The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I 0 (tbe cTimcs-i3fmorrat: Suniran, Jllan lbr, 180B. 13 KAILKOADS p-a walnvt lumber 4 csees shoes sod ears tn JTJEUIil PS Hominy, per btl 4 IS 4 4 THE RAJAH'S TREASURE BY A.SDREW SOUTAR. a a a a a the revolve. a by getting behind the quarter los .10 IK 10 a 16 10i IS -la WEEKLY STATEMENT TO FRIDAY. WAV 14.

New Orleans Receipts- Net this week Net, last week Net Since fnt 1 aprons store pt i Tin. vr Lt TT. 34 I5 31 57 18 55 1 771 1 P7 972 1 44 t9 1870.211 1.36J348 Exports. Week To Great Lntaln France i Exports sine Sept. 1 Ta Great Britain 1 ra ace Continent brock oa band Sank eo shipboard 11.431 2 4S 2 7t.S 10 113 a 172 a 24 2.763 111 794 35 S2i6' tit 40 643 07 640 M4 204 447 13 147 4i.m as.sos AU V.

8. porta, e'c Receipts Net nhti sreek Net last week Net sine Sept. 1 EXDOrtB WMk.To 1 yr. l.ast yr S3 5S1 II 077 114 647 59 21 t. 897.

399 7.131 802 Great Britain Fra Continent Exports sine Sept. 1 To If S88 .14 160 42 8 It 68 II 9M 25.104 Orest Britain a 221 .604 475 441 8" 111 Continent I 4l 143 2 274 314 Bto-k on hand 7 012 "Friday laat rear. INTERIOR MOVEMENT AT 2 LEADING TOWN. Receipts, gnlpaa'ta. Rio.

ka Tola week 114 33 910 8S9 l7 Last week 40 H0 87 405.772 This week laat 88.474 48 91 311 37 Ibis week rear before 82.234 62.931 322 131 MOVEMENT AT IT. 8. PORTS. Thla day iiecei pis-New Orleans Galveston Mobil S-avsnnrh Milnuugtoa Norfolk New York IWtou Fersaoola la4 coast HnPtno Little Rock TM)ay. Last w.

2 087 7 931 4 201 2 PI4 7i4 1 543 1 6S5 2.602 943 439 618 63 1.814 343 179 2 101 50 209 2 201 FeedetatTs. Corn, N'. 2 yellow. 44 Corn, tuned gIT 87 I rti sh*te 39 89 No. 2 ti't Hats No 2 mixed 43 63 Har 119 50 20 AO 111 0-3 Hr' No 1 II i 19 09 11 00 Hr" No 2 17 09 1 17 0 17 00 Knn.

oer cwt 1 SS i 117 1 ftS I rom Sa'kl corn and oars 2- h.giier per bushel, bran rr bay 2q3 per ton. Pro4are Qatatloaa. The are tb prices qootsd by tba Jol-hem to the traoe and are by te dealers tbrHi-b the New Orleans Board of Trade: BITTER Very firm. Per lb. fan'y rreia.

err 27''i28'. choice creamery 26c. fancy dal'T 82 rSw datrr if-. CrlEKSKr Firm. adaneir- Per lb.

Western twin Vr 10--, Yonnf American full cream 'rr 18c. single Umburcer. per PlpotXTBV AND EGOS Hena. per Ih. IS a IS1.

Tonn chlr-kens 30-cll. tarke-r rbens. youtif rohbiera snd oM gobblers). lS' ducts 14V-. per doxen.

anminal. Kjs. rer doreo western isc. rsri i.FNTS POTATIiF.H Iotiana. white, per bhl.

Wt H. per hoi. msconsm ana micoi (in $3 per bosoel fl. KWEl-T POTATOES rdlary. per bhL 1178: ocllnarr.

per sack. 24V; atrs. per bbL XI 40 a ysns. per sack. I11114I Louisiana, per crata.

faaoy, fl 25 GARLI'J atrlnk. ONI'IN. Western, per bushel. 1140; Louis iana, per sack. 0-avi.

'ARK')Ti Western, per bbL 24. TI RNIPS Per bbl. 12 SO. RI TA BA'iAS Vkestvrn. per bN.

ia, FFET! western, per bbl. 14. TOMATOES Florida, per crate, fancy S3 25 F.LVRT per crate (2 doa 57Se. BEANS Steady; Northern white, per Ih. 4-: Northern red kidney t4c.

Lima "7 S. pink PEAS Steady; freen. per lb, JOe. lady -'tflSc. Prsrlilsas.

The following; are fnlal qtiotatloTta fur nished by the New Orleann Board of Trade: Pork, per lb To-d TesTSrvtsv Me 3 If SO 5 19 93 19.26 fl 14 00 4l3 SO 11.00 I 14 54 ic "219 25 .125 14 18 50 311O0 Rump. Beef, per bbl Extra plate Plate Lard, per bbl Pnre eis i24 14 25 1 98 a a lb 10 10 13 13 114 11H ii'x us us us IS t. pr lb IT TT 10 11 10 10', 10 10 10 10s 14 14', 14 $14S 11'VlU'i 13 4 15 -s Compound Bacon tboxed) pe ShoiMers Bellies Short rib sides Reg. S. r.

Ex. S. C. sides D. shoulders 8.

D. Me.ts. ibex D. S. Shn.ll.1ers.

P. sboiiMers. D. b-lll- S. rib sides Re.

S. Ex. S. C. Piste 'Hams, per lb Sklni-d Reraiar Pirn li- S.

C. 10 10 Pralta aaal ata. LEMO.vS Me-slaa and Paisrxso. per box. fauy 1012 S3.

ORANGES Per box 33 2 S3. APPLES Per box, 81 40. PINLAPPLKf uban. per era 11502. Cim UAMIi In sacks, per 100 6i 50.

per 1IM as. RAISINS California. Loadoa layers, par box. lt.ul30. DRIED FRI ITS (per pound i Evaporated applea i bulk 6S'.

evaporated a pies in car-toonst 6', raporated apricots lie, evaporated nectarines 14c; peaches 7c. pears SSr. car-rants 7 He. corranta (ocks-noand rartouaa 6c; pnines. 4Sw9--.

PE AN" ITS Per pound, i'ghc. 61 GAR EXCHANGE. Sagar aaal Malasses. FSUowukg ars rscel vers' qaotatlaaat PlaatatKxi sugar (per lb.) Opea fcettxa. sad Ptacssa aoaa.

Msrsrt unlet; 96 as as lea. Plaatatloa granulated White rlarlSed 4S yellow rlarl-hed 44-ii. open kettis ceadlfugal SS'ulS. seconds 2b2. Molasses steady.

Opea kettis aoaalaaJ. coa trlfugal aoanmal. by rap asaiaal. Reftae Sigar, H. snd E.

crystal donilnoes 7 71, and ctushed 10. snd rut loaf 80. B. and E. tKts dered 6.50.

cubes 6 24. XX XX powdeted I 15. fruit powdered 6 10. standard powdered 10. coarse powdered 10, stsiwsrd gianulated standard One sranall'ed barrels 6.

standard fine granulated 100 pound sarkat 6, so jKMina bag Due grcnulated (packed I lx 100 pound aacasi 6 05. 25 pound bags ttne gratr mated (parked 4 In 100 pound nackai 6 OS. 6 pound bsgs Oue granulated 'packed 20 is 100 (ond or 66 in bail el 2 20. coafec-t Liners' randy A 6. ew Orleaaa Cattle- Market.

NEW ORLEANS LIVE STOCK EXCBANQaV New Orleans, May 13, 1909 SOUTHERN PACIFIC CALIFORNIA AM. BETVRV Go Jine 1 and I. June 24 to July 13. Jal? 27 Aug 3. 1S0.

Go say day. May 30 to Sept. SO. 13C9. PORTLAND, ORE.

i. SEATTLE, WASH. AiD KTl Go any day. May to Sept. 30.

130. DEiNVER, COLO. ASD RETl'Rt Go May IS. 19 and 20. 1909.

Retara Limit aa All Tickets Oct. 31. Itetm. Inqalre A boat Diverse Raatea. Full particulars rheerfilly g.vea at City Ticket Office.

327 St. Charlea St. Pheae Mala 402T. ACCOUNT U. C.

V. REUNION MEMPHIS THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. fill Sell Tickets Good Going June 1 I. t.

Returning until June 14. sin Extensloa to July 1 on payment 30 cents. Rite. Oae Cr-t i Mile Hm 25 Ceils. From New Orleans $8.15 Other Points Equally Low.

TICKETS GOOD IIT11MNG Y.IX.T, HITI STOr AT VICkSSlXG. tatoe oa National Military Park, erected to Honorable Lt. General STEPHEN D. La-IE Will be anvlied June 1L Apply oaca far alec para at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 40 HOURS TO 1NEVV YORK 33J HOURS TO WASHINGTON QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME MADE BY New York Orleans LIMITED.

leaving pally I p. ox. A SOLID ALL-PULLMAN TRAIN with Club and Obeer-vatloa Cars. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE TO ASHEVILLE And Other North Carolina Resorts. TICKET OFFICE.

201 St, Caarlee Street. Pksae M. AOW.T, $67,50 SEATTLE AND BACK May 21 to Sept. 30 IITTM LIMIT SCT. If Ge 0a Wsj IrraTB AeexaeT LIBERAL STOPOVERS AT ft.

Louis. Chicago. Minneapolis. Livingston. Spokane.

Portland, i. glen. Salt Lake. Denver Colorado Spge Kansas City snd other points. TICKET OPPICIL St.

Charles, Car. Gravltr Phone Main 3V-L. COLORADO AND RETURN 348x00 Co Mar IT. lt retara Oet. 31 $67.50 Dally, beglaalsg May S.

MINERAL WELLS S22.65 aay day. Flaeet Mlaeral Water la this Ceaatry. Maa Cared tkessasda. nCIET OFFICE. 207 ST.

C1A1LES ST. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo. T2iri ONLY 311 $67.50 TO Seattle and Return DIIECT LIVE. FAST TIME. ELEGAVT SUYICE.

SIPESS SCEttlY. Bat Oae Chaage af Cara 9 TO SAM FACIiCO A.MD A.NtaELES aad TL ICTCI1 UHiT wCT. Jl Caasaal Meparerra Ticket Office, 211 St. Charfas St. Cipst: Ttrrciml Station CmlStriiL Ptaeaei Mala 4-12.

KXCT'KSIOX TOURING MEXICO Special, condu'-ted party, leaves New in Jure W. a l. ring M-n-erey, mi Lots Potiei. MKJti' IIT rvt. navacs.

-sl a la jars. Ar-iae-a'testes, and Torreoa. Fir '-'r-ii- nn a. id I'-e-s'tre. aprly at Trtl Gravltr Street.

toe lack ef it f.t ls fie njoat striking. Caatro tj'na raptd: and wttl, si SI 229 -swH? transit. SappleinntaL UVERPOOL Pr steamship Mercian Crri Ml' II 1421 rues WE iRM I.4S AMI BI.I EFiFLPS per stam.bip liniertiiff 4 lar1 Mav 13 Lrfi a- wiH nirv-htli 50 rfu noitvi hr 90 br.l flour 263 half bbia B'nir 50 cn. coal 1M I r1. 2va r-ii ii i rT i i imtT 107 MU pine I -inner 24 hhla oil 12' balf bM 10 bif Mi far 70 rrate lai4 2 half bbls oval 15 sacks beans 103 half bbis pork 4 crates hams 1 asck oats.

IMPORTS. CARIENAS AND MATANZAS Per ateara-ship Waverley 24.750 bass sturar. EIBA. 8. Per sreatnhip Viator 12.000 bunenes bananas 8 empty drums.

LIVERPOOL Per siesmeaip Civilian Assorted merchandise. iF.S Per stestnahlp Liguris 11 rsska wine 1000 bxes msraroui. RECEIPTS OF PRODI CE BT RITER. BAYOU L-4FOCR'TlE Per steamer O. 400 ss-ks onions 200 sacks Irish potatoes and sundries.

II A Vol' LAFOURCHE Per steamer Terrebonne 429 as- ks Irish pots foes 2843 sacks onions A bbl pirkled onions and sundries. OLGA Per stesmer G-oser I iessland 42 aaeks oysters 1 bbl Sen IT hsskers rrsbs 90 bbis Irish potatoes I sacka Irish pota toes 4 aacka onions 224 pkrs sea-etables and sundries. GRAND ISLE. Per steamer Hazel 120 aacka oysters 24 baskets crabs 254 aacka shrimp far-ttllser 260 crates rncunsbers 12 bbla dried shrimp 150 bdla flsb and sundries. OLGA Per stesmer El Klto 82 sacks oysters 2 hbls flsh 17 bhls potatoes II sscks pots-toes 174 pkaT vegetables and sundries BATOI COOK Per steamer tiem 600 sacks oysters and sundries PAIOC LAFOI RCHE Per steamer J.

C. B. 600 sacks Irish potatoes 219 ss ka onions snd stndrlea. P4VOI' LAFOI'RCHE Per sreasBer Reliance 275 sacks onions 90 ssrfcs Irish pot a toes snd sundries. BAIOl" LAFOIKCHE Pee stesmer Ees 200 sscks onions 100 as.

ks Irish potatoes 201 cabbages snd aond'tea. 4. RAND ISL3: Per steamer A. C. 904 crates ra Timbers and sund-les.

P.AVOI LAFOI RCHE Per s'esmer Michigan 126 sscks Irish potatoes 669 sscks ontoas and sundries. BAVOI LAFOT'RCHE Per lugxer Europe 424 ssrks onions SO sacks Irih potatoes and sundries. List of Vewsela la Part. STTEAai SHIPS. Name.

Destinatl Armenian Liverpool Location. Weetwes Picayune Tier Third st Chslmettc Coot I st S'TtTvesant 10. 81 Iist Julia st Glrod st Henderson st Eerwicd Porto Ulco Colombia etc verpocd Cerea Cra I gen dor a a Colonian. haimette Civilian Cuatodtan. I uf field Greenbrier.

II. mere. Ltgarta Port IJmott 15. 1st Dlat Rot -dam Hsm burg Wear we so Genoa Harmonj at Algiers Harmony at Ild ap Belfast Dublin Malm Head Vlorgsn Tampa Gretna Nicaragua Laid np Alsh-rs Texaa Havre Ninth at suss I Aigieee vis tor ceiba so i rn Waverley. Yoruba.

New S-iaar Ref New Sugar KeOnery -Cuba Llat Veasela I p. Clearetl aaal Sailed far ew Orleaaa. NEW YORK. S. S.

Monvlso. Revel sld May 14 8. S. Mom us, Boyd aid May II LltEirWU 6. S.

Author. Kearnc April 14 ST. Barbadian. Willis sld April 17 8. 8.

Beician. Williams sld April 22 a. Wm. lirr. Held sld May 8.

Magician-. M'ke sld April 21 S. 8. Chancellor Donald aid April 24 a. 8.

Oxonian. Dlcklaana aid Mav S. Mempfuaa. Daniel aid May S. 8.

Mexican, Manning aid May Li DOM. S. 8. CaUforniaa. Park la aid May 12 HAVRE.

S. 8. Tlrylnls. Brevet akl May Hiaiav. St.

a. Federlca. Anrt 8. 8. Gerty.

CosnHra RIO PR JANEIRO. Bart Frllnberta. Rorha 8. 8. Tapajoa.

GENOA, May 1 aid April I aid May ft. Delphlas. Toss loo aid March ll'MI3, Mp Kaiser. Stemboaer aid Aprfl 7 Ehlp CoiaBBbna. aid April 88 FUME.

a. a. rsdortca. aid Asm PREMERHAYEM Bark Matadors Esindara sld April 17 Skip Roiand, Dlercka aid April 24) HILL. 8.

8. Fdwsrd Dawson. sld Sfar I 8. 8. Barry Wadsworth.

Brandt aid May 7 HOltHUll. 8. 8. Ttrglsle. Brevet sUMay A.N Jl AN.

PORTO RICO. 8. 8. PathSsder. Hnghes sld May It (.

Aruirr. 8. 8. Indian. Kerrulea aid May 11 THE PASSES.

Tort Fads. May 16. p. ax. Wind anwtk.

freah weather, shoarsrs. Arrived: At I 10 laat Bight, stesmshlp Stmlnsdale iRr.i. Undemsnn master, from Proa-reao. to Mori res Une. Sailed- Steamshtps Cartaro (Br Petersoa master, for Colon: Joseph Vaccaro iBr.i.

Simp son master, for Tmxllan and Celba Mongl bello iltal.t. Vhlafflno master, for tlenaia snd Barcsiona. via Newport News, and Maa- teo, M. Laughlln master, for Florida par's. via Mociie.

THE KIVER Arrlvala Yesterday. Pea mirlne column. Depart a res Testerday. Far MstKlerllle and Tchefanct Rlrer (from Milneburgi New Camelia, Hanover, at 4 p. m.

He part area To-Day, For Manderllle and Tchefuncta Rirer (from Milneburjri New Camelia. Hanover, at 8 a. m. Drpartarra Ta-Xorrsw, For SlandeTlUe and Tchefuncta River (from Milneburri New ameila, Haaorer, at 4 p. m.

For Lower Coast Grorer Cleveland, Lauge, at 11 a. m. For Ixiwer Coast EI Rlto. Strand, at 9 a. tu.

For False River St. Jimea, Whitlow. at i p. in. or Lower Terrebonne and Bayou La fourche- Mourns, Bradford, af 12 m.

or Bavoti Lafourche port and barje, farker. at 1 p. m. Flotoaaa aaal Jetsaaa. The New Camelia.

Capt. Hanover, will leave the pier at MUneourg tbla morning no the arrival of tbe o'clock Pont- chartrain train from the Loulartlle and Nashville depot at tne bead of canal afreet to make Its re nils Hnndsv etrnr. 9in to MsDdevllle. Lewlsbnrg, ifadlsoe- vllle. rineiand Park aud Tchefuncta liver.

It will connect with the motor car at Mtndeville for Covington. Tbe II liana (apt H. M. Car ter, will be back to rasa freight nnftl o'clock Wednesday afternoon and tbeu depart for ptMnra on Its route which are advertised. Tbe big packet America.

Cant. Cooler, la now at the upper end receiving; frelfht to get away Tuesday afternoon at fi o'clock for Grand Ike. Lake Providence. Vickabnrg.

Nstrhes. Port Adams, IionsliisonTtlle. Plaauerrrlns and all way landtnga. I he steamers and gasoline boats reach. log the lower Isndlnc resferdar dis- ctuirred the following combined cargoes; 4(ri aacka of onions.

14. sacks of Inah potatoes 3T barrela of Irish potatoes. 1 barrel of ptckleO otilon. ai sacks of cah- bace. l.s-i bitncbes of fish.

fW. crates of sacks of oysters, 4 barrels of fih. 41 baskets of crabs. a packages of vesetsblea. J.Vi aacka of shrimp fertilizer and 13 barrela of dried shrimp.

Far Addltlaaal Hirer Sewa 8ea Haare 7. Tart Oae. Mesropaper Walkers Tired. Fverg'een. Ala, Mar 15 Members of the Montgomery Advertiser rT on a tramp fr.Hn Montg-omerT to Jlobile.

arrived here this afternoon footsore and weary. Frank and C. I. Fire n'tati waUed in at p. nj.

and reported tnst Frank Glass and W. T. Sheehan were at Garlnnd. twelve miles distant, aery tired. In a little while these last two came In aboard iraiti No.

3. The newraper ti.eti a'e lepg rorallr entea tsine-1 and will stsv nntif MondaV. Jaaeo Delayed. I nion. Mar l.V-W.

T. Jones who lat lebrusry was sentertoe. to life ltnprioti riertf the S'ate penltentlnrr for tbe miirler of wife ljt Juiv. -lil not hve his tearing on pre1 a rew- trial at the spring term of the a anti- mtei. that the hearing of the appeal alll i-e -rpwned nntii the fall terra reit Noiemiier.

Reaneaaner Rattle af ewanartket. Lexington, Va Mav IS The fortr -fifth anniversary of the battle of Newrna-kef stTneTd the Sr. csdera h-it-ed here The entire rsttalion of cadets marched to the ceuje- tf ry. I a' a ta to Is gal for one tkia np Ilka the word Thee of for Wived If the SOUTHERN PACIFIC MORGAN LINS STEAMSHIPS Sail from St. Aaa Street FOR YORK S.

MOMPS Mav IS. 10 a. m. 1 3.

S. ANTILLES. Satuniar. May 22. 18 a.


Mar IS. 10 a. ta. is. EXtEISIOR.

Tuesday. May 25. 10 a. m. -nera uaanei aon rn.s or lauing ij.

New Yirk 226 8t. Charles street. Phone Mala 105; for Havana. 131 street. Ticket Office.

-227 St. (karlri Street UNITED FRUIT COMPANY'S Steamship and Railway Senses STEAMERS SAIL FOR Colon. Faoama. every Saturday at 11 a. a.

Fort Li moo. c. every Saturday. 11 a. Belize.

Fort Barrios and Fort Cortea. svarf Thursday, 11 a. a. Bo as del Tore. Panama, weekly.

Inferaaraoa aa ta rates, fretgnt sr raeaage, apply to M. J. DEMPSEY. J. VT.

Asst. Geo. Traf. Mgr. IMv.

Traffic Arrat 381 St. Charles Street. New Orleans. Ls. S.


Regular Line to Philadelphia via Tampa. 8. 8. ALGIERS sslls SATURDAY. Jane IS.

S. S. SHAWMVT sails SATURDAY. Jane 20. Sailings from Philadelphia JUNE 1 snd 13.

For rates and other Information apply to W. J. HAMMOND LTD Hibernia Bank Building. PORTO RICO. PORTO RICO LINE.

Regular Service Between New Orleans aaal Sa a Jaaa. Maya asaem. Paarc aaal Other Parts la Part Rica, S. S. BERWIXD Mar 1 S.

S. A A I A Jaaa 6 For information and rates apply ta W. W. HICK. Traflle Maaager.

The Mat Tori Porto Rico Steamship Ca. 81 Co an an oa Orleaaa. Law TAMPA, FLORIDA PENN STEAMSHIP LINE STEAMSHIP MOHGAX Freight and paasenger service from New Orleans to Tampa. connecting st Tampa with steamers for Key West on outward voyage. For rates, sailing dates and other Information, apply to DAVID PENN.

Manager, 402 Hennen Building. Telephone Main 833J. MOBILES A.1D r.llF STEAMSHIP COM PAX r. STEAMSHIP MAXTEO. JLj IN CONNECTION WITH AT Isata and St.

Andrews Bsy aawAa.I Railway Company. Freight aBSssaaaaBaKaal and passenger service between Vew Orleans. Mobile. Pensscols. St.

Andrews Bay and all points oa Atlanta and St. Andrews Bsy Railway. Sailing every FRIDAY. DAVID PENN. Agent.

Tel. Main SMS. 401 Hennen Building. STEA3HHOAT8 BLACK, OUACHITA A ATCU1FA. LATA.

Leaves EVERY WEDNESDAY at a. a. x.1!, FOR COLUMBIA A.1 sSasaaasaSSs lsadinga oa Black and AND WAY Oaachlia aiau Atchafalaya fiver, aa high aa Moa- vliie Steamer WILLIAM GARIG H. M. Carter.

Master P. D. Mitchell. Clerk. J.

H. WRIGHT, 307 Cams street, sad S. STRAl'SS 824 Orsvler street. Agents. HAJIWOOD AND BENDS.

eg alar Vlckakarfj aaal Beade Packet fps-Wa, FOB HARWOOD. GRAND assBssaaBSaa. Lake. Lake Providence. Vicke bar.

Nstcaes. Port Adaas. Bayoa Sara. Batoa Rouge and all way land ings- Str. America L.

V. Coolev Master. W. B. Foulke.

Clerk. Leaves TT tsuAl. May is. at a m. (Also representing Steamer Nstrhes.

The right Is reserved ta pass all landings deemed unsafe LORD A MrPEAKE. 122 Gravter at. Phone 1773 Main. Agents. LAKE EXCURSIONS TJN'TITj MAY 17 THE STEAMER MARGARET Will not make ber regular arbedule from WEST END to MANDEVILLE.

Due notice of new arbedale will be glvea. PONTCHABTRAIX TRANSPORT CO. MANDEVILLE, LEVISDURG AND MADISONVILLE, Steamer NEW CAMELIA -Tjs, COMMENCING APRIL li. 111 leave Miloeburg oa the ar rival of cars from Louiivtli? and Nashville Depot, head or Caual Street DAILY (except Wrdnradaya snd Suudsys) 4 tn train. RETURNING, leaves MadleonvlHs dally at a.


train. Freight received dally at tae Louisville and ash a lUs Railroad Depot, bead sf (slrod street. W. U. UUILaT.

a Agents. Ill Caroedeiet Street, wslted for three hoars, aa' thee tbe csptsla decided that be could wait no longer. Mr. Sllblrd could get soother servaat, be said. the steward would have to so weal as could for tbe patient antll wo got ta Calcutta.

The missionary slept all that Bight sad part of the next day. Wo knocked gently at the door several times, but there wss as answer, ssd the steward ssld ws'd better 1st bla sleep, aa It was the beet remedy. At anna captain ordered the carpenter to force the lock, and half a dosea of aa stood around while be did it. The door opened the per suasion of the chisel, and thea we fell back with a gasp. "The cabin wss empty: 'Pinned on one of the banks wss a card.

with these words written In pencil: 'Biassed Is be that expectetb nothing, for shall aot get let 'Oa tr other side, la printed characters. read: 'James Doolan. Ventrlloijulat and Quick Change Artist. Concerts Attended. And now." said the mate drily, "yoa ran understand why I put me foot oa the maa fhst tried to sell me Jewelery." ASTRO A PARAGRAPH PORTRAIT Collier's.

Caatro is alight, below medium helrhf. with wire res'less. aupp-eaaed eoerxv. He fa vain small thlnrs. sensitive shout his sllsht slxe.

nd the only pnrrrslt of bin permitted to he Is head snd shoulders ra refill retouched so as to sucgeet a hevv. thk-k set. sons re-shoal lie rs-1 Bin. wl'h massive if a a oa Aa a mstrer of f.rt. fat'irs i.l fart.

ark to tne Imaclnatloo and yield tittle to rlpflon. If la a mak which give, yoa a'sntly the curious impression that It Is a aak act thst behind. hMdeu is the man The eve, are steel pellets thst bar Into the s-i'-leet. but 'here Is never tj rarrV -e. or the flicker of a mnerle.

Thee re aa abstract as the eve, of a Iha. Toe brow la and motionless, the cheek nee are lsrse and stm-a- Ttie nose Is dell- care; half reseated by the close clipped heard I popilarlv Credited Bat It is the whole expression er, rather. mists'-rie ts ne s-raignr. hard line of a t'zrzx besw and Prrfr' 1" snsles. it, com- 1 ZmlnLn VSlS rT? XmZTZ VXoSX'th'VhicTh: I 1 71 1 Twice hud the traveler in cheap Jewelry approached the firt mate of the Mary Ellen, bn was standing at anchor against the bar of the Ship and Dolphin.

Twice had the mate Ignored him. A third ap peal In the Interest of business, and the persistent vendor found himself on hfa back lr the corner, his trinkets scattered about the floor. "No," said the mate, gazing thought fully Info bis empty pewter and glancing algnlflcantly at the landlord, "it ain't the man that worries me: it'g the sight them 'ere Jewels that pota snlphor on me tongue. "You're a genelman o' taste." said the landlord, ringing tbe half sovereign tendered by the mate for the refill. "Cheapness ain't ralrie.

ls It?" Taln't eiactly that, neither." the mate said. "Jewelg any sort brings all the badness In me to the top. They reminds me o' something. I want to forget." "Did the boy a ever tell yon of tne Rajah's treasure He Jerked his thumb over his shoulder to Indicate tbe Mary Ellen, which was made fast to the quayside. "Xo? Well, yon can't blame m.

It'a human to forget when to remember fives yon pain." He patised In order that the landlord might fully appreciate the aphorism. "It happened about two years ago," he went on. "We had a cargo for Calcutta, orders being to atop at most the porta on the way ont to pick np more. An hoar before we sailed the agent comes aboard, an grlnnln like a chimpanzee. There's a couple o' passengers this be says, a missionary an' his servant.

They're goln all the way. so' he winks at the second mate 'yon ought to have a live! passage. "It wag half past eleven we wa dne out at midnight when a Chlnyman puts In an appearance with a conple of trunks. He said that be was the Rer. Jame-i KMMrd'a servant and that he would be much obliged If one of the deck hand would pilot him to the reserved cabin.

The missionary, be added, was on his way to the ship, an the captain hadn't to worry which was Terr nice an considerate. "When you'ra shovln cargo away right np to the moment salUn. yon don't. a a rule, go round to ry yonr respects to tbe passengers. Consequently.

It was not antll the ahip was elearlng the Med-wsy that the captain thought to aak If Mr. Sltblrd had come aboard. The quartermaster slipped along to the cabin an kicked It gently. The Chlnyman pushed his bead out. 'What wanteeT be any a.

la your gur'nor aboard. ChingT says the quartermaster. 'Alice rlfhtee. ssllormea velly busy. or bee noise velly aa good for head.

Him go sleepy. Nigh And the door wss sfaat with a click. "The aait day the missionary came to break fast; bat we didn't see the Chlng. Vi, w. presumed, had the Ingsrage to napsck.

Mr. SHMrd was net sa elderly man. but he bad a way a rolling his eyes which put tea yeai oa to alia la a second. Re hadn't a hair on his fsce. aa his eosaplexloa was a cross be tween tallew aa' tow.

Be hada't Buck to say as as si breakfast, an aohody seemed parrkralarly anxious Is force the eont ttoa. Then waa a danger of running head oa ta a asrmoe. aa' sons of as felt that sray la 11 nedL One thing about the maa that stracs as snore than anything else waa tbe quantity of Jewelry he a ported. An' It didn't aeenx suto' place oa htm. He had two diamond rings a his right band that onset have rent a pile njoeey, aa' emeralds sa sapphires fairly biased sa his left.

Aa didn't be know bow to fiaah 'era At every turn that he made with bis hand at breakfast the diamonds seamed to catch the sunlight, sa afore he west oa the bridge the second mate had made np his anlnd ta adverttaa for a missionary job ss soon as be waa paid off. "Daring tbe next three days we didn't see Mister Chlng came on deck, aa1 Blzed pretty freely srlth tbe hands tbst scorn' oa duty. be ssld. was 'velly mnchee sick of sea." aa' didn't want to see anybody hat Chlng. "who bad been with him for years an years.

That night Chlng played cards with two of the quartermasters and the se-rsng. Ho lost pretty heavily, but paid up Ilka maa. The fellow seamed to have no end aa. ifke his master, he carried enough jewelry to start a pawnbroker bnslnesa. The aezt night the Cmlnymaa played again tbe qtisrtermssters saw to that nut before bo had been playing aa hour he ssid that tbe bank waa basted, an' It wouldn't do aa ta the cabta for more, ss his master wax aaleep.

Takee he ssys to the qnartemaster. pulling a scarf pin out of his pocket; 'plenty An' he winked hla wicked eyes like clockwork. That began to make the others think, an the aeit morning one of the nnartermasters comes to my cabin ta' respectfully begs sn Interview. I took the ararfpln from htm. seat blm forward tn a harry.

Then I goes the captain aa lays the matter afore him. "Well. Mister he says, 'wot business of outs Is It to poke a nose Into a passenger's earel boa? They've paid their passage to Calcarta. an' all we'vo got to do to land a there, sound la wind an limb. 'But It do seem strange, I asys Mlssloosties sn' Chlnyman don't do murb In the diamond line, aa a rale' Well, we raa't help It, Sherlock.

he ssrs. It be a lesson to yoa when you're ashore an' yoa'fa Inclined ta let your gea eroaity run away with yoa because a pretty Jingles a collectla box under your noae." That being the way tbe csptsla looked st the Batter. I didn't see that It waa necessary bo to get 111 about It. All I bad to con plain about during the next three days wor Che row a forrard. Every axaa oa tbe ship was bent teaching tbe Chlnymas bow ta play poker.

'aimethlng was bound ta happen before long. And It did. The captain aa' I were esatalntn' the chart one day. whoa np comes ef the deck hands a' asks If It would be convenient for the csptsla ta advance him IsTbt pounds ef hla wages. "The raptslB taonght the man had gone Bad, and reached for a monkey wrench that was lytug bandy.

The Bsa edged away an saluted again. -What do wast eight pounds for? the csptsla roars. I wsat ta Invest It. saya the deck band. 'And wot are yoa golo to Invest It In ssks the csptsla.

sarrsstlcslly. PI a mood mines, eh The dec band started ss If he'd been hit srlth the arreurh. sa' coming a bit nearer. "Wet. be says, 'sre yoa 'avla a bit oa aa sretL slrT 'Wot the devil do yea meanf says the captain.

Havtn a bit oa wotr 'Why. oa the treasure bunt! the deck hand replies. "The treasure hunt" the captain repeats. "Wot the who the 'Ere. Mr.

Sherlock, take dam font to the steward an' get cim a donhle dose a' dranrhts: See that be takes It. too'' "I wss lesillng tbe deck hand sway, when conv-a a quartermaster, sad behind him. a V-t cheep, wor flfreen of sixteen of crew. "Wet's this, Johnaoa a mutiny?" I aks. "No.

sir." be "I we. that la. would l'k a word with the captain." "The captain came out of his cabin with a revolver ta each band. He bad heard tbe -mnlny' an" waa ready for emergences ap spoke the quartermaster. Os behalf the crew ss' himself, he ssks If the captain smild he llnd eanaigh advance their wa-re the veraa-e.

Thev a wore by all that they that they swi'1 llr-ah the trip like men the csptatn would seeeda to their wlsbea. -What do vow want the moeev for?" aaka ms.pidou.iy. rn inr- rep't-s Johnson, "1 eoold see a dsogerouo light comia' into old maa a eyes, so got eat racge of a "Look be roars, like a bull, "la this a ahlp. or la it a damned tork exrhance. or have I got a crew o' lnnatlrs on board Whoa been putting this tammrrnt Into yoox headsr 'Eeggtn' your pardon, sir." said the qnar- termiater.

'but will you let me '(io says the rsptsin quietly, taking out hla watch aa' playing tenderly with the noae of bis gun. "I'll give you two he sava. "You becati the quartermaster, 'it's thla way. Mister SUblrd is well, he slo't a missionary at -IXntr retla the captain, dropping bis watch on the deck. 'No.

air." saya the quartermaster, nervously, 'he ain't a missionary. He's goln' to Calcutta oa a mission, but It's a treasure mission. Him an' Ching beg pardon, sir him as' hla servant 'ave got valuable "'Have tbeyr the captain Interrupts cya-lcslly. 'Tea. sir.

the quartermseter goes oa. 'Mis ter Sllblrd knows where the treasure of sa or su die-j knows Indian Rajah la buried. There's heaps monda. aa' heaps rubles, sn' the Lord bow many millions o' money sneers the captain, 'why doesn't be get 'em himself Instead o' blabbla' to a lot lary wajta bonds who ought to be doin' time for card aharpln' "That was a nasty reference to the Chin man'a loasea an the quartermaster colored np In a hnrry 'Ton see. air.

be stammered, 'he can't do It very well by himself. The treasure Is burled In a lake all fathoma deep, an' a little capital Is needed to commence tbe That's where yoa come In, eh? grlna tbe captain. Tea. sir. the quartermaster replies 'Mister Sllblrd.

who baa proved hlaself kind hearted gent to every member of the crew, has decided to abate his Information. Re ain't strong man' the quartermaster' voice sank to a whisper 'an' be knowa be ain't got long berth down here. He's goln' to turn thl 'ere little Job Into a syndlcntej sn we're the syndicate. "He looked round st the rest of the crew who stood with their rape In their bands snd their heads respectfully lowered. Now I come to think of It.

they looked aa enterprlaln' syn dicate, takfn' 'em as a whole, mind you "The captsln sent me tn summon Mr. 811 bird to the saloon deck. The rsbtn door was locked "Who knockeeT shouted Chlng, In his thin, piping voice. "Will yoo ten Mr. SUblrd thst the csptain would like to see him at oncer I aald.

"In live minutes, cane the voice of Mr. PlIMrd. "And In Ave mlnntea the tressure-buntlng missions ry waa on deck. "Wot's all this about the Rajah'a Jewels? Bays the captsln. lowering hla eyebrows.

"The missionary crossed bis bsnds aver bis sparrow chest snd sighed. "Ah. esptsln." be says. If yoa only under stood my position In yesr. a month.

week. I may be sleeping beneath tbe sod. Con sumption, sir ah. that terrible plague! But 1 aa not afraid to die. sir no.

by no means. One rsn become reconciled even to the pres ence of death. When a man la ny position realises that be has not long to live. It only nstarsl that be should prepare himself for the grave. And.

captain there wss psthetlc Uttle catch In his voice It behoves a maa to look around from tbe edge of tbe grave and aak himself what he caa do to benefit hla fellow men before he leaves them Shall be bestow bis wealth upon those who have frowned apoa him? Ah. no! Shall he enrich those who asve loved blm net We are only buman, captain, even when we are play Ing with the shroud. No. sir. The dying maa loots around for those whose countenances re flect their minds.

When I csroe aboard this shin snd saw tbe faces of the crew. I knew that mv onest waa ended. "They shall be rich men," I said to my servant, "and then yoa shall prepare my winding sheet snd I will submit to the will of God. "He stopped to wipe the corners of his eyes with yaller handkerchief, sn' In tbe silence thst followed I heard the quartermaster snivelling. His father had been a pew-opener at Ealing, and the mlsslonsry's narrative bad touched hlra "Well.

air. Mr. Sllblrd ansa oa. 'some years ago I rendered service to a dying lsacar and to show his gratitude be gave me the precious documents relstlng to the bidden treas ure of a Ralsh. I doubt sot thst you have lesmed something about It from your sstlm sble qnsrtermsster.

The plana, with the aid of which the treasure csn be recovered, sre in my rablB. Naturally. I guard them closely You will have remarked that I or my servant remain with them In the cabin. When It necessary thst I should seek fresh sir. the noble Wong Lung keeps wstcb.

At this very moment he Is sitting there resdy to die while protecting the "An- wot do yoa proposer The raptsln's voice showed the Interest he bad taken In the atory. Two hundred pounds Is the capital re says Mr. Sllblrd. "That will purchase all the diving apparatus necessary. With four members of the crew I shall be able to finish the work in three "Let me look at the plans.

says tbe cap tain, and Mr. Sllblrd went to bis cabin and returned with a bundle of yellow parchment The captain led tbe way to his csbla. snd I snd Mr Sllblrd followed. The door wss locked at the request of the missionary, snd then the precious papers were unfolded. They appeared to be genuine, and I could tell by tbe way be nvaierated hla language when he addressed him that tbe captain was very favorably Impressed by Mr.

SUblrd. At the end of half aa hour be bad made up his mind to enter Into the apecalathas. The old skipper hsd a good heart beneath hla bluster, and, la order that tbe crew might participate la the fortune that was coming, be advanced them a portion of their wages, planked down twenty five pouwla himself, and advised me ta speculate to the extent of tarsnty pounds. I took his advice. Mr.

Sllblrd collected the money and took it to hla cabin, retarnlng with a Va of forma which wore dnly signed by hla and each Baa who bad paid for a share. Then be retired to hla cabin, and we didn't see say more or bin antll we sighted Co lombo. Ho esse oa deck looking pals aa' haggard. He laid his chest was treubltn' hla. aa he bad ran oat of tbe medicine that wss msde for blm from a spedsl prescription.

The whole crew got Bullous about that chest. and the medicine lorker waa turned Inside oat for remedies: but Mr. SUblrd shook his besd sadly, sad feared that he would have to wait antll we got to Colombo. Ha would send Woag Long sshore. be said.

If anyone knew of a chemist In tbe town. The quartermaster, who bad bad bis besd split upon la the native quar ters one Bight, remembered tbe guVlrsas of a rbemtst who had braced hlra op, and Mr. SU bird carefully noted the address. He ssld thst he felt faint snd would retire to bis cabin. I offered to help him there, but be derllned with thanka.

I stood watching blm fumble at the locked door, and looking bark, be aaw me. Wong Lnng. he called oat; sn" I heard tbe Chlnyman answer. Telly good, veliy good!" He went Inside. Ws got to enr berth la the breakwater.

but found that there was very little cargo to come aboard. Every maa went about bis work whistling and slrgtr.g. as if work was a Sunday school treat and Lord Mayor's dinner rolled Into one. When they did ta.k. there was only one ject.

The Rajah's treasure bad been carefully laid out by every man. Two quarter masters had gone Into the hotel business, four of tbe derkhanls had stranged a Monte Carlo srndirate, and toe rat-In boy had bought brand-new aiotey car. Can't aay what tne captain bad tbougit of. but be was contln-usTy tslklrg of the profits that accrued from breweries. I bad bought a little estate In Surrey.

-Ai hour before we cast off. the Chlnyman came on deck with a 'If tie bia flag. The ship's boat was lowered for him. sa' aa weir nown Tne aw slews nis Bead an g-osaed. 'Him hsd." he said.

"SI leepy now; no wakee far Dumber three hour. "Hurry np with the tredt'lne." arhlapered the qnartermaster. and Wong Long signified his readiness to do sn. -We watched for the return of the Ch toyman, bit he didn't come. We could see the boat moored to the fty.

an la her the de-a-band who'd rowed the Chlsyieaa a bora. p. I If aa' the he ws In sold row ront ho Is snd Left Reoelpta. Sales. over.

Cattle 63 82 Calves and yearlings 143 178 220 Ho-s 113-23 90 Sneep Milch cows 4 4 14 1 Totala Thla day last year 9362. STOCKS AT PORTS AND INTERIOR POINTS. Baiea. New Orleans I (, Mobile aiu.nh i'harlcsioo i.inlneton Norfolk Haltlniore N-w lioMon i'biladeli'bia Total at all ports. At Interior Points Memrilii Augusta 'iurtnna-i rt.

Houston St'3 6i5 61 641 12 566 63 602 9 4c 1 11 810 23 081 I 004 123 067 5 OCO 4 461 663 441 74 812 31 197 13 684 86 064 3 287 EXPORTS FROM All. PORTS FOR ONE DAT. 1909. 1908 1907 Totals IS 122 19.630 2 278 Forrlf Markets. Llrerpool Market quiet.

This day To-dar. Tes'dsT. Last yr. Eatlrnsted t-'tal 20.CO0 12.000 Of which or rtpurt and speculation 500 500 1 000 Sales of Amenr-sa 000 18 00 11.000 Micdllng American 6 79 6.73 4 26 To-day. Teaterday.

May May-Jnne June-July JuIt-Aukus? AuKnKt-tMptember September-tH-tober October November Noreniber Iteeeniber December -Jsnoary January Febniarr February-March 6 67 6 67 5 li 5 64 -s 6.71 -s 6 74 6 74 6 73 6 71S 6 70 6 70 6 69 70 6.70 a 6 70 6 75 6 7S't 6 lC 5 6" 6 69 6 69 6 69s 6 70 Mar-rn-Aprtl Revision. American Grades Mar IS. Ordl. nary 4 97. arood ordinary 6 22 kw middling-6 41.

mlddllnjr 6.79. g-ood mlddllnc 6 99. aid-dlltif; fsir 136. LIVERPOOL WTF.KLT STATEMENT. Weak ending Saturday.

May IS. 1901 64.000 1908 104.000 1907. 42. 904 eek'a sales Of which Amer ican 47.000 a. 100 500 I 000 93 000 8 000 4 900 as coo 1.200 900 TSiudin- for ei- loclud for peculation Forwa rded 76 900 SS 000 Total stocks ..1.209.

004) 223 000 1.212.000 694000 1.0S2 000 Of which Amer Iran 1,101.000 Actual wsek'a exports 000 Weeks receipts. 80.000 Of which American 64 000 Total receipts since Seotejl- 12 000 as 000 10 eoo 32 000 67.000 20 000 ber 2.753.000 8 269.001 4 824 000 of sMri Amer ican I 181 0O0 a. 642 000 2 324 000 Stocks afloat 136 000 66 000 ISO 000 Of which Amer iran 104 000 27 000 138.000 Hasre Market hardening Spots Fnllr good middling Fully Biiddllug Ijon middling To-dr. Testerdsy. 784 73 70S 71 7S T'4 rr'.

Pell Mi' June July Atifrnst September w-toher ..68 7V 68 68 6S 68 -s est, November BBS xt IX Tone Futures: To-day. buyera at quotations yeterday, quiet. Ore a Freliats frona Orleans. (For Coujpreseed Cottoa tn Cents per 100 Lbs.) t-pois 1 lis oiiib Liverpool sac, Cheater 2ic. hiaTre Autweip 28-.

Bremen 28c, Han.bnrg 28.. Kotterdatn 24V-. Ba'tic tvc. lisnciona ieenaa Trieste sS- Venke Sir. New i rk Naplea 25c, Itun-kirk 0irt Next Month Llrerpool 2Jr, Mam bter Antwerp 2S--.

Bremen 28-. liam' burg 23-, Rotterdam 26r, Baric 40c. 40c. Genoa Trieste 85c. Venl-s Sic New 24-.

Napits 25c. Duuklrk Itporro w-. Vis New 1 ork Msnchester yfcv. Antwern 1 lu.i.J.l.Li. an SIC, iiopiou es- 1., i-iiBiieipuis Uf I.

C. I I sil ni'er sw roviaence jsc 1. Per pound, ship payiug romprwsing. Chal aiette. Where two rates tne loase applies to -tramp.

ine mcner to lissr." EW OKl.KS U04IID OK THADK. Hive. Tie following srr the official quotatlona fat. uio br tot- New Vlrteaoa Hoard of Trsds: Honduras Quiet; msrket bare, yuoiatioos: f2ii4 60. Artual ssles none.

Japan Quotations: 32 252 26. Market ulet; bare. Actual aaiea none. leau Hocdnrss: lone quiet. Sales 200 pocketa at H'O'- Japan aies 560 ttm-k ets at 2S3Sc Clesav Ts-dar.

Ilonduraa. bead 4 Teaterday. IsllS a 1 5ss a Stralgbts. per pound. S4S No.

2 Japan, S.reeoioga.. ho. a Rice Product -I'cilab 2', a I 'a i2S 2 .119 SO -3 91 00 119 59 20.84 27 00a 28 00 27 00 28 04 BICE MOTEMEiNT. 603 27U 1 248 94 1.175.981 Clean pocketa. 500 4 3X0 7 334 639 444 Receipts Today Thua far this week Tha far this sessoo time time last year iles Reported to-day Including millers' receipts, etc 639 Thus far tl-ls week.

1oiua ing millers- rerelpta. etc. I 331 far tbia aeaaim 1 184 212 860 6 579 98 790 Same time last year .1.163 707 1 073 359 Coffee. Rio Ineolce (per lbi No. I Sc, No.

7 ISe. So I Sr. No. 4 I Santos larolce tpcr lb No. 7 ISr No.

ISe No. 4 c. No. 3 9Sr. Too of market steauj.

Jobbing SO "pubiie Warehouse Deliveries New Tort 10 186 bags Ne (irleans 691 bsgs, Baltimore nil total 16 171 bc. Rio de Janeiro. My 14 Market weak: No 7 coffee iper ten 43585 Kxrhare rat. 18 6 22. Receipts 3000 sto.

92 000 bag Santos Market qnlet. G--l serage 2S400. R-etpta 8000 bag. 'ork 421 -a Inter" Receipts Sa Paulo 7000 bags. Jun-diahy 2800 bags.

nreadataffs. FLOUR. Hard Spring Minns-sots and Dakota Tvai ratcnts. wixl pke. i i'j 1 ac- A LIVE STOCK.

ST. II I. Mav IS. Cattle Reeeipts fOO, Including 130 Texana. Market ateady Na Mve shippers and export steers 38 407 15.

reused eef and butrner steers 65 SO il SS. stoers under 1000 pounds 14 SO a 6. s'ockers snd feeders 64 603 25 cow, and heifers 8-4 6 66. cannera 32. 86 8 85.

bulls 94S04S75. rslves 5'iS7S. Texss snd Indian at 34 0 4 50 rows snd ae'fers 18 75 a 3 25 Hogs Receipts 1000 Market teslT. F'lra and nthi. 64 75 7 20.

packers 7.10 i7.2O, but-hrs snd best heavy s7.337.50. Sheen None. KANSAS CITT. May 16 Cattle Re-elpa UO. IncluiJlug 600 Southerna.

Market aeady. Native ateers 35 85g6 90. Southern steers 84 75I40. Southern rows 33 5 5 50. native inw and r6M.

st w-kers and feelers 34 5 10. bulla 83 50 -tS 50. rslves $4 47. Weaiern steers 35 25 'a 6 65, VI esters cows $3 75 a 5 75. K-relp-s 4000 Market strong to 6c bich-t.

ilk 87 107.35. bhep Noue. HIi'AGo Mav 13 Cattle Receipts estl-matd at Market Beeves 15 10 9 7 25. Tens steers 84 60 a I 10 Western stee-s V4 75nS. sto-kers and S3 60 1 8 45.

rosrs snd belfers 2 SO'gt 26. rslves 35 75 rr 7 50 H.r Receipts estimated st 9000. Ma-ket strong to shade higher. Llrbt Id 907 I7S-mixed 87 52S. beavT 37 10aTS8 rv(h 17.

10 vr 7 20. to choice heavy 87 60 -H 7 65. pigs 35 854680. bulk of ssles 17 S3 50 Sheep Keoelpta eatlmsted at 2000 Market weak 341iA60 V. estem 84 26 tf 4 40.

v-earltnev BA 94 7 hO tftatsve lamha 18 Ik4 7S. We.tem SB 50 9 S3. MAKINE aNEWS NEW ORLEANS. May II. 1909, CLEARED YESTERDAY.

Steamship Fl Monta, Woodward, for New York Southern ParirV Nor. steamahlp City of Mexico. Henrlcheea, for limpl.s and Vers Crua vis Texsa Clfv Wsolvln Llna. Nor. teamhlp Tholma.

Jager, for Chrtatlaala via Norfolk. a. H. ofemana. ARRIVED YESTERDAY.

Sor. steamship Vlslor, Thoraen. from Cciba, 11.. to Vsccsro Bros, at Third 11-trlrt. 10.

Lrit. steatralilp Dufflvld. Morgan, from Gal veston to Klder. lempater At Co. Henderson street.

Brit. st-smsltip Wsverley, Ramsay, from Csr- denss sud Matanaaa. Cuba, to Wm. J. Hammond Company.

Ltd. New Refinery. Steamboata. O. Savidor.

f-ora Bavoa Iafourrbe. Terrehrmne. Bradford, from Bayou Lafourche, (rover Cleveland. Inge. from oiga.

Hare; Vlathes. frrnn Grand lls. El Kito btraud. from Olga. tiem.

Jurist, h. from Bayou Conk. C. houeate. f-vm Baron Laftrarche.

H-' 1 a n-e 1 barmie from Bsroa Lafourrne. Eva. Iuet. from Bayou A.

I C. from Grand lale. Eymani. from Bayoa Lafourrbs. loggers.

Europe. Boarder, from Bayoa Lsfourrhe. NfSi Basin. G. H.

A Thor-as. Sprlng-aeid. from Ma.lIonvi';e. Kover. from Louisisna Marsh.

Old Baatn. John Petecs-m. f-o-n Kotifourg. L.lrabe'h. from liuifjioct.

Alpnotiac. fT'on Bay lyfttns. Man- f-om T--nf rirta. T.rkfia, fr--m Trbefunrta. POUTS.

MW YORK rer steamahip Fl cotton 10 bhls 143 surar 993 r---keis ri-e 118 I 190 o- a 50 i t.ii 2000 ar.i.-r 24S5 bH box mi'-il 1 na a. lne 2 nore 17 000 f-et lam'iT 201 ri.i. le 1 aae rublier 4 bags ai.igator skiua 1 bale deer akins. 11 avri 'f-r-a cut of M-x'ro 10 Sa a r.i.i .3 nkra ir-e-r Tim ae eS n. .1...

725 caes 111 r-eaae 660 C'aae404 9000 rro--e 700 bo a box srf--s 6S3 p. osa iiiT'st 414 prs por nr l.m-ber 11 r-' iron p'e 101 pre rn Per "mn Tholma lH bbls oti p- oak s'aves 111 prs cahogaay 1223 p- oak lumber 793 "a 68 lb cfoo sud J.jte.. 6 55 630 Hard Wheat. Kaneas Pa'euta. wood pkt 6 6 95 98 lb cotton and iute 6 60 6 70 Soft Winter Wheat-patents, wood pkc 7.25 7 98 lb cotton and 1 t'j1 10 S'rairfcts.

wo.wi pkia 6 75 6 8i Strsrhta. 98 lb cotton and 1ut 1556 85 MISCEU.AVFX11 6 55 it 30 I 6 75 6 95 61,4 6.70 7 15 7 7 10 6 76 ,:6 35 55 -o 63 Conimeal. per bl-l 33 55 9 ai CI 8 8533 1S a.85?S 95 CreammeaL per Gits, coarse, per bbl. Unta. Una.

per 8 95 a 4 05 I Sxi.4 (is I 95 4 05 3 I16 4 04 I lmlslve sr-eenf ne l.Pe-s- nm He K. hehi; mn4 Is lo-t fin r. i. a i-i inn ai.l ax-rress-ve. poiilic.

bratal and uai bttt sb.a. i.

The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.