The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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12 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY MAY 9 1917 HOLYOKE OBITUARY TonBsant Bcrlault Touissant Beriault died at his home 41 Brown avenue last night after a brief illness He leaves two sons Joseph of Holyoke and Charles of Sorin afield three daughters Mrs A Rosenberger of Springfield Anna and Myra of Ilolvoke The fu neral will he held ridav morning with requiem mass in the Blessed Sacrament church Burial will Le in Calvary cemetery The funeral of John Dillon was held at his home on Sonoma place yesterday morning with solemn re quiem mass in the St Jerome church Mgr Madden officiated and was assisted I'y Rev AA' Hogan and Rev James Connors The funeral was largely attended and there were many floral tributes The burial was in the St Jerome cemetery ATarv Tj Delarge I5 died yester day morning at her home on Center street after a brief illness Sho leaves besides a mother three sisters Mrs lluphilo of Connecticut Mrs Mary Peltier of Canada and Miss Arinina of Holyoke and a brother Ernest The funeral will be held to morrow morning The funeral of Hector Genest was held at his hom*o on Hyman street yesterday morning with requiem mass in the Immaculate Conception church Rev Hamel officiating and the bur ial was in the Notre Dame ceme tery The funeral of Alary Spooner will be held at her late home in West Holyoke to morrow afternoon at 230 and the burial will be in Southamp ton Cauley Kane Wedding Miss Bridget Kane and Thomas Cauley were married at the Ho1 Rosary church yesterday rrorning Rev 1 Griffin performing the ct emotiy The attendants were Miss Margaret HefTeron and Harry Tighe The bride wore a blue suit and car ried bride roses Hollowing the church service a wedding breakfast was served in the home vafter which the couple left for a wedding trip and on their return will reside at 2SG East Dwight street Arrested in Pennsylvania Word was received by City Marshal Lynch ycsterdav that Ralph b'or ist who is wanted by the Holyoke police for the theft of two automo biles last fall has been arrested at York Pa for larceny and has been sentenced to the Pennsylvania state penitentiary for a term of from five to ten years The case against or est in Holyoke will be placed on tile until he has served his present sen tence Hore Browned in Pond A horse belonging to the Brig'it ride institution got frightened at a switch engine yesterday afternoon in Willimansett and backed himself and the wagon to which he was at tached into the brewery pond The animal was drowned The pond was drawn off and the body of the ani mal was drawn out The Hampden county woman's club held a meeting at the Hotel Nonotuck yesterday noon Miss Minnie Price of the Hampden county Improvement league being the guest of honor Miss Price gave an address on "Home gardens and home eco the address calling on the women of the county to render the ut most service possible to the govern ment in the present time of stress There were also addresses by Miss Emily Grimoson canning champion of West Springfield and Miss Katherine Woodruff of Holyoke who took first frize for her garden The affair was under the direction of Mrs Dwight and luncheon was served in the hotel ball room the room being decorated with Hags for the occasion The district council met in Holyoke last evening and appoint ed a committee to confer with the master association relative to the demands for an increase of wages from 30 to 55 cents an hour this increase to become operative May I The master builders at first voted the increase but Alondav evening they reconsidered their action The earnenters hope a satisfactory ad justment can be made without calling a strike Building is dull in Hol yoke at the present time with less plans for new building than is usual at this time of year The Rotary club voted yesterday to notify the congressmen and officials In Washington that it indorsed arty action taken by the government to ward the abolishing of speculation in foodstuffc coal or the necessities of life The committee appointed to draw up the telegram to be sent con sisted of McSherry Gorham Benedict and Weis The action followed a discussion of the situation and what individual members could do or the club as a tvhole could do toward assisting the country at the present time A number of pamphlets wore re ceived by the city clerk yesterday from Congressman Treadway and will bo given out as long as they last The pamphlets are issued by de 1 artment of agriculture and are on the following subjects: Canning veg etables in the home: methods of prep aration of canned fruits preserves and jellies economical use of meat in the home use of fruit as a food: the small vegetable garden meats composition and cooking Negotiations are pending for the rale of the block at Ely and East streets owned by the Sullivan estate It was claimed yesterday that the property had been sold hut the re port could not be rifled last even ing The property includes a block con 'lining three stores and 2i tenement? tn the northwest corner of Ely and East streets The league of the Sec ond Baptist church will hold its semi annual fond and apron sale at the church this afternoon from 2 to 5 III) Tea and hot buttered English tea rakes will be served The committee in charge consists of Mrs A 1 Band Airs Kelton and Airs Cain At the meeting of the IT club a the hom*o of Miss Leila Osbornef Northampton street yesterday aft ernoon the engagement was an nounced of Miss Justine Taber of Highland park to rank Collingwood of Beech street The school board conferred with Dr Vim Sickle superintendent of the Springfield schools last evening own the proposed reorganization of the Holyoke school system Tim annual rummage sale for the ben' fit of the home for aged people will be held to morrow and riday In the vacant store on Maple street formerly occupied by I Satin a ville Warner Sheets Wedding Albert Sheets of AVest Granville son of Mi and Mrs Charles A Sheets and Lucy AL Warner only daughter ef Air and Mrs Arthur Warner of Belchertown were married at 730 Saturday evening Rev Dr IT AL Ityckmnn pastor of the irst Congre gational church of Westfield per foinivd the ceremony The bride was graduate of the Belchertown highchool and of Northfield seminary and for the past year 1ms been a teacher the West Granville schools CHICOPEE WOMEN TO CONSERVE OOD Committee Appoints Local Organization A committee of women in various sections of Chicopee has been ap pointed by Gov McCall's state public safety committee through the Hamp den county improvement league for work in food conservation This com mittee which will be known as the Chicopee food conservation commit tee will be allied with the other com mittees of the Chicopee public safety league It is composed of the fol I lowing members: rom Chicopee alls Mrs AV Culver Mrs ay Mrs rank lint Mrs A Carter Mrs Arthur Montmcny Airs O'Neil Mrs I Shea Mrs Samuel Lucas Mrs Joseph Beau champ Mrs Andrew Vicuch and Mrs Mary from Chicopee Cen ter Airs A flraves Airs Wetsel Airs Albert Gordon Airs Charles Leonard Airs James Connell Airs George ield Airs Samuel Rose Mrs rank Dcroin Airs Paul Starzyk Mrs Hnle and Aliss Annie Smith from Chicopee street Aliss Helen t'reliore: from 'Willimansett Airs A Aludd Airs A Hooper Airs Kershaw Airs David Young from airview Miss Lucy Mears Airs Tinsman and Airs Carr Lectures and public canning dem onstrations under the direction of this committee with the assistance of Aliss Minnie Brice and Aliss Lucy Studley of the county league as demonstra tors will be given as follows Chic opee alls Alay JO at 2 at the high school airview Alay II 2 in at tlie municipal hall Chic opee Alay 2 1 2 tn in the city hall: Willimansett Alay 22 230 at Beulah chapel The food conservation committee earnestly urges all women to become interested in this vital problem and to begin their service immediately by at tending the canning demonstrations Tn this year of national emergency the committee declares the savings and preserving of food material be comes the patriotic duty of every woman WEST SPRINGIELD The committee in charge of the ar rangements for the Red Cross dance to be held in the town hall riday evening the 25th is planning to use many American flags and a quantity of red white and blue bunting for decorative purposes The committee would like to secure flags and bunting from residents who are willing to lend it for the occasion Airs Prickett of 1(1!) Bark avenue will be glad to re ceive the offers There will bo a meet ing of all committees in the high school Tuesday evening Alembers of Co of the home de fense league consisting of members of the Dante club will meet in Dante hall this evening for drill practice There will be an election of officers at this meeting About 11 acres of land have been allotted to individuals by the food com mittee from the large tract offered by the Connecticut A'alley realty com pany Alany applications have been received and the committee is look ing forward to the allotment of more land to day The funeral of Joseph Ledoux will be held nt the horne of his broth er George Ledoux 1 New Bridge street to morrow morning at 815 o'clock followed by high mass at St Louis's church Burial will be in St cemetery Springfield "Small economies in the will be the subject of a talk by Aliss Alin nie Brice of the Hampden county im provement league at the home of Airs Eldred 71 avenue this afternoon at 230 o'clock Women are asked to bring their most economical recipes Dians for the construction of the Bridge street school were looked over by the comnf'tee in charge of con struction Monday evening They have been sent to the state board of edu cation for approval There will be flag raising exercises at the Gilbert Barker manufactur ing company plant to day at 323(1 William Rayner treasurer of the cempanv and Cha plain AV Danker of the 2d regiment will speak on pa triotism AVilliams of Rogers avenue has been appointed captain of Co of the home defense league AV Deardcn of Co and II II Denton of Co JONGMEAUO Top A ppoint inents GARDENING ON LARGE SCALE Activity Shown in All Directions Active preparations for planting gardens this spring on a large scale are growing apace in Chicopee George AV Dorter the garden adviser has se cured 59 acres of land to be used by the public safety committee for the purpose of raising potatoes corn and beans Al Stearns of the Alassa chusetts agricultural college has been secured by the isk rubber company in the alls to superintend the culti vation of six acres of land Garden truck will be raised for use in the plant's cafeteria Employes of the Westinghouse com pany will raise potatoes this spring on 75 garden plots 50 feet square The company has plowed the land and the shop gardeners are buying their fertilizer and potatoes on a co opera tive plan The Connecticut A'alley to bacco company will plant 25 acres of corn four acres of potatoes and two acres of beans Hale Bros on the Granby road will plant 12 acres of corn one of potatoes and one of oth er garden products' The baseball dia mond on Center street opposite the plant of the Springfield provision company has been completely plowed up in preparation for spring planting Death of John Hilansky John Bilansky 1 died at his home 48 AVest street last evening after a few illness Air Bilansky had lived in Chicopee for 3G years and was a highly respected and well known citizen Besides his widow he leaves two sons Henry of Holyoke and Charles of Montreal six daughters Airs A Genette Airs McKenna Mrs Napoleon ishi and Airs AVilliam Deno all of Chicopee and lora and Rosa at home The funeral will be held in the home to morrow morning at 830 fol lowed by requiem mass in the church or the Assumption at 9 Burial will bo in Calvary cemetery Death the Result of a all Antonio termiskl 40 of 17 Depot street died yesterday morning in Aler cy hospital in Springfield as the result of a fractured skull sustained when he fell down a flight of stairs in his home Sunday afternoon Air Stermiski's foot slipped in the darkness of an upper hall and he plunged head fore most down the stairs It was thought that his injury was not serious until Dr AVilliam O'Brien was consulted Monday morning The doctor ordered the patient removed to the Mercy hos pital where little hope was held out for his recovery The isk social and athletic associa tion will hold a dance to morrow even ing in the city hall in Chicopee Cen ter Tickets have been issued to all employes of the isk rubber com pany 51100 being printed in all The committee in charge of tlie arrange ments for the dance is composed of rank Whittaker (chairman) Robert Toole rank Toomey Stephen Stasi owski Arline Pathier Mary lynn ami A'alida Champagne Aldrich's singing orchestra of AVestfield will furnish music The dance is limited to the isk company employes Yesterday was Austrian day at the marriage license bureau in the city clerk's office The following names were registered: John Szrek of 7'js ront street and Alai ya Danik of AVestfield AValter Kukin of 411 ront street ami Margaret Dreroniak of 49 Grove street Wladyslaw Sisk ski of 12 Abbey street and Zofla Mc sana of Charles oldest son of Charles agent of the board of health went to Newport I yes terday for the purpose of enroling in the naval reseryo ive young men members of St Joseph's temperance society have also enlisted They are Arthur Granfield Robert A Sears Joseph Lyon John Miller and John Hanna Tlie firemen of the Cabot street engine house held ladder truck prac tice yesterday afternoon in front ot the engine house Tlie ladder was raised the life net tested out by men jumping into it from the second story of the station house and other drill tactics indulged in to keep the fire fighters in trim An electric drafting car at the cor ner of East Alain and Belcher streets on the Bircham Rend line caught fire from a cross wire on the inside of the car Box 471 was rung in at 1 13 yesterday afternoon and the blaze was put out with a few fire extin guishers John arrv of the alls was elected secretary of the high school building commission after the meet ing of tlie board of aldermen Alonday night Mr Barry's salary will be fixed by the board of aldermen The Chicopee veteran firemen's as sociation will hold a regular meeting this evening at o'clock in Red Alen's hall Citv Physician and Airs John Gal'agher returned yesterdav after noon from a threc trip to At lantic City Tlie selectmen have made these ap pointments for the year: Inspector of animals and slaughtering Aloses ield fire wardens rank Bas com Osqar Pomeroy Aloses ield George AA' Kobideau John AA Ilartigan rank Allen AA' Hy land Aloses Gould John Sharkey and Ralph Bruce super intendent of streets John AA' ITarti gan: register of voters for three years Bernard Alurray sealer of weights and measures and milk in spector Ralph Bruce forest fire warden Bomeroy fish warden A Atkins: burial agent and agent for board of health AV Sherman public weighers AV Quinn rank Alason Bomeroy Robert Rich ardson and Arthur Heath: nolice officers Alulvev Aloses Gould Ralph Bruce Thomas Hughes and Louis Stuckcrt our Teams AV11I Blow Gardens Longmeadow gardens will be plowed Saturday by teams employed by the town on highway work The select men have arranged for the suspension of road work that day in order that food production might be furthered The committee in charge Avill also ar range to get other teams and gar deners unable to get plowing done are asked to notify Sinclair The equal suffrage league held a large and interesting meeting with Airs Charles AL ield of Greenacres avenue yesterday afternoon Airs Albert Hodge presided Aliss Lawton read reports and communica tions The league will give 81(1 for Red Cross and voted to send 87 to the state suffrage organization a little later Miss Lillian Dixon gave an instructive talk on parliamentary law which it is now important for women to know as they arc coming more and more to take their place with men in public organizations Airs ield was assisted bv Mrs II Bailey and Mrs AV Sherman in serving refreshments AVork on the Longmeadow roads lias been begun under the supervision of John AA" Hartigan superintendent of streets The tov'n at the annual town meeting for tarring the roads which includes patching but the work has beet) greatly delayed this season bv the cold weather which prevents the tar spreading over the road The work on Alapie road on the water main and also work on tlie surface drain on AVilliams street have been held up on account of the town being un able to get material The Pierides tlie girls' debating so ciety of the central high school met tvith Aliss Rebecca lagg yesterday and gave the play a comedy in two acts About 20 were present The cast was as follows: Robert Brown Alary owler: Jen kins Editli Grover: Rebecca Luke Helen Perkins: Alarion Bryant Dorothy AVheeler: Katherine Rogers Katherine Downton Patty Helena Bowman Old friends of Airs Emma Noble Clogett are interested and pleased to learn of the appointment of her son Brice Clogett as private secretary to Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo at AAJashington Air Clogett is a Washington newspaper man and has been the White House correspondent for the Associated Press On leaving the AVhite House last week he was given a silver headed walking stick by his associates There will be a business meeting of the adult class of the irst church Sunday school at the home of Walter Ott of ranklin road at 8 o'clock this evening Tf stormy the meeting wiP be with Mr and Airs Allen 1410 Longmeadow street Lawrence Rivard entertained the orchestra of which he is a member at his home on Greenacres avenue last evening The time was given to music and sociability The Red Cross will meet from 9 to 1 to day With Airs George Esta brook Plans for increasing the work will be discussed while the members work Ralph Allen is recovering from German measles which he contracted at the Worcester academy Gladys Anderson has had the genuine measles and is out again Drill of members of the home de fense league will be held at to night at the Converse street school M0NTGO3I ERA' Congregational Church Meeling The annual parish meeting of the Congregational church was held re cently and the following officers were elected: Clerk Kelso treasurer A Chapman: collector Alorton Camp: prudential committee Allyn Camp Clark The treasurer reported all bills iwid and a balance on hand The present membership of the parish is 43 A special town meeting will be held bi the town hall riday evening at i o'clock The mooting is called to soe if the town will vote to buy a new road machine Many people from Alontgomery plan to attend the get together meet ing at AVostfielil this evening Airs Eaton and son Richard of Buffalo are guests at Allyn's HAMPDEN COUNTY AVestfield PIANIST QUITS EXHAUSTED After Playing Continuously or 31 Hours and 9 Minutes AT AVaterbury the marathon pi anist was forced to quit exhausted last evening at 1009 after playing 34 hours and nine minutes Early in the evening he complained of a severe backache and it was evident at that time that he could not last long Last week in Holyoke lie plavcd 43 hours and ha had hopes of equaling or bettering his previous rec ord in this attempt Two of the fingers on each hand were numb by the continuous playin and his gener al physical condition forced him to stop Ho was able to walk only with difficulty TTELPEL MASS MEETING Considers Problems of ood Produc tion and Handling A mass meeting of a number of citi zens interested in the movement to ward food production was held at the town hall last evening A meeting was held at the AVestfield club riday night The committee appointed at that time of which Rev Holmes is chairman met Saturday night and made plans for last meeting Bercy Hall presided Rev Holmes reported that 3i acres of land were available locally although not all of it was centrally located Twenty one acres is between what was for merly Crane's mill 3 2 acres at Hill side near Sunnyside farm one acre on ranklin street one on Union street and one on Alain street A suggestion was made that with the consent of the board of health the central office of the committee be established in the board of health rooms The commit tee appointed riday night was dis charged and the power reverted to the original committee of the home defense league of which Allen is chairman and added power is given to appoint all necessary subcommittees During the evening a great deal of useful discussion took place The con census of opinion seemed to be that the farm labor question is the real problem The financial question was also discussed During tlie coming summer more home canning will be done than ever and provision will soon be made for the appointment of a supervisor to give instructions on canning in the various schools and clubs Dig Get Together To night The third annual get together ban quet under the auspices of the AVest field board of trade the AVestfield association and the wom an's club will take place at the Park Square and Bismarck hotels to nicht Tlie men will mobilize at the Park Square and tlie women will hold fortli at the Bismarck Orchestras will play throughout the evening at both hotels Hall will be the toast master at the men's gathering and Aliss Alinnie Price will president the banquet Among the speak ers to be heard at the banquets are Reginald AV Bird of Boston Richardson of Leominster and Prof Allyn the local pure food ex pert Miss Alice Knowlton of New Haven and Aliss Alyrtle iles of AVil braham will give addresses at the Bismarck Secretary IL AL Kings bury of the board of trade states that practically all reservations have been applied for and a capacity house at both of the banquets is assured I'ttneral of James Ehzeeraltl Tlie funeral of James itzger ald who was killed suddenly last Sunday while at work for the elec tric light company was held yester day morning at his home Sackett street He was a member of the state guard and an escort of many of the state and hom*o guards marched to St church where funeral services were held and from there to the cemetery The bearers were Joseph Barry and Dr Saunders from the state guard and Edward I'redette Thomas Hussey John Aloriarty and Daniel Harrington from the municipal electric light de partment A' AL A Directors Elected The board of directors of the A'oung Christian association elected the following officers last evening: Dresident Harvey Cleveland vice president Louis Allen secretary Robert Parker Local Notices Mrs A'ernon Castle in at the Strand to day and Clara Kimball limn in "Hit Mistake" To morrow and Eriday'I die I Advertisem*nt It Bliss Main street desires a roomer in a nice family Satisfactory arrangements for meals can lie made I Advertisem*nt this morning for advertising his onions in full strength of voice A town by law forbids barking of this sort The funeral of Aliss Nora Alaney will be held this morning at at the home of John It Kirwin of 18 High street followed by a high mass of requiem at St church at 9 Burial will be in St Alary's cemetery A meeting of the visiting nurse as sociation the AVestfield club and the board of health to further formulate plans for health week was held in the board of health looms last evening Nothing definite was decided The organizations will meet again ri day evening The guild ot the ather Mathew society will hold a dance the 29th in ather Alathew hall the pro ceeds of which will go toward the new tennis courts which the mem bers are to have this summer The funeral of Adelina Consolati was held yesterdav afternoon at the home of her parents Air and Mrs An gelo Consolati 33 Cherry street Bur ial was in St cemetery The parish guild of tlie church of the Atonement will hold a food sale In Cooley store ri day afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock The fire department was called out yesterday morning for a grass fire on AVestern avenue There was no damage At yesterday session of tlie district court two were fined $5 apiece MONSON Hoard of Trade's Annual Meeting Tlie Alonson board of trade held its annual business meeting in the se room in Alemorial hall Alon day evening The reports of tlie offi cers and committies were read and accepted The report of the treasurer showed the board to be in a very good financial condition The nominating committee reported a list of officers and they were elected as follows: Bresident Ball vice president AVilliam Ricketts secretary George IL Seymour treasurer Lyons executive committee George AV El lis Lyman Jynt Alva AT AValker Hughes and Kendall It was voted to draw up resolutions on the death of John Pendergast a for mer member of the executive com mittee ollowing the business meet ing tlie members marched to tlie large Grand Army hall on the second floor where a fine supper was served by the relief corps After the cigars were passed around tlie president who acted as toastmaster called on the chairmen of tlie various committees as well as several other members for after dinner talks and these as well as the musical program that had been arranged for the affair by Rev Abram Conklin chairman of the entertainment committee was much enjoyed The after dinner speak ers were Rev Gamble A Al AValker AL Gage AT Smith Hughes I Ricketts 14 Lyons A Brown A AVheeler It Cushman AV Al Tuckers and Rev Abram Conklin The affair was one of tlie most satisfactory get to gethe meetings held in Alonson for years 31 ai ci 1 iag to orm Home Guards Tlie selectmen at a meeting yester day voted to ctill a mass meeting in Alemorial hall Tuesday evening The meeting has been called as a result) of a conference that the town iflicials had this week witli the state public safety officials and its purpose is to form in Monson a company of liomc guards Several weeks ago the Sons of A'eterans appointed a committee to call a mass to interest tlie townspeople in a military training class The meeting was successful as more than 10 (principally boys) signed the role and have since held regular drill practice As a great majority of the training class mem bers are not eligible to join a home guard company and because at pres ent it appears that Alonson should have a home guard the conference was held and the mass meeting called Tlie state public safety headquarters mi vised the calling of the meeting and have agreed to send a man to speak who is thoi'oughly familiar with all tlie requirements in the formation of a guard The selectmen have received a no tice from the governor's office request ing that they appoint immediately an enrolment board to take the names of all those eligible to draft to the United States army The selectmen have appointed tlie regular registrars of voters made up of Robert Alur phv I 'reelon Ball Thomas Crow ley and Alva AL AValker Aliss Lillian Bradway was given a miscellaneous shower by the members of the club in the Aletho dist church vestry Alonday evening ollowing tlie shower tlie club gave an entertainment entitled Alovk Alar Aliss engagement Wllter Carpenter was recently an nounced There will be a meeting of the Red Crons workers in tlie bungalow to morrow front 10 to 12 a and from 2 5 NORTH WILBRAHAM Rogers of Riedl street lias for sale a two family house with large lot at the corner of High and Butler street The secretary of tlie local public safety league has received a letter from the executive manager of the Mnssachustts public safety league Endicott relative to the financial condition of tlie local league Air En dicott expresses wonderment at why the subscription method of raising funds has not been used in AVestfield Aliss Nellie uller of Alain street is attending the state meeting of the order of tlie Eastern Star at tield She is the guest of her brother Raymond uller of Pittsfield The midweek service of Grace Union church will be held at the home of George Barker of Aliller street to morrow evening At the flag committee meeting Alon day uiglit the gift of a steel flagpole from Whiting was made known to tlie committee Col 15 Clark of as it has been a success in other cities and towns throughout tlie state En dicott states that no authority or leg islation is required to raise money by subscription and this method is a most practical one Mrs AValter Arthur of Pochassic was injured about tlie head early last evening when a horse which she was driving beettme frightened at a pass ing automobile and bolted the buggy running onto tlie car tracks and throwing Airs Arthur to tlie ground A little girl who was with her was not injured Tlie accident happened on North Elm street near drug store Dr 1 AL Dutton attended Airs Arthur and ordered her taken to Noble hospital where her wounds were dressed She was able to return to her home last evening Solomon einsod of Mandate will appear before the local court this morning charged with the larceny of a wire tape from tlie automobile of II A Bossart the local contractor sod was seen by bystanders who in formed tlie police to have taken tlie tape from machine The tape is valued at about The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the philan thropy department of the woman's club Alonday afternoon at the home of Airs 1 Hedges on South Alanle street: Chairman Alts George AV Brace: vice chairman Airs rank Cushing secretary Airs rank Squire treasurer Aliss Vesta Alitchell Howard Robinson a senior at Dartmouth tlie son of Mr and Airs A Robinson of Court street has enlisted in the naval reserve corps at Newport I with a unit of Dart mouth students Two common licenses were granted at yesterday session of the board of selectmen to persons applying for privileges to do business at Hamilton ponds Timothy Hurlihey of Somerville wiil appear before the local court Springfield will be the speaker of the day and invitations have been sent to tlie pastors in Ludlow and Palmer military band of Springfield will furnish music a con ceit following the flag raising EAST LONGMEA DOAV There was a large attendance at the home missionary meeting esterdny afternoon at the home of Airs AVheeler on Alaple street Alls A reichler of Hope church a tossed the meeting on "Tlie spirit of and read "Tlie She also re cited Robert poem "Eating my morsel Mrs reicliler gavt an interesting address Mrs Wilder sang a solo the 'Secret of His Airs E'AL Burt led the meeting Afterward an hour of sociability was passed and ice cream and cake were served which is to be pre sented in the town hall riday bids Special Notices afe Milk Tor Infants Invalids Substitute 1 Cost YOU Same Price The ORIGINAL Milk A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Keep Always on Hand Quick Lunch Home or Office fair to be a success A limited num ber of tickets remain available The proceeds will be added to tlie fund for war relief Lottie Snow of AVood avenue is in Hampden hospiltal recuperating from an operation for appendicitis Alisses Alarian Henshaw and Jose phine Stuart of Sufiield Ct have been visiting at George David Clark has returned to his home in East Charlemont after a short visit with his son George Clark LLDLO AV Town Is Bone Dry Now Considerable surprise will be ex pressed to day when it is learned that the importation of liquors into a no license town wiil lie done away with At a meeting of tlie board of select men held it was voted to comply with the recently enacted law which makes the town really bone dry The num ber of druggist licenses was cut from two to one this license going to the A Booth company Brior to last year liquors were delivered in wag ons Tliis system was abolished and for the past vear the American ex press and local express were granted licenses to carry The licenses will not 1 renewed this sea son The new order takes effect to day Accepts Harwicliport Pastorate Rev Brooks Noyes who resigned his pastorate of Union church last De cember has accepted a call to become pastor of a church at Harwichport on tlie Cape and preached his first sermon Sunday An important meeting for all con templating garden work wifi be held this evening in the high school hall to consider what crops are the best to grow and why they should be grown Air Kelsey of the Hampden county im provement league will be present and will give a talk along this line Tim local supervisor Thomas Bailey will also tell at what times ho wiil visit tlie various garden plots Super intendent of Schools AV Gushee will discuss for the benefit of women the possibilities of canning It is very desirable to have all gardeners and those interested in tlie production and conservation of food at this meet ing Mr Harley AV Alorrill agent of the Ludlow manufacturing associates will preside at the meeting Death of John Cooley John Cutler Cooley (is a native and longtime resident of Agawam died early yesterday morning in the Silt ing field hospital after a few illness with pneumonia Air Cooley had been employed by Henry A Huntington where he had made his home for the past 12 years He was the son of Justus and Lucia lagg Cooley and his early home was the place recently occupied by Har aves on Alain street He was the last survivor of four children tlie late George i Cooley of Alittineague a sister Sarah and a brother Elijah Air Cooley was quite a student of bird life and of wild animals He was married in 387 to Airs Chambn who survives him lie leaves also two sons Charles and John Cooley of Springfield The funeral will be held in the Congregational church to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock Burial will be in the family lot in the Agawam Center cemetery The Wednesday club will meet with Airs IL von der Sump in the Con gregational parsonage at 3 o'clock The AVednesday chib will meet at 3 this afternoon at the home of Airs A Snow PA lMLH In a double wedding ceremony per formed in the church of tlie Blessed Sacrament AVorcester Alonday morn ing by Bev AVilliam Ryan Aliss Wilhelmina Gorman and Aliss Helena Gorman daughters of Air uml Airs Joseph I Gorman of thav city became brides respectively of Daniel Dillon of Balmer and AVal ter Gaffney of AVorcester After a wedding trip Air and Airs Dillon will make their home at 8(i Central street A'rs Dillon until her resignation was district nurse in Dalmer Mr Dillon is a son of ATichael Dillon of Cen tral street and is highway superin tendent of the town Tlie annual meeting of tlie Dalmer historical society was held last even ing in the reference room of the li brary A paper entitled royal was read by Mrs Abbie AVitig ollowing tlie business meet ing refreshments were served the committee in charge being Airs AL Shaw Airs Dr Bodfish Airs AVesson Airs A Aloore and Mrs AV Gardner Tlie mission circle of St Uni versalist church will meet this even ing with Mrs Gould of Hol brook streec EEDING HILLS To morrow evening In the town hall there will be a meeting of the and girls' club under the aus pices of the Hampden county league and Trask will give a series of stercopticon views of the work that was done last year Tlie girls will have an exhibit of their work in the sewing and baking lines and it is probable that the food will be offered for sale Airs Quimby of Ludlow will give readings The public is general ly invited and ice cream will be served Air and Airs A Belden were giv en a surprise visit by a few of their neighbors last evening who presented them with a $10 gold piece Air Belden has sold his little farm to Air Carter of Springfield and will go toSuffield about the 2( ith to live with his brother Edward for the present Tlie Epworth league of the Aleth ooist church will give an entertain ment in the parish house this even ing A pleasing program has been arranged and refreshments will be served HAMPDEN' The funeral of Airs Alary AT Hickey was held in St church in Hampden Sunday morning ather Donoghue conducted requiem mass The bearers were Daniel Hoar of Springfield James Duggan of Dor chester and Lyons and Thomas Mahar of Hampden The burial was in St Benedict's cemetery in Spring field Gilbert AVait entertained a mas querade party of about 3tl young peo ple at the home of Mrs A IT New man Saturday evening Jttmcing took place in the barn which was deco rated with evergreens flags and Japanese lanterns Some pretty and some comic costumes were worn re freshments were served in the house NORTH AVILBRAHAM Alfred Hall Domis head of the kodak department at orbes AVal lace's department store will give a stereopticon lecture at Grace Union church riday evening Air Bemis will speak on "The romance of pho The public is receiving a cordial invitation to attend BRIM IELD At the regular monthly meeting of the hom*o making group of the Brim field council in the public library building to morrow afternoon Dr Clar ice Parsons of Springfield will speak on the subject of the medical field for women EEDING HILLS The friends and neighbors of Air ard Airs Beldin met at their heme Alonday evening ami gave them a surprise party and a piece of gold They have sold their place there and are about to leave town HAMPSHIRE COUNTY I NORTHAMPTON PROGRESS IN DEENSE WORK County Committee Hears Emer gency Reports The Hampshire county committee of the state defense league at Its regular meeting in the board of trade rooms yesterday afternoon received reports of progress al1 along the line Chairman Smith reported that tlie seed for tlie 30 acres of potatoes to be raised by the manufacturers hud arrived and the fertilizer had been promised for both tlie potatoes and the 5( acres of corn Josiah Parsons has been appointed superin tendent of this venture A tractor for use in plowing lias been hired of George Smith of Sunderland and teams have been found that can lie hired at a day The labor outlook is better than was expected and this is thought to lie due to abandonment of large construction projects lie cause of the crisis Tlie committee wishes to emphasize tlie importance of growing corn as well as potatoes It is confidently believed that pota toes will not sell for less than $130 a bushel in tho fall Airs IL AA' Bement chairman of tlie conservation committee renorte1 that committees are being organized in ail the county towns Demonstra tions of canning and other domestic economies will be made in the vari ous towns Al the towns of the county have appointed local commit tees to co operate witli the countv committee of the state defense league except Plainfield Prescott and Bel chertown ood production will be increased in some of tlie vallev town per cent nnd in the hill towns 10 per cent A similar increased pro duction will oe needed for next year STOCK COMPANY TO GO ON Good News for Theater Goers (t Northampton The trustees of the academy of nu sic have decided unanimously to cm tinue the municipal stock enmpiny known as the Northampton plaers another year this action being ttken response to tlie almost unnninous ly favorable vote of the patrons Only one of the votes deposited in the thea ter ballot box the last three weeks of the season was in favor of discontinu ance of the company The deficit of the academy of music is between jts(H) and 811 00 but wouM be larger had it not been for the profit of 'lie season of 1 91 5 1 III1 The first half ot the season of 1 91 (i 1111 7 showed a profit of some tiling under $1(101 fint the last half showed a deficit of about $3OK The trustees plan to engage a manager who will live in Northampton and de vote his entire time to tlie interests of tlm theater and have appointed Alayor A Alorsc and IT Pierce a committee on management Meehan Keefe AV Aliss Lcvenda AT Aleehan of I once and AVilliam Keefe of Ran i dolph place were married yesterday mottling at the church of the Annun ciation by Rev AV Power The bride maid was Aliss Catherine Riley cousin of the bride stud tlie best man was Richard brother of the grcont Tlie wedding marches were played by Aliss Elizabeth Hickey and "Ave Alaria" was sung by Miss Alay Ryan Tlie bride wore a gown of fawn colored churmcnsc over pink silk witli hat to match and corsage (Continued on 'Ihirtoenth Page) Special Notice EatKraniHes I Mil and smile with 1 Eveiy dish of nBEMH Krumbles adds health MygyWM strength and gj llilip the appetizing I 'ME flavor brings a smile to evy face Is 1 I Look £or tliia i I if I I' All Wheat pl Ready KrumblesT.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.