World Wrestling Entertainment RAW - 2005 (2024)

World Wrestling Entertainment RAW - 2005 (1)



Location: Saitama, Japan

Announcers: Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler

The broadcast begins with some highlights from the Royal Rumble, showing Triple H defeating Randy Orton to win the World Heavyweight title, Edge’s strong double-showing at the event, and Batista winning the Rumble match itself. From there, we see more clips of what went down at last week’s RAW, featuring the unease between Batista and Triple H, the signing of Edge’s title match, and the tag team main event that saw Randy Orton heavily concussed. With the recaps finished, we go over to the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan, for the first-ever edition of RAW to emanate from the Land of the Rising Sun! Tonight’s pyrotechnics are even more elaborate than usual, and the packed-out crowd of 7,544 are on their feet as we go over to Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler for the introductions…

Jim Ross: Konichiwa, ladies and gentlemen, from the historic Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan! This arena has seen some historic bouts in its time, ladies and gentlemen, and some truly memorable nights, and tonight will be no exception for the first RAW to come from the Land of the Rising Sun!

Jerry Lawler: Was that Japanese you just spoke, JR?

Jim Ross: It was indeed, King - when in Rome!

Jerry Lawler: But we’re in Japan…

Jim Ross: Forget it. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got some huge matches - in fact, we’ve received the final card from General Manager Eric Bischoff, and to commemorate this historic night every RAW-owned title will be on the line tonight! We’ve got our huge main event, Triple H defending against the hungry challenger Edge, along with tag team action as La Resistance defend their titles against William Regal and Tajiri, whilst Shelton Benjamin’s ‘open contract offer’ has been taken up this week by Gene Snitzky, and Trish Stratus defends the Women’s title against Victoria!

Jerry Lawler: Don’t forget the two other matches on our show tonight, JR! Kane and Shawn Michaels meet in singles competition, not to mention the massive submission match!

Jim Ross: Oh, I haven’t forgotten, King - Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho, two of the most technically-sound athletes in the world today, and no strangers to Japan I might add, meet in a submission-only match, and you’d better believe that one will be a slobberknocker, folks!


The introductions complete, we switch over to the back now, to the Evolution locker room, which is well-furnished and reeking of expensive taste as usual. Ric Flair is sitting on the expansive leather couch, eating grapes and watching the broadcast, whilst Batista is pacing nervously…

Ric Flair: Will ya sit down?

Batista: I don’t want to sit down.

Ric Flair: Fine, fine, suit yourself. Just don’t run yourself out, this is a big night.

Before Batista can answer, the door opens and Triple H walks in with his bags, led by a Japanese woman wearing something of a geisha girl outfit…

Geisha Girl: Konichiwa, Triple H-san.

Triple H: Yeah, yeah. Thanks for helpin’ me find the room.

The woman leaves, and Hunter dumps his bag on the table before sitting next to Flair, helping himself to some grapes. After a few moments, he looks over at the still-pacing Batista with an irritated look…

Triple H: Are ya gonna be doin’ that all night?

Batista: I’m nervous, OK? Cut it out.

Triple H: Will ya chill out? Everything’s fallin’ into place, this is our time now. Orton ain’t here tonight, he’s back in the States with an ice pack clutched to his head, I’m gonna send Edge packin’ tonight… and when you wipe that smirk offa J.B.L.’s face, and win the WWE title, the whole of the WWE is gonna be ruled by Evolution… this is just perfect, what d’you have to be nervous about?

Batista: I haven’t made my decision, okay? It’s a tough choice.

Triple H: Whaddaya mean, it’s a tough choice? You ain’t thinkin’ about fightin’ me, are ya?

Before Batista can answer, however, Flair interjects by standing up and placing himself in between them…

Ric Flair: Enough’o this, you two! Champ, you’ve got a big match tonight, why don’t ya get ready? And Dave… if you’re that nervous, go get yourself somethin’ to drink or whatever, and calm yourself down.

Batista nods, and exits the locker room. Triple H watches him go, with an uneasy look on his face, before turning back to Flair. The Nature Boy shrugs, and before we can hear any more of their conversation, the cameras switch back to ringside.

(Segment quality 77%)

(Triple H lost 2 points of overness from this segment)

Jim Ross: All’s not rosy in the Evolution camp, King!

Jerry Lawler: Will you cut it out? You’re seeing problems where there are none! Batista’s just nervous because he’s never been to Japan before, JR - you know what it’s like, being in a strange new country where you don’t know the language? It’s got to be a little weird!

Jim Ross: And this wouldn’t have anything to do with him maybe wanting a shot at Triple H?

Jerry Lawler: I told you to stop, didn’t I? Why would he want to face Triple H when he can beat J.B.L. and have the whole WWE ruled by Evolution? It doesn’t make sense!


“Whoa! It’s time to rock and roll!”

Trish Stratus’ music plays now, and the WWE Women’s champion heads out to the ring, arm-in-arm with her boyfriend Christian, to boos from our Japanese audience. The two share a sickening embrace on the ramp, totally uncaring that millions have to watch their kissing, and then stroll down into the ring, where they share another kiss. Victoria’s music replaces Trish’s, now, and she heads down to the ring as well, unaccompanied this evening. As Christian rolls to the outside, the two women square off to begin our opener.

Trish Stratus © vs. Victoria - WWE Women’s title

Trish starts out well early on with a bitch-slap to her opponent’s face, showing a total lack of respect, following up with a hair-pull toss and a clothesline to take Victoria down. Straddling her on the mat now, Trish follows up with some punches and begins to pound Victoria’s head again and again on the mat, earning her a telling off from the official. Victoria uses the distraction to come from behind with a face crusher, and begins to assert her dominance with some fiery suplexes, slaps of her own, and even a bulldog much like Trish’s own signature move! After this one, Victoria sets her opponent up as if for the Widow’s Peak, but Trish somehow escapes and rolls to the outside. She runs to Christian, seemingly for comfort having almost been planted, and then rolls back into the ring, knocking Victoria down with a high forearm to the face. As she makes the cover, however, we see her kick something back out to Christian - the Women’s title belt! Trish gets the 1-2-3 at 4:01 to retain the title, thanks to her boyfriend and the title. ½*

After the match, Christian enters the ring to celebrate with Trish, but she doesn’t seem to be finished with Victoria. She begins to rain down stomps and slaps on her defeated opponent, even getting Christian to hold her up for some slaps and punches! As Christian does this, however, a figure comes hurtling down the ramp - it’s Steven Richards! Richards dives into the ring, shoving Christian down to release Victoria, and sends both Christian and Trish Stratus running from the ring. Christian stares daggers at Richards from the outside, while Steven throws a few choice comments his way and checks on Victoria.

(Match Quality 56%, Crowd Reaction 81%, Overall Rating 73%)

(Steven Richards debuted his new ‘Old School Face’ gimmick, it got a positive response)

(The WWE Women’s title has gained image)

Jerry Lawler: What the Hell was that about? Why did Steven Richards get involved?

Jim Ross: What do you mean, why?

Jerry Lawler: I mean why, JR! What for, how come, wherefore?

Jim Ross: Because of that sickening display by Trish Stratus and Christian! What kind of man goes around doing that to a woman, King?

Jerry Lawler: This is the twenty-first century, JR, didn’t you know? Everybody’s equal these days, it’s all about the sisterhood being on the same level as men!

Jim Ross: Well, if that’s what that means, King, I’ll be old-fashioned and out-of-date, thankyou very much! We’ll be right back, people.

---Commercial Break---


“Ain’t no stoppin’ me, no!”

His music playing around the arena as we return, Shelton Benjamin heads down to the ring, the WWE Intercontinental title around his waist. JR and King remind us of his wish to be a fighting champion, and of Gene Snitzky’s acceptance of his open challenge contract, speculating that Snitzky wants to return to winning ways after his loss last week to Kane. Benjamin steps into the ring and hands his title to the referee, before Snitzky’s music plays and the monster storms out to the ring, looking both very determined and very angry at the same time. Benjamin is unfazed, however, and offers a lock-up to Snitzky as the bell rings.

Shelton Benjamin © vs. Gene Snitzky - WWE Intercontinental title

Snitzky looks at Benjamin’s outstretched hands, signalling for a lock-up, as if they are alien artefacts, and instead opts to boot the Intercontinental champion hard in the stomach, sending him folding over like a paper tissue. Snitzky follows up with a few hard clubs across the back, and a spiked DDT for a 2-count. The monster begins to dominate Shelton in the opening moments now, using several hard strikes, boots, and hard-hitting grappling moves to wear the young all-American down and keep the advantage firmly out of his reach. After a telegraphed clothesline sails over his head, however, Benjamin fires back with a super kick and a few wild right hands, finally getting his lock-up and applying a ferocious hammerlock. From the hammerlock, Benjamin manages to switch into a wristlock and ground Snitzky, switching to an armbar and then a shortarm scissor hold, keeping the pressure firmly on the arm with some good technical wrestling here. Letting the monster back up to his feet, Shelton applies an arm wrench and drags him over to the turnbuckle, jumping up to the top and attempting a ropewalk, but Snitzky yanks him down into a huge clothesline! Making the cover, Snitzky gets 2, and quickly follows this with a powerful sidewalk slam, getting another 2-count. He fires a warning glance at the referee now, and attempts a third pinfall, again only getting a 2. Angry now, Snitzky begins to get into the referee’s face, and eventually heads to the outside, seizing the ring bell from the timekeeper. Despite the official’s pleas, in full view, Snitzky lines up and levels Shelton Benjamin with a furious thud, covering him and getting what would have been a 3-count, had the bell for the disqualification not gone 3 seconds earlier at 8:55. **½

With the bell ringing and his pinfall attempt notwithstanding, Snitzky jumps back up to his feet, yelling to the referee that he should have counted faster before, and that the DQ is his own fault. Stammering, the referee backs way, eventually backing up into the ropes with nowhere to run! Still clearly infuriated, perhaps by the referee or perhaps by his own lack of self-control, Snitzky blasts the referee with a sucker punch, knocking him out flat on the floor! With Shelton Benjamin struggling to his knees, Snitzky storms off, his appetite for destruction seemingly quenched for now.

(Match Quality 78%, Crowd Reaction 70%, Overall Rating 74%)

---Commercial Break---

Jim Ross: We’re back, folks, and before the break we saw what I wholeheartedly believe is an unhinged Gene Snitzky taking out his frustrations on Shelton Benjamin and a WWE official, simply because he couldn’t get the win against the Intercontinental champion.

Jerry Lawler: You and I both know that count was slow, JR.

Jim Ross: We do? Well, it’s news to me, King.

Jerry Lawler: Have you ever wrestled a match, JR? Ever? I have, and I know what a 3-count looks like, and that was a 3-count! Gene Snitzky was screwed over, and when he tries to use an equaliser against the cheating that is going on against him, he’s disqualified! You tell me where the justice is, JR!


JR cannot retort, however, as the cameras now switch to the backstage area, where interviewer Todd Grisham is standing by with the challenger for the World Heavyweight title, Edge. The Edgester is wearing his usual black trench coat over purple wrestling tights, along with his usual black shades…

Todd Grisham: Edge, we’re a little over an hour away from your shot at the World Heavyweight title… emotions have got to be running high in everybody’s camp. How are you feeling?

Edge: How am I feeling? Oh, I’m just peachy, Todd, just peachy. This is my first one-on-one for the World’s Heavyweight title… can you imagine that? Me? First title shot? It doesn’t even bear thinking about, and why? Because I’ve been too busy casting my gaze elsewhere when I should have been focused, one hundred per cent, on the World’s champion and the title. No more. I’m focused, Todd, I’ve never been more focused, and tonight I’m going to give Triple H a little Edgecation, and walk out with the title.

Todd Grisham: What about Shawn Michaels? Your rivalry doesn’t seem to have been dampened by your encounter at the Royal Rumble, and we know he is in Saitama tonight because he’s facing Kane a little later on.

Edge: Michaels? I don’t sweat Michaels, Todd, and let me make one thing very clear to you…

Edge snatches the microphone now, and grabs the lens of the camera, pointing it directly at his face. Staring the camera down now with a manic glint in his eye, Edge continues…

Edge: If you think you’ve had bad times in your life up until now, Shawn, you’re wrong. Interfere in my match tonight, cost me the shot that I have so sorely deserved for year after year, and I’ll make your life a living Hell… even that God you prance around claiming to have faith in won’t be able to save you. I’ll make falling from Hell in a Cell look like tripping over, Shawn, I’ll make every fall you’ve taken over the years look like child’s play… being locked in a Casket won’t mean anything to you once I’m done with you, Shawn… I will put you out, do you understand? I’ll make it so, back surgery or no back surgery, you never set foot in a wrestling ring again, and that is a promise. Now if you’ll excuse me, Todd, I’ve got a World’s title match to prepare for.

Edge walks off now, tossing the microphone back to Todd Grisham. The interviewer looks at the camera and gives a little shrug as we return to ringside.

(Segment quality 92%)

(Edge gained 1 point of overness from this segment)

Jim Ross: Edge, for all of his talk of focus, might be a little preoccupied, King?

Jerry Lawler: Can you blame him? That devious Shawn Michaels is lurking around backstage, just waiting to pounce! If I were Edge, I’d be on tenterhooks, I can’t believe he’s so together!

Jim Ross: That’s together?

Jerry Lawler: Yes! It’s just like Shawn Michaels to do this - putting Edge on the, uh, edge like this, so he’ll lose the title match with Triple H, which then allows Shawn Michaels to step in and win the title! And do you know why he’s doing this, JR?

Jim Ross: I’m just dying to…

Jerry Lawler: Because the HBK knows that he can’t beat Edge, that’s why!


La Resistance’s music plays now, and the World Tag Team champions walk out to the ring, waving their tricoleur flags and pointing arrogantly to their title belts. The boos of the fans don’t seem to deter the French, who continue their stroll down to the ring. As they enter the squared circle, they hand their belts over to the official, and lay the flags down on the outside, before disrobing and tossing those to the referee as well, along with their berets. William Regal’s music plays now, and the Blackpool native heads out from behind the curtain, along with Tajiri, who gets a huge reaction from the Japanese crowd. The duo talk tactics on the way down to the ring, and then slide under the bottom rope at the bell sounds.

La Resistance © vs. William Regal/Tajiri - World Tag Team titles

All four men duke it out in the opening moments of the match, with Regal and Tajiri quickly overpowering the French thanks to Regal’s southpaw punches and the Japanese Buzzsaw’s unique brand of martial arts kicks. Conway fights back at Regal with a lowblow knee, and quickly tosses him to the outside, following out onto the apron to leave Grenier and Tajiri the legal men. Tajiri keeps up with his martial arts, punching and kicking Grenier into the turnbuckle and chopping away at him, before Grenier nails a furious punch to send Tajiri reeling, followed by an arm drag and a spinning vertical suplex. The World Tag Team champions keep the pressure zoned in on Tajiri now, quickly isolating him in their half of the ring and keeping themselves fresh with numerous tags, all whilst preventing Tajiri from reaching William Regal. Eventually, Tajiri fights back with a thunderous karate kick to Conway and a heel kick to Grenier, forcing the French to play the ‘cheating’ card. Regal, clearly frustrated at being taken out of the equation, makes a beeline for Grenier now, and a big left-handed punch knocks him to the outside. Returning to the apron, Regal makes the tag, and comes in hot to take Conway down with some European uppercuts, quickly applying a headlock and then a scissor sleeper hold. Conway fights out, however, and gets back to his feet. The two men charge at each other, colliding in the middle of the ring and going down! Both competitors start to crawl towards their corners now, but Regal is noticeably quicker and reaches Tajiri easily, allowing the Buzzsaw to prevent Conway from tagging out. He hits a beautiful spinning DDT, before signalling for the Buzzsaw Kick. As he does, however, Grenier tosses something to Conway, who catches it and straightens up - tossing some powder into Tajiri’s face! The referee somehow misses this, and only catches Conway pulling Tajiri into a small package for the 1-2-3 at 11:00! **¼

After the bell has rung, William Regal immediately enters the ring, furious, and blasts Conway across the face with another vicious left-handed punch! Grenier rushes back into the ring, brandishing one of the Tag Team titles, but as he takes a swing Regal parries it and punches him down as well! The French hightail it to the back, unnerved by Regal’s fury, as he helps Tajiri back to his feet and we go to commercials.

(Match Quality 77%, Crowd Reaction 67%, Overall Rating 72%)

(William Regal debuted his new ‘No Gimmick Needed’ gimmick, it got a positive response)

(Rob Conway gained 2 points of overness from this match)

(The WWE Tag Team titles have lost image)

---Commercial Break---


As soon as we return from the break, we are backstage, where Chris Benoit is preparing himself for his Submission match with Chris Jericho later tonight. He is already in wrestling attire, and is now taping up his wrists, making the final adjustments. There is a knock at the door, and the camera pans around to see Shawn Michaels in the doorway, also in full ring attire and his trademark ‘body armour’ to boot…

Chris Benoit: Shawn?

Shawn Michaels: Hey, Chris. Listen, I was just on my way to the ring to face Kane, and I thought I’d stop by and say good luck for tonight. It should be a great match.

Chris Benoit: Yeah, it should. Thanks, Shawn.

Shawn Michaels: Hey, no problem. I’ve got your back, it’s what friends are for, right?

Chris Benoit: Yeah, me too. Good luck against Kane.

Michaels nods, and heads off towards the ring. The cameras follow him out of the locker room and down the corridor towards the stage, eventually losing him as he turns a corner. As the cameras swing back round again, however, we notice a solitary figure standing next to Benoit’s locker room door, clearly having been listening in to the conversation, unseen - Chris Jericho. Jericho’s face is a mask of jealousy and anger, and he turns on his heels and storms off as we head back to the ring.

(Segment quality 91%)

Jerry Lawler: What was that about?

Jim Ross: Well, evidently Chris Jericho overheard what Benoit and Michaels were saying, King.

Jerry Lawler: I don’t mean that, that’s obvious! What I meant was what the Hell is going on with Benoit and Shawn Michaels? What’s the Heartbreak Kid’s game, JR? What little stunt is he trying to pull?

Jim Ross: Oh come on, King, cut him some slack - he’s a great competitor and a sportsman, and he was just wishing Chris Benoit luck - they respect each other!

Jerry Lawler: I don’t buy it, JR, not for a second!


“Oh, ooh, oooh… SHAWN!”

As King speaks, the Heartbreak Kid’s music plays over the speakers, and he struts out onto the ramp, saluting the cheering crowd and dancing a little on the stage, drawing more cheers, before strutting down to the ring, slapping hands with some of the fans in the front rows as he does so. Jumping into the ring, HBK poses as his pyro flies up from the apron, and then removes his ‘body armour’ as he awaits his opponent. “Fire Still Burns” plays over the speakers, and Kane heads out to the ring, also getting a big reaction from the crowd. He stalks down to the ring, eyes fixed on Michaels, and steps over the ropes into the ring itself, before firing off his pyro and squaring off with the Heartbreak Kid as the bell rings.

Kane vs. Shawn Michaels

The two men circle for a few moments, before Shawn backs up a step and launches a flying forearm, knocking Kane down, and then kips back up! Kane is back up quickly, however, only to take another forearm shot from HBK. Michaels winds up for a third as Kane gets back to his feet, but this time the Big Red Machine has it scouted, dodging and watching as Shawn careers into the turnbuckle, catching him for a sidewalk slam as he rebounds backwards. Kane follows up with a few well-placed stomps, and then waits for HBK to stand back up before blasting him with a clothesline, knocking him back down hard. Kane exercises this control for the next few minutes, using his clear size advantage to dominate the much smaller man, concentrating much of his offense on Shawn’s surgically-repaired back, likely aggravating several niggling problems. Eventually, however, Michaels is able to dodge a clothesline and fire back with some wild rights and a DDT. Following up with a springboard dropkick, Michaels begins to carve out an advantage for himself now, hitting and running to combat the size differential, using his speed to remain one step ahead of Kane. Eventually, however, Kane catches him after an attempted cross-body press, tossing him nonchalantly over his head with a fallaway slam! HBK clutches at his back in pain, and Kane signals for the Chokeslam. Shawn staggers to his feet, and Kane makes the lunge, but Michaels somehow ducks it, bounces off of the ropes, and nails a desperation Sweet Chin Music! Both men fall to the mat, and Michaels is able to drape an arm over Kane’s chest for the victory at 9:33! **½

“Sexy Boy” plays across the arena as Michaels gets shakily to his feet, holding his back in pain, and raises his arms in victory. He holds out a hand to Kane, pulling him up, and then offers a handshake. A little unsure of how to proceed, Kane cautiously takes the handshake, and the fans cheer the sportsmanship as the two men congratulate each other on a good match. The moment is broken, however, as a figure jumps into the ring from nowhere, carrying a steel chair - it’s Edge! Edge blasts Kane across the back of the head with the chair, sending him down, before jabbing the chair into HBK’s stomach, folding him over. Seizing the opportunity, Edge nails a thundering Edgecution DDT onto the steel chair, busting the Heartbreak Kid wide open! Still not finished, Edge rains down chair shot after chair shot onto HBK’s weakened back, eventually tossing the mangled wreck of steel aside and just stomping away at the surgically-repaired spine until security and referees pour down to the ring. Edge allows them to pull him away, yelling back at Michaels with a sick gleam in his eyes, so loud that we can hear him without a microphone…

“You won’t screw me now, Michaels, I’m one step ahead - I’ll show you!”

(Match Quality 76%, Crowd Reaction 88%, Overall Rating 84%)

Jim Ross: What a sickening, disgusting display by Edge! Shawn Michaels was just minding his own damn business, King, and Edge may have put him on the shelf! I suppose you’re happy about this?

Jerry Lawler: It’s like I always say - you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do! Edge knows Shawn Michaels inside out, he knows that HBK is devious and would try to screw him over, so he did what he had to do, JR, to make sure he has a fair and uninterrupted title match later on tonight!

Jim Ross: That’s a bunch of B.S. King, and you know it! Edge is just a sickening son-of-a-bitch with no morals and an ego that’d put most Hollywood actors to shame!


We head backstage now, where we see another wrestler preparing in his locker room. Chris Jericho, however, is much less calm and collected than Chris Benoit was earlier on tonight. His face is a mask of anger and rage, and as he tightens up his elbow pads and wrist bands, he pulls them so tightly that they look to be cutting off the circulation to his extremities. His hair is dangling across his face as he tightens up his boots, and we can hear him muttering under his breath…

Chris Jericho: Good luck… I’ll show him good luck… nobody wishes me good luck, oh no… he’s got your back? Nobody has my back…

Jericho finishes his preparations now, and heads towards the locker room door. As he does so, he catches sight of himself in the mirror, and stops in his tracks. He stares his own reflection down, and the look of anger melts away, replaced by a malicious grin…

Chris Jericho: I’ll show you…

With that, the scene fades to black and we take a commercial break.

(Segment quality 100%)

(Chris Jericho gained 1 point of overness from this segment)

---Commercial Break---


“C’mon, you know I’ve got you, yeah… BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!”

We return from the commercials to hear Chris Jericho’s music playing, and the explosion of pyrotechnics that heralds Y2J, arms out wide with his back to the ring, standing on the ramp. He spins around and struts down the ramp, grinning widely at the reaction he is getting from the ravenous Japanese crowd. JR and King put over Jericho’s impressive record in Japan as he steps into the ring, and then speculate quite what the scene we saw the commercials could mean as his music fades away. Chris Benoit’s music replaces his, and the Rabid Wolverine heads out to the ring, also receiving a monstrous reaction from the live crowd. The two men stare each other down as Benoit climbs into the ring, and immediately tie-up as the bell rings, jockeying for position.

Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho - Submission match

Jericho wins the initial lock-up here, forcing Benoit into the ropes and breaking out the knifedge chops, lighting up the Crippler’s chest as the crowd ‘woo!’ along with the blows. After a few chops, Benoit begins to power back, forcing Jericho off of him and catching a wild chop, twisting the arm into an arm-wrench submission and driving his elbow into Jericho’s upper arm, then dragging him down to the mat and applying a buffalo sleeper hold, putting pressure on both the head an the arm. Y2J quickly gets to his feet, with the hold still cinched in, and runs towards the turnbuckle, spinning around at the last moment to crush Benoit in the corner, and following up with a mean superplex. Y2J continues to pile on the pressure now, with a few kicks to Benoit’s back and a longbow backbreaker, pulling back on the Rabid Wolverine’s neck and legs, pressuring his spinal column. Eventually, Benoit is able to free himself, and gets back to his feet, knocking Jericho down with a shoulder block and dropping an elbow to the face to take control. The advantage switches between the two men fast and furiously now, with both technical wizards displaying their abilities to the delight of the Japanese fans. Benoit continues his good early work on Jericho’s head and arm, using several armbars and shortarm holds to weaken up the shoulder whilst also driving him down to the mat with several big moves, head-first, to weaken his neck as well. After a backdrop driver, Benoit goes to the top rope, and nails a massive Swandive Headbutt, and instinctively makes the cover. No pinfalls, however, and the Crippler pounds the mat in frustration before getting up and taking a run-up, totally telegraphing a sliding dropkick as Jericho rolls away. Seizing the opportunity, Y2J latches on a camel clutch, immobilising Benoit in the middle of the ring now, as we take a commercial break.

---Commercial Break---

We’re back with Chris Benoit still in the camel slu*tch and Jericho yelling at him to tap out, to no avail. Benoit’s screams fill the arena as Jericho pulls back on his head and neck, and eventually lets the hold go, dragging the Rabid Wolverine roughly back to his feet for a high-angle backdrop, slamming him down on his back again. Jericho’s control of the match stretches now, as he continues to zone in on Benoit’s back with several high-impact moves and submissions, as well as severely limiting Benoit’s own mobility whenever he can make it back to his feet. After a power slam, the Crippler staggers back up, holding his lower back in pain, and Jericho pounches, launching out of the turnbuckle with a face crusher, and vaulting off of the ropes with the Lionsault! He too makes an instinctive cover, and he too is furious with himself when the count is not made. Y2J gets back to his feet, and goes to the turnbuckle. He contemplates going up top, before deciding against it and turning round… straight into a high-angle suplex from Benoit! Jericho rolls to the outside now, clutching his neck in pain, and crawls over to the timekeeper’s table. We see Benoit now, taking a run-up and going for an uncharacteristic suicide dive - only to be caught on the back as he flips over with a chair shot from Jericho! The referee somehow misses it, and Jericho takes advantage, hurling the Rabid Wolverine hard into the ring steps, and then jumping up to the apron, bouncing back off with a leg drop to the back. Back into the ring now, and Jericho goes to the top, willing Benoit to stand up before launching himself off of the turnbuckle with a missile dropkick - which sails over Benoit and hits the referee square on the jaw! Benoit now hits his trademark German suplex combination on Jericho, tossing him hard around the ring and increasing the pain on his neck, before locking on the Crippler Crossface! Jericho yells and screams in pain, before tapping out… but there’s no referee! Benoit sees this, and releases the hold, going to check on the referee now. He begins to rouse the hapless official, and is just getting somewhere when a blur comes flying off of the top rope - a flying chair shot to the back from Y2J! Disposing quickly of the chair, Jericho helps the referee back to his feet, and applies the Walls of Jericho. With his back already beaten and battered, Benoit fights as much as he can, but eventually taps out to give Jericho the victory at 28:45! ****¾

After the match, Jericho releases the hold and grins wildly as the referee raises his hand in victory. The reaction from the fans is mixed - partly cheers for the great match they have just witnessed, partly boos for some of Y2J’s conduct. Chris Benoit staggers to his feet, clearly hurting, and Jericho takes a moment to regard him now, before helping him straighten up and offering a handshake. Benoit looks incredulously at Jericho, and casts a gaze around at the fans, who are applauding this showing. The Rabid Wolverine takes the handshake… only for Jericho to pull him roughly into a double-armed backbreaker! The fans explode with furious boos and jeers now, as Y2J stomps away on Benoit, leaving him down and out on the mat. The referee pulls him away now, but Jericho just shrugs him off and exit’s the ring, a sad*stic grin on his face as he yells out…

“I showed you, I showed you all! I don’t need you, I showed you!”

(Match Quality 96%, Crowd Reaction 95%, Overall Rating 95)

(Chris Jericho’s turn is complete, he is now a heel)

Jim Ross: …I’m speechless, folks, I’m just speechless at this display from Chris Jericho. King?

Jerry Lawler: What a transformation! Chris Jericho finally realised, JR, that what you need to get ahead in this business is a healthy disregard for the status quo!

Jim Ross: A healthy disregard for the status quo? Blasting a man across the back with a chair and attacking him after a match, that’s disregarding the status quo? In my book that’s despicable!

Jerry Lawler: It’s just like your old buddy Jesse Ventura always said, JR - win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!

Jim Ross: Well, folks, I can see I’m going to have no luck with King right now, so we’ll take another commercial break, but don’t go away because our main event is next!

---Commercial Break---

Jim Ross: We’re back, and we’re just moments away from the main event, as Triple H defends the title against Edge, who we have already seen making an impact tonight.

Jerry Lawler: That’s right, JR, and with Shawn Michaels out of the picture, we’re guaranteed a fair and impartial title match!

Jim Ross: With Evolution around?

Jerry Lawler: JR, you’ve had it in for those guys since day one, and frankly I think you need to retain a degree of professional detachment in a position such as yours!

Jim Ross: Excuse me? Me? What about you?

Jerry Lawler: I’m the colour commentator, the rules are different for me. Anyway, let’s look at the tale of the tape, JR!


Sure enough, our view now switches to a tale of the tape-style screen, showing the usual shots of champion and challenger posing on either side of the screen, while the statistics are recounted in the middle for us to compare…

Triple H vs. Edge

Greenwich, CI : Hometown : Toronto, Canada

6’4’’ : Height : 6’5’’

260lbs : Weight : 240lbs

The Pedigree : Finishing Maneuver : Edgecution

The tale of the tape also runs down both men’s numerous career accolades, including Edge’s 9 reigns as a Tag Team champion and his singles titles, along with Triple H’s amazing 10 tenures as Heavyweight champion and his ‘Triple Crown’ achievement, whilst also noting that both men have been crowned King of the Ring in their pasts. The video then fades out, and we return to ringside.

(Segment quality 92%)

(Edge gained 1 point of overness from this segment)

Jim Ross: Well, there you have the tale of the tape, King, and judging from that you’d have to place the weight advantage, the strength advantage with Triple H, but on the other hand he is giving up a lot of agility to Edge!

Jerry Lawler: Added to that you’ve got the career highlights, JR - neither of these men are strangers to gold, but Edge has never won the World Heavyweight title, and he’ll be hungry for it tonight!

Jim Ross: Absolutely, King, and folks - we’re guaranteed a slobber knocker with this one, live from the Saitama Super Arena in Japan, it’s the World Heavyweight title, on the line!


“You think you know me?”

As JR rounds up the hard sell, Edge’s music plays over the speakers, and the mist begins to rise on the ramp as the fans hurl their abuse towards the stage, the events following the Kane/Shawn Michaels match still clear in their minds. Edge walks through the mist now, wearing his trench coat and shades, totally and utterly ignoring the crowd as he walks down towards the ring, clearly focused on the title match ahead of him. As Edge warms up, his music is replaced by Motorhead’s “The Game” and the boos only get louder as the World Heavyweight champion storms out onto the ramp, water bottle in hand, and the title secured around his waist. Triple H takes a sip from his bottle and sprays it high into the air, before strolling down the ramp towards the ring, interestingly unaccompanied by Ric Flair and Batista for this important match. Following another water-spray on the apron, Hunter ducks into the ring, and hands the belt over to the referee as the bell rings.

Triple H © vs. Edge - World Heavyweight title

Edge wastes no time, attacking Triple H from behind with a forearm shot as he is handing the belt to the referee, and continuing with some more punches and forearm strikes to the back of the head, forcing the Game into the middle of the ring for a backdrop and a chinlock. Quickly releasing the hold, Edge follows up with some stomps and kicks as the Game gets back to his feet, before hitting a couple of short-arm clotheslines to knock the champion back down once more. Eventually, however, Triple H is able to fight his way back into the match, blocking a punch and firing back with some of his own, driving Edge into the turnbuckle, where Hunter follows up with some more punches, stomps, and a DDT out of the corner. The two men give the match their all, pulling out all of the stops in front of the baying Japanese crowd, each man scoring numerous near-falls and managing to hit some of their signature maneuvers - including a fiery spinebuster from Triple H, and a half-nelson face crusher from Edge, followed up by the Edgecation hold. Hunter finds himself stranded in the centre of the ring, unable to reach the ropes, and instead powers out, scissoring his body onto his back, flipping Edge off of him and under the bottom rope! On the outside, Edge is becoming frustrated, and moves to the timekeeper’s table, grabbing the World Heavyweight belt. As he goes to take it back inside, however, the Game connects a baseball slide, sending the title back into Edge’s face! Triple H moves outside as well now, and the brawl takes on a new flavour with both men using their surroundings to dish out punishment - bouncing each other’s heads off of the apron, ring steps, and timekeeper’s table, before Edge whips Hunter first into the crowd barrier and then into the ring steps! Back into the ring, and Edge nails a goardbuster suplex, before sending the Game hard into the turnbuckle, face-first, and retreating the opposite corner. Edge is grinning madly, licking his lips in anticipation, willing Hunter to turn around - but as he goes to launch himself forwards for the Spear, he finds his leg held back by Ric Flair! Naitch, having hightailed out from the back, keeps a firm grip on Edge’s leg as Batista storms down the ramp behind him and soon joins him at ringside. Edge frees himself and then vaults high over the top rope, crashing down on both men with a suicide dive! All three men are down and out, and eventually Edge staggers into the ring once more, only to walk straight into a face buster from Triple H! Recoiling backwards, Edge is easy prey for the Pedigree, which gets the academic pinfall at 14:06 for Triple H to retain the World Heavyweight championship! **½

“The Game” fills the arena, duelling with the boos of the furious crowd, as Hunter gets to his feet a little shakily, and snatches the World Heavyweight title back from the official. Evolution enter the ring for a celebration, and Edge rolls to the outside, seemingly in utter disbelief that he has lost his big shot, beyond anger. Hunter embraces Flair and Batista, who is noticeably stiffer than the Nature Boy, and then raises his cheaply-retained title into the air, drawing only more boos from the disgusted crowd. Offering congratulations for a job well done, the Game slaps Batista on the back and shakes hands warmly with Flair, before grasping Batista’s as well. As he goes to draw away, however, the World Heavyweight champion finds himself locked in Batista’s iron grip. He grins, a little concerned, at his associate, who does not return the expression… instead blasting the Game with a furious clothesline! The fans explode with glee and cheers as Batista downs the champion, before turning around and levelling Flair with another clothesline! The behemoth stands over the fallen forms of his former comrades now, his arms raised in triumph, as the cheers of the fans ring around the arena.

(Match Quality 77%, Crowd Reaction 78%, Overall Rating 77%)

(Batista’s turn is complete, he is now a face)

(Batista gained 3 points of overness from this turn)

Jim Ross: Oh my gawd, King! Batista has turned on Evolution, he’s left them in the dust!

Jerry Lawler: What… what the…? I don’t understand, JR!

Jim Ross: I think I do, King, this man has had enough of being held down and bossed around by a man like Triple H, and he’s struck out on his own! Good for you, Batista!

Jerry Lawler: But… the Game’s the champion, he’s the man with the power, why turn on him?

Jim Ross: It’s not always about power, King, it’s about what’s right! We’re out of time, folks, thanks for joining us tonight. I’m Jim Ross, he’s Jerry Lawler, this has been WWE RAW, and the landscape has just changed!

Overall Card Rating - 83%

-- I'm still not 100% on the formatting and whatnot, any ideas regarding that are appreciated along with feedback on the first show. HeAT and RAW previews will be up soon.

Raven's Kid!

World Wrestling Entertainment RAW - 2005 (2)

World Wrestling Entertainment RAW - 2005 (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.