The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

IT LCM8DEX, EKVDALL CO. eee. viuiniwi sirs a. ewu rrr. MtHMartow aPaari hniriij Brtl Ikatrrt, am to fwtwsfy mi i at snips.

(PHMT win rnt ihitiiM wlM tJ mtn(N an peat. aiaaniaaf nanii. Ai tlMtMMMtiOteMlttotlMMirteilnrtMkrtl. K3XY SIOSMXNO. 0.

Sppplement to To Day's Paper. 5 'Otl flBBBllal at fram Jam. at Cretan, of ocaar wt 17 rU ..47 atltsef ebotarn 13 if Brum If Cmv Fran all that we tear la streeta, It to evident thai to a eoeslderabto lauaetioe hi the aumber of cam of sickness is shVi. whflotho pnnUn illtaasa to ecknowledg has graetly abated. 'The woetlvT ooutfaaee a.

and pleasant, aad we ara lad to hope that la a tow days we shall ba abla to report the wonted goee. health of Hew Orleans. 1 i ItwmUeeen, by reference, that the reports of Tatortue la the different eemeteriea, and the pro sssmag ul too Board of Health, Justify a la the Wa m.r add, that we hone oar Mends abroad. who hare aided In spreading the alarm of a rating setfleatis In unfortunate city, will he aonanT jy Wisy signs of improveuuint fat its 3 ir' i. ir tUJOalneaadfamflyarTWlathe way ysssui nay on the steamer Empire.

rSwerold friend. Pierson Hamaer. of the Key, ao long atatkmed at Penaaeola. has reeetved cross to repair oa bodrd die V. 8.

steamer JDchl gaa, CapV Mclntoah. now lying St Erie, Pa. Tatar CkinW acknowledge tbe due ro efpt, fromoneof tibe party," of that "portion of the chain" intended for the Bmffl te wUeh wm broken by CoL at whlW efcrannb" at 1 Christian. AagwtM. 1848.

The'ralle, together with the ribbon and eard attached, shall be pronpt3y fcrwarded. fir. Ouuti 7rjL The flrt appearance for three yeara ofilA Hackatt was wttneeeed by a very large and aubionable andlenoe laat evening at tbe 81 Cfcartoe, To gA an opinkm of htr. Hacketf psisonaUoa of the Fat KntfU would be bat to reiterate what we hare written years ago it Is noltleaa, and certainly the oest oa the 1 stage. The play of "Hoary IV." was ex well ropresented thronghont Mr.

TaOdenhoff and Mr. Morton, as HMpr and Prtnm wars flarticularly efflciit In their hare of the spi asimiaU jo. This play mast be repeated. it The Foreln News. The despsseh pnbaahed by as yesterday morning wna Mrelgn nrwa bore date Baltimore, 9d taut The laatpreeedingdaapatchwae dated me 89th.

In the mtormediata time the steamer arrired. It was, a doobtj be Canard steamer of the 16th alt the Earope, and not thoAeadia, or Hermann, as at first lafarred. Oar latset despateh was posted by mail frees Baltimore to rVterabvi r. and there are. dotibta, anterior deapetehea on the route for aa, eanoiiii ting the day and hoar of the atearoer'a arri al.1 oar despateh left Baltimore, oa the Sd last, EnglUb papers' by the steamer had ranebed mat The iteamer mast, therefore, hara arrhrod at NewTorlJJne or two days pro The iarpateh pabHehed by as was eridenUy pre pared with reference to a statement of the newt 4 eon off, the day prarloasv TJpoa nore nutarely easawldei lug the detpatch.

we hay reason to beUero the fbSowtng to bo the trae measmg of a portion aatamadasppreJbeaaedbyas: Jk TO samoerssnwrioi arrired sU that to. at man 4 Ltrerpool la twelre daya. and the Acadia In thta aseOU X. Heraaana tailed for New York Doe. IS, eBb4 ntred.sofaras oar Baltimore eorree Kiw.

ua na rvo nenere fVWas Waited Btatol this season. asl Am to rarport of the foreign frs giroaby as in yeeaaraT paper, the despatch to dear and epVehaadwehat do alteration to make In it. Oim ov ITmioi wb Odd Patunrs, ComrajnoN." We hare beiure as aa interesting pabKoatkJC the abore title. It is toned weekly the dry New York, by J. Indicator, nab I Aag.

I Arnold, editor. Each aam 1 thtrty two pagea of matter. The one before aa to saost interesttarly filled. Mr. Welton.

a member of the Order of Odd Fellows, from Bald sore, to now. hi the eity as agent for this publice aaav i we fnromena him as well a the pubUea ttoa to the order. I Betrras re CaLtroairLa. In vreaoeni of yseterday we tad a short article, which seems te favor the route by the way of Corpus Chrtoti as sf greet fry to rorula a by the Crasesat wa are aware has many advo but 11 ban beea said respecting It It psepoaes attar bavtag Corpas Chrtoti to proceed by the way of Monterey, Dursngo and Sonora, and we are rather inclined to Uvor the Corpus Chrtoti reatoas probably one of tbe aaortest, least ex sa ires sad most practicable. Corpus Chrtoti to eaaDy eeeessiblajrom mis point, and from thess the route for a considerable way to quits plain and safe, far the future information of persona are wffl copy a portion of the Cnat.

The routs by Cnstres aad Panama ba fore beea generally preferred, and we have our salves that across the Isthmus of Tehu ate pen. We think, upon more mature mflM that the great dlfltoalty of procuring transport tioa across that totiunast, must preclude iu beins aiauisOy mads has of. Thereto still another rou which we have little mentioned, but which think would be toned as good, if not better than the othei we mean that by Corpas Christi. Mon terey, Darango and Sooora. The principal danger ea this road would be from' the attack of the Indiana, by whom travellinc to rendered verr nerUcna.

Small partiee of five or more could, however, go through without difficulty. As far west as Darango we know the road to ba much frequented, and we ere aeder the impression that there is aa abund ance of water ta whole way. From Sonora. the saaHtei of the Etata of the same name, it would be ary to strtxe north to Urn Cladad de ios An the eanital of Aba CaUfanite. at which bIim traveQer tada himself again upon American Ha ean tlwn m.V.

tt. nwitiYn togty, and preeaed either to Monterey or Saa Fraa tocrlnatloa may dictate. Baggage, ZSLF? "kee: mast be earrtoSTby irpaa Chrtoti are abandaat and CL.TB,0 slsobe procared there aw pnee. at a very low prion. weIlslaParto.

earn saaaiu aiaiw Dl no earor Tnnrinn 1 a ewe fa tewarfa the oen are. Bsasnatog fronv eaaaaa known to exist, he VI i That the whole Interior portion of tbe not affirm! Wv aee aiiirwlai aa4 pteeed aeyend ZL? luew. tnae, are laey to Sseeoanted for Tbe thanr. yevtuent aome yeara at ace, that they are eeased by no ton tf tmmanae coaitxds, la parfeetlv uJ Uaottrely shandoead. All the coal to the ouio uora niei aaongn lor a ainvie cani.

ri uioe os Vesuviaa. We must kiok UiWii 4 1 aava Sat buie doubt that the whole rests on I k.jiW electrto sad galvanic prnannlae waiehl ase eoaaaantiy in eperaaoa la ma earth. Lyell does not regard the theory es foaaded oa suffletont date, which teaehea the doctrine that whoto eerfk to a asae of i of a tow atothlckaeexManoeteraow.t ner are ever Qrree bnadred active! onoee anowa to exist hot these ase to be StridlT Wat mnA mtnat frn'tMr aad toaar''T. than ha aattlaea at rmmm of mUe, reelnlng from a tu fua an nut thmmm eox Froibaaor encoarse ue eomfbrt tJ the frtr shell oa which, we five to i.n.itKt 3 handed milee tUck, and Bttls Cii'Ubt. a eavtoraad tot ae dree mtothe aw a (rant pan iu is aa ocean ol aiuie4 by violant wmds, uough I dan 1.

aul I Mild Mvhla hmL. kw aaaeeeav Taa Ihtets rnansnlsi wuh Ui to the 1 Vste. to Telcgnphed to ftejUwOrleiM Piciynne. The two following despatches, like the one pah. Bahed by as yesterday morning With toe fereiga aews, were seat from Baltimore to Petersburg by the mail, and thna in tome manner got tbe stert of odmr dsp stcaes whV rreaat mnsVaare been prepared for as oaths and lat.

'J. 5 Wow Tork Bfawk0ta. Bawn Qajt, rassdsy light, Jan 1 Cotton Hew York was imprbrmg today aade the news Sales weremade of 1000 bales. Upland to quoted at 7 fenjyents a alight adranee. floor and grain, sales of rice worn made at a small adranee.

One undoubted case of cholera occurred in the city of New York to4ay. Cotton adraaead in Philadelphia to dav I ftghth to WouaxterJ 5 X. i 4, Seco espatch. tn Csjawreaalaastl, iJ BAX.Taroaa, ea. In the grasi i a bin was in trodaoad for the appointment of a board of com.

mlasioners to examine and settle aO rlalmi agatnat the Goremment. Mr. Dooglaat introduced a reao mtion, which was adopted, instructing the Finance Committee to inquire into the expediency of baring gold dollars coined. Nothing else of interest. In the Antse, the day was spent in the consider atioa of the Appropriation bill and a bill to appoint commissioners oa claims.

The OeTeraaaesK to the CaWonfauM. la the Northern papers we find a long official letter addressed by the Secretary of State, nominally to the Post Office sgeat for California, bet really to the Callfornians themsehres. It is among the documents accompanying the President's mes age. We extract from it a few pasaages: Tbe President deeply regrets that Congress did not at their tote session establish a territorial for eminent for California It would now be Tain to enter into tbe reasons for this omission. Whatever they may have been, he is nrmly convinced that Congress feel a deep interest in the welfare of California and its people, and will, at aa early period of the next session, provide for them a territorial government suited to their wants.

Our lawa relating to trade and Intel com ae with tbe Indians will then be extended over them cus tom houses will be established for tbe collection of I the revenue, ana uoersi grants 01 una wui be made lea those bold and patriotic citizens who amid pri vations mma eanawa ani emigrated or anau emi srato to that TerritotV from the States on this aid ot tbe Rocky Mountain In the meantime, the condition of the omnia California to anomaloaa, and will require on their part the exercise of great prudence and discretion. By tbe conclusion of the treaty of peace, the military government which was established over them, by the lawa of war, as recognised by all civilized nations, has ceased to derive its authority from this source of po wer. But is there for this reason, no governmenr uaniorniat Are life, liberty, and property under the protection of no existing authority A ms would be a singular phenomenon in the face of the world, and especially among American citizens, distinguiseed aa they are above all other people for their law abiding character. Fortunately wey are not reoneea to tnta condition. The frml.

"sttoa ot the war left an existing governments government Jttcto in full operation and this will continue, with the presumed consent of the people, anal Congress shall provide for them a territorial The a overnment da facto wtTl nf else no power inconsistent with the provisions of ui kuc umtea BEStnS. Vh1Jh Am h. supreme law of the land. For this reason, ao im. port duties ean be levied in California on articles tbe STowth.

Drodaee. or msnnfaRtnra nfth TTnj. States, aa no such duties ean be imposed in any other part of our Union on the productions of Calt foreia. Nor eaa new duties ha ehanpMl in n.uri. such foreign productions aa have already paid au nes in any other norta of antrr.

fnr reason that California to within the territory of the United States. I shall tun Jeethowever, as the Secretary of the Treasury win r.T.hL?rwid5n! "reBtly "dvises the people of California to Uve peaceably and quietly under the existing government. He believes that this will promote their lasting and best interests. If it be wy coura aesire sua had a right to expect, they can console themselves with the refleo uoo tnat WIU endare hnt Should th attempt to change or amend it daring irnwi proiwny couia not ao. J1 tholr object before the government established tiy Congress would go into operation.

"oecndme the country would be agitated, the citizens would be with twn from their usual employment, and domestic strife mlo tit Hi4t xuinnta tbe people against each other and this in to eublUn government which in no eon. eeivable contingency could endure for a sinrle Duaring bHef is better to bear nicy we, wan ay to otnera that they kno not 01. Psneni prosperity of any new country to wentifted with the perfect security of iu land tiUea. Prudenrmen will be deterred trom nlrri.t to State or Territory where they notobtai disputable title, and must eonamnmnHv k. tbe danger of strife and litigation la resDectto anil hi.

whiK A 11 8 l1' It is fortunate, therefore, that Congress alone. i tuniuiouon, poasesaee the nower to i ri mane au need nil rules and lecula tiona respecting the territory or other property belonging to tbe United States. latbeexercS wua power tne resident ta convinced that the emigrants will receive liberal donations of thTpu Ue ItUlilge. Although. Congress have not established a terri.

tonal sovernment for the mnnU nt r.i.ri. have not been altogether unmindtul of theirinter The benefit of our noat offie i mem. ana you will bear with von an. jw. wW vrihu tuu aa rostmaster General to provide for tnaconVtanoe of public information and private eorrespohdence amongst themselves, and between tnem ana the dozens of Oregon, and of our Stems east of the Rocky Mountain The monthly the line from Panama Astoria have befifl required to atop and deliver "fJJ1 8 Diego, San Francisco and Monterey." These steamers, connected by the Isthmus of Panama with those on the between New York and Chagrea, will keep up angular communication arlth California Hoes to all those who desire to emigrate to that The necessary' armroprlations bam i auade by Congress to msintaln troops in California protect Us inhabitants against all attacks from a civilized or savage foe, and it wOl afford the Pre aiaeui peculiar pleasure to perform the dutv lirarnnrlw serf kJT4i ywaj aaseae, vugy KxHTUcxr U.

8. 8xRAroa Tbe Lexinrton Ob server of the 28th nit, speaking of the approaching we jveniucsy legislature, makes the muowing remarks prove highly interesting will be ctwn oi a Senator to tbe Senate ot the Unl say evsy prove highly interesting because ws ootaider that thenreeeotetian of th5 7. a candidate, with his consent, retard controrWta fW.j!. We know nothing of Mr. ature would be rnwresi777Mi toed to soeak"0 of them, and author is not our province ta n.b r.i ,1 r.

ClaVa return aLZ propnoty oi of hi. feme renown. hTwuTw conclude for himself with XWiLwe which ao often brin mdgnv his tends, the LeirUlsture Jowieate ex. WHWOO IB gjaea atSBMIf ggA vB earn 1 gratifioatloB elect hii la the event that rn. 1.

be printed, there to TgoodTeilof speculation as to the result, gro win ouS euuarpoaiaon of Gov. Crittenden. ThereTeemain WB1J ul aaio witn conn wbe back to the If Got. Crittenden consults Us tm h.t the wishes of the people of Kentucky, it is our de liberate convtedoa that he should remain in the office to which he haa been so honorably elevated paojMa, unjesa ae annua give to the Umin. "ration of Gen.

Taylor his splendid abilities, by Sa aeeawtaitia nf a nlaM Im Mm n.KI... b7 haa not enlarge upon the subject, nh "PPoae, will, at a very early period, act tetueuv tjH: "trasica oy AjrcsMxjrrs. The Ber. 77 "are Ba llZLTr mmSb)m thing tia follows, fat die v.r vl tenverea tneotner.evenlng ff th. r'aMaoie to seusfl morals.

yoaag "a provided with harmless and v. tuous amu CL reatiBaT" ami would have videos aad much afraid that their ehflAavAwirf, ZJZ Aat they would act tattiteaderSnsSS. waea.they obuined their hbert SbltSrrST te senee: VST setf todui JSS? ooitea aomt atioa tendered tby the Iocrate theti European 6ouip. nriaMxWaUliLsnars tDthaUnagJian," Pasts. fee.

10, 1848 lAoUag to. foreign affairs, we are intent on toa struggle between the King of Prussia and the Assembly st Rerun, waernartial law has beea decreed irffU.5 most rigorous and eompreheaaive text That city to the focus of German anarchical philosophy and action too most intense jacobinism In the world to believed to reign there it is the ren oezvous or toe ene xJemocrats of tne wnoie the ConfinWras eomnoaedof delegates from all the clubs, and tbe minorities of sll the Na tional Assemblies. Rhenish Prussia, and most of tbe msnufactnrinf towns and centres, ara deeply Imbued with Communism, and ripe for every kind of disorder and excess. Serious, if not protracted conflicts must ensue, and resentments long foster. whatever the proximate issue.

Let it be understood, by the way, that European democracy is not akin to the American that the latter to in no manner or measure responsible for either its theory or practice. We. have a new eomis opera, in three. acts; words by St George, music by Halevy tbe author 01 xar jvtaa. oegot raptures at me ares rep re night sentation, and has filled theatre every The critics pronounce it a cktf ftruart in every re spect Berlios observes: "This brilliant wore enough for the glory of any composer, an 4 gjarfor tune oi any theatre." Twenty thousand eepiea haveJ sold of the three volumes of Jerome Patfi ftm of th Ben of Republic a burfessof the wole French republican A trsnilstion, or aaVphrsse, of ifacbetJk, assisted by excellent stpae devices, draws crowds to the Odeoa the meetre of the Faubourg Saint Ger main and the schools.

It to decided in thefterfUs ttnu that the French drama approaches near to the original in all merita, aad no one needs now to visit London in order to see Shabpsare's master pieee. There are five acta in verse, eleven tableaux, and witches and ghosts are pot in high relief. Mac duff exptoa along with AfacoatA. The versifier, Desehamps, remarks that he has merely ackenilii 8hakspeare that is, cleared away the cstte pillars. LeKoove, who lectures at the eolles of France.

has published a goodly octavo, of which the purport la the present condition of the French women, according to lawa and manners, and comoared with what it was of yore, and what it might be rendered. Ue represents tne weaker sex aa the rmtnt anf. ferert in the poorer classes, and oa the whole, the most unhappy in the rich and fashionable. He regards the theory of "a perfectly free woman as the worst possible." addinr. I would rathar an In the subjection which she now endures, than licensed wiuioui noma.

The TatfJr Francoim has ita nuiwtin anl Inm. tive novelty in a comedy of five acts, entitled Ze mum at locAtixeu. tne old sse ot the dnka ao fa. moaa for his military prowess and amatory ex. pious rrenca tnemoirs.

a critic ta tne Moni rear uateersef tustiy describes it in these terms lnemeee la ao Indecent that examined In Ita plot and text simply, it would seem utterly insdmis sioie tor tne stage. No one now pretends that our theatre to a school of morality bat if our comedy will not help morals, it might at least remain neu tral, ana not tena to aestroy tnem." voiaures ceieoratea castle, rernev. baa been sold to a rich Jeweller of Paris. He has restored the poet's furniture to the rooms, and authorizes the sale of tickets of admission, of which the proceeds are destined for the poor of the neighborhood. The French savants occuot themselves much with applications of science to practical benefits.

n. as vtaacreiases ass conceived and exnlained means of doubling or tripling the quantity of fishes in we pooas ana rivers, ana in the seas near the coasts. The processes are not difficult nor uncertain. He dilates on the abundance of azott fantri. tion) in fish diet The Academy of Sciences has approved the form of cbuUiotcova.

an inatrnment tn determine the quantity of alcohol in wines and all tne spiruuous oeveracea. it detects all tiona of the liquors, and is of easy use in any hands with common intelligence. The library of the arsenal has lost his oldest and moat tamoos functionary. M. RtooUet as ed ninetv.

two. He served In it fifty two yeara, and was called we untf catalogue, tie could put his band on any one of tbe two hundred thousand volumes. He endeared himself to his collearues and all tbe frequenters of the institution, by constant good bu awr, ana tne utmost alacrity in turnuhlng any book and any literary information requested. Leverrier ooened nis course of asunnomw aith Sorbonne, on the 13th inst His class waa very large. He stated it to be his purpose to exhibit.

not tne present situation of astronomical science Dut tne dimcuiues or the stuihr. daU lium4n. from the very progress; snd to teach how they might be overcome. He added aomarfine remarks on the singular constellations the nebulm, the millions and billions of cluttered start, of which the naked eye can scarcely rive an idea. Sir John tchel, in a paper read before the Royal Society of lAfljuun, assigns places of two tnousand Eve hundred nebui and clusters of stars of which five hundred were discovered from the time of Sir William.

Mnch to expected from the Meckaniqui Celeste of Leverrier. He lectures cent amors and wun a superior elocution. Tbe toll at the Paris rates on mm baa Kaon abolished aa too injurious to the venders atacturera within they were undersold at eatah. lishments outside. A hundred millions of pounds ra unnwrai annaaiiy, ot wntcn tne domestic consumption Is supposed to be twenty four.

The rest is eens oacx to the provinces or abroad by the refiners, confectioners, and so forth. A block of red porphyry has been received from Ruatia, at Havre, for the slab or cover of the tomb oi napoieon. II weicns ninety thousand pounds. Msdemoisellnieorge still keeps the stage in deep tragic cnaracters, such as Lucre tia Borgia. 8he must oe eetween sixty ana seventy yeara of age.

I witnessed ner sdmlrsble performances in 1808, When she was at tbe haad nf raawwlv handsomest of the Paria actresses. Her nerson haa srown unwieldv. and bar nntin, mnM K. uwne oniy oy a rrench audience. 8ome time ago a congress of the provincial press waa held at Tours.

Thirrcnitut Legitimists, Moderate Bepnblicana, compoaed it The proteased object was to procure for the Pro iTouex snare ot political action and influence, and" to maintain tha tTL rj' VI uio uj we nation, agatnat the pretentions and factions of the capital." To these ends they pledeed themaelvea separating, they arreed to cry, not sins to rembli, BUM l.nfr I. "rf 1 1 iwm. incj estaousuea a per manent Committee. Who mat fa Paris i. iu and have just issued an address In relation to the prcauumwup oi me nepuouc, wnerein they utterly repaaiate uen.

uaraignac, and formally adopt Louia Napoleon Bonaparte. Some dealers in lescAct were heavily fined last week for selling them gorged. They admitted the fact, bat added that all the other venders did the same. The purveyors of milk plead that they put no more water in their pails than the universal custom warrants. In the nonular drama of Nannlawm anil JnM four acta are made up by her supplications sgainst a divorce, and his extreme distress, tender aenai Duny, ana reluctant Bearing or his leas scrupulous retinue of politicians.

He to admirably mimicked by the actor who neraonataa him In mwmrw This morning (lth November) I counted at one newspaper stall thirteen new penny journals the me vipers ion rue, and, doubtless, toe venom or the contents suite the title. The first paces ot the article of the Edinhnnrh Wal pole's letters to the Countess of Osaory treat of the distinction due to men of letters, and of the position and power of journals a very interesting theme. If journalists could but regard themselves ss refined gentlemen snd true patriots in the lartest sense, and write accordingly, tney would finally even in Great Britain attain social rank with the highest classes. The very cheap newspaper press, and the very frequent exciting elections, do not favor this advancement The disquisitions of the Edinburgh Review oa the state of Earope, though worthy to be read, are inferior to those of the London Quarterly. It was Gibbon.

I think, who remarked: 'The romance of Tom Jones, that nquisiio picture or numan manners, will outlive we paiace 01 tne eecurial aad the Imnerial aavU of the house of Austria." As times go, the fulfil. mens or wis preaiction seems much nearer than ne couia nave lmattned It to be. The honaa Austria, however, to proverbially lucky ita military streasth to scarcelv HtniiiUK The two most potent of the anarchical journals ue ay rroaaoon, who stands at the head of the fanatical visionaries and diaorguntoers the price to five dollars per annum the other to wa wo democratic ana Boast Kevoiuaon.and irons a numerous association who have "democratic press" has just iil the ModerateTerty'twit of the constitution to wibtttons hsranxnaa.j?bJy' mtlmr two inThSafJ Wch, ve the finiah. pretext of kfTXS1 Senate. Cadet owe province, herder 6' SJmlS Therare sloas of the eonJTTL'll? Provt It eras not oinchuly annonnced that the afi to th.

noforld 00 "7 amuyene myaelt, like aoet of the bahabltents wasw ataruea oy aad imagtoed sa inawrrection la eoaae Under the same fear the boulevards soon crowoea WUB lnonlrara. Tna narr the journalists sfiirmed thaUhe silence of the Gov eraaseas was intentinaml 1 a a ai whether the faubourgs were disposed to break out ow vj sTBapawy wiu eaepposM toot, the AfMitsar infomad mm tk, aasticaterstrtodtovmtoaeeaeiBi ihavnmhaar the tele that the aaflUary ssnaorities weta arins: ttoeteltet qnes, ao tof th were aml wantrasea ta ne tent journala, that at the grand eeretnonlal of the ptoaBnlgatioa of cowetirution oa Sunday tost. 1 Mm tne UDormg eiatsrt the eoacout besides the etvil and militarv aotlarae. Thtotoaatrae. I was to toe suiddleef the Ptocs da Omearda between 10 aad ill, then the throng was Hum nan wpwnaai a the ex4e IncWeenry of the wentiter.

the sroeps and the N. 'ial Guards appeared in and qnlptuait before 7Jk. '2 4 o'ckjckTwe ssw under as from riadows on tbe Ra da MMi, aa unremitting stream ps sengers to tbe msgniilcent eoitetoted of the working mea. 1 times to the persons Bear ma. sneh a munltndeot Stensts oa any one day ta tne sweets pose.

xt affca pnbMe Paaaala. rynas taaH.T. Joaraalof Osawrsce waa the revert of the Commissioner of the General Land Office it appears that tbe public do main comprises, as nearly ss can be estimated from official data, 1,440217,197 acres. This much remained of the property of the country on tbe 30th September tost, after having disposed of 143.036,003 aerea. Tbe States iu which this domain He are Ohio.

Indiana, Illinois. asouri, Miaetasippi, LoaiawBa, mo. Arxanaaa, Iowa. Wisconsin and Florid 'Te great body of It lies in the Territories 6f the Mississippi river sad east of the Rocky Mountains, and in Oregon, New Mexico ana upper vauiorate. Tbe quantity remaining several States to ss follows of In the A Michigan.

Wisconsin Iowa Mississippi 076 097.296 Florida .36.137.137 The have beea aim entirely com pleted in io, Indiana, Hi Arkansas, Mlssie tip pi and Alabama, an rare rapidly drawins to a close in Mich! sissouri and Florida. There have hsetTbronght into rket daring the past acres. mated that about 1U.4W acres wUl be for sale daring the present year. in 1B47 the quantity of land sold was U2L30S acres, and tile amount of purchase' money was $3,296,404 06. During the flianvgreo quarters of iea tne quantity soaaBanv x.44&24a snd toe par chase The whole quantity oispoaea ofounng tnese penoas, by sate and loca tion ot bounty land warrants, was 5,8 IM wnoie number of Mnrlrnii naff warrants la.

sued up to November Vas 43,174, em braclns aeraeTf land. The whola nnm. ber of regulars satrvolunteers entitled to bounty lands to men. It results, therefore. that 46,826 warranta remain to be issued.

The estimated reeeinta of cash, on aeeonnt of tne saies 01 nuoue lanaa. lor tne nacal Tear andlns the 30th of June, 1849. are stated at 2,834,700 and tor toe nacal year ending the JUth of Jane, 1850. 2:407,500. Under the act of July 11.

1846. the whola of the reserved lands In the 8tstes of Illinois, Arkansas, Wisconsin, lows, supposed to contain mines of lead ore." have been offered for sale at nnhlle auction, and but a very small proportion sold ss mineral lands." Tbe portions still remslninr as. sold have become subject to private entry," at the oram ary minimum of CI 25 per acre; and the leasina system haa been entirely abandnaad. aa an. profitable to the Government and injurious to the settlement ana improvement ot the country.

i ue saies 01 tne mineral lanat in tne L.ake.Hn. perior district, in Michigan, and in tbe Chippewa district in Wisconsin, have fallen far short of what naa been anticlDtted. There have haan anld 8.480,88 acres, 'amounting to 126.242 37. It to recommendj ftst the price of those lends be reduced to the ordinary minimum of 91 25 per acre. The extevadpa of the preemption privilege to recommended, to all actual settlers on public lands, whether surveyed or not, to which tbe Indian title naa been exnngalsned.

The cession of swamp lands to tbe States hi which they lie, to recommended also a like cession of sll public lands when the quantity remaining in tbe State does not exceed one million of acres. Tbe question of the boundary between Missouri and Iowa to still pending before tbe Supreme Court and in relation to those between Arkansas ana Louisiana, and between Georgia and Florida, no action naa yet oeen naa by congress. The following burlesque upoo the accounts irom Ualllornia we find in the N. Y. Globe 1 Jjatar Irom tka Soma Rurtona.

A tnlamnhlx despatch to tbe N. Y. Globe, which maenad n. I.r. tost evening, gives the infqrmstioa that the Mormons have round an extensive deposite of spermaceti on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada, and tne enure population, who bad located them selves on the southern abore of the Great Salt i.ase, nave left their homes for this remsrkable placer." This mine is said to be inexhaustible, is supposed to form the arand reservoir iron.

whence the volcanic mountains in that raaiwi receive the fuel which keeps them in continual action. 1 allow dips are, in cod sequence, at a discount, nobody talking of any thing bat spermaceti. 1. uuiy oe accouotea lor by tbe supposition that long before the present aorisina of the fiiarrn Nevada, and while the entire continent waa aub merged perhaps aa far back aa Noah himself this location waa a favorite spawning ground of the sperm whale, and that through a peculiar gahrame action of the elements, an immense bed of real spermaceti, haa been formed. The excitement is saia to oe tremendous.

1HB Cbolkxa at Tbtsodsuxv The Thtbo. daux Minerva of the 30th alt says It haa become our painful duty to announce that the Asiatic cholera is now amons na. Thm already been three deaths in our village from that disease all negro si arcs. We leant this morning that two white persons were attacked, but they are not considered dangerously ill the disease having beea treated in Us first stage. All we can urge on our citizens as a nrasantariaa f.

terrible scourge of the human family, is temperance and resnlar habits and. above all, not to be alarmed. With a proper degree of prudence, we appir ucuu any aaoger, 8mrwBKCK anb Loss of Lire. The Swedish brig Kronprinceamn, bound from Stockholm for new 1 ore, with a cargo of iron, for H. Hsblcht, waa airanaea on tne renins af tha Uih nit Carteret on the coast of North Carolina.

Soon after she struck, her decks were swept of the boatt and au otner moveables. After remalnlnw three days, daring which time the vessel held to gether, bat got buried deep in the sand, tbe neon le on shore succeeded in sending a boat oa board, la wmca tne matter, (Uapt Bholor.) the first ana one passenger, attempted to reach shore, but tne ooai waa capsized tn tbe breakers, and Capt 8. perished. The rest of the crew reached the shorn the next day, with the exception of the Cook, who waa drowned in the heavy breakers. The two bodies were washed ashore aad have been buried.

The resael will be a total lots, and probably but uwn, any Ul UIO cargo Will be SSVBdv The brU 1 I uewngBo to ntessrs. jutue at Arlwedson, of Stock holm, snd waa insured there. The carro was in. surea in namourg. LOBB CAXDIQSJf AlfS THB ELKTKKTH Husuaa The Earl of Cardigan haa acquired a transatlantic notoriety in tbe command of his regiment, by acta ut Butonous injosQce ana arbitrary severity.

He nai come near beea broke before this. He haa lately beea involved in a new difficulty, the circ*mstances of which are set forth by the John Bull as fonuhva: A short time since, the Hon. Gerard Noel, a cap. tain in the corps ot which Lord Cardigan is colonel having been fate at stables, reported himselTsx ureaca oi aiacipune. tie was at once nlaead andar K.

1 the arreat remained ia fores until the regiment left the town, on which occaakn Capt. Noel marched out to the rear of his troop, without his sword (the Soon afterwards Capt Noel waa again placed under arreat for not returning to bto duty during the Eaater holidays, the rule, however, bein. that eera in tbe army, who ara alan n.kL. .1. Legtolatare, may at any time abesat themselves a aaena laeir pernav ivw wua arreat, SO SOOa SS was known, Capt Noel waa released by the tea rat 01 me eiatnct, Hot long after bis liberation seoona arreat, lptJKoel, not betes exactly on the spot where at the moment he ought to have been.

Lord Cardigan peremptorily called oat to aim, Capt Noel, go to your troopWTto wtil.k W. 1 11 ww yifiain rapuBa, 1 am WltB troop, sir;" being immediately answered by hi Mwaenip, you are not, sir none of your London manners borer Hurt by the colonel words, be aaked for a private interview, at which he asked Lord Cardigaa why insulting language had been applied to him oa parade, ia the presence of his troop? Tbe answer received was, "Get out of my rooes, sir inereupoa m. Heel laid the matter before the eornmander ai chief, who, after a TOosiaeTaoaa mi 1 esyunaeaee wun tbe parti ea, directed through the adjutant general, that Can. Noel ehould apologise to Lord Cardigan, a dbee tioa with which Capt. Not to the resenee of toe adjutant general.

Lord Cardigaa i other an. "rwea, refused to comply. The Hoev Cap. 01 uanstooroega, a supporter tojGovarnbarex Aough the cap tain hiasseTfla a hedchamhar. lm arZ I his stepmother to tody of the wruas to net' hi.

whh erayiae hi tl to ebey ku a race'a fiqbT. The buka of Wemnrtoa refuses aeSlmtoS me arat tastaaes for andisposajs' krrm. IsfcoT a75.Jpiissourl..., 3.5aTB45 Jevodo. ostawr llMaVT iv ODE Or HAFIX. cast bet think yoa asnch to the wrens Prophet, I Wbaa me enrsad the win.

and the wtae srape a Tummt mm. Una la tkm iWm tmm rnmrnm I katea. a Ivory thine pleasant has he ase, Tblsis as troe aa is the Koran JljanUautatelatt against a bos. Tbe 6,. of Mscewuh all Ms lor raa Great, aadoabtedly, was Mobaasmed uraat all bis eivtee asairs 1 ottbemaa who banished rood wtoeaad Mora, bebeve ma, taan bis prayera.

B0U1 salt most testes I coeid hardly take ea mmnir aaw anu mar ami Bat I ahaost think, te save my bacon. I'd "go the whole bog," and give ap tbe wine! Haw Txsa tn MosttaV Tbe Mobile Eegteter of Wed need ty gives this report of the proceedings of Monday erecting ta that city i Tbe several musical societies of this city cele brated the advent of tbe new year oa Monday eight with all their usual pomp and ceremony. The Cowbellians bad a magnificent ball in the theatre, the parquet being floored over for the oerastoa. At aa early hoar aa immense aeeembtoge of todies filled all the boxes la the first and second Uera, ana the "rougher esx" were compelled to hnger to the lobbies, awaiting artmlaatow iato the "ball rooaa." The aoctoty, after marching in procesaina through the city, entered the theatre about 10 o'clock, arrayed lit brilliant fancy dresses, with appraprtots banners aad tranapareaciea. We have not beea able to obtain a programme of the arrangements, and can therefore only describe the spectacle aa it ippeared to as.

Tbe dresses of the ntasnucis seemed designed to represent the various costumes of different eras since the age of chivalry. Knights in full black armor, with eorstota, belnaete aad visors down kings aad courtiers la tbe splendid dresses ot tne Dmes ot Louis JUV. ana UbarlasL; officers in the brilliant uniform of the French Na tional Guard and the OaraW MooiU. and manyothsTS arrayed in styles which we did not recognise. panes before as ta complete masquerade, ana ana.

sled in the mazea of the dance tn all the ele ranee of courtly manners. The entire affair waa most picturesque and beautiiul, aad well worthy 01 ue society which, upon this oocssion, commemorated its eignteenta annlveresry. Tbe Strikers celebrated their crta anaivartary at the Alhambra. They had a very large and brilliant ball, the company filling the spacious aaloon la the second story. The society represented oe this occasion the Court of Punch, and although the members dressed cenerally aa harlequins, their cos tumes were tasteful and pleasing.

Every variety of appropriate dress snd mask aad beea put to requisition, snd aided to the amusem*nt of toe evenms. The procesaloa before sad after tbe ball waa tormed In the following order, the droit at Indicating the rank of the several ameers Grand Marshal. Herald. Standard Bearer. Gentlemen Ushers, Grooms, Equeriea, Lords of the Household, bis Majesty Punch, King's fools, jesters, harlequins, ate ate At regular intervals a number of illuminated transparencies were borne, upon each of which one 01 toe rouowing veraes were insennea, the initial letters of the several verses forming aa acrosac 01 tne name ot tne society 1 Sea tb nral aagaaM P.

wrfk tnl.1. HIm yt aanda it ni aasa WaAMB'aauaUwsafhof sBort! Thna sar aaae, laothrr yaaia. Halt Si.pla.aS a mjwuc re, KaiMrtaatK mi fjm tmaa aUaSaa Irsaitaa Taaraat. Pnawaa, in, wa nmm ia aw, erava, mmimxa, aaS SigaaUs Thaa las Komj laat CarlaaS kaaw, Waaaarai ay la aowo aaS anaal la taa ahapa af liatiag Tiaaa, Hot appaaraS aat aiyaK acaool SbaH aaaaatMowS scraaa That ws mow aboaij pmj tka Ibdl Kaow that aaath tka atotlaj waar" Olt i bat a kM.a lian Vir: aa, Trata, aas laai ililiia, Jour4 wiU pars Biaamlaatal AaSUnrataaaxM who aaaf laaras Ta aaili ea vmf, aaa awaaua paai Baa, aar pacaaat (Ma I faa wak Faitr'a aw Uai caarti Tt Sanaa ac, a aaap aaw Waaja 'avaUi las swSof aaortl All the ceremonies were eondaetad ta excellent taste, and contributed greatly to the popularity of vui. 1.

1 wa pnvuwiua. Another mystic stsorisrlnw a Tha Tivrln. Dies. ceienratea toe evenlns by brilliant ball at tbe Armory, bat as a pleasure of witnessing their exercises, we cannot attempt to aescnoe Uiem. wnlch, indeed, their assures as would be ia vaia.

Aif Alababia JusncB The folio winr clever story is told by a correspondent of the H. Y. Sphit ot tne limes, in tne test number of that Joarael ttoch ion vrau maiana mnamtaa siahana there were several magistrates appointed who bn i extensive jonsaicnoe. 1 oelr power, end tbe extent of territory over which it spread, made these magistrates, in power, equal to a territorial governor. One of these magistrates waa a well know a cnamcter, wno restded tn Turkey Town, inuiaa Tuuuce on we voosa nrer.

na nan sbaL," who was kaowa la his tribe as Moeei cries. This magistrate waa remarkable for his contempt of legal opinions aad judicial forma. qulty was his bobby and when his aottoea of right and justice came in contact with tow." the totter waa forced to give way. Ue thought the customs of the Indiana more oui labia la away cases than tbe tow of Congress, and be never failed ta such cases to set aside the totter. Mooeycrtea cooperated heartily with tbe court "end by their combined efforts they managed to deal out jostles with certainty, but sometimes with real Indian aeverity.

The lollowingsrene oeee occurred to court Mofiatratu Tble court to held to try a case to hich Little Cbobbv." a Creek Indian A daat, aad Tom Dale, grocery keeper, to plaintiff. Dale claims t20 from "Little Chabb mA Chubby" saye be paid it "ta beaver skins. Gentleawa," continued the maaistratn. the bystanders, Ingtnt tint likely to Ue wbea they owe white mea. But white men mill lie, wbaa they trade with the logins.

This is the experience of my Proceed, rentarwa. arlth thu The attorney for Tom Dale proceeded to an.ka out his case. Dale swore that his debt was teat true aad easwiaL" He thee tetrod scad awitass to prove that Little Chubby had only oauxht tea Kan, taw. aa taa tka a Jl sold them to the deponent. The lad aaa had ao wkv neetes, and the ease waa fully made out 1 ne attorney remarked, addressing the court "May it please your honor.

I claim a Indaant r. my client. There to no defence, except the ever, ment of and this 'the court' caa't "Genie tun." said onr mar1arra t.m ea ana 1 ain gOTlg to allow tbe Inrin tn ha swuraica, ssia ne, aaaresstng Moneyeriee. Mr. msrsnsi, nana me that book; IU take a swar ia the ease meeelf," and suiting the action to the word, he hissed the book, addressing Mooeyertoa.

remarked. Mr. Marshal, I constitute you thto court, ana will use a swar la this case. Mae ni. ,1,.

V. u.1 jvi aa, wore cneena around this board, and I intend to expose It to thto court. I'd rather take aa login's word than a whisky eel ler's oath, anytime. Bat thto court can't decide to uvor of the In gin, without a swar la hto behalf ana tnat swar txiasmg the book) I am bow, Mr. Marshall, soint to take." He then proceeded to state that "Little Chabb kail 111 mi In kl.

1 mimmw Bam aa WIOIBU IO OUy Irom mm wa Dearer Silas. Cnnbby declined seilins tKaam mat Its kma4 sL m. aa wiu. w. www hub.

oa aaw caabby go tote Dale is and leave tbe aktoe, aad wbea he came oat vauuoj mhu nun oe naa peia tus aebt. When he had ooncladed. he resnjmad hia a. Dale's sttorney protested against this takinr aaaawpatewa aaveags, var III IUm Ufajaa. IU ViUkt lAlal 1 mod of dilptBitef eooity.

IwOtoke Mojriatrat. Tbe eonri la .1 wallow vrr court. I consider uros mmeSmmtrwmm 1 pa court eonsioerB this ceos of 71 1 twenty doEars for swariag ia court M7 the devfl4f Morlatrata. Mv marshal arm t.v. u.

tyehmtap, aad thtweepo, inflict oahtaVtWaty tripes aocording to lasta eaatota and Zt Ie hto health toofto. reach of my court ia twenty four hooje." 1 tJMBl.7 the Crek courT to a leaueatto below Dock, met with a ereedralaod lawt ami hto Us. Be uBbbT. WDIM 4B haa at. a eee aTj "7Tftpoa thereof ef hto fciW.

mlZlr1 ta roof to. htoltoat sltopto, o. the toe wUhbtT'tt ment balnw '11 tothepeee. Wrty feet The ebrtoZ." ap aa rasas stasn mmA 1 iu. i.

a w. teteaw ZVTl The arbsef pal tejaryto a ead ehove the Wht am asui 1. a Carta aaa aaiilaa aa waS aa ftaaaa. rj oft taa awiai twa.w Aad Kiag aach tTniane arewaa Sorrow ia Ujs sowl as saaral 'Boas' anf 'rowd Taaa'a ssb tarav AaolLar taar aaa ba. nkaai ir.

Casatas TaasTaar tr. Haaa mill Ml DM St. SB flat aBal Ue favorite character of Jta Tea ITaasav ta which as has ao eeaal as rtraL. JJto pasforaaaaee eftais pert mV 1 infirm' wash JtlL. oLj, wfcaer HsaWiaad.

Mr. Heekstt aavs appears. vvm ta ma teat rarioatrv. Ws have every ft veraaoar aa4 power to ee jasoce as theVart AwsaiCAa Tnasvxsv The ceaaedy of Pan! Pry' to to be played la eight at the AasWirsa whh a atroag Thee follows the paia waiBree as me avasss atare Levi Horth's ytotosppaar. He la set only the bast brad, bet the bast edeealad of bis moss aaBopedes aad polkas Bee Oivwnc Ciacca.

Thto Beat aad attractive peace of ttaaea, eotwithataadlag the pr teeprs state Of toll ead Mr. Bockaey to toe weO keewa hy ear auire one word ofaelogy frees as, aad we are a atsrmiaawna oe toe pen ef the pan Be to support eee whose paras aad 1m have ever opee to tee call ef caartty. Tee rauag ef tea aloe faawsateo, te eaoeo werta the price ef adarlaskva, There to aa arOstte atyle to es mas yeeag aaay waaca we scarcely see equalled. tog the ssoat LrvxvTS TnSAvae. It gtves ee aotice say hsereaae ta the aamber ec paacea ef aaseea.

aaaoBa Btaa. Ia tma tueaernne, we woaie eaa atteimoeteeteadisithiteBBtof ttte Lafcyeate tosatre, teafnaadtaaaofhercoteare. Theaoaselsto Samrday evening, with the erases of Yletortee" and tbe farce of "The Dead Bees." Mr. J. a.

a. OUvar Is aaaaager. BtockweIx's Pseoamt Tbe asoet aitiatn art hi the city at thto aiumael to Ataekwella for. Psnoraaaa of theMiaateslppI rtvsr. Wak pit at it meat tha stranger who aever travailed apoa the river, or aim who, with the charms of Its seeaery, levtves hto raceQae.

tions of it to stadytog this great pahirtng. Two or tare, hoars can he peeseA ta looklag apoa at to the aaatiated daylight, aad If thto paragraph ma the ayes of any eae who has not yet seea It, tot es tearhaf. aba that the exhtblnoa shortly closes, aad that ao Sato is to he lost te rs risttmg 1L Beard ef Heajrh. Tarasosr, Jan. lfa The Board deyaad; adopted the following tvportt Tbe retaraa avdsy ahaav a dtathaaooa ef laantj nine dsaihs balow that af yastarday 1 from which at appears that the fclllng oe of the titfltaalt la to the ratio of one half the ssorsBty of the preeeeUag day.

Tbe weather coaalape dry and pleasvort, aad the coedttloe of the dty, so fa aa the streets, genera, at. are eoneerued. Is la pretty good order. Tbe abalaaseat of the disaass so Baarksd. wurtex the tost forty eight hoars, warraata lbs strong, hope that oar dry mast soae be rid ef a pistil tana which has toterrepwd ao aeeatbry the basis it aad latah af its.

mhaMlsif for the test three a tit*. if A. D. CBOSSMAM, Prestdset A. Hxirxa, Beers tary.

List af iMarmeatai lis CXf af Item OrUamafar tht 94 asers seamy Jawaavy as la AC Abdomen. Wound liFever, Brain Disease II Conanmptioe Croup Cbotara 4i OMAge. Ieeass. JS tna.r I I 1 1 Dentlrlae 118011 11 Orowned 1 1 Ui Total Of these 45 ware It 1 years ef NewOriaaatiBi Iralaad.Bt Prtawasl 1 IrannaaT. 1 1 rancwiaaxi.

1 varatoat. 1 1 Matee. 1 1 1 Baltiaaore, asctrrrpvAvtow or iwsuibbts. Cholera, te ProSsstaat Otaardwaaaas Caolern, te tU. Van mm de 4 Other dtoaasas.

Cnoaara, ta St Patrick's Ctaaalai ChT tiaaa I as ta Ceiholto Csaasiary, (1st OiAsr dlsssiit Cholera, te Potters' Field .11 CaaaTre Aiwaaaavafaw eeeeaeaeoaseeaaeeeeeee 1 a tae ee Cbotara. te tartly Hospital Cii iiii j. IS Other it satat Total. Arrtvule at the rueelpel Hsstele, ST. taillUI HOTTL, aaal feaaaW.

ytHAirnt aOTTt Waa Tat, Caaa aaCCW.Ua.tJ i 1 Tiradkn uaj. a as' mots Lsi i Jaaaa.Vlai KSwaraWi aaaa.aa.La HIWUTIt HOT II laa mmmj, Wnjihi dt Jaaaai iaiwlam Ba. a BBfrrara T. Mas ra SUfOtSSRl s.uwa. Parte, taraaaa.

Is Larararls, aa Tan tar. Jan aaay Baw. a, ljujwa BB BaJtr LeUtAAOB.amawaf taa coy. Dtedi Oa AJT Mseui la rla HaaL. an tha Ba tar aft ar yr ratka, as I 1ST TV Carvei alry Beeh dterw.

tee ta raoraaaoas. uacHAirrs asd PAaxirra. raa ate traa af aaaa an SCHOOL BOOKS aaal VTATIOS marw far a al II Brewaa Ueld Wtarnnv ta atara a npplj af to OOLB aaSs saw, ests raaa af pees hats SI astasia. ctaaxaa acta. ucurirttit aurtlclee ead Ws Sara aaw aawa asaaaaaf aaa faf rAJICI AJtTlCLXA, ll e.atparvaf CAJIO CAJEs Paarl XXTICTLU ttat Varrat, rvani a aaa DUU Essay, won Datxasute CASES Xkaar 1 1 I aartal ACco*kDCOSS aaat rsaacS MUSIC BOXXA SaaS aa ajuyvn OLDKBSA OLD PEaS Oftte taa a JtWtL ttS raaa.

"sas faaaaa. Eaeaak tad LASSES A aaraa OOKDB BOXXA Paaaata PArmBlKS of Kaa rAjrS Of rSarLrasry.r, POSTS MOSS A1U Of tltaasad arm PMBBEtUt aVsap. Alan A Sa start af FKBrTlfEBT, Caaaara, I Catwa SfTiaTS. sis. aas.

acisstas acxa.m The Chetera Baess af mm mma isms tea ataaaad CBEat ALf AjriO ASD attestTrO CCEATTTXS a Caapaapaa at taa Ci toaham buaaaach the eeesedau tad waath aever fells eBchv Ba Mil uiaa. l.aaiU wrtaaaa paroa TVa Bin at ata'aaarS. TW Innif tata aaaaaa mi I awtetaaauaaraieha. CTaaaaaaBaa)BaBBaa aaVtoMaaah, at. i liia avsar Jaajtarri I'uvmaatTf aoo STOBJL Cttsp mUmT a ran aaa.

hiat trati rn 1 filiialiL iiii 1 1 ilti i Saf tSCKLCxgOOT WORXS. araarary ar taaaa af STATIOS laf raaraaV aiaa aa int all Daaa tte aaaaatryT OKatAX. js esstf Baatnta anna, aawatptaa, t.PiaawHachs,ste. aBwaaTaWaOBtoBaaaa aTi fad a laadPaaWnw. I SsteAt Btaaaa fssvaasa, stetasaasttaa.

satsd. Ptea rapaa, S. aas. aaaXraaaLLaaW "'lit aaarraatTaZ IM, waSS aTtuSSSlSS TV la atw'llaiTL! ss to tad ts eas daw, mmrm9imw MMtttoWa taBBBaawaV. aU aaaUBBWaWa awf tratttto tatoaataa tt A telSP.M.

T7 aaaaajBaaai i i. 'lIlTILtlt paaaa, abas mm i i nan taa te bstesliMi Bwaaaaaaadad pral mm at i aa'aaa lT, tmm, wawmat Saw ItoengM aAraa, htto aTsaaiwlZ! sag la Etiapti waaaaas Pa CWarha't laaraaaai ha 1 aaa aT aa. uila, slsctlTlJ 7 tin iiita a. steanana CaSaasSaa. aa mm WaOaawa, ay aevtet est aaai, at eetsaa, at to aahas raat rtestyw eh lrtct ssas, I CAJtr mit raw it mum.

rilaxx TO MtaXaAiTTa SM9 eTatu, atro 1 a na 1 ae aawi iaa.1 tmm 4 at job raisrtsa. aw ef ttisa Bar aVT am mmm taaSr aaa aaa sosistws ciaxruukas, rxAaaear csaao, BILLS OP UDISS, BTXABiaOAT aULLsT dbat a'txtirTS, PAaraTLrra, nix MyBa, LAsryiKr txtt Aaoa, ajasDaitxs, sw Ws hsas PIB OTB rtriSS raaaaa LACK tDSIg OTI ST. teas baas aa haa PaUaTu WaaatwaaesUVICAaM 1 a 1 ai .1 "LtsL jeeocrrr moon rot nw txst a apaaaaas asssraaaas aa a JtsTasTpBATTa eeaa am I ta, aaaiaWt mm, tm at, JtvjMlui AaaCAXa, housA, mn i1 Oarfai A. fW. mt Para I Path Wats Pa.

A. P. As alii Paiitraaaaaraaraaaaaapaas. Biai II.A.A. WtassJ laaarm M.

w. raaaaa. i aif tbi cbuxttaslx v. rtxrr. Caine TBE MUaUA COOK awrtm i It aaatr.arSaMWaf DArrrrx'rm ft at am.

PXM COstS mmmTmmtZiZmlmCmw. TTVOCK COATS af eawA. nuTT a. tSTOTS aaS SAS OOerS at BaaaS aaal Paaaa (ara. Sa fan, rvtaiao PAlnnt nTwZZ.

MM, COSTS twmm TCt tv a aa fcUU at AJTT mi Mac aas Im fltWahWA. TESTS Saaaa. auara af Law aaa aLcTTTs ChAVAIaTa sVaa ate gmm trirtMKTTS sad DBA WE BSaf tv lf roc it baji i a rstrrraa sta mm rvmw a WAT. raa I BETAJL OtALBSS fit asISMiaai aaaaa. tra Oraaaavsvd aVa.

tat Saaa. a. aWfUi OArrc wf a cua VBuca cm titrr roiTm. ovaa ouAva aaae aaa vftAra raa rs iA anr aw J7" i aaaaaraa aaaaaa. rocsry Hm raa, aiA.a.

"aaa Caaaai i t. aWtlltS tOPat aa axtiaata, aat'saHvrTT! X1m) Umr cars IlaAattrve. arylaraW ta a.r. aa. a.

ar. fJOTLCE Iw 'r1 ll i an ua, ki i tul a aaia a aaa as a. wa r' a aaaaaws eaei aas paiai aa aaaarwaa teasa.SBd aaaw aaawasaeaaaaaw asw Zaaaat Ima! Pw awwy aaad J'jOit aiBTla 01,7, BaV Eaasy arad. af wnvwriv taltt rElBTTJte aad SOTDUre) aawaahat at a "VoEJLLXa BaaS ami ais Sapsf IsfclaeesChastota CvTw. a aBaas 1 1 a a it Tsa'a ausaTT CLOTHiee af an i Si wW are a.

feaaanaarp watt aap a aawaaS aa aaaaa. twy aaaaaaa Ua aaryx waa. taaa aa to mm mm i i if. 1 i a Aaa, aaaal aaaaraawaa Caaap aaraaa lISrW asp sewe) a SI Lai. neward A atirhariaa.

TVbti untenant i I aaal aaary ta ataarf astaibta T.m$ 'aas'laaa't sws aaS Traarasaaraaaa ai i a TWS War Or. K. Saaark. aaraav af BAarar aval aWaawTawaaaaf fV "i' 'T Paaana War At. iaa.

Bi (aria iay aaar tsuaaSWW Oaarp aaae. llTaaaaawat taaraataaaTT I 1 twaaaa tta taitaa Caaaal aaal a la Bxstde aca a so a a an oe Tax wcaacu ha wi SUaaC iaa.ya.e II i Vs ajLTrMl tmmr yteasara faawa. las Awa asraaa aaal ST Caaaap teaasv O. XaaaBaaaan, SS aaal SOS Caaap aaaaaa. raa af Caaap sad evil traaata.

aa raaa. aa at. Tnl ija B. oVrlaa 1 a I. Baaaaa.

St i aataat. aaal Baaaa aaal Saara, aaaaaaa. L. 11 1 l. a Itwa.

i rarr. mmw mm Immmm. vt ZTl! Trj C. Mi. St Ca aal.

tsastv T'aZZ'' 'T, ftetelatealtf I 'I ill I I ii) i ii A Bira i i. aa a aaraaa. aas I sa i jl 7 Kt B. waw 'i ni B. 4LI.BBT, tWteVcteaSwaw a) tmZl f.

is ties a aatitauf a Ba. Aa. faaSOre, ai kaaaa. i i 11 maraaaaa 3 ViMS7TteT i al! 'ml ml urn tap JJJ 'mT y'' raar. Paaa Ijj r.

'pa mmwTZmI' aa a. Laad jl fLOOetta. aajTa ary, sad ha. a aaaaaaaaak a aaaaaaa ar aaaaaa aaa aaaaaaa. l7w3mmLmm2mrmmiy rm "e.Ti "iTT Vv aj i TZSTZLZZZr r.

aaa 17 at aata aaaaaa. .1.,, p. ruu tv aa. at i ii Mat f1 atetototatutnyp 1 4 0.i vv ''aamwmUwmmX, Vtire4. a1 4.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.