The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

.1 -i -i SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE. i SEYMOUR. INDIANA FRIDAYJULY "1921., "1 ractoif COOLEST PEACEBEST PICTURES GOOD "MUSIC TODAY AND TOMORROW HEALTH do you want itt OF-COURSE you do." Vo you" think that treating the effect will help you, OF COURSE it won't. 7 If ihe CAUSE of yoat sickness can be located and adjusted, do you think' you will regain your health OF COURSE. i Win VERTEBRAL ADJUSTMENT help you OF COURSE." WW you ghe CHIROPRACTIC a real trial, and thereby enjoy good health OF COURSE." MARGUERITE CLARK in "LUCK IN PAWN" IT'S A PARAMOUNT, See Also: FOX SUNSHINE COMEDY "THE SLICKER" WITH AL.

JOHN 1ST, FOX COMEDY. A photoplay crammed to the brim with fun, love and excitement, and the witching spell of the littlw star w-ho puts a- smile in your heart. Come! ADULTS 20c. CHILDREN 10c, (TAX PAIP)r Stop Wash' Day worries hay your wash done "The Soft Water Way" Figure the coat ot th "laundraaa, her meals, the eaa or coal, the soap, the beat and "mew," nt your owa troubled Poaan't rnaka bom waalrina come pretty hJhT Why not atop all that? Band your flat worn here, aa well aa you ether laundry, to be waahed "the soft water way." You' can't get euch quality from a "hard water" laundry or even at home beoausa we use "rain soft" water exclusively la our plant Our work la not only clean abao lutely clean. It la fresh, white, soft, aweet smelling, delightful to the feel.

And because we uae only pure soap and softest water your linens laat longer, give you more wear. Ssro HO Hardness Water Send ua your next week' Wash. Check up on coats and quality. You'll be won over to "soft water washing" as a real economy. Domestic tori WATm Laundry Phone tit Werk Called Tor aid DeUverea- 1 COXfSITXTATIOX? mm.

D.c. COMING: TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY II WE CARRY A LARGE fl LINE OF AMERICA Nn WATCHES I -you our 1 line of HALLMARK, E. Howard and ii 'Elgin Watches. Our Prices are Right e3 A (YAXXEB -Office Hours: to IS a. Qnr Macni Tkt JJ 1 SYMOND'S INN duuib uc BALLARDVALE I Boi Bote45c.

I fc Sate Food PS "Saturday fe Make Your Blend of High fi Sr' Packed fcy the t-5a lb. 45c LIGOETT'S 9 I Package 55c. 8' SYMOND'S 8 Can 30c, i Bottle 75e. 8 SYMOND'S INN 8 Bottle 40c. prgducts Only PenniesCount Qriuijei, Coffees Roasted and latest machinerv if 8 OPEKO TEA i 7 2 Packaqes--566: It INN COCOA I Cans 31c.

8 --c j-jj-l 2 Bottles 76c. I VANILLA EXTRACT 2 Bottles 41c. iillH I PICNICKERS JUST RECEIVED FRESH LJNE OF WILSON'S CERTIFIED CANNED GOODS Pickled Lamb Tongue. Deviled Ham. Corn Beef.

Roast Beef. Deviled Tongue. Sausage Meat. Vienna Sausage. BON MARCHE GROCERY IL CHAMBERS, Prop.

li tDRUG store- tiff -t crvicc-Quality I LSOOOeOOQCQQOGOeGii 13" Notice raMAx.m itobaoh arras? auaVxOH' BYAriOV" Battery OkaxgedV T8e. We aleo. aell new rBBMAXOVB Batterlea at low prloee. We can eeve you Taloamlalng Tires and Tubee Onaxaateed. (Ire Bale Beduoed Frloee.

A. J. Speckner Opposite Foet Office. N. Chestnut Bt HE WILL "HERD GULLS" Harvard Graduate Is Engaged for Lonesome Job.

Private Philanthropy In Which New York Millionaire Has Been Engaged for Yeare. New York. Edward Hatch. who owns Four Brother Island, pear Burlington, a rugged rock that has become famous as the breeding place of seagulls, has signed up a Harvard graduate for ttte lonesome job of herding gulls during their nesting season, a private philanthropy Id which Sir. Hatch has been engaged for some years.

There were 1,600 applicants for the position as the result of the Insertion of an advertisem*nt In New York City newspapers, which read: "Wanted A man to live alone on an Island; Inland lake; eight miles from shore; transportation, food, shelter, boat, furnished no work, no compensation. Address Summertime, COO Tribune building. New York." "I have no faith In the theories of Thomas A. Edlsun when it comes to selecting the man for the place," said Mr. Hatch.

"1 have found In my experience that 'a search for the best personnel generally leads to the college man. He may start slowly, but he has the equipment and once started he goes fast and straight 'That Is why I selected a college man to be warden of the gulls. The job Is one that requires aptitude and judgment such as an educated man may be expected to possess." Among applicants for the warden-hlp of a lonely Island were naturalists, lawyers, poets, authors, artists, ex soldiers, sailors and ornithologist Mr. Hatch protects the breeding place of the gulls because he believes they are of the greatest value In eon-serving public health. He has been Interested for many years In plant to prevent contamination of the waters of New Yorlrt harbor.

It 4 jestlmated that there are 200,000 gull In and about the harbor and each of them Is said, to consume an average of two pounds of refuse a day. To protect the laesffieb Bbvertfsem*nts OJbAsnnzs asT. marat Ten Word. Minimum Prlca, FlfiMa CnU Cub. Ta Cut Additional If Adv.

la Cbart 4. Dally: Sdltioa. One InMrtlon, par word et Thr lnrtloti, par word leu. One month Insertion, par 4 eta. Eaeh IhmtUoo, par word et LOST Broach, chip diamond with Beven pearls, Between Broad way and; Ahlbrand Carriage Company.

Phone 42. Reward. j2d FOUND--Tuesday night John rink place a sum of money. In quire Henry L. Rebber.

jy2d WANTED To buy your old furn iture, stoves, rugs, dishes, etc. Highest prices paid. Call 714. We will eall. Bell Myers Furniture Co: Opposite Post office.

f28dtf WANTED! Experienced girl, over twenty, for general, housework. Must take full charge. Good wages. Phone 14. j29d-tf WANTED Girl for housework and cooking, dry woj-k.

Phone 453. general No laun-jl5dtf WANTED Esperienced girl for general housework. Call R-258-2. jy5d WANTEDOirl at Domestic Laundry. j28dtf A Washing; Inquire here.

iv5d FOR Fip mnm onttam. gas, water and electricity, with two i i i i iuis, guua oarn anu gooa worK snop. Cheap is sold at once. Phone W- 562. j2d FOR SALE Two.

Ford touring cars in good condition. One 1921 Ford Sedan, with extras, practically new. Pauley Son. j29d-tf FOR SALE-13 acres. Suburban home.

Well fenced. Lots fruit. Only Address Owner Care jy2d FOR SALE Two horses and three covered wagons. Fine for'peddling. Phone 773.

Jack Johnson. i8d FOR SALE )ne-horse covered delivery wagon and phaeton. Phone 793-2. j8dtf FOR SALE Spotted Poland sow with seven pigs. Ed Breitfield, R.

8. tx 3'7d FOR SALE Tarpaulins and army wagons. Hopewell's Garage. 1 jlOd-tf F0R SALE Good driving horse. Inquire here.

BARGAINS In good used cars. Pauley and Sou. flOdtf FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, 209 Indianapolis Ave. jytid FOR RENT 3 room modern' flat, furnished. Call R-230.

j22d-tf FOR RENT Modern furnished rooms, 114 Mill street. jld REBUILDING Furniture, tall beds cut down, reflnishing, up-hoi -stering, chair caneing and cabinet work of all kinds. Seymour Specialty Works. Phone Main 791. 114 E.

Second St. jy30d HEMSTITCHING and picoting attachment, works on any sewing machine, $2.00. Personal checks, 10 cents extra. United Sales Agency, 1500 Fountain Birmingham, Ala. jy2d HOUSE PADJTING Hardwood floors refinished.

Painting in all its branches. Graining, glazing. Phone R-712. Lanier and Co. 519 Indianapolis Avenue: NOTARY PUBLIC Have your title of ownership for automobiles made out at Cooper's Garage, Care ful servvae.

je30d-wtf FOR PAINTING, DECORATING or paper hanging, see F. Pow ell, 13 E. Third St. Phone Main 647. i jy21d FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIR-ING At a reasonable price.

Call at fill West Fourth Street W. r-t. Frob. 8d HEMSTITCHING By experienced operator. Singer Sales and Service.

operator. E. C. Hememan. singer Sales and service.

TIP'S YELLOW TAXIS Any timer anywhere. Phonr 447r-Resl- dence 67.Tlp Richardson. j7dtf HAVE YOUR Wallpaper hung by C. E. Manuel.

Phone R-477 or call 115 South Lynn street. j2iatf BAGGAGE TRANSFER Grovef JPbona 85. Residence Phone R-28L a6dtf PLS REPAIREDCalf 625-2. McCanii Wells, cleaned. Acel Bryant.

i'--' 28i TYPEWRITERS Rented nd paired. J. H. EuDaJy. Phone 149.

Everyone Reads the Classlfed Advs. (I 1 Qtve the Palmer Recoil Adjustment 7 YEARS EXPERIENCE. HOURS: 10 to 12 'Cm. 2 to p. 7 to 8 p.

m. R. HUFFED, 0. C. Phone 442.

7J4 W.2nd. St, Seymour, lnd. NEWSY PARAGRAFS It. W. Bowman has sold a Stude-baker Special to Thos.

H. Brana-man, Brownstown. marriage license been issued at Vernon to Homer Beekman, of VanBuren, and Iva Hines, of this city. Chas. W.

Whitman returnel this, morning from Pennsyltania, where he has spen two weeks assisting in campaign of raising $1,250,000 for Alleghany College at Meadeville. Pa. The campaign closed successfully Thursday. A force of men are at work in stalling a new fire hydrant at the north corner of the alley between Second street1 and St. Louis avenue on Chestnut street.

The new hy drant was ordered by the council to anora more nre proiecuon in me block which is one of the largest in the business district. A clipping from the Tacoma (Wash.) Ledger, containing an ac count of enlistments for the Naval Reserve Force, at Puyallup, contains the names of two young men known here, Simeon Jones, son of Harry Jones, formerly of this city, and Ralph C. Spalding, son olL Charles Spalding who formerly lived in Hamilton township. They will leave in a few days for a fifteen day cruise to Honolulu. Additional Social POLO PARTY.

About thirty ipersons were guests at a polo party given Thursday evening in the swimming pool at Shields. Park. Those present were Mr, and Mrs. Guy Hatzardi Mrs. C.

L. Starr, M's? Ethel Rottmant (and her guest, Mist Gertrude Anderson, of Forsyth, Miss Rose, Miss Hilda Sttjin-wedel. Miss Elsie Reynolds, Miss Margaret McCord, Miss Mary Gillespie, Miss Blanche Pegg, Miss Anna Massman, O. II. Holder, J.

A. Keeg-Jcr, O. C. Frr-y, Phil Cor-los, Inb Ct-rnes, Riley, S. Rog-cs, N.

R. Gfcsham, Earlj Harriiig-t. ii. Robert White, Guv Bower, Johu lliinm'er, Kcert J.ilin Wright, Mack Frese, Fny Bcldaii. Carter, Honan Another party -ill be 'given at the pool Thursday night.

WEDNESDAY CLUB. Mrs. J. Robertson, Brownstown, entertained the members of the Brownstown Wednesday Club Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. B.

F. Long, of Washington, and Mrs. Harry Clements, of Mitchell. DINNER, Mrs. Harry Wallace, Brownstown, will entertain this evening with a dinner in honor of Mrs.

B. E. Long, of Washington, D. and Mrs. Harry Clements, Mitchell, who are visit- ing in rsrownsiown.

C. C. CLUB. Miss Edith Zimmerman, northeast of the city, entertained the members of the C. C.

Club of the St. Paul Congregational church Thursday evening. After a short business meeting, the time was spent with games and light refreshments were served. PLANS COMPLETED FOR CELEBRATION (Continued from first page) urday. Representatives of Mau's Greater Shows that will exhibit at the park on Independence Day are expected here tonight to make arrangements fo setting up their attractions.

Walter Vosk, chairman of the parade oemmitte, this afternoon selected the judges for awarding the prizes offered for the beat decorated automobiles. The names- of the judges vitt-betatmoniwred parade committee announced today that the automobile parade would form on Second street west of The parade will be formed as follows: Mayor and Police force, gr Colpiahd JguartLI, ligi Band. Decorated 2 xrV Btms' oi for posting farms against feasting and 10 -ent each, 'per doMUi. 'Call at Tribune odce. 108 W.

Second St. it New Wheat MEATS PI The HALLMARK Store 1 PHONE 119 On IlDUEL-EirrHEilD 4 SDDrt eSSAN DODGE BROTHERS REPUTATION MIGHT WELL REST OS THIS PAULEY AND SON, GARAGE 203-205 Ewlng 81 Ptiont A-603 All Kinds of FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables. GENUINE MAPLE SYRUP COX BETZ OMABVATT) ia 6 p. 7 to i p. m.

Fhoae Mala LEMON EXTRACT uotiies 4 c. OLIVE OIL 2 Bottlcs-46c. 5 i 1 iij Flowers" i 58 'V i is here. Some lenities raised fine wheat, others not' so good. Our buying organiza-Hon, perfected by long experience, is able to buy where the best wheat grew for Colonial Flour BUSH MILLING COMPANY Staple WE DELIVER vwwrwwywwwt WEATHER REPORT Generally fair tonight and Satur day.

Little change in temperature. Seymour Temperatures. For the twenty-four hours ending at noon July 1. Max. Min.

92 68 Interstate Public Service Company Seymour to Indianapolis Last car leaves Indianapolis 11:00 p. m. Flyer leave" Seymour for Columbus, Edinburg, Franklin, Greenwood and Indianapolis at 7 0:25, 11:25 a. m. and 1:25, 325, 525, 725 and 9:10 p.

m. Local COTS leave Seymour for Indianapolis and all intermediate points at 6:00, 650, 9 .55, 1:55 a. m. and 155, 3 55, 555, 8:10, nd zll :45 p. m.

Car marked runs to Columbua only. For special service see Seott Hardin, Local Agent, or address Bert Weedon, F. 510 Board of Trade, Indianapolis. Ind. Miss Mary Peterson, who ia in-the4J eees of nesting gulls and miiMA4 lare 8 through toe business in Red Cloud, has been elected mayor of her city.

The beating of the heart is made sound amplifiers. A stove which burns sawdust only heats a waiting room at London Bridge station. Mrs. Mary 6. Lindley has been elected a member of the city council of Sacramento.

Seville, Spain, is said to have been the first European city, to hare a policewoman. eel has two separate hearts. One beats sixty, the other 160 times a minute. la-the- hottest, climatea: wild ani-mals are easiest of approach by man. Interstate Public Service Company Seymour to Louisville 1 Last Car" leaves Louisville 11:15 p.

m. Dixie Flyers leave Seymour for Crothersville, Scottsburg, Sel- Icrsburg, Jefferson ville and Louisville at 9:05, 11:05 a. m. and 3:05, 6:05, 7:05 and 9:00 p. m.

Local Cart leave Seymour for Louisville and all intermediate points at 6 X)0, 750, 950, 1150 a. m. and 50, 3:30, 5:30, 7:35, 9:30 and' "11:40 p. ru. Cars marked run to Scottsburg only.

--For-apeeial service -see Seott llardin, Local Agent, or sddress Bert Weedon, Q. F. P. A 510 Board of Trade, ndianapolis, Ind. All the hair combings in a Chinese, household arr saved, spun into long w' threads and woven into stockings, young from destruction by ve who visit Four Brothers Island Hatch has constituted himself protector breeding ground.

This is the ninth warden appointed. CUIMS TO LEAD X-RAY WORLD Bellevue Hospital, New York, Take i 86,000 Pictures In 1920;" Use 22 Rooms New York. Bellevue hospital claims to have the largest X-ray department In the world, occupying twenty-twa rooms. Very soon another room will be added to the department, to be used ex cluslvety for treatment of cancer. Prof.

L- Seta -Hlrsch, nea4-ot-tM-X-ra laboratories of Bellevue, Is at present In Europe studying the methods of treatment of the disease there. Recently there have been Invented In Germany two X-ray machipes for treating cancer. A Fifteen years ago all work was done In two rooms, when only In extreme cases was the X-ray used. 1 No other medical Institution la the world has taken so many X-ray picture. The first year of Its IfistaJlatlon something1 400 pictures; were taken; Each year thereafter the num.

br Increaitd, and during 1920 over 8C.00O pictures were taken of patients. USE TR IBUNE CUSSIFIED ADVERTISE! Ef.TSF0R.nESU LTS,...,.....,...I....IIMJ "Say It With Both mandibles of the parrot's beak are movable but most birds are only able to move Everyone reads the Want Adra, GoJOsgooA Inde STERILE EGGS We specialise in infertile eggs, and will buy yours if you producer. We will pay 7 25 CENTS PER DOZEN for "week cases, and pay express charges on full cases. 'REFERENCE; Ripley County Bank, Osgood, Ind. K- Union Trust Co Cleveland, Qhio, Wedding Bouquets Floral DesignsCorsages Potted Plants A small beach el flowen auke a reomfel of cheerfulneej r1' Seymour Greenhouses; I Phone.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.