Dandridge Weekly Republican Banner from Dandridge, Tennessee (2024)

tr 11 1 PERSONAL. home where they have been tendiug Jas. Curry, of the let disA Mr. Theo. Rosa, of the firm B.

Havis is in town. Capt. A W. AABewley, of White Pine, was in town Monday. Rev.

J. K. Burchfiel wasin town Monday and gave pleasant call, Misses Tennie and' Maggie Russell, ot Athens, are visiting friends at this placo. B. 0.

Thornburgh, of the 11th district, gavo us 8 pleasant call A. G. Taylor, of the 5th district, was a visitor to the BAN NER office Monday. of Mossy Croek, was 10 town mixing among the sovoreigns. Russell, of gAlossy Creek, is over on a visit (o her father's, Temple Harris, Mr.

E. E. Davault, late ot Louisville Seminary, is in town the guest of, Mr. Temple Harris. Geo.

E. fort Mossy Creek, was in town iMonday on professional business. Mr. Pery Rainwaters, from south the river, was in town Saturday and gave the BANNER a call. Mr.

John- Swann, a student of Athens University and citizen pt our county; gave de a pleasant tall Monday. Mr, K. Mi. Lockhart, near Mount was in town Monday tollling the people he is a candidate for Circuit Court Clerk.Prof. W.

L. Jones, Sup't. of Put Tasty in town Monday looking after the of the public schools of the county. Capt. agent of the Quartermasters Departmont of the U.S., is in town looking after the -business of his department.

Mr. Alexander Hays, proprietor of the, steam mill south of the river, roturned trom Knoxville Monday and stopped over nigbt in town. MET Jail to do farmer living hear Hickory Ridge, this called at our office Monday and subscribed for the BANNER. $1 highly estocined friend, Mr. Len Mitchell, gave our office.a rery.

plensant visit yosterday. "Call again Len, we appreciate, you muchly, Mr. R. our ess Val the river, was in town Monday teemed young friend trona southand paid his respects, to the NER. 4 Mr.

Burchfiel has just graduated. from the Athens University. P. I. Meek, left Mondays Glendale, Ohio, for' the purpose of attending the commences Ament exercises and accompanying his and Col.J.

M. Meek's daughters trict, now 66 years. of age, walked from his home 6 miles distant to this place last Monday and returned the same day. 'Squire we are always" glad, sea you on our streets, and the next time you come stay all night with us. Capt.

0. E. Dunn, an ing farmer 'of Leadvalo, was town Mouday and paid u3 8 very 1 pleasant The Captain says a man is no man at all who won't take his county paper, and subscribed tor the BANNER. thanks Capt. and snccess to you, 3 Miss.

Georgia Denton an complished young lady who has been visiting friends and relatives in our town, departed to return her home -in Osceola last Tuesday. Miss: A Georgia during her stay -in -Dandridge andi the surrounding has. made many friends, and her departure certainly made mapy sad hearts especially, among the young men and young ladies with whom she mostly associated. Mr. Samuel 'F.

Smith who has located. in, this county for something like a year: as the agent of the Davis Sewing Ma: chino Company, departed lay for. his home in Johnson county. Mr. Smith by his strict principles and honest habits, won the confidence of the public generally enabled him sell' great many of his maebines.

Mr. Smith informs us that he will retire: from: the, business for lawbile at and turn his attention to his farm and bee cal-, ture. We wish Mr. Smitb much success. LEA Proceedings of the County Court, Court mot at 10 o'clock, J.

M. Ashmore chairman, presiding. The following proceedings were had: 2 The following settlements made by the clerk was confirmed: Settlement with G. Dice guard. of Hayworth heirs.

1. Settlement with 'Altied Ailey guard. of. Nautiler Ailey. 'Settlement with J.

W. Corbett guard. of Sarah A. Corbett. Settlement with P.

M. Rankin Juhu. M. -Lockbart. Settlement with P.

M. Rankin adm'r. ot Amanda Kimbrough. Settlement with S. Hill guard.

ot John Corbett. The Court fixed the compensation of J.D. Pierce, assignee of Chaney Co. at 5 per cention $800.00, the assets received: by him. A.

G. Taylor, adm'r. of: B. Doughty presented: an inventory. of the estate of his intestate which was received and.

ordered recor ded. T. A. Davis, vs. Jacob Jacobs, ct.

al. Judgement pro-contesso against parties who have not Wm. Whillock, guard. of Sanders, presented a report which was confirmed. W.

Hoskins was appointed guard. of Tnos. and Samuel Thornburgh, and gave bond in the sum ot one thousand dollars. B. L.

Green was. appointed guard. of Richard Green, and gave bond in A the sum of twenty-five dollars. Court adjourned. Murdered by Lust; or, The Mystery of Savin Rock.

Is a complete and graphic history of the Jennie Cramer case, up to the commencement of the press ent trial. It is written with care and in a pictureque-style, and lave iehly illustrated with admirable engraving, portraits and scenes from tragedy, aud gives, altogether, the best and only complete history of the "case published. RICHARD K. Fox, Publisher, 183 William N. Mass Meeting fot Jefferson County, The people of Jefferson county are requested to assemble in mass meeting at the Court House in Dandridge, the 1st Monday of July next, for the purpose of selecting delegates from each civil district to, meet in convention on soine day and at some place to be hereafter designated by tho committee of the 3rd.

Senatorial for the purpose of nominating a candidato for Senator for said district. May 26, 1882. J. E. Committeeman forJefferson Co.

LARGEST BOOK 'The editiou of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary recently issued, in the quantity of matter it contains, 18 believed to bel the largest volume It will Surpriso many readers to khow" that it contains eight times the amount of matter "contained 10 the, Bible, being make 75 12mo. volumes that drually eell for $1.25 each! Its voca', bu'ary, comprises 118,000 words (4,600 of which have recentIt has added). new Biographical Dictionary, giving Fbiief, important facts sons. concerning 9,700 upted pers Thero a Memoir of of Noah Webster, al brief history of the English language, Principles bf Pronunciation, Lists of. 4,000 Scripture Proper Names, 10,000 Geographical Names, common English Names.

several pages of Proverbs, of Noted Fictitious Names Persons, and, Places, and many' valuable features, -all of which, in a volume of 1,928 pages, embellished with Eagravings, go to make up a great house of useful knowledge. nad. Tho Choice A Dance of the Season. 17. The social aud dance given the Residence of Mr.

and Mrs. M. Hill on last Monday eve, was certainly enjoyed by all who attend As you pass in you. look the right and you would see that" largo and handsome twelve couples of dancers; the yonug ladies the most beautis fat and charming of all Tennessee will say hothing for the boys except that, they. deserve credit for their and gentlemanly! conduct.

Then you pass to' the room occupied by thoso the sociable, and if yon heard them express thieinsolves, you surely would know that was an en: "musiciaus" deserve praise their most excellent music in the and the prompting by Nichols, Hill, Oldham and Cowan cannot be. surpassed. OBSERVER REPUBLICAN BANNER. I LOCAL MATTER One Dollat in cariably in she months so' Local 10 cents per line for drat insertion, 5 cta. for each additional insertion.

bottoms free when not exceeding linen, and all over Ave Scia. per line. SHYLY OFFICERS, Clerk Master-D. I. Meek.

Circuit Court Clerk- W. P. Horkina. -County Court Clerk -J. M.

Nicholson. Chaiaman County Court--J. M. Ashmore. Sherif--Harvey Bales.

Trustee--Daniel Thornton. M. Carr. Sept. Public Instruction -W.

L. Jones. County P. Johnson 1. Shadden.

Supt. Workbouse-W. N. HIIII. CITY OFFICERS.

ET Mayor--Mon. J. L. Rogers. Recorder-D.

H. Meek, Esq. W. N. Hill.

Vance, Dr. P. Cline, B. Palmer, J. C.

Aldermen vin, A McFaul, J. Hammer. 1. ARRIVALS AND. OF, MAILS.

The Sunday, leaves New Market tor Dandridge, At 8 a.m., arved at at m. Leaves Dandridge 17:30 P. arrives at New Market at 3:50 p. m. tend Friday.

I Leaves Knoxtille at a. arrives at rille to Dandridge every Monday, Wednesday Dandridge at p. m. Leaves Dandridge Tuesday, ville Thursday at 6 and Saturday, at Ta. strives at p.m.

Dandridge to Morristown. Dandridge at m. parrives 19 m. Leaves Morristown ves at vill Da to iron win Tit very Dandridge Monday. at Wednesday m.

a and to every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 arrives at Savierville at 5 p. m. Dandridge to Emert's Cove, Wednesday Friday. Leaves Dandridge at, 7 a. arrives at Rmert's Cove at 6 p.m: Emert's Cove every Thursday and Saturday, arrives at ge at 6 p.m.

Dandridge Boyd's Creek every Tuesday and Boyd's Creek at Dandridge at 8. a. arrives at 12 m. Leaves Boyd's Creek at 1 p. at New I p.

m. 1 port day Batad arrives al Newport at Newport at 1 ar. rives at Dandridge 6 p. m. F.

A. 0. ANGLE, 623 cements For Circuit Clerks of K. M. authorized LOCKHART, and MA ed to ounce the' the candidate, of Circult Court Clerk, anthe onsuing August are antherised and raga ode announce the in ame of W.

P. HOSKINS a candidate Hon to the office of Circuit Dourt Clerk. For County Clerks to earnest selicitation of many tricpds I hereby announce myself a caudidat for the offlo, of County Court Clerk of Jefferson County. int! Respectfully: etc. ,3 711 ALEXANDER For Trustee.

wit we are authorized and to the a name, of Dantel as a candidate for reelection to the office of County Trustee. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Trustee of Jefferson County. Election first in August next. 8 WM. T.

COILE. aw last Monday. Do you waut your. repaired? Go to afT comes sprat bae -Another heavy rain last Satnight -followed -with cool 40 1 weather. 1444 -In some places of this county wheat will be- ready to cut about stirs the last of this 00.

It you' want 'a first class time piece, call on or address in New Market, Tenn. Reind Johnson Killgore' are the beat, and cheapest dridge. and a iphop. Dans town. Constable has had bus street; forgo out making some repairs pu the: etreets caused by the recent hail storm.

00 'R. Cato Maggie Branner; W. Helm to Mary D. T. Suodgrass; John Talbott to Annie Snodgrass; Missengill Barbee.

Buble in connec tion with Rev. J. M. Durbam, will preach the funeral of Wilham S. tut Chapel, the first in August 4 The prospects.

for a good tel wheat crop in this county are very flattering at -present, and farmers are very much encouraged are using means. to; take. it in when it gets ripo. 09 -We bave only three (3) dozen copies, of a splendid collection of Familiar Hymns, tastefully beantiful bound, which contains 103 hymne, which we will close ont at 6 cents. per copy, (less than cost.) 0.

B. Ilavis Cos tf. -We -that Capt. J. M.

Nicholson was thrown from his wow horse one day last week, but we are glad to note that he was not seriously hurt. He was able to be out on the streets 4 10 1 We acknowledge receipt of the Premium List.ot the Eleventh Annual' Exhibition of the Wash rington County Agricultural, Mechanical, Society, to be: held in Jonesboro the 14, 5 and 6 of Oct. Compliments of W.m. G. Mather, the Secretary! -We learn -from Prof.

W. L. Jones, our a Sup Pab that the schools will Open cut some timo in July this. year. The Prof.

Bare he, thinks children learn wore in- the summer and fall months than in thot wintor and spring months. PREMIUMS FOR THE BANNER. Unprecedented Offer Special Inducements to Little Boys and Girls. 1AL, 14. Any little boy.

or girl sending a club'of three subscribers companied with the cash, ($3 00) we will send to them ary one of the following books, worth at least 25 cents: Golcsmith's Vicar of Wakefield. Adventures of Baron Robinson Crusoe. Socialism, by John Stuart Mill. Shakespeare's Principal PlaysKing Midsummer Night's Dream; Henry Richard III; Macbeth; Othello; King Anthony and Cleopatra; The Tempest. For a clab of five subacribers, accompanied with the cash, ($5 00) we will send anyone of the following books, worth at least one dollar, and 'a copy of the BANNER, to the person getting up the club, free.

3 Vanity The Mysterious Verne. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. -Jules Verne. of the -World in 80 Days. -Jules Verne.

Chavasse's Advice: to a Wife and Mother. 3 Scott. Goldsmith. Macaulay's Pooms, Herbert. Coleridge.

Keats. Chaucer. Ivanhoe. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Popular Fairy Tales.

Andersen's Fairy Tales. Thomson," Aftoun. Jean Ingelow. Cowper. To any lady, gentleman, boy or girl sending us a club of ten 'subscribers, accompanied with the cash, ($10 .00) we- will send.

aL.y ore of the following "books, worth at least'one dollar and a half, also a copy of the BANNER: Shakespeare. Byron. Moore. Pope. Words worth.

A Burns. Dryden. Tennyson. Adelaide A. Proctor.

Owen Meredith. Rogers. Browning. 2..... Lucile.

Crabbo. Ossian, Hood. Shelley. 8 Tupper. Campbell: Favorite Poetry of Flowers.

Songs, Sacred and llero is a' grand opportunity for all to obtain good books -books worth reading and preserving A booka centre that will grace These: any books shelf are or from the pens. of the most gifted authors all ages, and are the standard works in literature. Here you have an opportunity of obtaining, books only.a without little trouble: ontThe, books will be sent to your address by postage paid by us. Now, boys and girls don't let this golden opportunity pass without improving it, for we cannot let it stand longer -than the 15th of June next, at which time' we will have to close the offer and the "books will be forwarded to those. entitled at our earliest convenience.

It will make no difference if you send us the name of any one who is already receiving our paper. If they have not paid tor it you collect the dollar and forward the same to us and we will on your club. In all cases the noney must be forwarded to.us either by registered letter or money order. Be sure to send us the name -of each snbscriber with. the postoffice: written -in plain so there" will be no mistake, also designate the book you want.

r. If you have not received a copy of the BANNER "pend us -a three cent stamp to pay postage and we will forward a copy. i. Jefferson County Democratio Convention Pursuant to a call of the Demo cratie Excentiro Committee of Jefferson county, the convention met at 1 o'clock p.m., on Monday Jane 5, 1882, at the House in Dandridge. On anotiou Mr.

G. P. Yoe, of Mossy Creek, was elected Chairman; and E. M. Moore, of Dans dridge, Secretary.

The chairman explained the object of the meeting to, be the appointment of delegates to the next Gubernatorial Convention, which meets in, Nashville, on Tnesduy the 20th of June, 1882, and also- an organization of the Jefferson County Democratic 'Exccative Committee. The chairman appointed the tol lowing committee to select delegates to attend the convention at Nashville, also to draft suit able resolutions, etc: Berry Mitchell, P. Taylor, J. P. Seahorn and J.

(). Cawood. of The committee to select deles gates reported as follows: 1st district, Dr. J. W.

Carmichael. 2nd Goo. A. Fain. Eli D.

Rainwater. 4th -I. H. Hoskins. 5th Jacob Thomas.

6th C. B. Hodges. 7th HI. E.

Daniel. 8th. 4 M. L. 9th P.

Yo8. 10th L. M. King. 11th 414 Dr.

A. A. Coldwell. 12th N. U.

Largford. 13to B. Resse. 14th J. W.

15th 66 W. H. Vance. 16th 4 Joseph Harrison. The committee, also offered the following gentlemen as delegates from -tho county at large: J.

0. Cawood, HI. T. Dick, O. Zimmerman, W.

F. Park, Capt. C. E. Duun, J.

II. Caldwell and Z. T. Godwin. The following resolution.

were submitted and unarimously adopted: Resolved, That having full faith in the ability and houesty of the Democratic party, to dispose of the question of tho State debt and' all other questions of. public policy, we, therefore, consider the unity: and harmony of the party paramount to everything else at this time, believing that a fair and the State debt, and all other questions of public interest, will be made up011 the complete restoration to power of the Democratic party in the State. Resolved, That. no delegate ap pointed by the convention shall have the wright to delegate his authority: to any. other person, and that the member attending shall cast the vote of the county.

After the adoption of the fore. going resolutions, Mr. B. Mitchell then offered the following tion which was received with ap plause and adopted with cheers and yells of the greatest excitement: Resolved, That having full confidence. in.

the ability and patriotism ot Dr. J. C.a Cawood of our county to fill the Gubernatorial the chair with honor. to himself and State, we instruct the Jefferson county delegates to cast their votes for him for the nomination. The convention proceeded to organizo the County Executive Committee tor the next two years.

The following committee. was ape pointed: Dr. J. C. Cawood, E.

Moore and J. W. Oowan. On motion the: Secretary was ordered to furnish a copy of these proceedings to the, Knoxville Daily Tribune, the REPBLICAN BANNER, Dandridge Weekly Times and Severville Enterprise, and rey trest that they publish the same. On motion the convention to: meet subject to a call of the Executive Committee.

M. MOORE, Secretary. Meeting at the Court Since my name bas been nsed in connection with "the office of Jastice of the peace, for the" 88- cond district of this county, certain malicious and- slanderous charges are being circulated by interested: parties against me: That I do not believe in future rewards and punishments. wish my trends but more ticularly my toes to meet me at the court house on Saturday thee (10th inst, at 3 that bis charge can be cleared up pab4 lically. The proof to the -contrary is athand, June.

6.1882. Geo. 0 MARKET REPORTS. Paepared and corrected weekly by BRADLEY BRO. June 1, 1881.

Weat Bran m0 ba. $1.00 Flour. $3.25 Feathers BACON. 14 Sides to 6 Shoulders. Bees Wax Potatoes Sweet.

15 Green lay Wool 00 to 40 ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Circuit Court'at Tazewoll, Tennessee. Bill for -Divorce, Nancy Lane, vs. James W. Lane.

In this case, it appearing from the non of the that the deft. 13 a resident of the State of Tennessee, 60 that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon him. It is therefore ordered by me that the said. non-resident appear the Judge of our next. Circuit Court, at Court to be held for the county of Claiborne, at the Court House 10 Tazewell, ou the' first Monday of July next, and make defence to said bill.

or the same will be set for hearing ex parte as to him, order be published in the 'DANDRIDGE WEEKLY REPUBBANNER for four consecutive weeks, This May 8, 1889. R. F. CARR, Clerk. Printer's Rogers and Stone, Solictors.

foo $5... ORDER OF PUBLICATION. In Chancery at -Tazewell, T'ennessce. Nancy vs. W.

H. Farmer, et al. In this case, it Appears to the Clerk and Master, from the bill filed, which is sworn to, that the heirs at law. of Mabala Hurst whose names are unknown, are non-residents of the State of Tennessee, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on them. It is therefore ordered by mo that publication be made for for four successive weeks in the Dandridge Weekly publican Banner, a newspaper published Dandredge, notilying said defendants to appear before the Chancery at Tazewell, on or before the 2nd Monday in ber next.

and make defenca to said bill, or the same will be taken as confessed and the cause proceeded with, ex parte 18 a to them. This May. 9, C. ROGERS, C. M.

Rovers and Stone. Solicitors. Printer's fee 85. ORDER OF PUBLICATION, Davis Adm'r. of Samue, Jacobs, vs.

cob Jacobe and others. In the County Court of Jefferson County, Tenn. IN this cause, it appears from the allegations of the petition which is dworn to, that the following nained def'ts. are non-residents of this State, vis: A. J.

Mills, Jacobs, Jacob Jacobs, Rebecca Damron, W. B. Damron, Wesley Jacobs Thomas Jacobs; and the names or names and residences of the following named def'ts are unknown, and cannot be ascertained upon dirigent viz: The widow and eight children of John Jacobs, dec'd the children of Elizabeth Robert Hutchenson 'and Rachael Hutchenson, Catherine Sharp aud Robert Sharp. is therefore ordered that all the above named defendants, be required to appear before the County Court Jefferson County. at the Court-House in Dandridge, on the first Monday in June, 1882, to make defense to 'said petition, (whice la filed to settle up the estate of Samuel Jacobs, as insolvent estate, and to sell land to pay debts), and make event said defendants shall fall to appear and defense as herein ordered, said petitions will taken as confessed by them, and this set for hearing ex-parte.

It is further ordered that. a copy of this orper be published for four consecutive weeks in the REPCREBANNER, a weekly newspaper publiabed at dridge, Tenn. This 18, day of April, 1882. JAS. M.

NICHOLSON, Clerk. A true copy: Printer's fee $5. Soapine THE Dirt Killer MAKES HARD WATER SOFT. For Washing Clothes and cleaning every. thing--no matter what -it works quicker, easier, cheaper and better than Soap or other preparations, and will make splendid Soft Soap.

It relieves the drudgery of Wash -day and is warranted not to injure hands or fabric. Everybody will continue to use it after a fair trial: Ask your Grocer for it. Established Providence, R. I. KENDALL, M'F'G And 72 Park Place, N.

41 EVERY ONE STUDYING Will get valuable information FREE by sending for circular to TOURJEE, Boston, Masa, TIRES: IMPROVED makes 5 ROOT gallons BEER of a 25c. delicious, packAY. wholesome, sparkling temperance beverage. Ask your druggist, or sent by mail for 25c. C.

E. HIRES, 43 'N. Dela, Philadelphia, medicines known are here combi red into a medicine of such varied powers as to make it the greates Blood Purifier and the Best Health ar.d Strength Restorer used Cares Complaints of Women and diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Lands, Liver and Kidneys, and is entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Essences and other Tonics, as it never Intoxicates. 50c. and $1 sizes.

Large Saving buying $1 sizes. Histox New York. BENSON'S. CA POROUS PLASTER. The manufacturers have WON THE HIGHEST MEDALS AND Praise Everywhere.

-No Remedy more Widely or Favorably Known. is rapid in relieving, quick in curing. For Lame Back, Rhematism, Kidney Affection's, and aches and generally, it is the unrivalled remedy. Parker's TONIC. CINCER -Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, and of the best Agents Wanted for Sullivan's IRELAND OF TO-DAY.

(Introduction by Thos. Power O'Connor, M. Centuries of English oppression set forth, It describes Ireland's ruin and the people's desperation. It shows bow stroyed. the It land explains was the confiscated Land and the industries deLeague, the Land Act and the Coercion Contains 32 engravings and map mense.

daw color Price: only $3 in Send 50c. for fall outfit and begin work af once: For full particulars, address J. C. McCURDY Chicago, Ill. outdi free.

G. W. INGRATIAM Boston, Mass. 930 'Per Something week can entirely be a made new la for any agents. locality.

$6 A BARCAIN SUREI History, Principles, Advacements and Leaders of the REFUBLICAN PARTY, whb biography of the LATE PRESIDENT GARFILD AND President Arthur, Lost cents, by matt of Centr. contains Information which every desires, it la the ouly complete history of Send the. your Republican address Party. (accompanie cash in full) this- valuable, Wrok, to Messri a B. by for Wolesale Retail Druggists and General Purchasing Agents; also (wholesale) agents for two of the laruest.

Book Concerna the world. Postuge Stumps tater same de cash, (it perfectly clean.) O. R. HAVIS Jefferson County, Dandeldge, E. Tenn.

SAMARITAN NERVINE SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dance, Virtigo, Hyster- ice, Insanity, Apoplexy. Paralysis, Neuralgia, and all Ner vous Diseases. This remedy will positively eradicate every species ot Derangement, and drives them away from whence they me, never to return again. "It utterly les stroys the germa of disease by neutralizing tho heretittry taint of polan: in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause.

SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Leucorrhea or Whites, P'ainful Menstruation, Ulceration of the Uterus, Internal Hoat, Gravel, Inflamma-. lion of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at Night, here is no better remedy. During the change of life no Female should be without it. It quiets the Nervous bystem 'and gives rest, comfort and nay ture's sweet sleep.

A SAMARITAN NERVINE. Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness, and chat habit of Opium Eating: These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually from these noxious drugs. The drukard drinks liquor not because he likes but for the pleasure of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that he 18 on road to ruin. Like the Oplum Eater, he first uses the drug in small quantities as a harmless antidote.

The soothing influence of the drug takes strong hold upon Its victim, leadIng him on to his own destruction. Tho habits of Opium Eating aud Liquor Drinking precisely what eating is to alimentiveness, 'as over-eating first Inflames the stomach, which redoubles its cravings until: it paralyzes both the stomach and appetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, instead of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fires, until it consumes. the vital force and then itself. Like tho gluttonous tapeworm, it cries, "Give, give, but never enough until its own rapacity.

devors itself, Samaritan. Nervine gives instant relief cases. It produces quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous system, and restores body and mind to a healty condition. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia, Palpitationof the Heart, Asthma, Bronchitis.Scrofulo, Syphlis, diseases of the Kidneys and all diseases of the urinary organs. Nervous debility, caused by the cretions of youth, permanently cured by the use of this invaluable remedy.

To you, young, middle-aged and old as with mantle look up, mew, whorare covering, your sufferings you can be: saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to. society, and jewels in the crown -of your Maker if you will. Do not keep this a secret longer, until it saps your vitals, and destroys both' body and soul. If you are thus afficted, take DR. RICHMOND'S Samaritan Nervine.

It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest permaLure decay, impart tone and energy to. the whole System. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girt of She was also and dumb, but it cured her. She can now talk hear as well as anybody, PETER Ross, Springwater, WIR, SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the means of caring my wito of rheumatism. J.

B. FLETCHER, Fort Colling. Col. 'SAMARITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for nit son. E.

RALLS, Kan. SAMARITAN' NERVINE Cured me 'of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. MRS. WIt. HENSON, Aurora, C.

SAMARITAN NERVINE, Was the meanS or curing my wifo of spasms, REV. J. A. EDIE, Beaver, P. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of asthma, after spending over $3,000 with doctors 9.

B. HoBsoN. New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured. me of spasms.

Miss JENNIE 740 West Vair Buren Chicago, 111, A SAMARITAN NERVINE to Cured our child of flus after given up die by our family physician, it hav. Ing over 100 in :24 hours, HENRY KNEE, Virvilla, Warren Tenn SAMARITAN LERVINE Cured me of scrofula after 'suffering for eight: ALBERT: SIMPSON, Peoria, Ill. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my 80n of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W.

THORNTON, Claiborn, Mi-8. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epllepti fits' of stubborn character, REv. War MARTIT, Mechanicstown MO. SAMARITAN NERVINE 2,500. Cured in my son of fits, after having had eighteen months.

MRS. E. FOBES, West P'otsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN -NERVINE Cured me' of epllepsy of nine years' standing.

MISS ORLENA MYERS MARSHALL, Grany, bNewton Mo: SAMARITAN of Has permanently cured mo ot epilepsy' years duration, JACOB 'SUTER, St. Joseph, Mr. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured: me of bronchitis, asthma and general debiliy. OLIVER MYERS! Ohio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma, also scrofula many years standing.

ISAAC' JEWEEL, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured four me of fits. Have been well tor years. CHARLES E. CURTIS Osakis, Douglass Minn, SAMARITAN INERVINE Cureda friend of mine who had dyspepria very badly.

MICHAEL CON NORy Ridgway, Par to We are informed that in the upper. -end of Seyier county, the dogs one night last, week destroyed a good number of sheep, and on the morning following, there was about twenty five dead dogs in the, about fifteen of them being" found along, the banks of the a SAMARITANINERVINE Has fits, DAVID cured: me owa, TREMBLY, Des Mouls, NERVINES is may for be sale had by druggists everywhere, or direct from u8, Those who wish to obtain further evidence of the Nervine curative properties of Samaritan will please enclose a 3-cent postage stamp. for a copy of our Ill dreds Journal of hunt who of. have testimonials of cure front perMso used the medicine, and their pictures photographed after their restoration to perfect health. Address, DR.

S. A. RICHMOND CO. World's; Institute, ST,.

Dandridge Weekly Republican Banner from Dandridge, Tennessee (2024)
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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.