The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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The Live Store Social and Personal WEDDINGS CLUBS wife told is city cirls wh': a Weddings Copyright 121 JheHouHOf Kuppenheimer A ull Coal Bin Good Weather for Carlisle Coal Good Coal Top Coats After a simple wedding the couple of affairs has become so general her 1 T71 2 1 376 Main St Clubs TO PROGRAM The knitted coats are just as popular as ever and justly so Those HOSIERY ern en $25 to $50 or ru tr Kuppenheimer 1 Suits are $35 to $50 wh ram Other makes start at $25 Ose Soothing Musterole a Open Saturday Evenings Write for folder Steel card ledger tray Library Bureau ounded 1876 i New Largest Livest Leading Clothiers i Main and Taylor Streets £4: ft Morse Haynes Co i Mrs A and a arts in April 25 day June iling cabinets wood and steel EASTER SHOES EARLY THIS WEEK II lint of the marriage to James The her win back tho affection of husband They had been mar only three years and there was child To help meet household Ashte i i i Bang of strap pumps and oxfords in all the wanted leathers Men and Women Ask Help in Recalling Their Wives and Husbands According to members of the police police are al in bringing to silver ro Dressy shoes and pumps for children SPRINGIELD OICE SUPPLY CO 71 73 WORTHINGTON ST SPRINGIELD MASS of SO THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY MARCH 22 1921 Card and filing systems dress shoes and oxfords When those sharp pains go shooting through your head when your skull seems if would split just rub a little Musterole on your temples and neck It draws out the inflammation soothes away the pain usually givingquick relief Musterole is a clean white ointment piade wi th oil of mustard Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister Many doctors and nurses frankly recommend Musterole for sore throat bronchitis croup stiff neck asthma neuralgia congestion pleurisy rheuma tism lumbago pains and aches of the back or joints sprains sore muscles bruises chilblains frosted feet colds of the chest (it often prevents pneu monia) It is always dependable Wo and G5c jars hospital size $300 LUCKY STRI KE CIGARETTE will arrive in this city I band inally the man and disappeared supposedly getner And the little story to the police It is said that the most without authoritv justice the men and women who thus I leave their homes In many in stances careful work by the police has resulted jn reuniting husbands and Richard Carlisle Tel 1301 3 Elm St The right hand side of the tray can be dropped so that the operator can see the balance on the lowest line without removing the card from the tray will look good next autumn The time to put in a supply is now Ri Taft a student at St Manlius military academy re to tlie home of bis parents Mr and Mrs Harry Tait of Chapin ter race Inst riday and will be their guest over Idaster Miss Louise Elwell principal of the Willian ttreet school is ill at Cha pin memorial hospital Miss Esther Whitehouse a student at the New Haven normal school of gymnastics Thursday to be the guest of her par ents Mr and Mrs IT Whitehouse of irgladu avenue Mr and Mrs Whitehouse and their latigher Tuesday Morning Club to Hear Russian Music Members of the Tuesday morning music club will meet this morning in the clubhouse and a program from Russian composers will be rendered Members of the Springfield women's political ciass will meet in the aftcr rrank a Kobbins of Mulberry street and Mrs Donald Robbins is a sister of Mrs Earle Conway and Mrs Cyrus erris both of Waban To seal in the delicious Burley tobacco flavor bands or wives are living with other men and women neglecting their homes and families This condition the presence of a third party One officer in commenting nn these con ditions last night said all tho menaces to family tranquility that have encountered the the worst The police also say that much the alleged vice Which has been fully discussed is not found entirely in the homes of tho poor as hoy claim some people seem to believe The conditions extend into tho homes of the so called more well to do We Clean Windows to SG00 sizes each 5525 sizes each The And anything that speeds up your ledger will speed up collections why the purchase of this tray is a good investment Steel ledger trays are carried in stock for the standard sizes of cards inished in olive green or mahogany In an Card ledger tray every account is instantly available Cards are held upright convenient to the hand A single movement of the Land and the card is in the machine for posting The tray is made so that the cards can be offset after posting This means that you deal only with cards in proving the daily balance Eyeglasses and Spectacles Are Carefully and Correctly Made Everything in the Optical Line A Gordon Optician 119 State SL 3 doors up from Alain Ethel were week end guests at tho school attending the exhibition of the class work of seniors in esthetic danc ing and apparatus work Miss Ruth Eastwood will arrive EATON Manager Whitney building Springfield Salesrooms in 49 leading cities of the United States Great Britain and rance The spring conference of the New England Rotary clubs in Boston on the 30th and 31st will probably de termine the policy to be followed in the disabled probe local Rotarians said yesterday Gal braith national commander of the American Legion is a prominent Ro tarian and was instrumental in hav ing a probe of the treatment accorded disabled veterans conducted through out the country by some SOO Rotary clubs The Springfield Rotary club will await the decision of the com bined New England clubs before mak ing any move in this direction it is believed ONE LARGE PHASE POLICE WORK 55d Brcs Succotash SI 95 Rosary Beads In Locket Cases Daintv little fiterlhur and gold filled cases with varies inclosed Made in two sizes also graved and plain dosigns Can be worn on ribbons chains A Pretty Easter Gift $400 $300 Little Jewelry Store on the know why it toasted Searles 471 STATE Near Walnut Street This Steel tray will speed up your ledger The Old ashioned Way lours are milled hy the old rench millstone system tho de licious Goodness Is there Me sell them BUCKWHEAT RYE and GRAHAM LOCK Buckwheat Hour makes delicious priddlo cakes with tho real honey Buckwheat taste Use our pure new Maple then you get perfection Murdough Bros Tel River 4153 Ccr Worthington and Spring REE DELIVERIES Quality Store 457 161 State St TEL WALNUT 2500 en up tho homes of others of their sex are given to the police On one occasion very recently a frail young girl pretty at one time but now faded by the weight of cares which she said were breaking her heart pleaded with a police officer to help her ried I one expenses she had taken in a woman While the woman staved at her home she mixed into every Hight argument that came up be tween tho little wife and her hus band always siding in with the hus the to iler The Chesterfield or staple dress coat is with the more conservative men CALL RIVER 3113 American Company 274 Main St left for a brief honeymoon In lorida They will make their home in Waban lfnt Sncll Mr and Mrs Dwight Phoenix street announce of their daughter Hazel Snell of Los Angeles Cal marriage took place in Los Angeles where Miss lint has been doing private nursing If you want a coat for next Sunday come early for while the stock is large the demand is still larger The prices range from special session of Congress ning next month Marion Rotch daughter of Koach of Kenwood park ci a I at Skidmore school of 'aratoga Springs will spend the East recess nt her home Miss Roai pknfi a prominent part in the moi Mil Licit which was featured I st vvi it the school in the' interest1 tho nd Atment fund (mile Mmdclth will come riday in 1 i 'c lies nt the Boston school os'i i i ithy to spend 30 days with lit panits Dr and Mrs Norman Atty of Do gmcadow street Mi Mvrial Berry a senior at Hi oil' ge will come from her te morrow to spend the two 3 spring recess with her parents a I Mrs Herbert Berry of Bel li nt at nue Wendell Berry a stu at Harvard graduate school will i tn end with his parents Clyde Congdon son of Mrs Oscar II I'onvilon of Bancroft street a stu i it I Avdoin college will be in York city during tho coming i it li the musical club of the 11 Last week the club of which 1 i a prominent member sang at th Hofi 1 Vendome in Boston He Adi con to this city from New York to si i nd a few days with his mother Harold Congdon a student at Tufts college will come the last of this week sp nd the Easier recess 4 Miss Eb alter Richmond and Miss AliC" Uh' ier of Walpole were guests er inlay of Miss Richmond's aunt Ilss i lip Richmond of Spring Thv girls had been guests at the Mot nt Holyoke alumnae banquet enich wus hold Saturday in New loon Ct rind were returning to Miss Richmond was for merly serial editor of the Daily News The lisscs Dorothy and rances 1 of Eiift Alvord avenue enter dii at a dancing party last cve iiiri' lor th ir week end guests Miss iriorie Volk and Miss Kathleen Bas 'to of Id About 11 friends "isle and dancing were supper was served I ly of Clarendon street Wendell have recentlyt three south spent part of their i ih Gri and visited for diss Georgia Crofut a Salslch Robblns The marriage of Donald Rob bins of Boston and Waban to Miss Helen Mar Salsich daughter of Mr and Mrs Hamilton Salsich cf 1 department a real social evil exists utland Wis tco*k place yesterday I ln this city One principal phase of at the winter home of Mr and Mrs police work it is claimed deals with in St Petersburg la Mr complaints made by men and women of the city who say that their hus elding arm Eggs By the Crate 44d Doz Single Dozen 51c orequarters Lamb lbH5 Racks of Lamb lb 22J Rib Chops lb Loin Chops lb Curtice Doz TU belli street Miss Paulino Leop ard I Cfirew street Miss Hilda May S'lnuu nv nuo and Miss Beatrice putney uf rt Pleasant avenue Speaker rederick II Gillett has suffered an interruption of his golf ing vacation at Pinehurst Through a heavy cold and fever which have confined him to his bed He now considerably improved but Is likely tn remain at titc North Car olina resort some days longer in prep aration for his arduous duties at the special session of Congress begin on the artistic side of city wives who have become estranged by tne city plan TlUS rYtnmlinPC! each one Is privileged to invite one guest ana men interested in planning welcomed The Every Other Week club gath ered with Mrs George Pease of Crystal avenue yesterday afternoon and environment whlcn counts formed the basis of the program which was led by Lite hostess Current events were given by Miss II Bemis will be observed by the club Tuesday evening The meeting will be held in the home of Mrs Pease of North Main street Miss Marb'n Niles of Boston prest Massachusotts leagu of will visit the city cw She will he a luneh the club on Dwight chib at which Andrew I Wright Crawford of Philadelphia will RnMk nn th nrtisHc sicIa nf citv I planning and to which ning board has been invited meeting is open to all memto still first choice who want the newest and most sprightly style's pick the long belted Gabardines or the double breasted long skirted short belted coats similar to that shown above clal welfare forum will bo held In city riday to spend two weeks with her library hall next Tuesday evening parents Mr and Mrs Eastwood Ciitnnn fivoniiu is a student at the Mount Ida school for girls Mr and Mrs William Chapin of School street who have been spending some time at Winter Park Miami la are on their way home Mr and Mrs Henry Chapin whose marriage took place recently will spend a few days in the Chapin home taefore leaving on a trip through the Benesh ires Paul van Dyke and is of Dr and Mrs Henry Princeton Mrs Joseph Gauthier street and Miss Anna rrs Hill I I ot VUHlt' lilt A lea to morrow tant n)eetlng of the Springfield for Rostnn whero thev will ho iiost i for the annual senior play Le Monde qui S'Ennuie" at Radcliffe college to morrow evening Mrs daughter Miss Claire Gauthier will have an Important role Mrs Whitehouse and hfr small daughter who have been tho guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Seymour Hilton of Wilbraham road have returned to their home in New York accompanied by Mrs Hilton who will spend a few weeks in that city Luther Lyman has come from his studies at Culver academy Culver Ind to spend the Easter recess with his parents Mr and Mrs John Ly man of Dartmouth street Mr and Mrs Edward Pinney of Dartmouth street have returned from a 10 stay at their winter home in Seabreeze JHa Morse Haynes Co 376 Main St and here are good Top Coats for thiskind of weather and good values at the prices find stamped on the sleeve tickets SANORD BATES SPEAKER Stnto Penal Commissioner to Address Social AVelfare orum A meeting of tho Springfield so it is said that the complaints aver age one each day and on some days several men or women come to head quarters asking the police to assist in untangling their family troubles The ratio of mpn and women who lay bare to the police the stories of marital difficulties is about 50 50 Some of the tales of woe are pitiful I others have phases that seem humor I ous Perhaps it is a woman whose husband has strayed from home and she believes that he is with another i woman She comes to the police ask I ing that they compel her husband to rpillrn tn nic fl the 20th This is one of the month ly meetings of tho forum but will be open to the public this month Round table discussions will bo a feature of the program from 730 until 8 three having been arranged one to discuss work for girls another work for boys and another state legislation when bills dealing with the betterment of octal conditions will be discussed Prom until 830 a general busi ness meeting will be held and the speaker of the evening will be San ford Bates penal commissioner of Massachusetts The popular discus sion of state control for county jails in which Mr Bates figures so promi nently will be his subject The Icc turo should be particularly interest ing as it will give the public of the city an opportunity to hear Mr argument for state control Three other meetings are planned by tho forum members to be held thisseason the dates being Monday Monday May 21 ana won 13 1b Springfield Wellesley will return Thursday for i holidays Miss Jean Hunter place Miss Barbara Riverdale street West 1 Miss Mary Bosworth of Bovdo et Miss Amelia DeWoIt oi land avenue Miss Lesbia Elds cl Sprnci Iand avenue Miss Mary owler el Ingi rsoll grove Miss Eliz abeth Jatm of Waverly street Miss Lydia 'tiu of Long Hill street Miss it rt 'varncr bu wi and Harriet Kirkham of return to his home She says she knows where he is and please will the police go there and get him Or it may be man who invokes the law and relates to the police all the troubles of his married life Some of them the police say begin with the date of marriage and recite events that have taken place throughout their married life Names of men who are thought by the complainants to have al enated the affections of their wives addresses and histories of women who are alleged to have brok noon at the Young Chris tian association and Miss Ida ar rar of the city library staff will lec ture on library and the com The West Springfield women's club will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs Willis Eldred of Park avenue The meeting will be in charge of the new secretary Mrt Robert White will have a paper on modern healing and Mrs Marshall Magee will give a magazine review article The South church guild will meet for sewing jn the chapel at 3 The I hostesses for the social hour will be I Mrs Seabury Mrs rank I Merriam and Mrs Spencer A change has been made in the pro Mrs Chapin was Miss gram of one of to clubs the daughter Mrs Hubert Bailey being the guest ot van Dyke of honor and speaker at the meeting of the orest Park club which will be held at the home of Mrs or Springnold jjarney of irglade avenue Hughes of To morrow will also come the an I I I I i I PHI CT'' 7 W'x 1 BUY Tb VT vx a I tS K4 jda I I I i El ftr K3 1 el 1 I 1 1 1 Hs uuiSz 3 I HlUft I 9 I 3 rS I I WL I I ii 11 i WisBgga 1 WlwMi I I I I I 1 $5 I R3 i i I a I I ILES 1 i i SEE I I I 5 Is 1 9 5 8 Belding Do i IlgB I I farmer nt the MncDuffle hoe II: city at her home in 'N Miss lui'e Controy who is a of he company in' York city spent the week end with her ii nts Mr and Mrs Joseph tf I J'lS 1 i i 1 li.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.