The one who opened my eyes. - Chapter 15 - Leentje_Marina91 (2024)

Chapter Text

Maya grabbed Carina's body tightly and pulled her so she was laying on top of her.
Her other hand gripping the brown curls to make sure their faces stayed close together.

Carina's hands held Maya's sides tightly so that their bodies were stuck as close as possible to each other.
Her legs were placed on either side of her hips.

Maya's hands now gently were stroking up and down the inside of the brunette's thighs, she made sure she didn't miss a piece of skin.

She also gave her buttocks the necessary attention without missing a spot.

She cupped her hands around her buttocks and massaged them gently.
Carina softly let out a moan of delight between their kisses.

She held Maya's face between her hands and let her enjoy a tongue waltz, gracefully and softly she ran her tongue around Maya's.

It became more and more clear how well they were attuned to each other, their tongues found each other again and again in the same rhythm.

As if they were meant to be sharing this, as if they were meant to be doing this, as if they were meant to be feeling all of this, as if they were meant to be...

'Don't think Bishop, act!'

Maya let her hands slide higher, her fingertips softly dabbed all over her skin.
When she reached her shoulder blades she scraped them back down with her nails.

It gave Carina a shiver and made her body squirm slightly.
Maya smiled feeling the body react to it and so she did it again, but now a bit harder.

"Does that feel good babe" she whispered with a smile.

"Mmm Si" Carina hummed, also with a smile and her eyes closed.

One of Maya's hands trailed up and gently scraped her scalp through the brown curls.

"You have such soft skin, I would love to explore every spot of it with my hands and lips."

Carina's eyes opened slowly.

"What is holding you back?" she grinned.
"Just do it" she smiled.

In a fraction of a second, Maya held their bodies together and switched positions so that she was on top now.

Without breaking eye contact, she took Carina's hands one by one, intertwined their fingers and placed them up.

"Keep them up" she whispered commandingly but in a soft way.

She took one arm back and started kissing finger by finger from tip to palm.
Carina giggled at first, her cheerful eyes following Maya's actions, then melting charmed by the sweetness of it.

Around the palm, the top of her hand.
Her wrist, the inside and outside of her forearm, inside and outside of her upper arm, up to her shoulder.

Carina looked at her biting her lip, with every touch between her skin and Maya's lips she felt a new kind of sparkle arise within her.

As Maya started on the other arm, she ran her free hand over Maya's muscular thigh, which was already one of her favorite parts to stare at.

They silently enjoyed the intimate moment. All the new feelings that were perceived, every new piece of skin that was discovered.

When Maya had kissed the last spot on her arm, she intertwined both hands at the top again.

She leaned over Carina with their faces just above each other, she brushed their noses together and kissed her softly.

When she released her lips, she brought them to her forehead and started kissing every spot on her face.

"Close your eyes" she whispered so that she could also take her eyelids with it.

When she returned to her lips, she licked her tongue from the corner of her mouth to the other corner, first the upper lip and then the lower lip.

But before she could even finish the lower lip, Carina teasingly sucked her tongue.

"Heeey" Maya protested.
"You're interrupting me."

Carina looked at her slyly.

"I'm going to start lowering now, keep them up" Maya winked.

She released her hands and respectfully took Carina by the throat, her chin between her thumb and index finger and turned her face to the right.

She caressed her lips over the shape of her ear from top to bottom, where she finally sucked on her earlobe and blew softly into her ear through her nose.

She heard Carina groan slightly with a deep sigh and suddenly 2 firm hands pressed around her thighs.
She turned Carina's face to regain eye contact.

"What did I ask you?" She felt a deep swallow pass under her hand.

"Mayaaaa" she pouted and it made Maya smile.

"No matter how much I enjoy what you do, I want to touch you too" she almost begged.

Those puppy eyes, that damn beauty that makes her melt and then those pouty lips she was already missing against hers.

Her plans were falling apart, but how could she resist that?

She felt the hands slide higher and creep under the edges of her boxers to her buttocks.

Those pouty lips were now twisted into a grin that she wanted to wipe away so badly, but she was too distracted by the fingertips that were now caressing her buttocks.

"Babe" Maya said with a sigh, Carina's hands now massaging her buttocks.

"Si?" she grinned defiantly.

"Don't" she grabbed her wrists but Carina gripped them even tighter.

Maya had to grit her teeth, even though Carina wasn't doing much yet, she was already doing enough to drive her crazy.

Carina was magical, her hands, her lips, her defiance, her personality, her total package as a person.

Through Carina she discovers many new feelings that she thought she already knew, but apparently only now started to discover.

Had she never actually been in love, was this falling in love?

Or was this just attraction, because this time there are many more types of feelings than she had ever felt?

A sudden bite on her nipple brought her out of her thoughts.

"f*ck" she moaned, wrapping her arms around Carina to keep her in place.

"I'd rather hear those sounds coming out of your mouth instead of that mind mill spinning" the brunette winked and kissed her before she could answer her.

Her fingers found the same nipple and she massaged it with her thumb.
For seconds they lost themselves in their kiss, their hands slid over every accessible spot they could find.

Maya pushed Carina backwards so that they would lie back.
Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into an hour.

Every now and then their mouths wandered to each other's necks and ears to then find each other again.

Maya's tongue danced around Carina's, tickling the roof of her mouth.
Carina bit her bottom lip, pulling it to release it, it made Maya moan and their tongues found their way together again.

Carina noticed that Maya liked to be bitten and it was releasing a lot for herself to, so she went back towards her neck and bit the curve between her neck and shoulder

Maya's mouth at her ear released a loud moan that sounded as music to her ear.
She rubbed her lips over it to soothe the area and lowered slightly to do the same on an other spot.

One of Maya's hands gripped tightly in the brown curls and pushed her head lower.

"Suck me nipple" she commanded pleadingly.

Maya no longer realized how she spoke or what she did.
Her mind and heart were now full of desires, every touch aroused her more, and more lust in her.

Carina grinned and did as she asked, a pleading, commanding Maya was very sexy.
She sucked the bud between her lips heartily, her tongue flicking wildly at it.

"f*ck yeah babygirl, just like that."

Maya's grip tightened in the brown locks.
A trigger that caused Carina to gently clench her teeth around the bud, pull at it and immediately circle her tongue back around after releasing.

Maya felt like she could already feel her org*sme bubbling inside her.
Carina released so much in her and every act she did aroused her so much, she had never experienced everything so intensely.

It felt between her legs as if a wave of water was pouring out of her, she was so extremely wet, her body's reaction was on another level then it had ever been.

Carina now also focused on the other breast to give it equal attention and pleasure.

Maya was able to stop them just in time, she really had the feeling that she was overwhelmed by emotions and that she would reach her climax that way.

How could someone have such power over her body?
That someone could make her go so crazy with pleasure?

Sex was always nice, and fun, enjoyable, relaxing, but this intimacy was all of it and even more, it felt so intense, it was somewhere frightening her.

She loosened her hair, took her by the chin and pulled her up to start kissing her wildly.

Unconsciously, she started to move her hips slowly from front to back, lightly rubbing against Carina's stomach.

Carina let out a soft moan out the dept of her throat at the feeling of her wetness.
She wanted to feel it with her hands, explore her there, get to know how she tastes.

Experiencing what it's like to touch another woman there, getting to know what gave her pleasure and if it were the same things as herself.

One of her hands slid between them to go there but Maya stopped her.

"Patience babygirl" she grinned against her lips.

"One step at a time, I haven't finished what I started yet."

"I want to feel you" Carina whispered softly, her thumb caressing the blonde's stomach.

"You can... later, not yet."

Maya took her back by the hands and laid them back on the bed like before.

"Don't distract me anymore" she said and with a kiss on the lips she continued her path forward.

Her lips traced the curves of her shoulders, her collarbones, the curves of her boobs.
Her tongue slid over the rim of her areolas, over her nipples that had grown stiff from arousal.

She slid her lips from between her breasts to her navel and kissed every bit of skin on her sides and stomach.
Maya ran her tongue above the edge of Carina's thong.

Carina's eyes closed in pleasure, tickles overwhelmed her body, even to the roots of her hairs.
Goosebumps appeared on parts of her body she didn't know they could appear there.

Maya's lips now moved a level lower, Carina felt the warmth of her breath and lips against her skin through her thong.

Carina's heart rate and breathing accelerated a level, the need for more increasing by the second.

The feeling of warmth rising within her brought a blush to her cheeks.

Halfway up her pubic bone she playfully bit the fabric to pull it and let it hit back against her skin.

Carina let out a small hiss of the unexpected and put a hand in her blonde hairs.


Carina looked at her.


Carina's fingers slid over her cheek to under her chin and she let her thumb slide over Maya's lips, who bit at it playfully.

"Come kiss me"

"I'm not done yet" Maya teased her.

She took one of her legs, placed her ankle on her shoulder and let her lips go down her entire leg and foot, the other leg also having the same attention.

But Carina wanted her lips closer, she wanted to feel their lips together again.
When Maya gave a final kiss to the inside of her thigh, she let her tongue slide over her groin.

Her eyes saw how the wet spot in the center had already enlarged.
Carina's one hand flew back into the blonde hair and gripped it tightly.

Her hips also rose slightly up.
Maya did it again, pushing her tongue a bit under the edge of the thong.

"Dio" Carina cursed in a whisper.

"And now turn around" Maya grinned at her.

"Ugh you're such a tease" Carina rolled her eyes.

"Do you rather want me to stop?"

Carina straightened up and pulled Maya back onto her.
She brought her free hand into Maya's boxers and gripped her buttocks firmly.

"I want you Maya Bishop" she growled before she started kissing her intensely and her hands pressed firmly into Maya's body.

Maya kissed her back fondly but still wanted to finish her plan before continuing.
They both moaned between kisses, their bodies sliding against each other.

One of Maya's hands firmly massaged one of the brunette's breast, her other hand gently cupping her throat to keep her in place.
Carina let go for a breath and brought her lips to the blonde's ear.

"Maya, please, I want you" she begged.
"I want to feel you, I want to taste you" she panted, feeling Maya's thigh press against her soaking wet crotch.

"f*ck you're so wet" Maya whispered.

"You're making me so wet DIO
I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you" she moaned back, grinding against Maya's thigh with some pressure to release some of her needs.

Maya brought her face above Carina's.

"Turn around first" she grinned and crawled away to give her room to turn.

Grumbling slightly, she did as she was told.
Maya immediately bit her buttock teasingly and made Carina scream.


You have a cute ass that's inviting to my eyes."

"Stupida" Carina giggled flattered.

She crawled back onto her and took place on her buttocks.
She brushed Carina's hair to one side, leaned forward and kissed her neck.

Carina felt a shiver as she felt Maya's nipples brush against her back and soft lips kiss her neck at the same time.

Maya's hands ran over the brunette's arms, which were stretched above her, up to her hands and she intertwined their fingers.

"When I'm done exploring every spot on your backside" she bit her earlobe.

"Then it's up to you to choose something you want to do."

“Anything?” Carina smiled as Maya's lips dropped towards her shoulder blade.


She released their hands and started kissing her entire back as she crawled lower, meanwhile her fingertips gently brushed up and down her sides.

Every hill and valley of skin formed by her muscles, every vertebrae, the little mound in the middle just above her buttocks.

Maya was unsure if now was the time to ask to pull down her thong.
She ran her fingers under the top edge and softly give another bite in her buttocks.

Maya's hands had a firm grip on the buttocks, her thumbs were placed in the folds of the transition to her thighs on the inside and she pulled them open slightly.

Her lips and teeth completely covered the Italian's buttocks with kisses and occasional bites in between.

Carina went crazy, more than anything she wanted to just jump on Maya and make love for hours.

But it also felt sooo good to feel Maya's lips all over her body, way TOO good.
To feel cherished, wanted, someone who put all the focus on her and took the time to discover her.

And the firm grip that the hands exerted on her, she already dreamed of those strong arms swinging her into all kinds of positions.

"Ooh" she couldn't hold back a big moan anymore when she felt Maya's tongue brushing very high on the inside of her thigh.

Teasingly and provocatively close to the spot where her tongue would actually better be.

Carina's hand reached down and grabbed Maya's wrist tightly when she felt that tongue brush her other thigh the same way.

“f*ck” Carina's hips tilted, her ass lifted higher.

Right where she wanted and needed to feel it, Maya slid her tongue over the wet spot on her thong.

"Maya" she moaned out.

"Yes?" she smiled and repeated the teasing, feeling Carina's nails dig even deeper into her skin before she felt her tugging on her arm.

Carina turned and pulled the blonde up.
But Maya hovered over her and looked deep into her eyes.

Carina's hands ran over her arms and she looked at her with lust.
She cupped the blonde's face between her hands and ran her thumbs over her cheeks.

"Kiss me bambina" she whispered.

Slowly Maya lowered herself lower, their eyes remained focused on each other.
With every inch the blonde came closer, Carina's heart continued to beat faster.

She brought one arm around Maya's shoulders and wrapped her legs around her hips.

She slid her free hand into the blonde locks and broke the last centimeters by pulling the blonde's lips to hers.

Maya's tongue immediately found its way between Carina's lips.

"What do you want?" Maya asked a moment later when they needed air.

“You, all of you.”

Maya held her and turned them on their sides.

It was as if they knew it was going to happen at any moment and they were both nervous about taking the first further step.

Maya's hand stroked Carina's back, her thumbs playing under the edge of her thong.

“Can I… can you… can I take this off?” she asked, faltering from the stress.

Carina nodded a bit shy, turned slightly onto her back so Maya could help him take it off.
The brunette also brought her hands to Maya's boxers and did the same.

They turned back on their sides and Carina's hand immediately found its way to her buttocks, gently scraping it with her nails.

They lay in silence, looking at each other, their hands caressing each other's skin.

Carina lowered her hand a little and ran her middle fingers over the bottom edge of her buttocks making Maya shiver.

Maya's hand also dropped and was now stroking Carina's thigh.
When she reached the crease of her knee she pulled her leg over her own thigh and placed it there.

Her fingertips rubbed higher now, along the inside of her thigh.
The higher she went, the faster Carina's heart started to beat.
But Maya stopped just inches from her groin.

"May I?"

Maya wasn't just going to touch her there, even though they lay there naked, even though they wanted each other, it was still Carina's first time.

Carina nodded yes.
She wanted to scream yes, she needed Maya there in any way she could.

Maya's face moved closer to hers and she rubbed their noses together.
Her free hand placed on Carina's neck.

“Close your eyes” she whispered.

Slowly and nervously she closed them and swallowed deeply.

She knew what to expect, but on the other hand she didn't know anything, because with her eyes closed she couldn't see what was happening.

Waiting until the hand crept higher, that didn't happen, soft lips were pressed against hers.

Lovingly and sensually, they delved into a kiss.
Maya also wanted to make this moment a memorable and beautiful moment and not let their nerves guide them.

Once completely lost in the kiss, she started stroking her fingertips over her thigh again, working constructively and not just going for the mark.

After a few times she let her hand continue towards her soaked crotch.

At the top of her thigh she already came into contact with Carina's arousal, which just like her own, had already extended to her thighs.

Her finger traced up and down the groin crease.

Carina's lips stopped kissing and Maya heard her breathing deepen.
Maya smiled against her lips.

Carina felt her heart pounding in her throat.
Maya now moved her finger to her other groin and did the same.
She pulled her face back a little so she could look at Carina.

The brunette sensed it and looked at her, her eyes coming into contact with the blonde's lustful gaze and grin.

"Don't look like that" she said shyly and grabbed Maya's neck to pull her back closer.

"Sorry it's just... You really are so beautiful."

Carina looked at her blushing, those words made her heart jump a jump for joy that she had never felt before.

Carina's eyes fell to her lips and she licked her own before looking back into the blue radiant diamonds with her now larger pupils.

Carina nodded, no words were needed at that moment, she knew what was coming next.

The brunette pulled her back closer and sucked on her bottom lip, running her tongue down the length before sliding it between the blonde's lips.

Their tongues slid over each other, Carina's grip on Maya's body tightening, wanting her as close as she could.

A loud moan came from the depths of her throat the second Maya's index finger finally slid over her wet slit.

She had to gasp for air, a warm glow spread through her body.
Panting, she rested their foreheads together.

Maya was also not unmoved, her heart was racing and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

Her finger slipped in between the slit from the wetness and happened to bump right onto her bundle of nerves.

Carina growled and a shiver ran over her body. Maya pushed Carina aside so that she was lying on her back and she hoverd over her.

Gently sliding her finger through the wet slit, she scraped her teeth across Carina's neck and alternated with her tongue as she reached her nipple.

Carina grabbed her shoulder blades and dug her fingernails deep into them.

Maya ran her tongue around her nipple, flicking it, circling it.
Took the stiff bud between her lips and sucked it vigorously.

As she reached her entrace she teased it softly and Carina began to let out soft moans She opened her legs for a little more space.

“Is this okay babe?”

Carina brought her mouth to Maya's ear.

"Mmm si"

Her hand found Maya's and she subtly pushed her finger deeper.

"Go in" she moaned and intertwined the hand back with a firm grip on her blonde locks.

Invited, she did as asked and her finger slid in smoothly into the pool of wetness.
Maya saw Carina's lips form a beautiful 'o' and let one out.

She slowly slid it a few times out and back in, she felt the brunette's hand clinging to her tighter with each movement.

"One more."

Maya positioned one more with it.
She felt the tightness around her fingers but the brunette showed no signs of discomfort on the contrary, a louder moan showed her pleasure.


Her hand held Maya's hand in place once she had fully entered her, she ran her fingers over her forearm.

"You feel so tight around my fingers" Maya whispered.

"Your fingers feel so good inside of me" she moaned back softly.

"Yeah" Maya grinned.

"May I?"

Carina nodded, biting her bottom lip.
She brought her hand back, looked at Maya's lips and ran her thumb over them.

To relieve her discomfort, the blonde first kissed her, slowly but with dedication.
She also slowly started moving her fingers again.

Carina panted against her lips.
She curled them a bit to stimulate her spongy spot and her thumb began to gently rub circles around her cl*t.


Carina's body shook, she had not expected such an intensely good feeling.
Maya felt even more wetness flow down her hand and moaned along with it.

She became even more aroused to hear, see and feel the brunette like this.
It was no secret that she was always this way in her presence but this experience took it to the next level.

"Mayamaya" she stopped her hand.


"St st stop"

"What's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

“N nno nono” she gasped.
"To good, to intense, to soon to come" she had to catch her breath.

"Hey shht relax."

She held her hand still between her legs and with the other she stroked her cheek.

"Just relax, everything at your pace."

"At my pace I would have jumped on you a long time ago" she laughed and Maya rolled her eyes playfully.

"Teach me how to do this" Carina asked as she gently scraped her nails across her scalp, calming her breathing.


"The thing you're doing now, I want to make you feel the same way."

"This?" Maya moved her fingers again, teasing for a moment.

"Uh-hu" Carina's eyes rolled back in her skull and her chest rose slightly.

She grabbed Maya by the chin and kissed her wildly, her tongue sliding ticklingly over the roof of her mouth, bitting her lip.

She suddenly slid a hand between them and unexpectedly cupped Maya's soaking puss*.

"Whoaw wha thh?"

"Teach me" sliding a finger between her folds.

"OH o-okay." she swallowed deeply.

"Mmm you feel so wet Maya, f*ck this is so hot feeling your wetness" she growled, her fingers stroking through it.

“Hearing you say those words, seeing your naked body, feeling you… those are the reasons for my wetness”Maya whispered, panting slightly.

It brought a proud smile to Carina's lips.

"Nobody has ever gotten me as wet and horny as you do now, now teach me that thing where you just made my toes curl and...

The one who opened my eyes. - Chapter 15 - Leentje_Marina91 (2024)
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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

Last Updated:

Views: 5947

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.