Which Democrats Have Called for Biden to Drop Out of the Race? (2024)

By June Kim,Blacki Migliozzi,K.K. Rebecca Lai,Neil Vigdor and Lily Boyce

Public calls by elected Democrats for Biden to step aside

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The angst among Democrats over President Biden’s debate performance is intensifying, with some party members voicing concern about his candidacy and some others urging him to withdraw. At least a half-dozen top House Democrats have also reportedly told colleagues privately that Mr. Biden should end his candidacy. A growing number of donors and business leaders have added to the pressure by calling on Mr. Biden to drop out, with some threatening to withhold dollars.

Said Biden should step aside

Expressed concern

Expressed support

July 12

July 11

July 10

July 9

July 8

July 7

July 6

July 5

July 4

July 3

July 2

July 1

June 30

June 29

June 28

The situation is threatening to divide the party ahead of its national convention next month in Chicago, where Mr. Biden is scheduled to accept the Democratic nomination. Here is what Democratic politicians have said publicly so far.

July 12

Said Biden should step aside

Mike Levin

Representative, California

“I believe the time has come for President Biden to pass the torch.” July 12

Brittany Pettersen

Representative, Colorado

“With deep appreciation and love, @joebiden please pass the torch.” July 12

Expressed concern

Jared Polis

Governor, Colorado

“When you are down — and I think it’s important that President Biden and his team realize that they’re underwater in the polls, if the election was held today, he likely wouldn’t win — you need to change something.” July 12

Chellie Pingree

Representative, Maine

“His successes speak for themselves. But I also recognize there are serious concerns about whether he is our strongest candidate to win in November and his ability to serve another term.” July 12

Expressed support

Veronica Escobar

Representative, Texas

“Donald Trump is an existential threat, especially to our Latino communities. And I remain proud to be #RidingWithBidenHarris2024” July 12

July 11

Said Biden should step aside

Hillary Scholten

Representative, Michigan

“It has become clear over the last several weeks that a change needs to be made.” July 11

Previous statement

“We have heard concerns from people who saw the president on Thursday night. I felt concerned and raised those concerns.” July 1

Greg Stanton

Representative, Arizona

“For our country’s sake, it is time for the president to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders.” July 11

Scott Peters

Representative, California

“Today I ask President Biden to withdraw from the presidential campaign. The stakes are high, and we are on a losing course.” July 11

Previous statement

“The question just now is, is this a candidate who can win the election? Because as much as I love Joe Biden, in those swing states, he’s having a hard time.” July 3

Eric Sorensen

Representative, Illinois

“In 2020, Joe Biden ran for President with the purpose of putting country over party. Today, I am asking him to do that again.” July 11

Brad Schneider

Representative, Illinois

“I fear if he fails to make the right choice, our democracy will hang in the balance.” July 11

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez

Representative, Washington

“Americans deserve to feel their president is fit enough to do the job. The crisis of confidence in the President’s leadership needs to come to an end.” July 11

Previous statement

“We all saw what we saw. You can’t undo that.” July 2*

Jim Himes

Representative, Connecticut

“We must put forth the strongest candidate possible to confront the threat posed by Trump’s promised MAGA authoritarianism. I no longer believe that is Joe Biden.” July 11

Ed Case

Representative, Hawaii

“This is solely about the future, about the president’s ability to continue in the most difficult job in the world for another four-year term.” July 11

Expressed concern

Jeff Merkley

Senator, Oregon

“I think you should ask Joe Biden if he can win.” July 11,answering the question of whether he thinks the president can prevail in November.

Ritchie Torres

Representative, New York

“The President did not just have one ‘bad debate.’ The reality we saw with our own lying eyes is evidence of a deeper challenge.” July 11

Gerald E. Connolly

Representative, Virginia

“Polling data is not encouraging right now, and I hope the White House takes that into account as well.” July 11

Previous statement

“I don’t think we know that yet.” July 5,answering the question of whether Biden still gives his party the best chance to win in November.

Expressed support

Thomas R. Carper

Senator, Delaware

“I’m not going anywhere.” July 11

Nikema Williams

Representative, Georgia

“Let’s go Joe! #BidenHarris2024” July 11

Steve Cohen

Representative, Tennessee

“I think he convinced a lot of people he should stay in the race.” July 11

July 10

Said Biden should step aside

Peter Welch

Senator, Vermont

“For the good of the country, I’m calling on President Biden to withdraw from the race.” July 10

Previous statement

“I really do criticize the campaign for a dismissive attitude towards people who are raising questions for discussion.” July 1

Pat Ryan

Representative, New York

“For the good of our country, for my two young kids, I’m asking Joe Biden to step aside in the upcoming election and deliver on the promise to be a bridge to a new generation of leaders.” July 10

Earl Blumenauer

Representative, Oregon

“While this is a decision for the president and the first lady, I hope they will come to the conclusion that I and others have: President Biden should not be the Democratic presidential nominee.” July 10

Antonio Delgado

Lieutenant Governor, New York

“He can add to his legacy, showing his strength and grace, by ending his campaign and making room for a new leader.” July 10

Expressed concern

Expressed support

July 9

Said Biden should step aside

Mikie Sherrill

Representative, New Jersey

“And because I know President Biden cares deeply about the future of our country, I am asking that he declare that he won’t run for reelection and will help lead us through a process toward a new nominee.” July 9

Expressed concern

Michael Bennet

Senator, Colorado

“I think that we could lose the whole thing.” July 9

Marc Veasey

Representative, Texas

“I think that he has a long way to go and I think there are stronger candidates that would be more likely to beat Trump at this point, but if he says that he is going to stay in, he’s the nominee.” July 9

Lori Trahan

Representative, Massachusetts

“While President Biden has made clear he feels he is the best candidate to win this election, nothing that has happened over the past 12 days suggests that voters see things the same way.” July 9

Expressed support

Gwen Moore

Representative, Wisconsin

“I will continue to support President Biden’s reelection bid.” July 9*

Jasmine Crockett

Representative, Texas

“This is not time to play fantasy president. That’s not what we do in this country. We have a democratic process.” July 9

Nydia M. Velázquez

Representative, New York

“I support Joe Biden, and it is time to focus on reelecting him in November.” July 9

Jerry Nadler

Representative, New York

“He’s going to be our nominee, and we all have to support him.” July 9

Glenn Ivey

Representative, Maryland

“My view is that the best way to beat Donald Trump is moving forward with the Biden-Harris ticket.” July 9

Before July 9

Said Biden should step aside

Adam Smith

Representative, Washington

“I think it’s become clear that he’s not the best person to carry the Democratic message.” July 8

Angie Craig

Representative, Minnesota

“I do not believe that the President can effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump.” July 6

Lloyd Doggett

Representative, Texas

“The need for him to step aside is more urgent tonight than when I first called for it on Tuesday.” July 5

Mike Quigley

Representative, Illinois

“I would say: Mr. President, your legacy is set. We owe you the greatest debt of gratitude. The only thing that you can do now to cement that for all time and prevent utter catastrophe is to step down and let someone else do this.” July 5

Previous statement

“It has to be his decision. We have to be honest with ourselves. It wasn’t just a horrible night.” July 2

Seth Moulton

Representative, Massachusetts

“President Biden has done enormous service to our country, but now is the time for him to follow in one of our founding father, George Washington’s footsteps and step aside to let new leaders rise up and run against Donald Trump.” July 4

Previous statement

“I deeply respect President Biden and all the great things he has done for America, but I have grave concerns about his ability to defeat Donald Trump.” July 3

Raúl M. Grijalva

Representative, Arizona

“What he needs to do is shoulder the responsibility for keeping that seat — and part of that responsibility is to get out of this race.” July 3

Marianne Williamson

2024 Democratic presidential candidate

“The time is now for another Democratic candidate to take his place on the November ballot.” July 2

Julián Castro

Former Housing and Urban Development secretary

“Another Democrat would have a better shot at beating Trump.” July 2

Tim Ryan

Former Representative, Ohio

“After deep reflection over these past few days, I strongly believe that our best path forward is Kamala Harris.” July 1

Tom Harkin

Former Senator, Iowa

“I think the president should step aside and let the convention pick a new candidate.” June 30*

R.T. Rybak

Former D.N.C. vice chair

“It is absolutely not too late to pick a new candidate.” June 30

Expressed concern

Patty Murray

Senator, Washington

“I believe President Biden must do more to demonstrate he can campaign strong enough to beat Donald Trump.” July 8

Jon Tester

Senator, Montana

“President Biden has got to prove to the American people — including me — that he’s up to the job for another four years.” July 8

Susan Wild

Representative, Pennsylvania

“In a confidential conversation with other members of House Democratic leadership, I expressed the same concerns that Americans across the country are grappling with, about President Biden’s electability at the top of the ticket.” July 7

Adam Schiff

Representative, California

“The performance on the debate stage I think rightfully raised questions among the American people about whether the President has the vigor to defeat Donald Trump. And this is an existential risk.” July 7

Tom Malinowski

Former Representative, New Jersey

“Today, he can go down in history as the man who saved America from Trump twice — first by running four years ago, then by passing the torch.” July 7

Maura Healey

Governor, Massachusetts

“Over the coming days, I urge him to listen to the American people and carefully evaluate whether he remains our best hope to defeat Donald Trump.” July 5

Ro Khanna

Representative, California

“I expect complete transparency from the White House about this issue and a willingness to answer many legitimate questions from the media and voters about his capabilities.” July 5

Emanuel Cleaver II

Representative, Missouri

“I am worried about the president’s ability to continue the campaign. However, I’m looking to be reassured this coming week that this is a one-off, he had a bad night.” July 5*

Chris Pappas

Representative, New Hampshire

“People are disappointed with what they saw last week. And I think it’s up to President Biden to answer what kind of path he can be on for the future — to restore confidence, or to pass the torch.” July 4

Jared Huffman

Representative, California

“We need a course correction. We’ve got to acknowledge that this was not just one bad night.” July 4

David Walters

Former governor of Oklahoma

“He may be operating at 100 percent capacity. But 14 months into this 18-month campaign, the campaign is losing this argument.” July 4

Debbie Dingell

Representative, Michigan

“President Biden has got to go out there, and in a sustained basis, show he has the stamina and can do the job.” July 3

Summer Lee

Representative, Pennsylvania

“People are worried. And we need our strongest, our brightest, our bravest to step up and start to take the reins right now.” July 3

Katie Porter

Representative, California

“This White House is going to have to be way less insular than they have been.” July 3

Jake Auchincloss

Representative, Massachusetts

“We have strong people, not just the top of the ticket, but around the ticket, who can be strong surrogates.” July 3

Ann McLane Kuster

Representative, New Hampshire

“In order to respond to our constituents’ concerns, we need to demonstrate that the president is fit not just for the job, but for the campaign.” July 3*

Don Davis

Representative, North Carolina

“If he is going to stay in, he needs to step up.” July 2

Nancy Pelosi

Representative, California

“I think it is a legitimate question to say is this an episode or is this a condition?” July 2

Greg Landsman

Representative, Ohio

“The question is can he effectively prosecute the case against Trump.” July 2*

Jared Golden

Representative, Maine

“In 2025, I believe Trump is going to be in the White House.” July 2

Sheldon Whitehouse

Senator, Rhode Island

“Like a lot of people, I was pretty horrified.” July 1*

Jamie Raskin

Representative, Maryland

“We’re having a serious conversation about what to do.” June 30*

Expressed support

Catherine Cortez Masto

Senator, Nevada

“He’s always had Nevadans’ backs, whether it’s on the picket lines, protecting our personal freedoms, or lowering costs — now it’s time for us to have his.” July 8

Valerie Foushee

Representative, North Carolina

“I believe he is fit to run and am supportive of his reelection campaign.” July 8

Brendan Boyle

Representative, Pennsylvania

“I sure as hell am not abandoning Joe Biden now.” July 8

Steven Horsford

Representative, Nevada

“President Joe Biden is the nominee and has been selected by millions of voters across this country, including voters here in Nevada.” July 8

Grace Meng

Representative, New York

“Joe Biden will lead us to victory.” July 8

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Representative, New York

“I support him and I am focused on making sure we win in November.” July 8

Danny Davis

Representative, Illinois

“Joe Biden is the candidate. He’s my candidate, and he’s America’s champion. And we need to keep him there.” July 8

Shontel Brown

Representative, Ohio

“I remain steadfast in my support for @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris.” July 8

David Trone

Representative, Maryland

“Let’s put an end to the feeding frenzy and support the candidate who’s restored America as a respected world leader and a beacon of hope and prosperity for its people.” July 8

Alex Padilla

Senator, California

“Joe Biden is going to be our Democratic nominee. We’ve got 120 days to continue to reach out to voters, make the case.” July 7

Al Green

Representative, Texas

“I think that we need to move forward with Biden.” July 7

Frederica S. Wilson

Representative, Florida

“Any ‘leader’ calling for President Biden to drop out needs to get their priorities straight and stop undermining this incredible actual leader who has delivered real results for our country.” July 7

Robin Kelly

Representative, Illinois

“I am proud to support President Biden & Vice President Harris, and I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish over the next four years.” July 7

Joyce Beatty

Representative, Ohio

“As a National Advisory Board member for #BidenHarris2024 and Member of Congress who works side by side with President Biden the choice for American leadership and our democracy is clear. It’s Joe Biden!” July 7

Rick Larsen

Representative, Washington

“I’m on Team Biden.” July 7

Richard Neal

Representative, Massachusetts

“Let’s keep it going.” July 7

Donald S. Beyer Jr.

Representative, Virginia

“I support President Biden.” July 7

Maxine Waters

Representative, California

“I don’t care what anybody says — it ain’t going to be no other Democratic candidate.” July 6

James E. Clyburn

Representative, South Carolina

“There is no one better suited to continue this country’s progress than him.” July 6

John Fetterman

Senator, Pennsylvania

“Joe Biden is our guy.” July 5

Shri Thanedar

Representative, Michigan

“I’m fully behind President Biden.” July 5

Lisa Blunt Rochester

Representative, Delaware

“He is the only one we can count on to defeat Donald Trump. And he will win. I’m 100% ridin’ with Biden!” July 5

Haley Stevens

Representative, Michigan

“I am a hundred percent with the Biden-Harris ticket, and I’m standing by our president.” July 4

Terri A. Sewell

Representative, Alabama

“@JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris have stood with us and we are proud to stand with them.” July 4

Roy Cooper

Governor, North Carolina

“President Biden told us he is definitely running for re-election, he is our nominee and we’ll continue doing everything we can to deliver North Carolina for him.” July 3

Gavin Newsom

Governor, California

“Joe Biden’s had our back. Now it’s time to have his.” July 3

Kathy Hochul

Governor, New York

“President Joe Biden is in it to win it, and all of us said we pledged our support to him.” July 3

Phil Murphy

Governor, New Jersey

“He is our nominee for President and I’m going to do everything I can to ensure he beats Trump.” July 3

Wes Moore

Governor, Maryland

“I know President Biden has Maryland’s back, so I’ve got his.” July 3

Josh Green

Governor, Hawaii

“I suspect people will need to see the president in person and on TV to be convinced he is up to it. He is.” July 3

John Carney

Governor, Delaware

“He’s our guy. He’s our nominee.” July 3

Robert Garcia

Representative, California

“The person to defeat Donald Trump is going to be the Joe Biden, Kamala Harris ticket.” July 3*

J. B. Pritzker

Governor, Illinois

“Joe Biden is going to be our nominee, unless he decides otherwise.” July 2

Chuck Schumer

Senator, New York

“I’m with Joe Biden.” July 2

Sylvia Garcia

Representative, Texas

“I respect Rep. Doggett’s position but it is one I do not share. I am supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and will work hard to get them reelected.” July 2*

Sheila Jackson Lee

Representative, Texas

“I stand unapologetically with President Biden, because no, he should not drop out. We must not lose focus.” July 2

Jaime Harrison

D.N.C. Chairman

“This ain’t the West Wing … we have had a process, millions voted for Joe Biden and we have our nominee!” July 2

Gretchen Whitmer

Governor, Michigan

“I am proud to support Joe Biden as our nominee and I am behind him 100 percent in the fight to defeat Donald Trump.” July 1

Katie Hobbs

Governor, Arizona

“As the president himself has said, don’t compare him to the almighty, compare him to the alternative. And by that metric, the choice is abundantly clear in this race.” June 30

Raphael Warnock

Senator, Georgia

“Absolutely not.” June 30,answering a question about whether Biden should step aside.

Chris Coons

Senator, Delaware

“The only Democrat who has ever beaten Donald Trump is Joe Biden. He is our candidate for November.” June 30

Hakeem Jeffries

Representative, New York

“A setback is nothing more than a setup for a comeback.” June 30

Jennifer McClellan

Representative, Virginia

“The only path forward is to continue with President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, not only on the ballot but in the White House.” June 30

Lucy McBath

Representative, Georgia

“He has made ending gun violence a National priority. We need President Biden in office to continue this work for a second term.” June 29

Tony Evers

Governor, Wisconsin

“One debate doesn’t change how President Biden has delivered for Wisconsin over the last three and a half years. I supported President Biden four years ago, and I support him still today.” June 28*

Tim Walz

Governor, Minnesota

“And I think the American people understand that this president has delivered. There’s a lot of folks supporting him.” June 28

John Hickenlooper

Senator, Colorado

“President Biden has my full confidence as president and if he chooses to remain in the race, he’ll have my full support.” June 28

Jack Reed

Senator, Rhode Island

“It’s a difference between a bad initial debate and a very bad presidency, which Donald Trump can claim.” June 28

Bernie Sanders

Senator, Vermont

“I’ll do my best to get him elected.” June 28

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Representative, Florida

“I am confident that Joe Biden will keep America’s economy humming, create millions of jobs, and will fiercely protect Social Security, Medicare and our basic freedoms and democracy.” June 28

Jason Crow

Representative, Colorado

“The president has a great record to run on.” June 28

Pete Buttigieg

Secretary of Transportation

“Joe Biden’s presidency has been among the most productive and successful in American history.” June 28

Which Democrats Have Called for Biden to Drop Out of the Race? (2024)
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