Would you sign this offer letter? - June 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 2 (2024)

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I have the deadline of tomorrow May 10th to decide if I want to return to my job teaching elementary school next school year.

I'm expecting my first baby at the end of June, and my state offers 12 weeks of paid maternity leave, so I could go back to teaching at the end of September.

The offer is for $35k for the year of full-time (M-F, 8am-4pm) work. (This is a $2k raise from what I made this year in recognition of the Master's degree in elementary education I have just earned). The school is a 30 minute drive from where I live. Full-time daycare in the area is $550/week.

I'm considering signing the offer letter in the interest of maintaining my teaching career and getting better at what I do in the same environment I already know, with the same co-teacher. The classroom I teach in is mixed ages so about 12 of my students from this year would continue to be my students in the fall. They are sweet kids and are super excited for my baby.

I'm considering not signing the offer letter in the interest of having more time at home to care for my baby and get to know him/her and adjust to motherhood on my own timeline. I also don't *love* my workplace or employer so much that I would be extremely sad to leave it behind. My husband earns about $40k/year working security so we would still have some money coming in if I took time off from working.

Some family members have suggested that I sign the letter so that the option is available to me if I want to pursue it, knowing that I can call to change my mind over the summer if I decide not to return. This option makes a little sense to me but also feels a little shady, because I want to be true to my word and stick to the commitments I have made.

Fellow June 2024 mommies, what do you think? What would you do in my shoes??? Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts.

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I used to be a teacher too, special education. I left a couple years ago and now that I’m expecting my first baby, i have no regrets because i know that 1) the pay is not worth it in comparison to daycare costs, and 2) my teaching job absolutely consumed my life. I have no desire to go back to teaching, which is unfortunate but it is what it is. Unless you are 100000% sure you want to sign a year long contract, i wouldnt do it. Especially not for $35k with a master’s degree. If you try to leave your contract mid-year they will more than likely suspend your license and that can make it difficult to get teaching jobs in the future. They don’t care what your reasoning is for leaving and neither does the state department of education.

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Before taxes and taking into considering the cost of daycare you’d only bring in $500 a month. Again, not taking into consideration taxes or travel expenses.

Personally I would stay home for a year or so and then consider returning. You could offer tutoring or assisting with homeschooling for your area and use that as an option of maintaining your career.

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Would you sign this offer letter? - June 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 2 (21)


You have your MA. It's almost insulting they are only offering $2k more. Plus, the math from smart people above. Cons.

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Would you sign this offer letter? - June 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 2 (28)


I would sign the letter, as a just in case. And personally, I don’t think it’s shady. Companies replace employees like it’s nothing. That way you can put some thought.

However, with that salary and the amount of money you would pay for day care, it’s not worth it. If you have your masters, maybe you can pick up some part time shifts at a college if you still want to work here in there when baby is here. You can do evening classes. Just a thought.

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if I knew I could change my mind, I would sign it.

also hard to answer completely in your shoes because I'm thinking as a person who has done the whole sahm sing two different times in her life including now and honestly I'm a worker be. I enjoy working more than staying home with my kids so 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm biased in that regard.

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I mean just by the doing the math. You are pretty much working to pay day care and gas. Thats not even paying taxes. It doesn’t make any sense for your family

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No. That salary is horrendous.

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The math ain't working with that salary and daycare cost. Could you look for something part time later on? Like substituting or tutoring?

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Would you sign this offer letter? - June 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 2 (62)


Heck no. 35k is near poverty level in today’s time.

You will make more money tutoring virtually or working with homeschool kids and create your own schedule too. Look into other avenues for income.

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Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts! This morning my heart is telling me not to sign it. If I feel ready to return to work when my baby is here, I'll find something else that will make more sense for my family. And this way I can say proper goodbyes to my students and let them know I've decided to take time off from teaching instead of them feeling abandoned in the fall. I appreciate everyone's input and validation that $35k is really not a good salary.

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Would you sign this offer letter? - June 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect | Page 2 (2024)
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