The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)

i I I) I THE t)AILY fclESjiENGIXl. EIABI30NVILLIV IT WEDNESDAY, uIAY 4, 1927 'vkxv, 'four gam rvjB.nm.wr. HEhffiSSSGERrr Cilenn sGIeanings puyf9lej TEveiy Afternoon Except Sunday! By The MADISONVILLE PUBLSHiNG COMPANY. Dg FrsmR MsCcy Incorporated: MADISONVILLE, KENTUCKY. Entered Us 'sefeo-nd -class BLauisonvlUo, under act of 'matter May, 'ISIS, -at Lhe postofllce, March 8, 1873.

QUESTIONS IN RESAK0 TO HEALTH tDIET WSU IB? JNtSKESCD CY CAMCCOY WHO CAM ADPRS35SO IN CARS OP 7M5 FAPZtt ENCLOSE STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR REPLY ZSTtf MC. COY HEALTH Sffivtce LOS ANGELES- CAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier 'By Mail By the week .15 Year; In advance $4.00 By the 'month 50 Six tnonths, io advance $2.00 tnonths, th -advance Three months, In advance $1.00 Ohe Jnonth Member of The Associated Press Yhe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use' 'for re publication of all dispatches -credited to it -or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local tieWs published therein. SELECT FOOD OF THE RIGHT QUALITY One of the most important 'ob jects you should -have in mind in selecting the. foods which are to constitute your diet is to lerrn to select the foods of the proper quality. As the builder chooses materials out of which to Construct a building, so you should stuciy.

with the utmost care the ma terials out of 'which you are to. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1927 build your body, not alone for 1 strength and enduiance, but t'it00ds -beauty of form and symmetry. neered for uamg aml repairing with anNxess of 'carbohydrate are the ones lea Bible Thought for today. LIVING WITH GOD Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days lof my life apd-I will dwell in 'the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6: By J.

3. -GLENN. YE -OLD TllME -DOINGS. Log Rollings, Corn Bhuckings land Quitting My! ifay! My! 'I dont know WTiethei it was the dtntler I ate a half hout- Ugo or may be it wras the work in my garden and my battle with the seeds and grass that persist in their rapid growth where vegetables are expected for family use. Be it as 'It may, while Bitting in my old atm chair that was presented to me more than a quarter of a centiire ago by my class of twenty-five young ladies which I taught in Sunday-school for many years, I fell into a deep slumber, in which I dreamed that I was a bdy again living in the comfortable log house in Lyon county, to me- at that time and even now was, on 'the borderland of heaven Itself.

I was following the plow as of yore and later helped gather the ripened ears of corn from the parent stalks, tract, fruitage hauted and thrown In great P-ta1 1 later to be shucked and tossed into the waiting crib. I had helped cut dowrn the great "trees of the forest so that we should have more ground In which to sow and plant corn, wheat and tobacco, i i Some of the logs from the forest were split, into rails, some sent to the mill to be sawed into lumber with which build larger and better home more commodious stables for the horses and cattle. Many of the logs were not fitted for anything but to be piled and burned. -In the long ago, everybody worked, some harder thaq others. Then as now, there wmrb ers -but they had enoughj pride about themselves 'to keep rear.

The men and 'boys in the fields, while the toiled romen and the girls kept the homes and clean. No girl over ten years of age ever refused failed to assist her mother in the Now that the city limit signs are blazing njglitly people of Ajadisomille begin to realize what a small town, territorially speaking, Madisonville is. Good things, they come in small packages. Aain, there may he something to that slogan: The Best Tovn on Earth. Although your system has-- the important power of choosing i toe elements needed from the mass of conglomerate substance you niJeTvur Jestlve to "to over -assimilative functions with so much, needless material you are-in the habit of using for food.1 We need food solely to supply the essential elements for building and repairing cell structure.

-The only foods necessary for the body ara those, containing these vital elements. Probably the most needed substance is that supplied by the protein such as meats, eggs, cheese, nuts, fish, etc. Our muscular systems lequire these important protein foods and the -body can not' long exist if deprived of them. Next in importance are the foods which 'em- (brace the vitamines and organic sans SUCh as those found in the non-starchy vegetables. Chief among these vegetables aie cel ery, spinach, asparagus in short, ema11 tender non'starch squashes, as Summer Squash, Zucchini, Chayotes and Cucumbers.

Tneae THE PALE HORSEMAN RIDES. The Pale Horseman continues his ride through the Mississippi alley. Rathei than' becoming weary, he seems to gather strength with eajdwiewly flooded each newly made grave. There is no power within mans grasp that will stop him. On, on, on he ndes, flinging his scylhe in wider and yet wider arcs, and blazing the tiail for starvation, pestilence and crime.

Alan cannot stop the Pale Horseman, but' man can bind the i ounds of his torn and bleeding victims. Man can feed the tarv- ing and can clothe tire naked. Man cap help those families whose every possession save life and its problems has been sw-ept awa. Man JVIUST carry on, for his until his brother can again fliid his feet. That time may not come until next crop period.

Hopkiiij county more than! met her quota of $1,700 -fixed by the, American Red 'Cross. Just at household duties. Of course the boys were sometimes inclined to be somewhat lazy, especially when the shine was hot or the winter was i The Methodist quarterly meeting cold. But when th.e chap saw his 'is as well established as that of father coming with a peach-tree 'Christmas or apy other, holiday switch in'- i sun limb, or a long hazel fr the PeP'e. that William L.

Fo? was recipient presents. Wallace Clark and children, who have been visiting his parents here. Judge and Mrs. Green Claik, left here Friday for his home in Ambuidge, Pa. On reaching hom Mr.

Clark was married to a lady of Aimbridge, I'a. Rev. C. D. Cole is in Louisville this week attending the Southern Baptist convention.

Miss Ruth Ezell spent last week Little Miss Cates of many nice little end in Fiadueah and while there was a gUest of Miss Mavoreen'f Morton, she was accompanied home 1 by Miss Day, of Madisonville. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Lovanhave returned I from a motor trip to Mississippi Wheie Mrs. Lovan was summoned on account of the death of her grandmother.

Ij Mrs. Mlary Jonas was in.Madi- sonville Monday Visiting relatives and shopping. Mrs. George Stokes spent Mon day in Madisonville shopping. came an urgent message from the president of the United States and from the National Red doubling the quota.

The national quota was troubled from five million to ten million dollars. Thu situation is more' serious than we of the blessed inland bad thought. Hopkins county ill return to her task with renewed yigor. Purses will be gone into again and again. Savings will be tapped and denials practiced that the new quota 'for relief funds he attained.

The test of nohpity is not in pomp and circ*mstance. Lilt in. the humaneness of man. To him who pinches that he I fLv 1 1 I a vi nVvl vs 1 the title, his hand. It Instantly caused the I young man to go to work andT1'010 otl -ar anc near- Theresa get rifi that tired feeling that (food in abundance for all.

NothV seems to-, be the heritage of Ing short of sickness or death every fast growing boy. prevented any one from attending Besides that of weddings, there, th mpptln thp were always two great events in euner tne meetings, the 1 i 3 Iir i v- i is ft fl 41 1 ly. i i tv; a i may serve hekmgs noblemaq. the lives Of the farmers the corn shuckines and the log rollings and a third event that was eaually as interesting that of the quilting bees which invariably, corn shuckings, log quilting bees. 4 At the log rollings, men came with handspikes on which to carry the logs, place, them in accompanied the log rollings andjpiles, later to be consumed by, corn shuckings.

(fire. Men gloried in their stifengtir CYCLONE PARK PASSES. Cyclone Park, the baseball yard-in Mayfield, lias been sold for aYiegr-i cemetery, and a corrimentator, writing in the Mayfield prefaced a recounting of the 'mighty battles that were fought in the days of independent ball, 1919-1922, became poetical: at these functions. No man, either drink fro mthe same cup. Perhaps old or young liked the idea of two Would get together -in -sojne being pulled down.

No swearing (corner "of the room, -WhispepT or profane language was permit-lsweef nothings to each other, or ted among the men. I remem- jrerhaps do some real courting her on one occasion at my fath-'which later on resulted in a ers a. log rolling in which a happy marriage, stranger who happened to be) 'one thing I can truthfully say present and after a heavy lift, that ja the oldfashioned neigh used an oath. My father gently borhood un to the time I ieft vegetables provide the vegetable minerals out of which we' construct and repair, the riucleU3 ot the nerve, blood and hone cells. No living animal cell can long exist without these indispensao.

elements. Fruits also furnish a large supply of these vital principles, so needed by our bodies often on such much tasty denatured food so comnion on the modern table. Our tables are alw-ays loaded body structure. Jf these' foods are used, great care must be exercised in those which have not beent devitalized loo much refinement. instance, pure white flour has yhite piactically no yital rftatenal left after the roller mill process has remove the dark, coaser portions.

The white part of the. flour' is mostly starch and water and ot very little use tothe system. The most nourishing part of the wheat was discarded to be fed to cattle until in- reepnts-ears. But, Health Food manufacturers use these parts' in making breakfast foods but tjhese are usually devitalized in the process' of preparing them into tasty pre-digesied dishes. If you do not learn to select your foods from the standpoint of proper quality, you cannot expect the grocer or butcher to do this for you.

Dr. McCoy will gladly answer personal questions on health and diet, addressed to him, care of The Messenger. Enclose a stamped addressed envelope for reply. improper language or misconduct would have been tolerated. Some of' the present generation would pei haps ask the question, what in the woild did The young people do at such parties so as to be able to enioy themselves? They played various' games, the names of which I do not recall.

They played blindfold, where the young man with his eyes bandaged had to walk around among the girls, touch some one who wras to be his partner in a tete-e-fete. 'Then the girls were blindfolded and did the same. Light refreshments such as coffee, tea and cakes was served. sweethearts would the same cake and Sometimes nibble from there when twenty-fiv vars age, not a single w'omai, eiihci young or old ever- brought re roach to her, name-or. her sex.

nor w-as there ever-a diyorce or separation of married people until touched by the hand of death. Nor was there, ever an arrest by an officer of any citizen of that community for, misconduct of ar.v kind The only business an officer had there wras either to collect taxes or when a candidate for re-eeletion. 1 Much as like tp attend- a circus, I would today rather attend an old-fashioned log rolling, corn shucking, quilting bee or sundown- party than circus on the "fa.ce- of the earth. CIETY MEWS' CALENDAR IA The of the Fiist Ohrisitian Church will be entertained in the chuich at p. m.

by Mrs! Lawrence Ashmore and Miss Kathleen THURSDAY Willis Haywood will entertain her- bridge club. Miss Blanche Qrrell will entertain Jier Sunday school class at 7:30. 1 Mrs. Barred Hell away will he host to her bridge club ad one oclock. FRIDAY Girl Reserve banqueL at M.

H. S. SATURDAY Miss Ruby. Sisk wdl entertain her Sunday -school class. Miss Katherine Pearce will entertain the Saturday "afternoon bridge club.

The Fidelis class -and Mrs. Taylors class of the first Baptist church will ha vet a spring market 'at Moore's hardware store at 9 a. m. Announce Marriage of More than Year Ago. h'Vh was solemnized April 26.

1926,, ait Rookport, in the study of Rev. Simpson, Baptist vas announced late Tues day. They will leave Thursday oy Friday for Detroit to reside. The iramave was nPt disclosed until this "week because the bride, Marti VonviSUe school student, desired to complete her studies be fore the announcement. The bride is tihe1 daughter of Mr.

and Mrs, John F. Reading Ha n'so-h road, and is a I beautiful and JaiMroctibe young gir.j wp is widely known In thel-ci lay me down near old third base, Where Mike Ciresi I Where Eddie Meeks was forced to slide i Onthat enchanted sod. And maybe when that time has come Now which of us shall know, Ill hear the fans a-yeilmg, Ritchie, what a blow! Announcing New 5 $ummer Millinery I Our buyer is row in the market purchasing the latest 'modes in new summer millinery. placed his hand on the anu jsaid, we allow no swearing in this neighborhood, That was the first and onlyoath I ever heard at a gathering of any kind in that community. Perhapa the corn shucking was if possible a nrbre important event than the leg rolling.

This was the fall of the year when the frost was on the pumpkin' and jthe people getting ready for the event-especiaHy if tab ilng Pac afternbon and eontinued until in the might. Both 'at log rollings and 'corn 'J; ,0 which added zest to the occasion. Invitations to these functions We will have on display many of these new models Thursday Friday and Saturday." Bloody rivalry "between Mayfield, Caruthersville and Dyer3-Lurg sponsored many tremendous battles in the days of Doc Protho, Jack Farmer, Eddie Meeks, Mike Ciresi and others whose prowes with willow, is well known to Madisonville fans. Cyclone Park goir itsname the first year of its existence, 1919, when a storm ripped. off the grand stand roof.

It housed a few spirited meetings between Mayfield 'and Madisonville one larlv interesting series when Big Chief Wade took part in three games, tomahawking Reds right and left. Because Cyclone Park is now a cemetery, baseball in Mayfield not necessarily dead.It is ti be hoped near future holds a ievivaTbf independent baseball in western Kentucky ana that the Reds and thc.Miners will, mis it up again as in the days of hallowed memory. 1 the moment the goal was reached Broadways banned says that gathered material enough for ten pardon her! The fourth Sundays and the week following in- August were BY SISTER MARY BREAKFAST Stewed prune, cereal, cream, rice waffles, maple sirup, milk, coffee. LUNCHEON Cream of asparagus soup-, croutons, Jellied cheese salad, nut bread, jelly roll cake, milk, tea. DINNER Tomato bouillon, broiled fish, shoe-string potatoes, creamed string beans, rhubarb, tapioca pudding, milk, coffee.

The tough ends of asparagus can he used satisfactorily in soup and the tender tips saved for an- other dish if desired. However, if th. ls forming mnin part ot a meal, tho Up. should be cooked until tender and added to the soup when ready serve. Jellied cheese salad makes an ideal spring salad.

Jellied Cheese Salad One tablespoon granulated gelatin, 3 tablespoons cold water, cup, hot watea, cup grated cheese, cup whipping cream, teaspoon salt, per, Any kind of good "dairjf" cheese can be Used. The cheese must be grated. Soften gelatin in cold water for five minutes. Add hot Water and stir over hot water until dissolved, Whip cream until firm, add grated cheese and seasoning and stir in dissolved gelatin. Pour into a mold, first dipped in cold water.

and let stand until firm and well chilled. Serye on crisp leaves ol head lettuce with French dressing, (Copyright, 1927, NEA Service. Inc.l Turquoise teaspoon pep- father was deputy circuit clerk for several' years. Tne groom is one of, the city's best know ''men and has a large Circle of friends. The Passing Throng.

Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Sory have returned from a trip to Richmond and Louisville.

They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sory, of Louisville.

Mr. Sory returned to Louisville Tuesday night, atfer visiting the veterans hospital at. Outwood. Mrs. Sory ovill remain in Madi-sonville a few days.

Misses Linna McMurraiy, supervisor of rtiusic in the Madisonville schools, M5ts Virginia Tate, supervisor otf grades, and Miss Lorena Dempster will accompany Muss Helen Murphy to Frankfort Thursday where Miss Murphy wall participate in tihe music memory contest state finals Saturday. Rev. D. Litchfield, Louisville, formerly pastor -of the Methodist Churcih, was in the city Tuesday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Thompson, South Seminary street, while enjpute home from Cadiz, where he had been visiting his mother. Among those attending the state federation of womens clubs in Pa duc.ib 'this Week are: Mesdames J. F. Dempsey, E. 'G.

McLeod, W. Morton, E. P. Ciaytor, G. Frank Drown, J.

la Grayat. Mrs. McLeod is to stay the weeknd in Paducah and will be joined there by Mr. McLeod. Bi- Mr.

and Mrs. T. D. Wilkerson and two children, T. and Jane Ann, df Louisville, aie tne guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Aubrey, Jones this week, but are to occupy the Cowand house in East Broadway. Dr. and Mrs. George Jj GoOch, who have been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. 'Lee Jackson; left Sunday for GuMUj, home In Knoxville, Tenn. They were accompanied by Miss Hallie Livingston, Arch street. Mfs. P.

B. Ross has return0! home a Ter an extended visit St. Louis with her daughters, Mes-r n-s Tiighman andf Magoon. Mrs. Tilghman and little son acconlpa nied Mrs.

Ross 4to Madisonville. Mr. and Mrs. H. G.

Sory Jeft Tuesday morning for Louisville and Richmond, to visit their children, Mr. and Mfs. Hughes and Dr. Robert Sory and Mrs. Sory.

On account of so many members bemg OjUt of town the Blue Stocking has 'been postponed one -week and will meet Saturday, May 14, with Mrs, Charles Frank lln. Mrs. Frederic O. Gooch and little daughter, Marjorie Gene, ot London, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Jack left today for Kansas City to visit Mrs. Goochs parents. "Miss Hattie Ashby, of New was in Madisonville a few hours Wednesday the guest of Mrs. W. M.

Hammack. Mortons Gap I Mrs. Cecri -Oates entertained on Tuesday evening ait the home of Mr. And Mrs. C.

C. Libtlepage with a surprise birthday party celebrating the fif'ih birthday of her lit lie daughter, Martha Lou. Many Idif ereot games were enjoyed on the beautiful laWn after Which del-clous refreshments were served vb? Mrs. Oates assisted by Mrs. Little-page and Mrs.

O. E. Vinson. The little folks -present were. June Davis.

Mildred Ann and Peggy Leu Moore, Julia Kelly, Nevegene AfmomHrfAhf IMydHwynesMjiveri, d-e)ytFeyton, Joe Neal Kington, 1 were not printed and engraved, w'ith the monogram. 'of the entertainer, but came from the boy who mounted on the old family horse, rode from home to home and informed the neighbors of the coming event. No jone. was slighted. Men, women, children babies were all and they were there.

Long tables were set in the houses were too smaP and too full of people to pei-rnit REMEMBER nice Box of Johnstons Special Mothers Day Candy at MURDER HOUNDS. From Paducah Evening Sun) Murder has become so common that an unusual case is required attract more than passing notice. When such cases com? along, Jie press associations and the newspapers report them as a tnatter of routine. They are given for what they 3 re worth from a news standpoint Such agencies for the collection and distribution of news might well be relied on as authentic and ade-quate, but there has grown-up a practice of having a murder case lepoxted by some one not -identified with the newspaper business. Such writers are counted on to do something original.

They hunt for the complex, supposed to be one of the contributing far tors to life-taking. Not finding much except the usual grist, they s. use their imaginations and indulge in flights of fancy, to justify their employment. The Snyder-Gray murder trial seems to have brought forth 4 much larger group of such reporters than usual. One who calls himself philosopher and who has written a book on philosophy, is lending his dignity to the press table.

There are dramatists, sport writers, humorists, clergymen and others grinding out their daily impressions of the trial. Even Peggj Hopkins Joyce" has been engaged to represent a tabloid and, presumably, to attract more attention in the courtroom than the woman defendant. It is alUjtry unedifying. Another all.V PATES DRUG 1 -J On The Corner. tables.

And whaf a royal feast awaited the "company. Men In (their shirt sleeves rolled un tp lthWr elbows, wearing' their home imade clothes, home made shoes and hosiery, hungry as a pack of wolves were soon at prepared for them. And such cooking as the mothers of the then prepared. There were pumpkin pies, apple pies, pies of each and everv kind. Fluffy bread made of either, wheat or corn, cakes -of every variety old fashioned float that was fit sup for the gods.

-A blessing -was pronounced by some one and theD the feast began. The boys and the girls, witli the hungry dogs all stood aloof and pondered when the men would ever get through with the eating. But their time cakne at last and what a iollv time we (hungry dogs and children did (have. It mattered not how- much we ate. it never upset our hungry stomaehS.

STORE a HA vis YOU USED OUR FRESH ROASTED, MAK-MOR COFFEE in yie trail of such reporters, to learn what sort of Complex it i that persuades them to group of writers might well be set upon the to learn what sort of Complex it is undertake such work. Tt was alwavs understood when hxanvaige of Earl Harmcn trM a tRot Ibo Vonnv oivliflBf! TiVvirii came that the beaux and Miisa Frances Reading, chy, -The authoress of one of her first night in jail she plays. Pardon her, governor, Put up in packages and sold by, your rgrocer guarantee 1 to please the most particular. 'right iwere to have their mitieg Before thp son hl scarcely hid hehind the western ho- Hzon dh youngsters came ing in from evervwtp-e When tbp grease lsmiw and fallow candies were ll'-ltofl the fun hepan In earnest There was no dnPP. ing, finch a tWnp wax rmliparrl of in that neighborhood.

If -such a een di revered fKtM eulnVlt' hef. aj'cd -away 13. aquicjily as No. The, array is to have a new eooYbook. You can lead an army cook to a cook 'book but you cant make him change his stew.

C. L. Harris Coffee Go. I Wholesale and Retail. vf Every ptfy.

Fashioned or gold filigree flowers with turquoise centers, this fearring ia typical fit the very smart hoftie of honor in nocva tbin ns a voumr man with whiskev on1 hfs breath or Not every bad lie happens if 1 7 ft jvoulJ seem bdeesty ja qn the links. 1 the bept(! ''v. daji. Vi. -turquoise spring and summer i Jewelry.


The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.