth the Magnolia Park Com wa 1o mnduct committal rites at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Mm I-taton Is survived by a1 tataA Livl Iir Mrs J' Schoolbraid itnd Paper Drive Slated by Sherman Oaks P-TA i 1 Steen i I 1 taken from hi car while perked iSi at Orange Aie and San Wendell llaieli -and Mr ing station their will he studied hy ni Jiik 1aucllin rhairman J-T Axlino and Bob Jones PUBLIC CARD PARTY 70 BE GIVEN BY ST MART'S GUILD 'EarJ Williams ere in chargi Mrs Rolicrt Gooden Jr d-iughtcr-in-law of Bishop fixwten1 of lz Angeles addressed Ihe 'Guild this week Mrs Gooden and her Inert lu-tivities or lie Neighbor- IvhvI Nettlemeni House at Ala meda St and Olympic Blvd Is A I Angee She -outlined her work lilt the Settlement's nurserv school 'whirh is in the Mexican d'strirt rhe Van Nnys women will as: sM wiih llin Srfllnnrnl l- sit w-ith tbe Mlrment wnrk hy collecting childrens clothes Thoe IIUlinN nlfil ItAu Im Jitnn lit am 'hating to 1 1-eMay ig clothes to donate aroask'-d i fnrd "pimrr President Ruby Day conducted the anniversary meeting Tests Scheduled for Welding Teachers NORTH HOIXYWOOD Qifil 26-The' airoro7l7efen7-mnUI Mayor to Hunt Deer thp Junior Chnmbpr of i't'he today annoupced word Betlred Merchant's nf World'rom he Uos Angeles-Board ofi Bki" IMucation that an examination fprServIcei AwOlted The Royals were runners-up t0 VAN NUYS Sept 26 -Funeral jthe Newark Beam during the Tj A0 "I1" services were tobe conducted torn in 'to meet Columbus American Assn Chapel for Aaron Henry Bergner 33 retired men-hant who died hixil edu- -purtay nt' his home Fthel Ave Interment was to follow at 'ular season hut earned Ihe right 'to meet Columbus American Assn pennant winnem and playoff hatxi- ininn hv wtrtne out the Beam nions by edging out the Beam four games lo three in the final pp of hld A non must ne men ny ik'j experience and a high 1 rBHin day at 2:30 Ouiprl for A Cwnriiler 'that'Mrn- pletion of the Turkey Crossing serration there would Ie -ary na 11 WM aBIPd- No-parking was ordered Installed on Buena Vista St from Empire' Ave to the railway tracks on both sides of the street Two-hour parking requested hy Goes tx-rg and Olto Ofaer lander on both sides of Pass Ave between Rowland and National Avrs was denied on the grounds that the applicants owned the apartment houses occupying tha area and that vacant lota occupied much of one side The committee's recommendation for establishing a hob levied atop on Burbank Blvd at Buena Vista St was adopted ZONE CHANGER Zone changes to permit more apartment house and' business building recommended by Ihe City Planning Commission were approved for an R-3 district on the north sidq of Ueyton Ave from Keeler St Parish PL Yor on I Lhp ou rnrr Glenoaka Bvd- nd Provtdencta Ave A resolution was adopted for an ordinance of intention to improve Naomi St from Burbank to Chandler Blvd on which a public hearing is lo be set S200 Given for Mission Society Secretary Maria Walsh raid thie gift was from a society member Dr Norman Williams of Los Angeles and that the work will start shortly Mi (HOGBlEia1 Bendix Homp Laundry 0 Washes! 0 Rinses! 0 Damp Dries! Automatically LAST CHANCE TO BUY AT PRESENT PRICES EXCISE TAX STARTS OCT Cliff 4ITAK APPLIANCE CO lilts Vistari Blvi ttoiral Okvaa iTPDIO C1TT Spaa twy taala oM aTM IU 2-4114 -ST 7-1951 I Forest Lawn Memorial Park Bom in Freeport III Mr Sepl 26 Mayor i ner had been a Valley resident for formunily church was to officiate Navy or Army service-find new -rq the Eastern Star 'jobs Tor nten unwilling lo rctum ofiifforrnrrjolw and to obtain work for men who were unemployed a-U f-t I a a Walter ilinton today was cn route to the High Sierra near Spring ville to hunt deer' Arnold Fate knt 1 Thursday IjClub to Open more than two yearn He is sur-' 1 vived hy his widow Mm lima Bergner and two sons Hunter Rw-hwrn Uorinri House" Hugh Walxle Return" Archer kin Banning: "The Blind Man's -Unnicow Bird of the Wilderness" Vincent Sheean i "Island In the John Selby Seen 1' hi lln i lywood Ethel Richards of Van Nuys Ora Stookcy of play off series i-J eaV Cd? 40 C0 100 rOJS Oh 111 to In PofflODO ROCO Win Mn IVt POMONA SL 5m jPt FMos wih OBI a few helling hoys at ihe Los Angeles County Falr Pecos Lad running his first race on a recognized track won a furlong sprint yesterday from Cal- ina aaini oi about a rw b'utu i igg 'l wheat ciowd hitwr ihn'jrsirr- natt i-t hiiurr: rs' atiio 1 up ms Morning Book Sessions Four Rifles Stolen From School Armory VAN Sept 26- Valley police tiKlqy were searching for a imtrntiHl young army-- lielieved Ini he juvenile- following ihe Iheft of! from rifipsificp announced today on con- nih acnool The Board ofon Lankershim Blvd at the inter- Kilucat ton reporting the loss snidsertion of Burbank Blvd and Tu- the Valley District Engineer's kui'SMiv OAKS toinf Neva and the odds-on favorite A by for 2 pari- Shp" MA- will be mutuol tickets u-j th uhnn1 nt 2 and hefl 1 th 41 h001 1 na classes will Jie CHICAGO GRAIN Mominj and Forum of the San Fernando Val- STUDIO CITY Sept 26-The ley will open its season Oct 2 at 1043 arn at lotion's Rancho 1941 19 12 season will be tqrnduclcd igucriie Steen and "Meet the by Ruth Slew-art Baivtime who: South by Carl Crow explained that because of I lie In- Mm Whit sett of Van greasing popularity it has become Nuys will preside at ihe firel I POULTRY RABBITS Fernando R(L HBn Lfbofnvl to I1 it- li Hi-UMihorn 3 1 4 0 4 ihft IB Lff hoi -ovfr 4 lbs I 4-HfnR rHirrfl 4' ta IK 'S Hciik folflrrd K'j-lba G-Brolkit Vs 10 I' lb- Brnllpru mrfr l3 lo lb 31 Prvem Unorn Ibk il l-rryer Wlorfd to Itw roloid ovor to 4- im rotnrrti am1- 4 1 0 IM V-W8A rokirfd -14 eoltYml IB Old rootfrik Lfthorn Dwltlini PrklnK ovrr I lt 11 Dnrkllnn Pkin nns-t I lb is Old durks Whitt PrUnt fifrir II Ymuw Mm lurk-rr 14 tin rfl Yninii torn-tiirk-f 2d Iht Indus 21 Tnuiui btn lurktr I to 11 Hi- II Touni hrn turkm 11 Ibi And up ST-Oapmix (Ml I In 2ft CipnnA ftnr I Iht 11 Unbuilt Nft 1 whit! to 4'4 th- lUohlts Ns 1 mlr4 cslorL 214 to 44 tt 24 SlbblU Nft! eld BUTTER and EGGS BLTTFl mow Flrit StAndArda Under OrAdn rors' t-AadA" CandlMt clan fttraa CAUftlrd llaht aim mIi-aa CAiwIlrj fljn alAndirrdi 21 Cindlrt liAht dirts atsndirdA 12 CAndlrd rhrrk 22 Nrdtom l-Oandlad tri 11 CAndlrd llrhl dirts pxtrsA Jl CAndlrd rlran almidarda 22 4 Candlrd lutit dirts auodArdi Candlrd rhrrka 12 Candlrd rxtraa 21 Candlrd Halit dirts rrttrai 27 Other Oradat Caaa 24 I VALLEY OFFICE CltleipKctw 5041 Lsnkcnhin Ibi SU-2-1153 ClaiAlliad AAmtUamii lo plact vnur clawtwd AdvartiMnf in- tha Citl-Itd-New ptanf SU-2-I1SS I' InftAknoWaot Tp wbacriM lor th' Cititen-Ntwa phono SU-tlJS or HO-1 234 Camptanti on nallvory ihould ahontdio HO-12J4 VAU4T OFFICE 504S LankAMhun Soulavard Open 30 am to a daily auapt Sunday ment door which was then tin- point Intersection the concrete 'InckAI from the inside and an iron island' will direct Tujunga Aye bar used lo pry open the guqltraffir into Lankershim Blvd With nick 1 la minimum of confusion previous to entering the service Work fo Start on Traffic Safety Isle NORTH HOLLYWOOD 26- Work is to he started shortly of-j MnC OI 1 4 Bireleys Sunset Motors Luty LaRr tied at 7 apd 8 for sixth place Trailers were 1 1 Ibtdweiser Tex Rjltcr Kelley Cleanem and Tung-o-Paint Jitnk of Sunset Motoia held necessary to arrange- for two meet ing Mm Lex Spencer of Thursdays each month 'Studio City will he hospitality Mm Kamime said bonk rcvchairmnn while Mm Beverly Valley Lions" Clubs to Vie In Bowling Tournament MRfYE jo events speaker will he presented: Lunrhcon will be served and '1 a 26- The San Fernando Valleyjand Lions Clulw will open a Full Imw l-'w-ith 9 and 6 and Harper was next ing loiirnnmrnt wnh right lpHmx: with 8 and 7 Mm Hazel Vorkink Information on the classes may be obtained Muriel Dow parcn'l educa lion chairman Choral Club to Sing At County Fair it? thp Brinilture building at the Iromona Fair I SoloiMs will Dr Carol Weiultopr Ellis North Hollywood soprano and Thelma I-eggctt contralto of Magnolia Park 14440 444U4IMI Vl UT' HI llilll2DlliPI iv group win appear Oct t9 at 2:30 pm in the 4kld- Shell at Cxbianj held i ige an-steady bridge played jOaks and St' George of Re- ng (he hooks chosen for'seda distit*sion-' by Mrs Rarcume at Gerald A Glassco*ck foreign the Virxt meeting are for trade counselor of the Lo Ange-the Pacific" Mark GaynCjles Chamber of Commerce will "France on Berlin Time" Thomas speak on for the Mar-Krrhiin Mai-garct Cul- kcts of Latin stalling on Wednmdiiy night thei North Hollywood Bowling Center announced iotlny Tltroe otlwr new leagues ii Iso announced will -make 11 tmimiiinerits unflcr way i The Nni-lhHollyw-n(id Merchants I-eague will start a Ifrweck tour nanicnt Monday the Busi iicssmcn's League will Thum st I SAFE INVESTMENT 1 1 1 )ew-Jones Averages i 3 Nm T-t Stark Enkaan ftmm and itnlhllra far tadaa aooollrd ta DaoJaara A Co- liw Stalk St Aarlaa lOCBS Oora Hiah lw flw Chin to IHL IftOI IUM l-VU I11il SI a a a ti laai 1s11 isa at li ruh iani is tai iti ji a Slarka 1114 1112 1214 1211 IS i -o4i NP1 sail 4 ti ii rumE STOCK MAKKET ST4TIMKS Kxtcasive khake-ups marked out in front and Department! van Ntrvq qnt aii vL fifth week's play in thcN in Becd Department LjLT p'i (the high game honors with an 'The Mfkitiah" is average- of 203 apd A EmeterioiPtanned for hoi ray i prcyhptat'on of Harper's hatf 199 -Ki fourth week with Depart merit TO Of VolenCrOS Btoken TSlCjJl 2 was third With 11 sLro hmLrrine tha Department I End 2 tied for the irnm markets $2500 up An experienced builder with a well-establishedconstruc-tion firm has opportgnity for investments of up to acquire lots for construction under Emergency' Hous-ipg- KHA Title VJ Act SECURITY unusual profit Ml inifuirien Confidential JVritijoBrtAjTJSjsj Major tHgiw a II hough Acmcilccr teem held yin lead with 12 wrnsj urn! 3 lnes! Chapman's ice Cream clinilsHl iL'i fifth lo second withl pORitionl fhTTruit PoloCny of Department 31 heldinounred today Prices Tadar Tkori Imom tradr ill Sdaom 27 OS Dffliif it nfhanKPtf tl Ml hii in imi i a a lava INI 11 II "fl -i K-oro-oft And 4 ousting KasLhlgb game honom-wflh iod ftSWp nnrt 1 llnriNT which hadRuiipnn of DcpBrtmcnt 4 Wfw next been tied for the runner-itp'ftpoL jth 173 A lighter volume oNlemon sales Iwni recorded although a alight 'price increase rcsultedr- 1 'A jr: 1 IN SM.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.