The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Advertiseri

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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t4 the South African production In ten yean the River Plato export have risen from 274000 402000 bales while in the annie jK'riod the Auatralaaian and Caie production lias increased from to 1282000 take In order that the comparison may ta under stood it is necessary to explain tliat one bale of River Plate wool is stated to be euiil to a bale and three quarteis of colonial The A remarks In support of the opinion so often exjuttsed to the effect that trade follows the Hag' it is signifi cant that the greater part of the increased production of the British colonies during the last ten j' ars has been absorbed by the British iiianuhicturers 7n the other liand however almost the whole of the supplies Rive Piste wool continue to be cvnstnmd the continent" tb Gvrn and the Ha 1H Whrr (Att rue) General) left Lire Bay Mrlte urne by the steanotbip John Elder rvenia Th were acroropetiid to tta rwl by the Commis i nr( Cmwn tan ls the Minister of Edu cstK and Conmian let Wslc 't who returned to shore before the time arrived for the steamer to make a start The Parliament which stands prorogued till ebruary 22 will be further pror'uei til! April 22 by proclamation to be issued shortly The following passengers are booked to leave by the Garonne which sail for Lindon to day: Mr and Mrs Stuart and Master Smart in the saloon and 13 in the thud class and steerage In other columns are give an abstract of the nnceedirn of the first session of the ederal Council of Australasia which closed on Satur day It will doubtless be read with interest as givirs in a condensed form the work per formed by the members during their fortnight's sitting It will be sees that four measure entirely bearing on legal questions have been passed They provide for the interpretation of Acta of the ederal Council whereby ordinary language need in Acta is shortened the proof of tbe judgments delivered in the courts of one colony in another the proof of Acta of the council and Acte of I'arliament of one colony in another and the service of ch il procraste issued in one colony in another Tbe New Zealand bn and Mercantile Agency Co have received the following telegram dated tandon ebruary Tallow market is becoming gradually lower Australian and New Zealand beef and mutton tallows hare declined fid per cwt oa the Good progress (according to tin local paper) is new being mane with driving the piles for the wharfs at Port Augusta By 11 o'clock on riday morning the fourth pile was driven heme and tbe staging on which the machinery was erected is being shifted further out to allow of tbe next pile bring driven Tbe monkey which weighs 32 cwt is raised by steam power and its fall increases from 3 to 10 feet as the pile is driven borne Mr James Vowlre died rather suddenly at bis late residence brayton street Bowden on iiday evening last Tbe deceased gentle man who was in his both year arrived in uth Australia by the ship Ogabar in Ikceniber 151 Me was for a number of years engaged in tbe building trade aa a sub contractor and in this capacity assisted in the erection of tbe Torrens River railway bridge and several of tbe early prominent buildings in Adelaide He leaves a wife one eon three daughters and several grandchildren Aa accidewt happened in Commercial road Port Adelaide oa Saturday afternoon Twj ronie attached to a bnggy belonging to Dr Toll were standing in the yard at tbe rear of tbe doctor's botue when from some unex plained cause tbe ponies bolted across Com mercial md Tbe boggy came tn contact with the verandah poets of Mr Joke's house which brought tbe animals to a standstill Happily there was no one in tbe trap at the tine Both tbe axles of the buggy were broken and other damage was done to the vehicle Tbe ponies did not sustain any injury A small fire occurred in one of the bedrooms on the upper fluor of tbe Edinburgh Castle Hotel Currie street on Saturday morning about 9 o'clock Two fire reels were quickly in attendance and with tbe aaautance of some onlookm tbe flames were extinguished before they had xtendt teyoud the bedroom the fcraitnre and fittings which were destroyed The fire is uppowt to have been caused by children playing with matehea TOte property is irsurcd in the Equitable ire Insurance Company for 1'1 500 and for £1000 in the North Biitbh atd tcautile Insurance Com pany The hotel is owned by Messrs Bunas Co A very sudden death occurred at the hos pital at 5 ck cm Saturday afternoon A man named James Cole husband of the woman Jane Cole who died at the tavtitotion cw tbe previous day being taken very ill at the city watchbtmae was sent oy Sergeant lunes to the hospital but as tbe police were about to rrmore him from the cab be suddenly died I Lloyd saw him and apoplexy is believed to be tbe cause of death Tbe body was re moved to the morgue and tbe coroner who was at cure communicated with intends to hold an inquest this morning Cole was re manded from tbe Police Court on Saturday morning for drunkenness At tbe inquest on hia wife Cole was censured for lux ill treatment if her by tbe coroner Tbe monthly meeting of the board of management of the Children' Hospital was held oa ebruary 4 Tberejwere prrwint Mr Anyas (in the chair) Lidy Morgan Mcsdame Cotton Hart Simmons Stockey and Wilkinson Mr Goode Dr Lendou and Mr Mildred Tie secretary reported that 233 out patient had attended at the dis pensary during tbe month 105 being new case The bon treasurer (Mr Mildred) repotted receipts for 15 6d ana expenditure £157 0a 3d Tbe boose surgeon reported that the avenge number of patients (in door) for January had been 40 and that tbe present number was 42 There had been admitted during tbe mouth 90 and discharged 17 Ot those discharged were cured and 9 relieved Two deaths had occurred during tbe mouth the rsnem of death being broncho pneumonia and iatnrouaception Six opera tion had taken place Two cases had been treated in tbe isolated wards both being whooping cough with pneumonia and each patient had been discharged cured It wa deeded to call for tender for the supply of drugs required Arrangements were also made to institute a more formal and through examination of the trained uuim at tbe end of their probaticuary term Gift of fruit from Mr Colton and Charliek Brothen and some cutlery from Harrrdd Brothen received during the month were thankfully acknowledged We regret to announce tbe death of Mr Patrick Auld a gentleman well known to most old colonist and who ha left lasting monument to bh name in tbe celebrated Auldsna Vineyards which were laid out and planted by him in tbe year 1x54 Mr Auld arrived in tbe colony in 1841 and commenced burtnea as a wine and spirit merchant in Hindley street In 1849 be sold his burines to Messrs Ihrber Milne and returned to Ergland with bis family whom be left at bene to be educated He came back to Ade laide in 152 his family following two year after Mr Auld then commenced the bust nes of winegrowing and became one of tbe mret successful of our vignerotts and one to where tbe colony i very much indebted for pushing tbe wine trade in England and on tbe continent Tbe Auldana wine are well known throughout Europe and the numerous prise medal and honorable mentions awarded to them at every international exhibition tor the last twenty year or more afford the highest testiixooy to their exodleuoe and at the same time lefl vt credit on tbe colony that produced them Mr Auld made two or three trip to London in connection with the trade in native wines leaving bi sou in charge of tbe vine yard Mr Auld leave two Mra Pollard of Eudunda end Him Auld and oneon besides several grandchildren Hedied in New Zealand on January 21 at the in of 75 years We have received tbe following circular from the Mount tubtar Traders' Deface 1 tivn We take tbe liberty of bringing under your notice the eenM injury inflirtea oa tbe cutrmerce of thia town and district by the abro gation of tbe reciprocal eommreeial treaty recently io erieteoce between this province and this neighboring colony of Victoria and feeling that there i a mutuality of interest be twtru us we would urge that you can from your central pomtion with greater convenience and effect pr the Government fr an imme diste resterationof the peur it system jnt ctlkd before permanent injury is dune to onr trade As you are doubtless aware a great number of our customer reside on tbe Vic torian bordr and that by tbe treaty recently vrgne and tbe good roads leading to our Perth Australian border towns we had prac annexed this border traffic which has beats and is likely to be in the fuU re with the linger settlement caused by the leasing of the disputed teriitory of parmanrat importaooe to us We would point out though there may apparent email rtir ct to to the Gaivern nent by cootmimg the late treaty tbe eoiony i indirectly ta neficed as we draw our aupplie a noet exdui vi iy Adelaide in the tint itsfaice We would therefore suggeat that lie in porter of Adelaide should ooufe igertwr and either by depntaliuo to tba' Truunintientbeiumi piinin through th THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ADVERTISER MON DAV EBRUARY iriStl Chainlwr of C'onmierce ufge our views for an early reccrreece to the pe rmit or some otherytt by which federation of commercial in fa rcaHrme with ntir neighbor may faci litated a prompt action is of the greatest importtuce Tbe ceremony of laying tbe foundation stone of tbe toner of tit Andrew's Church Walker ville was perfoitned in the presence of a number of spectators on Saturday afternoon The tower will have tour sturiea and a height of 70 fetl from tbe ground Inside it measures 12 feet vauaie and is arranged to hold a (eal of six Wils and a clock tbe latter beiag a pre sent from Mra Kent Hughe The bells are from the factory of Mean A Steiubank London Tbe material need in tbe con struction of the twr i Mitvhstn free stone ilb dressings of brick from the Marion kiln snd terra cotta ornaments made by Mr Shi ariug Tlie tower occupies the south eastern corner of the chinch and adjoins the nave which erected in the rest of the ch 'rch bring considerably older The architect sre msts Grainger A Nai' and tlie contractor it Mr John Varley The cost will be t'SM not hi cludirg the cluck and and the rk will be completed about the beginning uf Miy Before the ceremony laj ing the stone th toned evensong a said in church Atch teac Jove sajing the prayers and Csuhi Howell reading the special letaon The st ue was then laid by Air I'ntcdls Barker Arch draevn Martyat congratulated Archdeacon Itove and those present on having a church provided with so pleasing an auxiliary of worship as a peal bells Arch feac Ifove (vicar of I tie church) Canon Howell and the Rsv Whitington also occupied positions on the platform A collection having been made which realised the handsome sumf £54 the ceremony concluded with the benediction Considerably noire than half the cost of ike bells snd tower has already taeen collected mainly through the energy oa Mr Dove bits Baiker and the ladies of tbe Walkerville parisli A portion of A Battery under Major Hardy with C(itin Scbomburgk and Lieuta Clark Waterhouse and Clindening proceeded to Dry Creek on Saturday for the purpose of engaging in tbe annual exercise Brigadier General wen and Major Gordon visited theeene of operations our guns were in service during the sftemoon namely two 10 pounders and two 12 plunders and the range wu 12u0 yards Occasionally the shooting was fairly good but at time it was very erratic and was nut altiwether up to first class form 'n tbe completion of tbe shot and shell ctce ten rounds of case were fired tbe result lieing more satisfactory Tbe range report or irst 90 yards abort us plane next three 10 short en plane two next range seventh yards over 25 above plane after graze: next two 40 and SO yards short both on next range next 10 yards short on plane next range next 10 yards short bursting 200 yard beyond after graze next two range next 5 yards short on plane next range two next 10 yard snort on plane next 15 yard above and next 25 short the twenty third wa a blind shell nexk 3 yards abort: next signalled range: tbe last was Mind and short The first two shot were 20 yards abort third l'M) yards short: and fouitb yards short next two were 200 yards short next 0 yard short and next vards short it twc 2U yard short and tbe following one luu yard short next two 30 snd 200 yards over next two ii0 yards short: mxt I'1 yard over: next LM yard abort next range next 5 yard abort next 5 over next 5 abort next 173 short next 30 short next Iri) abort next 300 over the destination of tbe next shot was undiscovered next 100 yards over next range the records following were 5 ICO 150 173 an 1 yards sbert: ever then 3 50 and East HO yards over During the day Lient Colonel Makin Major Stuart and a number at com pany officer visited tbe class tiring in whichcm of their men were engaged The following account of the aensztions of hanging was sent to a New York paper by a correspondent who wws actually partly hung in Miaaouri by a mistaken band of lynctrers A good stout rope had been obtained Thia wa securely fastened to the rafter of the bridge Then 1 wa blindfolded and mounted on a log or the moment I admit I was sreak enough to turn pale and tremble I mu however re covered my presence uf mind I felt the log drawn from under me There was a great jerk and 1 felt a violent psininmy neck axthougti my scarf had all of a sudden become too tight Now coane tbe moot curious part of my experience After the first feeling of torture hich I admit waa decidedly severe 1 lost consciousness 1 seemed to be transported into a new world more beautiful than anything imagined by the poeta I wa swimming methought in a sea of oil Tbe feeding wa exquisitely dritcioua A I swam easily and without effort through tbe liquid mass 1 noticed afar off aa island of the moat glorious emet aid green in color This it was mv wish to reaih 1 swam lazdy and con tentedly on The sew kept every instant char ging its hue though it remtined of th Sarne sutotarce throughout At one iu taat it was a mas of gold a though tbe sun were sbtnirg brilliantly on it The next mo ment it wa a livid blood red but there wa nothing terrible or disgusting in thia new color It ke(X changing in fact to all the hue of the rainbow yellow and red being the pn'deminant tints I got nearer and nearer to the isle As 1 aproacaed it there sprang cut suddenly from tbe prowl a number of people strangely transfigured whose face seemed to be known to me I at laet reached tbe land A magnificent chorna of voices human and those of birds burst forth I ckwed my eye in ecstasy I floated ealmly on to the shore and lay as a child in ita cradle slightly weakened from as I sup posed tbe enervating effect of tbe oily matter which I had been swimming At laM I opeoed my eye Tbe magic charm waa at once dispelled The divine harmony ceased Tbe faces were still peering at me with an ex pression of eager curiosity but I perceived that they belonged to the member of the band fte pain in my neck waa great I waa now in entire possessinn of my senses I had fortunately been cut down in Um Dr O'Doherty was thirty seven year 20 as be himself teUs us Ma poor little misguided medical fighting in association with other gentlemen who were not lea misguided the hattie of their country Their fighting had a disastrous not to say ignominon end ing They were not under the leadership of tbe hard beaded Mr Parnell who ha definite aims before him or tbe last twenty five year (remark tbe Asztrxtfariaa) tbe ener vatirg sun sub tropical Queensland has been shining upon Dr Doherty and nothing survive of hia early terror but a tendency to rise into poetry or to indulge in a charming quality in Irish oratory Dr baa len making the tour of tbe colonie pnor to going be me to take his place in tbe Impoial Parliament and Irishmen in the principal capital are entertaining the member tor Meath at dinner and Presenting him with addreaee of congratulation Hia having been elected for an Irish constituency by dinctwa of Mr Parnell ia an honor to him and them alike In tbe New South Wales addies he waa assured of the good wishes of 500000 id to be reaiding in that co*key but the Sydney press ia enquiring bow they came to number to more th half tbe in a community where the statistician puts then down at one fifth of tbe whole Dr CDoherty is going to tit Btepben a to vote with Mr but he ex pects to eooe back to Australia same day as a commiaaioDer from the Irish Government What atnnge hope must have been fnasing through the eloquent mind to make him suppoee that the Irish Government of tbe future require to be repaeaonted by a commissioner in Australia Is it going to send exhibit to tbe next exhibition and will Dr be put in chatgeof the show cases? At present hi mission i to take part in tbe freeing of Ireland which will "permit itself no longer to be governed by tbe great Loudon and of this great London oligarchy Dr (Doherty himself 1 one if by these high winding woros he means tbe Imperial Parlia ment nere are many people in Australia who would be glad to sea Dr 'Doherty again bat hope that th Iriah Government ot the future if it has no use few him in Ireland will allo nim to return to th land of his adoption aa a private citizen The portfolio of conimis sioeer in these day came little distinction with it Tbe second of a ie of evangelistic service waa conducted by tbe Bev Wood Green iu the Town Hall on Sunday evening Tbe attendance was larger than on th previous Sunday tbe ball and gallery being crowded Tbe subject of Mr Wood's discourse waa la Jeans divine and be baaed bis remark on tbe a servant ot Jean Christ called to be an apostle separated unto tlie gospel of God (whies be had prooused afore by his prophets in the Holy Scripture) concerning bis Son Jesea Quirt out Lord which was made vf the seed of David according to the flesh and decland to be the Sun of Gud with power ac cuiding to the spirit of holuiea by tbe reaur rectM from tbe Rouian i 1 4 He quoted tlie stuiy of lhe illiterate buotuiaker whoee reason fur believiag in the divinity of Jesus wa that he had experienced the efficacy of faith in Christ in retnjviug tbe buiden Of tinfroln bis ermseMew stated that ahhongh tuch internal evidence might tot be satisfactory to some person on tbe question of divinity yet it was ac cepted in most other matters He instanced the fsith of patient tbe skill ot the ptiyaiciau a bo had cured them of a dangerous maladyhie of the most generally rnc igniaed external roulsot tbe divinity of Jeso was the world wide acceptance ot Christianity The Christian irligion was pveadin ra4dly and wuld in the future bt coice the universal religion in accodsace with tba pftqAecu of the Old TutatLent Tbe 'r aenG Christianity ctattdthat it aat arclLte religi 11 and that with theHead of education all religious belief declined Ihit tlreae ranii were ik th" trich which hid its bead in Ute sand and because it cvitM not ere an unpleasant object believid it did not exist Never tbe leheiun of Christ more eatnertly preached or more eagerly listened tn ly thousand nor bad the ittorts put forth to secure itx in foreign land lieen more or vigorous Tbe British and oreign Bible Hoeicty had had the Bible translated into mre than 200 languages and dialect and yearly million were placed in the hands of Ue different nation the earth At the (im John Weslty began tn preach tbe religious state of work! was very dark and the progress made riiice then had been simply niai vellon The power of the Christian clinrvh at the prf ent time was very great but the time would when all the Irord's peo4e were one even as He and Hi father were one and when this waa accntnplwhed tbe power Iti" chuicliex good would be fully realise! He quoted tiie various prophecies eou cernirg tbe nring of the c*ntsined in the Old ami (xmttd out that these had I men literally liiifillid in the life and work Uhrrrt TbeHcripturrs had been itefnlly treatr by tbe Jews fur centuries prior to tlm birth (hurt and thi rc therefore no pwribdi tbnr Iwing timperwl with 1'bn statement emlainsd in the New Testament in which t'hii claimed to be the of were examined at length and in cncbir'n the preseber invited al! ho had nt done 1 to make ttu ir pence ith God We extract the illowitg lrm the 4 bourne By all tbe laws ol justice an expediency permanent absenteeism should )k subjected to a specul though not necessarily penal tax With this view Victorian Liberals are becoming gradually impressed The those who have made use o( the colonies to heap up to make their and return to England to enjoy not much the fruits of their labors as the fortuitous result of circ*mstances ison the increase and just in proportion ia augmentation is the count iy pitted ot its wealth without any appreciable ct rresponding advantage Absentee evade to a great extent all the respon itnlitios of )iro pnetorship They ignore the dictum that perty has its duties aa welt as its rights They irtually contribute nothing to the State which tlieir pruerty iin the direct pro nee and unearned increment on which they subsist The 4 overniiient improve tlie pro I tty in various ways and receive only ni nal if any payment for so doing Tbe )urden of taxation falls not Un tbe owner I it upon the the and the laborer in cities The dndorable consequence which follow fr absenteeism as illustrated in the case of Ireland and other countries must sooner or later be felt in thecdouie The evil shoild therefore be nipd in lhe bud 'W cm the resource of a country lie properly develoed it public irwtitutiona and its charities suit ported its enterprise encouraged and thescopi of its commerce and manufactures extended if the men who drain off ita wealth le in a dirtant country and take no interest in its public affairs? We could point out many fivg rant instance of how the mischief works It is sufficient to refer to it in general term The Conservative pre is opposed to the tax as it was to the land tax merely because it is sup ixwedto b9 ac'a trx But almo all taxi except those derived from Custom arc in the nature of a class tax and nowhere ie this so patent aa iu England In thiscol my the land tax ha been a failure It has failed to realise more than one half 4 the amount it ts originally estimated to yield and baa hxrdly in a single particular assisted in breaking np the monopoly of the landholders An absentee tax would be therefore very little more than an equitable adjustment of an out standing liability due to the State by wevlthy Victorian living ia England A to the claw of absentees whose income is derived from lioures and land in citiee the rents charged are so exorbitant that tbe owners can claim very little sympathy from thee through wboe energy and labo the value of such property has been ao largely enhanced At the Vnitarian Church on Sunday morn ing the Rev Woods delivered a lecture entitled iMing everything to the glory Tbe text was taken from I Corinthian chap verse 31 Whether therefore ye cat ordrink or whatsoever ye do do all to the glory of Tbe rev gvntlaanan In a former dircomae from this text I said that we cau du nothing in the way uf adding to tbe glory of Gud but we may do much in way of appreciating that alory and in living in sympathy i th its situbutes things to tbe glory of Gori it is not necesaary that are should be always thinking of Him but that tbe pnnciples His guverntueut and His spirit uf justice and love should gmd us in all our doings grextand smalt When conform ing to Ills will all may be God' olxdieut andirptbiitg children Ttie eatechisin of th old ttcttuunrter divine a the querti 11 is the chief end of man and the answrr is To glorify God snd esijoy Him for vtr' When rightly understood it is a good answer To begin life with tlieaimaad purpose to rise in communion with the infinite wisdom goednesx and 1 ve is a good thing But ttu re arc various ways of regarding ibis nutter it baa been said that if aome good people were to amwrr siuceieiy they would honestly say tht the chit end of mao i to amass property and tornjoy himself and be bsppy in tbe to grt on be smart and successful to become dirtuiauishid and famous in smu way Even tba better minded who do not aim at tbe low plrasorrs if vanity Would avow that the chief end tbeir live is to do some good thing in the advancement of in the study of nature in the discovery of new tact and law Tbe popular religion troche that tbe aim of thi life is to ave tbe oui in the next We arc here uu probation and trial and preparing for a judgment hereafter but we must not furget that there are retribution and judgment here and that glory may be seen and appreciated here too We should have im Krened upon us that God ia as truly present ere a in any world that has ever been made It is at useless to talk of going to God a it would be useless to try to escape from Him Philosophy ha no diviner wisdom than the child who when told I will give yon a shilling if you will show me where God replied 1 will give you twice as much it you will drow me where God is Our beautiful world is not a prison bouse or desert of exiles but a glorious temple of the everlovtng ather pretence a thought to cheer us While we are justified in looking to a future world foe the righting of some earthly evils and for rmn pm nation for some earthly wrongs we are not to suppoee that all tbe best blessings are stowed away in well guarded vaults of the unseen world The buaineas man in his business the mechanic io hi bops tbe farmer in tbe field can do hta work not only aa well but better if be be ani mated with a desire to serve God a well as himself if he recognises the two aides of every the heavenly and the earthly Renan has mid that io our own time a man ean do no mater service to mankind than to preach that man shall not live by bread alone Tbe nations that have lived longest in history and whose influence are moot powerfully felt are those that have been fed on tbe nutriment of ideaa that have felt tbe inspiration of great mend force and have lived by noble The rev gentleman in conclusion referred to the death of tbe late Mr Joaeph Bailey a late member of tbe coagregatkm in tbe follow ing member of our congregation was laid in her final earthly resting place Iset Sunday who in a striking manner illustrated the value of attending faithfully to worldly duties while cultivating tbe religious senti ments and living under the habitual guidance of an educated conscience and in the light of a cheerful trust in God Tbe late Mrs Joseph Bailey wu known as a must genial friend and acquaintance to many pnrenL and thorn who knew her beat formed the highest estimate of her character and life In her youth a acbuol fellow of him who became the famous Dr Cotenso bishop of Natal she had in her own quiet nihere of life much ot the love ot truth of the outanokennen in staling what she believed that distinguished that eminent man tibe was a truly benevolent woman and did acta ot kindness to many (offering people in a very unostentatious way A a friend she wa stanneh cheerful and loyaL She waa a devoted supporter of and a devout worshipper in thia church the church adopted by her reason her conscience her heart and her soul Her departure is great lose to our congregation and to her family oonmetir na but it is our hope that mr lore 1 aaintoher May her memory Ie bleared to John William Lundey waa admitted to tba Adelaide Hospital on ebruary 6 suffering from a severe cut on the leg caused by a caax rolling on to the injured member A half bow go as you pleare race took place at the Governor Hindmarab Hotel Bowden on Saturday afternoon the contestant being A Low and The former won easily covering 4 mile IXM) yards A flat race of 4W yards wa alao won by A Low the other com petitor briggG Radford and Body Mr Duncan McCallum manager of the Marian Willi Dramatic Company will receive a benefit at tbe Theatre ttoni to night under the epecial iiatronage of the Caledonian Hoctety sod assistance will be rendered by acme of tbe member of the society The play produced on tbe occasion will be and there will no doubt be a large ticotch audience The afternoon lerfoimance at tbe circus on Raturday was greatly enjoyed by a large num ber of young and old ot both sexes many countiy viMtoes availing themselves of the opportunity ot beitg piesenL Tue crowded it in tbe rvening also testified to tbe popn lai it of tbe enteitaireoeM and the merit of the petfutn era The management announce that tbeu forward encasem*nts will not iermit them to remain in Adelaide over tbe preaant eek that thoe who would roe the circus'' ntust xut let thew optluDilisalii as there will be change programme on com? of th" riming I 'ricket ie wroe again favored with (dear it weather on Saturday afternoon when thre was a fair attendance st tbe City dial ie Ihnrimsrvh scored an esy win against th" North Adelaide who made only I3O towards their pnn uts total of 2f Tn South Ade laides went to 1 tie wteketa tint at the other end4 tbe ground and at the esll of time the Ade laides had dist oeeii of eight men for 161 run A lecture sttfi for Truth or religion its gn atert foe" was delivered by Mr II (liirr at I be rartliought Hall on Sunday cveuiug The lecturer ssid it wxs a lamentable fact borne out by the part history of mankind that tmtb uef ul and ti)ednnnn rtrated producing rogreMin all branches of science had been opposed by tbe nrofreaora of religion before they were allon i become public prorty He intrml'ic abort sketches of the battles ftixht ami won in ths caioe of a ti' miy gromi fry allx atii amt ftf logy and the benefit resulting tlieref tr I te exj lintrt rebgion ax ineuliii'g man oT luping au nnse tin kuuwu and gning teierenje awl obedience to tlie c*ntriita uf a i said have 1eeii a revelation front Gd to itixn" That religion he Mid has fieen more )iroiiie five misery ietmiance ileath and munb than science lie 'i'chuh by tint these battles for truth with religion it greatvrt nere the furtherance g'od for C)ie lld wax lnsb''np4 unit and every unit had it 10 its mwer to contribute either to the gMl or evil of ita fellow creature bail the pleasure seeing on Sst ir lay st Mr Wix ell picture gallery two i rfeet gems of art in water color Une i a pointing of tlitre rings English setters by Ba il BiiMiley and is wumieriully lifelike The am mils are in the foreground of a very iiretty bitf landscape scenery: one i standing ereitnd looking at something in the dirts nee another is 1 ing down with his Lead close to the gH'iicd while tlie third and principal figure is half recumbent We Lav never seen anything finer in water color The other (mc tuie is by our old fiiend JohiKtan" awl ahowsthat hie talent is b4 ufiued to i ind cae painting it represent a girl selling piimrvses and vi which she cairies in a large wicker basket Tlie chib! i evidently a rurtk roughly clad and with big li aiy Um'Is tar too large her fel but she has a good face and the artist show in his treatment of tlie subject that he can be as End at nrtisit painting a at tandocap We liee these pictures are rattier higfiirircl but no doiiH some our wealihy onoienr Will mon bxcom tlie purchasers Tlie annual meeting of the foh Nvt'onil Lesl ie ill I held st the Supreme Court Hotel thi evetiing Tea 1 ml pul lit ineebua in nsi lion with the berth Aditaide I'riantio Nethodi! Church 11 te held thia evening Tte quartevly meeting ot lhe South A i tralisn Him day bool I niuu sill te held this eituinr st the Carrondown Baptirt Lecture hall A meeting ot tbe Adelaide i raivh of the li'il Ntlonsliaation oitty silt te bvld at Ja knixn' Room King Wilttam wrrct this evening We have received from lhe oltector 0 Custom a wpph went to the Customs Handbook" which prer ni a handy form a hrgr amount of information ot a ishuible nature to tte nierrantilv cotiwiniK Tte cen M( sere cumpifod In Mr arthur Mewy THE NOirniERN WUUTORY The Minister of Educati Its received frm the Government Resident in lb" Northern Twritorv a rcart th of affairs in that pottien of tbe elny for the half yeur ending I ectiiber 31 to' The rciort is a nrast voluminous character and nothing that in the opinion of Mr Bartons i likely to be of interest baa lea left untouclted I eiling with pnatornl occupation tlie ste) which have recently i em taken to stock the country are refernii to in bqful terms and the easy terms stocking arc pointed out in ijtob Wl the number of theep dcpiutured in tlie Northern Territory was approximately 2i0O nf horned cattle Ixi xj horns 4 107 On Detembir 31 lsS3 tlie Government Item lent is informed on very good authuriti the numbers tnsy be fairly stated as follows Homed cattle EKiWO horses ('000: sheefx 40000 i'artieulara are given of the wurk done at the various station owned by Mear isher A Lyons who recentlyent a consignment of milch cws and calve to Hongkong and other gentlemen The health amd genera) condition of Uie station have been excellent this season the only ex ceptions rejiurted being alight touche of fever A desponding view of tbe gold mine prospects tor tbe current year ia taken by Warden Nash The only possible means by which even rich terforixefa which would be considered rich anywhere else can be worked profitably i in the opinion of tlie Government Resident the conrtmction of the railway The itelay mj in starting thi work ha starved out nany who have held on to the lat and the postponement now with tbe un certe inty whrther any lower tender will be sent in ha caused miner to give up ami store knr to curtail their asrixtaace The total extort gold for tbe half year ha bren ounce valued at t33hW Tbe Daly River Copper Mine ba been steadily developed during the dry season and oerations will be earntd on iu tbe wet seaxm though carting must cease At Mount Well the tin lode have been further developed It is expected that a large quantity of ore will be dealt with during the wet season and that considerablehipanentaof tin from tbe mine will be made in 13btk The tin claims on tbe inis River no in the band of Messrs KiugsLiu MP and Christoe and those known as and Bsmt' at tbe Howley are favorably spoken of No inforruation aa to tbe silver country is furtlicooung but 5Lr 1 ay it i clear that ril ver exirts over a wide surface uf Country both at the Merv River and alao about the ld I nion and Lxdy Alice reefs Tn writing of matter agricultural great raiee ia bestowed on Mr Brandtliu tirthrtvoring to establish the sugar industry Mr Brandt has over 230 acre under crop thi year Allusion i made to other eantatkms and to tbe possibility of work irg done by a Sydney syndicate whose representative Mr airgrove ha visited tbe Territory Rice has been grown by aome Chinese near and a fair sample has been obtained If the growth of the article were undertaken on a large scale on some ol tbe river flats tlie local market and South Australia might according to the report certainly be supplied a tbe tariff there gives an advantage of one halfnny ir lb and South Australia £3 per ten Tobacco baa been grown and manufactured and cut so as to give a fair smoking tobacco of th das Tbe coffee plant in tbe garden have Deen in splendid bloom and have borne berries well Mr Stevens ha secured another piece of land which ha been planted with ptant from the nursery The jetty and the proposed railway ar dealt with in detail and an account is given of the work done by tbe steamer Palmerston Mr I'arson deeply re gret to learn that the Palmereton is tu besotd and that tbework of coast surveying and round ingswillbedhcontiuued Relative to thechsrge made in Parliament that th" Civil servant in tlie Territory only work two hours per daynd that some of the officers do not work at all tbe Government Resident state the nttiyi ate open from 9 to 12 and from 2t4 Hn Joints out that Port Darwin ta within egree of tbe line and is 10 degree nearer than Calcutta The bank hour are from to 12 o'clock The Eixtein Extension Cable Company the banks and tbe overland telegraph department make rial allowance to tlieir officer and also allow them servant All persons who reside in a thoroughly tropical country only expect to be ablefto remain for a certain number of year nud tln cvn only do so at a sacrifice of health Various statistic as to the various departments are attacLt tu the rejoit CARRIAGE GOODS ON THS HER GOTT SPRINGS RAILWAY A deputation conaistitig of Messrs Pilking ton and Otteway waa introduced to the Com miiooer of lubUc Works (Hom riienc) by Mr Moule on Saturday morning to draw his attention to the present arrani irents for conveying store on tbe Hergott Springs railway Mr Mot' lx explained that at present only tw fiims were allowed to carry tbeir good on the line beyond Hergott one meet and the other for bread and other necemries ml nnlesaa storekeeer dealt with these tnrticu tar pt inuus could get nothing from llergutt untes it were brought by trap There only aeked that tbe same facilities might beanorded tlu tn as were granted to Chong Kee and tbe ether fiim who had tbe privilege The O'liMisMlONXR said their action in the matter had been forced upon the Government by tbeneceasityof supplying tbe peoplethrongh out the whole line It was only possible fi veiy few people to du this mul order to have (he whole length of the linevtipiied the Government were cum pelivd to enter into arrangements with tbe tenons who nt ieernt did the xrork A telegram had wren sent in tmetiug the rr sidest engineer to par good iurcfised in IL igott required along Uh line Mr 1'ilximhox pomti out tliat gods of this deaciiitrou bud been ttfiiMxi and tbe inginter Lad stated th it it nas accur dance aitli his iuetiu' tiuu Tin C'(MMi5sitxKi: aid the lute lwl mt yet L' cjonid for tiaffic and they were ouly roiiyure tle goods required Uy tlie meu the hex Tire entiact fl ud teen arranged tor rix ntla 'Ik lirgniiiiir of the year and Im uid di entiling 1 nul it mul end faitMr'ra Keaee ean be used and fi iu i cut c4 dtfvtue oit cu stei and rtfies (UiM Mded aaiuMxt ADELAIDE AND LONDON TELEGRAPH (IT fil'BMkUNl CABLXJ 8PXC1AL TBLEGRAM3 rom our own Correspondent Al STR LIAN CABLE CHARGES Loxbow ebruary? tin Lunes Aiideiuon managing direct'T vf Hie Extern Extetixion Telet'rapli Com pany reHirt the failure of iie otiatiim with the fotitimntal auHioritivs fm a mliH tiou if the diaigisoii press inessige between Euioe and Australia Il is stated however that the submarine cable ctii'anics will ttiiilei take on and after July 1 to reduce the tsrilf on gi nt tul efil'leginms to (ta 4 1 and that on Government and press messages to a prtqioi donate degiee and will promise a further reduction of Is Id conditionally on their being allowed repudiate their previous agreement to lower the press rate to 2s Rd a wrnl a reduction which since the refusal of Russian and German co operation it is imuasible to grant without great loss to the companies TIIE VICTORIAN AGENT GENERAL LaxiHix ebruary 7 Mr Murray Sunitli late Agent General tor Victoria will embark in the 1' steamer Ganges on his return to that colony A (L(iMAL Ixvxpox ebruary 7 hidgmtnt in the case of the Bank of New South Wales versus Campbell lira ken reversed on npjreai to the Council 1 HE LORD IIAMBERLAIN lxximy ebruary 7 The Earl of Kenmare has been re pl iiited Lord liaiubetlaui TclotroMf 1 HE EASTERN tjl'ESTBN St ko ebruary 5 It is generally understood that the I iiHinn considers the sanc tion of the Sultan to he proposed union between Bulgaria and Roumclia to be inadequate and it also considers tliat tlie approval of the Great Powers should be necrry to secure the union Russia further declines to discuss the secund note of Bulgaria uin the subject Liixnox ebruary 5 The whole uf lhe Powers with the ex ception of Russia have approved of the union between Bulgaria ml Ruuruclia THE GOVERNOR NEWOUND LAND Loxiox ebruary 5 Sir William Desvoeux the Lite Go vernor uf iji has leen appointed Go vernor uf Newfoundland COLONEL STANLEY IOMMIX ebruary Colonel Stanley has been created Grand Cross of the Bath ROZEN MEAT Rio JaxtiKo ebruary 5 Tbe New Zealand Shipping Co's is Ruapehu which left Lyttelton on January 14 arrived here yesterday morning her cargo uf meat being in excellent con dition ADDITIONS To THE MINISTRY Lomos ebruary 5 The fulluwing are additions to the Ministry The Ear! uf Aberdeen Vice roy of Ireland Lord Wolverton Post master General Earl Morley irst Com missioner of Wurks Sir Lyon Playfair Ireaident of tbe Council of Educa tion Mr John Rigby Solicitor General Mr James Bryce Under Secretary for oreign Adairs Loxnox ebruary Sir Julin owler late Lord Mayor of London has been appointed Secretary to the Treasury and Mr John Tmliuson Hibbert has been npjMinted Secretary to the Admiralty THE MINISTERIAL ELECTIONS Lomux ebruary i Roth House of Parliament liave ad journed till the Itith insL to admit of the Ministerial elections being held the re maining writs for the electii'ns caused by the appointment of the new Ministry having been moved in the House of Cuminons yesterday THE CRAUURD DIVORCE CASE Loxion ebruary The divorce suit Crawford versus Craw ford in which Sir Chas I Hike has been made co respondent ill be lieard on Wednes day next In the event of Sir Dilke being acquitted be will be made Secretary of State for oreign Affair Lotxl Rose bery in such case will be appointed Secretary for the Colonies and Exi I Granville will fill the office of Lrd Privy Seal COMMERCIAL Loxous ebruary 5 Bar silver is quoted at Ila 1U New South ales three and a halfs are worth £103 10s Victorians £10 Chilian cupjwr is selling at £40 Tin ia worth £IK 3 he quantity of heat allmt is I i2UNt) quarter Reef tallow ia selling at 21a and mutton at 25s leather is quoted at 12d At to day's wool sales bales were ottered to a dull and drooping market Lux DOX ebruary At to ikj wool sale 11500 bales were otiend to a weak market SSHII'PING CvrnTowx ebruary The New Zealand Shipping Company's Aniaogi which left Plymouth ou January 17 dejarted yesterday outwards COLONIAL llLEUlUHa VICTORIA rom unr own Corr I Melbourne Tj(huid tever ta increasing at v' 'T atertn ioe rate in Melbourne and in several c'mntT districts The Braid of Conciliation in connection with tire wharf laborers strike concluded takinr vide nee yesterday Great damafre was rtene to tire telegraph wire in the western dirtrict by the storm which raged riday An old man named Thoms Wilton a resi dent of Camperdown was found dead in hta hut Tbe body was in an advanced stage uf drconrpneition the throat being cut Il was evidently a case uf suicide The slical evi dence show that dr ath oecmrd a rlnih ago The deceased wa an hauilaai drunkard South Autralinu an 1 Kunon varra from Adelaid Sailed Victorian f'r Ade laide new sguth wales (Er tn our own C'nreapoDdunt Spln ebruary 7 Tiie city coroner held an enquiry at the South Sydney morgue yesterday into the dr cunirtances attending the death of Henry 1 Wmoud laborer who died on Eriday morn ing ftotir tbe effects of injuries alleged ta have been inflicted by a man named William Ward wboaptreaied in custody William 11 Osmond son of deceased dejod that prisoner threw a stone at deceased and then kicked bin when he was down and that bis mother was io tbe house during the row: but mother wit ness a woman named Mrs Martha Jone stated that tbe wife of deceased waa present in lhe yard and incited Ward to attack her husband saying Give it to bimBill ifbegoe out knock bis brain out and I will help yon'' The enquiry was adjourned till Wednesday A ireculiar mishap occurred shortly after midnight on riday to the Sydney expires train at C'alcairn A gate era blowing and four empty truck which were standing on a siding at that place although brakM down were blown on to the main line No one in tbe dark noticed the trucks and the express coming along ran into them but fortun ately without doing any serious injury fffie passenger was slightly hurt and the locomotive ran off the roed Tbe smoke box wa damaged but beyond tbta it doe ear that any harm wasd'me The train was however detoyed for aome hour At a meeting of tbe Typographical Associa tion held tort night at the Protestant Hall the fulluwing reaol utionWM pseetd That in all office where union men are working they shall take Heps where practicable to work with none but union On Saturday Lord Carrington wa enter tained at a picnic at Chowder Bay by member of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron and subsequently wit sard the evolutions of the squadron himself occupying the commodore' yacht Magic A telegram from Umree state that a man named William Liddiard haa bren arrested on suspicion of having committed the Wardell murder Tbe Rev Mr Mactarlaoe tbe New Guinea miaaionary who now visiting Sydney preached at itt ttrcet Congregational Chapel to night on the subject of New Guinea to a large congregation including Lord Carring ton The wrath to day has been pleasant Tbe dead body of a man named William Ixme aged 44 year a bus proprietor wa discovered in a well containing feet of water near Cook's River oa Saturday exrening Tbe body bore no marks of violence but tbe money which tbe deceased wa known to have pm seated wa missing and foul play is suspected Arrived: Caraock ship from Middlesbrough Nightingale schooner from Melbourne Mary Ogilvie achoooer from Lord Howe Island Duninyong from Melbourne Mary Evant barque from Adelaide Corinna from Launceston He keth from WarrnambooL Sxited Saturday for Sanranctaoo rancis is er barque for Portland Oregon Royal Tar barque for Marek Katoomb and Leura foe Melbourne Ardmore ship Rangoon QUEENSLAND rom our own Correspondent) Brisbane ebruary 6 At icil meeting ot the municipal coun cil held on Saturday Alderman Hipwood was unanimously elected mayor for the earning year Hi worship ia a Sydney native and has been fifteen years a citizen here He ha only occupied the position of alderman for two year Serious irregularities in connection with tbe Hann Iivisina) Board have been dtacloeed by the audit inspection and they have been referred for consideration to the Attorney General who it is expected will institute legal proceedings against several manbsra A arious item of expenditure disbursed by the finance committee for the purpose of advo cating tbe claims of a railway from Hnberton to Putt Douglas were chaUeoged by in spector whose report upon the matter of ques tionable payments thereto ha been confirmed by tbe clerk TASMANIA rom our own Correspondent Hobart ebruary 7 11 MS Swinger arrived thia afternoon Tbe Nelron ta expected to morrow NEW ZEALAND rom onr own Correspondent Auckland ebruary Captain Savory of tbe steamer Herald re port (awing what appeared to be a new island eleven mile off Cape Maria Van I fiemen He went within three miles of what all 00 board were convinced wa an ialand bat he adds that possibly it wa a ship's beam end Tbe report has caused great anxiety in Auckland a a large inward ship ha been expected In order to settle doubt Mr Brett ha chartered a steamer which he has dispatched on a voyage of dicuvy THE NORTHERN TERRITORV Breen our own Correxpoudect Port Darwin ebruary The first British India steamer Khandalto arrived yesterday morning with 7 tons uf cargo and two aenger from tbe south she left in the evening tor 1 TT porta The Menmnir arrived yesterday from the north with 35 ton of cargo She sail to morrow at noon her purenger being hire Parsons Mia Keynes nurse mad four children Mrs and Mr Buckland and child bin Copingrer and child Measra Harvey McArthur Brown Maodonakl and Robert in tlie saloon Tbe Town and Country Bank are sending down 1434 ounces of gold The Daly River Copper Cjtnpauy will send 60 too of copper Mr Harvey ha retired from his partnership with Meeara Altea A Company The escort tbe last week brought 917 ounre of gold Heavy rain are falling and 7 inches have been registered during tbe last thirty six hour Tbe Palaoentoa eteamer will it ta expected go aouth in a day or two Close and careful atten tion to all factory work give the operative Iallid faces i oorapiTtitm languid miserable eelieg poor blood inactive liver kidneys Ac ana all tbe physicians and medicine in tbe world cannot help tb tu uulea they get out of door or use Hop Bitter None need suffer if they will use it freely See 3J 51X 5L Ayer's Pills possees tbe positive virtue otome of the best known medicinal plant pre red and combined with scientific re jecting tlie crude and drastic portions and retaining only tbe active prinaide tbe part which cures and de not harm It yoa are sick try th'iu 3J'4ti53x3s Time the Tert at Dr Rooks' Oriental Pilis ami itoias Muir have been in cenataat use (ot 50 vean ad bave beea ot iaoskulable sen ice in tbe Retief and Cure Of IndigwUoa filer Com I taint Asthma ISroacfiitta PuluKxwry Oonautnptian iteumstiem Gout Scrotum General Debility and ail die aer ot tbe erv ou fi ttem a better ark tag from a eedratary modcol lywittir taaeiu lirtaucUante or any otter cauee never Prepared ouly Charle Rook HD Scarborough imsoU b) 11 ChemM atent MedicUe VeodM throughout the wort Arount each Bottle are Duectwot for tte gaMauce patienta ia all Otaease 5 THE EDERAL COUNCIL (By Telegraph Hobart ebruary 8 VRAM AS TH NEW HKBBtOte The I sderal Council resnmod ita silting to day Mr Griffith brought up tbe report at tbe select committee appointed to prepare an address to the Queen on the subject of thneemeut between Gerauny and rancs rance takes possession ot the New Ifcbrdt Tta following is the addres pre pared To Her Majesty the QueeaW Your loyal and dutiful subject members of th ederal Council of Anrtralaria araembled Hobart beg to secure Your Majesty of oaf continued loyalty te Your throne find person We hare beard with alarm of tbe arrangUBent which ha been entered into betweea tbe Govern ment of rance and Germany which may seriously affect Australian inter It relate to the idand uf the New Hebrides Your Majesty's loyal subject ta Auetralaaa have aiway taken special interart in those islands and have regarded it as a matter of grave importance to Ycrar Auatenlian colonies that they should not fall tmdte any foreign dominion We place fall reliance open the amuraoce conveyed by tbe Earl of Derby in his dispatch on April 31 1433 addressed to the' Government of South Aus tralia to the effect that any proposal having tor it object the annexation of the New Hebrides by rance Zwoold never be enter tained by Yoor Government without consulting the AttatralMtan eolonie At tbe same time we beg respectfully to urge upon our Majerty tbe in creasing nreemity that exists that the understanding arrived at in 1878 between Your Government and the Govern ment of rance recognising tbe independence of the New Hebrides Island should give4ace to some more definite engagement whichhall secure those islands from falling seder any foreign Jas Skbvick 'Presi On tbe motion of Mr Griffith it was resolved that tbe Governor of Tasmania be requested to cable the substance of tbeaddrm to tbe Queen I TTCRt SESSIONAL AKBANlEMESTS hi the motion of Dr McGregor it wa re solved that the next eeaon of the re1 should be held at Hobart On tbe motion of Mr Doogla it wae resolved that a rtaading committee be appointed to oonrist ot tbe senior member for (jueemland Tasmania and Victoria with Mr Griffith a ebairman to act for the Council during tbe ACMTRALtAB DKCfCn Mr Douglas moved that it wa to establish an arsenal on tbe matataod of Aus tralia for tbe purpose of manufacturing moni tion of war for tbe colonie Oa tlwieuggo tion at tbe President tbe motion wae withdrawn He thought the project to ertaUiah aa arsenal wa too large but tbe colonie might well ooa rider the establishment of powder factories The Minister for Defeoo in Victoria had been conununieating for the past two with a private firm in England wbo might be indaoed to establish powder work in tbe eoloaie iSrU'X CBIMIXALS On Um motion of Mr Dougiaa it wae ro xolved that a standing committee should take steps to prevent the influx ot erimiaal into Australia from New Caledonia or tsisada of tbe Pacific bills ARsryrrn to The President announced that tbe jvereer ot Tasmania had given hi ament to tbs Extenskm of JudguMeta Bill the Eridence Bill the Civil Proems Bill and the Interpre tation Dill AWOCIXXIXT On tbe motion that tbe Council do nxw adjourn the President took ooaarioa to con gratulate tbe member ou the close of the first lemion and expressed the hope that tbe standing committee might be ahi to indue tbe other colonie to join tbe Council during tbe reeem (Tlie store Ule nun ttotild have reached on Saturday but a detayvd by a breakdown ta telesrapluc Ed Hobart ebruary 7 Till flECECATtH Tbe Ministry entertained tbe ddegata of the ederal Council on riday Hom A Ikragla presiding During tbe evening Mr Service read the following tele gram received from the Secretary of State for the Colonie in reply to an addrem rent from the Council asking for information rejecting Samoa and change ta SasKaa affair The German Government ha recently renewed tbeir amurance that they adhere steadfastly to the understanding between Germany England and the United Statre by which each power i pledged reepectirely to tbe rtber not to endeavor to acquire any privilege io tbe group without the comet ct tbe others Tbe United State alao object to any interference with existing arrangeaaente with regard to Jtaiatea Ithasbeen provisionally agreed that the rench flag shall remainabject to tbe rtipulation that the British shipping trade will be placed on an equal foot ing with the rench in tbe Society Island These island could at no time since 1M7 have come under the British flag TBX PMnOCATTOX The ederal Council was prorogued by proclamation on Saturday Tbe delegate left Hobart for Launceston by special train this morning Messrs Service and Berry pro ceed to Melbourne by to morrow's boat and the other delegate will r'" of Landa on a tour along the north nst coast and to Mount Bischoff The whole party were entertained yesterday by tbe mayor at a picnic on lhe Elwick Racecourse COUNTRY TELEGRAMS rom our own Correspondent GLADSTONE ebruary 7 At a meeting of the cenfaal committee of tbe Association held yestatday a commu nication waa received from tbe Yarrowie branch requesting tbe committee to invito rep resentatives from tbe ree trade League to attend the meeting of farmers' delegate in Adelaide Tbe committee eocaiderea it un wire to select any particular league for an in vitation as there were numerous other kindred societies deserving a similar honor Tbe same branch ta answer to questions considered pur de straw tbe best wheat grown in the dis trict for dry reaacn A resolution wa peered that all reprerontatire from kindred sirrisrin at the delegate' meeting should be allowed toIak and vote on all matter other than throe dealingwith tbe Government and 4 eemoia tiun The annual report to be ted at the meeting wm read and adopted THE BEETALOO WATERWORKSByTdkph Gladatoo ebruary 7 Indignation exists here nnoag the butchers owing to the attemfA on the part at the Beetaloo station lessee to prohibit all butcher rcpplytag meat except the one wbo tender for the right to enter the property and serve tbe camp Tbe regineer at tbe woetea it i rumond will not deny tradewMn tbe right of catering bat will allow butcher to go heretofore to tbe work The first load of lipee for Beetaloo arrived here yesterday and went tu Lxura where carting will be com menced at once THE HERGOTT RAILWAY WORKS By Telegraph Hentott ebruary 7 1 have just returned to Henrott from a teip along tbe Btraneway Spring railway line sixty mile from Hergutt Tbsro are 630 man employed at present and tbeir health i very goud A blacksmith named John Hunter wae missed on Tuesday from th 44 mile cnaty butfter an abeeoce of two day he rekarnsd On riday evening man named Jcrooh Carter wbo work in tbe halls tat at tbe 18 mile camp wa standing oa the fine when tbe engine knocked bun down and reriomly injured one of his feet He i now tended to by Dr Dcmlop A high mandarin ot Chinn ia ha tatter of thank to Dr Ayer for taavi introduced Ayer's Pills into the Celrotial Empire crilsd them Curtag T7ry appro priatename I They are sweet they cure and are therefore tbe moat profitable "seeds' aick man can invert in 329 4855x37 98.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.