The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)


LOVUTILLS LOUISVILLE AGENCY NEW YORK AUeTION SALES By O. C. Bpencer. ta bbls Prime o. suu.vk, molasses, sirup TOBACCO.


10 at Auct.on-rooma, No. fclo Mam street, sill be arid a large aud varied assortment of Groceries, Glsmwsre, sad Liquors, in which will be found fo bbls pit me N. O. Sugar, boxes assarted Virginia sod Kentucky Tobacco, Imported Cigars, Moissses, Refined fiirup, Fsmliy sod Fsncv Boap, Pepper, Cloves. Ulonamon and ot for gplcsw.

Vinegar, Glarsoare of all varieties. Lake and Scotch Herring, with large assortment of Stone Chios Ware and Rockingham Wars also a small lot of excellent Liuuors. C. SPENCER, o0 dl Auctioneer. a frtnB.

A young womao named Mary Maxwell was found dead in her bed on Sunday evening at the residence over Mr. Gaults office, at the corner of Main and Ninth streets, under such circ*mstances as to leave no doubt that: she had commuted suicide. The woman with whom she boarded left the house for a short time to go up town, and when she returned, found the girl quite dead In bed. The girl's trank being opened a half bottle of laudAnnm was found upon the top of the contents -of the trunk, and she had evidently taken- the missing portion. The girl was about twenty-two years of age, and had boarded In the house where she died but three weeks.

She had stated to the landlady that lie was raised in I-ooisville, but that her parents were deed. She has, however, an ancle in this city. She was apparently in good health the day she committed suicide, and the cause which led her to destroy her life are not known. WAsnixuTnx, Oct. 8.

The Postmsster-Genenil tas iutd hq order that after tbe first of November all unpaid letters will ta sent to the dead lerter office. Tbe practice of notifying the writeis thereof Las not bad the desired effect ef preventing their accumulation. The Revenue cutter Harriet Lane returned last night, aod left this morning far New York. Numerous and urgent but ineffectual applica-tione have been made for the further postponement of the Minnesota land sales, on the ground that the settlers are unable to make payments for pre-emption claims within the prescribed time. According to an official statement of tbe Secretary of the Interior, the pre-empt rs will Inevitably lose their lands If sold end paid for bv otb parties, but if not sold thev would, under the declaratory notices of tbe settlers, hare the tanefit of a veers credit allowed by laws for paving far lends thus become subject to private entry.

Pittsburg, Oct. 8, P. M. River 7 feet by pier mark end rising. Weather clear end cool.

rtXBZsZO A LARfiF STOUR OF UKOOO a KF.g, DURHAM CATTLE, AND RolTlIPOWft 8HKEP. I will expow st public auction, to the highest bidder, without reetrv, 71 ou THURSDAY, October 11. 110, eerBfost im farm, ou the Ohio river, 8 miles above Ivouisrillo, the following stock: 11 Brood Mares breed Meseeuger, Morgen, and Du-roc with colts st their sides by my blooded Stallion. Du roc asenger. Also 1 Len Rosen Filly, ft year old.

High land Heeeenser Fillies, 00s sod two years old; dam my fast mare Bel 1. 14 Breeding Durham Cows (calves et their sides.) 2 1-yesrold Bail. 3 8-yeer old do. 1 3-year old do. 4 l-eer old Urlfers.

40 Breeding bottihdoarn Sheep, thorough bred. Vo Lambs, do. 13 Bucks. 1 year old, 1 do. Iinb4, AIho, my blooded Stallion Duroe ft year old.

He is a fine harness horse, end has proved bliu-ieli ro sod superior loal-getter. To suv one wishing to procure good Brood Mares ssd Fillies with speed, lean mfelr say the shore catalogue embraces soRio of superior merit. 'Jbvh Haj.s end imdpr cb: over tW sed under Smooths: and si I Hums om fSJO, V3fro-. credit will be given, liearmg iptero! from dav ot notiw negotiable end payable in bank eV LouJvLioi with approved securitv. to commence at 10 oclock A.


tha course of this and the coming week the Trustees of the German Protestant Orphan Asylum will call on the benevolent public to aid in the support of their Asylum, which fe in need of material aid for the coining winter. They trust that everybody will give according to their maans, bearing in mind the charitable object In view. oc9 d3 CPortraito of Dr. Kane and his officer in Esquimaux costume, life size, in the Arctic Panc-orama to-night. CiTThe poetponed dedication of the new Methodist Church in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, will taka place on Sunday the 11th instant.

Sermon by Rev. Dr. Parsons. To tiir Ladies. We would 5y re fer attention to the large assortment oi plain sad decorated china, cut, and pressed Bohemian gluw, stone china, and common ware, gus and oil chandeliers, stand lamps, candelabra, silver plated brittauia, planished and Japaned wares, table cutlery, wooden and willow ware, with ery variety of house furnishing goods, paran mar ble, and terra cotta wares, at Gays China Palace, Green and Fourth, Blasonic Temple, oi) Departure of Trains.

JKKrEK-SONTnXE RAILROAD. LEAVE JEKFKK80NVTLLR, SA unte, CinctuoKti, tud Ihicwo ixpna. A. M. Uociunati u4 todiuMiuita ltni ujvm.M P.

It K. UoiitndOuro Niflil Kxprw frt P. M. LOUBVIiLB, NKW AMD CfiLICA-RAILbOAD. Oe and after Thoredey, Oct.

4, IWd, trtans will tear New Albany es follows; St Loala ind CMuo Express JO A. M. St. Louis Nwht 7r60 p. M.

Mitchell Aeeoamodatlon. 116 P. M. liOPINTniU de LRirStPTON RAILROAD. pMMartfTrtin No.

fceOA. M. Nwwiwr Train No. 8 At 1. M.

Aeeonmodetioa Train it A 46 P. M. IXHJI4TUXB A NAHliVUJJS RAILROAD, Matt Train No. 1 fcto A. M.

Kiprwi Train No 8 (Buodiyi excepted). fa'fto P. M. Lebanon Express (Sundays sxepptod) '4o A. M.

Iithnne (guodijni excepted). A4U F. M. CITY AM) SUBURBAN ITEMS. RpTbo New Albany Tribune has an article yesterdays edition insinuating that Mr.

Crittendens letter, which we published, was a forgery, because the parties to whom it was addressed did not receive the original. Jt has been sent over to New Albany to Captain Meekin, so that there cannot any longer be a doubt about it there. We cannot understand why such a commotion should have been ex cited among the New Albany people, who profess to be Bell men. They asked for Mr. Crittendens advice and they have it.

They signed a letter to Mr. Crittenden and sent it her to Col. Duncan to be delivered to Mr. which was done, and the answer was enclosed -to Col. Dnncan, with an authority from Mr.

Crittenden to publish it, if he deemed it advisable. Acting in perfect good faith, and without intending any discourtesy to the Indiana gentlemen, he brought the letter to us for publication, supposing that they could have no possible objection to its being made public when Mr. Crittenden himself was willing. We have before entirely released them from, any responsibility in its publication, but cannot see why they should sign a note which evidently would get into the papers and then object to it afterwards. II ELRBOLD GS2TOXXB PREPARATION HRLMBOLIVS RUCHU for tbs Bladder.

HELM BOLD'S BUCHU for tbs Kidneys. HKLMBOLD'S BLCHU for the oraveL HELM HOLDS Bl'CHU fbr Proper. HELM HOLD'S BUUHU for Nervouanros. HELM HOLD BUCHU for Lace of Memory. HKLMBOLD'S KUCHU for Dinineas-of Vision.

HKLMBOLDS BUCHU ttr Difficult Breathing. HKLMBOLDS BUCHU for Wrak Nervtn. HKLMBOLD'S BUCHU for General Debility. HKLMBOLDS BUCHU for Universal Latitude. HKLMBOLD'S BUCHU tor Horror of Disease.

HELM BOLD' BUCHU for Nthr Sweats. UKLMBOLD8 BUCHU for Wakefulnte. HELM BOLD'S BUCHU tor Dryneot tha Skin. HKLMBOLD'S BUCHU for Fnipttona. HELMBOLIS BUCHU for Pain In the Bark.

HKLMBOLDS BUCHU for Heaviness of tbs Eyelids, with Temporary Suffusion end Lose of Sieht. HELM BOLDS BUCHU for Mobility and Heetlroimess, with Want of Attention and Horror of Society. HKLMBOLD'S BUCHU for Obstructions. HKLMBOLDS BUCHU for Excesses arising from Indiscretion aud all Diseases of FEMALES, FEMALES. FEMALES, FKMALKS, FEMALES, FEMALES, TAKE NO OTHER PILLS, TAKE NO OTHER PILLS.

THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. THEY ARK OF NO AVAIL. Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU lor all complaints incident to the rax. Ns Family Shosld be wlthont It TAKE NO MOKE BALSAM or Injurious or Uupless-ant Medicine for Unpleasant aud Diseases Use HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU for Excesses arising from habits indulged in By Ysaog and Old, And for diseases arldng from habits of Dissipation. It removes ell improper dteshergea and will re-tore the pa-ti nt In a slwt time to a state of liath and Purity.

Use HKLMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU for Diseases and Affection of Uhi met Dietrern: 4 '(Hurtw. Use HKLMBOLD'S KX1KACT BUCHU tor all Atfoc-tious end diswaees of tlie Urinary org*sm Whether existing in Male or Female, From whatever cense originating, end no mat tor Ilew Long Ktaoding, All of the above diseases and ymftome admit of tbe same treatment, and may originate from the same cause. Read! Read! Read! Read! HKLMBOLD'S BUCHU is safe and pleasant in taste and color, but immediate in its action. Personally appeared before me. an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, 1L T.

ilF.LMBuLD, Chemist, who, being duly sworn, does say that Hus preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury, or injurious drug, but is purely Vegetable. H. T. IIF.LMLOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 38d dav of November, D64.

WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 for delivered ts auy address. A Trial Certs but a Itollnr Try It, And be convinced of its efficacy.

And it i accompanied oy reliable aud responsible certificates from Professors of Meuicai Colleges, Clergymen, and others. Prerered by II. T. HELM BOLD, Practical sud Analytical ClnuiDf, -Ibt Bourn TenU street, below Pbi.adclphia NEfJESSARY CAUTION Should unpriucipled Healers try to palm off another article, which ps a a better profit and Is worthless ASK FOB -HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. TAKE NO OTHER.

SOILBY RAYMOND TYLER AND AttrbRUtMlHTS KYKR this out. Send or for It, AND AVOID EXPOSURE AND IMPOSITION Scrofula, or Kings Evil, IS a constitutional dlsea, a corruption of the blood. by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and oor. Beimrln tlte circulation. It pervades the whole xdy, and buret out in disease on auy part of It.

No orau is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scruiiiioua taint is variously caused by mercurial diKease, low liviuK, disordered 01 unhealthy food. Impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depreexine and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary lu the constitution, descending from parents to children unto tbe third and fourth generation; indeed, it ecem tie be the rod of Him who arFC I will visit the Iniquities the fathers upon their children. Its effect commence iy deposit1 from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, inch, til tbe lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glaiida, swellings; and on tlie surface, eruptions or sores.

This foul corruption, which genders iu the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitution- not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power to ithstand thu attack of other diseases; consetpseutly, va-t numbers perish by disorders ahicii, although not scrofulous in their uatnre, are still rendered fotal by this Liint iu the system. Most of the consumption which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many div structive diseasos of the liver, kidneys, brain, and. indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One iuarter of all our people ore scrofulous; their person; stb invaded by this lurking tnft-ctiou, and their health is nndermined bv it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, aud iuvigorate It by healthy food aud exerciice Such medicine we supply iu far less power tiTwithstand thu attack of other dGeases; By 8.

0. Henry Cow 1 AfifiXA BalOf Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct.Olb and 1 Oth, AT AUCTION. ON Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock we will sell general stck of fr--h and desirable FALL AND WINTER DRY G(H)Dd AND TAILORING GOODS, GENTS HEAVY COTTON AND MERINO UNDERWEAR. At UV oclocfe Mens lLavv Kip and Grain Boots and Brogan- also, mat received from the manufacturers, line of WOMEN'S AND UNDERWEAR, selected expressly for private sales. O.n Wednesday morning at o'clock, a laree and verv desirable stock of FALL AND WINTER READY-MADE CLOTHING, with splendid stock, hist received, of VELVET.

TAPESTRY. KELT, and WATER PKF BAGS-UKNTsl' BROWN and BLACK PLUSH CAPS. IT" These Goode most be sold to ps Vr advances. Cit aud country denier would do well to attend this S. O.

HENRY A Auctioneer. ok dd ft.1l Mam stret. AYEll8 Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, tlte most effectual remedy which the medical skill of oar times can devise for this everywhere prevailing and fo-talmaladr. It is combined from the most active that have been discovsTed tor the of (9 New Albany and Jeffersonville, it is said, are flooded with strangers brought there to vote the Republican State ticket. Detectives will be there from this city, however, to point out any illegal voters from our side of the river.

Rogsr W. Hanson, Ksfa, will address the people at Bardstown on Thursday next, and at Elizabethtown on Friday, to commence each day at 2 P. M. Those appointments will of course draw crowds to hear one of the most eloquent champions in the cause of the Union. Thk Fair Grocnda.

We do not know what tbs Board of Managers are doing to extricate this property from financial embarrassment, nor arc we aware to what axtent the stockholders have contributed the proposed pro rata subscription to wipe ofT the debt; but we deaire to offer some suggestions, to those who own the grounds and also tp the people of Ixmisville generally. Much has been said of lata about tha grounds, and various modes of relief have been suggested, and intimations have even been given that the property should be alienated from its present valuable public uses. This last named conclusion would be a lasting disgrace to the city and county, neither of which can afford to dispense with the Fair dirounds as a place for the fnnual exhibition of stock. We may not indeed be able to keep up the -same enthusiasm on the subject, which we find in the agricultural and grazing districts of Bourbon And Fayette: but the facilities presented by the vity of Louisville aa a grand rallying point for producers and purchasers to meet each other, make The Southern Agricultural and Mechanical Association a necessity for the welfare of the whole State, as well as of the city and county to which it especially belongs. But it argued that the place cannot be supported for these objects, and various boards of managers, after vainly struggling to extricate it from debt, have become discouraged.

Well, berceuse success has not marked the past there is no reason why the future should not present brighter auspices. Heretofore the Grounds have not been occupied more than from two to four weeks annually. Can we ndt, then, retain them for their present purposes, and at the same time turn them 40 much more profitable use for the benefit of the whole community? Before we give up in despair, and before President Throckmorton, Treasurer tTBannon, and their associates determine to sell the place for a farm, let them and the public IU- ten to our suggestions. The eminently noble and wise action taken by New York in the purchase and adornment of the Central Park; by Philadelphia, which, though beautified by Independence, Washington, Franklin, RKtenhouse, Penn, and other open squares, with Fairmount and other suburban spots of exquisite and romantic Interest, is now laying oat Fairmount Park; and by Baltimore in tha recent purchase of a val- i suable property for the same purpose, should be imitated, to a certain extent at least, by every city in the republic. The fact that a property so evaluable and beautiful as the Fair Grounds is now nn the hands of a strong and public spirited association, and the necessity of retaining It for the vsee of that association, place it in the power of the citizens of Louisville, without calling upon the city government at all, to provide for them-mires ead their children, for all time to come, wX an utterly insignificant expense, a beautiful cows try resort, accessible at all times to every -foody, and affording a constant source of the purest pleasure and healthful exercise to all classes of the people.

What we propose is, that the debt upon the property should be paid off at once, by a general Subscription; that the property be retained under the present able management and for all its present valuable nses, but be devoted, in addition, to the purposes of a public Park. Lot a good road foe made, connecting the Fair Grounds wdth the grounds of the Waterworks. The Park would be accessible by five different roads from the -city, making the most beautiful drives, while large parties could avail themselves of the facilities afforded by the railroad. We take it for (granted that the present charter of the association gives ample powers to exclude all rowdyism from the premises, and to protect peaceable and Respectable, citizens in the enjoyment of peace innocent recreation. If the charter does not such powers, it could easily be so amended as to con1, them.

If the necessary funds are not at once ob 'Dei for meeting all expenses, a moderate entrem" fi as a reasonable remuneration for the use of ground and buildings, might required from vtenie parties and other excure ionista. We hastily throw 0 suggestions now fbr the consideration o. all concerned, with the intention of recurring to fbe subject at some future time, when the public has fully weighed it, and we have more pro.1 matured and shaped our ideas. The Conceit To-nkjht. WiHh pleasure we VK: NEWS.

FOKT or LOUISVILLE. BIovpat, October RtttVALe. Dfeftofid, Cta. Cm. St.Lvub.

CKrARTTRIC, Un- Binon. W. O. Lebanon, Bt. h.

Moa Mcf-al'no Marengo ifen.Lii Teii.ot. Mcllj Marengo, Cio. Thr riviT at this potat lat evening, with tf feet 3 Im-hra water ta the canM. The weather tamed quite rool roeferday. Lut aae coroperativeljr deer late evening.

At P.tfehurg yseterday the rutr was rLing, with feet 6 im wt-r lu th chanai. At Cincibnstl lai ereniog the rlfer Was ebo rtatatf. TheTea rt artivrd from follow yeeterday eed Vtf ere iudri-fad to her officer for favors. Capt. Pte Fleming left for Krttfhin lart eswntaf te taka charge ef the Geo.

Pike and A. Qaarrler. Be will tAkecommr.rd of the Pike on the opening ef nevl. gatlon In White river. Dr.

Shrader going out es eleik. In Woodford will leave Cairo for Nw Orleeai after tbe arrival of the evening train or oire to-daf The fine twmer Tempest, Cap. Parr. wUI leave far Cairo end Memphis t-morrow afternoon, eonneettag with the Aatcrat, whkh will leave Cairo for New Osteen on hat dav. The prolar rtramer Union, Rothrorfc.

1U leave Erenevlllr, O'veneboro. end HendreoTi at tto hoor is aftern joi. bavins defrmd her depertare untit that time io orhr to make some necessary repairs. II the mtandum of the Union wa teem that thi Poland nit! Int i her near Evansville, breaking tlie Unions rudder and canning hr to several houre. h.

Lanc wMl at the uma! hour to-day for Madison and Carrollton. steamer Fanny Bullitt. Capt. Henry W. 8mlth, wiU leave Portland for New Oi leans at ft o'clock oa the lltb met.

The neat little DiMreut, Capt. flohb, will leave for Leavenworth at the hour today. Ihe elegant steamer Mnore McLellan ia mail boot for Cinclaati at noon to-day. The steamer Emma, Capt. Maratti, will leave for Fiittmry at 9 oVloek thfe mornlnp.

Mr. J. ILDualep, a clever and atiantire rffievr. fe the clerk. Th fe ft M- tnphla -J.

at 6 o'clock P. M. Boat lap rt -ImiH rial for New Orfeams J. H. Dickey and B.

ftl. Rurc: on for fit. Louis, Frontier City for White Hive', aud the for Louisville. Rcthfppod fr lht on the ftvam rx Kf-utucay r.nJ New Uncle Sam. Met th Fo't Was-tic raddj-'s Hen and Chicken, the flfltetriar's fei-rd.

the Jae. Wood at Island Sfa the Hiawath and Jaa XL Dic ut Island 54, and ths 6 vr i.n at Bwbt Tow ad. Oct. 4th Mrt the Lad'- at Poiut, the McIto-vtU at osa? xon. tb 4jo'nt at leland fe; passed tbe Wm.

Tlemcr Prone Pend. Oct. 5 Met the Kirkmaa and A. IU 8irr at Meriwether's Landtag, the T.C. at Walker's the J.

Swan and N-rtone at feland No. fa the Laselieeod Lomsiana at uiro, lhl at Grard Chain, and tb- Fanny Psron ala ve the Chain. Oct. 6th Peed the Ho ard at Golronda; met the J. W.

Cheese, man at anvvlfe. tlie Filrer Wave aground at Walkerg iter, the flunnv at Casey vilfe, and tba Cbanoelior at ShawiHH-town Bend. Oct. 7th Met tlie Lady Fraek-liaat Three tlie Union at French Island, tbe M.oserger lyinr-to bc the bar, the Chester Ashley et Caaneiton, a boat name unknown agroand at Oil-Cr-wk. and-tlie John Gantt at Alton.

6ix feet wafer in tho Mississippi aud tree feet In tbe Ohio and foiling. The ideenw left fit, IiOuU on Wednesday, Oct. (Id. ith erthin and 47 deck ppeengcr. I sdd ep first nil.t oat at Lauding.

Found the Neptunat Cairo on b- war to M-mphla and th Tw fehgU for New Orlan. the Lehfofli In ths Grand Chemendttee UrU K)Vtii at fiaxn. Fletchr'a, txat name nnkaowe at Imilaua i.trt i)je Anderson and Fanny Pearson around at thefoot of Cumberland, the Lasaile on Ft!" do tuoruiutf at uiithland, the Silver Wavtf agronnd et Walker' Par. tlie J. W.

Cheosetnan at Tradwater ls land, dm ins her rtk round the bar. the fionnv flouth et flhawnevtovrn toal-baeka. tbe Dunbar at fihawwee- ton, the Chancclfetr laid up tor tbe night at Wa budi feUud. Saturday morning Mtt the Conewago acd Artroua Evansvilfe. tft fl.

Pringle laid up for the nlvht at town, the Mariner aground at French laland. i Arkenres st Oil tVcrk. aod tbe Union at foot ol l.ittfe Humean folaitd. Fouud eifcl*t iaho et fihawneetown, the shoafevt tar. The tiAmr Union feft Evann life 0 at ovlock Tbe dar-d ran into in, breaking onr rudder end reua-jng a Io ef several hour timo.

Met the R. M. Pattoe onnding I reach Lland, the Mariner aground at tie anu' pUcrt, th. Little Urey Itealc at Trimch UlanA tbw-C Chests Ashler at F.ntrrp-isn, tha Arkaais at Ccriar Bran h. the lhanoh at B-rion, and the Diamond at 8lt River.

Three water otJteiiflMowo mid Flint Island. Tbe Economy got ofl tfenfflrtown Bar about oclock. Tropvt from Memphis or re-sliipmant 103 bte ootton and 4 feg" rare. Per I iiion, Ironi Hvudron ft hhd tohacrt pi ffiriPt Warehouse; do do. Ninth Street Warehonw: lt3 bgs wheat, Mori hcadftt 10 prl fo-; It blU oto rvr shiwL; 8 pkga.

Wilder; 1 bx Turpin. IVr Lnna, from fit 179 tek oolstsO' MrMahaii; I aid feral. Hank' 3 crate crook- ery. Hay; 1.1 srk earn. tr ailomafe'.

1 hx Cbt-rokee liiHJ itv iilro ui mviife. VV alr-a F. 1 bx books, Mrton; 17? -rk bran. 4 'allatian: hx rudw liar; MUcLiwiali; l.vpatiitL ord-r, BETrnnv oil niTto7 HAWsaviZaZsG, ar. A GOOD 8UPn Oe THV.

HKT QU.CL COAL LWAY8 ON eh aMendt'd fe- lli CN i ti (J i Im loading ot Hats and Imichs TVtnEM tV. Agent. WOTiCB TO 8HIPPSaS, I. ruPIfillTfl MUPPV.D ON THE 8frs.bnat LAV AfiTKK No. to otta-r Whariboat nutees with pttwng re, must be prepelA The fe'at not llms to be aoronn table fur teas el put 'fl ki-Hm fev ui hvlght, this ortfer to peremptnrv 8 M- HTfiAfeFR, ttfptalw.

NOTICE. O'l and after 1 n.lay, the feth I net the fTTi- I Ni AfiTt No alll have Ip 4 atrolitoa and all way ista- 1 dim STRADFR. Captath For New Orleana. i ywutrtoRisr 11 Ui lu: I si.t'Ot. I I It 1 I 1 Ii II.

dim. master, HI isve for elinv snd int rmediate porti 'Vi Iiiui lit It In- at 4 lock. P. M. Pr freight or nrply on Uwtrd or to ov T.

M. KHMV Ae nt. 37 Well rt. For Cairo and Wemphia. fpeem KTtw pMeeugr rteamef Parr, tuarter, ci leave fr Ut and infe rmediata port the luth at 13 o'clock, M.

For Ireiht pt en board or to ati 1. M. r.HWIN. Agent. 37 Wall st.

tSThp Temtw'O ill connect at alro with the Ae toorst t- Nva Uritatis. For Cairo and Xtlompbie. mm Th-r tf-nUr pAeerirer packet Jrh POLAND, teSAiiKT, master, afeve and intermediate port on Wdriwiav, the ferth at 4 o'clock, P. if. or freUht or apyly ou board or to Vf MtXMV, For Urandcnbur and Zeavenwortb.

iilit-drsiwld )mm ugt-r steamer DiLferi.M. emu. matter, taa-wme tj rvp fan nfeiv stj-i intvroit diate rte on this om th- Plh et 3 o'clock, P. M. iit i yeen- ru I.

cm Kiaui or te of MOOUI1KAP Agents. Farkcrfeburg-, Wheeling, and Fittabnrs Up pn-- i.y-r oteantey 4 bl. Lulls, Kr.xo, matter, 1 Iihvc fir ei-Ao nnd intenuedieta ports on to i the flh a 4 o'clock. P. M.

or livswjii ur on Imaid or to N.uufeiU'AH A- Areots. For Cano and Memphis direct, 'fejrit liht-dniuht stdnter lhLAM, K. vaa vv, master. 'will i liove and intermediate oorV eo -on av, tM 1 th at 4 o'etak, P. M.

1 or In-frht t-n toanl nr to eo A (Q A rent. Farkerebiir, WhoelinR, and pittsborff, NTlie Ifeiht-d) hii. ht papneer steamsc l.MMA. ftiAMA-rra. master, -will Uu nsi.

hikI Intsnnediate sorts on Uni 'th tiifent, at 1' oclock, A. M. F-i lrvifht ut. ji ov tanul ox to efl a Agents. For Kew Orleans direct.

(qp, 'I mnyinrrem strainer rv nt 1 1 I. It MWH.n(tr, ((j rv and 1 tat mediate poit on i nxte' th 'th inrt Kt 4 o'clock, P. M. F-r 'ji pasragt' ayrt' f': fanlor U' o') Mmi'HKA A Apwife. Tor Cairo and Memphis direct.

1 lu line frt'U'lit and mTTgsr ates 'i I Paks. iiHfrter, fe-nvn iw stave and intermediate ports on W)iiradnv, lh loth at 4 o'clock, M. Forlrtfehtoi apyL on board or to 09 MtaiKitl.Afe te Ageota. fttfTThe Te 111 tnnes-t at Cairo a ith tlie Auto cret i For Cairo and Momphis direct. r-wi't I lv tliw ifu-nrur tacki4 TI.MPFST, VmA.

V. O. foil, ksaMMHtteaiHrtll feats tor stave aod Intennednue -n Wtap thv th iurtout, at 4 o'clock, P.M., from tbe city a baif. i gja oi igr ar-ily on tioard nr to 00 N. fi.

LONG te Ageoto. 1 jrTh' Tnw't 111 connect at Cairo with tbe Auta- prat fa- Irani. For Cairo and Momphis direct. iw Ihe iin- iight-draut'ht pearenger P)L N1. Cajt.

Hbwt. teMefrMatfivin feat a fan' altove and intermediate oris on Wdi sdsv. the lOh at 4 o'clock, P. rm tt fit hnrt. For fri-lptt or pueaagf aptiv on board or to s.

fi. LoNG te Agspta. For Cwenebero and Evansville. 'Uifc ligbfednuight poewuger packet UNION, Capt. Korn norm.

ralll fears for stave and intermediate mrb mi thi ('sr. the th lntnt, at 4 oclock, P. IA, positively, from th Portland wharf. For frt-igbt ot aMag-apply ou board or te on N. R.

LiN te BH(fo A rente Regular Packet for Pittsburg-. The Wahtedrans-ht passmigpr rtramer fii. IrOLlfa Kma matter, i ill a nbovs and for infewmedtote Vm rr tn1 the, st 4 oi lock. M. vr jm-sv.

board sv to .1. NbftKK. A rent. 134 Wallet. 1 hroiurli lxprees IJue Packet For Evansville, Cairo, and Bt.

Eonia. The lta'Iit-ife-S'U'ht pawnger rtramer PRVIHIE ROSE, WTSfa matter, teavr for ataveand all intermodiete jorte uu Iburriav, thv tlth Uicfe. at 4 oclock, P. M. for freight or laueHar appfe on taard tr to SAOK te CAFFKLY.

Agenta, ro No. MM Main street. Unit ml States Mai! Line.1 RvuUtr Wmneeday ana Saturday Metes 3Por Owensboro, XlTaasTilloy eia wThe fiue heel ressengor steamer GKFY E-GLt No. lpt. Ixmihjoav imJm i.

a. Lrsx. clerk, feavra a above aod or oil totermrdtate landings on Wednesday, the lfltb et 6 o'clock, P. BL. positively, from the Pwtleal wharf.

For freight yt passage apply on board or to te Agenta Tor City, Cairo, Colam bom, Hickman, and Dfiempkia, I Im- fane ptifteengi'r etaimwtr fTS FRKD IKON. Ftntow, master, vN-g will leave fr atave and all intermediate on Tliursdar. tbe 11th instant, et 4 'clock, I. M. from tbe city wj-ari.

Foi freiglit or isneage apply on board or to BALE CAFFKLY, Agents, Vain ttrewf. For Parkersbnr, sad Wheeling. jwm The spleuoid lirht-draoght steamer FUNICFra M. Lrat master, tetevin leave for the above and in termed tom lrtou Wednesday, the fe tb at 4 oclock, P. M.

For freight or passage on boaid or MOORHEAD te CO Agents oA No. wall street, For Hew Orleans from Cairo. im ppfeodid i trainer AUTOt RAT, H. 1'i sii.w, matter. will leave far stave and intermediate porfe- on fitiUmittv, tlie at 10 oclock A.

M. Kvr tivil.t or parage aipl on lord or to wt j), fi. isKSKPICT te SON, Agents. Por New Orlean direct. q-tfe Hght-dranght pareenrer tran ter pc i.

i). liINfo J. J. Araiweow leave for atave and intermediate port O'l Saturday, tta Irth inttan, at 4 '''clock, P. or fnHicht CO.

Ort T. M. KKWIN, Agent. for New Orleana from Cairo. marnttioint paranfr etramer Wool R1 Uw a.

Blatter, HMtaviH for ntae ami intsrrusttue jwiteon Tuivdav. the tth ttr-t int. an the arrival the Jobn Gault and th oenimf train ot car. fr-. AS.S.

mkvulah PACKirr-e. HAii.aoH.viyn is Cmwwctcng at Cmemnati early barnem trasn por CixciDoati. The new and magtiifieset pernmpm WTI -TKIjSjK PH NO. I Htu-UTS, uts Jacob stkai-kh. One of the above steamer wiU for the port daily at Is oclock M.

Por freight or passage arylr on beard or te JOStTPH CAMPION, Office at the Wherfboet, foot ef Third etrwoi. etfft Tixsta tbe fivamsf Bailetin. ARRIVAL OF THE POXY EXPRESS. St. Joseph, Aio.t Oct.

7. Tbe Pony Express from California arrived tonight with the folio tag aummerv: San Fmcieco, Sept. t4. Arrived Sept. 24th, steamer Sam Flack, Philadelphia; st earner Sono re, Panama.

Spoken Jalv lltb, ship Sunshine from New York for Sen Francisco, Ut. 26 deg. north, long 34 deg. Went. Sailed Sept.

22d, brig Sheet Ascbor, Valparaiso 24th; berk Oak Hill, Svdoev. Oq the 22d, while the British steam frigate Termagent was being placed ia the government drv dock, Mere Island, one of the sections gave wav, which was quickly fallowed by the others, nf is a few minutes tbe whole dock was tf complete wreck. The ship was with difficulty extricated without much damage. It will take several months end will cost $200,000 to repair the dock, for which one of Damon Sector sectional end balance docks is not believed to be servioahle far much of the heavy shipping that occasionally needs repairing on this ooeat. The Ponv Express, with St.

LnuU dates arrived Carson Valley this morning. Wm. C. Merley, an agent of tbe express, has jut returned from Sen Francisco having re-stocked 400 miles of the route eariwardlv from Carson Valiev, which will enable tbe express to make better time when desirable. A tire occurred et the town of Pacbco, ntra Cota counry.

on the 24rfcf drotroving nearly worth of property about one-half insured. The last downward steamer brought tons of copper ore from tbe new mines of Del Norte county, near Crescent City, on the Northwestern cost of Californio, ibis ore gives evidence that the mines are of immense wealth. There are no new features in the political canvass. The State Agricultural Fair at Sacramento has proved a great success. Over a thousand bead of blooded stock were placed in competition for premiums.

Tbe mining accounts from Carson Valiev, aa well as from the new Ceo silver mine, near Owen a lake, are encouraging, and public confidence in them waa increasing. Tbe San Francisco asNtyers exprero astonishment at therich-nees of the specimens of ore received from the latter mines. Oregon dates by steamer erd overland mail are to the 24tli nit. from Portland; 20th from bah where the legislature sits. The Senate continued adjourning from dav to day without a quorum.

A report was in circulation that a contemplated promise between the Douglas and Hreckii.ndge Democrats giving each partv one Senator, on condition that the receding or breckimidge Senators would return aud give the Senate a legal organization. The lower bouse pasee! a resolution ou the 2)th inviting the Senate in its disorganized condii fan to meet in joint convention the next day aud proceed at once to the election. Stuce then no account have been received from Salem. The Douglas and Breckinridge partiefi had each held conventions and nominated eiocto ral tickets. Tbe Breckinridge ticket ia ns follows: Delazon Smith, James Meara, and S.

William Doughitt, Douglas ticket N'm. 11. Farrar, Benj. Hardling, and Yui. Hoffman.

The mining news from Oregon and BritUbsCo-lumbia is very glowing, tbe new Hock Creek gold miuee. the silver mines near Fort Hope, and all the usual localities from which mining accounts ere received send out auch report a are hardly creditable. The schooner Woodpecker had arrived at Victoria from London. The census returns give Washington Territory pvpulation. Tbe brig Orbit arrived at Victoria on the 13ib.

31 days from llakodadi, Japan. Ihe went for a cargo but found the Japanese so uuwilling to observe the treaty that she did not obtain a cargo. Tbe captain stated that Mexican dollars were at bit er cent and American and other gold at the game rate. The French Minister at Jeddo bns redcned, as his repreeeniations are ail' quite unattended tain respect to the treaty. The Japanese had concluded a new treaty with Portugal.

There wns little later from China: but a large English and French firce had assembled, and it was rumored that the Chinese would makes great resistance, and desperate fighting was expected. The Russian war steamers have very active, moving alwut with large bodies of tnxpa on board. Indianapolis, Oct. fi. The committee of citizens from this city with the remains of Uov.

Willard arrive! yesterday morning in a special train from Chicago, accompanied bv Gov. Kamaev, Ex-V. S. Senator Rice, Mnj. Cullen, Mr.

Cochen, and Hon. William A. Bowles and lady of: Minnesota. Ihey were met at the depot by the military companies of tin city and a large number of citizen, who received the remains and conveyed them to tbe Executive Mansion, where they remained during yesterday and this ip*rning, and will be taken to the Henate Chamber this afternoon, where thev will lie in state in charge of the military until Wednesday morning, from whence the final funeral ceremonies at this will take place, and the remains will be taken to New Albany, under an eocort of military and citizens, for interment. Minute guns were fired on the arrival of the cars yesterday morning at the march of the procession to tbo Executive Mansion.

PlTrbBl'KO, Oct. 8, River 6 feet 8 Inches by pier mark end rising. West beer cloudy and damp and heavy rains lost night. Cincinnati, Oct. M.

River risen 11 Inches since Saturday with 7 feet 1 inch water tn the channel. Weather cloudy at intervals, pretty heavy rain ford hours yesterday morning. Meported lor the Xiooitfille Joornol. Nbw Yobk, Oct. 8.

The Northern Light, which arrived here laat evening brought a Panama Star end Herald of tbe 29th nit. An attack had been made by en aimed body of rebels against the government of the civ of Panama, but they were repulsed ith fa of five or six killed, and fifteen taken prisoner. Five soldiers tbe government force were killed. The ringleaders are supposed to lie Conenao and Rlanco. both whom escaped.

The skirmi-h lasted three hours, commencing at fix o'clock on the morning of 1 huredav, the 29th, when some shots were tired ut the Triads bv some persons from the inside. 1 lie rebels occupied Santa Anna square, and were armed with rifles, muskets, l.mces, The government forces numbered alut 2(n. comprfring aoldiera, police, and volunteers. The shots were immediately returned, and tbe firing was kept up by both 'parties, the troops and inflitia gradually making their way towards- the landing. reaching which they found deserted.

'The rebel had retreated to the woods, having been made aware of tlie landing of forces from the Biitfoh man-of-war Clio, and the U. S. eloop-ef-war 8t. Marys. The Star says the landing of tlie forces from the vessels undoubtedly settled a conflict which looked dubious for the Government.

The farces from the St, Mans took jssReaiou of the road station but no attack was made upon them by tbe insurgents. There waa still a great deal of excitement utiumg the natives of Panama on the 29-h, a it w-as sup-pd the insurgents were encamped within a mile or two of the city. A strong force wus otill under arms by the Government. The foreign population took no part in the affair. Tbe trouble, it wms thought, originated in the attempt of the Genera! Government to farce recruits into the army, aided perhaps politicians, and thus endeavored to obtain their ends by inciting revolution.

The'ltritiah force bad returned to the Clio off the 2th, considering that there was no further necoHiiy far their set vices. A revolution in favor of Ex-President Mora had bn ken out in Costa Rica with a great chance of success, as the people tl ckod to 1 he treaty between Great Britain and Nicaragua had been ratified, it is said to contain a provision making San Juan a free port, but eutirely subject to the laws of Nicaragua. Dates from Valparaiso to the 1st of Septemlier and Celias to the 14th are received. News of no importance. New York, Oct.

8. Gen. Elijah Ward, candidate for Congress in the Seventh District, was assaulted Saturday afternorm in llroadway by E. li. Hart, Surveyor of the Port with a bludgeon, but was not seriously hurt.

C4. V. O. HaHril, Present of the Metropolis tan Hank died yesterday. Tbe corvette Pawnee, with Minister Mvlene.

sailed from Pensacola on the 5th for Vera Cm. John Cochrane has received the Breckinridge nomination for Congress in tbe Sixth Paul P. Bradley had declined. Cochrane had pre- vioulr leen nominated lv the Mozart Hall wing. 1 he Hell and Everett men of the Third District nominated Mr.

Hewitt fur Congrese. The Gsn-evonrt stamping mill, Washington street, was burnt Saturday night. Loss partly insured. Francis Dully, Deputy Sheriff under arnet for the attefnpted murder of James L. Darland, of Brooklyn.

Peter ilahlrook was dangenxisly burned in attempting to extinguish a tire in Lightbodv Ink Manufactory, Sixty-first street, on Sunday. rillLteKI.PlIIA, Oct. 8. The Prince of Wales is expected to arrive here at 4:20 P. M.

to-morrow. The reception at the depot will be strictly priate. Mayor Henry and British Consul Court right receiving him at the cars. The Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad have made proper arrangements for moving a special train, immediately on his arrival the Prince will be conducted fa. his private apartments at the Continental.

On the next morning be will receive visitors, in tbe afternoon attend the races at Point Breeae Park, and in the evening tbe grand opera. There will be no change of candidate in the Second Congressional District. John Broadbead, the Democratic candidate, not having withdrawn as reported. New York. Oct.

8. Tbe Vnioa meeting at Cooper Institute this eening was attended bv afamt 15,000 people. Foqr meetings assembled outside with hand of marie and the square was lighted up. Considerable enthusiasm prevailed. Speeches were made by ex -Gov.

Seymour, John A. Dix. and others. The tank statement shows a decrease in loans, decrease in specie, $29,258 increase in circulation, decrease in deposits, 206,657. Boston, Ocf.

8. The burning of the Glota Locomotive Works in South Boston on Saturday night will seriously driay the machinery intended for the Hooeac tun-neL The building in Charleston occupied by the Posroffice, law offices, tok fire lest night, when en explosion of cemphine or gunpowder badlv injured four firemen, lut not fatally. Tbe building was saved though the occupants were considerably damaged by fire and water. Mail trains are aeon to ta run between New-York and Boston leaving each city at 8 F. M.

IXteBPENDEtfCK, Oct. 8. The New Mexican mail with dates to the 24th arrived this evening. The preparations far a campaign against the Indians has not intimidated them, they went to Fort Fanntleroy a short time ago and run off 80 bead of cattle belonging to Dr. Connelly.

Tbe volunteers far the war against the savages have marched far the place oi rendezvous. Tbe election for members of tbe House of Representatives parted off quietly. J. A. Hubbell was elected to fill the vacancy of Judge occasion ed by tbe resignation of Judge Baird.

No news from the plains, bat few Indians seen end they were friendly. A large Bell end Avsrett meeting was held in this citv to-dev, and at this time acme three hundred torch bearers with music. are parading the streets. A. W.

Doniphanind Thomas I. Akere-are-the principalvpegkers. Auanv, Oct. A Tbe canal tolls far the fourth week in September were $121,141. For the Mine week last year aggregate receipts to tetotar 1st, 186U, seme time in 1859, $114,962.

Rauximomc, Oct. 8. The opening ceremonies of the Druid Hall Pork have been postponed until the 19tb of October. New Orleans, Oct. 8.

The steamship Empire City, with Havana dates tbe 2d, has arrived. Soger quiet et 8 reels stock 359,000 boxea. Exchange on London on New York 34. Tbe schooner Red Fox arrived with Tampico nates tn the 25th, from the capital to the 17th, and $G3, 000 in specie. i Miramon waa ie the Capital with 11,000 men.

The Liberals headquarters are still at Mw E. Irtwfw Maiffire El mokx. Tho Carat. Sole Lessee. Stage Manager.

Treauirer. Psicxa or Anxrasioiv Dress Circle sod Parquette Second Tier aud Family Circle 89c Private Boxes 8ft: Colored Boxes Soc, Gallery Colored Gai-. lery IM bJP boon open at Curtain rises st If to o'clock. MISS ANNETTE INCS. THIS EVENING (Tiw Slav.

Oct. 9, will be presented tbs much -admired ef INGOMAK, or tha Gkekk MstnxHIiigoTuar. Mr. Marcus Elmore-Prtlytlor, Sidney Smith: Ttmarch, Krme: Myron, Griernon: Alartor, Graham: A ni briar, Leetor: Kar-thente. Mhw Annette Ince: Actea, Mr.

M. Elmore. To conclude with tbe laughable Fares entitled BETSEY BAKER Mover, Mr. Sidney Smith; Grammy, Dtrkrou; Mrs. Mouser, Mias Eodrras; Betsey Baker, Mrs.

Dickson. PTBo Office will be open dally from 9f o'clork A. If. till 1 1 M. end fr-oia to ft P.

when seats be ureiml. DR. KANESPAXOR AilIA! IOZART HALL, Corner oTPoorth and JeAnos ata. RUSSELIS GREAT PANORAMA OF DR. KANFi8 EIFElITIIIITOTiJB Is Search ef Sir Jobs Franklin.

FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY! TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, ASP THURSDAY EVEXIXGS, Oct. 9th, 10th, aod 11th, 1860. TUIS rolebrated Panorama represents the remarka- A ble discoveries, thnlltog adventures, singular phenomena, aud wonderful scene witnresed bv Dr Kwt and hi companions during their famous expedition to the Arctic Regions in search of the lost Navigator Sir John Franklin, and sriotirn of two year among the ice rf the Polar Reriooaetnnracinv magnificent views of thu Ice fo-Dsrv of the Arctic Uoaet, executed bv tbe great ffceolc Artfart ANDREW J. RUSSE1X, of Nea York, trom private drawing made by the late Dr. Mane during tiie voyage.

ITT For description of scenes and particulars roe small bills. PRICES OP ADMISSION. 8aats Balcony aud Family Otrele. 1ft Cniloren 15 At 35 CWExhiWtlon on Wednesday afternoon at balf-put 3 oclock for Children. Admieeion lu cents.

Doors open st 1 tnovh.g nt 7. Vauorama ctamuetices ofi dtf Masonic Temple coisr rt! BT Ladies and Gentlemen Pupils or Mr. II. G. S.


Piano Solo Mr. Geo ZcKere 3. 01 Faith" (soprano), f'trni Lluda" Dotnz. tti- 8. Happy MtiUteeF (Baritone) Tully.

A Oh, Lyve, for me Thv "Sotunani- biffs" IMlini. 5. Trio, LUi Thine Kyes," frotu A Rnlaud (Biriton! Liudpaintuer 7. Rose, in thv Charms" Bpohr. ft.

Scena aud raver from INt ber. Quartette, liark, softlv Vou Weber. parTTWo. 1. Jewlfh Mai-Ien Kucken.

A Di Placer (So; rano), from La Gsxxa Ladra" A Waken, Mv Injured Honor" (Baritone), from Lucretia Ixirvla" DoniseftL A Duett. Holy Mother," from Wallace. ft. Ave Maria Cherubini. ft.

Eulogy of Tears (Daritune) Schubert. 7. Merr)' Zincant. A afar. 8.

Four-rart Song, "Come Where my Love (right male voices) Potter. Tickets 6t cvnte for saleet tha Mudc Stores. Concert will com me je at ft oclock. MT The Chickerin Grand Piano used si thlsC-oncrl is kindlv loaned by D. P.

FatUds A Co. ortf rt.i lllrs. Chases Dancing Academy fk S1 WILL open on SATURDAY, OCTOBER a flth. at 8 oclock P. In the Parlor of the Temple.

Entrance on Jeffaraoa rtreet. o8 dm I rSaaonie Temple Halls. THESE rooms, consisting of ths Large Halt, with capacity for ta eire hundred, the South Hall, callable of seating four hundred and fifty, and ths Parlor, a ith seats for one hundred and fifty persons, ere open to the public for coocert. lectures, bails, public meeting. Ac.

Term moderate. Apply et the Temple Office, or by letter to JSOdtf M. W. BAKR. Agent.

MARSHAL'S SALES. marshal's Bale. Jno. Terry and Theo. 8.

Belli against In Chancery. No. Joseph Stockton BY virtue of a decree of tha LouiviUo Chancery Court rendered In the above cauere. the undi-raigned. or one of ua, will, on Tticedav, 4cte ber sliout the boor of lOoclor A.

sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the bouse formerlv occupied by defendant Stockton, on tbe south aide wf Market -treet. itetweeu Ninth and Tenth rtretii, lot of lint 8F-HOLDend KITCHEN FURNITURE, and. st Ko'clmk A. at the Tood Tobacco Warehouse, 4 hogahdfr of dlAtXO and 3 hogvhead of 8TKMH. Tfkmb or 8ai.k Under tf IU, cash; tf and over, on a credit of ft month.

The piirchMif wiU be required to rive bond, with approved security, bmrtug totereet frotu date until paid. TO. D. WH1P8, M. L.

C. C. AS. G. BALF.

I rfoiaitlea 04 dtd THOS. A. 17th Annual ight Glass. qHK NIGHT SESSION OF TIIE LOUIBVILLK Jl CoMMEKCI Alj ftlOLLOE will eommejire on Monday eveuiog, Oet-lie Jiln, and continue tu-til March, thereby affording an excellent opportunity to young men, whose time is other ire oceunied during the dav, to become proficient in BOOK-KEEPING aid its collateral sciences. COURSE or 8TUDT.

BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE AN DOUBLE ENTRY, a applied to Wholesale, Retail, Hanking, Coinmireicn, 8teajuloating, aud Busluees of Coiupouud or Oompany Speculation. Fori manslalp. Ths department is under the enpervWfra of I. T. Paresttv, aud no Institution can offer greater facilities lor a thorough aud systematic traiuing in Business Writing.

COMMERCIAL LAW. A regular course of Lectures will be delivered by S. N. Houoks. F.

C03LMERCIAL CAH ULATIONM. Students are made familiar with the shortest end mo-4 approved methods of computrug Interest, Bank Diecouut, Discount Proper. Equation of Pa nientr. Arc, Htidentearviui.tnicted indtvulually and not in clareee. Persona purchased tickets for full rourae of lea-ons aud w-ho have not completed the course, are invited to attend and fiuleh their studies.

TERMS IN ADVANCE. For Full Course tf-fo 00 For Writing Lereona. per mouth. 6 ti For Books and Stationery. trom 8 50 to 4 fto For Catalogues, containing further particulars and ieferencea, call at College Rooms, during hours of tuition.

fjora 9 A.M. to 1ft o'clock ft to ft P. aud from to hi o'clock, at night, or address sl7 til mis J. J. BOVS, Principal.

TAXX282 TA5S8! ray time as ffhetiff will on expire, all who hve not paid their Htate Tax will call Immediately aud (ettlr the tuue. I can be fouttd at ray office until lti o'clock evT inoruiug Mondavs and Saturdays all dav. fig WAD MFGOW4N. fl OIK ORfHtRD ACID SPRIAGS. THESE SPRINGS are situated In the valley of tbs tak (Orchard Creek, In the town of Alabama, Getie-et-e Count)-, N.

eight miles south ot the village of Medina, on tlie Erie Canal, and fourteen miles from Beta' ia. The principal Acid Springs are three lu number be sides these there are six others. They are all located within a circuit of about tifte rods. The medicinal qualities of the waters are fully jhown In the subjoined testimonials. They coutain a very large amount of Sulphur, Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate of Lime, and Proto-Sulphate of Iron.

Tbe greet medicinal virtues possessed bv the aster depend verv largely upou the presence, in such unusual quantities, of these curative substance. Hundreds of cases of disease, especially those resulting from the soofufous lathes ia, have been cured by their use. In skin direeros even in confirmed leprosy the waters have bei signally surorestul. of mtdical aud reientificgentlemsaarerivus in ihe circulars. The following enuueut geuthraeu speak in stroug terms of the medicinal value of these waters? Prof.

Emmons, T. Romevn Beck, M. of Al-baire Ja. McNatif btoo. M- of Albeuy; Ewd.

dprmg, M. D-, of New York: R. Ganipbell. of Pittafteld, Dr. J.

8. Shuller, of Lockport, N. Y. They recommend the waters confidently. ir.

Spring refer to a case ot chronic diarrhea of several years.etandinc, a inch aa cured by thv use of the water. Dr. Beck sa- 1 am satisfied that three waters are highly valuable as medicinal agents." lr. Uampbidl says, They must be hichl.v beneficial for ail chronic diseases of the tomarh and bowels. Ir.

8. P. White read paper on the subject of these Waters, before the Aeodsmy of Physicians, in the cite of New York, In winch he states that the Waters purees decidedly tonic, refrigerant, and astringent properties, sud that the class of diseases to which they are more par ticularlv adapted, are chronic affections of the diaeetive and urinary cry tins, and some of the cutaneous dm-ease, chronic ayeitepma. chronic diarrhea, chrome Hynentery, chronic drum, chronic cystitis, diabetep cases ot passive hemorrhage, such as Ihtrpuml he. morrhngwa.

and thweolliqnative sweats of Hectic Fever, Ths aSer may also be often arod with advantage, ho rays, in cases of lots typhoid feoerm in console seme rom protractea ever, to xcite the appetite and promote digestion; la diarrheas, particular! such ae are dependent on a relaxed or ulcerated state of the mu cous membrane of the intestines. In colcnlous affections or lit kuna, attended ith pbosphatie sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to muriatic being more solvent and less apt by continued use to disorder the stosnech. Ie febrile diseases tt can be need, properly diluted, a refrigerant to diminish thirst and preternatural beet. In skin diseases in those fonus of dysivpeift connected with an alkaline condition of the stomach, ss in Pyrome. or water-brash, it will prove better than hydrochloric acid.

In coses of Coaca pieto-tttiM, and other injurious consornenses arising frocu the action of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chrmic pharynaiti. larvnyitiA, chrome muooue catarrh and homed mMhma. chrome ophlhal-mi externally), as a gargle in ulcerated core throats. In coses of saliva tioo, and In leuaorrhea sod oleet, ana also in niee.

When taken Internally, rrror innrrr of the water, dilulri, fakm three tunes day, is suffiraent for on adult. Other testimonials from physicians, and other respectable Individuals, may be seen on application to the fteolers supplied on liberal tens. For sale in Lewisville by Wilson, Peter, ft Co. he Water genome onieee procured rom H. W.

BU8TWICK. i Sole Agent. mT.n.WI.ft No. CT4 ftreodwav. New York.

fF- Persons undecided abont trying Barrington's Carpet Lintel would do well te road tbe letter under the heed et -Notices of the Day," In tsotteg column, heeded "Me. Hcoft WtUKlMO. o4ftb JACOB SCHMITT, 1 WHOLESALE AND RR. TAIL DEALER IN Hardware and Cutlery. BAR and SHEET IRON, NAILS, Spokes, Hobs, Felloes, Shafts, STSEL SPUING 8 AND ULII; HKl.LOWB, ANVILS.

VICR8, FILES; CARPENTERS. CABINET-MAKERS, AND COOPERS TOOLS: BUILDERS AND CABINET-MAKER? HARD fFAKK, fte No. 1ft Msrtg Rrrijsttt elsta, Between e14bfrtlv DRUG MILLS 1 ton Drag Mills of superior style for sole tow by dftw J. A. MORRIS ft SONS udiiuiuii ATA MEETING OFTHfi LOCAL DIRECTORS OF a the New York Lite I non ranee Company, held et the office ot Wm.

ft. Vernon, in the City of Louisville, March id, lose, the foiknring wee unenimenely adopted The undersigned. President and Director of the OVxn- have examined the repost end exhibit of tbe New ark Life Inenranee Company for the year ending January I MOO. and betas satisfied with tte prosperous condition. cordially feeoromend tt to tbs sorooragemrot and snuport of the rommoroty-Tne New York Life Insurance Company has been In existence fifteen years; its capital haa attained the sum of ItAkWil.

invested ta State stocks, bonds, 'fend mortgages on real estate. We think It a most eefe end profitable aoede of i a vest lng mooev. The profit inure to the benefit of the insured, end have averaged Dot less then ku per emit per annum oa the premium paid. Besides the investments ie stocks, ftc, tie law of ffsw York requires, as additional security, that tf 100,000 shall be deposited with the Stats Oomptirolter to meet any lawful demands which 'the Company may foil to par-We invite attention to the nature, objects, and advantages of Life Insurance a set forth by thi Institution. It will be seen bv the above statement that thi Company I ta flourishing condition.

Those desirous ot Information tn regard to tbe subject of Life Inenranee would do well to call on the Local Agents of the above Company, who will give them any tnfonnattoai that may be derired, or for reference apply toeither member of the Local Board, ell of whom are insured in this office. JOHN MILTON, President. DIRECTORS. Jons Mn.m aebier Northern Kk of Kentucky. Natsarixl Wdux, Attorney at tow.

Rnu. O. Davie. 1 op Oommlcvion Merchant. A.

G. Mens. Agricultural Manufacturer. 8ast. G.

Henbt, Eh, Auction and Com mission Merchant. Jso. A. Mtxxn, Ea, Dry Goods Merduid, Cuuni Pope. Eoq.

MEDICAL EXAMINERS. Lewis Roeers. M.D. RK Pslmeg, M. 1).

I). W. Yandell, M. D. Jno.

A Pirtfa M. D. E. W. TROTTER, Gesersl Agent.

W. 8. TERNON ft SON8. Lseal AirMn. Aelswtf Me.

479 Main street. SPECIAL NOTICES. mi ixsiiice to. OP SAXKTrOBO, CONN. incorporated Itiltf.) CHARTER PERPETCALu Cafitat, paid up in surplus, Ofl E.

O. RIPLEY, T. A. ALExairoea, Fe Prat. President.

T. E. Beaon, Je, Sc'y. tnns, jAKvaer 18Dk Par Value. Cash, on hand, ta bank, and tn agents hands.

Uuitd tftates Treasury Notre, with accrued interest, 00 Uuited States Stock, semi-annual iutereet, 150,000 00 8tete Stocks, N. York, Ohio, Kentuckv. Tenneeste, Mle aouri, Michigan and Indiana. 44,0 oO City Stocks, Hartford, Rochester, Brooklyn, Jersey City, and Miiwaukie 1111,000 00 Bank Stocks, New York, Hartford. Boston, fit.

Ixrnim 00 Railroad fitocks. Ilartlord ft New I 'averi, Boston, Worcester. Conn. King, W.M U0 Mortgage Bonds, JSM 8ft Real estate, unincumbered, Miscellaneous items, tftfJSMJOO 03 ftfT Policies issued ta tlie above old end responsible Company, against loss or damage by Fire, or tlie peril of Inland Navigation. Loss os promptly adjusted and paid by PRATHER ft 8IMRALL, Aomrra, No.

416 Mata street. Over Wilson, Peter A Co. joto xvMm. tf Holloway Outtmkkt uo Pill. Pricr tc th introduction of Holfoway Ointment, cancers were supposed to be ineradicable except by the ecal-p-l, but thi- doctrine is now exidoded.

Tbe most do- Elorable case coses that could not be reached by the uiteorbv canstic have recently been cured hr this wonderful disinfectant which sets os sn irresistible oounter-Mast ta the virus of the disease, arrests it pro-gre, and relieve the enipoi-oucd ftreh of Its terrible and offensive burden. Scrofulous sores, tumor, car-bun'lee, gfondi lar swelling, sore leg, sre the bugbears t' ev were in focmer time'. The latm- aided In Its action by the Pills, inevitably cures them. Dr. Bklls Opinion oy Hosthtters Bit-nots.

SraiNGrutLiv Iix April 14. I860. 8o me month since, while recovering from an attack of remittent fever, I was mpiested to try Hostetler's Hitters ss sn article culiarty suited to tbe condition of con val re-oente from fever. It is but eiznpto Jurtlce to say tliat it restored the powers of my digestive orgsn. aud at the same time kept my bowel gently open.

I have no hesitancy tu saying tliat, hitherto ta using it in my practice. It has ta every ease where I have ordered it. acted like charm. In thus speaking freely of tt, I for from puff a patent medicine, an article bv no means claims to be, SANDFORD BELL, M. D.

For sale by druggists end dealers generally everywhere. si dim g3omethtaf to restore; end wiU do it, flee Prof. Wood's edrertiasment. I-U-KA. ITWHO was I-U-KA 1-1U-KA was distinguished brave and magnanimous son of the forest, who formerly dwelt in Mississippi.

Ills wigwam was universally known ss a resting place for the traveller through that once benighted region, and a resort for all who loved friendship and good cheer. Weary end worn by his day's Journey, the pioneer was wont to rest with safety beneath I-U-KA8 roof. Thi venerable Chief often directed his sick, while travelling oo the old Natchec Trace, to bathe themselves in pools of water near the locality of the Chemical Market Val. to 76JIUU OU 156,751 00 SftLWft SO 116,000 00 00 to, 414 on Sp 40) 31 -Limericks Orest master of Pain" Isa Solution of Chemical Sand," found ta Jefferson county, Mississippi, and is warranted to cure Teter, Ringworm, Scald-Head, Rheumatism, Erysipelas, Goitre, Corns, It ts alto an admiral preparation for bathing and is recommended by the Profession es ss excellent remedy in Chronic Diarrhoea. Bold by Wilson, Peter ft wholesale agents, THjis-vtlle, O.

J. Wood ft St. Louis, Mo. selO damftwll TWO VSHSX0T8 From two very important tourers iu relation to CIUSTAPORO'B HAIR D7XJ. Tlie first of throe decisions is from the pen of Dr.

CfeU-too, who has no equal tn this country os sn analytic chemist, and declares the to be alsolufely free from deleterious ingredients. Thl mar be sailed THS SCZZSNTZrZO VBRPICT. Tbs second decision is a popular one. The thousands who use the dye ere unanimous la recommending it, above all others, far the exquisite naturalness of the blacks and browns it imparts and the rapidity of its effect. This is THS PUBLIC VSRDXCT.

The document a hich constitute these verdicts mar be seen at the establishment of CsmTaymo, No. 6 Aster House. New York. I sold everywhere end applied by ell HeirOreseors. ol dftwlm TTRLMBOM KXTRACT OK BFCTir-Ftfr XI Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel, Dropsy, Sic.

l.ELMBOLDS Extract of Buchu for Secret and Delicate Diseases. HKLMBtLD8 Extract of Buchu for Nervous end Dfe bilittl sufferers. HELMBOLDS Extract of Biieba for Lops ot Mnw, jytHg of Power, Drain of Vision, Diffic'ilty of Brea thine, Weak Nerves, aod Universal Lassitude of the muscular system. HELMBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for all diet refine ailments Obstructions. Irregularities, Exorea in married life, oreaily indiscretiona, aud all direare? of tne sexual orcans, whether existing ta Male or Female, from whatever cause they may hav originated, and ns matter of 1kw long riandiug.

HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHUls pleasant ta it tajte and odor, snd iTmneliate in its action. Price tf! per or six for tfft. Delivered to any addree. Sold by RAYMOND ft TYLER, and all druggists everywhere. See advertisem*nt.

Depot 14 South Tenth Philadelphia, elfl THE GREAT EVtLISII REMEDY. NIK JA.tlKM l.AKKKf OSXXBBLATSD rSISAXA 7ZZ.X.B This invaluable medicine Ie unfailing in tbe cere 0 ell thoee peififul end deugereus diseeaes incident to toe female eoeetitution. It moderates all excesses sad removes ell obstruo-ttcoo, from whatever eenee, end a speedy cure may be relied on. Tn Married! Ladles It la peculiarly suited. It wiU in short time bring on the monthly period with regularity.

Csacles. These pills should not be taxeo by females Ahst are pregnant during the FIRST THREE MONTHS, as they are urs to briug so miscarriage: but at every ether time, end ta every other case, they ere perfectly In all eeaes of Nervous end gpiitai Affections. Pain ta ths Back end Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigus on alight ex ertioa. Palpitation of tlie Heart, townees of Bpirita, Hysterica, Sick Headache, Whites, end all the painful diseases wirsmrrHI hr disordered system, these Pills will effect cure when all other means have failed. Full direettooe in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved.

A battle containing ftO pills, end encircled with the Govern moot Stamp of Greet Britain, can he sent ost free for tf 1 end I postage stamps. Bold by Raymond ft Tyler and W. Springer ft Brother, Louisville, Dr. T. R.

Austin, New Albany, Inda sud by all Druggists throughout the United States, norlft Iftbdeodftweowly pa. j. b. mcuukiru Strengthening Cordial AXD BLOOD PURIFIER, THE GREATEST REMEDY It) TBE WOSLD, end toe most DBMOUS AJIS DELIGHTFUL, OOH2XAX. MY MR TAKEN It Is strictly scientific and Vegetable Compound, procured bv tne distillation of roota, herbs, and bark.

Uow Dock, Blood Root, Block Root, doreopanlla. Wild Cherry Baric, and Dendelkm esters ta- Before Taking. ift Taking remedial principle of each ingredient is thoroughly ex tracted by my new method of distilling, producing a de-lietou. exhilarating apirit and the moot iufaUibiw res-sdr for ren- ovsttag the direered stem. and restoring toe sick, suffer tag, end drink toted invalid to health end strength.

BIcIui Strengthening Cordial WIU effo fatally cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jas-edice, Cb conic or Nervous Debility, IHsceses ef the Rid-neNa, anI all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, Drepepaie, Heartburn, Inward Piles. Acidity or Sick ores of tbe Stomach, Fullness of Blood te the brod. Dull Pain or Swimming ta -the Heed. Palpitation of the Heart, Fullness or Weight ta the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Choking or Suffocating Feeling whee lying down, Drvneea or Yellowness of the Skin end Eyes, Night Sweats, Inward Fever, Pain in theSmall of the Back, Chert, or Side, Sudden Flushes of Heat, Pop roe oon of Spirit, Frightful Dreams, Languor.

Despondency or any nervous dispose. Sores or Blotches fat flkm.end Fever end Ague (or Chills end Fever). Over a million bottles have been sold during the loot six gweflu, and in no instance haa it failed giviog -entire eattefaetton. Who, then, wii! Puffer from Weakness or Debility when McLEANS STRENGTHENING CORDIAL will cure ywff No can convey an adequate idee of thafcn- mwliete and almost mireeuloos change produced by taking this Cordial ta the diseased, debilitated end abet-tereunervoos system. whtlKT broken down by excises, week, by ne ture, or impaired by sickness, tbe relaxed and aoatruug orjanieeflon ie eeeipwd 4a fas pristine health and vigor.

MARRIED PERSONS, or ethera, eensriee ef ieehU-tty. from Whatever cause, will find McLeees Strength-estae Cordial a thaeMigh regenerator of toe system: and all no may have injured themselves br imyrupe tadul-graces will find In (hie Cordial oeertem end feedy rrody- i McLsnn Strengthening Cesdial ie a eovueign end speedy am for Ineipientf OaeaunptiOQ, Whites, Obstrua td or Difficult Mcesuattwa, lneontiiienee of Urine or Involantory Pierimrys theswoft Failing of the Womb. Giilrlinnse. Feintintf, end ell disuesae Inrideet tore BkYbere to ne mistake aboat it. Suffer ne leifW.

TW It eceerding to direotioMS. It will Simulate, strengthen, and invigorate you and' cause the bloom of health to noaat your ebeek again, Bvery toritto to warranted tb give MtbhctMo. 1 FOR CHILDREN. If your children ere slcklv, puny or afflicted. McLean's Cerdial wiU make them healthy fat, and robust.

Delay not a moment: tty end poo will be ceevinosd. It to delirious to take. CAUTION Beware of drufrteor dealers who may far to feN upon ywasome bitter or samparilia tndt which they con bey cheap, by aeyiag to juet as good. Avoid such menu Ask for McLean's Strengthening Cor-dial, and take nothing alee. It to the only remedy Mud will purify the toood thoroughly and et the some time strengthen the system.

One tebtoopoonfrd taken every tnonstak frttag tod eertain proven tire for Cholera. Chi Us and Uerer. Yellow or wt frmitn 4im sut o. ia lar. bottiM.

pdf 1 Kr or boMWor hi Mel iFiAJI, Bole Proprietor ef this tordWr aloe MeLeento Voteuato Oil Liniment. Prin4ial Draodqe the eesesr ef Tided end Ptuo stoasOa. 8ft. tan, Mo. Wboleole or retail orders filled promptly by Raymrad ft Tyler, 71 Fourth st.

Louisville, janl eodftsreowly LARGE 3 DAIS AlCTI 0 SALE By TBOS. ANBSBBON On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 9th, 10th, end lltb, 1860, COMMENCING EACU DAY AT Iff OCLOCK A. ON TUESDAY, OCT. Sdh, an extensive assortment ef Staple end Fancy Dry 'rood, connstiag part of Invoices of Dross Oood, aiters Piece Goods -op Skirts, Prints, Cloths, Umbrella, Stock Goods, frc. ON WEDNESDAY, Oct.

Pth. will be sold fttoeese BOOTS, SHOES, and BROOAN8, embracing in part extensive lines of Mens. Women's, and Childrens Calf Stock, WomeuV, Miee and Children's Oost, Km. Morocco. Sewed Work, Men's extra fiac Horde.

Heavy Negro Boot and Brogans of extra quality sud extra sisee, Ac. ON THURSDAY, Oct. 1 1 th, stocks of fine Dry in part of French Merino-a. Blk, Broche ShaK Ptaid, Wool. Long, and Stuare 9hala Blanket, Lining, White and Plaid: fine Shirt-v Linen and Mrlno 8ik Caartmeree.

Ahtpaca. new style Drees Goods, Stock Goode, null Wsrtw, Glover, Iloslf, Ax Ac. -ALSO An Invoice of desirable Rcadr-Made Clothing, st 12 o'clock, M. 174 cases extra Custom-made Boot-, Bhoea, and Brogan. Also several invoices of Drv Goods, Carpet.

die. All without reserve. Tonus cash, bankable fueda THOS. ANDERSON A od4 AoctusitwiT. By C.


10 o'clock. wlU be sold, at a private residence, ou the west side of Second rtrect between Given and Walnut, the entire Household Furniture and l-ouk-piog articlce theroin contained, cousietiug ot uishogauy Chairs. Sofas, Sociables. and Rockers, Sidel ord, faucy Bedrtesda Center Tttblca, Bureaus, vnclwd Wah-8tands. Sply CHriet-, Window.

8had-fi. Oil-Cfoth, Clas sud Chius Wan-, co*k Stove and Kitchen Atenrile, with every other article re es ry to housekeeping. rSThe ladies aru especially invited to this ale. Tin? Furniture is nearly new, and was made to order in tui city. The assortment of Chius end Claaeware is tine aud compltde.

Sale tKMiitive. Terms rath. C. C. SPENCER, oft d3 Auctioneer.

N. It. A Neyro Wonian, an excellent cook, washer, and iroeen will be hin-d out until Chfiftnjv. I. GRAUMAN, Auctioneer, Will have his Regular Two Days Sale AT L.

KAHN A CO.S COMMISSION HOUSE, 404 Main street. Which takee place On Tuesday aud Wednesday next, October 9 and lO. Commencing each dav at 10 o'clock aud continuing during the day, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT AND WELL 8ELKCT- ed stock receiwd tince our last aale, cousistuig in art aa follows ftoo places best brand Prints; a new invoice all Wool red. blue, yellow, drab, douhlo twilled, and single Flannels: an invoice of Cautoa Flannels; en invoice of weli-mworted Ladles 8hswls, cousistiug of Clteniile extra laruo double fibawlu, do all Wool, also Gent's of all descrptons- Cloths, iai meres. Satinet- i I he cked i huu regard to pricoa: aldo a cloriug sale of 2K) pur of all wool HlA.nket,-: a' so an invoice of well-asort-d Readi Made Clothing, (rent Inderwear, New York custom-maile Shirt-4, Hats and Cnpj, Boots and Shoos, Woolen Comforta, bleached and unbleached DomeHtics; a -so a very large assortment of Notions, Table aud Pocket Cutlery A.

espacial attention of city and country merchants Is called ro this great sale, as the goods are fresh and eeaeouahle and will bo a ld no doubt at a great sacrifice, sa money umat be raised. Terms cash. L. KAHN A CO. I.

ORAUMAN, Ancrioneer. 54 By Cooper Stokes AucMon Rooms No. 14 Kari Fourth street, Cincinnati. The Entire Xursery Stock of W. Heaver, ON THE RF.ADINU ROAD, CINCINNATI.

ON THURSDAY MORNING, October 11, will be sold, at oclock, on the pi Huises, the entire stock of the well-known READING ROAD NURSERY, The ptork compne a large assmtnu-nt of KVKR-GRFENSof differt aies end kinds FRUIT. ORNA-MEN I'AL FORI' ST. and SHADE TREE d. One of the largest and moat varied cuilections of OKNAMF.N TAL 8UKUBBKKY in ths country. A fine clhction of HARDY GRAPE-VINES, including CATAWBA.

1SA-BKLLV. DELAW 4 RE, REBECCA, UERBEMONT, MINOR'S SEEDLING Ac. The assortment of EVER-BLOOMING ROSES lean-rivaled in the Wo-t, This is lielieved to be the best opportunity ever offered iu this reion for persons commencing the Nuraerv btt-i-nefS to lav their stock, or tor parties having the furnishing of Cemeteries, Parks, or other public grounds, suiting themselves with choice varieties. The whole itock will be sold posit. Iv without anv reserve, at the ground mnat he cteared by the 1st ot January, 1nI, in oouse4iKiire of the expiration of the lease.

Tku*ms of Sami All sums under cah; all Mims over if.wi and up to a credit kA Smooth: all sums over tf imh a cn-dit of ft months With satisfactory endorsed notes from the day of sale. Anv additional information may be obtiioed bv mail by addressing W. HEAVER. Keedinc Road Nuraerv, Cincinnati, Ohio. COOPER 8TOKE3.

Aucttoreeis. oft dtd By 8. O. Henry Co. Great Sale of Lots foantry Seats AT AUCTION fToslosc tmfcePartoerahlpConecmA ON WEDNESDAY, the 17th dav of October, 1, st tlie hour of 11 oclock A.

before the Court House duor, In tbe city of LouiaviUe, we will sell about FORTY-SIX ACRES OF LAND, Dividt-d into convenient lots to suit purchasers. Tiffs Inud lire at thv wet end of the city fot, lout one mile L'ourt Hom. Walnut ntievt continued is laid off through the l.iud. Thv Ksit ill Ih? positive. Mr.

Ifonellv, of New York, one of the owners, having ditd, the sale is ordered to close up the A fuie opporttmity now priwents itself to such persons as desire to procure pleasantlv located Lots or Country Seats st snort distance from tlie centre of the city, not likely soon again to offer at low rssrES. Tkrus or Sale One fourth cash, balance In one, two, and thne veara. with iuL-reet aud lien. A plat of the land can be seen st onr Auction Rooms or at the office of M. R.

Murphy, en Fifth street, north of the Courtliousfs who will give anv informattou required. 8. U. HENRY A CO oft dtd Auctioneers EDUCATIONAL. PROP.

H. W. COON, OF New York, his services to the citisem of Louisville, a TEACHER OF MUSIC, ou the Piano, Violin. Guitar, st 1 per quarter. Wishing to rcceiv a portion of your patrooage, he refora you to the folio ing gentlemen: D.

P. Kan I da Co. E. D. llobhe, Fi.

Tripp fe iragg. Rev. B. It. McCoa'n.

Dr. Mason. Dr. E. p.

Force. Prof. Louis Hast. All orders left with Merer. Tripp A mcg or Merers.

D. P. Fnulds Co. will be promptly attended to. si 7 dim KENTUCKY SCHOOL HIEDHT.XE, JjOtiin vi lie.

ri IHB lltb Session will commence on the Ink Monday A November next and continue four months. FACULTY. B. W. DUDLEY, thneritue Professor cf sod Anatomy.

H. M. BULLITT, Profrosor of Theory and Practice. JOHN HARDIN, Profereor of hetetrica. Ac.

C. W. WRIGHT, Professor of Meuical C'heuiietry. N. B.

MARSHALL, Profeeeor of Materia Medira. MIDDLE'! ON (sOI.DSV.ITU, Prohweor of Surgery. W. I). TV KM AN, Profereor of Anatomy.

A. A. RICE. Profereor of Physiology and Pathology. DAVID CUMMINS, Demonstrator of Anatomy.

The uaial preliminary oourare will be given In Octo ber and regular C.linic-l courses throughout the sseeioa at tlie Houpiial and at the College Dipeueary. Fere for entire course tf Itft; Matriculation fee 85; Dla- ecting ticket tflik Graduation fee tfS. M. GOLDSMITH, Dean. lyl4 dWfrwtNovl University of Louisiana.

LAW DEPARTMENT. THE Lectures in thi Department a ill commence on the recond Mondaj- of November, aud cotitinite itntll the first Monday of April, lftftl. They will embrace the variou branches' of tne Civil Uv, of the Common Law, and of luity; Admiralty, Commercial, International, and Constitutional Law, and the of the United States. The Lectures will be delivered bv four Professors: UonuTUKODOKE H. McCALEB, LL.

Profuseor of Admiralty and Intematfoual Law. RAN DELL HUNT, Pruforeor sf CeaissercMl end Criminal Law and the Law of Kvidreca. CHRISTIAN R08ELJUS, LL. Profeerer of drif ALFRED HENNEN, Professor of Constitutional end CbTOtno Tjiw and F.piity Jurtgsmdnce. No city in the United States has the a 1 vantage which Near Orleans poreerees for the reedy and perfect aromre-ment of the Modern Languages, flood Board can be obtained as cheap here as In any other large city In tbe UnioiL.

All cotmunnications mast be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty, at New Orleans. RANDKLL CNT, VI dfrwtMMonloNow Dean Faculty. WHEELER WILSONS ME HiCHIKE! No.l Matonic Temple KENTUCKY WE offer to the public Wheeler A Wilson Imprweff Sewing Machuxs at reduced prions, with Increased eonfiience in to merit as tig bset end Boost reliable Family Sewing Machine now in use. It eew equally sreil on the thickest and thtnnest fabrics, makes the lock-stitch Imporeihle to unraveL with ths eawntisl advantage of beiug alike ou both tides, forming no ridge nor chain on tbe under side is simple In eoustrucStan, more speedy ia movement, aud more durable than any other machine, We give fall instructions te enable the purchaser te sew ordinary seams, stitch, hem. ft-U, quilt, gather, hind and tuck all oa the same machine, and warrant it foe three years.

Circulars roc twining testimonials from ladies ef tbe highest standing. East mid West, giving prises, te, wiU be tunifrhed gratis on application in or letter meritl declAwrow WM. SUMNER A iXX Jaferwn Xosuranca Oompany. OAee.on the North tWe Main Street, Opposite tlie Rank of Lhuwville, over the store of Mavieu, Good, fr Todd. Chartered Paid ta KIBRd taken oa shipments bv Steamtvsts, aft See, and by ths reual- modes Intan also on toe Steamboats.

WM. MUIR, Secretary. A. Rswsotv, J. A.

MctfoweB, T. Blancagnlel, John White, John CeruwalL. SL H. Wagfoe, Rbooeeet frstsii Oeo. W.

Small, ato Itf Gov. Willard's Remains. Uis honor Mayor Crawford yesterday received a despatch from tbe chairman of the committee at Indianapolis gg-formTng him that the remains of Gov. Willard will arrive at Jeffersonville to-morrow, the 10th at I oclock P. M.

Tbe Mayor and council, tbe military, tbe societies of Masons and Odd Fellows, and tbe citizens of Lou Isvi listeners 1 Iv ark invited to join the procession and proceed to New Albany, where the body will be interred. Committed. By reference to our report of police proceedings, it will be seen that the man John Snutk, alias Cornelius Gillam, who was arrested on Saturday by officer R. M. Moore, charged with stealing ahorse from Mr.

Nelson Dorsey, was committed by Judge Johnston tlus morning, in default of bail, to answer at tbe next terra of tbe Criminal Court. Cff In the speed ring et St, Louie for tbe roadster stallion prize of Parks Yeechs Black Hawk stallion Edward Everett took the red ribbon, closely contesting Etban Allen's right ro tbe blue, and beating Draco, Hiram Woodruff, Young Etban, Silver Heels, and ten others of no less repute. the Henderson, Kyf Fair last week three horses were entered for the pacing match over the mile track, for a purse of $50, for tbe fastest pacer. Tempest," who is owned by Mr. George Lyman, of New Albany, made the time in 2:42, and Tom Crowder the next best time, in 2:53.

ifryThe duch*ess of Alba, a daughter of the Coantes Montijo and flster of the Empress Eugenie, has recently died in France. For two years she has been suffering from incurable disease, and the late crisis which happened while the Empress was at Faux Bonnes, left her 00 weakened that all medical skill was found unavailing. The death of the duch*ess places tbe French court in mourning, and is considered a terrible blow to the Empress, who all her life has been attached to her sister. The Disastrous Storm at tiie South. We have already given a brief account by telegraph -f the destructive storm which occurred at tbe South on Tuesday last.

By the storm our mails have been detained, and we have Just received our New Orleans dates of Wednesday, Thursday, ami Friday of last week. At New Orleans on Tuesday about 8 oYlock A. the wind having shifted to the east, the hull of the old ship Independence, laving on the Algiers side, broke lxe from her moorings and drifted across tbe river. On reaching this side she came in contact with the steamer Republic, causing her chimneys to fall, and doing other damage. She afterwards drifted down and came in contact with the steamer Oharmerf tearing away part of tier cabin and her flag-staff, and causing other damage.

The Independence then drifted to the Nnal street ferry-landing, where she now lies tied up. Tbe steamboats W. A. Andrews and Belle Gates, also lying on the other side of tbe river, broke loose and drifted among tbe steamboats on this ide. The Andrews came in contact with the Kepublic and had her starboard wheelhouse and part of her cabin torn away.

The Belle Gates tuffered no material damage. The steamboat Wm. M. Morrison, lying at her wharf, swung round, striking the stern of the steamer War Eagle, lying near and caused her considerable damage; the Morrison getting also badly hurt. About 4 o'clock the large brick building in course of erection on Camp street, between Corn-man and Gravier, five storiqs high and occupying a front of some forty to fifty Teet, came down with a terrific crash that shook lluilding several squares off.

Giving way accoidlng to the direction of the wind, it fell towards Common street, crushing the two buildings on that side. The one immediately idjoininc was occupied on the lower floor by McPherson drugstore, and above by D. I. Hicardes notarial office and Frank Hayness law office. This building was crushed to the ground, and presents now an unseemly pile of ruins.

The next bouse, occupied on the lower floor by Kenken's cigar store ana 11. W. Palfreys real es-t ite agency and auction office, and above bv Monouvrier's lithographic establishment and ome other offices. This building was crushed in it upper part, tbe ground floor remaining uninjured. The inmates escaped.

Not so however with Mr. McPherson's establishment. Tbe clerk. Grooshe, was in tbe rear part of the store, witn a negro boy employed as a jmrter in the establishment, and both are believed to be bnried under the ruins. Next to the bouse occupied by Palfrey Co.

Is the building forming the corner of Common aud Camp, and occupied by the Sun Mutual ina trance Company. This was also damaged, the front walls having been cracked and thrown out of poise so as to make the building probably insecure. Hie house occupied by Stringers clothing store, on the Gravier street side of the fallen building, also suffered some damage, part of its gable-end having been torn away by tne falling wall. A stable at the corner of Seventh and Navades streets, belonging to Patrick Irwin, and Patrick Coyles soap factory, corner Jacob and Third streets, were blown (town. On the Lake, at Milneburg, lake end of the Pontchartrain railroad, the damage was not so great as we feared.

The water rose very high, inundating the village, but did not cause much damage, except washing awav some of the timers of the pier and obstructing the track with driftwood. The storm extended for miles along the river. The Picayune says: At Carrollton the steamer Silver Heels was sunk. Opinions are entertained that she can be raised. She is the property of Captain C.

C. Pickett, of Opelousas, and was valued at $10,000. the boat is said to be heavily indebted. The Louisville packet Ben. J.

Adams, Captain John S. Richey, which left this port on Monday evening, encountered the storm at Glassco*ck la-land. With great presence of mind, the Captain headed the boat for the shore, where he made anchorage, during which, however, her chimneys were blown overboard. She returned to the city yesterday, and wffl immediately undergo repairs. The loss of coalboats at Willow Grove we give below, also a list of the names of the losers, together with the number lost by each.

Corv Peterson, Robin Jackson, Pollard, Mc-Cluskv, 6: Watson, 2: Hill A Milford, liawesville, Spencer Field, Gas Com pa-up, 2, Nimick, liawesville, Niinick, Pittsburg, 11 T. Jones Miltenberger, Menard, Tassev, 2: Steamship Company, Towboat Association, 3: Niinick, liawesville. Vt: Steamship Coy Total, 49. The steamer Dr. Batev, formerly owned bv the New Orleans and Lafourche Transportation Company, and.

recently employed for towing purposes, unfortunately had her chitneys, pilot-house, and hurricane roof Mown off at tbe stock landing, and was otherwise damaged. The steamer Home, lying at Red river landing, had her chimftevs, together with her pilothouse, blown down daring the gale. The wharf-boat Laurel Hill had her fore ami aft hog chains shattered to pieces, and a passenger, name un-know who was waiting for an up-river boat, fell from her upper deck and was killed. The two victims killed by tbe fall of the buildings on Camp street were taken from tbe ruins on Thursday. The storm was furious and destructive on tbe line of the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad.

The road-bed was washed awav for a considerable distance in tbe vicinity of Grand Desert, thirty miles from New Orleans, and the down traim which had 150 passengers elioard, passed the whole night in a perilous position in the midst of the rushing tide, which was seven feet deep in many places. The Picayunes correspondent says Tbe destruction 00 the lake shore has been very great. About twenty settlement aM Aiit one on the lake shore) have, been entirely destroyed. Capt. Jacob wife and two of bis children were drowned.

His other two children were found after twelve hours on ihe railroad embankment, runnled by a dog who would lot no one approach tuem except a negro whom be knew. The children tnust have drifted at least half a mile. They gere urolufthly raved and dragged on the embankment L'v the faithful animal found watching by tb.ii BmW tnree other families missing and unheard oi. It Is possible that thev may have taken skids and gont hack into tli." t.ariip, Becking shelter amrnig the timber. The men in the employ of the railroad at Bayou Desert, i in nnm-ber7 war saver! in that way.

The water run into their housa at the camp, fciur fret deep, they took to a skiff and went among the timber, Where they remained until the sunn was over, when they got back safe. Their house was washed the damsge done to the road la incalculable and will take time to repair. The truck is not only torn up and washed away in many but in others it is completely obstructed by huge manses of timber. Judging from lie direction of the storm, which Appears to lisvo raged moat violently, directly in the track of 'Vera Cma abipping, wo may expect to hear of still further disasters. Several ves-cls from that port are now long over due, among them the Potomac, with important mails, specie, DECISIONS OF THK OOCKT OF APPEALS.

roSTT-Hi'cm nay. Monday, October 8. Aednvee frrewn, Union affirmed. Arnold Doettr sdmr, Franklin; affirmed. Bvrclsy Po vs Uowslej, Warren; affirmed on original end cross appeal.

OSDERS. MrCfiltiffter vs MeCsIHster, Lou. Cbr; motion br P-jwllee te modifv mandate Hpratt vs Wlllcrrson, Montgomery; cooes stands for heariug without further agreement filed. Way Shropshire et a Harriton; motion by appellant to dismiss appal. McClelland vs Elbert.

Fayette; Lancaster vs Evans et aU Fayette; Btone vs Harper, Fayette: aglons vr Lexington Big Sandy R. It, Fayette; Wiekliffe vs Breckinridge's admr, Ferette 1 were submitted on briffr. Metier le vs Russell et al, Fayette; argued by Johnson for appellee. BtEBHAVB'S HOLLAND BITTERS, A to for th. foondlo.

uM b.lth, aud fo correcting dWordert ef tfce ttomoch ud bowel, tuck a INDIGESTION, HEADACHE, HEART-BURN, LOMOV APPETITE, ACIDITY. BILUdCS COMPLAINTS WATER-BRASH, CRAMPS, COSTIVBNESS, COLIC, PILES, SUMMER COMPLANT8, In Nerrout, Rheamalle, ond Neanllc It boo frequently been odmtntetered with nuebed Two or thrae dooee will convince the ofliictedef It tel-atair effect, the iImwJi will wooillly renin tte strength, bentthr octlon at the liver, bowel, nd kid nejw Will rapl4lrtln floe, nd renewed health bo th quick result. Bwz or Iwrosmowl But one Mao the (anutn. Onlf pint bottle.) Do taaWbonfiiL le that onr nsme I on th lbl ofwverj- bottl poo bop. bon TAxazir raas, c.

OLMWrftiitTQftS, -Sold by Druggists otHy. Pittsburg JVnMe. FBXOStl J. 8. MORRIS A 0NS, Agent, eodesw Awlessly COMMERCIAL.

WEEKLY REVIEW OF THK MARKET. Omrt or rent Lnmmi.Lt Jnrmaaui Loctsviuix, Oct. Rmcamrs. The money market haa been easier dnrinfr the week, regulated somewhat hr ths tessentn of tlie demand for loans. Excbawcra.

especially eastern, toes in demand, end the broker1 have advancd the a-Dlnt rate to premium. We quote New Orlran ex-chance at If premium, with an nnuroa! ecarette. The wathr became quite cool reeterdar. after the etorm of Sunday momtag. The rtr is very low, with but three feet three Inches ta th canal aud about four fact on the tower Ohio.

As a consequence th-) shipments South tre limited, the rates of firrlffit ruling hfith. Ths general market has been dull during the week. There 1 not much doing ta Land Warranto, which we quote as follow: Buying. Selling. 90 acres ftn 1 to acres acres 77 1 acres to hum.

74 i 10 aerw to Our quotations, tt most be ramembeied. are far wholesale transactions, wnless otherwise stated. Baoaiwo awn Ror. The sales hare been limited. Power-loom begging 16'e, hand -made 14c.

lUnd-nadc rope TVuftTkie, machine rope Pc. CaKtue, Soar, awn TauLOW. Sales of caodlts at lto for 15 far lS oa 17c for 14 ISc for li 00., and for Iff at the oeual time. Sales ol tm-ii' soap at tfl 6u for boxes of S3 fra. Tallow ta demand at tfc lb.

Coau Sales by the barge load et Pc, end st 13c the cart load. CnErae. Western wm lias advanced, end we now quote at U-OlOtfc. with large demand. English EH 13o; lUrub.trf llllHc.

Covrrwr, Corrow Yaxwa. ftc. Nothing doing ta cot ton. We quote middling at lie Yarns hare advanced with sale at 9c. Pc, and 10c for the different mm-fore to the city trade, with on advance of He to country dalers.

Louisville batting 15c, No. 1 Maeviik Cannelton aud Pittaburg liHcper lb. Can nelton and other good brands of sheetings wtt a sale 'sterde' of sj bales at that rate. Manilla rope in demand at as to Mae. Wadding per do seal for light and heavy.

Hempen bedcord at le. Flock ante Geaxn. Thera has not been much till mation in the flour or grata market. Ww quote sape r-flne at extra tfft tf 75, and fancy s. Sales of wheat at tfl tfHal with a good demand.

We quote corn at ft(3M3e for common to prime mixed, for good and prime white; earn corn RTitfsc. Considerable reolpte of oata, with sales at S23i.1c; deal, era soiling at 4M41c in sacks. Rye dull at Prime barley H5(ft3ac ptr Nfrltel. Good dt maud for rom retwl at tfV pr bushel. All descriptions of feed-stuff arc iu demand.

Our quotations for bran ore per ton, shoit tf shtpsUifb tfl7k). OstMKOtaR.Gem rally dull and unebauerd. We quote fairsugar at tdftc fully fair prime at choice at Sc, Loveriug's crushed, powdered, and granulated at lliqc, Haltiaxwe eirrle A. do. at lie.

A sole of Is hhds sugar yesterday at 9Hi9e. Molasses dull at 42c, 8t antes sugar-hoes at 4uc fallen, and extra goldt sirup tec in bbls. The above quotations contemplate large lots and rah transactions. Ws continuo our quotations of eoff at lBc faw fair Rio, far good and prime, and 14.415c for Leguayra, with a sale yesterday of tt bags at Light sales of ties at 5e. Uav.

Sales frotu the landing at jvr too and 1 1 tfta V' trom store, with a firm market. Ho.Thc market Is at a stand still, and hoe id of no transactions during ths week. Fat iT. Prime green apples tfft per bbL. dried spples tfl S5 per bushel.

I had pswriww dull at ft5(4ft 0 per bushel. FcATRima. Giwaxwo, ftc Liberal receipts of feathers, with sales at 3445e per th. Berawax pr No demand for ginseng which we quote nominally at tf per th. Ilium aim LaamKO.

Ths market for hides le firm, with soles of city flint at lK4J3c; green ftc 0 fi, and S6c If hide eommtasioa. City oak sole leather tfc Tf fh; calf skin, rough, ftS(ft36c Tf Hk red feather IMhc Ik end harness S43Uc. loon, Naiio, fto. Cold blast iron eontraaods tfftO pef too, hot blast tfftrt, for noatlti' paper, stooeeoal barlixm ftVfftfte, charcoal stonecoel sheet tl 4He. cherooel do 6(45)4 es te quality.

Nails command tfi 76 for lod and other sloes in the same ratio. Allarticles of Iron are firm. Tin ta demand. We tptote I i leaded tfltt, I. X.

leaded 911 76, 1. C. tfH 9f. 1. X.

14 13, English block per lb. Safes of lu' bag idiot at One. Linseed from the mills per gallon. No. 1 lard oil ttc per gallon, without the bid.

We quote white lead at tfl ftft43 per keg. Peoviaiose. There Is nothing new to report ta the provision market. Tbe light sales of mess pork tliat bare been made were at tf IK No transactions in new meats. We quote mess pork at tf IP.

thin nm at tf, light and heavy rump pork tflS tfKjllft sbouldtreuv rib sidH dear rib sides tVe; clearsiffi' plain canvassed and migar-cnnd hams 14 and 14c. lard for tierces and kegs. prTTora, Onpws, fta-Prime new Neshannock tfl 75 with the barrel. Ouions tfl Autaft Tf bW. white navy beans tf ldl kft ptr bushel fur old and new Light receipts of tatter, a ith safe at 17c per Tf.

tf ai.T.- Kanaa La salt ie scare. 1 tie salro are at 37 to Sue as to tne quuitty. Turk's Itiaud tfl p-rsa(b la small lota. 8rki. 'ilmothv tf- rSvd1 per fotshel, orchard gras, tfl X.

hemp tfl tenal 7ft, blna-gras tfl ft, end extra pwilities tfz red top tf! Itipl 85, Hun garfiui prase tfl. millet tfl 5-V All tlie afoive quotations apply to tha sale from store. The rat are loaer from wagons. Flaxseed tfl perfojshcl from ths milt. TMitnn, The tohrtro market has fo-n dull during tV wwk, with a declining tendency.

The aalt 2 hhds. StWf esterday of ''1 hhds 1 at tf? Ml at Mil, 4 at 4 a 4 is .1 at A Si, I at tfinaJl 70, 4 at tfT 7 tt, 1 at tf 4 1, and 1 at IU. ot raw during tlie weak at IPc, with a sale of lilt bbls yesterday at that rate. Wool Tbe d-ioaml coutinmwgood for dmawd ie. We juol Banta Fe at lc, dotncstle wool for greased, Sic far pulled.

for wafod. from the oountrv, with a slight advance from store. Farnwrra At tlie meeting of the Louisville Union Ifenevohuit Association in this city yesterday ths fi l-lowlnp rahv of freighte were conttauwd, which will I ohs rvd during tha week ending Saturday lht To Now Oih atis Found frt L'hts Joe, wh'aky tfl 25, pork 1 2A, fiuur Poc. potatoes, oulooa. and app ea frk.

muhe tflv yt head, horaes 12. riip tfl, fat cattle tflu. so. a 11 cattle tfs, coat and calvus tfll. Way Kreirhto low Memphis Found freights 6 rhifky aud prk tfl te1, flour tf Up 'tutues, onfeu.

and apples lav. TuMtiub and above Found freights Sic, whisky el lu, prk tfi, flour do, mules tffl, horses $7. Kw Yobo, Urt. X. Cotton steady, a Ith sales of 3.000 bales at ltellc far middling uplands.

Fleur more active and about rebutter for shipping grades, and an increased export demand and a fair home trade inquiry; sales of S.0n0 bbls at tf5 ft (tt 6 23 for superfine Western and tfS 60(5 70 for extra Western, the market closing quite firm; included In the sales were 14,000 bbls for export Whlskv heavy and ower, ith sales of S50 bhta at Sc. 1k3c fottir with a pretty good export demand; salra of bushch sh*te Michigan at tfl 4tel 4ft, 43,000 bushels Chicago 8jring st tfl 335 for No. 3, and 1,400 budtcU SiMitlu-rQ at tf 1 Co. Rye scarce and finu tttoefor Western. Barley in fair request, with salos of te Uauadian at Coro ta fair request witluwit ma terial change; sales 74,000 foubelrai 7od76'c for mixed Western afloat Oats enchanged et ftOtiklHc.

pork dull and heavy; soles ef 44 bUs at tfl 0114 10 for new mem and 97H for old. Lard quiet and steady: safer 300 bids at 184iai8ic. Ikrffcc, landing the auctiot-ale announced for Wednesday next vtTy quiet. Siijrar steady with a fair demand: sales 1.S3U hlide Uuba at fJS v7Vc. Molasses steady: sale1 of dl hhdsCuta Uueco-vado at 37c and So hhds Porto Rico at Stocks liettcr tlunigh not active; Chicago and Iterk I dand 72, Galena and Chicago 74 Illinois t'entral rip 8T.C, Reading foV lisrfem kuSt.

Hud-on ti Jk Cleveland aud Toledo 4i (buyer 10 days). Erie 3S. New York (fentrml Tennessee sixes tfi'H, i aliforuia ens 4 UrwntwwATt. Oct. P.

Flour unrhauged amt dull; sales of superfine at tfoui IP, extra at tfft 90. and fancy rang from tfft 4c 36. Wheat unchanged and steady at tfl lot 12 for red and tfl I4ftl 16 for bite. Corn declined 4ftc for old and 3ftc for new. Oats dull at IWriey dull at 75dttc, Mess pork firm attfl 76t with moderate demand, liaaoe shoulders h-ld firmly at Pc and a few small lots sold at this rate.

Groceries unchanged and priors firm. Money easy, and rates of exchange unaltered. iU Oct. fa Flour quiet; Howard Street aod Ohio tfft 76. Wheat stratdy; red tfl ftil 34; white tfl 4441 Corn firm; prices steady.

Coffes unchanged. Whisky dull at New bleak Cattle Marxet, Oct. 4. Beef Cattle. Receipt to-day of 134 Western and 1 Texas tattle.

We quote tbe former at tfesc Unt Texas Cattle at tfltfXu Tf heed. Stock 3uo Wertero and Texas Cattle. Hogs. prce receded to tt groe. Receipts lPu bead.

Stock 140 head. Sheep. Firm at Tf heed. Stock 150 head. Milch Oowa.

Reoeipte 33 head. I'rlccn hrad. Veal Cattle. Ths market Is bore. We quote tf8jil bead.

Amencea Znnmncs Company. OF LOUIS VILLA KY. Chartered Capital. Pud ta aod Secured. This Company Is now organ- 0' fed aod reedv to engage in general Martne and ire Io- tf.

1 'if wralMx tuam oo liberal terms. IVOffice No. 616 north side of Mata street, oppai tbe Bank of Louisville, over the Agricultural Store G. W. Ha-haw.

K. BULL, President HKNKY DKNT. JeaaM K. Bell. K.

L. Haffmen, Manhall ii albert, Robert A. BeU, sepl dtastf Wm. R. Stokes Jobn Barbee, W.aflmrto Chrthri- linrtac and Trot Company Chartered Capital.

Paid to end flWte. This Ootnpany is ow orran- teed end ready to mgq tn a ebKs''1 -te General Fire end Marine lu- aSBif stuonee bosioeas oe Liberal terms. Office ta basem*nt of Southern nnff Mata end Bulbtt ftifeta. Loufeirina, Ky. ANDHKW GKAilAM, President.

J. A. Par Too, Secretary. W. Doekwl, Dentifo Long, J.

P. Marshak, Ksersley Carter, Jacob F. Welter, Alex. Orata, mf dislv BILLOCK A General Insurance Agents, Otene 4M Mate Stfe smW. tt.

Htskr (jUsre. Ft RR. Life, Cargo, end Steamboat Hull risks takes in the following reliable Companies, severally sr-thorixed by license front the Auditor of State, to transerl business under the new lusarance Dv of Krtutuckyi MKTROPOI.TTA'N WRE INSTKANCE COM-PANY of Now York. Ush Capital and Sur- HOPK INSURANCE COMPANY of Msw York. Cash Capital end FIREMEN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY of New York.

Cash Capitol and CITIZENS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York. Cash i lepUel end iatfteewi tfiBMtf NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York. Cosh Capitol end HOME INSURANCE COMPANY sf New York. Cash Capital end iterpta UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York. Cash Capital end tough.

tfdfifaOtf MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY -ef New York. Cash Capital. tfSOfaSO MERCHANTS' 1MSURANCB COMPANY sf Hartford, (tea, Cash Capital and Burpios tfttfaMl PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INS. CO. of Pres itf wo, R.

Caste Cepftal and tfurplas tfftTUJM Strict attention given te baste aw end the tetorert enr enstomens endkesae Hremptir adjusted at our office rt26 dirtf BULLOCK A OtX prime white, ta store end far sale J. A. FENTON, 134 Fourth at aid C3Go the Arctic Panorama. midnight sun to-night at the C-JWe call the special attention of our country readers and all lovers of fine stock to Mr. II.

H. Buffenmeyers sale advertised for Thursday next, the lltb at his farm, on the Ohio river, eigl miles east of tbe city. Ilia Southdown sheep are pronounced superior to any in Jefferson county, and indeed all bU stock la of the mof-t choice kiod. Stock raisers wilLunquestionably do well by attending this sale. Mr.

C. C. Spencer will officiate as auctioneer. Boardino. A good family room may be had at the Furguson House, corner of Fifth and Mar ket streets.

ALo, good accommodations for several gentlemen. In addition to that great rale which takes place this morning at L. Kaho Co.s Commission House, there will also be sold a large consign ment, received since our last Rale, of 300 dozen Ladies Opera Hoods; also Comforts, French Merinos, and Gentlemens Shawls. Everylxidy may expect great bargains, as orders are to close tbe above consignment regardless of prices. For particulars see advertisem*nt.

Auctioneer Graumsn will surely do his duty and satisfy his friends and customers. dl J. G. Mathers Great Cart ft Salk. Mr.

Mathers will continue his sale of carpets of all grades on Thursday next. He has a stock to suit all tastes, and the ladies will doubtless flock there ui numbers to get bargains such as they know are aiwavs to be had at Mr. Mathers sales. iSTMessrs. Barker of the New York Store, while selling below the usual cost of fancy and staple dry goods, have had such opportunities of purchasing, at auction, at exceedingly low prices, by personal visits to the eastward, that, while selling at extremely low rates, their charges are actually below the usual New York prices.

Of course they do not wish to be understood that they are welling their goods below what they p-dd for them. Their large stock is very beautiful and is attracting great attention. Diseases of the Feet. People pay too little attention to diseases of the feet, and thus neglect not only their comfort but their general health. Dr.

Schlosser, is doubtless the most skillful surgeon in his speciality extant, as bis testimonials amply sbowt He may be found at the Louisville Hotel for a few days. jJGo see the Esquimaux family At the Panorama to-night. all kinds of lumber, dressed and undressed, sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, boxes, call at Alexander, Ellis, Co.s planing mill, sash, door, and blind factory and lumber yard, on Fulton street, just sbove Preston, fronting tbe river, or at their lumber yard, corner of Walnut and Preston streets, or leave your orders at their warerooms on Main street, nearly opposite tbe Galt House, Louisville Ky. janl tf REPUBLICAN 0HIATI0S. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS.


Kkntos Co. roft THE DISTRIOIS: 1. SATL MoOANN Paducah. MoTmckw Co. 2.

BAM'LW. Hkndekson Co. 8. JOS. W.

4. ALEX. R. MtKEK. Pulahki ft.

R. L.WINTKKSM1TU.Ki.izhetiitowm, Hardin Co. 5. THOS. COYLE SfKkiUEi.L, Madikon C.

7. EDGAR NEEDHAM. nr LortHvii.ijt. S. L.

MAKSTON Mn.i.KwmrRO, Boraiiox Co. HARRY BKOADrS.Asiu.ANtk, Born Co. 10. CHAS. IlKNDIJCY.e Newport, Campbell Co.

00 BUSINESS NOTICES. (fWe would invite the attention of those in want of goods to G. B. Tabbs large and complete assortment of fancy and staple dry goods, adapted to the fell and winter trade, consisting of all the varieties, new designs, and novelties of the season, such as rich silk robes; pointella brocade taffeta, regina, shot, and diagonal; ottoman, velours, urmure, and rept silks; black silks; evening silks and rati us; check silks: rich Irish poplins; rich embroidered do; rept velours; brockade ottomans; figured merino satin faced merinos; travelling dress goods; embrodories; linens: kid gloves; hosiery; velvet, cloth, and silk cloaks; fall and winter shawls; flannels; full cloths; jeans; Sept. 5.

ijy For the best and finest pictures on the globe, especially painted photographs and the good old daguerreotypes, go to Elrods Main street, below Fourth. o5 dG "Vulcanite Base for Artificial Teeth possesses the following advantages over metallic plates: Tt is not more than half the weightof metal, is indestructible, and perfectly cleanly. Its extreme lightness renders it particularly adapted to filling out sunken portions of the face. To those who are wearing seta that they cannot eat with, we would ray that we will guarantee them teeth with which they can eat and wear with ease and comfort. Please call at our office, on Fifth street, next door to the Cathedral, and examine specimens.

All other dental operations carefully performed. diawtf FITZ FULTON. tTlIRONIC CATARRH, OR BRONCHITIS. Boston, June 7, 1855. Fur several years I have suffered from a Catarrhal Ajfection consequent upon bronchitis.

I tried various remedies without relief. The system appeared failing under repeated attacks. I made a trial of the PERUVIAN SVRUP, ami soon found decided improvement. It ia now six months since I had any attack, and I am no doubt adding my experience to that of others that tbe PERUVIAN SYRUP produced this favorable change. FRANCIS DANA, M.

D. Peruvian Syrup is a solution of protoxide of iron, a new discovery in medicine and strikes at the foot of disease by producing healthy bloody tbe source of all vitality in tbe human organism. For sale bv all Druggists. CARY A TALBOTT, o5 Agents, Louisville. NEW FLOUR, FISH, AND PRODUCE HOUSE.

200 bbls of that celebrated end well-known Four Ace Flour expressly for the cttjrtrade. 500 bbls Various Brands Fancy Family. 8.000 bbls Various Brands Extra Family. 1.000 bbls Various Brands Superfine, to arrive. I have at ell times a superior article of- the beet brands efjtentr.

Groce rymen end baker will find tt te their luterwt to buy where they can depend on always getting good article, and not good one time and bad tbe next. All I sak is a fair trial. 50 bbls (new) Labrador Herring, to arrive. 800 bbls (new) Virginia, end Baltimore Herring, to arrive. 50 bbls (new) Mees Shed.

100 bbls (new) No. 2 Mackerel. 1,600 bbls White Fish, to store. 800 bbls Lake Herring, a fish that no retailer should be without. 2.000 bush Prime Fall Barley Molt in store aud for sale low to close consignments.

5.000 bush Northern Oats, to arrive. 15.000 bush Com, to arrive. I dtf DXSD. On the th inrtsnt, VrEniMia Yartrs, aged sventcen year and eight month. -Friend end acquaintance are Invited to attend her funeral thi evemne at 8 ocicck, from the nwidenec of W.

F. Rnhe), on 'Washington street, between Shelby sod Campbell street. In this city, on the 8th at ft o'clock A. Mr. Assrsv M.

Latham, late of Mieeiooirpi. I irMempht (Teun.) papers aud Florence (Ala.) Go-ette please copy. rreaklii Zuuraace Oompuy. OF LOUISVILLE. Office, corner of Main sod Bullitt streets, second story of Newcomb's Bulldtug.

Entrance on Mala street. THIS Uompsuy continues to make Insurance against the 1 7 penis of usvtpstio on ships, eg steem-beettc end their car os also against loss by tire on vessels and steamboat and la pert, and on hnu and content. JAMES TRABLK, Prebdeot gREAHAM HITS, Secretary. WCTooa. Wm.

Curtin S. LlUwow, Wm G.y, Wm. Hiurheo, John W. Andonoo. Gwr O.

Li Samnel L. Nock, Warren Newcomb, James R. Wilder ispfi HfX FIItE INSURANCE! BY JOHN NITJIK. heCCWty firs nwmsri compajiy. No.

Pin. tnet.N.w Ywk. Cub Coital 40Wt TM Company doea buaiiMaa on th mutual plai -tuniinf to tha pulivhoLbn thraeAourth of th off I Vk'i NHC KA COMPANY, No. Wall tra.t. Non horfc.

Capital and Surplus NOSKTAtK FlfctR LNKURANCE COMPANY. No. lu Wall stieot, New York. Capital and Surplus S1S4.00. ATLANTIC FIRS IN HU RANGE OoMtPANV No.

14 Walfstree New York. Capital and ftcikUHX. PARK FIRS INSURANCE CO JAP ANY, No. fto Wall street. New York.

Capital and $1,000. Tbe endsntgDsd, Agent ef toe tbst yaltable Companies, will do general Fire iosman business et the lowest sstab llshed rates. Losses, ss usual, promptly and paid. He solicits a return of tbs patronage I of the public JOHN MUIR. Iunnanv.

WfUdtf adjusts of his I SS street, opposite Bank Louvtsville. of his former friends business, and of the public ally. J( fw" Office st Jdfcwas Inswrsnec CASKS SPERM OIL for sals by Sto EDWARD WILDER, 448 Main st remedial exportation this foul disorder trom the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive cousinueuces, ileuce it should be employed for the cure of not only scrotula. but also those ottu-ratfoctlous nhichaiiae from it, such Eruptive and Skiu Dischs'-s, St. Authonys Fire, Rose or Erj sipelas.

Pimples, Pustules, Biotcluv, and Boils, Tumora, Tetter and Balt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Svphilitic and Mercurial Dis-eates. Dropsy, Depsia. biiity, and, indeed, all complaints arising from vitiated or impure blood. The popular belief in "imiiurity tj the MixarTia founded in truth, for scrofula la a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Bai-sap-iriUa is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without whhh sound Health is ixu possible iu coutamiuated coustitutioiis.

Ayers Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OP A FAMILY PUYSIC, are composed that disease within the range of their acti. can rare! ifhstand orevade tliem. Their properties search and cUanse and invigorate every portion of the human nrgauisro, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. At a conaeiiuence ot these properties, the invalid who i toed down with pain or physical debility ie to find his health or energy vectored by remedy at once eo simple sud inviting. Not only do they cure the everv-day complaints of everybody, but alco many formidable and dangerous diseases.

The ageut IhjIow named is pleased to furnish gratis niy American Almanac, c-mtaimug certificate of their cures and directions for their use iti tlie following complaints: Costivcne. llrartbHm Headache arimno from duorderni Stomach. Artuaeo. IndiotJttion. Pam in and Morbid Inaction a the Boteel.

Flatulency. Lose tt' A i Jawuhce. and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or ohatruction ofdte function. ATEH'3 CHSHK7 PECTOHA1- PUR TUg RAPID CURB OF Ongha Coltls, Influenza, llourwenemt. Croup, Hronrhitls, Inoiniout i'oneumixioii, ami for the relief of oiiMuinpiivc lalitftus In tuW viuicrtl stages of Ihe ilioease.

So wide lii the field of it ut'fuluefw and so numerous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abouuds iu persons publicli known wlio havs been restored from alarming aud oven desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape owervatton, and where its virtues are knowu, tlie pubt uo longer hesitate what antidote to employ fort' distressing and dangerous affi-ttions of the put-mosarv organs that are incident to our climate. VShil mauy inferior remedies timist upou the community have failed aud been discariled, this has gained friends by every trial, couft-rred benefits on tne attach'd they can never forget, and produced cures too uumeruus aud too remarkable to be iorgutten. PREPARED BY im. J.

V. AVEIt Ac LOWELL, Price, 1 per Bottle; Mix Bottle for 83, All ottr remedies are fbr sale by R. A. Robinson A Co. and 8utcliffo A Hughes, Louisville; Sulre, Eckstein, A Ok.

Cincinnati; Barnard A St. IjOiiw: and by all pealsra everywhere. iyjt IklvHHlSeivftn Tbonaends ore dally speaking In the pralee of DU. EATONS INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? because tt never Stnl to ajford innHmtanetm rthej when given in tarns. It acts as tt by magic, aud one trial alone wiU convince you that what we soy ts true.

It eootalns NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of emy kind, and therefore relieves by remomne the euf-fenny of your imtead of by dealcnmy its ecu-btlitir. For rcaeoo it commends as the only reliable priaratiou now knowu for hiliircs Ted b-ln, Diarrhcn, llyscuiery, tiripiug In the Ifowels, Aciihty of Ibe Momacb, iiid. Cold in ihe Head, and ('rmipt almx for Piteniny the gurus, mivciny inffammation. reoulattny the BoieeU, and re-lumny pain, it has no eitual-heiu au ana-epagtnodte, it is ued with ui uhne eueees in ail cases of ton-xthden or other l'ita. A voh value thel'e and henUhnfymtr children, and was fo mve them from the md ond btichtinc eonepience wfttcft are certain te remdtjrvm th nee nareotie ef which ether nrme-die fer In tantHe Complaint are eempeoed.

take none bat lr. Eatons InfniHile t'ordlal thie you can rs-ly upon. It te perfectly harmlrea, and cannot injnre the most delicate infant. Price 9ft cents. Full direction tcaMUMQy each bottle.

Prepared only by VHVUCU dk HVTUST, No. 4to Broadway, New York. Beatthy ho man Blood upte being ja.NAr.Yzni always pr erects ns with thw mms eseentiw! elemrots and gives of rourae tlie Trur Mawlnrd. Anal-e tlie Blood of a person wittering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dpcjade, Scrotula, and we had in wa ry instance certain acjicicncrc in the ttd globvh ot Blood. Supply three defirieiisea, end yois- axe mods well.

The lliood Food is founded upon this Theory hence Iks astonishing success. There in Five Preparations adapted to the deficiencies of the Btoodtn different dH rases. For CosglM, CoMn, Bronrhilia, or any affeo-txe whatever ef the Thrwmt or l.anjra inducing Coo-uttipxfoe, use No. 1. which is also the No.

for Dsprre-aion ef Mrba low ef Aptvtkc, aud for all Chrenk ComplHlnts arising from Orrr-Vxs, Dfn-erml Itebklity, and Nmous Ihettratkw. No. 3 for I Aver Cowiplebita, No. for llyspsiwin. ino otreaay prepared or ohm rpftVra.

Takes by limps and owned immediately into the eimtlatiao, so that what you yain you retatn. The No. 4 is tor Keren le I rregalarkirs, llyxteria, IVsaknurea, Ar. See eperisl direetiene foirthk. For halt Kbfimt, Krup-ussa ekenfsloae Kidney, end IKInaLde Coro-iHgirift.

take New ft. ta all csss the dinstiom mod be strictly followed. Price of the liisok Kneel dl per bob- Sold bf CIU KUH A DUPONT. No. 4tft Broadway, New York.

O. J. WOOD A 8t Loo is. Mo. Wholesale Agents ftor the West.

RAYMOND A TYLER, Whole! an Retail Agents, Louisville, Ky. And all respectable Druggist threagbont tbe mm-ttw. narM dfwtowecrwly Wssiegton Insurance tooipasy OF iXltMSVILLK, KY. Chartered Capital 500.000. Faid ia and secured 2 O.OOO.

Office, north side of Main street, near Bocood, ever th store of H. P. 8eally. RISKS token Shipments bydlEAMBOATS, by YES-SKLS at Sea. aud by the urnul modes ef inLaad transports- afro, on Hnlis end xppnrtenxnces ef Steam boats, D1IUSLTORS.

B. P. 8celly, J. F. Howard, Fa Owsley, (I.

W. Wtcka, Frank Carter, W. Bnrkhardt, J. H. LtadenbergsCt W.

M. Ward. WM. JARVIS, Prerideot, Jen, tt, MBA. WM.

ROSS. Secretary. Fire Insurance IES0LCTI mi INSriASCI CO, if Sit firi. Capitol paid In and R3dK.ftS 5S. L0EILLAB9 JIM ISSL1AXCS CO, Nv fork.

Capital paid hi end suylut. Tv RISKS token in Utme reliable Coetpanba Hnthrings and VT-rr) Contents. ijfktoES promptly 1 fij paid according te adjustment uUmtiune by LOUldVLLLE REFEKKF. UU Ulk or aimtrmtfov WM. ROSS, Agent.

Offiee. nertb side eCMaln. -nrer Second, over thrgtbrraT p. grallv. CONGRESS WATER A larae supply ef unerte ex pints In store end for sale by le by IJUUS J.

S. MOj SONS, Metast. direct attention to the programme Mr. Whipple concert, to take place at MaA Vitc Temple this evening. It is a programme of gi vat excellence-attractive to every class of music- Lver containing gems from various schools of rt.

It is indeed a popular programme, as all will coiceje after its perusal. The ladies and gentlemen sing to-night are all amateurs, pupils of Mr. Sevefal of these have already been beard with delight at the Mozart Society and Musical Fund Concerts. The voices of others will be entirely new to the hearera. Were we allowed to publish the names, we should present such an array of native vocal talent as has been rarely introduced.

We are indebted to Mr. Whipple fbr much service -in the causi of good music, and we trust that this effort will prove as decided a success as all bis previous ones. New Mrsie. We have received from the publishers, Tripp a very elegantly executed sheet of music with lithographed vignette entitled he Kay of Love Polka. The movement seems a very pretty one and Is the composition of Will.

S. Hayes. The fervor of the compoeer baa doubtless been inspired by the yonng lady to whom the Polka is dedicated, who is aaid to be one of these sweet buds of beauty for which ear Ktate is celebrated. and, like the ladies of old, wbe stimulated the koights to deeds of valor, the poets to loftier inspiration, and the troubadours to more melodious strains. Thkathb.

On account of some railroad detention, Miss Annette Inoe did not reach the city in time to perform last night. She will however 'be here to-day and appear this evening in the bill arranged for her first appearance, and we anticipate that her engagement will be a highly profitable ami pleasant one. We were mUtakmi yeaterdiy la supposing. that she bad never appeared 8ho has previously acted in Louisville and received great praise for her elocutionary taste aud graceful conceptions of character. Akrkstki.

A man wa a taken into custody yesterday by Officer Crofoot or the char gw of stealing a coat and some other clothing, together with tea dollars in money from a farm-house tea miles from the city. He will have an examtna-tioa to-day. -1 La uc kxt. A man named John 8tuncbey bras arrested by Officer Chaa. Junot yesterday with a shirt and some jewelry in his possession stolen from the store of Mr.

J. F. Dennis, on Market street, between Sixth and Seventh. The accused was lodged in jail. Ixterkst Paid.

The October interest on the houtlaof the city of Louisville issued to the Public Schools, and to the Louisville and Nashville RalU road Company, was paid at the Mercantile Bank In New York on the 1st. SJTeeterday was the anniversary of the death of John Hanco*ck, which event occurred on October 1793; sixty-seven years ago. And yet how green and fresh are the laurels which bloom around bis name end fanfo! travelling sharper stole a shawl from Louisville omnibus In New Albany on Sunday evening, and afterwards picked a ladys pocket on the ferry-boat. He then made Us escape. gyA vote taken on the Nashville can yesterday resulted Bell 33, Douglas 9, Breckinridge 8..

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.