Microbiology: an evolving science - PDF Free Download (2025)





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©Dennis Kunkel



Model of a bacterial cell (Escherichia coli). Envelope: The cell membrane contains embedded proteins for structure and transport. The cell membrane is supported by the cell wall. In this gram-negative cell, the cell wall is coated by the outer membrane, whose sugar chain extensions protect the cell from attack by the immune system or by predators. Plugged into the membranes is the rotary motor of a flagellum. Cytoplasm: Molecules of nascent messenger RNA (mRNA) extend out of the nucleoid to the region of the cytoplasm rich DNA-binding protein in ribosomes. Ribosomes translate the mRNA to make proteins, which are folded by chaperones. Nucleoid: The chromosomal DNA is wrapped around binding proteins. Replication by DNA polymerase and transcription HU by RNA polymerase occur at the same time within the nucleoid. (PDB codes: ribosome, 1GIX,1GIY; DNA-binding protein, 1P78; RNA polymerase, 1MSW)

E P A 30S



Flagellar motor

RNA polymerase



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A Key to the Icons in Microbiology: An Evolving Science Weblink icons indicate that there is an author-recommended website related to the topic at hand. Animation icons in a figure’s caption indicate that there is a process animation to further illustrate that particular figure. Visit Norton StudySpace (wwnorton.com/studyspace) to access these resources and other review material.

Bacterial Cell Components Outer membrane proteins: Sugar porin (10 nm) Braun lipoprotein (8 nm) Inner membrane proteins: Glycerol porin Secretory complex (Sec) Lipopolysaccharide Envelope

Outer membrane Cell wall Periplasm Inner membrane (cell membrane)

ATP synthase (20 nm diameter in inner membrane; 32 nm total height)


Arabinose-binding protein (3 nm x 3 nm x 6 nm) Acid resistance chaperone (HdeA) (3 nm x 3 nm x 6 nm) Disulfide bond protein (DsbA) (3 nm x 3 nm x 6 nm) Cytoplasmic proteins:

Peptide Cytoplasm


Periplasmic proteins:

RNA polymerase

Pyruvate kinase (5 nm x 10 nm x 10 nm) Phosphofructokinase (4 nm x 7 nm x 7 nm) Proteasome (12 nm x 12 nm x 15 nm) Chaperonin GroEL (18 nm x 14 nm) Other proteins Transcription and translation complexes: RNA polymerase (10 x 10 x 16 nm)

DNA bridging protein H-NS



DNA-binding protein HU

Ribosome (21 x 21 x 21 nm) Nucleoid components: DNA (2.4 nm wide x 3.4 nm/10 bp) DNA-binding protein (3 x 3 x 5 nm) DNA-bridging protein (3 x 3 x 5 nm)

50 nm

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Microbiology An Evolving Science

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Microbiology An Evolving Science

Joan L. Slonczewski Kenyon College

John W. Foster University of South Alabama Appendices and Glossary by

Kathy M. Gillen Kenyon College

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W. W. Norton & Company has been independent since its founding in 1923, when William Warder Norton and Mary D. Herter Norton fi rst published lectures delivered at the People’s Institute, the adult education division of New York City’s Cooper Union. The Nortons soon expanded their program beyond the Institute, publishing books by celebrated academics from America and abroad. By mid-century, the two major pillars of Norton’s publishing program—trade books and college texts—were fi rmly established. In the 1950s, the Norton family transferred control of the company to its employees, and today—with a staff of four hundred and a comparable number of trade, college, and professional titles published each year—W. W. Norton & Company stands as the largest and oldest publishing house owned wholly by its employees. Copyright © 2009 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Composition by Precision Graphics Manufacturing by R. R. Donnelley/Willard Illustrations by Precision Graphics Editor: Michael Wright Developmental editors: Carol Pritchard-Martinez and Philippa Solomon Senior project editor: Thomas Foley Copy editor: Janet Greenblatt Production manager: Christopher Granville Photography editor: Trish Marx Marketing manager: Betsy Twitchell Managing editor, college: Marian Johnson Science media editor: April Lange Editorial assistant: Matthew A. Freeman

ISBN: 978-0-393-11337-2 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 www.wwnorton.com W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT 123456789

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We dedicate this book to the memory of our doctoral research mentors. Joan’s doctoral mentor, Bob Macnab, offered an unfailingly rigorous pursuit of bacterial chemotaxis and physiology, and lasting friendship. John was mentored by Al Moat, a gifted microbial physiologist and humorist who instilled in his neophyte students an appreciation for critical thinking and a love for the science of microbiology.


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Brief Contents Preface About the Authors

Part 1: The Microbial Cell 1 2 3 4 5 6

Genomes and Chromosomes Transcription, Translation, and Bioinformatics Gene Transfer, Mutations, and Genome Evolution Molecular Regulation Viral Molecular Biology Molecular Techniques and Biotechnology

Part 3: Metabolism and Biochemistry 13 14 15 16

Energetics and Catabolism Respiration, Lithotrophy, and Photolysis Biosynthesis Food and Industrial Microbiology

221 257 303 345 389 431

458 461 505 547 589


Origins and Evolution Bacterial Diversity Archaeal Diversity Eukaryotic Diversity Microbial Ecology Microbes and the Global Environment

629 675 721 755 793 831

Part 5: Medicine and Immunology 23 24 25 26 27 28

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Part 4: Microbial Diversity and Ecology 17 18 19 20 21 22



Microbial Life: Origin and Discovery 5 Observing the Microbial Cell 39 Cell Structure and Function 73 Bacterial Culture, Growth, and Development 115 Environmental Influences and Control of Microbial Growth 149 Virus Structure and Function 181

Part 2: Genes and Genomes 7 8 9 10 11 12

xvii xxviii

Human Microflora and Nonspecific Host Defenses The Adaptive Immune Response Microbial Pathogenesis Microbial Diseases Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Clinical Microbiology and Epidemiology

Appendix 1: Biological Molecules Appendix 2: Introductory Cell Biology: Eukaryotic Cells Answers to Thought Questions Glossary Index

860 863 895 937 979 1029 1063 A-1 A-21 AQ-1 G-1 I-1

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Preface About the Authors

xvii xxviii


The Microbial Cell



Microbial Life: Origin and Discovery 1.1 From Germ to Genome: What Is a Microbe? 1.2 Microbes Shape Human History 1.3 Medical Microbiology Special Topic 1.1 How Did Life Originate? Special Topic 1.2 The Discovery of Viruses 1.4 Microbial Ecology Special Topic 1.3 Microbial Endosymbionts of Animals 1.5 The Microbial Family Tree 1.6 Cell Biology and the DNA Revolution

5 6 11 17 18 22 26 28 29 32


Observing the Microbial Cell 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Observing Microbes Optics and Properties of Light Bright-Field Microscopy Dark-Field, Phase-Contrast, and Interference Microscopy Fluorescence Microscopy

Special Topic 2.1 Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy 2.6 Electron Microscopy Special Topic 2.2 Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy Solves the Structure of a Major Agricultural Virus 2.7 Visualizing Molecules

39 40 44 48 55 58 60 62 66 68


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C o n t e n ts


Cell Structure and Function


75 78 82 88 Special Topic 3.1 The Unique Cell Envelope of Mycobacteria 92 3.5 The Nucleoid and Gene Expression 98 3.6 Cell Division 101 Special Topic 3.2 Bacteria Have a Cytoskeleton 105 3.7 Specialized Structures 106 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

The Bacterial Cell: An Overview How We Study the Parts of Cells The Cell Membrane and Transport The Cell Wall and Outer Layers

Special Topic 3.3 One Swims

Two Kinds of Progeny: One Stays,



Bacterial Culture, Growth, and Development 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

Microbial Nutrition Nutrient Uptake Culturing Bacteria Counting Bacteria The Growth Cycle Biofilms Special Topic 4.1 Resistance

115 116 121 127 131 134 140

Biofilms, Disease, and Antibiotic

4.7 Cell Differentiation

141 142


Environmental Influences and Control of Microbial Growth Environmental Limits on Microbial Growth Microbial Responses to Changes in Temperature Microbial Adaptation to Variations in Pressure Microbial Responses to Changes in Water Activity and Salt Concentration 5.5 Microbial Responses to Changes in pH 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Special Topic 5.1 Signaling Virulence 5.6 Microbial Responses to Oxygen and Other

Electron Acceptors 5.7 Microbial Responses to Nutrient Deprivation and Starvation 5.8 Physical and Chemical Methods of Controlling Microbial Growth 5.9 Biological Control of Microbes

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149 150 152 155 157 158 164 164 168 170 178

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Co n te n ts


Virus Structure and Function 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7


What Is a Virus? Virus Structure Viral Genomes and Classification Bacteriophage Life Cycles Animal and Plant Virus Life Cycles Culturing Viruses Viral Ecology Special Topic 6.1

182 187 191 198 201 208 212 214

West Nile Virus, an Emerging Pathogen


Genes and Genomes



Genomes and Chromosomes 7.1 DNA: The Genetic Material 7.2 Genome Organization 7.3 DNA Replication Special Topic 7.1 Trapping a Sliding Clamp 7.4 Plasmids and Bacteriophages Special Topic 7.2 Plasmid Partitioning and Addiction 7.5 Eukaryotic Chromosomes: Comparison with Prokaryotes 7.6 DNA Sequence Analysis Special Topic 7.3 The Polymerase Chain Reaction

221 222 223 232 237 243 245 246 248 250


Transcription, Translation, and Bioinformatics 8.1 RNA Polymerases and Sigma Factors 8.2 Transcription Initiation, Elongation, and Termination 8.3 Translation of RNA to Protein Special Topic 8.1 Antibiotics That Affect Transcription Special Topic 8.2 Antibiotics That Affect Translation 8.4 Protein Modification and Folding 8.5 Secretion: Protein Traffic Control 8.6 Protein Degradation: Cleaning House Special Topic 8.3 Ubiquitination: A Ticket to the Proteasome 8.7 Bioinformatics: Mining the Genomes Special Topic 8.4 What Is the Minimal Genome?

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257 258 263 267 268 281 283 285 290 292 293 297

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C o n t e n ts


Gene Transfer, Mutations, and Genome Evolution 9.1 The Mosaic Nature of Genomes 9.2 Gene Transfer: Transformation, Conjugation, 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7

and Transduction Recombination Mutations DNA Repair Mobile Genetic Elements Genome Evolution Special Topic 9.1

Integrons and Gene Capture

303 304 304 316 320 327 333 336 338

C H A P T E R 10

Molecular Regulation


10.1 Regulating Gene Expression 346 10.2 Paradigm of the Lactose Operon 349 10.3 Other Systems of Operon Control 355 Special Topic 10.1 How Do We Study Protein-DNA Binding? 356 10.4 Sigma Factor Regulation 365 10.5 Small Regulatory RNAs 368 10.6 DNA Rearrangements: Phase Variation

by Shifty Pathogens 10.7 Integrated Control Circuits 10.8 Quorum Sensing: Chemical Conversations Special Topic 10.2 The Role of Quorum Sensing in Pathogenesis and in Interspecies Communications 10.9 Genomics and Proteomics: Tools of the Future

370 373 378 380 381

C H A P T E R 11

Viral Molecular Biology 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6

Phage T4: The Classic Molecular Model The Filamentous Phage M13 A (+) Strand RNA Virus: Polio A Segmented (–) Strand RNA Virus: Influenza A Retrovirus: Human Immunodeficiency Virus A DNA Virus: Herpes Simplex Special Topic 11.1

How Did Viruses Originate?

389 391 397 400 406 412 423 424

C H A P T E R 12

Molecular Techniques and Biotechnology 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6

Basic Tools of Biotech: A Research Case Study Genetic Analyses Molecular Analyses “Global” Questions of Cell Physiology Biotechniques of Artificial Evolution Applied Microbial Biotechnology Special Topic 12.1

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DNA Vaccines

431 432 432 436 444 446 450 452

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Co n te n ts


Metabolism and Biochemistry



Energetics and Catabolism 13.1 Energy and Entropy: Building a Cell 13.2 Energy and Entropy in Biochemical Reactions 13.3 Energy Carriers and Electron Transfer Special Topic 13.1 Observing Energy Carriers in Living Cells 13.4 Catabolism: The Microbial Buffet Special Topic 13.2 Swiss Cheese: A Product of Bacterial Catabolism 13.5 Glucose Breakdown and Fermentation 13.6 The Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) Cycle 13.7 Aromatic Catabolism Special Topic 13.3 Genomic Analysis of Metabolism

461 463 465 469 475 476 480 482 491 496 498

C H A P T E R 14

Respiration, Lithotrophy, and Photolysis 14.1 Electron Transport Systems 14.2 The Proton Motive Force Special Topic 14.1 Testing the Chemiosmotic Hypothesis 14.3 The Respiratory ETS and ATP Synthase 14.4 Anaerobic Respiration Special Topic 14.2 ATP Synthesis at High pH 14.5 Lithotrophy and Methanogenesis 14.6 Phototrophy

505 506 511 512 516 525 526 529 534

C H A P T E R 15

Biosynthesis 15.1 Overview of Biosynthesis 15.2 CO2 Fixation: The Calvin Cycle Special Topic 15.1 The Discovery of 14 C 15.3 CO2 Fixation in Anaerobes and Archaea 15.4 Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids and Polyesters Special Topic 15.2 Polyketide Drugs Are Synthesized by Multienzyme Factories 15.5 Nitrogen Fixation 15.6 Biosynthesis of Amino Acids and Nitrogenous Bases 15.7 Biosynthesis of Tetrapyrroles Special Topic 15.3 Modular Biosynthesis of Vancomycin

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547 548 550 554 560 564 567 570 575 581 584

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C o n t e n ts

C H A P T E R 16

Food and Industrial Microbiology 16.1 Microbes as Food 16.2 Fermented Foods: An Overview 16.3 Acidic and Alkaline Fermented Foods Special Topic 16.1 Chocolate: The Mystery Fermentation 16.4 Ethanolic Fermentation: Bread and Wine Special Topic 16.2 Beer Is Made from Barley and Hops 16.5 Food Spoilage and Preservation 16.6 Industrial Microbiology Special Topic 16.3 Start-Up Companies Take On Tuberculosis

589 590 592 595 600 602 606 608 615 616


Microbial Diversity and Ecology



Origins and Evolution 17.1 Origins of Life 17.2 Models for Early Life Special Topic 17.1 The RNA World: Clues for Modern Medicine 17.3 Microbial Taxonomy 17.4 Microbial Divergence and Phylogeny Special Topic 17.2 Phylogeny of a Shower Curtain Biofilm 17.5 Horizontal Gene Transfer Special Topic 17.3 Horizontal Transfer in E. coli O157:H7 17.6 Symbiosis and the Origin of Mitochondria

and Chloroplasts

629 631 641 644 647 651 658 661 664 666

C H A P T E R 18

Bacterial Diversity 18.1 Bacterial Diversity at a Glance 18.2 Deep-Branching Thermophiles 18.3 Cyanobacteria: Oxygenic Phototrophs Special Topic 18.1 Cyanobacterial Communities: From Ocean to Animal 18.4 Gram-Positive Firmicutes and Actinobacteria 18.5 Gram-Negative Proteobacteria and Nitrospirae 18.6 Bacteroidetes and Chlorobi 18.7 Spirochetes: Sheathed Spiral Cells

with Internalized Flagella

675 677 685 688 691 692 703 714 715

18.8 Chlamydiae, Planctomycetes, and Verrucomicrobia:

Irregular Cells

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Co n te n ts


C H A P T E R 19

Archaeal Diversity 19.1 Archaeal Traits and Diversity 19.2 Crenarchaeota: Hyperthermophiles Special Topic 19.1 Research on Deep-Sea Hyperthermophiles 19.3 Crenarchaeota: Mesophiles and Psychrophiles 19.4 Euryarchaeota: Methanogens 19.5 Euryarchaeota: Halophiles Special Topic 19.2 Haloarchaea in the High School Classroom 19.6 Euryarchaeota: Thermophiles and Acidophiles 19.7 Nanoarchaeota and Other Emerging Divisions

721 723 730 733 735 738 744 746 750 753


Eukaryotic Diversity 20.1 Phylogeny of Eukaryotes 20.2 Fungi Special Topic 20.1 Mold after Hurricane Katrina 20.3 Algae 20.4 Amebas and Slime Molds 20.5 Alveolates: Ciliates, Dinoflagellates, and Apicomplexans Special Topic 20.2 A Ciliate Model for Human Aging 20.6 Trypanosomes, Microsporidia, and Excavates

755 756 765 772 774 780 783 785 791

C H A P T E R 21

Microbial Ecology 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6


Microbes in Ecosystems Microbial Symbiosis Marine and Aquatic Microbiology Soil and Subsurface Microbiology Microbial Communities within Plants Microbial Communities within Animals

794 798 801 812 820 824

Special Topic 21.1 A Veterinary Experiment: The Fistulated Cow



Microbes and the Global Environment 22.1 Biogeochemical Cycles 22.2 The Carbon Cycle Special Topic 22.1 Wetlands: Disappearing Microbial Ecosystems 22.3 The Hydrologic Cycle and Wastewater Treatment 22.4 The Nitrogen Cycle 22.5 Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Metals 22.6 Astrobiology

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831 832 835 838 839 842 847 854

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C o n t e n ts


Medicine and Immunology



Human Microflora and Nonspecific Host Defenses 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5

Human Microflora: Location and Shifting Composition Risks and Benefits of Harboring Microbial Populations Overview of the Immune System Barbarians at the Gate: Innate Host Defenses Innate Immunity: The Acute Inflammatory Response Special Topic 23.1 Do Defensins Have a Role in Determining Species Specificity for Infection?

23.6 Phagocytosis 23.7 Innate Defenses by Interferon and Natural Killer Cells Special Topic 23.2 Immune Avoidance: Outsmarting the Host’s Innate Immune System 23.8 Complement’s Role in Innate Immunity 23.9 Fever

863 864 871 872 877 880 881 884 886 888 889 891


The Adaptive Immune Response 24.1 Adaptive Immunity 24.2 Factors That Influence Immunogenicity 24.3 Antibody Structure and Diversity Special Topic 24.1 Applications Based on Antigen-Antibody Interactions 24.4 Humoral Immunity: Primary and Secondary

Antibody Responses 24.5 Genetics of Antibody Production 24.6 T Cells, Major Histocompatibility Complex, and Antigen Processing Special Topic 24.2 T Cells That Recognize Self Too Strongly Are Weeded Out in the Thymus 24.7 Complement as Part of Adaptive Immunity 24.8 Failures of Immune System Regulation:

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895 896 898 902 906 908 911 915 918 925

Hypersensitivity and Autoimmunity


Special Topic 24.3 Rejection


Organ Donation and Transplantation

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Co n te n ts


Microbial Pathogenesis 25.1 Host-Pathogen Interactions 25.2 Virulence Factors and Pathogenicity Islands:

The Tools and Toolkits of Microbial Pathogens 25.3 Virulence Factors: Microbial Attachment 25.4 Toxins: A Way to Subvert Host Cell Function 25.5 Protein Secretion and Pathogenesis Special Topic 25.1 The Bacterial Trojan Horse: Bacteria That Deliver Their Own Receptor 25.6 Finding Virulence Genes Special Topic 25.2 Signature-Tagged Mutagenesis 25.7 Surviving within the Host 25.8 Viral Pathogenesis

937 938 942 944 948 959 963 964 966 969 971


Microbial Diseases 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5

Characterizing and Diagnosing Microbial Diseases Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections Respiratory Tract Infections Gastrointestinal Tract Infections Genitourinary Tract Infections Special Topic 26.1 Intracellular Biofilm Pods Are Reservoirs of Infection

26.6 26.7 28.8 26.9

Infections of the Central Nervous System Infections of the Cardiovascular System Systemic Infections Immunization

979 980 982 986 992 997 1000 1007 1014 1017 1023


Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.8

The Golden Age of Antibiotic Discovery Basic Concepts of Antimicrobial Therapy Measuring Drug Susceptibility Mechanisms of Action Antibiotic Biosynthesis The Challenges of Antibiotic Resistance The Future of Drug Discovery Antiviral Agents Special Topic 27.1 Poking Holes with Nanotubes: A New Antibiotic Therapy Special Topic 27.2 Critical Virulence Factors Found in the 1918 Strain of Influenza Virus

27.9 Antifungal Agents

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1029 1030 1032 1034 1037 1046 1047 1052 1054 1055 1057 1059

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C o n t e n ts


Clinical Microbiology and Epidemiology 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5

Principles of Clinical Microbiology Approaches to Pathogen Identification Specimen Collection Biosafety Containment Procedures Principles of Epidemiology Special Topic 28.1 Wired Up

1063 1064 1065 1081 1083 1085

Microbial Pathogen Detection Gets

28.6 Detecting Emerging Microbial Diseases

1092 1092


Biological Molecules A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 A1.7

Elements, Bonding, and Water Common Features of Organic Molecules Proteins Polysaccharides Nucleic Acids Lipids Chemical Principles in Biological Chemistry

A-1 A-2 A-5 A-6 A-10 A-12 A-14 A-16


Introductory Cell Biology: Eukaryotic Cells A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 A2.6

The Cell Membrane The Nucleus and Mitosis Problems Faced by Large Cells The Endomembrane System The Cytoskeleton Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

Answers to Thought Questions Glossary Index

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A-21 A-22 A-29 A-30 A-32 A-35 A-37 AQ-1 G-1 I-1

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Among civilization’s greatest achievements are the discovery of microbes and learning how they function. Today, microbiology as a science is evolving rapidly. Emerging species, from Helicobacter pylori to ammonia oxidizers, challenge our vision of where microbes can grow, while emerging technologies, from atomic force microscopy to metagenomic sequencing, expand the frontiers of what we can study. As our understanding of microbes and our ability to study them has evolved, what is taught must also evolve. This textbook was designed to present core topics of microbiology in the context of new challenges and opportunities. Our book gives students and faculty a fresh approach to learning the science of microbiology. A major aim is to balance the coverage of microbial ecology and medical microbiology. We explore the origin of life as a dynamic story of discovery that integrates microfossil data with physiology and molecular biology. This story provides surprising applications in both biotechnology and medicine (Chapter 17, Origins and Evolution). Microbial–host interactions are presented in the context of evolution and ecology, reflecting current discoveries in microbial diversity. For example, Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, is discussed as part of a complex ecosystem involving invertebrates as well as human hosts (Part 1, Interview with Rita Colwell). Principles of disease are explained in terms of molecular virulence factors that act upon the host cell, including the horizontal transfer of virulence genes that make a pathogen (Chapter 25, Microbial Pathogenesis). Throughout our book, we present the tools of scientific investigation (emphasizing their strengths and limitations) and the excitement of pursuing questions yet to be answered. We were students when the fi rst exciting reports of gene cloning and the descriptions of molecular machines that compose cells were published. We shared in the excitement surrounding these extraordinary advances, witnessed their impact on the field, and recall how profoundly they inspired us as aspiring scientists. As a result, we believe that conveying the story of scientific advancement and its influence on the way scientists approach research questions, whether classical or modern, is an important motivational and pedagogical tool in presenting fundamental concepts. We present the story of molecular microbiology and microbial ecology in the same spirit as the classical history of Koch and Pasteur, and of Winogradsky and Beijerinck. We drew on all our experience as researchers and educators (and on the input of dozens of colleagues over the past seven years) to create a microbiology text for the twenty-fi rst century.


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Pr e f a c e

Major Features Our book targets the science major in biology, microbiology, or biochemistry. We offer several important improvements over other books written for this audience:

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Genetics and genomics are presented as the foundation of microbiology. Molecular genetics and genomics are thoroughly integrated with core topics throughout the book. This approach gives students many advantages, including an understanding of how genomes reveal potential metabolic pathways in diverse organisms, and how genomics and metagenomics reveal the character of microbial communities. Molecular structures and chemical diagrams presented throughout the art program clearly illustrate the connections between molecular genetics, physiology, and pathogenesis.

Microbial ecology and medical microbiology receive equal emphasis, with particular attention paid to the merging of these fields. Throughout the book, phenomena are presented with examples from both ecology and medicine; for example, when discussing horizontal transfer of “genomic islands” we present symbiosis islands associated with nitrogen fi xation, as well as pathogenicity islands associated with disease (Chapter 9).

Current research examples and tools throughout the text enrich students’ understanding of foundational topics. Every chapter presents numerous current research examples within the up-to-date framework of molecular biology, showing how the latest research extends our knowledge of fundamental topics. For example, in the past two decades, advances in microscopy have reshaped our vision of microbial cells. Chapter 2 is devoted to visualization techniques, from an in-depth treatment of the student’s microscope to advanced methods such as atomic force microscopy. Unlike most microbiology textbooks, our text provides size scale information for nearly every micrograph, which is critical when trying to visualize the relationship between different organisms and structures. Examples of current research range from the use of two-hybrid assays to study Salmonella virulence proteins to the spectroscopic measurement of carbon flux from microbial communities.

Viruses are presented in molecular detail and in ecological perspective. For example, in marine ecosystems, viruses play key roles in limiting algal populations while selecting for species diversity (Chapter 6). Similarly, a constellation of bacteriophages influences enteric flora. Our coverage of human virology includes the molecular reproductive cycles of herpes, avian influenza, and HIV, including emerging topics such as the role of regulatory proteins in HIV virulence (Chapter 11).

Microbial diversity that students can grasp. We present microbial diversity in a manageable framework that enables students to grasp the essentials of the most commonly presented taxa, devoting one chapter each to bacteria, archaea, and the microbial eukaryotes. At the same time, we emphasize the continual discovery of previously unknown forms such as the nanoarchaea and the marine prochlorophytes. Our book is supported by the on-line Microbial Biorealm, an innovative resource on microbial diversity authored by students and their teachers.

The physician-scientist’s approach to microbial diseases. Case histories are used to present how a physician-scientist approaches the interplay between the

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Pre face


human immune response and microbial diseases. By taking an organ systems approach, we show how a physician actually interacts with the patient, recognizing that patients complain of symptoms, not a species. Ultimately, we let the student in on the clues used to identify infective microbes. The approach stresses the concepts of infectious disease rather than presenting an exhaustive recitation of diseases and microbes. ■

Scientists pursuing research today are presented alongside the traditional icons. This approach helps students see that microbiology is an extremely dynamic field of science, full of opportunities for them to do important research as undergraduates or as future graduate students. For example, Chapter 1 not only introduces historical figures such as Koch and Pasteur, but also features genome sequencer Claire Fraser-Liggett, postdoctoral researcher Kazem Kashefi growing a hyperthermophile in an autoclave, and undergraduate students studying acid stress in E. coli.

Appendices for students in need of review. Our book assumes a sophomorelevel understanding of introductory biology and chemistry. For those in need of review, two appendices summarize the fundamental structure and function of biological molecules and cells.

Organization The topics of this book are arranged so that students can progressively develop an understanding of microbiology from key concepts and research tools. The chapters of Part 1 present key foundational topics: history, visualization, the bacterial cell, microbial growth and control, and virology. Chapter 1 discusses the nature of microbes and the history of their discovery, including the key role of microbial genomes. In Chapter 2, basic tools of visualization, from the student’s microscope to cryo-EM, provide the foundation for understanding how scientists reveal microbial structure. The basic form and function of bacterial cells emerges in Chapter 3, while Chapters 4 and 5 present core concepts of microbial growth in relation to the environment. Chapter 6 introduces virus structure and culture. The six chapters in Part 1 present topics treated in more detail in Parts 2 through 5. The topics of nucleoid structure and virus replication introduced in Chapters 3 and 6 lead into Part 2, where Chapters 7 through 12 present modern genetics and genomics. Chapter 11 presents the life cycles of selected viruses in molecular detail. The topics of cell growth and nutrition introduced in Chapter 4 lead into Part 3 (Chapters 13–16), which presents cell metabolism and biochemistry. Diverse forms of metabolism, such as phototrophy and lithotrophy, are explained on a common basis, the fundamental principles of electron transport and energy conservation. These chapters are written in such a way that they can be presented before the genetics material if so desired. Chapter 16 presents food and industrial microbiology, showing how these fields are founded on microbial metabolism. The principles of environmental responses and growth limits introduced in Chapter 5 lead into Part 4 (Chapters 17–22), which explores microbial ecology and diversity. The roles of microbial communities in local ecosystems and global cycling, introduced in Chapter 4, are presented in greater depth in Chapters 21 and 22. And the chapters of Part 5 (Chapters 23–28) present medical and disease microbiology from an investigative perspective, founded on the principles of genetics, metabolism, and microbial ecology.

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Pre f a c e

Special Features Throughout our book, special features aid student understanding and stimulate inquiry.

3 5C CH2OPO32– 3ADP









CH2OPO32– 3. Regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bis P


3 CO2 + 3H2O

The art program offers exceptional depth and clarity, using up-to-date graphical methods to enhance understanding. Key processes are shown in both a simplified version and a more complex version. For example, the Calvin-Benson cycle is introduced with a focus on the incorporation of CO2 and formation of energy carriers (Fig. 15.5), followed by a more detailed diagram that includes the chemical structures of all intermediates (Fig. 15.7). Overall, our book provides a greater number of figures and photos than our major competitors.

1. Carboxylation and splitting 6C f 2 3C by rubisco

Ribulose 1,5-bis P


O 6 3C

3 ATP Calvin-Benson Cycle: Overview





(Sugar- P intermediates)

3- P glycerate (PGA)

Five G3P become phosphorylated; one G3P enters biosynthesis of glucose.

6 ATP + 6NADPH + 6H+ 5 3C







CH2OPO32– Glyceraldehyde 3- P (6 G3P) Amino acids

2. Reduction of RCOO– to RCOH 6ADP + 6 Pi + 6H2O 6NADP+ CH2OPO32–

3(Ribulose 1,5-bis P ) 5C Glucose


1. Carboxylation H 3(CO2 + H2O)

Simplified view

H 2 3C

Split 6C













6(1,3-bis P glycerate) 3C




6NADP+ + 6HPO42–













CH2OPO32– O C C O– C O



6(3- P glycerate) 3C 2. Reduction






6(Glyceraldehyde 3- P ) 3C






3. Regeneration 3C






6(Glyceraldehyde 3- P ) Dihydroxyacetone 3- P 3C G3- P


Fructose 1,6-bis P

Glucose Dihydroxyacetone 3- P (DHA)


3C Sucrose, starch, cellulose

H2O 2–


Fructose 6- P

3C G3- P



Erythrose 4- P

Xylulose 5- P 5C

4C 3C DHA 3- P Sedoheptulose 1,7-bis P H2 O


HPO42– Sedoheptulose 7- P 7C Xylulose 5- P 5C

Ribulose 5- P

Ribulose 5- P



3C G3- P Ribose 5- P


Ribulose 5- P


3 ATP 3ADP 3(Ribulose 1,5-bis P ) 5C

Expanded view

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Part 1

microbes that can live with or without oxygen. They will grow throughout the tube shown in Figure 5.20. Facultative anaerobes (sometimes called aerotolerant) only use fermentation to provide energy but contain superoxide dismutase and catalase (or peroxidase) to protect them from reactive oxygen species. This allows them to grow in oxygen while retaining a fermentation-based metabolism. Facultative aerobes (such as E. coli) also possess enzymes that destroy toxic oxygen by-products, but have both fermentative and aerobic respiratory potential. Whether a member of this group uses aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or fermentation depends on the availability of oxygen and the amount of carbohydrate present. Microorganisms that possess decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and/or catalase will be microaerophilic, meaning they will grow only at low oxygen concentrations. The fundamental composition of all cells reflects their evolutionary origin as anaerobes. Lipids, nucleic acids, and amino acids are all highly reduced—which is why our bodies are combustible. We never would have evolved that way if molecular oxygen were present from the beginning. Even today, the majority of all microbes are anaerobic, growing buried in the soil, within our anaerobic digestive tract, or within biofi lms on our teeth.


Culturing Anaerobes in the Laboratory Many anaerobic bacteria cause horrific human diseases, such as tetanus, botulism, and gangrene. Some of these organisms or their secreted toxins are even potential weapons of terror (for example, Clostridium botulinum). Because of their ability to wreak havoc on humans, culturing these microorganisms was an early goal of microbiologists. Despite the difficulties involved, conditions were eventually contrived in which all, or at least most, of the oxygen could be removed from a culture environment. Three techniques are used today. Special reducing agents (for example, thioglycolate) or enzyme systems (Oxyrase®) that eliminate dissolved oxygen can be added to ordinary liquid media. Anaerobes can then grow beneath the culture surface. A second, very popular, way to culture anaerobes, especially on agar plates, is to use an anaerobe jar (Fig. 5.22A). Agar plates streaked with the organism are placed into a sealed jar with a foil packet that releases H 2 and CO2 gases. A palladium packet hanging from the jar lid catalyzes a reaction between the H2 and O2 in the jar to form H2O and effectively removes O2 from the chamber. The CO2 released is required by some reactions to produce key metabolic intermediates. Some microaerophilic microbes, like the pathogens H. pylori (the major cause of stomach ulcers) and Campylobacter jejuni (a major cause of diarrhea), require low levels of O2 but elevated amounts of CO2. These conditions are obtained by using similar gas-generating packets. For strict anaerobes exquisitely sensitive to oxygen, even more heroic efforts are required to establish an oxygen-free environment. A special anaerobic glove box must be used in which the atmosphere is removed by

THOUGHT QUESTION 5.6 If anaerobes cannot live in oxygen, how do they incorporate oxygen into their cellular components? THOUGHT QUESTION 5.7 How can anaerobes grow in the human mouth when there is so much oxygen there?


■ The M i c r obi a l Cell



“Thought Questions” throughout the text stimulate students to think critically about their reading. For example, a Thought Question in Chapter 5 (p. 167) asks students to consider how anaerobes incorporate oxygen into their cellular components in spite of their inability to live in oxygen. The question is posed in the context of a discussion of the different levels of oxygen tolerated or required by different types of microbes. Answers to each Thought Question are provided at the back of the book.


Catalyst in lid mediates reaction. H2 + ½O2 f H2O


Tracy Grosshans

©Jack Bostrack/Visuals Unlimited

GasPak envelope generates H2 and CO2.

Glove ports

Anaerobic growth technology. A. An anaerobic jar. B. An anaerobic chamber with glove ports.

Figure 5.22

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Part 1

The Microbial Cell AN INTERVIEW WITH Courtesy of Rita Colwell


Rita Colwell is Distinguished Professor at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University and served as director of the USA National Science Foundation from 1998 to 2004. Colwell’s decades of research on Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, have revealed its natural ecology, its genome sequence, and ways to control it. Colwell originated the concept of viable but nonculturable microorgan-

Rita Colwell, former director of the National Science Foundation.

isms, microbial cells that metabolize but cannot be cultured in the laboratory. She is now chairman of the board of Canon US Life Sciences, Inc., and she represents the American Society for Microbiology at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Why did you decide to make a career in microbiology?

I was fi rst inspired by the report of my college roommate at Purdue University about a wonderful bacteriology professor, Dr. Dorothy Powelson, probably one of only two women at Purdue who were full professors at the time. I enrolled in Powelson’s course and was truly inspired by this remarkable woman who was so interested in microbiology and made it fascinating for her students. How did you choose to study Vibrio cholerae? What makes this organism interesting?

I chose to study Vibrio cholerae as a result of my having become an “expert” on vibrios through my graduate dissertation on marine microorganisms. Vibrios were the most readily culturable of the marine bacteria and were therefore considered the most dominant. Of course, new information indicates that although vibrios are the dominant bacteria in many estuarine areas, there are other organisms that are very difficult to culture that are important as well.

When I took my fi rst faculty position at Georgetown University, a friend of mine at NIH, Dr. John Feeley, suggested that I study Vibrio cholerae. What makes V. cholerae interesting is that it is a human pathogen of extremely great importance, yet resides naturally in estuaries and coastal areas of the world. What is it like to study this organism?

Vibrio cholerae is naturally occurring (in the environment outside humans) and therefore can never be eradicated; it carries out important functions in the environment, and significant among these is its ability to digest chitin, the structural component of shellfish and many zooplankton. It is at once a “recycling agent” and a public health threat in the form of the massive epidemics of cholera that it causes. You led an international collaboration in Bangladesh training women to avoid cholera by filtering water through sari cloth. How did the sari cloth filtration project come about?

It came about through collaboration with the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases, Bangladesh, located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the Mattlab Field Laboratory, which is located in the village area of Mattlab, Bangladesh. Our work had shown that Vibrio cholerae is associated with environmental zooplankton, namely, the copepod. The notion that the copepods are large and could be filtered out and therefore lead to reduced incidence of cholera was a result of my work on the vibrios and the relationships described by my students, notably, Dr. Anwar Huq, who did his thesis on Vibrio cholerae attachment to copepods. Anwar Huq is now an associate professor at the University of Maryland. An important collaborator was Nell Roberts, an outstanding public health microbiologist at Lake Charles, Louisiana, working on public health problems. Nell, Professor Xu (a colleague from Qingdao, China), and I did the critical experiment showing the presence of Vibrio cholerae in water from which blue crabs had been harvested—the cause of an outbreak of cholera in Louisiana back in 1982. We were able to use fluorescent antibody to show the presence of the vibrio on copepods in the water. From there, the idea of sari cloth came about in searching for a very inexpensive fi lter for use by village


Each Part of the book opens with an interview of a prominent microbiologist working today. In each interview, the authors ask the featured scientist questions about everything from how they fi rst became interested in microbiology to how their thought processes and experiments allowed them to make important discoveries. Interviewees include Karl Stetter, the fi rst person to discover living organisms growing at temperatures above 100°C, and Rita Colwell, past director of the National Science Foundation, who used her understanding of the marine ecology of Vibrio cholerae to help develop public health measures against cholera in developing countries.


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Special Topic 10.2

Part 2

Molecular Regulation


G en e s a n d G e n o me s

The Role of Quorum Sensing in Pathogenesis and in Interspecies Communications

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a human pathogen that commonly infects patients with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease of the lung. The organism forms a biofilm over affected areas and interferes with lung function. Key to the destruction of host tissues by P. aeruginosa are virulence factors such as proteases and other degradative enzymes. But these proteins are not made until cell density is fairly high, a point where the organism might have a chance of overwhelming its host. The organism would not want to make the virulence proteins too early and alert the host to launch an immune response. The induction mechanism involves two interconnected quorumsensing systems called Las and Rhl, both comprised of regulatory proteins homologous to LuxR and LuxI of V. fischeri. Many pathogens besides Pseudomonas appear to use chemical signaling to control virulence genes. Genomic analysis has revealed homologs of known quorum-sensing genes in Salmonella, Escherichia, Vibrio cholerae, the plant symbiote Rhizobium, and many other microbes. Some microbial species not only chemically talk among themselves, but appear capable of communicating with other species. V. harveyi, for example, uses two different, but converging, quorum-sensing systems to coordinate control of its luciferase. Both sensing pathways are very different from the V. fischeri system. One utilizes an acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) as an autoinducer (AI-1) to communicate with other V. harveyi cells. The second system involves production of a different autoinducer (AI-2) that contains borate. Because many species appear to produce this second signal molecule, it is thought that mixed populations of microbes use it to “talk” to each other. In the case of V. harveyi, specific membrane sensor kinase proteins are used to sense each autoinducer (Fig. 1). At low cell densities (no autoinducer), both sensor kinases initiate phosphorylation cascades that converge on a shared response regulator, LuxO, to produce phosphorylated LuxO. Phosphorylated LuxO appears to activate a repressor of the lux genes. Thus, at low cell densities, the culture does not display bioluminescence. At high cell density, the autoinducers prevent signal transmission by inhibiting phosphorylation. The cell stops making repressor, which allows another pro-

Autoinducer AI-1

tein, LuxR (not a homolog of the V. fischeri LuxR), to activate the lux operon. The “lights” are turned on. Bonnie Bassler (Fig. 2) and Pete Greenberg (Fig. 3) are two of the leading scientists whose studies revealed the complex elegance of quorum sensing in Vibrio and Pseudomonas species. Other organisms, such as Salmonella, have been shown to activate the AI-2 pathway of V. harveyi, dramatically supporting the concept of cross-species communication. A recent report by Ian Joint and his colleagues has shown that bacteria can even communicate across the prokaryotic-eukaryotic boundary. The green seaweed Enteromorpha (a eukaryote) produces motile zoospores that explore and attach to Vibrio anguillarum bacterial cells in biofilms (Fig. 4). They attach and remain there because the bacterial cells produce acetyl homoserine lactone molecules that the zoospores sense. Part of the evidence for this interkingdom communication involved showing that the zoospores would even attach to biofilms of E. coli carrying the Vibrio genes for the synthesis of acetyl homoserine lactone. The implications of possible inter-

Autoinducer AI-2

Inhibits autophosphorylation




LuxN D1 (Sensor kinase) LuxLM (synthesizes autoinducer)

H1 LuxQ D1


H2 LuxU

LuxS (synthesizes autoinducer)


kingdom conversations are staggering. Do our normal flora “speak” to us? Do we “speak” back? For further discussion of molecular communication between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, see Chapter 21.

Courtesy of University of Iowa Medical Photography Unit

C h a p t er 1 0

D2 LuxO

Peter Greenberg, one of the pioneers of cellcell communication research. Peter Greenberg, first at the University of Iowa and now at the University of Washington, has studied quorum sensing in Vibrio species and various other pathogenic bacteria, such as Pseudomonas. Figure 3





Reprinted with permission from AAAS


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The two quorum-sensing systems of V. harveyi. In the absence of autoinducers (AI-1 and AI-2), both sensor kinases trigger converging phosphorylation cascades that end with the phosphorylation of LuxO. Phosphorylated LuxO (LuxO-P) activates a repressor that inhibits expression of the luciferase genes. As autoinducer concentrations increase, they inhibit autophosphorylation of the sensor kinases and the phosphorylation cascade. As a result, repressor levels decrease, which allows the LuxR protein to activate the lux operon.

Figure 1

©Denise Applewhite


Bonnie Bassler (left) of Princeton University was instrumental in characterizing interspecies communication between bacteria.

Figure 2

Enteromorpha zoospores (red), a type of algae, attach to biofilm-producing bacteria (blue) in response to lactones produced by the bacteria.

Figure 4


Optional “Special Topics” boxes show the process of science and give a human face to the research. Topics are as diverse as scientists discovering “quorum sensing” in pathogenesis (ST 10.2) and undergraduate researchers investigating mycorrhizae in wetland soil (ST 22.1). Whether historical in focus or providing more detail about cutting-edge science, “Special Topics” give students extra background and detail to help them appreciate the dynamic nature of microbiology.

Chapter 3

Cell Structure and Function 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

The Bacterial Cell: An Overview How We Study the Parts of Cells The Cell Membrane and Transport The Cell Wall and Outer Layers The Nucleoid and Gene Expression Cell Division Specialized Structures

Microbial cells face extreme challenges from their environment, enduring rapid changes in temperature and salinity, and pathogens face the chemical defenses of their hosts. To meet these challenges, microbes build complex structures, such as a cell envelope with tensile strength comparable to steel. Within the cytoplasm, molecular devices such as the the ribosome build and expand the cell. With just a few thousand genes in its genome, how does a bacterial cell grow and reproduce? Bacteria coordinate their DNA replication through the DNA replisome and the cell fission ring. Other devices, such as


flagellar propellers, enable microbial cells to compete, to communicate, and even to cooperate in building biofilm communities. Discoveries of cell form and function have exciting applications for medicine and biotechnology. The structures of ribosomes and cell envelope materials provide targets for new antibiotics. And devices such as the rotary ATP synthase inspire “nanotechnology,” the design of molecular machines.

The filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. was engineered to make a cell division protein, FtsZ, fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). FtsZ-GFP proteins form a ring-like structure around the middle of each cell, where it prepares to divide. Source: Samer

The title page of each chapter presents an intriguing photo related to a recent research article or current application of the chapter topic. For example, Chapter 3 opens with a fluorescence micrograph of Anabaena in which the cell division protein FtsZ fused to “green fluorescent protein” (GFP) fluoresces around the division plane of each cell.

Sakr, et al. 2006. J. Bacteriol. 188.

73 5 µm

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Ch a pter 4


B act e ri al C u l t u re , G ro w t h , an d D e ve l o p m e n t


Planktonic forms

TO SU M MAR I Z E Attachment monolayer

Figure 4.24

Biofilm development.


Exopolysaccharide (EPS) production


Biofilm development in Pseudomonas.

fi rmly attach to the surface. As more and more cells bind to the surface, they can begin to communicate with each other by sending and receiving chemical signals in a process called quorum sensing. These chemical signal molecules are continually made by individual cells. Once the population reaches a certain number (analogous to an organizational qì uorum ”), the chemical signal reaches a specific concentration that the cells can sense. This triggers genetically regulated changes that cause cells to bind tenaciously to the substrate and to each other. Next, the cells form a thick extracellular matrix of polysaccharide polymers and entrapped organic and inorganic materials. These exopolysaccharides (EPSs), such as alginate produced by P. aeruginosa and colanic acid produced by E. coli, increase the antibiotic resistance of residents within the biofi lm. As the biofi lm matures, the amalgam of adherent bacteria and matrix takes on complex three-dimensional forms such as columns and streamers, creating channels through which nutrients flow. Sessile cells in a biofi lm chemically “talk” to each other in order to build microcolonies and keep water channels open. Little is known about how a biofi lm dissolves, although the process is thought to be triggered by starvation. P. aeruginosa produces an alginate lyase that can strip away the EPSs, but the regulatory pathways involved in releasing cells from biofi lms are not clear. It is important to keep in mind that most biofi lms in nature are consortia of several species. Multispecies biofi lms certainly demand interspecies communication, and individual species may perform specialized tasks in the community. Organisms adapted to life in extreme environments also form biofilms. Members of Archaea form biofilms in acid mine drainage (pH 0), where they contribute to the recycling of sulfur, and cyanobacterial biofilms are common in thermal springs. Suspended particles called “marine snow” are found in ocean environments and appear to be floating biofilms comprising many organisms that have

not yet been identified. The particles appear capable of methanogenesis, nitrogen fi xation, and sulfide production, indicating that biofilm architecture can allow anaerobic metabolism to occur in an otherwise aerobic environment.

This feature ensures that students understand the key concepts of each section before they continue with the reading.

Biofi lms TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Biofilms are complex multicellular surface-attached microbial communities. Chemical signals enable bacteria to communicate (quorum sensing) and in some cases to form biofi lms. Biofilm development involves adherence of cells to a substrate, formation of microcolonies, and, ultimately, formation of complex channeled communities that generate new planktonic cells.


Cell Differentiation

Many bacteria faced with environmental stress undergo complex molecular reprogramming that includes changes in cell structure. Some species, like E. coli, experience relatively simple changes in cell structure, such as the formation of smaller cells or thicker cell surfaces. However, select species undergo elaborate cell differentiation processes. An example is Caulobacter crescentus, whose cells convert from the swimming form to the holdfast form before cell division. Each cell cycle then produces one sessile cell attached to its substrate by a holdfast, while its sister cell swims off in search of another habitat. Other species undergo far more elaborate transformations. The endospore formers generate heat-resistant capsules (spores) that can remain in suspended animation for thousands of years. Yet another group, the actinomycetes, form complex multicellular structures analogous to those of eukaryotes. In this case, cell struc-

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Student Resources

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StudySpace. wwnorton.com/studyspace This student website includes multiple-choice quizzes, process animations, vocabulary flashcards, indices of the Weblink reference sites from the text, and prominent links to Microbial Biorealm.

Process Animations. Developed specifically for Microbiology: An Evolving Science, these animations bring key figures from the text to life, presenting key microbial processes in a dynamic format. The animations can be enlarged to full-screen view, and include VCR-like controls that make it easy to control the pace of animation.

Weblink Icons throughout the text point students to the student website, which serves as a portal to websites where they can fi nd more information on a host of topics. Each link was reviewed and approved by the authors to ensure that only high-interest, high-quality sites were selected.

Microbial Biorealm and Viral Biorealm. A website maintained at Kenyon College provides information on several hundred genera of microbes and viruses, to which interested students have the opportunity to contribute. Pages are monitored and edited by microbiologists at Kenyon.

Ebook. Same great book at half the price. Microbiology: An Evolving Science is also available as an ebook from nortonebooks.com. With a Norton ebook, students can electronically highlight text, use sticky notes, and work with fully zoomable images from the book.

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Instructor Resources ■

Norton Media Library Instructor’s CD-ROM: • Drawn Art and Photographs. Digital fi les of all drawn art and most photographs are available to adopters of the text. • Process Animations. Developed specifically for Microbiology: An Evolving Science, these animations bring key figures from the text to life, presenting key microbial processes in a dynamic format. The animations can be enlarged to full-screen view and include VCR-like controls that make it easy for instructors to control the pace of animation during lecture. • Editable PowerPoint Lectures for each chapter.

Norton Resource Library Instructor’s Website. wwnorton.com/instructors Maintained as a service to our adopters, this password-protected instructor website offers book-specific materials for use in class or within WebCT, Blackboard, or course websites. The resources available online are the same as those offered on the Norton Media Library CD-ROM.

Instructor’s Manual. The manual includes chapter overviews, answers to endof-chapter questions, and a test bank of 2,000 questions. Authored by Kathleen Campbell at Emory University.

Electronic Test Bank. The Test Bank includes 2,000 questions in ExamView Assessment Suite format.

Blackboard Learning System Coursepacks. These coursepacks include classroom-ready content.

Transparencies. A subset of the figures in the text are available as color acetates.

Acknowledgments We are very grateful for the help of many people in developing and completing the book. Our fi rst editor at Norton, John Byram, helped us defi ne the aims and scope of the project. Vanessa Drake-Johnson helped us shape the text, supported us in developing a strong art program, and conceived the title. Mike Wright spared no effort to bring the project to completion and to the attention of our colleagues. Our developmental editors, Philippa Solomon and Carol Pritchard-Martinez, con-

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tributed greatly to the clarity of presentation. Philippa’s strength in chemistry was invaluable in improving our presentation of metabolism. Trish Marx and the photo researchers did a heroic job of tracking down all kinds of images from sources all over the world. Our colleague Kathy Gillen provided exceptional expertise on review topics for the appendices and wrote outstanding review questions for the student website. April Lange’s coordination of electronic media development has resulted in a superb suite of resources for students and instructors alike. We thank Kathleen Campbell for authoring an instructor’s manual that demonstrates a clear understanding of our goals for the book, and Lisa Rand for editing it. Without Thom Foley’s incredible attention to detail, the innumerable moving parts of this book would never have become a fi nished book. Marian Johnson, Norton’s managing editor in the college department, helped coordinate the complex process involved in shaping the manuscript over the years. Chris Granville ably and calmly managed the transformation of manuscript to fi nished product in record time. Matthew Freeman coordinated the transfer of many drafts among many people. Steve Dunn and Betsy Twitchell have been effective advocates for the book in the marketplace. Finally, we thank Roby Harrington, Drake McFeely, and Julia Reidhead for their support of this book over its many years of development. For the quality of our illustrations we thank the many artists at Precision Graphics, who developed attractive and accurate representations and showed immense patience in getting the details right. We especially thank Kirsten Dennison for project management; Karen Hawk for the layout of every page in the book; Kim Brucker and Becky Oles for developing the art style and leading the art team; and Simon Shak for his rendering of the molecular models based on PDB fi les, including some near-impossible structures that we requested. We thank the numerous colleagues over the years who encouraged us in our project, especially the many attendees at the Microbial Stress Gordon Conferences. We greatly appreciate the insightful reviews and discussions of the manuscript provided by our colleagues, and the many researchers who contributed their micrographs and personal photos. We especially thank the American Society for Microbiology journals for providing many valuable resources. Reviewers Bob Bender, Bob Kadner, and Caroline Harwood offered particularly insightful comments on the metabolism and genetics sections, and James Brown offered invaluable assistance in improving the coverage of microbial evolution. Peter Rich was especially thoughtful in providing materials from the archive of Peter Mitchell. We also thank the following reviewers: Laurie A. Achenbach, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Stephen B. Aley, University of Texas, El Paso Mary E. Allen, Hartwick College Shivanthi Anandan, Drexel University Brandi Baros, Allegheny College Gail Begley, Northeastern University Robert A. Bender, University of Michigan Michael J. Benedik, Texas A&M University George Bennett, Rice University Kathleen Bobbitt, Wagner College James Botsford, New Mexico State University Nancy Boury, Iowa State University of Science and Technology Jay Brewster, Pepperdine University James W. Brown, North Carolina State University Whitney Brown, Kenyon College undergraduate Alyssa Bumbaugh, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Kathleen Campbell, Emory University Alana Synhoff Canupp, Paxon School for Advanced Studies, Jacksonville, FL Jeffrey Cardon, Cornell College

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Tyrrell Conway, University of Oklahoma Vaughn Cooper, University of New Hampshire Marcia L. Cordts, University of Iowa James B. Courtright, Marquette University James F. Curran, Wake Forest University Paul Dunlap, University of Michigan David Faguy, University of New Mexico Bentley A. Fane, University of Arizona Bruce B. Farnham, Metropolitan State College of Denver Noah Fierer, University of Colorado, Boulder Linda E. Fisher, late of the University of Michigan, Dearborn Robert Gennis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Charles Hagedorn, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Caroline Harwood, University of Washington Chris Heffelfi nger, Yale University graduate student Joan M. Henson, Montana State University Michael Ibba, Ohio State University Nicholas J. Jacobs, Dartmouth College Douglas I. Johnson, University of Vermont Robert J. Kadner, late of the University of Virginia Judith Kandel, California State University, Fullerton Robert J. Kearns, University of Dayton Madhukar Khetmalas, University of Central Oklahoma Dennis J. Kitz, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Janice E. Knepper, Villanova University Jill Kreiling, Brown University Donald LeBlanc, Pfi zer Global Research and Development (retired) Robert Lausch, University of South Alabama Petra Levin, Washington University in St. Louis Elizabeth A. Machunis-Masuoka, University of Virginia Stanley Maloy, San Diego State University John Makemson, Florida International University Scott B. Mulrooney, Michigan State University Spencer Nyholm, Harvard University John E. Oakes, University of South Alabama Oladele Ogunseitan, University of California, Irvine Anna R. Oller, University of Central Missouri Rob U. Onyenwoke, Kenyon College Michael A. Pfaller, University of Iowa Joseph Pogliano, University of California, San Diego Martin Polz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Robert K. Poole, University of Sheffield Edith Porter, California State University, Los Angeles S. N. Rajagopal, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse James W. Rohrer, University of South Alabama Michelle Rondon, University of Wisconsin-Madison Donna Russo, Drexel University Pratibha Saxena, University of Texas, Austin Herb E. Schellhorn, McMaster University Kurt Schesser, University of Miami Dennis Schneider, University of Texas, Austin Margaret Ann Scuderi, Kenyon College Ann C. Smith Stein, University of Maryland, College Park John F. Stolz, Duquesne University Marc E. Tischler, University of Arizona

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Monica Tischler, Benedictine University Beth Traxler, University of Washington Luc Van Kaer, Vanderbilt University Lorraine Grace Van Waasbergen, The University of Texas, Arlington Costantino Vetriani, Rutgers University Amy Cheng Vollmer, Swarthmore College Andre Walther, Cedar Crest College Robert Weldon, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Christine White-Ziegler, Smith College Jianping Xu, McMaster University Finally, we offer special thanks to our families for their support. Joan’s husband Michael Barich offered unfailing support, and her son Daniel Barich contributed photo research, as well as filling the indispensable role of technical director for the Microbial Biorealm website. John’s wife Zarrintaj (“Zari”) Aliabadi contributed to the text development, especially the sections on medical microbiology and public health.

To the Reader: Thanks! We greatly appreciate your selection of this book as your introduction to the science of microbiology. This is a fi rst edition, and as such can certainly benefit from the input of readers. We welcome your comments, especially if you find text or figures that are in error or unclear. Feel free to contact us at the addresses listed below. Joan L. Slonczewski [emailprotected] John W. Foster [emailprotected]

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About the Authors

JOAN L . SLONCZEWSKI received her B.A. from Bryn Mawr College and her Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University, where she studied bacterial motility with Robert M. Macnab. After postdoctoral work at the University of Pennsylvania, she has since taught undergraduate microbiology in the Department of Biology at Kenyon College, where she earned a Silver Medal in the National Professor of the Year program of the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. She has published numerous research articles with undergraduate coauthors on bacterial pH regulation, and has published five science fiction novels including A Door into Ocean, which earned the John W. Campbell Memorial Award. She serves as At-large Member representing Divisions on the Council Policy Committee of the American Society for Microbiology, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

JOHN W. FOSTER received his B.S. from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science (now the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia), and his Ph.D. from Hahnemann University (now Drexel University School of Medicine), also in Philadelphia, where he worked with Albert G. Moat. After postdoctoral work at Georgetown University, he joined the Marshall University School of Medicine in West Virginia; he is currently teaching in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Foster has coauthored three editions of the textbook Microbial Physiology and has published over 100 journal articles describing the physiology and genetics of microbial stress responses. He has served as Chair of the Microbial Physiology and Metabolism division of the American Society for Microbiology and is a member of the editorial advisory board of the journal Molecular Microbiology.


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Microbiology An Evolving Science


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Part 1

The Microbial Cell AN INTERVIEW WITH Courtesy of Rita Colwell


Rita Colwell is Distinguished Professor at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University and served as director of the USA National Science Foundation from 1998 to 2004. Colwell’s decades of research on Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, have revealed its natural ecology, its genome sequence, and ways to control it. Colwell originated the concept of viable but nonculturable microorgan-

Rita Colwell, former director of the National Science Foundation.

isms, microbial cells that metabolize but cannot be cultured in the laboratory. She is now chairman of the board of Canon US Life Sciences, Inc., and she represents the American Society for Microbiology at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Why did you decide to make a career in microbiology?

I was fi rst inspired by the report of my college roommate at Purdue University about a wonderful bacteriology professor, Dr. Dorothy Powelson, probably one of only two women at Purdue who were full professors at the time. I enrolled in Powelson’s course and was truly inspired by this remarkable woman who was so interested in microbiology and made it fascinating for her students. How did you choose to study Vibrio cholerae? What makes this organism interesting?

I chose to study Vibrio cholerae as a result of my having become an “expert” on vibrios through my graduate dissertation on marine microorganisms. Vibrios were the most readily culturable of the marine bacteria and were therefore considered the most dominant. Of course, new information indicates that although vibrios are the dominant bacteria in many estuarine areas, there are other organisms that are very difficult to culture that are important as well.

When I took my fi rst faculty position at Georgetown University, a friend of mine at NIH, Dr. John Feeley, suggested that I study Vibrio cholerae. What makes V. cholerae interesting is that it is a human pathogen of extremely great importance, yet resides naturally in estuaries and coastal areas of the world. What is it like to study this organism?

Vibrio cholerae is naturally occurring (in the environment outside humans) and therefore can never be eradicated; it carries out important functions in the environment, and significant among these is its ability to digest chitin, the structural component of shellfish and many zooplankton. It is at once a “recycling agent” and a public health threat in the form of the massive epidemics of cholera that it causes. You led an international collaboration in Bangladesh training women to avoid cholera by filtering water through sari cloth. How did the sari cloth filtration project come about?

It came about through collaboration with the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases, Bangladesh, located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the Mattlab Field Laboratory, which is located in the village area of Mattlab, Bangladesh. Our work had shown that Vibrio cholerae is associated with environmental zooplankton, namely, the copepod. The notion that the copepods are large and could be filtered out and therefore lead to reduced incidence of cholera was a result of my work on the vibrios and the relationships described by my students, notably, Dr. Anwar Huq, who did his thesis on Vibrio cholerae attachment to copepods. Anwar Huq is now an associate professor at the University of Maryland. An important collaborator was Nell Roberts, an outstanding public health microbiologist at Lake Charles, Louisiana, working on public health problems. Nell, Professor Xu (a colleague from Qingdao, China), and I did the critical experiment showing the presence of Vibrio cholerae in water from which blue crabs had been harvested—the cause of an outbreak of cholera in Louisiana back in 1982. We were able to use fluorescent antibody to show the presence of the vibrio on copepods in the water. From there, the idea of sari cloth came about in searching for a very inexpensive fi lter for use by village


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3 µm

the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. As a microbiologist, I was able to bring a molecular understanding of biology to the NSF, while as an interdisciplinary researcher, I was attuned to the needs of all aspects of science, from astronomy to physics. In the biological sciences, my major impact was in launching the Biocomplexity Initiative, which has been enormously productive and continues to yield new information on biological systems, including those of microbiology.

Vibrio cholerae bacteria (left) colonize copepods such as this one (right).

What do you think are the most exciting areas for students entering microbiology today?

women in Bangladesh. We were able to show that folded sari cloth yielded a 20-micrometer (µm) mesh net. Because plankton are 200 µm or more in size, we could fi lter them out. The hypothesis that I came up with was that by removing the copepods and associated particulates, we could reduce cholera, which proved to be the case.

Microbial diversity and microbial population studies are two emerging areas of huge interest that will lead to a better understanding of microbial evolution and development.

ology laboratory would be negative for their presence. What are the challenges of marine microbiology today? How does marine microbiology impact human health?

What are “viable but nonculturable” organisms?

Courtesy of Rita Colwell

Viable but nonculturable is a state into which gram-negative microorganisms transform under adverse conditions in the environment. In this state, the bacteria are unable to be cultured, even though they remain viable and potentially pathogenic. Hence, they pose a public health risk, since routine tests done in a bacteri-

A Bangladeshi woman filters water through sari cloth. Colwell’s graduate student Anwar Huq compares the filtered and unfiltered water.

The challenges of marine microbiology today are to understand and catalog the extraordinary diversity of marine microorganisms. The world’s oceans function in large part as a result of the activities of marine organisms. Marine microbiology impacts human health because of the many pathogens naturally occurring in the environment. But more than that, marine microorganisms may well be the cycling agent that keeps the blue planet inhabitable for humans. Marine microorganisms actively cycle carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other elements in our oceans and even play a role in the weather by producing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which is involved in cloud formation and moisture condensation. Why did you move to the National Science Foundation? What difference did you make as a microbiologist heading NSF?

I was asked by the president of the United States to serve as director of the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is a position appointed by

What advice do you have for today’s students?

Develop an expertise as an undergraduate in some area of science, whether it be biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, or some other area of science or engineering, and be creative and curious about other disciplines. The world of the future will be interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary. How does your family relate to your work?

I have been happily married ever since I graduated from college! We have two daughters. One is a medical doctor (pediatrician). She recently was named an outstanding physician scholar and voted the best physician in her fellowship class by her colleagues. She also worked in Africa on delivery of health care to women in Tanzania for her PhD. We are equally proud of our other daughter, who earned a PhD in evolutionary biology and now works for the U.S. Geological Survey, cataloging rare plants in Yosemite National Park and Forest. 3

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Chapter 1

Microbial Life: Origin and Discovery 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

From Germ to Genome: What Is a Microbe? Microbes Shape Human History Medical Microbiology Microbial Ecology The Microbial Family Tree Cell Biology and the DNA Revolution

Life on Earth began early in our planet’s history with microscopic organisms, or microbes. Microbial life has since shaped our atmosphere, our geology, and the energy cycles of all ecosystems. A human body contains ten times as many microbes as it does human cells, including numerous tiny bacteria on the skin and in the digestive tract. Throughout history, humans have had a hidden partnership with microbes ranging from food production and preservation to mining for precious minerals. Yet throughout most of our history, humans were unaware that microbes even existed. To study these unseen organisms required a microscope, first developed in the 1600s. In the nineteenth century—the “golden age” of microbiology—microscopes revealed the tiny organisms at work in our bodies and in our ecosystems. The twentieth century saw the rise of microbes as the engines of biotechnology. Microbial discoveries led to recombinant DNA and revealed the secrets of the first sequenced genomes.

Lactobacillus salivarius bacteria grow normally in human skin, where they produce bacteriocins, compounds that protect us from disease-causing bacteria. Their multi-part genome was sequenced by Marcus Claesson and colleagues. (Claesson, et al. 2006. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:6718.) Scanning electron micrograph is from Sinead Leahy and D. John, Trinity College, Dublin. Cell length, 1–2 µm.


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Chapter 1

■ M ic r o b ia l L ife : O r ig in and Disc ov ery

Yet before microscopes were developed in the seventeenth century, we humans were unaware of the unseen living organisms that surround us, that float in the air we breathe and the water we drink, and that inhabit our own bodies. Microbes generate the very air we breathe, including nitrogen gas and much of the oxygen and carbon dioxide. They fi x nitrogen into forms used by plants, and they make essential vitamins, such as vitamin B12. Microbes are the primary producers of major food webs, particularly in the oceans; when we eat fi sh, we indirectly consume tons of algae at the base of the food chain. At the same time, virulent pathogens take our lives. Despite all the advances of modern medicine and public health, microbial disease remains the number one cause of human mortality. In the twentieth century, the science of microbiology exploded with discoveries, creating entire new fields such as genetic engineering. The promise—and pitfalls—were dramatized by Michael Crichton’s best-selling science fiction novel and fi lm, The Andromeda Strain (1969; fi lmed in 1971). In The Andromeda Strain, scientists at a top-secret laboratory race to identify a deadly pathogen from outer space—or perhaps from a biowarfare lab (Fig. 1.3A). The fi lm prophetically depicts the computerization of medical research, as well as the emergence of pathogens, such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), that can yet defeat the efforts of advanced science. Today, we discover surprising new kinds of microbes deep underground and in places previously thought uninhabitable, such as the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park (Fig. 1.3B). These microbes shape our biosphere and provide new tools that impact human society. For example, the use of heat-resistant bacterial DNA polymerase (a DNA-replicating enzyme) in a technique called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allows us to detect minute amounts of DNA in traces of blood or fossil bone. Microbial technologies led us from the discovery of the double helix to the sequence of the human genome, the total genetic information that defi nes our species. In this chapter, we introduce the concept of a microbe and the question of how microbial life originated. We then survey the history of human discovery of the role microbes play in disease and in our ecosystems. Finally, we address the exciting century of molecular microbiology, in which microbial genetics and genomics have transformed the face of modern biology and medicine. NASA

In 2004, the two Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, landed on the planet Mars (Fig. 1.1). The rovers carried scientific instruments to test Martian rocks, to identify minerals and to assess the size and shape of sedimentary particles. The identity of the minerals, as well as their particle structure, could yield clues as to whether the Martian surface had ever been shaped by liquid water. Evidence for water would support the possible existence of living microbes. Why do we care whether microbes exist on Mars? The discovery of life beyond Earth would fundamentally change how we see our place in the universe. The observation of Martian life could yield clues as to the origin of our own biosphere and expand our knowledge of the capabilities of living cells on our own planet. As of this writing, the existence of microbial life on Mars remains unknown, but here on Earth, many terrestrial microbes remain as mysterious as Mars. Barely 0.1% of the microbes in our biosphere can be cultured in the laboratory; even the digestive tract of a newborn infant contains species of bacteria unknown to science. Our “exploration rovers” for microbiology include, for example, new tools of microscopy and the sequencing of microbial DNA. On Earth, the microscope reveals microbes throughout our biosphere, from the superheated black smoker vents at the ocean floor to the subzero ice fields of Antarctica. Bacteria such as Escherichia coli live in our intestinal tract, while algae and cyanobacteria turn ponds green (Fig. 1.2). Protists are the predators of the microscopic world. And viruses such as papillomavirus cause disease, as do many bacteria and protists.

Figure 1.1 Is there microbial life on Mars? On February 9, 2004, the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (inset) photographed this windswept surface of the planet Mars. Rock samples were tested for distinctive minerals that are formed by the action of water. The presence of liquid water today would increase the chance that microbial life exists on Mars.

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From Germ to Genome: What Is a Microbe?

From early childhood, we hear that we are surrounded by microscopic organisms, or “germs,” that we cannot see. What are microbes? Our modern concept of a

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Michel Viard/Peter Arnold, Inc.

1 µm

250 µm


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5 µm

Manfred Kage/Peter Arnold, Inc.


Linda Stannard, UCT/Photo Researchers, Inc.

1 mm


The M i cro b i al Ce l l

Scimat/Photo Researchers, Inc.

B. Wim van Egmond/Visuals Unlimited


50 nm

Representative microbes. A. Filamentous cyanobacteria produce oxygen for planet Earth (dark-field light micrograph). B. Escherichia coli bacteria colonize the stomata of a lettuce leaf cell (scanning electron microscopy). C. Stentor is a protist, a eukaryotic microbe. Cilia beat food into its mouth. D. Halophilic archaea, a form of life distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes, grow at extremely high salt concentration. E. Mushrooms are multicellular fungi (eukaryotes). They serve the ecosystem as decomposers. F. Papillomavirus causes genital warts, an infectious disease commonly acquired by young adults (model based on electron microscopy).

Figure 1.2

Tony Craddock/Photo Researchers, Inc.


Universal Studios, 1971


Microbial discovery: science fiction and science fact. A. In The Andromeda Strain, medical scientists try to feed a baby who was infected by a deadly pathogen from outer space. While the details of the pathogen are imaginary, the film’s approach to identifying the mystery organism captures the spirit of actual investigations of emerging diseases. B. Yellowstone National Park hot springs are surrounded by mats of colorful microbes that grow above 80°C in waters containing sulfuric acid. Bacteria discovered at Yellowstone produce enzymes used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a technique of DNA amplification.

Figure 1.3

microbe has deepened through two major research tools: advanced microscopy and the sequencing of genomic DNA. Modern microscopy is covered in Chapter 2, and microbial genetics and genomics are presented in Chapters 6–12.

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A Microbe Is a Microscopic Organism A microbe is commonly defi ned as a living organism that requires a microscope to be seen. Microbial cells range in size from millimeters (mm) down to 0.2 micrometers

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■ M ic r o b ia l L ife : O r ig in and Disc ov ery

Chapter 1

(µm), and viruses may be tenfold smaller (Table 1.1). Some microbes consist of a single cell, the smallest unit of life, a membrane-enclosed compartment of water solution containing molecules that carry out metabolism. Each microbe contains in its genome the capacity to reproduce its own kind. Our simple defi nition of a microbe, however, leaves us with contradictions. ■

Super-size microbial cells. Most single-celled organisms require a microscope to render them visible and thus fit the definition of “microbe.” Nevertheless, some species of protists and algae, and even some bacterial cells are large enough to see with the naked eye (Fig. 1.4). The marine sulfur bacterium Thiomargarita namibiensis, called the sulfur pearl of Namibia, grows as large as the head of a fruit fly. Even more surprising, a single-celled plant, the “killer algae” Caulerpa taxifolia, spreads through the coastal waters of California. The single cell covers many acres with its leaf-like cell parts. Microbial communities. Many microbes form complex multicellular assemblages, such as mushrooms, kelps, and biofi lms. In these structures, cells are differentiated into distinct types that complement each other’s function, as in multicellular organisms. And yet, some multicellular worms and arthropods require a microscope to see but are not considered microbes.

Viruses. A virus consists of a noncellular particle containing genetic material that takes over the metabolism of a cell to generate more virus particles. Although viruses are considered microbes, they are not fully functional cells. Some viruses consist of only a few molecular parts, whereas others, such as the Mimivirus infecting amebas (also spelled amoebae) show the size and complexity of a cell.

NOTE: Each section contains questions to think about. These thought questions may have various answers. Possible responses are posted at the back of the book.

THOUGHT QUESTION 1.1 The minimum size of known microbial cells is about 0.2 µm. Could even smaller cells be discovered? What factors may determine the minimum size of a cell? THOUGHT QUESTION 1.2 If viruses are not functional cells, are they truly “alive”? In practice, our defi nition of a microbe derives from tradition as well as genetic considerations. In this book, we consider microbes to include prokaryotes (cells lacking a nucleus, including bacteria and archaea) as well as certain classes of eukaryotes (cells with a nucleus) that

Table 1.1 Sizes of some microbes. Microbe


Approximate size

Varicella-zoster virus 1 Prochlorococcus Rhizobium Spirogyra Pelomyxa (an ameba)

Virus that causes chicken pox and shingles Photosynthetic marine bacteria Bacteria that fix N2 in symbiosis with leguminous plants Filamentous algae found in aquatic habitat Protists found in solid or aquatic habitat

100 nanometers (nm) = 10–7 meter (m) 500 nm = 5 × 10–7 m 1 micrometer (µm) = 10–6 m 40 µm = 4 × 10–5 m (cell width) 5 millimeters (mm)

Giant microbial cells. A. The largest known bacterium, Thiomargarita namibiensis, a marine sulfur metabolizer, nearly the size of the head of a fruit fly. B. “Killer algae,” Caulerpa taxifolia. All the fronds constitute a single cell, the largest single-celled organism on Earth. Growing off the coast of California.

Figure 1.4 Rachel Woodfield, Merkel & Associates

1 mm

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Thiomargarita namibiensis Heide N. Shulz, University of Hanover, Germany


Source: A. Reprinted with permission from H. N. Shulz, et al. 1999. Science 284(5413):493. © 2005 AAAS.

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The M i cro b i al Ce l l


Bacteria Prokaryotes Common ancestor

Archaea Algae and plants Eukarya

Fungi and animals



Figure 1.5 Three domains of life. Analysis of DNA sequence reveals the ancient divergence of three domains of living organisms: Bacteria and Archaea (both prokaryotes) and Eukarya (eukaryotes). The color code shown here is used throughout this book to indicate the three domains.

include simple multicellular forms: algae, fungi, and protists (Fig. 1.5). The bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes— known as the three domains—diverged from a common ancestral cell. We also discuss viruses and related infectious particles (Chapters 6 and 11). DNA. The sequence of base pairs in DNA encodes all the genetic information of an organism.

Figure 1.6 NOTE: The formal names of the three domains are

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Members of these domains are called bacteria (singular, bacterium), archaea (singular, archaeon), and eukaryotes (singular, eukaryote), respectively. The microbiology literature includes alternative spellings for some of these terms, such as “archaean” and “eucaryote.”

Microbial Genomes Are Sequenced Our understanding of microbes has grown tremendously through the study of their genomes. A genome is the total genetic information contained in an organism’s chromosomal DNA (Fig. 1.6). By determining the sequence of genes in a microbe’s genome, we learn a lot about how that microbe grows and associates with other species. For

example, if a microbe’s genome includes genes for nitrogenase, a nitrogen-fi xing enzyme, that microbe probably can fi x nitrogen from the atmosphere into compounds that plants can assimilate into protein. And by comparing DNA sequences, we can measure the degree of relatedness between different species based on the time since they diverged from a common ancestor. Historically, the fi rst genomes to be sequenced were those of viruses. The fi rst genome whose complete DNA sequence was determined was that of a bacteriophage (a virus that infects bacteria), bacteriophage φX174. The DNA sequence of φX174 was determined in 1977 by Fred Sanger (Fig. 1.7A), who shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Walter Gilbert and Paul Berg for developing the method of DNA sequence analysis. The


Microbial genome sequencers. A. Fred Sanger, who shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for devising the method of DNA sequence analysis that is the basis of modern genome sequencing. He is reading sequence data from bands of DNA separated by electrophoresis. B. Claire Fraser-Liggett, past president of The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), which completed the sequences of H. influenzae and many other microbial genomes.


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The Institute for Genomic Research

Fred Sanger/MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Figure 1.7

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Ch ap t e r 1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

genome of bacteriophage φX174 includes over 5,000 base pairs, with just ten genes encoding proteins (Fig. 1.8A). Its genome is so compact that several gene sequences actually overlap, sharing the same segment of nucleotides (for example, genes C and K).

The Nobel Prize website presents the lectures and autobiographies of all Nobel Prize winners, including many who were awarded for advances in microbiology.

A. Genome of bacteriophage φX174

Minor spike protein



Major spike protein

DNA synthesis protein



Major coat protein




Capsid formation

K DNA maturation protein

Cell lysis protein DNA condensation

B. Genome of Haemophilus influenzae Sma I Not I Sma I Sma I 1800000 1 1700000

Gene classification based on functional categories 100000 Rsr II Sma I 200000

Sma I 1600000 Sma I Rsr II 1500000 CNRI/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Sma I Sma I Sma I 300000 Rsr II

1400000 Sma I


1 µm


600000 Sma I Sma I Sma I 700000 Sma I 800000 Sma I

Sma I 1200000

1100000 Sma I 1000000 Rsr II


Translation Transcription Replication Regulatory functions Cell envelope Cellular processes Transport/binding proteins Central intermediary metabolism Amino acid biosynthesis Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides Energy metabolism Lipid metabolism Secondary metabolite biosynthesis, transport Other categories General function prediction only Function unknown


The first sequenced genomes. A. The first organism whose genome sequence was determined was bacteriophage φX174, a virus that grows in Escherichia coli (virus diameter, 27 nm). The entire DNA sequence of φX174 contains 5,386 base pairs specifying only ten genes (here labeled A–H and J–K), nine of whose functions have since been determined. Note the highly compact genome, with several overlapping genes. B. The genome of Haemophilus influenzae Rd, a bacterium that causes ear infections and meningitis, was the first DNA sequence completed for a cellular organism (inset, colorized electron micrograph). The genome of H. influenzae contains nearly 2 million base pairs specifying approximately 1,743 genes, which are expressed to make protein and RNA products. The annotated sequence of the genome appears on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Colored bars indicate gene sequences throughout.

Figure 1.8

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Nearly two decades passed before scientists completed the fi rst genome sequence of a cellular microbe, Haemophilus influenzae, a bacterium that causes ear infections and meningitis in children (Fig. 1.8B). The strain of H. influenzae sequenced has nearly 2 million base pairs, which specify about 1,700 genes. The sequence of H. influenzae was determined by a large team of scientists at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) led by Hamilton Smith and Craig Venter, who devised a special computational strategy for assembling large amounts of sequence data. This strategy was later applied to sequencing the human genome. Led by president Claire Fraser-Liggett, (Fig. 1.7B), TIGR sequenced the genomes of numerous microbes, such as Bacillus anthracis, the bacterium that causes anthrax, and Colwellia psychrerythraea, a cold-loving bacterium growing in Antarctic sea ice. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) provides free access to all published genome sequences. The growing availability of sequenced genomes at universities and in industry has generated the new field of comparative genomics, which involves the systematic comparison of all genomic sequences of living species, ranging from microbes to Homo sapiens. Comparative genomics reveals a set of core genes shared by all organisms, further evidence that all life on Earth shares a common ancestry.


Microbes Shape Human History

Throughout most of human history, we were unaware of the microbial world. Microorganisms have shaped human culture since our earliest civilizations. Yeasts and bacte-

The M icro b i al Ce l l


ria have made foods such as bread and cheese, as well as alcoholic beverages (Fig. 1.9A; also discussed in Chapter 16). “Rock-eating” bacteria known as lithotrophs leached copper and other metals from ores exposed by mining, enabling ancient human miners to obtain these metals. The lithotrophic oxidation of minerals for energy generates strong acid, which accelerates breakdown of the ore. Today, about 20% of the world’s copper, as well as some uranium and zinc, are produced by bacterial leaching. Unfortunately, microbial acidification also consumes the stone of ancient monuments (Fig. 1.9B), a process intensified by airborne acidic pollution. Management of microbial corrosion is an important field of applied microbiology. As humans became aware of microbes, our relationship with the microbial world changed in important ways (Table 1.2, pages 14–15). Early microscopists in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries formulated key concepts of microbial existence, including their means of reproduction and death. In the nineteenth century, the “golden age” of microbiology, key principles of disease pathology and microbial ecology were established that scientists still use today. This period laid the foundation for modern science, in which genetics and molecular biology provide powerful tools for scientists to manipulate microorganisms for medicine and industry.

Microbial Disease Devastates Human Populations Throughout history, microbial diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy have profoundly affected human demographics and cultural practices (Fig. 1.10). The bubonic plague, which wiped out a third of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century, was caused by Yersinia pestis, a bacterium spread by rat fleas. Ironically, the plague-induced population decline enabled the social



Production and destruction by microbes. A. Roquefort cheeses ripening in France. B. Statue undergoing decay from the action of lithotrophic microbes. The process is accelerated by acid rain. Cathedral of Cologne, Germany.

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Johner Images/Getty Images


Figure 1.9

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Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery A.

The Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, is the global center of modern medical statistics and epidemiology.



Private Collection/Bridgeman Art Library

Bridgeman Art Library

transformation that led to the Renaissance, a period of unprecedented cultural advancement. In the nineteenth century, the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis stalked overcrowded cities, and tuberculosis became so common that the pallid appearance of tubercular patients became a symbol of tragic youth in European literature. Today, societies throughout the world have been profoundly shaped by the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Historians traditionally emphasize the role of warfare in shaping human destiny, the brilliance of leaders or the advantage of new technology in determining which civilizations rise or fall. Yet the fate of human societies has often been determined by microbes. For example, much of the native population of North America was exterminated by smallpox unwittingly introduced by European invaders. Throughout history, more soldiers have died of microbial infections than of wounds in battle. The significance of disease in warfare was fi rst recognized by the British nurse and statistician Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) (Fig. 1.11). Better known as the founder of professional nursing, Nightingale also founded the science of medical statistics. She used methods invented by French statisticians to demonstrate the high mortality rate due to disease among British soldiers during the Crimean War. Nightingale’s statistics convinced the British government to improve army living conditions and to upgrade the standards of army hospitals. In modern epidemiology, statistical analysis continues to serve as a crucial tool in determining the causes of disease.

Figure 1.10 Microbial disease in history and culture. A. Medieval church procession to ward off the Black Death (bubonic plague). B. The AIDS Memorial Quilt spread before the Washington Monument. Each panel of the quilt memorializes an individual who died of AIDS.



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Figure 1.11 Florence Nightingale, founder of medical statistics. A. Florence Nightingale was the first to use medical statistics to demonstrate the significance of mortality due to disease. B. Nightingale’s polar area chart of mortality data during the Crimean War.

The Florence Nightingale Museum Trust, London

The seventeenth century was a time of growing inquiry and excitement about the “natural magic” of science and patterns of our world, such as the laws of gravitation and motion formulated by Isaac Newton (1642–1727). Robert Boyle (1627–1691) performed the fi rst controlled experiments on the chemical conversion of matter. Physicians attempted new treatments for disease involving the application of “stone and minerals” (that is, the application of chemicals), what today we would call chemotherapy. Minds


Microscopes Reveal the Microbial World

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The M icro b i al Ce l l

were open to at least consider the astounding possibility that our surroundings, indeed our very bodies, were inhabited by tiny living beings.

fi rst microscopist to publish a systematic study of the world as seen under a microscope was Robert Hooke (1635–1703). As Curator of Experiments to the Royal Society of London, Hooke built the fi rst compound microscope—a magnifying instrument containing two or more lenses that multiply their magnification in series. With his microscope, Hooke observed biological materials such as nematode “vinegar eels,” mites, and mold fi laments, illustrations of which he published in Micrographia (1665), the fi rst publication that illustrated objects observed under a microscope (Fig. 1.12). Hooke was the fi rst to observe distinct units of living material, which he called “cells.” Hooke fi rst named the units cells because the shape of hollow cell walls in a slice of cork reminded him of the shape of monks’ cells in a monastery. But his crude lenses achieved at best 30-fold power (30 ×), so he never observed single-celled organisms. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek observes bacteria with a single lens. Hooke’s Micrographia inspired other micros-

copists, including Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723), who became the fi rst individual to observe single-celled microbes (Fig. 1.13A). As a young man, Leeuwenhoek lived in the Dutch city of Delft, where he worked as a cloth draper, a profession that introduced him to magnifying glasses. (The magnifying glasses were used to inspect the quality of the cloth, enabling the worker to count the number of threads.) Later in life, he took up

Milton S. Eisenhower Library

Robert Hooke observes the microscopic world. The

Hooke’s Micrographia. An illustration of mold sporangia, drawn by Hooke in 1665, from his observations of objects using a compound microscope.

Figure 1.12

the hobby of grinding ever stronger lenses to see into the world of the unseen. Leeuwenhoek ground lenses stronger than Hooke’s, which he used to build single-lens magnifiers, complete with sample holder and focus adjustment (Fig. 1.13B). First he observed insects, including lice and fleas, then the relatively large single cells of protists and algae, then ultimately bacteria. One day he applied his microscope to observe matter extracted from between his teeth. He wrote, “to my great surprise [I] perceived that the aforesaid matter contained very many small living Animals, which moved themselves very extravagantly.” Over the rest of his life, Leeuwenhoek recorded page after page on the movement of microbes, reporting their size and shape so accurately that in many cases we can determine the species he observed (Fig. 1.13C).




Lens Sample holder Brian J. Ford

Focus knob


Sample mover

van Leeuwenhoek microscope (circa late 1600s)

Figure 1.13 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. A. A portrait of Leeuwenhoek, the first person to observe individual microbes. B. “Microscope” (magnifying glass) used by Leeuwenhoek. C. Spiral bacteria viewed through a replica of Leeuwenhoek’s instrument.

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Table 1.2 Microbes and human history. Date

Microbial discovery

Discoverer(s) Microbes impact human culture without detection

10,000 BC 1,500 BC 50 BC 1546 AD

Food and drink are produced by microbial fermentation. Tuberculosis, polio, leprosy, and smallpox are evident in mummies and tomb art. Copper is recovered from mine water acidified by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Syphilis and other diseases are observed to be contagious.

1676 1688 1717

Microbes are observed under a microscope. Spontaneous generation is disproved for maggots. Smallpox is prevented by inoculation of pox material, a rudimentary form of immunization.

1765 1798 1835 1847 1881

Microbe growth in organic material is prevented by boiling in a sealed flask. Cowpox vaccination prevents smallpox. Fungus causes disease in silkworms (first pathogen to be demonstrated in animals). Chlorine as antiseptic wash for doctor’s hands decreases pathogens. Bacterial spores survive boiling, but are killed by cyclic boiling and cooling.

1855 1857 1864 1866 1867 1877 1881 1882 1884 1884 1886 1889 1889 1899

Statistical correlation is shown between sanitation and mortality (Crimean War). Microbial fermentation produces lactic acid or alcohol. Microbes fail to appear spontaneously, even in the presence of oxygen. Microbes are defined as a class distinct from animals and plants. Antisepsis during surgery prevents patient death. Bacteria are a causative agent in developing anthrax. The first artificial vaccine is developed (against anthrax). First pure culture of colonies on solid medium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Koch’s postulates are published, based on anthrax and tuberculosis. Gram stain devised to distinguish bacteria from human cells. Intestinal bacteria include Escherichia coli, the future model organism. Bacteria oxidize iron and sulfur (lithotrophy). Bacteria isolated from root nodules are proposed to fix nitrogen. The concept of a virus is proposed to explain tobacco mosaic disease.

Egyptians, Chinese, and others Egyptians Roman metal workers under Julius Caesar Girolamo Fracastoro (Padua)

Early microscopy and the origin of microbes Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (Netherlands) Francesco Redi (Italian) Turkish women taught Lady Montagu, who brought the practice to England Lazzaro Spallanzani (Padua) Edward Jenner (England) Agostino Bassi de Lodi (Italy) Ignaz Semmelweis (Hungary) John Tyndall (Ireland)

“Golden age” of microbiology: principles and methods established Florence Nightingale (England) Louis Pasteur (France) Louis Pasteur (France) Ernst Haeckel (Germany) Robert Lister (England) Robert Koch (Germany) Louis Pasteur (France) Robert Koch (Germany) Robert Koch (Germany) Hans Christian Gram (Netherlands) Theodor Escherich (Austria) Sergei Winogradsky (Russia) Martinus Beijerinck (Netherlands) Martinus Beijerinck (Netherlands)

Cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics 1908 1911 1917

Antibiotic chemicals are synthesized and identified (chemotherapy). Cancer in chickens can be caused by a virus. Bacteriophages are recognized as viruses that infect bacteria.

Paul Ehrlich (USA) Peyton Rous (USA) Frederick Twort (England) and Felix D’Herelle (France) 1924 The ultracentrifuge is invented and used to measure the size of proteins. Theodor Svedberg (Sweden) 1928 Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria are transformed by a genetic material from dead cells. Frederick Griffith (England) 1929 Penicillin, the first widely successful antibiotic, is made by a fungus. The molecule Alexander Fleming (Scotland), Howard is isolated in 1941. Florey (Australia), and Ernst Chain (Germany) 1933–1945 The transmission electron microscope is invented and used to observe cells. Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll, inventors (Germany); first cells observed by Albert Claude (Belgium), Christian de Duve (Belgium), and George Palade (USA) 1937 The tricarboxylic acid cycle is discovered. Hans Krebs (England) 1938 The microbial “kingdom” is subdivided into eukaryotes and prokaryotes (Monera). Herbert Copeland (USA) 1938 Bacillus thuringiensis spray is produced as the first bacterial insecticide. Insecticide manufacturers (France) 1941 One gene encodes one enzyme in Neurospora. George Beadle and Edward Tatum (USA) 1941 Poliovirus is grown in human tissue culture. John Enders, Thomas Weller, and Frederick Robbins (USA) 1944 The genetic material responsible for transformation of S. pneumoniae is DNA. Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod, and Maclyn McCarty (USA) 1945 Bacteriophage replication mechanism is elucidated. Salvador Luria (Italy) and Max Delbrück (Germany), working in the USA 1946 Bacteria transfer DNA by conjugation. Edward Tatum and Joshua Lederberg (USA) 1946–1956 X-ray diffraction crystal structures are obtained for the first complex biological molecules, Dorothy Hodgkin, J. D. Bernal, penicillin and vitamin B12. and coworkers (England) 1950 Anaerobic culture technique is devised to study anaerobes of the bovine rumen. Robert Hungate (USA) 1950 Bacteria can carry latent bacteriophages (lysogeny). André Lwoff (France) 1951 Transposable elements are discovered in maize and later shown in bacteria, where they Barbara McClintock (USA) play key roles in evolution. 1952 DNA is injected into a cell by a bacteriophage. Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey (USA)

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Table 1.2 Microbes and human history (continued) Date

Microbial discovery

Discoverer(s) Molecular biology and recombinant DNA

1953 1953 1959 1960 1961 1966 1967 1968 1969 1972 1973 1974 1975 1975 1975 1977 1977 1978 1978 1979

The overall structure of DNA is a double helix, based on X-ray diffraction analysis.

Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins (England) Double-helical DNA consists of antiparallel chains connected by the hydrogen bonding of James Watson (USA) and Francis Crick AT and GC base pairs. (England) Expression of the messenger RNA for the E. coli lac operon is regulated by a repressor Arthur Pardee (England) and François protein. Jacob and Jacques Monod (France) Radioimmunoassay for detection of biomolecules is developed. Rosalyn Yalow and Solomon Bernson (USA) The chemiosmotic hypothesis, which states that biochemical energy is stored in a Peter Mitchell and Jennifer Moyle transmembrane proton gradient, is proposed and tested. (England) The genetic code by which DNA information specifies protein sequence is deciphered. Marshall Nirenberg, H. Gobind Khorana, and others (USA) Bacteria can grow at temperatures above 80° in hot springs at Yellowstone National Park. Thomas Brock (USA) Serial endosymbiosis is proposed to explain the evolution of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Lynn Margulis (USA) Retroviruses contain reverse transcriptase, which copies RNA to make DNA. Howard Temin, David Baltimore, Renato Dulbecco (USA) Inner and outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria (Salmonella) are separated by Mary Osborn (USA) ultracentrifugation. A recombinant DNA molecule is created in vitro (in a test tube). Stanley Cohen, Annie Chang, Robert Helling, and Herbert Boyer (USA) The bacterial flagellum is driven by a rotary motor. Howard Berg, Michael Silverman, and Melvin Simon (USA) mRNA-rRNA base pairing initiates protein synthesis. Joan Steitz and Karen Jakes (USA) and Lynn Dalgarno and John Shine (Australia) The dangers of recombinant DNA are assessed at the Asilomar Conference. Paul Berg, Maxine Singer, and colleagues (USA) Monoclonal antibodies are produced indefinitely in tissue culture by hybridomas, George Kohler and Cesar Milstein (USA) antibody-producing cells fused to cancer cells. A DNA-sequencing method is invented and used to sequence the first genome of a virus. Fred Sanger, Walter Gilbert, and Allan Maxam (USA) Archaea are a third domain of life, the others being eukaryotes and bacteria. Carl Woese (USA) The first protein catalog is compiled for E. coli based on 2D gels. Fred Neidhart, Peter O’Farrell, and colleagues (USA) Biofilms are a major form of existence of microbes. William Costerton and others (Canada) Smallpox is declared eliminated, the culmination of worldwide efforts of immunology, The World Health Organization molecular biology, and public health. Genomics, structural biology, and molecular ecology

1981 Invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) makes available large quantities of DNA. 1981–1986 Self-splicing RNA is discovered in the protist Tetrahymena, evidence that life could have originated as an “RNA world.” 1982 Archaea are discovered with optimal growth above 100°C. 1982 Viable but nonculturable bacteria contribute to ecology and pathology. 1982 1983 1983

Prions, infectious agents consisting solely of protein, are characterized. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is implicated in the development of AIDS. Genes are introduced into plants by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens plasmid vectors.


Acid-resistant Helicobacter pylori are discovered in the stomach, where they lead to gastritis. 1987–2004 Geobacter bacteria that can generate electricity are discovered, and their genomes are sequenced. 1988 Earth’s smallest and most abundant photosynthesizer is Prochlorococcus. 1993 Giant bacterium (Epulopiscium) is identified, large enough to see. 1995 The first genome is sequenced for a cellular organism, Haemophilus influenzae. 2001

The ribosome structure is obtained at near-atomic level by X-ray diffraction.


Over 1,000 genome sequences of bacteria and archaea are publicly available.

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Kary Mullis (USA) Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman (USA) Karl Stetter (Germany) Rita Colwell, Norman Pace, and others (USA) Stanley Prusiner (USA) Luc Montagnier and colleagues (France) Eugene Nester, Mary-Dell Chilton, and colleagues at the Monsanto Company (USA) Barry Marshall and Robin Warren (Australia) Derek Lovley and colleagues (USA) Sallie Chisholm and colleagues (USA) Esther Angert and Norman Pace (USA) Craig Venter, Hamilton Smith, Claire Fraser, and others (USA) Marat Yusupov, Harry Noller, and colleagues (USA) National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA)

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Ch ap t e r 1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

He performed experiments, comparing, for example, the appearance of “small animals” from his teeth before and after drinking hot coffee. The disappearance of microbes from his teeth after drinking a hot beverage suggested that heat killed microbes—a profoundly important principle for the study and control of microbes ever since. Ironically, Leeuwenhoek is believed to have died of a disease contracted from sheep whose bacteria he observed. Historians have often wondered why it took so many centuries for Leeuwenhoek and his successors to determine the link between microbes and disease. Although observers such as Agostino Bassi de Lodi noted isolated cases of microbes associated with pathology (see Table 1.2), the very ubiquity of microbes— most of them actually harmless—may have obscured their more deadly roles. Also, it was hard to distinguish between microbes and the single-celled components of the human body, such as blood cells and sperm. It was not until the nineteenth century that human tissues could be distinguished from microbial cells by the application of differential chemical stains (discussed in Chapter 2). THOUGHT QUESTION 1.3 Why do you think it took so long for humans to connect microbes with infectious disease?

showed that a sealed flask of meat broth sterilized by boiling failed to grow microbes. Spallanzani also noticed that microbes often appeared in pairs. Were these two parental microbes coupling to produce offspring, or did one microbe become two? By long and tenacious observation, Spallanzani watched a single microbe grow in size until it split in two. Thus, he demonstrated cell fission, the process by which cells arise by the splitting of preexisting cells. Even Spallanzani’s experiments, however, did not put the matter to rest. Proponents of spontaneous generation argued that the microbes in the priest’s flask lacked access to oxygen and therefore could not grow. The pursuit of this question was left to future microbiologists, including the famous French microbiologist Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) (Fig. 1.14A). In addressing spontaneous generation and related questions, Pasteur and his contemporaries laid the foundations for modern microbiology. Louis Pasteur reveals the biochemical basis of microbial growth. Pasteur began his scientific career as

a chemist and wrote his doctoral thesis on the struc-

A. Institut Pasteur


Spontaneous Generation: Do Microbes Have Parents? The observation of microscopic organisms led priests and philosophers to wonder where they came from. In the eighteenth century, scientists and church leaders intensely debated the question of spontaneous generation, the theory that living creatures such as maggots could arise spontaneously, without parental organisms. Chemists of the day tended to support spontaneous generation, as it appeared similar to the changes in matter that could occur upon mixture of chemicals. Christian church leaders, however, supported the biblical view that all organisms have “parents” going back to the fi rst week of creation. The Italian priest Francesco Redi (1626–1697) showed that maggots in decaying meat were the offspring of fl ies. Meat kept in a sealed container, excluding fl ies, did not produce maggots. Thus, Redi’s experiment argued against spontaneous generation for macroscopic organisms. The meat still putrefied, however, producing microbes that seemed to arise “without parents.” To disprove spontaneous generation of microbes, another Italian priest, Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799),

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Open to air


S curve excludes dust and microbes Growth medium

Figure 1.14 Louis Pasteur, founder of medical microbiology and immunology. A. Pasteur’s contributions to the science of microbiology and immunology earned him lasting fame. B. Swan-necked flask. Pasteur showed that in such a flask, after boiling, the contents remain free of microbial growth, despite access to air.

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ture of organic crystals. He discovered the fundamental chemical property of chirality, the fact that some organic molecules exist in two forms that differ only by mirror symmetry. In other words, the two structures are mirror images of one another, like the right and left hands. Pasteur found that when microbes were cultured on a nutrient substance containing both mirror forms, only one mirror form was consumed. He concluded that the metabolic preference for one mirror form was a fundamental property of life. Subsequent research has confi rmed that most biological molecules, such as DNA and proteins, occur in only one of their mirror forms. As a chemist, Pasteur was asked to help with a widespread problem encountered by French manufacturers of wine and beer. The production of alcoholic beverages is now known to occur by fermentation, a process by which microbes gain energy by converting sugars into alcohol. In the time of Pasteur, however, the conversion of grapes or grain to alcohol was believed to be a spontaneous chemical process. No one could explain why some fermentation mixtures produced vinegar (acetic acid) instead of alcohol. Pasteur discovered that fermentation is actually caused by living yeast, a singlecelled fungus. In the absence of oxygen, yeast produces alcohol as a terminal waste product. But when the yeast culture is contaminated with bacteria, the bacteria outgrow the yeast and produce acetic acid instead of alcohol. (Fermentative metabolism is discussed further in Chapter 13.) Pasteur’s work on fermentation led him to test a key claim made by proponents of spontaneous generation. The proponents claimed that Spallanzani’s failure to fi nd spontaneous appearance of microbes was due to lack of oxygen. From his studies of yeast fermentation, Pasteur knew that some microbial species do not require oxygen for growth. So he devised an unsealed flask with a long, bent “swan neck” that admitted air but kept the boiled contents free of microbes (Fig. 1.14B). The famous swannecked flasks remained free of microbial growth for many years; but when a flask was tilted to enable contact of broth with microbe-containing dust, growth occurred immediately. Thus, Pasteur disproved that lack of oxygen was the reason for failure of spontaneous generation in Spallanzani’s flasks. But even Pasteur’s work did not prove that microbial growth requires preexisting microbes. The Irish scientist John Tyndall (1820–1893) attempted the same experiment as Pasteur, but sometimes found the opposite result. Tyndall found that the broth sometimes gave rise to microbes, no matter how long it was sterilized by boiling. The microbes appear because some kinds of organic matter, particularly hay infusion, are contami-

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nated with a heat-resistant form of bacteria called endospores (or spores). The spore form can only be eliminated by repeated cycles of boiling and resting, in which the spores germinate to the growing, vegetative form that is killed at 100°C. It was later discovered that endospores could be killed by boiling under pressure, as in a pressure cooker, which generates higher temperatures than can be obtained at atmospheric pressure. The steam pressure device called the autoclave became a standard method for the sterilization of materials required for the controlled study of microbes. (Microbial control and antisepsis are discussed further in Chapter 5.) While spontaneous generation has been discredited as a continual source of microbes, at some point in the past the fi rst living organisms must have originated from nonliving materials. The origin of life is explored in Special Topic 1.1. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Microbes affected human civilization for centuries before humans guessed at their existence through their contributions to our environment, food and drink production, and infectious diseases. Robert Hooke and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek were the fi rst to record observations of microbes through simple microscopes. Spontaneous generation is the theory that microbes arise spontaneously, without parental organisms. Lazzaro Spallanzani showed that microbes arise from preexisting microbes and demonstrated that heat sterilization can prevent microbial growth. Louis Pasteur discovered the microbial basis of fermentation. He also showed that providing oxygen does not enable spontaneous generation. John Tyndall showed that repeated cycles of heat were necessary to eliminate spores formed by certain kinds of bacteria. Florence Nightingale quantified statistically the impact of infectious disease on human populations.


Medical Microbiology

Over the centuries, thoughtful observers, such as Fracastoro and Agostino Bassi (see Table 1.2), noted a connection between microbes and disease. Ultimately, researchers developed the germ theory of disease, the theory that many diseases are caused by microbes. The fi rst to establish a scientific basis for determining that a specific microbe causes a specific disease was

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Special Topic 1.1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

How Did Life Originate?

If all life on Earth shares descent from a microbial ancestor, how did the first microbe arise? The earliest fossil evidence of cells in the geological record appears in sedimentary rock that formed as early as 3.8 billion years ago. Although the nature of the earliest reported fossils remains controversial, it is generally accepted that “microfossils” from over 2 billion years ago were formed by living cells. Moreover, the living cells that formed these microfossils looked remarkably similar to bacterial cells today, forming chains of simple rods or spheres (Fig. 1). The exact composition of the first environment for life is controversial. The components of the first living cells may have formed from spontaneous reactions sparked by ultraviolet absorption or electrical discharge. American chemists Stanley Miller (1930–) and Harold C. Urey (1893–1981) argued that the environment of early Earth contained mainly reduced compounds−compounds that have a strong tendency to donate electrons, such as ferrous iron, methane, and ammonia. More recent evidence has modified this view, but it is agreed that the strong electron acceptor oxygen gas (O2) was absent until the first photosynthetic microbes produced it. Today, all our cells are composed of highly reduced molecules

that are readily oxidized by O2. This seemingly hazardous composition may reflect our cellular origin in the chemically reduced environment of early Earth. In 1953, Miller attempted to simulate the highly reduced conditions of early Earth to test whether ultraviolet absorption or electrical discharge could cause reactions producing the fundamental components of life (Fig. 2A). Miller boiled a solution of water containing hydrogen gas, methane, and ammonia and applied an electrical discharge (comparable to a lightning strike). Astonishingly, the reaction produced a number of amino acids, including glycine, alanine, and aspartic acid. A similar experiment in 1961 by Spanish-American researcher Juan Oró (1923–2004) (Fig. 2B) combined hydrogen cyanide and ammonia under electrical discharge to obtain adenine, a fundamental component of DNA and of the energy carrier adenosine triphosphate (ATP). How could early cells have survived the heat and chemically toxic environment of early Earth? Clues may be found in the survival of archaea that thrive under habitat conditions we consider extreme, such as solutions of boiling sulfuric acid. The specially adapted structures of such microbes may resemble those of the earliest life-forms.

1 nm



1 nm

University of California Museum of Paleontology


University of Houston


Simulating early Earth’s chemistry. A. Stanley Miller with the apparatus of his early Earth simulation experiment. B. Biochemist Juan Oró demonstrated formation of adenine and other biochemicals from reaction conditions found in comets.

Figure 2

Evidence of ancient microbial life. Microfossils of ancient cyanobacteria from the Bitter Springs Formation, Australia, about 850 million years old.

Figure 1

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Research since Miller’s day has generated as many questions as answers concerning the origin of life. For example: ■

Were the reduced forms of early carbon and nitrogen, such as methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH4), supplemented by oxidized forms such as CO2, spewed out by volcanoes? If oxidized carbon and nitrogen were available, different kinds of early-life chemistry may have occurred. How did the origin of informational molecules, such as RNA and DNA, coincide with the origin of metabolism? One possibility is that early metabolism was catalyzed by molecules of RNA instead of protein. RNA molecules capable of catalysis, called ribozymes, were discovered in 1982 by Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman, who earned the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1989 (Fig. 3). The discovery of ribozymes and thousands of small functional RNAs expressed by genomes led to the theory that early organisms were composed primarily of RNA−the so-called “RNA world.” Geochemical evidence suggests that cells may have originated on Earth as early as 3.8 billion years ago, when Earth was just barely cool enough to allow the existence

The M icro b i al Ce l l


of cells. How could cells have formed so quickly? Could the first cells in fact have come from somewhere else? Most of the molecules that spontaneously formed in Miller’s experiments are also found in meteorites and comets. This observation led Oró to propose that the first chemicals of life could have come from outer space, perhaps carried by comets. But could life itself have an extraterrestrial origin? This controversial concept was proposed by British physicists Fred Hoyle (1915–2001) and Chandra Wickramasinghe. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe argued that features of the infrared spectroscopy of interstellar matter might be explained by the existence of microbes in outer space−microbes that could be brought to Earth by comets or meteors. Alternatively, some scientists propose that the first microbes originated on Mars. Because Mars orbits farther out from the sun than Earth, its surface would have cooled before Earth did; therefore, life might have formed on Mars and traveled to Earth on a meteorite. But the “Mars first” explanation says nothing about how life would have arisen on Mars. Current evidence for the origin and evolution of microbes is discussed in Chapter 17.



Geoffery Wheeler for Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Cleavage is catalyzed.

Figure 3 Tom Cech, discoverer of catalytic RNA. A. Tom Cech (University of Colorado, Boulder) holding a flask containing Oxytricha nova, microbes that make catalytic RNA, the kind of molecule that in early cells may have served both genetic and catalytic functions. B. Diagram of a catalytic RNA, where horizontal bars represent bases. The RNA catalyzes cleavage of itself.

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Chapter 1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

sis in Europe, malaria in Africa and the East Indies, and bubonic plague in India.

the German physician Robert Koch (1843–1910) (Fig. 1.15). As a college student, Koch conducted biochemical experiments on his own digestive system. Koch’s curiosity about the natural world led him to develop principles and techniques crucial to modern microbial investigation, including the pure-culture technique and the famous Koch’s postulates for identifying the causative agent of a disease. He applied his methods to numerous lethal diseases around the world, including anthrax and tuberculo-

Museum in the Robert Koch-Institut Berlin


Growth of Microbes in Pure Culture

Museum in the Robert Koch-Institut Berlin


Unlike Pasteur, who was a university professor, Koch took up a medical practice in a small Polish-German town. To make space in his home for a laboratory to study anthrax and other deadly diseases, his wife curtained off part of his patients’ examining room. Anthrax interested Koch because its epidemics in sheep and cattle caused economic hardship among local farmers. Today, anthrax is no longer a major problem for agriculture, as its transmission is prevented by effective environmental controls and vaccination. It has, however, gained notoriety as a bioterror agent because anthrax bacteria can survive for long periods in the dormant, desiccated form of an endospore. In 2001, anthrax spores sent through the mail contaminated post offices throughout the northeastern United States, as well as an office building of the United States Senate, causing several deaths (Fig. 1.16). To investigate whether anthrax was a transmissible disease, Koch used blood from an anthrax-infected carcass to inoculate a rabbit. When the rabbit died, he used the rabbit’s blood to inoculate a second rabbit, which then died in turn. The blood of the unfortunate animal had turned black with long, rod-shaped bacilli. Upon introduction of these bacilli into healthy animals, the ani-

Figure 1.15 Robert Koch, founder of the scientific method of microbiology. A. Robert Koch as a university student. B. Koch’s sketch of anthrax bacilli in mouse blood. C. Koch (second from left) during his visit to New Guinea to investigate malaria.

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Getty Images

Museum in the Robert Koch-Institut Berlin


Figure 1.16 Disinfecting the Hart Senate Office Building, Fall 2001. The building became contaminated with anthrax spores sent through the U.S. mail.

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Cytographics/Visuals Unlimited

The National Library of Medicine

mals became ill with anthrax. Thus, Koch demonstrated an important principle of epidemiology—the chain of infection, or transmission of a disease. In retrospect, his choice of anthrax was fortunate, for the microbes generate disease very quickly, multiply in the blood to an extraordinary concentration, and remain infective outside the body for long periods. Koch and his colleagues then applied their experimental logic and culture methods to a more challenging disease: tuberculosis. In Koch’s day, tuberculosis caused one-seventh of reported deaths in Europe; today, tuberculosis bacteria continue to infect millions of people worldwide. Koch’s approach to anthrax, however, was less applicable to tuberculosis, a disease that develops slowly after many years of dormancy. Furthermore, the causative bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are small and difficult to distinguish from human tissue or from different bacteria of similar appearance associated with the human body. How could Koch prove that a particular bacterium caused a particular disease? What was needed was to isolate a pure culture of microorganisms, a culture grown from a single “parental” cell. This had been done by previous researchers using the laborious process of serial dilution of suspended bacteria until a culture tube contained only a single cell. Alternatively, inoculation of a solid surface such as a sliced potato could produce isolated colonies, distinct populations of bacteria, each grown from a single cell. For M. tuberculosis, Koch inoculated serum, which then formed a solid gel after heating. Later, he refi ned the solid-substrate technique by adding gelatin to a defi ned liquid medium, which could then be chilled to form a solid medium in a glass dish. A covered version called the petri dish (also called a petri plate) was invented by a colleague, Richard J. Petri (1852–1921). The petri dish consists of a round dish with vertical walls covered by an inverted dish of slightly larger diameter. Today, the petri dish, generally made of disposable plastic, remains an indispensable part of the microbiological laboratory. Another improvement in solid-substrate culture was the replacement of gelatin with materials that remain solid at higher temperatures, such as the gelling agent agar (a polymer of the sugar galactose). The use of agar was recommended by Angelina Hesse (1850–1934), a microscopist and illustrator, to her husband, Walther Hesse (1846–1911), a young medical colleague of Koch’s (Fig. 1.17). Agar comes from red algae (seaweed) which is used by East Indian birds to build nests; it is the main ingredient in the delicacy “bird’s nest soup.” Dutch colonists used agar to make jellies and preserves, and a Dutch colonist from Java introduced it to Angelina Hesse. The Hesses used agar to develop the fi rst effective growth medium for tuberculosis bacteria. (Pure culture is discussed further in Chapter 4.)

Figure 1.17 Angelina and Walther Hesse. A. Portrait of the Hesses, who first used agar to make solid plate media for bacterial growth. B. Colonies from a streaked agar plate.

Note that some kinds of microbes cannot be grown in pure culture without other organisms. For example, viruses can be cultured only in the presence of their host cells. The discovery of viruses is explored in Special Topic 1.2.

Koch’s Postulates Link a Pathogen with a Disease For his successful determination of the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis, M. tuberculosis, Koch was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. Koch formulated his famous set of criteria for establishing a causative link between an infectious agent and a disease (Fig. 1.18). These four criteria are known as Koch’s postulates: 1. The microbe is found in all cases of the disease, but is

absent from healthy individuals. 2. The microbe is isolated from the diseased host and

grown in pure culture. 3. When the microbe is introduced into a healthy, sus-

ceptible host (or animal model), the same disease occurs. 4. The same strain of microbe is obtained from the newly diseased host. When cultured, the strain shows the same characteristics as before.

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Chapter 1

Special Topic 1.2

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

The Discovery of Viruses

The discovery of ever smaller and more elusive microorganisms continues to this day. From the nineteenth century on, researchers were puzzled to find contagious diseases whose agent of transmission could pass through a filter of a pore size that blocked known microbial cells−0.1 µm. One of these researchers was the Dutch plant microbiologist Martinus Beijerinck (1851–1931), who studied tobacco mosaic disease, a condition in which the leaves become mottled and the crop yield is decreased or destroyed altogether. Beijerinck concluded that because the agent of disease passed through a filter that retained bacteria, it could not be a bacterial cell. The filterable agent was ultimately purified by the American scientist Wendell Stanley (1904–1971), who processed 4,000 kilograms (kg) of infected tobacco leaves and crystallized the infective particle. What he had crystallized was the tobacco mosaic virus, the causative agent of tobacco mosaic disease. The crystallization of a virus particle earned Stanley the 1946 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The fact that an entity capable of biological reproduction could be inert enough to be crystallized amazed scientists and ultimately led to a new, more mechanical view of living organisms. The individual particle of tobacco mosaic virus consists of a helical tube of protein subunits containing its genetic material coiled within (Fig. 1). Stanley thought that the virus was a catalytic protein, but colleagues later determined that it contained RNA as its genetic material. The structure of the coiled RNA was solved through X-ray diffraction crystallography by the British scientist Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958). We now know that all kinds of animals, plants, and microbial cells can be infected by viruses. Toward the end of the twentieth century, even smaller infective particles were discovered consisting of a single mol-

Koch’s postulates continue to be used to determine whether a given strain of microbe causes a disease. Modern examples include Lyme disease, a tick-borne infection that has become widespread in New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, and hantaviral pneumonia, an emerging disease particularly prevalent among Native Americans in the Southwest. Nevertheless, the postulates remain only a guide; individual diseases and pathogens may confound one or more of the criteria. For example, tuberculosis bacteria are now known to cause symptoms in only 10% of the people infected. If Koch had been able to detect these silent bacilli, they would not have fulfi lled his fi rst criterion. In the case of AIDS, the concentration of HIV virus is so low that initially no virus could be

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A. ©Dennis Kunkel/Visuals Unlimited



100 nm


Capsid proteins

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). A. Particles of tobacco mosaic virus (colorized transmission EM). B. In TMV, a protein capsid surrounds an RNA chromosome.

Figure 1

ecule of RNA (viroids) or of protein (prions). Prions are suspected as a factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. (The infectious processes of viruses, viroids, and prions are discussed in Chapters 6, 11, and 26.)

detected in patients with fully active symptoms. It took the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a method of producing any number of copies of DNA or RNA sequences, to detect the presence of HIV. Another difficulty with AIDS and many other human diseases is the absence of an animal host that exhibits the same disease. In the case of AIDS, even the chimpanzees, our closest relatives, are not susceptible, although they exhibit a similar disease from a related pathogen, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Experimentation on humans is prohibited, although in rare instances researchers have voluntarily exposed themselves to a proposed pathogen. For example, Australian researcher Barry Marshall ingested Helicobacter pylori to convince

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1. The microbe is found in all cases of disease, but absent from healthy individuals.

No microbe

2. The microbe is isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture.

3. When the microbe is introduced into a healthy, susceptible host, the same disease occurs.

4. The same strain of microbe is obtained from the newly diseased host.

Figure 1.18 Koch’s postulates defining the causative agent of a disease.

skeptical colleagues that this organism could colonize the extremely acidic stomach. H. pylori turned out to be the causative agent of gastritis and stomach ulcers, conditions that had long been thought to be caused by stress rather than infection. For the discovery of H. pylori, Marshall and colleague Robin Warren won the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. THOUGHT QUESTION 1.4 How could you use Koch’s postulates to demonstrate the causative agent of influenza? What problems would you need to overcome that were not encountered with anthrax?

Immunization Prevents Disease Identifying the cause of a disease is, of course, only the fi rst step to developing an effective therapy and prevent-

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ing further transmission. Early microbiologists achieved some remarkable insights on how to control pathogens (see Table 1.2). The fi rst clue as to how to protect an individual from a deadly disease came from the dreaded smallpox. In the eighteenth century, smallpox infected a large fraction of the European population, killing or disfiguring many people. In Turkey, however, the incidence of smallpox was decreased by the practice of deliberately inoculating children with material from smallpox pustules, which contained naturally attenuated virus. Inoculated children usually developed a mild case of the disease and were protected from smallpox thereafter. The practice of smallpox inoculation was introduced from Turkey to Europe in 1717 by Lady Mary Montagu, a smallpox survivor (Fig. 1.19A). Stationed in Turkey with her husband, the British ambassador, Lady Montagu learned that many elderly women there had perfected the art of inoculation: “The old woman comes with a nut-shell full of the matter of the best sort of small-pox, and asks what vein you please to have opened.” Lady Montagu arranged for the procedure on her own son, then brought the practice back to England where it became widespread. Preventive inoculation with smallpox was dangerous, however, as some infected individuals still contracted serious disease and were contagious. Thus, doctors continued to seek a better method of prevention. In England, milkmaids claimed that they were protected from smallpox after they contracted cowpox, a related but much milder disease. This claim was confi rmed by English physician Edward Jenner (1749–1823), who deliberately infected patients with matter from cowpox lesions (Fig. 1.19B). The practice of cowpox inoculation was called vaccination, after the Latin word vacca for “cow.” To this day, cowpox, or vaccinia virus, remains the basis of the modern smallpox vaccine. Pasteur was aware of vaccination as he studied the course of various diseases in experimental animals. In the spring of 1879, he was studying fowl cholera, a transmissible disease of chickens with a high death rate. He had isolated and cultured the bacteria responsible, but left his work during the summer for a long vacation. No refrigeration was available to preserve cultures, and when he returned to work, the aged bacteria failed to cause disease in his chickens. Pasteur then obtained fresh bacteria from an outbreak of disease elsewhere, as well as some new chickens. But the fresh bacteria also failed to make the original chickens sick (those who had been exposed to the aged bacteria). All of the new chickens, exposed only to the fresh bacteria, contracted the disease. Grasping the clue from his mistake, Pasteur had the insight to recognize that an attenuated (or “weakened”) strain of microbe, altered somehow to eliminate its potency to cause disease, could still confer immunity to the virulent disease-causing form.

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Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery



Pasteur was the fi rst to recognize the significance of attenuation and extend the principle to other pathogens. We now know that the molecular components of pathogens generate immunity, the resistance to a specific disease, by stimulating the immune system, an organism’s exceedingly complex cellular mechanisms of defense (see Chapter 23). Understanding the immune system awaited the techniques of molecular biology a century later, but nineteenth-century physicians developed several effective examples of immunization, the stimulation of an immune response by deliberate inoculation with an attenuated pathogen. The way to attenuate a strain varies greatly among pathogens. Heat treatment or aging for various periods often turned out to be the most effective approach. In retrospect, the original success of prophylactic smallpox inoculation was probably due to natural attenuation during the time between acquisition of smallpox matter from a diseased individual and inoculation of the healthy patient. A far more elaborate treatment was required for the most famous disease for which Pasteur devised a vaccine: rabies.

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Smallpox vaccination. A. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, shown in Turkish dress. The artist avoided showing Montagu’s facial disfigurement from smallpox. B. Dr. Edward Jenner, depicted vaccinating 8-year-old James Phipps with cowpox matter from the hand of milkmaid Sarah Nelmes, who had caught the disease from a cow. C. Newspaper cartoon depicting public reaction to cowpox vaccination. Figure 1.19


Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis


The rabid dog loomed large in folklore, and the disease was dreaded for its particularly horrible and inevitable course of death. Pasteur’s vaccine for rabies required a highly complex series of heat treatments and repeated inoculations. Its success led to his instant fame (Fig. 1.20). Grateful survivors of rabies founded the Pasteur Institute for medical research, one of the world’s greatest medical research institutions, whose scientists in the twentieth century discovered the virus HIV, responsible for AIDS.

Antiseptics and Antibiotics Control Pathogens Before the work of Koch and Pasteur, many patients died of infections transmitted unwittingly by their own doctors. In 1847, Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis (1818–1865) noticed that the death rate of women in childbirth due to puerperal fever was much higher in his own hospital than in a birthing center run by midwives. He guessed that the doctors in his hospital were transmitting pathogens from cadavers that they had dissected. So he ordered the doctors to wash their hands

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Penicillium mold

Mediscan/Visuals Unlimited


Alexander Fleming, discoverer of penicillin. A. Alexander Fleming in his laboratory. B. Fleming’s original plate of bacteria with Penicillium mold inhibiting the growth of bacterial colonies.

Institut Pasteur

Figure 1.21

Figure 1.20 Pasteur cures rabies. Cartoon in French newspaper depicts Pasteur protecting children from rabid dogs.

in chlorine, an antiseptic agent (a chemical that kills microbes). The mortality rate fell; but this revelation displeased other doctors, who refused to accept Semmelweis’s fi ndings. In 1865, the British surgeon Joseph Lister (1827–1912) noted that half his amputee patients died of sepsis. Lister knew from Pasteur that microbial contamination might be the cause. So he began experiments to develop the use of antiseptic agents, most successfully carbolic acid, to treat wounds and surgical instruments. After initial resistance, Lister’s work, with the support of Pasteur and Koch, drew widespread recognition. In the twentieth century, surgeons developed fully aseptic environments for surgery; that is, environments completely free of microbes. Antibiotics. The problem with most antiseptic chemicals

that killed microbes was that if taken internally, they also

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tended to kill the patients. Researchers sought a “magic bullet,” an antibiotic molecule that killed microbes alone, leaving their host unharmed. An important step in the search for antibiotics was the realization that microbes themselves produce antibiotic compounds with highly selective effects. This followed from the famous accidental discovery of penicillin by the English medical researcher Alexander Fleming (1881–1955) (Fig. 1.21A). In 1929, Fleming was culturing Staphylococcus, which infects wounds. He found that one of his plates of Staphylococcus was contaminated with a mold, Penicillium notatum, which he noticed was surrounded by a clear region, free of Staphylococcus colonies (Fig. 1.21B). Following up on this observation, Fleming showed that the mold produced a substance that killed bacteria. We now know this substance as penicillin. In 1941, British biochemists Howard Florey (1898– 1968) and Ernst Chain (1906–1979) purified the antibiotic molecule, which we now know inhibits formation of the bacterial cell wall. Penicillin saved the lives of many Allied troops during World War II, the fi rst war in which an antibiotic became available to soldiers. The second half of the twentieth century saw the discovery of many new and powerful antibiotics. Most of the new antibiotics, however, were produced by

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obscure strains of bacteria and fungi from dwindling ecosystems—a circumstance that focused attention on wilderness preservation worldwide. Furthermore, the widespread and often indiscriminate use of antibiotics has selected for pathogens that are antibiotic resistant. As a result, antibiotics have lost their effectiveness against certain strains of major pathogens. For example, multiple-drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis is now a serious threat to public health. Fortunately, biotechnology provides new approaches to antibiotic development, including genetic engineering of microbial producers and artificial design of antimicrobial chemicals. This industry has become ever more critical because the indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to a “molecular arms race” in which our only hope is to succeed faster than the pathogens develop resistance. (Microbial biosynthesis of antibiotics is discussed in Chapter 15, and the medical use of antibiotics is discussed in Chapter 27.) THOUGHT QUESTION 1.5 Why do you think some pathogens generate immunity readily, whereas others evade the immune system? THOUGHT QUESTION 1.6 How do you think microbes protect themselves from the antibiotics they produce?


Robert Koch devised techniques of pure culture to study a single species of microbe in isolation. A key technique is culture on solid medium using agar, as developed by Angelina and Walther Hesse, in a double-dish container devised by Richard Petri. Koch’s postulates provide a set of criteria to establish a causative link between an infectious agent and a disease. Edward Jenner established the practice of vaccination, inoculation of cowpox to prevent smallpox. Jenner’s discovery was based on earlier observations by Lady Mary Montagu and others that a mild case of smallpox could prevent future cases. Louis Pasteur developed the fi rst vaccines based on attenuated strains, such as the rabies vaccine. Ignaz Semmelweis and Joseph Lister showed that antiseptics could prevent transmission of pathogens from doctor to patient. Alexander Fleming discovered that the Penicillium mold generated a substance that kills bacteria. Howard Florey and Ernst Chain purified the substance, penicillin, the fi rst commercial antibiotic to save human lives.

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Microbial Ecology

Koch’s growth of microbes in pure culture was a major advance in technology, enabling the systematic study of microbial physiology and biochemistry. In hindsight, this discovery eclipsed the equally important study of microbial ecology. Microbes are responsible for cycling the many minerals essential for all life. Yet barely 0.1% of all microbial species can be cultured in the laboratory—and the remainder make up the majority of Earth’s entire biosphere. Only the outer skin of Earth supports complex multicellular organisms. The depths of Earth’s crust, to at least 2 miles down, as well as the atmosphere 10 miles out into the stratosphere, remain the domain of microbes. So, to a fi rst approximation, Earth’s ecology is microbial ecology.

Microbes Support Natural Ecosystems The fi rst microbiologists to culture microbes in the laboratory selected the kinds of nutrients that feed humans, such as beef broth or potatoes. Some of Koch’s contemporaries, however, suspected that other kinds of microbes living in soil or wetlands existed on more exotic fare. Soil samples were known to oxidize hydrogen gas, and this activity was eliminated by treatment with heat or acid, suggesting microbial origin. Ammonia in sewage was oxidized to nitrate, and this process was eliminated by antibacterial treatment. These fi ndings suggested the existence of microbes that “ate” hydrogen gas or ammonia instead of beef or potatoes, but no one could isolate these microbes in culture. Among the fi rst to study microbes in natural habitats was the Russian scientist Sergei Winogradsky (1856– 1953). Winogradsky waded through marshes to discover microbes with metabolism quite alien from human digestion. For example, Winogradsky discovered that species of the bacterium Beggiatoa oxidize hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Beggiatoa fi xes carbon dioxide into biomass without consuming any organic food. Organisms that feed solely on inorganic minerals are known as chemolithotrophs, or lithotrophs, discussed further in Chapters 4 and 14. The lithotrophs studied by Winogradsky could not be grown on Koch’s plate media containing agar or gelatin. The bacteria that Winogradsky isolated could grow only on inorganic minerals; in fact, some species are actually poisoned by organic food. For example, nitrifiers convert ammonia to nitrate, forming a crucial part of the nitrogen cycle in natural ecosystems. Winogradsky cultured nitrifiers on a totally inorganic solution containing ammonia and silica gel, which supported no other kind of organism. This experiment was an early example of enrichment culture, the use of selective growth

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Geochemical Cycling Depends on Bacteria



Purple sulfur bacteria Green sulfur bacteria Sulfate reducing bacteria

Joseph Vallino/Marine Biological Laboratory

media that support certain classes of microbial metabolism while excluding others. Instead of isolating pure colonies, Winogradsky built a model wetland ecosystem containing regions of enrichment for microbes of diverse metabolism. This model is called the Winogradsky column (Fig. 1.22). The model consists of a glass tube containing mud mixed with shredded newsprint (an organic carbon source) and calcium salts of sulfate and carbonate. After exposure to light for several weeks, several zones of color develop, full of mineral-metabolizing bacteria. At the top, cyanobacteria conduct photosynthesis, using light energy to split water and produce molecular oxygen. Below, purple sulfur bacteria use photosynthesis to split hydrogen sulfide, producing sulfur. At the bottom, sulfate reducers produce hydrogen sulfide and precipitate iron. The gradient from oxygen-rich conditions at the surface to highly reduced conditions below generates a voltage potential, like a battery cell. We now know that the entire Earth’s surface acts as a battery—for humans, a potential source of renewable energy.

■ The M icro b i al Ce l l

Figure 1.22 Winogradsky column. A wetland model ecosystem designed by Sergei Winogradsky.

THOUGHT QUESTION 1.7 Why don’t all living organisms fix their own nitrogen?

Microbial endosymbiosis, in many diverse forms, Winogradsky and later microbial ecologists showed that is widespread in all ecosystems. Many interesting cases bacteria perform unique roles in geochemical cycling, involve animal or human hosts (see Special Topic 1.3). the global interconversion of inorganic and organic forms of nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and other minerals. Atmospheric Without these essential convernitrogen (N2) sions (nutrient cycles), no plants or animals could live. Bacteria and archaea fix nitrogen (N2) by reducing it to ammonia (NH3), the form of nitrogen assimilated by plants. This process is called Industrial Animals fixation nitrogen fi xation (Fig. 1.23). consume (commercial Other bacterial species oxidize plants fertilizers) NH4 + in several stages back to nitrogen gas. Soil bacteria Bacterial symbionts of Within plant cells, cerPlant fix N2 to NH4+ legumes fix nitrogen uptake tain bacteria fi x nitrogen as Bacteria endsymbionts, organisms living Bacteria symbiotically inside a larger orBacteria Bacteria ganism. Endosymbiotic bacteNitrate ria known as rhizobia induce the (NO3–) Nitrite Ammonium roots of legumes to form special + (NO2–) (NH ) 4 nodules to facilitate bacterial niBacteria trogen fixation. Rhizobial endosymbiosis was first observed by the Dutch plant microbiologist Figure 1.23 The global nitrogen cycle. All life depends on these oxidative and reductive Martinus Beijerinck (1851–1931). conversions of nitrogen−most of which are performed only by microbes.

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Special Topic 1.3

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

Microbial Endosymbionts of Animals

inspired fictional creations, such as the “breathmicrobes” of Joan Slonczewski’s novel A Door into Ocean, which acquire oxygen for human hosts swimming underwater. (Microbial endosymbiosis is discussed further in Section 21.2.)

Fritz Heide/WHOI

Numerous kinds of endosymbiosis have been found in which microbes make essential nutritional contributions to host animals. Ruminant animals, such as cattle, as well as insects such as termites, require digestive bacteria to break down cellulose and other plant polymers. Even humans obtain about 10% of their nutrition from colonic bacteria. A remarkable form of endosymbiosis is seen in marine animal communities such as those inhabiting thermal vents in the ocean floor, where superheated water emerges carrying reduced minerals, such as hydrogen sulfide (Fig. 1). Near these thermal vents, sulfideoxidizing bacteria nourish giant worms and clams. The worms have evolved so as to lose their digestive tracts altogether, while their body fluids carry the hydrogen sulfide (highly toxic to most animals) needed for the bacteria to metabolize. Many invertebrates, such as hydras and corals, harbor endosymbiotic phototrophs that provide products of photosynthesis in return for protection and nutrients. Other kinds of endosymbiosis involve more than nutrition. In the light organs of fish and squid, luminescent bacteria such as Vibrio fischeri respond to host signals, causing light emission. Certain sponges maintain endosymbiotic bacteria that produce antibiotics, preventing infection by pathogens. Similarly, some bacteria that normally inhabit the human skin are believed to protect us from infection. Microbial endosymbiosis has even

Tube worms in a thermal vent ecosystem. Tube worms do not feed themselves but depend on sulfideoxidizing symbionts for nutrition.

Figure 1

Microbes with unusual properties, such as the ability to digest toxic wastes, have valuable applications in industry and bioremediation. For this reason, microbial ecology is a priority for funding by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The NSF program Life in Extreme Environments supports research aimed at documenting

microbes from environments with extreme heat, salinity, acidity, or other factors. One such microbe is a species of Geobacter that reduces rust (iron oxide, Fe2O3 ) to the magnetic mineral magnetite (Fe3O4) while growing at 121°C, a temperature high enough to kill all other known organisms (Fig. 1.24). B.

G. Reguera/UMass, Amherst


Bacterium strain 121

1 µm

Kazem Kashefi/UMass, Amherst


An extreme thermophile reduces iron oxide to magnetite. A. Microbiologist Kazem Kashefi (Michigan State University) pulls a live culture of Geobacter out of an autoclave generally used to kill all living organisms at 121°C (250°F). The magnet shows that strain 121 is converting nonmagnetic iron oxide (rust; Fe2O3) to the magnetic mineral magnetite, Fe3O4. B. Strain 121 is a round bacterium with a tuft of rotary flagella (transmission electron micrograph). The black material at right is iron oxide, which feeds the bacteria. Source: Part B reprinted with permission from Kashefi, et al. 2003. Science 301(5635):934. ©2005 AAAS.

Figure 1.24

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Sergei Winogradsky fi rst developed a system of enrichment culture, the Winogradsky column, to grow microbes from natural environments. Chemolithotrophs (or lithotrophs) metabolize inorganic minerals, such as ammonia, instead of the organic nutrients used by the microbes isolated by Koch. Geochemical cycling depends on bacteria and archaea that cycle nitrogen, phosphorus, and other minerals throughout the biosphere. Endosymbionts are microbes that live within multicellular organisms and provide essential functions for their hosts, such as nitrogen fi xation for legume plants. Martinus Beijerinck fi rst demonstrated that nitrogen-fi xing rhizobia grow as endosymbionts within leguminous plants.


The M icro b i al Ce l l

on genetic similarity. For example, two distinct species generally share no more than 95% similarity of DNA sequence.

NOTE: The actual names of microbial species are often changed to reflect new understanding of genetic relationships. For example, the causative agent of bubonic plague has formerly been called Bacterium pestis (1896), Bacillus pestis (1900), and Pasteurella pestis (1923), but is now called Yersinia pestis (1944). The older names, however, still appear in the literature, a point to remember during research. Current and historical nomenclature is compiled at the List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature.

List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature


The Microbial Family Tree

The bewildering diversity of microbial life-forms presented nineteenth-century microbiologists with a seemingly impossible task of classification. So little was known about life under the lens that natural scientists despaired of ever learning how to distinguish microbial species. The famous classifier of species, Swedish botanist Carl von Linné (Carolus Linnaeus, 1707–1778), called the microbial world “chaos.”

Microbes Are a Challenge to Classify Two challenges faced would-be taxonomists with respect to microbes. The fi rst was that the resolution of the light microscope allows little more than visualizing the outward shape of microbial cells, and vastly different kinds of microbes look more or less alike (visualization of cells and molecules is discussed in Chapter 2). This challenge was overcome as advances in biochemistry and microscopy made it possible to distinguish microbes based on their metabolism and cell ultrastructure and ultimately on their DNA sequence. The second challenge was that microbes do not readily fit the classic defi nition of a species—that is, a group of organisms that interbreed. Unlike multicellular eukaryotes, microbes generally reproduce asexually, with only occasional sexual exchange. When they do exchange genes, they may do so with distantly related species (discussed in Chapter 9). Nevertheless, microbiologists devise working defi nitions of microbial species that enable us to usefully describe populations while being flexible enough to accommodate continual revision and change. The most useful defi nitions are based

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Microbes Include Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes In the nineteenth century, taxonomists had no access to DNA information. As they tried to incorporate microbes into the tree of life, they faced a conceptual dilemma in that microbes could not be categorized as either animals or plants, which since ancient times were considered the two “kingdoms” or major categories of life. Taxonomists attempted to apply these categories to microbes—for example, by including algae and fungi with plants. But German naturalist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) recognized that microbes differed from both plants and animals in fundamental aspects of their lifestyle, cellular structure, and biochemistry. Haeckel proposed that microscopic organisms constituted a third kind of life—neither animal nor plant— which he called Monera. In the twentieth century, biochemical studies revealed profound distinctions even within the microbial category. In particular, microbes such as protists and algae contain a nucleus bounded by a nuclear membrane, whereas bacteria do not. Herbert Copeland (1902–1968) proposed a system of classification that divided Monera into two groups: the eukaryotic protists (protozoa and algae) and the prokaryotic bacteria. Copeland’s four-kingdom classification (plants, animals, eukaryotic protists, and prokaryotic bacteria) was later modified by Robert Whittaker (1924–1980) to include fungi as a fi fth kingdom of eukaryotic microbes. Whittaker’s system thus generated five kingdoms: bacteria, protists, fungi, and the multicellular plants and animals.

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Chapter 1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

Eukaryotes Evolved through Endosymbiosis


Lynn Margulis, UMass, Amherst

The five-kingdom system was modified dramatically by Lynn Margulis, at the University of Massachusetts (Fig. 1.25). Margulis tried to explain how it Animalia Plantae Fungi Protoctista Prokaryotes is that eukaryotic cells contain mito- Plants and algae chondria and chloroplasts, membranous organelles that possess their own chromosomes. She proposed that eukaryotes evolved by merging with bacteria Chloroplasts to form composite cells by intracellular B. endosymbiosis, in which one cell internalizes another that grows within it. The endosymbiosis may ultimately generate Protoctista a single organism whose formerly indeProtists and slime molds pendent members are now incapable of independent existence. Margulis proposed that early in the history of life, respiring bacteria Mitochondria similar to E. coli were engulfed by preeukaryotic cells, where they evolved into mitochondria, the eukaryote’s respiraPre-eukaryote tory organelle. Similarly, she proposed that a phototroph related to cyanobacteria was taken up by a eukaryote, giving Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria Bacteria were incorporated by rise to the chloroplasts of phototrophic (phototroph) (respiring) pre-eukaryotes as eukaryotic algae and plants. organelles. Prokaryotes The endosymbiosis theory was highly controversial because it implied Figure 1.25 Lynn Margulis and the serial endosymbiosis theory. A. Fivea polyphyletic, or multiple, ancestry of kingdom scheme, modified by the endosymbiosis theory. B. Lynn Margulis (University living species, inconsistent with the long- of Massachusetts, Amherst) proposed that organelles evolve through endosymbiosis. held assumption that species evolve only by divergence from a common ancesWoese used the sequence of the gene for 16S ribosomal tor (monophyletic). Ultimately, DNA sequence analyRNA (16S rRNA) as a “molecular clock,” a gene whose sis produced compelling evidence of the bacterial origin sequence differences can be used to measure the time of mitochondria and chloroplasts. Both these classes of since the divergence of two species (discussed in Chaporganelles contain circular molecules of DNA, whose ter 17). The divergence of rRNA genes showed that the sequences show unmistakable homology (similarity) to newly discovered prokaryotes were a distinct form of life, those of modern bacteria. DNA sequences and other eviarchaea (Fig. 1.26). The archaea resemble bacteria in their dence established the common ancestry between mitorelatively simple cell structure, in their lack of a nucleus, chondria and respiring bacteria and between chloroplasts and in their ability to grow in a wide range of environand cyanobacteria. ments. Many archaea, however, grow in environments more extreme than any bacterium, such as 110°C at high Archaea Differ from Bacteria pressure. The genetic sequences of archaea differ as much and Eukaryotes from those of bacteria as from those of eukaryotes; in fact, their gene expression machinery is more similar to that of Gene sequence analysis led to another startling advance eukaryotes. in our understanding of the evolution of cells. In 1977, Carl Woese’s discovery replaced the classification scheme Woese, at the University of Illinois, was studying a group of five kingdoms with three equally distinct groups, now of recently discovered prokaryotes that live in seemingly called the three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya hostile environments, such as the boiling sulfur springs (Fig. 1.27). In the three-domain model, the bacterial of Yellowstone, or that exhibit unusual kinds of metaboancestor of mitochondria derives from ancient proteolism, such as production of methane (methanogenesis).

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bacteria (shaded pink), whereas chloroplasts derive from ancient cyanobacteria (shaded green). The three-domain classification is largely supported by the sequences of microbial genomes, although some horizontal transfer of genes occurs both within and between the domains (discussed in Chapter 17).

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THOUGHT QUESTION 1.8 What arguments support the classification of Archaea as a third domain of life? What arguments support the classification of archaea and bacteria together, as prokaryotes, distinct from eukaryotes?

Classifying microbes was a challenge historically because of the difficulties in observing distinguishing characteristics of different categories. Ernst Haeckel recognized that microbes constitute a form of life distinct from animals and plants. Herbert Copeland and Robert Whittaker classified prokaryotes as a form of microbial life distinct from eukaryotic microbes such as protists. A.



Carl Woese

James W. Brown, North Carolina State University


16S rRNA sequences reveal three deeply branching domains of life.

Bacteria Green nonsulfur bacteria Gram-positive bacteria

Archaea Crenarchaeota Hyperthermophiles Euryarchaeota Sulfur Halophiles oxidizers Methanogens Last common ancestor

Proteobacteria Root Cyanobacteria

1 µm

Henry Aldrich, University of Florida

Spirochetes Thermotogales

Archaea, newly discovered life-forms. A. Finding archaea in the hot spring Obsidian Pool, at Yellowstone. B. Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that lives at temperatures above 100°C (transmission electron micrograph).

Figure 1.26

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Entamebas Slime molds Animals Fungi Plants Microsporidia Ciliates Flagellates Trichomonads Diplomonads

Eukarya Carl Woese and the three domains of life. A. Carl Woese (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) proposed that archaea constitute a third domain of life. B. Three domains, a monophyletic tree, based on 16S rRNA sequences. The length of each branch approximates the time of divergence from the last common ancestor. For an up-to-date tree that synthesizes both approaches, see Chapter 17.

Figure 1.27

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Chapter 1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

Lynn Margulis proposed that eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved by endosymbiosis from prokaryotic cells engulfed by proto-eukaryotes. Carl Woese discovered a domain of prokaryotes, Archaea, whose genetic sequences diverge equally from those of bacteria and those of eukaryotes. Many, though not all, archaea grow in extreme environments.


Cell Biology and the DNA Revolution

During the twentieth century, amid world wars and societal transformations, the field of microbiology exploded with new knowledge (see Table 1.2). More than 99% of what we know about microbes today was discovered since 1900 by scientists too numerous to cite in this book. Advances in biochemistry and microscopy revealed the fundamental structure and function of cell membranes and proteins. The revelation of the structures of DNA and RNA led to the discovery of the genetic programs of model bacteria such as E. coli and the bacteriophage lambda. Beyond microbiology, these advances produced the technology of “recombinant DNA,” or genetic engineering, the creation of molecules that combine DNA sequences from unrelated species. These microbial tools offered unprecedented applications to human medicine and industry.

details never seen before. Ultimately, Ruska built lenses to focus electrons using specially designed electromagnets. Magnetic lenses were used to complete the fi rst electron microscope in 1933 (Fig. 1.28). Early transmission electron microscopes achieved about tenfold greater magnification than the light microscope, revealing details such as the ridged shell of a diatom. Further development steadily increased magnification, to as high as a millionfold. For the fi rst time, cells were seen to be composed of a cytoplasm containing macromolecules and bounded by a phospholipid membrane. By the 1960s, thin sections revealed the entire inner architecture of eukaryotic cells, including intracellular membranes, ribosomes, and organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Within the smaller cells of bacteria, the DNA-containing nucleoid was revealed, as well as specialized structures, such as photosynthetic organelles called chlorosomes (Fig. 1.29). Subcellular structures, however, raised many questions about cell function that visualization alone could not answer. Biochemists showed how cell function involved numerous chemical transformations mediated by enzymes. A milestone in the study of metabolism was the elucidation by German biochemist Hans Krebs (1900–1981) of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA, or Krebs cycle), by which the products of sugar diges-

Cell Membranes and Macromolecules

Marine Biological Laboratory/WHOI

In 1900, the study of cell structure was still limited by the resolution of the light microscope and by the absence of tools that could take apart cells to isolate their components. Both these limitations were overcome by the invention of powerful instruments. Just as society was being transformed by machines ranging from jet airplanes to vacuum cleaners, the study of microbiology was also being transformed by machines. Two instruments had exceptional impact: The electron microscope revealed the internal structure of cells (Chapter 2), and the ultracentrifuge enabled isolation of subcellular parts (Chapter 3). The electron microscope. In the 1920s, at the Techni-

cal College in Berlin, student Ernst Ruska (1906–1988) was invited to develop an instrument for focusing rays of electrons. Ruska recalled as a child how his father’s microscope could magnify fascinating specimens of plants and animals, but that its resolution was limited by the wavelength of light. He was eager to devise lenses that could focus beams of electrons, with wavelengths far smaller than that of light, to reveal living

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Electron microscopy. An early transmission electron microscope. The tall column contains a series of magnetic lenses.

Figure 1.28

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100 µm

ASM, Frigaard et al. 2002. J. Bacteriol.

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Electron microscopy. Transmission electron micrograph of a Chlorobium species, a photosynthetic bacterium. The thin section reveals the nucleoid (containing DNA), the light-harvesting chlorosomes, and envelope membranes.

Figure 1.29

tion are converted to carbon dioxide. The tricarboxylic acid cycle provides energy for many bacteria and for the mitochondria of eukaryotes. But even Krebs understood little of how metabolism is organized within a cell; he and his contemporaries considered the cell a “bag of enzymes.” The full significance of cell structure required experiments on isolated parts of cells. The ultracentrifuge. Whole cells could be separated

from the fluid in which they were suspended by centrifugation, the spinning of samples in a rotor so as to subject the cells to centrifugal forces of a few thousand times that of gravity. Some biochemists proposed that even greater centrifugal forces could separate cell components, even macromolecules such as proteins. The Swedish chemist Theodor Svedberg (1884–1971), at the University of Uppsala, set out to build such a machine: the ultracentrifuge. Svedberg studied the properties of macromolecules such as proteins and polysaccharides. A major challenge was to measure the size of such particles. Svedberg calculated that particle size could be determined based on the rate of the movement of particles in a tube, the subjected to forces of hundreds of thousands times that of gravity. So he designed and built rotors spinning at ever greater rates, rates so high that they required a vacuum to avoid burning up like a space reentry vehicle. Such an advanced centrifuge, used to separate components of cells, is called an ultracentrifuge. Experiments based on electron microscopy and ultracentrifugation revealed how membranes govern energy transduction within bacteria and within organelles such

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as mitochondria and chloroplasts. In the 1960s, English biochemists Peter Mitchell (1920–1992) and Jennifer Moyle (1921–) proposed and tested a revolutionary idea called the chemiosmotic hypothesis. The chemiosmotic hypothesis states that the redox reactions of the electron transport system store energy in the form of a gradient of protons (hydrogen ions) across a membrane, such as the bacterial cell membrane or the inner membrane of mitochondria. The energy stored in the proton gradient in turn drives the synthesis of ATP. The chemiosmotic hypothesis earned Mitchell the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1978. Nevertheless, the theory took many years to win acceptance by biologists committed to the “bag of enzymes” model of the cell. Ultimately the role of ion gradients across membranes was recognized as fundamental to all living cells. (Ion gradients in membranes are discussed further in Chapters 3 and 4, and their role in energy transduction is presented in Chapter 14.)

Microbial Genetics Leads the DNA Revolution As the form and function of living cells emerged in the early twentieth century, a largely separate line of research revealed patterns of heredity of cell traits. In eukaryotes, the Mendelian rules of inheritance were rediscovered and connected to the behavior of subcellular structures called chromosomes. Frederick Griffith (1877–1941) showed in 1928 that some unknown substance out of dead bacteria could carry genetic information into living cells, transforming harmless bacteria into a strain capable of killing mice, a process called transformation. Some kind of “genetic material” must be inherited to direct the expression of inherited traits, but no one knew what that material was or how its information was expressed. Then in 1944, Oswald Avery (1877–1955) and colleagues showed that the genetic material responsible for transformation is deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. An obscure acidic polymer, DNA was previously thought too uniform in structure to carry information; its precise structure was unknown. As World War II raged among nations, among scientists an epic struggle began: the quest for the structure of DNA. The discovery of the double helix. The tool of choice

for macromolecular structure was X-ray crystallography, a method developed by British physicists in the early 1900s. The field of X-ray analysis included an unusual number of women, including Dorothy Hodgkin (1910–1994), who won a Nobel Prize for the structures of penicillin and vitamin B12. In 1953, crystallographer Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958) joined a laboratory at King’s College to study the structure of DNA (Fig. 1.30A). As a woman and as a

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Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery



Photo Researchers, Inc.


A. Barrington Brown/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Chapter 1

Omikron/Photo Researchers, Inc.


The DNA double helix. A. Rosalind Franklin discovered that DNA forms a double helix. B. X-ray diffraction pattern of DNA, obtained by Rosalind Franklin. C. James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the complementary pairing between bases of DNA and the antiparallel form of the double helix.

Figure 1.30

Jew who supported relief work in Palestine, Franklin felt socially isolated at the male-dominated Protestant university. Nevertheless, the exceptional quality of her X-ray micrographs impressed her colleagues. The X-shaped pattern in her micrograph (Fig. 1.30B) showed for the fi rst time that the standard B-form DNA was a double helix. Without Franklin’s knowledge, her colleague Maurice Wilkins showed her data to a competitor, James Watson (1928–). The pattern led Watson and Francis Crick (1916–2004) to guess that the four bases of the DNA “alphabet” were paired in the interior of Franklin’s double helix (Fig. 1.30C). They published their model in the journal Nature, while denying that they used Franklin’s data. The discovery of the double helix earned Watson, Crick, and Wilkins the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Franklin died of ovarian cancer before the Nobel Prize was awarded. Before her death, however, she turned her efforts to the structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA). She determined the form of the RNA chromosome within tobacco mosaic virus, the first viral RNA to be characterized. The structure of DNA base pairs led to development of techniques for DNA sequencing, the reading of the sequence of DNA base pairs. Figure 1.31 shows an exam-

ple of DNA sequence data, where each color represents one of the four bases and each peak represents a DNA fragment terminating in that particular base. The order of fragment lengths yields the sequence of bases in one strand. Reading the sequence enabled microbiologists to determine the beginning and endpoint of genes and ultimately entire genomes. The DNA revolution began with bacteria. What

amazed the world about DNA was that such a simple substance, composed of only four types of subunit, is the genetic material that determines all the different organisms on Earth. The promise of this insight was fi rst fulfi lled in bacteria and bacteriophages, whose small genomes and short generation times made key experiments possible. Furthermore, naturally occurring mechanisms of gene exchange in bacteria and viruses provided scientists with the key tools for transferring genes, including those of animals and plants. Consider these examples: ■

Restriction endonucleases led to recombinant DNA. Bacteria make restriction endonucleases, enzymes that cut DNA at positions determined by specific short base sequences. In nature, restriction

C T C T T A G T G G C G C A G C T A A C G C A T T A A G T T G A C C G 300




Figure 1.31 A DNA sequence fluorogram. Sequence obtained by an undergraduate at Kenyon College using an ABI sequencer, from genomic DNA of a microbe isolated from a discarded beverage container. Each colored trace represents the intensity of fluorescence of one of the four bases terminating a chain of DNA.

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Public response. As early as the 1970s, when the DNA revolution was largely limited to bacteria, its implications drew public concern. The use of recombinant DNA to make hybrid organisms—organisms combining DNA from more than one species—seemed “unnatural,” although we now know that interspecies gene transfer occurs ubiquitously in nature. Furthermore, recombinant DNA technology raised the specter of placing deadly genes that produce toxins such as botulin into innocuous human flora such as E. coli. The unknown consequences of recombinant DNA so concerned molecular biologists that they held a conference to assess the dangers and restrict experimentation on recombinant DNA. The conference, led by Paul Berg and Maxine Singer at Asilomar in 1975, was possibly the fi rst time in history that a group of scientists organized and agreed to regulate and restrict their own field.

Asilomar conference on the dangers of recombinant DNA

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Messenger RNA

Courtesy of Gabriel Weiss

endonucleases protect bacteria from the foreign DNA of viruses. In the test tube, purified restriction endonucleases were used to “cut and paste” DNA from two unrelated organisms, generating recombinant DNA. The construction of artificially recombinant DNA, by “gene cloning,” ultimately made it possible to transfer genes between the genomes of virtually all types of organisms, using processes derived from natural phenomena of bacterial transformation. A thermophilic DNA polymerase was used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA. While molecular biologists forged ahead in the laboratory, microbial ecologists discovered new species of bacteria and archaea in increasingly extreme habitats. A hot spring in Yellowstone National Park yielded the bacterium Thermus aquaticus, whose DNA polymerase could survive many rounds of cycling to near-boiling temperature. The Taq polymerase formed the basis of a multibillion-dollar industry of PCR amplification of DNA, with applications ranging from genome sequencing to forensic identification. Gene regulation discovered in bacteria provided models for animals and plants. The information carried by DNA was shown to be expressed by transcription to RNA and then translation of RNA to make proteins. Most of the key discoveries of gene expression were made in bacteria and bacteriophages. The regulation of expression of a bacterial gene was first demonstrated for the lac operon, a set of contiguous genes in E. coli. Transcription of the lac operon was shown to be regulated by a repressor protein binding to DNA. DNA-binding proteins were subsequently demonstrated in all classes of living organisms.

Figure 1.32 “Protein Jive Sutra.” At Stanford University, in 1971, rock dancers represented the process of protein synthesis in the ribosome. The depiction was immortalized in a film produced by chemist Kent Wilson and directed by Gabriel Weiss, with an introduction by Nobel laureate Paul Berg.

On the positive side, the emerging world of molecular biology drew excitement from students at a time of new ideas and social change. In 1971, the newly discovered process of protein translation by the bacterial ribosome inspired a classic cult film, Protein Synthesis: An Epic on the Cellular Level, directed by Gabriel Weiss and choreographed by Jackie Bennington, America’s 1969 Junior Miss (Fig. 1.32). Introduced by Nobel laureate Paul Berg, the film depicts dancers on the Stanford University football field forming the shape of the ribosome while “messenger RNA” and “transfer RNAs” meet to assemble a “protein.” The dancers sway to “Protein Jive Sutra,” performed by a Haight-Ashbury-inspired rock band. Their excitement echoed that of scientists exploring the extraordinary potential of microbial discovery. THOUGHT QUESTION 1.9 Do you think engineered strains of bacteria should be patentable? What about sequenced genes or genomes?

Microbial Discoveries Transform Medicine and Industry Twentieth-century microbiology transformed the practice of medicine and generated entire new industries of biotechnology and bioremediation. Following the discovery of penicillin, Americans poured millions of dollars of private and public funds into medical research. The March of Dimes campaign for private donations to prevent polio

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Chapter 1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

Table 1.3 Fields of research in microbiology. Field

Subject of study

Experimental microbiology Medical microbiology Epidemiology Immunology Food and industrial microbiology Environmental microbiology Forensic microbiology Astrobiology

Fundamental questions about microbial form and function, genetics, and ecology The mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of microbial disease Distribution and causes of disease in humans, animals, and plants The immune system and other host defenses against infectious disease Microbial and industrial food products, food contamination, and bioremediation Microbial diversity and microbial processes in natural and artificial environments Analysis of microbial strains as evidence in criminal investigations The origin of life in the universe and the possibility of life outside Earth

Joan Slonczewski, Kenyon College

led to the successful development of a vaccine that has nearly eliminated the disease. With the end of World War II, research on microbes and other aspects of biology drew increasing fi nancial support from U.S. government agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, as well as from governments of other countries, particularly the European nations and Japan. Further support has come from private foundations, such as the Pasteur Institute, the Wellcome Trust, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Research in microbiology fi nds applications in diverse fields (Table 1.3), all of which recruit microbiologists (Fig. 1.33). Cloned genes in bacteria produce valuable therapeutic proteins, such as insulin for diabetics. Recombinant viruses make safer vaccines. Bacteria and viral recombinant genomes are used to construct transgenic animals and plants. In environmental science, newly discovered microbes provide new ways to bioremediate wastes and control insect pests. On a global level, the management of our planet’s biosphere, with the challenges of pollution and global warming, increasingly depends on our understanding of microbial ecology. American Society for Microbiology

TO SU M MAR I Z E: Microbiologists at work. Students at Kenyon College conduct research on bacterial gene expression.

Figure 1.33 ■

Genetics of bacteria, bacteriophages, and fungi in the early twentieth century revealed fundamental insights about gene transmission that apply to all organisms. Structure and function of the genetic material, DNA was revealed by a series of experiments in the twentieth century. Molecular microbiology generated key advances, such as the use of restriction enzymes, the cloning of the fi rst recombinant molecules, and the invention of DNA-sequencing technology.

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Genome sequence determination and bioinformatic analysis became the tools that shape the study of biology in the twenty-fi rst century. Microbial discoveries transformed medicine and industry. Biotechnology enables the production of new kinds of pharmaceuticals and industrial products.

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Concluding Thoughts The advances in microbial science raise important questions for society. Who shall bear the growing costs of sophisticated research on microbial pathogens? Should genetically modified bacteria be released into the environment for agriculture to increase crop yield? Should deadly viruses be engineered as vectors for gene therapy? This book explores the current explosion of knowledge about microbial cells, genetics, and ecology. We introduce the applications of microbial science to human affairs,

■ The M icro b i al Ce l l


from medical microbiology to environmental science. Most importantly, we discuss research methods—how scientists make the discoveries that will shape tomorrow’s view of microbiology. In the rest of Part 1, Chapter 2 presents the visualization tools that make possible our increasingly detailed view of the structures of cells (Chapter 3) and viruses (Chapter 6). Chapters 4 and 5 introduce microbial nutrition and growth in diverse habitats, including new information derived from the sequencing of microbial genomes. Throughout, we invite readers to share with us the excitement of discovery in microbiology.

C H A P T E R R E V I EW Review Questions 1. Explain the apparent contradictions in defining micro-

6. Explain how microbes are cultured on liquid and

biology as the study of microscopic organisms or the study of single-celled organisms. What is the genome of an organism? How do genomes of viruses differ from those of cellular microbes? Under what conditions might microbial life have originated? What evidence supports current views of microbial origin? List the ways in which microbes have affected human life throughout history. Summarize the key experiments and insights that shaped the controversy over spontaneous generation. What key questions were raised, and how were they answered?

solid media. Compare and contrast the culture methods of Koch and Winogradsky. How did their different approaches to microbial culture address different questions in microbiology? 7. Explain how a series of observations of disease transmission led to development of immunization to prevent disease. 8. Summarize key historical developments in our view of microbial taxonomy. What attributes of microbes have made them challenging to classify? 9. Explain how various discoveries in “natural” bacterial genetics were used to develop recombinant DNA technology.

2. 3.

4. 5.

Key Terms agar (21) antibiotic (25) antiseptic (25) Archaea (9) archaeon (9) aseptic (25) autoclave (17) Bacteria (9) bacterium (9) chain of infection (21) chemiosmotic hypothesis (33) chemolithotrophs (26) colonies (21) DNA sequencing (34) electron microscope (32)

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endosymbiont (27) enrichment culture (26) Eukarya (9) eukaryote (8) fermentation (17) genome (9) geochemical cycling (27) germ theory of disease (17) immune system (24) immunity (24) immunization (24) Koch’s postulates (21) lithotrophs (26) microbe (7) monophyletic (30)

nitrogen fixation (27) petri dish (21) photosynthesis (27) polyphyletic (30) prokaryotes (8) pure culture (21) recombinant DNA (35) reduced (18) restriction endonuclease (34) spontaneous generation (16) transformation (33) ultracentrifuge (32) vaccination (23) virus (8) Winogradsky column (27)

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Chapter 1

Mic r o b ia l L ife : Orig in and Disc ov ery

Recommended Reading Angert, Esther, Kendall D. Clements, and Norman R. Pace. 1993. The largest bacterium. Nature 362:239–241. Brock, Thomas D. 1999. Robert Koch: A Life in Medicine and Bacteriology. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Brock, Thomas D. 1999. Milestones in Microbiology, 1546 to 1940. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Doudna, Jennifer A., and Thomas R. Cech. 2004. The chemical repertoire of natural ribozymes. Nature 418:222–228. Dubos, Rene. 1998. Pasteur and Modern Science. Translated by Thomas Brock. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Fleishmann, Robert D., Mark D. Adams, Owen White, Rebecca A. Clayton, Ewen F. Kirkness, et al. 1995. Wholegenome random sequencing and assembly of Haemophilus influenzae Rd. Science 269:496–512. Hesse, Wolfgang. 1992. Walther and Angelina Hesse—early contributors to bacteriology. ASM News 58:425–428. Joklik, Wolfgang K., Lars G. Ljungdahl, Alison D. O’Brien, Alexander von Graevenitz, and Charles Yanofsky (eds.). 1999. Microbiology: A Centenary Perspective. ASM Press, Washington, DC.

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Margulis, Lynn. 1968. Evolutionary criteria in Thallophytes: A radical alternative. Science 161:1020–1022. Raoult, Didier. 2005. The journey from Rickettsia to Mimivirus. ASM News 71:278–284. Sherman, Irwin W. 2006. The Power of Plagues. American Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, DC. Thomas, Gavin. 2005. Microbes in the air: John Tyndall and the spontaneous generation debate. Microbiology Today (Nov. 5): 164–167. Ward, Naomi, and Claire Fraser. 2005. How genomics has affected the concept of microbiology. Current Opinion in Microbiology 8:564–571. Westall, Frances. 2005. Life on the early earth: A sedimentary view. Science 308:366–367. Woese, Carl R., and George E. Fox. 1977. Phylogenetic structure of the prokaryotic domain: The primary kingdoms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 74:5088–5090. Zuniga, Elina I., Bumsuk Hahm, Kurt H. Edelmann, and Michael B. A. Oldstone. 2005. Immunosuppressive viruses and dendritic cells: A multifront war. ASM News 71:285–290.

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Chapter 2

Observing the Microbial Cell 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7

Observing Microbes Optics and Properties of Light Bright-Field Microscopy Dark-Field, Phase-Contrast, and Interference Microscopy Fluorescence Microscopy Electron Microscopy Visualizing Molecules

Microscopy reveals the vast realm of bacteria and protists invisible to the unaided eye. The microbial world spans a wide range of size—over several orders of magnitude. For different size ranges, we use different instruments, from the simple bright-field microscope to the electron microscope. The microscope enables us to count the number of microbes in the human bloodstream or in dilute natural environments such as the ocean. It shows how microbes swim and respond to signals such as a new food source. Advanced forms of microscopy reveal microbes in remarkable detail. Fluorescence microscopy shows how microbial cells develop and reproduce. Electron microscopy explores the cell’s interior, showing how all the parts of the cell fit together. The electron microscope is used to build models of viruses, and to probe the subcellular structures of membranes, ribosomes, and flagellar motors. Scanning probe microscopy images live microbes with an unprecedented degree of realism.

Atomic-force microscopic image (AFM) of Corynebacterium glutamicum cells, showing the contours of their formidable S-layer. Each cell is 1.0–1.5 µm in length, and about 0.7 µm in diameter. C. glutamicum is a major industrial producer of amino acids and vitamins. Source: Nicole Hansmeier, et al. 2006. Microbiology 152:923–935. Photo from Hansmeier, et al. 2006. SGM Microbiology No. 4.


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Chapter 2

O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell

When the microscope of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) fi rst revealed the tiny life-forms on his teeth, scientists in England refused to believe it until their own instruments showed the same. Van Leeuwenhoek’s superior lenses were key to his success. Since the time of van Leeuwenhoek, microscopists have devised ever more powerful instruments to search for microbes in unexpected habitats. An example of such a habitat is the human stomach, long believed too acidic to harbor life. In the 1980s, however, Australian scientist Barry Marshall reported finding a new species of bacterium in the stomach. The bacteria, Helicobacter pylori, proved difficult to isolate and culture, and for over a decade, medical researchers refused to believe Marshall’s report. Ultimately, electron microscopy (EM) confirmed the existence of H. pylori in the stomach and helped document its role in gastritis and stomach ulcers. The scanning electron micrograph in Figure 2.1 shows H. pylori colonizing the gastric crypt cells. H. pylori bacteria are comma-shaped rods with a polar tuft of flagella. The contours of cells and flagella are well resolved by the scanning beam of electrons, an achievement far beyond that possible with a light microscope. Today, various kinds of microscopes are used in many settings, from hospitals and veterinary clinics to industrial plants and wastewater treatment facilities. This chapter covers two areas: ■

Light microscopy. The theory and practice of light microscopy are essential for every student and professional observing microorganisms. Advanced tools for research. Fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction crystallography probe ever farther the frontiers of the unseen.


Observing Microbes

Most microbes are too small to be seen; that is, they are microscopic, requiring the use of a microscope to be seen. But why can’t we see microbes without magnification? The answer is surprisingly complex. In fact, our defi nition of “microscopic” is based not on inherent properties of the organism under study, but on the properties of our eyes. What is “microscopic” actually lies in the eye of the beholder.

Resolution of Objects by Our Eyes The size at which objects become visible depends on the resolution of the observer’s eye. Resolution is the smallest distance by which two objects can be separated and still be distinguished. In the eyes of humans and other animals, resolution is achieved by focusing an image on a retina packed with light-absorbing photoreceptor cells (Fig. 2.2). A group of photoreceptors with their linked neurons forms one unit of detection, comparable to a pixel

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1 µm

Helicobacter pylori within the crypt cells of the stomach lining. Microscopy demonstrated the presence of H. pylori, the causes of stomach ulcers, growing on the lining of the human stomach, a location previously believed too acidic to permit microbial growth. Scanning electron micrograph, colorized to indicate bacteria (green).

Figure 2.1

on a computer screen. The distance between two retinal “pixels” limits resolution. The resolution of the human retina (that is, the length of the smallest object most human eyes can see) is about 150 µm, or one-seventh of a millimeter. In the retinas of eagles, photoreceptors are more closely packed, so an eagle can resolve objects eight times as small or eight times as far away as a human can; hence, the phrase “eagle-eyed” means sharp-sighted. On the other hand, insect compound eyes have one-hundredth the resolution of human eyes because their receptor cells are farther apart than ours. If a science-fictional giant ameba had eyes with a retinal resolution of 2 meters (m), it would perceive humans as we do microbes. NOTE: In this book, we use standard metric units for

size: 1 millimeter (mm) = one thousandth of a meter = 10 –3 m 1 micrometer (µm) = one thousandth of a millimeter = 10 –6 m 1 nanometer (nm) = one thousandth of a micrometer = 10 –9 m 1 picometer (pm) = one thousandth of a nanometer = 10 –12 m Some authors still use the traditional unit angstrom (Å), which equals a tenth of a nanometer, or 10 –10 m.

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The M icro b i al Ce l l

Photoreceptors Cone

Eye muscle


Iris Cornea

Pupil Optic nerve



Figure 2.2 Defining the microscopic. We define what is visible and what is microscopic in terms of the human eye. Within the human eye, the lens focuses an image on the retina. Adjacent light receptors are sufficiently close to resolve the image of a human being, even at a distance where its apparent height shrinks to a millimeter.

Resolution Differs from Detection

Microbial Size and Shape

Objects of sizes below the resolution limit may yet be detected; that is, we can observe their presence as a group. Thus, our eyes can detect a large population of microbes, such as a spot of mold on a piece of bread (about a million cells) or a cloudy tube of bacteria in liquid culture (a million cells per milliliter; Fig. 2.3A). Detection, the ability to determine the presence of an object, differs from resolution. When the unaided eye detects the presence of mold or bacteria, it cannot resolve individual cells. To resolve bacterial cells, such as those of the wetland phototroph Rhodospirillum rubrum (Fig. 2.3B), requires magnification. In microscopy, magnification means to increase the apparent size of an image so as to resolve smaller separations between objects and thus increase the information obtained by our eyes.

Different kinds of microbes differ in size, over a range of several orders of magnitude, or powers of ten (Fig. 2.4). Eukaryotic microbes are often sufficiently large (10–100 µm) 2





12 mm

Prochlorococcus marinus, 0.4 µm Staphylococcus aureus, 0.9 µm Escherichia coli, 2.5 µm Bacillus megaterium, 4 µm


Red blood cell, 8 µm Paramecium, 100 µm

10 µm

Steffen Klamt, U. Magdeburg

Joan Slonczewski, Kenyon College


Relative sizes of different cells. Microbial cells come in various sizes, most of which are below the threshold of resolution by the unaided human eye (150 µm). Note that most bacteria are much smaller than the human red blood corpuscle, a small eukaryotic cell.

Figure 2.4

Detecting and resolving bacteria. A. A tube of bacterial culture, Rhodospirillum rubrum. Bacterial cells are detected, though not resolved. B. Bright-field image. Individual cells of R. rubrum are resolved.

Figure 2.3

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O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell

that we can resolve their compartmentalized structure under a light microscope. Prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) are generally smaller (0.4–10 µm); thus, their overall size can be seen, but their internal structures are too small to be resolved. Nevertheless, a few bacterial species, such as Thiomargarita namibiensis, are large enough to be seen without a microscope, while many unculturable marine eukaryotes are as small as the smallest bacteria. Thus, the actual size ranges of eukaryotic and prokaryotic microbes overlap substantially. Many eukaryotes, such as protists and algae, can be resolved under low-power magnification to reveal internal and external structures such as the nucleus, vacuoles, and flagella (Fig. 2.5). Protists show complex shapes and appendages. For example, amebas from an aquatic ecosystem show large nuclei and pseudopods to engulf prey (Fig. 2.5A). Pseudopods can be seen to move through streaming of their cytoplasm. Another protist readily observed by light microscopy is Giardia lamblia, a water contaminant that causes outbreaks of intestinal illness in cities and day-care centers (Fig. 2.5B). In the Giardia cell, we observe two nuclei and multiple flagella. Eukaryotic flagella propel the cell by a whiplike action. Similarly, we can observe the complex internal patterns of chloroplasts in algae and the exceptional variety of crystalline forms in diatoms. For more on microbial eukaryotes, see Chapter 20. Prokaryotic cell structures are generally simpler than those of eukaryotes (see Chapter 3). Figure 2.6 shows representative members of several common cell types, as visualized by light microscopy or by scanning electron microscopy. Note that with light microscopy, the cell shape is barely discernable under the highest power.

C. Spirochetes. Borrelia burgdorferi, causative organism in Lyme disease, among human blood cells (LM).

50 µm



10 µm

Eukaryotic microbial cells. Eukaryotic microbes are large enough that details of internal and external organelles can be seen under a light microscope. A. Amoeba proteus. B. Giardia lamblia.

Figure 2.5

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15 µm

©Dennis Kunkel/ Visuals Unlimited

D. Spirochetes. Leptospira interrogans, causative organism in leptospirosis in animals and humans (SEM).

E. Cocci in pairs (diplococci). Streptococcus pneumoniae, a cause of pneumonia. Methylene blue stain (LM). George Wilder/Visuals Unlimited


Andrew Syred/Photo Researchers, Inc.

5 µm

2 µm

1 µm

Dennis Kunkel Microscopy

10 µm



B. Rods (bacilli). Lactobacillus acidophilus, gram-positive bacteria (SEM).

A. Filamentous rods (bacilli). Lactobacillus lactis, gram-positive bacteria (LM).

F. Cocci in chains. Anabaena spp., filamentous cyanobacteria. Producers for the marine food chain (SEM). Dennis Kunkel Microscopy


With scanning electron microscopy, the shapes appear clearer, but we still see no subcellular structures. Subcellular structures are best visualized with transmission electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy (discussed below). Certain shapes of bacteria are common to many taxonomic groups (Fig. 2.6). For example, both bacteria and archaea form similarly shaped rods, or bacilli, and cocci (spheres). Thus, rods and spherical shapes have evolved independently within different taxa. On the other hand, a unique bacterial shape is seen in the spirochetes, which cause diseases such as syphilis and Lyme disease. Spirochetes possess an elaborate spiral structure with internal axial fi laments and flagella as well as an outer sheath (for more on spirochetes, see Section 18.7). Spiral axial fi laments are found only within the spirochete group of closely related species.

A. M. Siegelman/Visuals Unlimited

Michael Abbey/Visuals Unlimited

Chapter 2

CNRI/Photo Researchers, Inc.


10 µm

Common shapes of bacteria. The shape of most bacterial cells can be discerned with light microscopy (A, C, E), but their subcellular structures and surface details cannot be seen. Surface detail is revealed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (B, D, F). These SEM images are colorized to enhance clarity.

Figure 2.6

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©Kiseleva & Donald Fawcett/Visuals Unlimited


The M icro b i al Ce l l

©T. J. Beveridge/Visuals Unlimited


©Michael Abbey/Visuals Unlimited


10–3 m

10–4 m

10–5 m

10–6 m

10–7 m

10–8 m

10–9 m

1 mm

100 µm

10 µm

1 µm

0.1 µm = 100 nm

10 nm

1 nm = 10 Å

Human eye Light microscopy Scanning electron microscopy Transmission electron microscopy Atomic force microscopy X-ray crystallography

Microscopy and X-ray crystallography, range of resolution. A. Light microscopy reveals internal structures of a paramecium (a eukaryote). LM, Magnification ×100 at 35 mm size. B. Pseudomonas sp., rod-shaped bacteria, are barely resolved. LM, Magnification ×1200. C. Internal structures of the bacterium Escherichia coli are revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Magnification ×32,000. D. Individual ribosomes are attached to the messenger RNA molecules that are translated to make peptides (TEM). Magnification ×150,000. E. A ribosome (diameter, 21 nm) cannot be observed directly but can be modeled using X-ray crystallography.

Figure 2.7

NOTE: The genus name Bacillus refers to a specific tax-

onomic group of bacteria, but the term bacillus (plural, bacilli) refers to any rod-shaped bacterium or archaeon.

Microscopy for Different Size Scales To resolve microbes and microbial structures of different sizes requires different kinds of microscopes. Figure 2.7 shows the different techniques used to resolve microbes and structures of various sizes. For example, a paramecium can be resolved under a light microscope, but an individual ribosome requires electron microscopy. ■

Light microscopy resolves images of individual bacteria based on their absorption of light. The specimen is commonly viewed as a dark object against a light-fi lled field, or background; this is called brightfield microscopy (seen in Figs. 2.7A, B). Advanced techniques, based on special properties of light, include dark-field, phase-contrast, and fluorescence microscopy. Electron microscopy (EM) uses beams of electrons to resolve details several orders of magnitude smaller than those seen under light microscopy.

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In scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the electron beam is scattered from the metal-coated surface of an object, generating an appearance of three-dimensional depth. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (Figs. 2.7C, D), the electron beam travels through the object, where the electrons are absorbed by an electron-dense metal stain. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) uses van der Waals forces between a probe and an object to map the three-dimensional topography of a cell. X-ray crystallography detects the interference pattern of X-rays entering the crystal lattice of a molecule. From the interference pattern, researchers build a computational model of the structure of the individual molecule, such as a protein or a nucleic acid, or even a molecular complex such as a ribosome (Fig. 2.7E). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging provides structural information based on the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei.

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.1 You have discovered a new kind of microbe, never observed before. What kind of questions about this microbe might be answered by light microscopy? What questions would be better addressed by electron microscopy?

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Chapter 2

O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell


Detection is the ability to determine the presence of an object. Resolution is the smallest distance by which two objects can be separated and still be distinguished. Magnification means an increase in the apparent size of an image so as to resolve smaller separations between objects. Eukaryotic microbes may be large enough to resolve subcellular structures under a light microscope, although some eukaryotes are as small as bacteria. Bacteria and archaea are usually too small for subcellular resolution. Their shapes include characteristic forms, such as rods and cocci. Different kinds of microscopy are required to resolve cells and subcellular structures of different sizes.

A. Electrical field Magnetic field

Wavelength (λ)


Decreasing wavelength, increasing frequency Frequency (Hz) 100










Molecular Expressions: Exploring the World of Optics and Microscopy, Florida State University





TV AM/FM radio waves

Optics and Properties of Light

Light microscopy directly extends the lens system of our own eyes. Light is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation (Fig. 2.8), a form of energy that is propagated as waves associated with electrical and magnetic fields. Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are defi ned by wavelength, which for visible light is about 400–750 nm. Radiation of longer wavelengths includes infrared and radio waves, whereas shorter wavelengths include ultraviolet rays and X-rays.




Microwaves Gamma rays







Wavelength (m) Visible light spectrum Infrared

700 nm


600 nm

500 nm

400 nm

Electromagnetic energy. A. Electromagnetic radiation is composed of electrical and magnetic waves perpendicular to each other. B. The electromagnetic spectrum includes the visual range, used in light microscopy.

Figure 2.8

Light Carries Information All forms of electromagnetic radiation carry information from the objects with which they interact. The information carried by radiation can be used to detect objects; for example, radar (using radio waves) detects a speeding car. All electromagnetic radiation travels through a vacuum at the same speed (c), about 3 × 108 meters per second (m/s). The speed of light (c) is equal to the wavelength (λ) of the radiation multiplied by its frequency (ν), the number of wave cycles per unit time. Frequency is usually measured in hertz (Hz), reciprocal seconds: c = λν Because c is constant, the longer the wavelength λ, the lower the frequency ν. For electromagnetic radiation to resolve an object from neighboring objects or from its surrounding medium, certain conditions must exist:

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Contrast between the object and its surroundings. Contrast is the difference in light and dark. If an object and its surroundings absorb or reflect radiation equally, then the object will be undetectable. Thus, it is hard to observe a cell of transparent cytoplasm floating in water because the aqueous cytoplasm and the extracellular water tend to transmit light similarly, producing little contrast. Wavelength smaller than the object. For an object to be resolved, the wavelength of the radiation must be equal to or smaller than the size of the object. If the wavelength of the radiation is larger than the object, then most of the wave’s energy will simply pass through it, like an ocean wave passing around

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a dock post. Thus, radar, with a wavelength of 1–100 centimeters (cm), cannot resolve microbes, though it easily resolves cars and people. A detector with sufficient resolution for the given wavelength. The human eye has a retina with photoreceptors that absorb radiation within a narrow range of wavelengths, 400–750 nm (0.40– 0.75 µm), which we defi ne as “visible light.” But the distance between our retinal photoreceptors is 150 µm, about 500 times the wavelength of light. Thus, our eyes are unable to access all the information contained in the light that enters. In order for us to exploit the full information capacity of light, the light rays from point sources of light must be spread apart sufficiently to be resolved by our retinal photoreceptors. The spreading of the light rays results in magnification of the image.

A. Absorption


The M icro b i al Ce l l

B. Reflection Incident angle θ

Angle of reflection θ′

Energy level raised The object blocks part of the light.

C. Refraction

The wave front of the light bounces off the surface.

D. Scattering

Light Interacts with an Object The physical behavior of light in some ways resembles a beam of particles and in other ways a waveform. The particles of light are called photons. Each photon has an associated wavelength that determines how the photon will interact with a given object. The combined properties of particle and wave enable light to interact with an object in several different ways: absorption, reflection, refraction, and scattering. ■

Absorption means that the photon’s energy is acquired by the absorbing object (Fig. 2.9A). The energy is converted to a different form, usually heat (infrared radiation), a form of electromagnetic radiation of longer wavelength than light. When a microbial specimen absorbs light, it can be observed as a dark spot against a bright field, as in bright-field microscopy. Some molecules that absorb light of a specific wavelength reemit energy not as heat, but as light with a longer wavelength; this is called fluorescence. Fluorescence is also used in microscopy (discussed later). Reflection means that the wave front redirects from the surface of an object at an angle equal to its incident angle (Fig. 2.9B). Reflection of light waves is analogous to the reflection of water waves. Reflection from a silvered mirror or a glass surface is used in the optics of microscopy. Refraction is the bending of light as it enters a substance that slows its speed (Fig. 2.9C). Such a substance is said to be “refractive” and, by definition, has a higher refractive index than air. Refraction is the key property that enables a lens to magnify an image. Scattering occurs when a portion of the wave front is converted to a spherical wave originating from the object (Fig. 2.9D). If a large number of particles

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The light bends when it enters a substance that changes its speed.

Figure 2.9

A small fraction of the incident light is scattered in all directions. Occurs when the dimensions of the object are close to the wavelength of incident light.

Interaction of light with matter.

simultaneously scatter light, a haze is observed— for example, the haze of bacteria suspended in a culture tube. Special optical arrangements (such as dark-field microscopy, discussed later) can use scattered light to detect (but not resolve) microbial shapes smaller than the wavelength of light.

Refraction Enables Magnification Magnification requires refraction of light through a medium of high refractive index, such as glass. As a wave front of light enters a refractive material, the region of the wave that fi rst reaches the material is slowed, while the rest of the wave continues at its original speed until it also passes into the refractive material (Fig. 2.10). As the entire wave front continues through the refractive material, its path continues at an angle from its original direction. At the opposite face of the refractive material, the wave front resumes its original speed. THOUGHT QUESTION 2.2 Explain what happens to the refracted light wave as it emerges from a piece of glass of even thickness. How does its new speed and direction compare with its original (incident) speed and direction?

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(Glass refractive index greater than for air) 34.5°

Wave front slows in glass, causing a change in direction.


Refraction of light waves. Wave fronts of light shift direction as they enter a substance of higher refractive index, such as glass.

Figure 2.10

In a lens, a parabolic surface focuses impinging light rays. Parallel light rays entering the lens emerge at angles so as to intersect each other at the focal point, equivalent to the focus of the parabola (Fig. 2.12). From the focal point, the light rays continue onward in an expanding wave front. This expansion magnifies the image carried by the wave. The distance from the lens to the focal point (called the focal distance) is determined by the degree of parabolic curvature of the lens and by the refractive index of its material. In Figure 2.12, the object under observation is placed just outside the focal plane, a plane containing the focal point of the lens. All light rays from the object are bent by the lens, converging at the opposite focal point. At the focal point, the light rays continue through until they converge with nonparallel light rays refracted by the lens. The plane of convergence generates a reversed image of the object. The image is expanded, or magnified, by the spreading out of refracted rays. The distances between parts of the image are enlarged, enabling our eyes to resolve fi ner details. FSU Tutorial on Magnification

Light rays entering lens Focus

A wider parabola has a more distant focal point.

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.3 Parabolic lenses are generally “biconvex,” that is, curving outward on both sides. What would happen to parallel light rays that pass through a lens that is concave on both sides? Or a lens that is convex on one side and concave with equal curvature on the other?

Magnification and Resolution

Focus A narrower parabola has a closer focal point.

Figure 2.11 The focus of a parabola. parabola, the more distant the focal point.

The wider the

Refraction magnifies an image when light passes through a refractive material shaped so as to spread its rays, widening the wave front. The shape that accomplishes this widening is that of a parabola. Light rays entering a parabolic surface are focused; that is, they are each bent at an angle such that all rays meet at a certain point, called the focus of the parabola (Fig. 2.11).

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The spreading of light rays does not necessarily increase resolution. For example, an image composed of dots does not gain detail when enlarged on a photocopier, nor does an image composed of pixels gain detail when enlarged on a computer screen. In these cases, resolution fails to increase because the individual details of the image expand in proportion to the expansion of the overall image. Magnification without increase in resolution is called empty magnification. The resolution of detail in microscopy is limited by the degree to which details “expand” with magnification. This expansion of detail is limited by the interference of light rays converging at the focal point. In interference, two wave fronts interact by addition (amplitudes in phase) or subtraction (amplitudes out of phase) (Fig. 2.13A). The result of interference between two waves is a pattern of alternating zones of constructive and destructive interference (brightness and darkness) (Fig. 2.13B). In theory, a perfect lens that focuses all the light from an object should have no interference as its rays

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■ The M icro b i al Ce l l




Focal point

Focal point


Focal distance Focal plane

Real image

Focal plane Biconvex lens

Generating an image with a lens. The object is placed within the focal plane of the lens. All light rays from the object are bent by the lens, converging at the opposite focal point. The light rays continue through the focal point, generating an image of the object that is reversed and magnified.

Figure 2.12



Constructive interference (in phase)

Destructive interference (out of phase) D



D A1


D = Propagation direction A = Amplitude

Wavelength D A2

Intensity of interfering waves is proportional to peak height squared.




C = Vibration direction

Wavelength D




A1 + A2 = AR Brighter

A1 – A2 = AR Darker

Constructive (additive) and destructive (subtractive) interference of light waves. A. In constructive interference, the peaks of the two wave trains rise together; their amplitudes are additive, creating a wave of greater amplitude. In destructive interference, the peaks of the waves are opposite one another, so their amplitudes cancel, creating a wave of lesser amplitude. B. Two wave fronts approaching at an angle generate an interference pattern in which intensity alternately increases and decreases.

Figure 2.13

converge toward the focal point. In fact, however, the outer edges of the lens introduce imperfection. The converging edges of the wave interfere with each other to create alternating regions of light and dark. At the focal point, the interference forms a central sphere of intensity surrounded by a series of concentric spheres of alternating light and dark (Fig. 2.14A). The viewing plane intersects the concentric spheres to form an Airy disk, a disk containing a bright central peak surrounded by rings

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of light and dark. The Airy disk was originally discovered by the astronomer George Airy (1801–1892), who showed that the stars viewed through a telescope could never appear as true point sources, but only as tiny disks of light surrounded by rings. The same principle applies to objects viewed under a microscope.

FSU Tutorial on Airy Disk

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Airy disk

B. Image plane

Image plane Michael W. Davidson

Airy disk

Interference of converging wave fronts


Image plane Lens


Airy disk

Michael W. Davidson

Image plane


Image plane Unresolved


Interference of light waves at the focal point generates an Airy disk. A. The interference of converging spherical wave fronts creates a sphere with a central zone of maximum intensity, surrounded by alternating zones of bright and dark. A plane section through the sphere generates the Airy disk. B. The Airy peak and its surrounding rings.

Figure 2.14

The width of the Airy disk—and hence the limit to resolution of detail—depends on the wavelength of light and the quality of the lens. The shorter the wavelength, the narrower the Airy disk. In addition, the central peak of intensity is sharpest when the specimen is at the focal point, where the specimen is said to be in focus. Suppose an object consists of a collection of point sources of light. Each point source generates an Airy disk of rings surrounding one central peak of intensity. The width of the central peak increases with distance away from the focal point. This width will defi ne the resolution, or separation distance, between any two points of the object (Fig. 2.14B). Full resolution is achieved for two points when there is complete separation of the central peaks of the two Airy disks. This resolution distance determines the degree of detail that can be observed along the edge of an object.

Contrast between object and background makes it possible to detect the object and resolve its component parts. The wavelength of the radiation must be equal to or smaller than the size of the object if we are to resolve its shape. Absorption means that the energy from light (or other electromagnetic radiation) is acquired by the object. Reflection means that the wave front bounces off the surface of a particle at an angle equal to its incident angle. Refraction is the bending of light as it enters a substance that slows its speed. Scattering occurs when a wave front interacts with an object of smaller dimension than the wavelength. Light scattering enables detection of objects whose detail cannot be resolved.


Electromagnetic radiation interacts with an object and acquires information we can use to detect the object.

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Bright-Field Microscopy

In bright-field microscopy, an object such as a bacterial cell is perceived as a dark silhouette blocking the pas-

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sage of light. Details of the dark object are defi ned by the points of light surrounding its edge.

Low-power magnification 10ⴛ

The M icro b i al Ce l l


Wide Airy disk

Increasing Resolution The optics of a modern bright-field microscope are designed to maximize detail under magnification by a lens. In maximizing the resolution, the following factors need to be considered: ■

Wavelength. The theoretical maximum magnification can be calculated as the resolution distance of our retina (0.15 mm, or 150,000 nm) divided by the average wavelength of light (550 nm, for green). This gives an approximately 300-fold magnification with increasing resolution. Additional optical factors can bring this magnification closer to 1,000×, although full resolution is rarely reached in practice. Any greater magnification expands only the width of the interference patterns; the image becomes larger but with no greater resolution (empty magnification). Light and contrast. For any given lens system, there is an optimal amount of light that yields the highest contrast between the dark specimen and the light background. High contrast is needed to achieve the maximum resolution at high magnification. Lens quality. All lenses possess inherent aberrations that detract from perfect parabolic curvature. Instead of trying to grind a “perfect” single lens, modern manufacturers construct microscopes with a series of lenses that multiply each other’s magnification and correct for aberrations.

Let us fi rst consider magnification of an image by a single lens. The principles described would hold for any lens. Figure 2.15 shows an objective lens, a lens situated directly above an object or specimen that we wish to observe at high resolution. How can we maximize the resolution of details in the image? An object at the focal point of a lens sits at the tip of an inverted light cone formed by rays of light from the lens converging at the object. The angle of the light cone is determined by the curvature and refractive index of the lens. The lens fi lls an aperture, or hole, for the passage of light; and for a given lens, the light cone is defi ned by an angle θ (theta) projecting from the midline, known as the angle of aperture. As θ increases and the horizontal width of the light cone (sin θ) increases, a wider cone of light passes through the specimen. The wider cone of light rays improves the precision of the image by lessening the proportion of edge interference between wave fronts, thereby narrowing the width of the Airy disk interference pattern. Another way to say this is that as sin θ increases, the resolvable distance decreases. Thus, the greater the angle of aperture of the lens, the better the resolution.

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θ θ =15°

NA = n sin θ = 1.0 sin 15.0° = 0.25


High-power magnification 100ⴛ

θ = 72.1° Objective Specimen

Narrow Airy disk

NA = n sin θ = 1.0 sin 72.1° = 0.95 NA = Numerical aperture n = Refractive index = 1.00 (air) θ = Angle of aperture

Figure 2.15 Resolution and numerical aperture. The resolution depends on numerical aperture (NA), which equals the refractive index (n) of the medium containing the light cone multiplied by the sine of the angle of the light cone (θ). Higher magnification occurs at higher NA.

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.4 In theory, what angle θ would produce the highest resolution? What practical problem would you have in designing a lens to generate this light cone? Resolution also depends on the refractive index of the medium containing the light cone, which is usually air. The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in another medium. For air, the refractive index (n) is taken as 1, whereas lens material has a refractive index greater than 1. The lens bends the light spreading at an angle (θ). The product of the refractive index (n) of the medium times sin θ is the numerical aperture (NA): NA = n sin θ In Figure 2.15, we see the calculation of NA for an objective lens of magnification 10×, and for a lens magnification

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100×. As NA increases, the magnification power of the lens increases, although the increase is not linear. Note that as the lens strength increases and the light cone widens, the lens must come nearer the object. Defects in lens curvature become more of a problem, and focusing becomes more challenging. As θ becomes very wide, too much of the light from the object is lost owing to refraction at the glass-to-air interface. The greater the refractive index of the medium between the object and the objective lens, the more light can be collected and focused. For the highest-power objective lens, generally 100×, a zone of even refractive index is maintained by insertion of immersion oil with a refractive index comparable to that of glass (n = 1.5) (Fig. 2.16). Immersion oil minimizes loss of light rays at the widest angles and makes it possible to reach 100× magnification with minimal distortion.

The Compound Microscope

Objective lens Immersion oil

Refracted light No oil

Glass slide Microscope stage Light


Figure 2.16 Use of immersion oil in microscopy. Immersion oil with a refractive index comparable to that of glass (n = 1.5) prevents light rays from bending away from the objective lens. Thus, more light is collected, NA increases, and resolution improves.

a parfocal system, when an object is focused using one lens, it remains in focus, or nearly so, when another lens is rotated to replace the fi rst.

The manufacture of higher-power lenses is difficult owing to decreasing tolerance for aberration. For this reason, we rarely observe through a single lens. Instead NOTE: Objective lenses can be obtained in several we use a compound microscope, a system of multiple different grades of quality, manufactured with differlenses designed to correct or compensate for aberraent kinds of correction for aberrations. Lenses should tion. A typical arrangement of a compound microscope feature at minimum the following corrections: “plan” is shown in Figure 2.17. In this arrangement, the light correction for field curvature, to generate a field that source is placed at the bottom, shining upward through appears fl at, and “apochromat” correction for spheria series of lenses, including the condenser, objective, and cal and chromatic aberrations. ocular lenses. The condenser consists of one or more lenses that focus parallel light rays from the light source onto a small The image from the objective lens is amplified by a area of the slide. The condensed light rays generate a narsecondary focusing step through the ocular lens. The rower Airy interference pattern and Eye B. thus improve the resolution of the A. objective lens. Between the light source and the condenser sits a diaphragm, a device to Eyepiece vary the diameter of the light column. Ocular lens Lower-power lenses require operation at lower light levels because the excess light makes it impossible to observe Focusing knob the darkening effect of absorbance by the specimen (contrast). Higher-power lenses require more light and thus an open diaphragm. Objective lens Objectives The nosepiece of a compound Specimen on revolving Specimen nosepiece microscope typically holds three or four objective lenses of different Condenser lens Stage magnifying power, such as 4×, 10×, Diaphragm Substage 40×, and 100× (requiring immersion condenser oil). These lenses are arranged so as Light Light source to rotate in turn into the optical column. A high-quality instrument will have the lenses set at different heights Figure 2.17 The anatomy of a compound microscope. A. Light path through a from the slide so as to be parfocal. In compound microscope. B. Cutaway view of a compound microscope.

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ocular lens sits directly beneath the observer’s eye. In the process of magnification, each light ray traces a path toward a position opposite its point of origin, thus creating a mirror-reversed image. This reversal must be kept in mind when exploring a field of cells. Research-grade microscopes include a series of ocular and objective lenses. The magnification factor of the ocular lens is multiplied by the magnification factor of the objective lens to generate the total magnification (power). For example, a 10× ocular times a 100× objective generates 1,000× total magnification. Observing a specimen under a compound microscope requires several steps:

The M icro b i al Ce l l


erates extra rings of light surrounding an object whose dimensions are close to the resolution limit. In Figure 2.18, we see microscopic observation of Rhodospirillum rubrum, photosynthetic bacteria that contribute to wetland productivity. As cells of R. rubrum swim in and out of the focal plane, their appearance changes through optical effects. When a bacterium swims out of the focal plane too close to the lens, resolution declines and the image blurs (Fig. 2.18A). When the bacterium swims within the focal plane, its image appears sharp, with a bright line along its edge. A helical cell like R. rubrum shows well-focused segments alternating with hazier segments that are too close to the lens (Fig. 2.18B). When the cell swims too far past the focal plane, the bright interference lines collapse into the object’s silhouette, which now appears bright or “hollow” (Fig. 2.18C). In fact, the bacterium is not hollow at all; only its image has changed. When the cell extends across several focal planes, different portions appear out of focus (either too near or too far from the lens). In addition, when the end of a cell points toward the observer, light travels through the length of the cell before reaching the observer, so the cell absorbs more light and appears dark (see Fig. 2.18D). The

Position the specimen centrally in the optical column. Only a small area of a slide can be visualized within the field of view of a given lens. The higher the magnification, the smaller the field of view will be seen. Optimize the amount of light. At lower power, too much light will wash out the light absorption of the specimen without contributing to magnification. At higher power, more light needs to be collected by the condenser. To optimize light, the condenser must be set at the correct vertical A. position to focus on the specimen, and the diaphragm must be adjusted to transToo close to lens; image is blurred. mit the amount of light that produces the best contrast. Focus the objective lens. The focusing knob permits adjustment of the focal dis- B. tance between the objective lens and the In focus; image specimen on the slide so as to bring the appears sharp. specimen into the focal plane. Typically, we focus fi rst using a low-power objective, which generates a greater depth of C. field—that is, a region along the optical Too far beyond column over which the object appears in focal point; image appears “empty,” reasonable focus. After focusing under with interference low power, we can rotate a higher-power rings. lens into view, then perform a smaller adjustment of focus. D.

Is the Object in Focus? An object appears in focus (that is, is situated within the focal plane of the lens) when its edge appears sharp and distinct from the background. At higher power, however, recognition of the focal plane is a challenge because of Airy-like interference. The shape of the dark object is actually defi ned by the points of light surrounding its edge. The partial resolution of these points of light gen-

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Steffen Klamt, U. Magdeburg

Object extends through focal planes.

Rhodospirillum rubrum observed at different levels of focus. A. When a bacterium swims too close to the lens, its image blurs. B. When the bacterium lies within the focal plane, its image appears sharp. If the width of the cell crosses several focal planes, some parts appear sharp, whereas other parts appear blurred. C. When the bacterium lies too far from the lens, its image appears “empty” or “hollow,” surrounded by rings of Airy-like interference. D. When the spirillum extends through the focal plane, different parts show different focal effects (in focus, too near, or too far).

Figure 2.18

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observation and identification of motile bacteria swimming in and out of the focal plane present a challenge even to experienced microscopists. The higher the magnification, the narrower the depth of the focal plane; thus, when observing swimming organisms, there is a tradeoff between magnification and depth of field.

used organic synthesis to invent new coloring agents for women’s clothing. Clothing was made of natural fibers such as cotton or wool, so a substance that dyed clothing would be likely to react with biological specimens. How do stains work? Most stain molecules contain conjugated double bonds or aromatic rings that absorb visible light (Fig. 2.19) and one or more positive charges that bind to negative charges on the bacterial cell envelope (discussed in Section 3.4). Different stains vary with respect to their strength of binding and the degree of binding to different parts of the cell.

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.5 Under starvation conditions, bacteria such as Bacillus thuringiensis, the biological insecticide, repackage their cytoplasm into spores, leaving behind an empty cell wall. Suppose, under a microscope, you observe what appears to be a hollow cell. How can you tell if the cell is indeed hollow or if it is simply out of focus?

Different Kinds of Stains A simple stain adds dark color specifically to cells, but not to the external medium or surrounding tissue (in the case of pathological samples). The most commonly used simple stain is methylene blue, originally used by Robert Koch to stain bacteria. A typical procedure for fi xation and staining is shown in Figure 2.20. First, a drop of culture is fi xed on a slide by treatment with methanol or by incubation on a slide warmer. Either treatment denatures cell proteins, exposing side chains that bind to the glass. The slide is then flooded with methylene blue solution. The positively charged molecule binds to the negatively charged cell envelope. After excess stain is washed off and the slide has been dried, it is observed under highpower magnification using immersion oil. A differential stain stains one kind of cell but not another. The most famous differential stain is the Gram stain, devised in 1884 by the Dutch physician Hans Christian Gram (1853–1938). Gram fi rst used the Gram stain to distinguish pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) bacteria from human lung tissue. A similar use of the Gram stain is seen in Figure 2.21A, where S. pneumoniae bacteria appear dark purple against the pink background of human epithelial cells. Not all species of bacteria retain the Gram stain (Fig. 2.21B). Different bacterial species are classified gram-positive or gram-negative, depending on whether they retain the purple stain.

Fixation and Staining Improve Resolution and Contrast The simplest way to observe microbes is to place them in a drop of water on a slide with a coverslip. This is called a wet mount preparation. The advantage of the wet mount is that the organism is viewed in as natural a state as possible, without artifacts resulting from chemical treatment; and live behavior such as swimming can be observed. The disadvantage is that most living cells are transparent and therefore show little contrast with the external medium. With limited contrast, the cells can barely be distinguished from background, and both detection and resolution are minimal. The detection and resolution of cells under a microscope are enhanced by fi xation and staining, procedures that usually kill the cell. Fixation is a process by which cells are made to adhere to a slide in a fi xed position. Cells may be fi xed with methanol or by heat treatment to denature cellular proteins, whose exposed side chains then adhere to the glass. A stain absorbs much of the incident light, usually over a wavelength range that results in a distinctive color. The use of chemical stains was developed in the nineteenth century, when German chemists CH3 N CH3 H3C N –


(Cl ) S+


N Methylene blue




H3C N+ CH3 CH3


Crystal violet

Figure 2.19 Chemical structure of stains. Methylene blue and crystal violet are cationic (positively charged) dyes. The positively charged groups react with the bacterial cell envelope, which carries mainly negative charge. Chloride (Cl) is the counter ion.

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Gram Staining Separates Bacteria into Two Classes In the Gram stain procedure (Fig. 2.22), a dye such as crystal violet binds to the bacteria; it also binds to the surface of human cells, but less strongly. After the excess stain is washed off, a mordant, or binding agent, is applied. The mordant used is iodine solution, which contains iodide ions (I– ). The iodide complexes with the positively charged crystal violet molecules trapped inside the cells. The crystal violet–iodide complex is now held more strongly within the cell wall. The thicker the cell wall, the more crystal violet–iodide molecules are held.

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The M icro b i al Ce l l



2. Spread in a thin film over the slide.

3. Air-dry.

Sandra Richter

Eye of Science/Photo Researchers, Inc.

1. Place a loopful of the culture on a clean slide.

Gram staining of bacteria (a type of differential staining). A. Gram stain of a sputum specimen from a patient with pneumonia, containing gram-positive Streptococcus pneumoniae (purple cocci). Cell length, 0.5 to 1.0 µm. B. Gram stain of a gingival specimen containing both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (purple and pink rods). Cell length, 0.5 to 1.0 µm.

Figure 2.21

4. Fix cells to slide by adding drop of methanol; air-dry.


Gram-negative 1. Add methanol to fix cells to surface, air-dry.

5. Stain (e.g., with methylene blue, 1 min).

Cells are fixed to slide surface.

Cells are fixed to slide surface.

2. Add crystal violet stain (1 min).

Crystal violet stains cells reversibly.

Crystal violet stains cells reversibly. 6. Wash off stain with water.

3. Add iodine, which binds stain to gram-positive cells (1 min). No change in cells.

Crystal violet stain binds to gram-positive cells.

4. Wash with ethanol (20 sec). 7. Blot off excess water. Stain is removed from gram-negative cells.

No change.

5. Add safranin counterstain (1 min). 8. View under microscope.

Gram-positive cells remain dark purple.

Safranin counterstains gram-negative cells.

The Gram stain procedure. The Gram stain distinguishes between gram-positive cells, with thick cell walls, which retain the crystal violet stain, and gram-negative cells, with thinner cell walls, which lose the crystal violet stain but are counterstained by safranin.

Figure 2.22

Figure 2.20


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Procedure for simple staining with methylene

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Next, a decolorizer, ethanol, is added for a precise time interval (typically, 20 seconds). The decolorizer removes loosely bound crystal violet–iodide, but grampositive cells retain the stain tightly. The gram-positive cells that retain the stain appear dark purple, while the gram-negative cells are colorless. The decolorizer step is critical because if it lasts too long, the gram-positive cells, too, will release their crystal violet stain. In the final step, a counterstain, safranin, is applied. This process allows the visualization of gram-negative material, which is stained pale pink by the safranin. The Gram stain procedure was originally devised to distinguish bacteria (gram-positive) from human cells (gram-negative). Microscopists soon discovered, however, that many important species, such as the intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli and the nitrogen-fi xing symbiont Rhizobium meliloti, do not retain the Gram stain. It turns out that gram-negative species of bacteria possess a thinner and more porous cell wall than gram-positive species (Fig. 2.23). A gram-negative cell wall has only a single layer of peptidoglycan (sugar chains cross-linked by peptides), whereas a gram-positive cell has multiple layers. The multiple layers of peptidoglycan retain enough stain complex so that the cell appears purple. Among bacteria, the Gram stain distinguishes two groups with distinctive cell wall structures: Proteobacteria, with a thin cell wall plus an outer membrane (gramnegative), and Firmicutes, with a multiple-layered cell wall but no outer membrane (gram-positive). The outer membrane of Proteobacteria (discussed in Chapter 3) often possesses important pathogenic factors, such as the lipopolysaccharide endotoxins that cause toxic shock. During the Gram stain procedure, however, the outer membrane is disrupted by the decolorizer, allowing most of the crystal violet–iodide complex to leak out. Thus, the Gram stain emerged as a key tool for biochemical identification of species, and it remains essential in the clinical laboratory. Note, however, that still other groups of bacteria and archaea have different kinds of cell walls that may stain either positive or negative and are thus not distinguished by the Gram stain. Prokaryotic diversity and identification are discussed further in Chapters 18 and 19.

Other Differential Stains Other differential stains applied to various types of prokaryotes are illustrated in Figure 2.24. These include: ■

Acid-fast stain. Carbolfuchsin specifically stains mycolic acids of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. leprae, the causative agents of tuberculosis and leprosy, respectively (Fig. 2.24A). Spore stain. When samples are boiled with malachite green, the stain binds specifically to the endospore

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Peptidoglycan Outer membrane Peptidoglycan Cell membrane

Cell membrane (Inner membrane)

1. Crystal violet is added. +
















2. Iodide complexes with crystal violet.








I– I–



I– I–





I– I–



I– I–







– +

I +





I I–






I– I–



I– I

– +



3. Decolorizer releases loosely bound stain.

– +

– +




– +

– +




Figure 2.23 Mechanism of the Gram stain. In a gram-positive cell, the crystal violet–iodide complex is retained by multiple layers of peptidoglycan. In a gram-negative cell, the stain leaks out. If the decolorizer is applied for too long, the gram-positive cell will lose its stain as well.

coat (Fig. 2.24B). It detects spores of Bacillus species such as the insecticide B. thuringiensis and B. anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, as well as spores of Clostridium botulinum, which produces botulin toxin. Negative stain. Some bacteria synthesize a capsule of extracellular polysaccharide filaments, which protects

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The M icro b i al Ce l l


©Peter Siver/Visuals Unlimited

©Gladden Willis/Visuals Unlimited

©Lauritz Jensen/Visuals Unlimited


Differential stains. A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, acid-fast stain (stained cells are red, 1–2 µm long). LM ×600. B. Clostridium botulinum, endospore stain (stained endospores are blue-green, 2 µm long). LM ×400. C. Gloeocapsa, a colonial blue green alga, whose individual cells are encased in thick sheaths. Staining with India ink makes the sheaths clearly visible. Individual cell size, 3–5 µm.

Figure 2.24

the cell from predation or from engulfment by white blood cells (discussed in Section 3.4). The capsule is transparent and invisible in suspended cells. However, a suspension of opaque particles such as India ink can be added to darken the surrounding medium. The particles are excluded by the thick polysaccharide capsule, which thus appears clear against the dark background (Fig. 2.24C). This is an example of a negative stain. Antibody stains. Specialized stains utilize monoclonal antibodies to identify precise strains of bacteria or even specific molecular components of cells. The antibody (which binds a specific cell protein) is linked to a reactive enzyme for detection or to a fluorophore (fluorescent molecule) for fluorescence microscopy (see below).


Dark-Field, Phase-Contrast, and Interference Microscopy

Advanced optical techniques enable us to visualize structures that are difficult or impossible to detect under a bright-field microscope, either because their size is below the limit of resolution of light or because their cytoplasm is transparent. These techniques take advantage of special properties of light waves, including scattering and interference patterns. One application of dark-field illumination is the detection of pathogenic spirochetes, such as Treponema pallidum, the causative organism of syphilis. T. pallidum cells are so narrow (0.1 µm) that their shape cannot be fully resolved by light microscopy. Nevertheless, the spiral form of T. pallidum can be detected by dark-field microscopy (Fig. 2.25).


In bright-field microscopy, resolution depends on: ■ The wavelength of light, which limits resolution to about 200 nm. ■ The magnifying power of a lens, which depends on its numerical aperture (n sin θ). ■ The position of the focal plane, the location where the specimen is “in focus” (that is, where the sharpest image is obtained). A compound microscope achieves magnification and resolution through a series of lenses: the condenser, objective, and ocular lenses. A wet mount specimen is the only way to observe living microbes. Fixation and staining of a specimen kills it but improves contrast and resolution. Differential stains distinguish between different kinds of bacteria with different structural features. The Gram stain differentiates between two major bacterial taxa, Proteobacteria (gram-negative) and Firmicutes (gram-positive). Other bacteria and archaea vary in their Gram stain appearance. Eukaryotes stain negative.

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Dark-Field Observation Detects Unresolved Objects Dark-field optics enables microbes to be visualized as halos of bright light against the darkness, just as stars are

Spirochete cell is too narrow to resolve by light microscopy

©Arthur Siegelman/Visuals Unlimited

Dark-field observation of bacteria. Treponema pallidum specimen from a patient with syphilis. Note the detection of dust particles. Dark-field LM, ×1,100. Cell length about 10 µm; actual cell width, 0.2 µm.

Figure 2.25

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observed against the night sky. A tiny object whose size is well below the wavelength of light, such as a virus particle, can be detected by light scattering. The wave front of scattered light is spherical, like a wave emitted by a point source (see Fig. 2.9D). Light scattering. The scattered wave has a much smaller amplitude than that of the incident (incoming) wave. Therefore, with ordinary bright-field optics, scattered light is washed out. Detection of scattered light requires a modified condenser arrangement that excludes all light transmitted directly (Fig. 2.26). The condenser contains a “spider light stop,” an opaque disk held by three “spider legs” across an open ring. The ring permits only a hollow cone of light to focus on the object. The incident hollow cone converges at the object, then generates an inverted hollow cone radiating outward. The objective lens is positioned in the central region, where it completely misses the directly transmitted light. For this reason, the field appears dark. However, light scattered by the object radiates outward in a spherical wave. A sector of this spherical wave enters the objective lens and is detected as a halo of light. An intriguing application of dark-field optics is the study of bacterial motility. Motility is important in bacterial diseases such as urethritis, in which the organism needs to swim up through the urethra. The bacterial swimming apparatus consists of helical fi laments called

Transmitted light Scattered light

Light cones

10 µm

Motile bacteria observed under dark-field microscopy. A. Flagellated E. coli observed with low light, which limits scattering. Only cell bodies are detected, no flagella. B. The light intensity is increased. Flagella are detected, although their fine structure is not resolved because their width is below the threshold of resolution by light.

Figure 2.27

flagella, which are rotated by a motor device imbedded in the bacterial cell wall (for flagellar structure, see Section 3.7). The “swimming strokes” of bacteria were first elucidated by Howard Berg (1934–) and Robert Macnab (1940–2003) using dark-field optics to view the helical flagella. The length of flagella is great enough to be resolved with light waves—but their width is not. Thus, dark-field optics is needed to detect and observe the helical flagella (Fig. 2.27). Note, however, that the bacterial cell itself appears “overexposed;” its shape is unresolved owing to the high light intensity.

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.6 Some early observers claimed that the rotary motions observed in bacterial flagella could not be distinguished from whiplike patterns, comparable to the motion of eukaryotic flagella. Can you imagine an experiment to distinguish the two and prove that the flagella rotate? Hint: Bacterial flagella can get “stuck” to the microscope slide or coverslip.


Light source

A dark-field condenser system, with a spider light stop. Below the condenser, the spider light stop excludes all but an annular ring of light from the light source. The annular ring converges as a hollow cone of light focused on the specimen. Objects in the specimen scatter light in all directions. The scattered light is collected by the objective lens, but the transmitted light shines outside the range of the objective; thus, in the absence of scattering objects, the field appears dark. Only light scattered by the specimen enters the objective lens.

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10 µm

Videos of swimming bacteria

Spider light stop

Figure 2.26



Condenser lenses

Light source


R. M. Macnab. 1976. J. Clin. Microbiol. 4(3):258

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R. M. Macnab. 1976. J. Clin. Microbiol. 4(3):258


Limitations of dark-field microscopy. A disadvantage of dark-field microscopy is that any tiny particle, including specks of dust, can scatter light and interfere with visualization of the specimen. Unless the medium is extremely clear, it can be difficult to distinguish microbes of interest from particulates. Other methods of contrast enhancement, such as phase contrast and fluorescence, avoid this difficulty.

Phase-Contrast Microscopy Phase-contrast microscopy exploits differences in refractive index between the cytoplasm and the surrounding medium or between different organelles. This technique is particularly useful for eukaryotic cells, such as algae and protists,

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P. L. Graumann and R. Losick

The optical system for phase contrast was invented in the 1930s by the Dutch microscopist Frits Zernike (1888–1966), for which he earned the Nobel Prize in Physics. In this system, slight differences in the refractive index of the various cell components are transformed into A. B. differences in the intensity of transmitted light. Zernike’s scheme makes use of the fact that living cells have relatively high contrast owing to their high concentration of solutes. Given the size and refractive index of commonly observed cells, light is retarded by approximately onequarter of a wavelength when it passes through the cell. In other words, after having passed through a cell, light exits 50 µm 2 µm the cell about one-quarter of a wavelength behind the phase of light transmitted directly through the medium. Figure 2.28 Phase and interference effects in microscopy. The Zernike optical system is designed to retard the A. Phase-contrast micrograph of the parasitic protist Entamoeba refracted light by an additional one-quarter of a wavehistolytica. B. Nomarski interference micrograph of Bacillus subtilis. length, so that the light refracted through the cell is slowed The apparent three-dimensional effect is illusory. Note that one by a total of half a wavelength compared with the light bacterium appears as if crossed through another. Source: Part B reprinted by permission from P. L. Graumann and R. Losick. 2001. J Bacteriol. 183(13): transmitted through the medium. When two waves are 4052–4060. out of phase by half a wavelength, they produce destructive interference, canceling each other’s amplitude (see Fig. 2.13). A. The result is a region of darkness B. in the image of the specimen. Phase-contrast 1/2 wavelength As in dark-field microscopy, image Light refracted by the light transmitted through 1/2 in total Phase plate the medium in phase-contrast Phase plate microscopy needs to be separated from the light interacting 1/4 wavelength with the object—in this case, light waves slowed by refraction. Light refracted by Specimen 1/4 by specimen This separation is performed by a Specimen Slide ring-shaped slit, called an “annular ring,” similar in function to the spider light stop. The annular ring stops light from passing Unobstructed light directly through the center of the (phase unaltered Annular ring by specimen) lens system, where the specimen is located, and generates a hollow Light source cone of light, which is focused Light source through the specimen and generates an inverted cone above it (Fig. 2.29). Light passing through the specimen, however, is not Figure 2.29 Phase-contrast optics. A. The specimen retards light by approximately one-quarter of a wavelength. The phase plate contains a central disk of refractive material only retarded; it is also refracted that retards light from the specimen by another quarter wavelength, increasing the phase and thus bent into the central difference to half a wavelength. The light from the specimen and the transmitted light are now region within the inverted cone. fully out of phase, and if they coincide, their waveforms cancel, making the specimen appear Both the refracted light dark. B. In the phase-contrast microscope, the annular ring forms a hollow cone of light. As from the specimen and the outer the light cone passes through the refractive material of the specimen, it is delayed by about cone of transmitted light enter one-quarter of a wavelength, and its path bends inward to the central region. This refracted the phase plate. The phase plate light is surrounded by the hollow cone of unrefracted light. The light refracted by the specimen consists of refractive material enters the lens through the dense central disk of the phase plate, which retards the wave by that is thinner in the region met another quarter wavelength. When the transmitted and refracted light cones rejoin at the focal by the outer (transmitted) light point, they are out of phase; their amplitudes cancel each other, and that region of the image cone. The refracted light passing appears dark against a bright background. Stephen Aley, U of Texas, El Paso

which contain many intracellular compartments. For example, Figure 2.28A shows an image of the protist Entamoeba histolytica, a human parasite, obtained by phase-contrast microscopy. In some cells, the nucleus is clearly visible.

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through the center of the phase plate is retarded by an additional one-quarter wavelength compared with the transmitted light passing through the thinner region on the outside. The overall difference approximates half a wavelength, so that the two waves are out of phase, thus canceling each other’s amplitude. When the light from the inner and outer regions focuses at the ocular lens, the amplitudes of the wave trains cancel and produce a region of darkness. In this system, small differences in refractive index can produce dramatic differences in contrast between the offset phases of light. FSU Phase contrast tutorial

Interference Microscopy Other kinds of optical systems have been devised using light interference to enhance cytoplasmic contrast. Interference microscopy enhances contrast by superimposing the image of the specimen on a second beam of light that generates interference fringes. The interference pattern produces an illusion of shadowing across the specimen. For example, the shapes of the Bacillus subtilis cells illuminated by interference contrast (Fig. 2.28B) are more clearly defi ned than in conventional bright-field microscopy (for comparison see Fig. 2.21). One optical system for producing interference contrast is based on the Wollaston-Nomarski prism. In this system, light is polarized to obtain waves oriented in one direction. The polarized light is then split by the prism into two separate beams, which are out of phase with each other. The two beams recombine to generate interference patterns whose edges are highly sensitive to slight differences in the refractive index of the specimen. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Dark-field microscopy uses scattered light to detect objects too small to be resolved by light rays. Advantage: Extremely small microbes and thin extracellular structures can be detected. Limitation: The shape of objects is not resolved. Dust particles easily obscure the image of the specimen. Phase-contrast microscopy superimposes refracted light and transmitted light shifted out of phase so as to observe differences in refractive index as patterns of light and dark. Advantage: Live microbes with transparent cytoplasm, especially eukaryotes, can be observed with high contrast. Limitation: Phase contrast is less effective for smaller microbes and for organisms whose cytoplasm has a low refractive index. Interference microscopy superimposes interference bands on an image, accentuating small differences in refractive index.

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Advantage: The shape of cells can be defi ned most clearly. Limitations: Interference microscopy requires complex optical adjustment and is less effective for organisms with low refractive index.


Fluorescence Microscopy

In fluorescence microscopy, incident light is absorbed by the specimen and reemitted at a lower energy, thus longer wavelength. Fluorescence microscopy offers a powerful way to detect microbes and subcellular structures while avoiding artifacts caused by dust and other nonspecific materials. One use of fluorescence microscopy is to assess microbial populations in highly dilute natural environments (Fig. 2.30). This technique was used by the Oceanic Microbial Observatory at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research to conduct a long-term study assessing the effects on microbial populations of changing water chemistry due to climate changes such as global warming. Populations of microbes, including viruses, bacteria, and protists, are measured using DNA-specific fluorescence. The advantage of this fluorescence technique is that it detects only live organisms whose DNA is intact, distinguishing them from fi ne debris in natural environments.

Fluorescence Requires Excitation and Emission at Different Wavelengths Fluorescence occurs when light of a specific wavelength (the excitation wavelength) is absorbed by an atom (or molecule) capable of promoting an electron to an orbital of higher energy (Fig. 2.31). Because this higher-energy electron state is unstable, the electron decays to an orbital with a slightly lower energy level through the loss of energy as heat. The electron then falls to its original level by emitting a photon of lower energy and longer wavelength, the emission wavelength. The emitted photon has a longer wavelength (less energy) because part of the electron’s energy of absorption was lost as heat. Craig A. Carlson, University of California, Santa Barbara



10 µm

Figure 2.30 Cell counting using fluorescence microscopy. Bacterioplankton and flagellated protists from the surface waters of the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda are enumerated to investigate their contribution to the oceanic carbon cycle. Live organisms are detected by fluorescence using the DNA-specific fluorophore DAPI.

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3. Electron loses some energy as heat and drops to slightly lower orbital.

2. Electron is raised to orbital of higher energy.

4. Fluorescence emission occurs at longer wavelength.

5. Electron returns to original level.


e e

Fluorescence can be used to label specific parts of cells. The specificity of the fluorophore can be arranged in several ways:


Relative intensity


Fluorophores Can Label Specific Parts of Cells

1. Energy of UV photon is absorbed by electron.

Absorption (excitation)


Fluorescence emission


The M icro b i al Ce l l

The aromatic groups of DAPI associate exclusively with the base pairs of DNA. Another commonly used DNA-specific fluorophore is acridine orange (Fig. 2.32). These fluorophores provide an extremely sensitive means of detecting diverse microorganisms in the environment, including those whose dimensions are too small to be resolved. The optical system for fluorescence microscopy utilizes fi lters to limit incident light to the wavelength of excitation and the emitted light to the wavelength of emission. The wavelengths of excitation and emission are determined by the specific fluorophore used.



400 500 Wavelength (nm)


700 ■

Fluorescence. Energy gained from UV absorption is released as heat and as a photon of longer wavelength in the visible region. A. Fluorescence on the molecular level. B. Comparison of absorption and emission spectra for a fluorophore.

Figure 2.31

The wavelengths of excitation and emission are determined by the fluorophore, the fluorescent molecule used to stain the specimen. For example, the slides for cell counting in the Bermuda study (see Fig. 2.30) used the DNA-specific stain 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI).

Chemical affinity. Certain fluorophores have chemical affi nity for certain classes of biological molecules; for example, the fluorophore acridine specifically binds DNA. Labeled antibodies. Antibodies that specifically bind a cell component are chemically linked to a fluorophore molecule. The use of antibodies linked to fluorophores is known as immunofluorescence. Gene fusion. Genetic recombination can be used to create a hybrid gene expressing a protein that generates fluorescence, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP). DNA hybridization. A short sequence of DNA attached to a fluorophore will hybridize to a specific sequence in the genome, thus labeling one position in the chromosome or nucleoid.

Fluorophore labeling is used to dissect endospore formation in Bacillus species (Fig. 2.33). The cell envelope and DNA origin of replication are labeled by different fluorophores to track movements of DNA during sporulation. Richard Losick and colleagues applied this technique to show how the DNA origin moves toward one pole of the cell, followed by formation of a septum, a new portion of cell envelope, just behind the developing endospore.





Fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC)






Acridine orange (AO)







4′,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)

Fluorescent molecules (fluorophores) commonly used in microscopy. Because of the abundance of conjugated double bonds, these molecules have closely spaced molecular orbitals that give rise to fluorescence.

Figure 2.32

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DNA origin Septum DNA origin

DNA origin Septum Endospore

Septum DNA origin DNA origin 2 µm

Fluorescence micrograph of Bacillus subtilis cells during sporulation. Red fluorescence arises from membrane stained with the dye FM-464. Green fluorescence arises from green fluorescent protein (GFP) bound to the DNA origin of replication. The yellow color occurs where green fluorescence overlaps red.

Figure 2.33

In the micrograph, the cell envelope is stained red by the fluorescent dye FM-464. The dye FM-464 specifically binds phospholipid membranes. The DNA origin of replication is stained by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to a protein that specifically binds the DNA origin of replication. The fluorescence micrographs were taken at two different wavelengths for both excitation and emission to record the two different fluorescent labels. The images were superimposed with two different colors marking envelope and DNA. The result shows how, in sporulation, DNA replication originates not at the midpoint of the cell, as in vegetative growth of most bacteria, but at the poles where the endospore forms.

Special Topic 2.1

Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy

An advanced application of fluorescence is laser scanning confocal microscopy, in which both excitation light and emitted light are focused together. Confocal microscopy is used to produce images of cells at high resolution, with interference effects decreased by laser optics. The images can be “stacked” computationally to model a cell in three dimensions. In Figure 1, we see a confocal image of human tissue culture cells infected by enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. The DNA of bacteria and of the nuclei of HeLa cells (an immortal cancer cell line) are stained blue with DAPI fluorophore. Invading bacteria cause the host to form actin “tails,” which help the bacteria move. Tails are stained green by an actinbinding fluorophore, FITC. In confocal microscopy, a laser beam is focused onto the specimen and scanned across it in two dimensions−that is, in two planes at right angles to each other (Fig. 2). The laser beam excites the fluorophore, causing it to emit light at a longer wavelength. The emitted light passes in reverse direction through the objective, where it encounters a dichroic mirror that allows light transmission at the excitation wavelength but reflects light at the wavelength of emission. The reflected emission rays are then focused and pass through a pinhole, which eliminates all unfocused light. A narrow focused beam, representing one “pixel” of image, enters the photomultiplier tube. Scanning across the specimen yields a two-dimensional pattern of pixels that forms an image.


THOUGHT QUESTION 2.7 What experiment could you devise to determine the actual order of events in DNA movement toward the pole during formation of an endospore?

Actin tail

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.8 Compare and contrast fluorescence microscopy with dark-field microscopy. What similar advantage do they provide, and how do they differ? Fluorescence microscopy has been used to develop advanced optical systems that reconstruct three-dimensional models of cells. An example is confocal fluorescence microscopy (Special Topic 2.1).

HeLa nucleus

Michael S. Donnenberg/University of Maryland

Chapter 2

P. L. Graumann and R. Losick. 2001. J. Bacteriol. 183:4052


Human tissue culture cells infected by enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. DNA of bacteria and of HeLa nuclei are stained blue with DAPI fluorophore. Invading bacteria (blue-stained rods, 1–2 µm long) cause the host to form actin “tails,” stained green with an actin-binding FITC fluorophore.

Figure 1


Fluorescence microscopy involves detection of specific cells or cell parts based on fluorescence by a fluorophore. Cell parts can be labeled by a fluorophore attached to an antibody stain.

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The scanning feature of confocal microscopy is also used to acquire data for high-throughput experiments in which a large number of chemical reactions are arranged in microscopic quantities in an array. An example of an array is a DNA microarray containing probes for all the genes of a genome. Short segments of DNA are arrayed on a microscope slide such that an entire genome of potential protein-encoding genes may be present on a single slide. One use of arrays is to investigate the mode of action of a new antibiotic molecule by testing which of the microbe’s genes are induced or repressed in response to the antibi-

Laser beam (488 nm)


The M icro b i al Ce l l

otic. The DNA array is hybridized to fluorescence-labeled cDNA copies of messenger RNA from bacteria cultured with or without the antibiotic. The confocal laser then scans the slide to detect binding of the genes to cDNA molecules labeled with a fluorophore. This technique makes it possible to measure transcription of all known genes in the genome and reveal those whose expression varies during exposure to an antibiotic. The antibiotic-induced genes indicate the mode of action of the antibiotic within the cell and aid the design of better antibiotics. DNA microarrays are discussed further in Chapter 12.

Fluorescence emission from specimen fluorophores is reflected by mirror.

Only confocal rays (sharing focal point) pass through pinhole.

Dichroic mirror Out of focus In focus

Laser light rays pass through mirror.

Out of focus Photomultiplier tube

Emission filter


Pinhole Dichroic mirror allows wavelengths in one range to penetrate and reflects the rest. Laser beam (488 nm) passes through.



Focal plane



Fluorescence emission (>510 nm) is reflected. 0%

450 510 Wavelength (nm)

Confocal microscopy. In confocal optics, the incident laser beam (blue) passes through a dichroic mirror and reaches the specimen, where its absorption leads to fluorescent emission at a longer wavelength. The fluorescent emission travels back to the dichroic mirror, where it is reflected toward the photomultiplier. Only the confocal rays (those emitted from the focal point) pass through the pinhole and reach the photomultiplier. The laser scans across the specimen, generating a pixilated image. The scanned images can be stacked through a series of focal planes to generate a three-dimensional model.

Figure 2

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O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell

Electron Microscopy

All cells are built of macromolecular structures. The tool of choice for observing the shape of these macromolecular structures is electron microscopy (EM). In electron microscopy, beams of electrons are focused to generate images of cell membranes, chromosomes, and ribosomes with a resolution a thousand times that of light microscopy. The modern electron microscope was developed in the 1950s and was popularly known as the centerpiece of any biological research program. In Michael Crichton’s fi lm, The Andromeda Strain, for example, an electron microscope is used to analyze a fictional pathogen from outer space.

The Electron Microscope Focuses Beams of Electrons How does an electron microscope work? Electrons are ejected from a metal subjected to a voltage potential. The electrons travel in a straight line, like photons. Like photons, electrons interact with matter and carry information about their interaction. And like photons, electrons can exhibit the properties of waves. The wavelength associated with an electron is a 100,000 times smaller than that of a photon; for example, an electron accelerated over a voltage of 100 kilovolts (kV) has a wavelength of 0.0037 nm (0.037 Å) compared with 400–750 nm for visible light. The actual resolution of electrons in microscopy is limited, however, not by the wavelength, but by the aberrations of the lensing Optical lens

Magnetic lens

Light source

Electron source

Soft iron pole





systems used to focus electrons. The magnetic lenses used to focus electrons never achieve the precision required to utilize the full potential resolution of the electron beam. Electrons are focused by means of a magnetic field directed along the line of travel of the beam (Fig. 2.34). As a beam of electrons enters the field, it spirals around the magnetic field lines. The shape of the magnet can be designed to generate field lines that will focus the beam of electrons in a manner analogous to the focusing of photons by a refractive lens. The electron beam, however, forms a spiral because electrons travel around magnetic field lines. Because magnetic lenses generate aberrations, a series of corrective magnetic lenses is generally required to obtain a resolution of about 0.2 nm. This represents a resolution a thousand times greater than the 200-nm resolution of light microscopy. THOUGHT QUESTION 2.9 An electron microscope can be focused at successive powers of magnification, as in a light microscope. At each level, the image rotates at an angle of several degrees. Based on the geometry of the electron beam, as shown in Figure 2.34, why do you think this rotation occurs? Transmission EM and scanning EM. Two major types of

electron microscopy are transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In TEM, electrons are transmitted through the specimen as in light microscopy to reveal internal structure. In SEM, the electron beams scan across the surface of the specimen and are reflected to reveal the contours of its threedimensional surface. The transmission electron microscope closely parallels the design of a bright-field microscope, including a source of electrons (instead of light), a magnetic condenser lens, a specimen, and an objective lens. A projection lens projects the image onto a fluorescent screen and the final images are obtained by a digital camera (chargecoupled device, CCD) (Fig. 2.35). The scanning microscope is arranged somewhat differently than the TEM in that a series of condenser lenses focuses the electron beam onto the surface of the specimen. Reflected electrons are then picked up by a detector (Fig. 2.36). In either case, the overall apparatus required for electron microscopy is complex, resembling the bridge of a Star Trek spaceship.

Copper coils

Image is inverted.

Image is inverted and rotated.

A magnetic lens. The beam of electrons spirals around the magnetic field lines. The U-shaped magnet acts as a lens, focusing the spiraling electrons much as a refractive lens focuses light rays.

Figure 2.34

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Electron Microscopy Requires Specialized Sample Preparation Electron microscopy poses special problems for biological specimens. With the exception of cryo EM (discussed shortly), the entire optical column must be maintained under vacuum to prevent the electrons from colliding with the gas molecules in air. The requirement for a vacuum precludes the viewing of live specimens, which

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B. Transmission electron microscopy

Light microscopy

Electron source (tungsten filament) Zhiping Luo/Texas A&M University

Illumination source

Condenser lens


Objective lens

Transmission electron microscopy. A. The light source is replaced by an electron source consisting of a high-voltage current applied to a tungsten filament, which gives off electrons when heated. The electron beam is focused by a condenser magnet lens onto the specimen. The specimen image is then magnified by an objective magnetic lens. The projector lens, analogous to the ocular lens of a light microscope, focuses the image on the cathode-ray tube (CRT) screen. Note: Because of the greater problem of aberrations in focusing electrons, each magnetic lens shown (condenser, objective, projection) actually represents a series of lenses. B. Using an electron microscope.

Figure 2.35 Projection lens

Image plane Fluorescent screen



C. Lawrence Migdale/Photo Researchers, Inc.


Electron gun Vacuum column Electron beam Condensing lenses Monitor

Museum of Science/Boston

Ocular lens

Scan coils Objective lens Specimen Secondary electrons Detector and amplifier

in any case would be quickly destroyed by the electron beam. Moreover, the structure of most specimens lacks sufficient electron density (ability to block electrons) to provide contrast. Thus, the specimen usually requires an electron-dense stain using salts of heavy metals such as gold or uranium.

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Scanning electron microscopy. A. In the scanning electron microscope (SEM), the electron beam is scanned across a specimen coated in gold, which acts as a source of secondary electrons. The incident electron beam ejects secondary electrons toward a detector, generating an image of the surface of the specimen. B. Operating an SEM. C. Loading a specimen into the vacuum column.

Figure 2.36

The specimen can be prepared in one of three ways: ■

Embedded in a polymer for thin sections. A special knife called a microtome cuts slices through the specimen, each slice a fraction of a micrometer thick.

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O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell

Sprayed onto a copper grid. The electron beam penetrates straight through the entire object, as if it were transparent. This method is effective for virus particles and for isolated macromolecular complexes. Flash-frozen (for cryo EM). Samples frozen rapidly in refrigerant provide sufficient contrast for detection by a high-intensity electron beam, a recent innovation.

A. SEM of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis

B. TEM of flagellar motors from Salmonella typhimurium

Flagellar motor

For sectioned samples or for samples sprayed onto a grid, the specimen is coated with a heavy metal salt such as 1 µm 50 nm uranyl acetate. The metal salt is deposited around the biological structures, acting as C. TEM of Bacillus anthracis showing envelope and cytoplasm a negative stain. (For comparison, a negative stain used in light microscopy is the Glycoprotein India ink stain, illustrated in Fig. 2.24C.) In Figure 2.37, we see examples of Cell wall SEM and TEM images from gram-positive rod bacteria. The SEM in Figure 2.37A shows an exterior view of the capsules of M. paratuberculosis. The image provides far greater magnification of surface detail than does a bright-field view of rod bacte250 nm ria. In Figure 2.37B, flagellar motors have been isolated or “unplugged” from a bac- Figure 2.37 SEM and TEM images of gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria. terial cell envelope and spread on a grid for TEM. The micrograph reveals details of the motor, including the axle and indirapidly in a refrigerant of high heat capacity (ability to vidual rings. The TEM of B. anthracis in Figure 2.37C absorb heat). The rapid freezing avoids ice crystallizashows a thin section through a bacillus, including cell tion, leaving the water solvent in a glass-like amorphous wall, membranes, and glycoprotein fi laments. The TEM is phase. The specimen retains water content and thus “transparent,” summing electron density throughout the closely resembles its viable form, although it is still ultidepth of the section.

An important limitation of traditional electron microscopy, whether TEM or SEM, is that in most cases it can only be applied to fi xed, stained specimens. The fi xatives and heavy-atom stains can introduce artifacts into the image, especially at fi ner details of resolution. In some cases, different preparation procedures have led to substantially different interpretations of subcellular structure. The development of exceptionally high-strength electron beams now permits low-temperature cryoelectron microscopy (cryo EM). In cryo EM, the specimen is flash-frozen, that is, suspended in water and frozen

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J. Ortiz and W. Baumeister. 2006. Journal of Structural Biology 156:334

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.10 What kind of research questions could you investigate using SEM? What questions would be answered using TEM?

Michio Homma, et al. 1987. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 84

Mesnage, et al. J. Bacteriol.

Chapter 2

©Dennis Kunkel/Visuals Unlimited


100 µm

Cryoelectron microscopy. Cryoelectron tomography of Spiroplasma melliferum. The tomographic slice reveals ribosomes identified using molecular identification software, false-colored yellow.

Figure 2.38

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Microscopy Results Require Careful Interpretation

THOUGHT QUESTION 2.11 What kind of experiments could prove or disprove the interpretations of the images of “nanobacteria” in blood plasma?

The images produced by high-level microscopy can be difficult to interpret. For example, an oval that appears hollow might be interpreted as a cell when in fact it represents a deposit of staining material. A microscopic

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


Figure 2.39 Artifacts of microscopy. A. Objects attached to the surface of a fibroblast were observed by SEM. The objects (200–300 nm in diameter) were identified as “nanobacteria,” exceptionally small bacteria inhabiting human blood plasma, but they are now believed to be mineral deposits. B. Cultured human cells observed by immunofluorescence microscopy revealed small particles identified as nanobacteria. This observation, however, has not been reproduced by other researchers.

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Emerging Methods of Microscopy

B. Olavi Kajander and Neva Ciftcioglu, University of Kuopio, Finland



The M icro b i al Ce l l

structure that is interpreted incorrectly is termed an artifact. Avoiding artifacts is an important concern in microscopy. Sometimes, published interpretations generate controversy. For example, electron microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy were used to test for contamination of cultured white blood cells that grew poorly (Fig. 2.39). The SEM images were interpreted to show the presence of tiny prokaryotic cells, 200–300 nm in diameter, attached to cultured fibroblast cells (Fig. 2.39A). These proposed cells were termed “nanobacteria.” Unfortunately, other researchers were unable to confi rm these results and suggested that the objects observed might actually be mineral deposits. Another technique, immunofluorescence microscopy, reportedly showed the invasion of cultured cells by nanobacteria (Fig. 2.39B). The technique required use of fluorescent-tagged antibodies against nanobacteria, but the actual specificity of the antibodies was unclear. The existence of small infective particles in the blood remains a question of interest to medical researchers.

mately destroyed by electron bombardment. The sample does not require staining because the high-intensity electron beams can detect smaller signals than in earlier instruments. Figure 2.38 shows a cryo EM of Spiroplasma melifera. Another innovation in cryo EM is tomography, the acquisition of projected images from different angles of a transparent specimen. Tomography avoids the need to physically slice the sample for thin-section TEM. The images from EM tomography are combined digitally to visualize the entire object. An example is the tomographic image of the spiral bacterium Spiroplasma melliferum, in which individual ribosomes clearly appear (Fig. 2.38). Cryo EM is also used to generate high-resolution models of virus particles and purified structures such as the ribosome (Special Topic 2.2). For these small particles, multiple images can be averaged together by computational analysis. The digitally combined images can achieve high resolution, nearly comparable to that of X-ray crystallography.


New methods of microscopy are emerging that enable nanoscale observation of cell surfaces, in some cases of living cells suspended in water. A general term for these methods is scanning probe microscopy (SPM). SPM methods differs from light and electron microscopy, in which the sample interacts with a beam of light or electrons. Instead, SPM methods measure a physical interaction, such as the “atomic force” between the sample and a sharp tip. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measures the van der Waals forces between the electron shells of adjacent atoms of the cell surface and the sharp tip. AFM is particularly useful to study the surfaces of live bacteria. In AFM, an instrument probes the surface of a sample with a sharp tip a couple of micrometers long and often less than 10 nm in diameter (Fig. 2.40A). The tip is located at the free end of a lever that is 100–200 µm long. The lever is deflected by van der Waals forces between the tip and the sample surface. Deflection of the lever is measured by a laser beam reflected off a cantilever attached to the tip as the sample scans across. The measured deflections allow a computer to map the topography of cells in liquid medium with a resolution below 1 nm. In the example in Figure 2.40B, obtained by Mark Martin at Occidental College, AFM reveals the outline of

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Chapter 2

Special Topic 2.2

O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell

Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy Solves the Structure of a Major Agricultural Virus

Wah Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine

One of the world’s most economically damaging agricultural pathogens is rice dwarf virus. Rice dwarf virus (RDV) is transmitted by leafhopper beetles in China and Southeast Asia, where it systemically infects rice, discoloring the leaves and stunting the plant, devastating the harvest. A retrovirus, RDV has a genome of double-stranded RNA enclosed within an icosahedral capsid of proteins, approximately 70 nm in diameter. Determining the molecular structure of the virus particle may enable us to design antiviral agents.

Three-dimensional cryoelectron microscopy. Dr. Wah Chiu (standing), at Baylor University, succeeded in imaging the structure of rice dwarf virus using threedimensional cryoelectron microscopy.

Figure 1


Wah Chiu (Fig. 1) and colleagues at the National Center for Macromolecular Imaging, at Baylor University, imaged the structure of RDV at high resolution using three-dimensional cryo EM tomography. Cryo EM is especially important for particles that cannot be crystallized for X-ray diffraction analysis, the most common means of molecular visualization. Because the frozen sample remains hydrated, the biological molecules retain the same conformation as in solution. The sample is imaged without heavy-metal stains, and thus higher resolution is obtained (see Fig. 2B). This technique avoids introducing stain artifacts but generates very low contrast. Repeated scans can be summed computationally to obtain an image at higher resolution. In Figure 2A, a cryo EM image reveals the outline of the RDV particles. Each particle was imaged in stereo by rotating the specimen to receive the electron beam at different angles (Fig. 2B). In theory, a three-dimensional picture of the virus could be obtained from a stereo pair of images from one particle. In practice, however, one image pair reveals little information because the ratio of signal to noise is so low, so stereo pairs of images were combined from 4,000 individual RDV particles (see Fig. 2B). A visual model was generated by computation requiring the use of a supercomputer. The computational model of RDV reveals in three dimensions the capsid, a protein shell that encloses the virus’s RNA

B. Electron beam

50 nm

Joanita Jakana, Baylor College of Medicine

Specimen rotates in the beam

RDV particles

Figure 2. Cryoelectron microscopy. A. Cryo EM image of particles of rice dwarf virus (RDV). B. Data from 4,000 stereo pairs of images of individual particles were combined for computational reconstruction of the virus structure.

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Projection images orient, average

Averaged image 2-D transform

Fourier transform combine

Three-dimensional Fourier transform 3-D inverse transform

Three-dimensional reconstruction

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chromosome (Fig. 3A). The model includes detailed representations of both the outer shell (P8 subunits) and inner shell (P3 subunits). The remarkable resolution of the RDV model provides enough detail to map the alpha helices of a P3 subunit (Fig. 3B), although it does not yet reach the atomic resolution of X-ray diffraction. This structure can be used to model molecular interactions for potential antiviral agents that would inactivate the capsid.

■ The M icro b i al Ce l l


an E. coli cell invaded by the parasitic bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. The cells were observed in water suspension, without stain; and their contours appear without the flattening on a grid required for EM. The infected and uninfected E. coli cells differ in texture. This ability to “catch cells in the act” is an advantage of AFM. A. Laser Photodiode Cantilever/mirror


Alpha helices

Matthew Baker and Wen Jiang, Baylor College of Medicine

B. P3 protein inner shell of RDV

The rice dwarf virus capsid. A. Model of RDV, at resolution 6.8 Å. The outer shell is composed of 396 P8 subunits (bright colors). A cutaway from the outer shell reveals the inner shell (pale color, within black border) composed of 120 P3 subunits. B. The labeled P3 subunit from part A is shown in expanded detail, revealing alpha helices (blue cylinders).

Figure 3

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AFM tip x

Sample z As the tip moves up or down the cantilever/mirror is deflected.


y The sample is moved back and forth in the x-y plane.

Attack phase Bdellovibrio cell

Infected E. coli cell full of Bdellovibrio (note altered texture)

M. Nunez, M. Martin, P. Chan, and E. Spain, Occidental College


Z. Hong Zhou, University of Texas Houston Medical School and Guangying Lu, Peking University


Flagellum still adhering to glass

Remains of lysed E. coli cell (note pili and flagella remaining)

Pili helping cells adhere to glass

Atomic force microscopy enables visualization of untreated cells. A. The atomic force microscope (AFM) has a fine-pointed tip attached to a cantilever that moves over a sample. The tip interacts with the sample surface through atomic force. As the tip is pushed away, or pulled into a depression, the cantilever is deflected. The deflection is measured by a laser light beam focused onto the cantilever and reflected into a photodiode detector. B. Escherichia coli cells under attack by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, bacterial predators that invade the periplasmic space of E. coli. The untreated cells allow AFM observation of B. bacteriovorus cells, E. coli cells, pili, and flagella. Each E. coli cell is about 2 µm in length.

Figure 2.40

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Chapter 2

O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell


Electron microscopy is based on the focusing of electron beams on an object stained with a heavymetal salt that blocks electrons. Much higher resolution is obtained than for light microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) involves electron beam penetration of a thin sample. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) involves scanning of a three-dimensional surface with an electron beam. Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo EM) observes a sample flash-frozen in water solution. Multiple images may be combined digitally to achieve high resolution. Atomic force microscopy, an emerging alternative to EM, uses van der Waals force measurement to observe cells in water solution.


Visualizing Molecules

To understand the structure of cells, ultimately we need to isolate the cell’s molecules to observe their individual structure and function. The major tool used at present for molecular visualization is X-ray diffraction analysis, or X-ray crystallography. In some cases, cryo EM modeling based on thousands of samples has also reached near atomic resolution. Another emerging alternative to X-ray diffraction for analysis of small molecules and proteins is nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The advantage of A.



Area detector(s)

NMR is that it presents a dynamic view of molecules in solution, including multiple conformation states. Unlike microscopy, X-ray diffraction does not present a direct view of a sample, but generates computational models. Dramatic as the models are, they can only represent particular aspects of electron clouds and electron density that are fundamentally “unseeable.” That is why molecular structures are represented in different ways that depend on the context—by electron density maps, as models defined by van der Waals radii, or as stick models, for example. Proteins are frequently presented in a cartoon form that shows alpha helix and beta sheet secondary structures.

X-Ray Diffraction Analysis For substances that can be crystallized, X-ray diffraction makes it possible to fix the position of each individual atom in a molecule, because the wavelengths of X-rays are much shorter than the wavelengths of visible light and are of the same magnitude as the dimensions of atoms. X-ray diffraction, like phase microscopy, involves the principle of wave interference (see Fig. 2.13). The interference pattern is generated when a crystal containing many copies of an isolated molecule is bombarded by a beam of X-rays (Fig. 2.41A). The wave fronts associated with the X-rays are diffracted as they pass through the crystal, causing interference patterns. In the crystal, the diffraction pattern is generated by a symmetrical array of many sample molecules (Fig. 2.41B). The larger the number of copies of the molecule in the array, the narrower the interference pattern and the greater the reso-


Focused beam

50-keV electrons

Focusing mirrors (or monochromator)

χ φ


Primary X-ray beam Bruker AXS Inc.

Rotating anode (Cu)

B. Incident waves of wavelength λ

Visualizing molecules by X-ray crystallography. A. Modern apparatus for X-ray crystallography. The X-ray beam is focused onto a crystal, which is rotated over all angles to obtain diffraction patterns. The intensity of the diffracted X-rays is recorded on film or with an electronic detector. B. X-rays are diffracted by rows of identical molecules in a crystal. The diffraction pattern is analyzed to generate a model of the individual molecules. C. Diffraction pattern from a crystal.

Figure 2.41 Array of atoms

a1 a2

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lution of atoms within the molecule. Diffraction patterns obtained from the passage of X-rays through a crystal (Fig. 2.41C) can be analyzed by computation to develop a precise structural model for the molecule, detailing the position of every atom in the structure. The application of X-ray crystallography to complex biological molecules was pioneered by the Irish crystallographer John Bernal (1901–1971) (Fig. 2.42A). Bernal was particularly supportive of women students and colleagues, including Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958) who made important discoveries about DNA and RNA, and Nobel laureate Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910–1994). Hodgkin won the 1964 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for solving the crystal structures of penicillin and vitamin B12 (Fig. 2.42B). She later solved one of the fi rst protein structures, that of the hormone insulin. Today, X-ray data undergo digital analysis to generate sophisticated molecular models, such as the one seen in


The M icro b i al Ce l l

Figure 2.43 of anthrax lethal factor, a toxin produced by B. anthracis that kills the infected host cells. The model for anthrax lethal factor was encoded in a Protein Data Bank (PDB) text fi le that specifies coordinates for all atoms of the structure. The Protein Data Bank is a growing world database of solved X-ray structures, freely available on the Internet. Visualization software is used to present the structure as a “ribbon” of amino acid residues, colorcoded for secondary structure. In Figure 2.43, the pinkcolored coils represent alpha helix structures, whereas the blue arrows represent beta sheets (for a review of these secondary structures, see Appendix 1). Protein Data Bank: Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein and Nucleic Acid Databases Biomolecules at Kenyon College: molecular tutorials by undergraduate students, on anthrax lethal factor and other proteins; as well as instructions to write your own tutorials.

Brikbeck Photo Unit


NOTE: Molecular and cellular biology increasingly rely on visualization in three dimensions. Many of the molecules illustrated in our book are based on structural models deposited in the Protein Data Bank, as indicated by the PDB fi le code. You may view these structures in 3-D by downloading the PDB fi le and viewing with a free plug-in such as Jmol.


Cobalt Corrin ring

Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS



Figure 2.42 Pioneering X-ray crystallography. A. John Bernal developed X-ray crystallography to solve the structure of complex biological molecules. B. Dorothy Hodgkin (1910–1994) was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her work in X-ray crystallography. C. Vitamin B12, whose structure was originally solved by Dorothy Hodgkin. The corrin ring structure (see Chapter 15) is built around an atom of cobalt (pink). Carbon atoms are gray; oxygen, red; nitrogen, blue; phosphorus, yellow. Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.

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X-ray crystallography of a protein complex, anthrax lethal factor. The toxin consists of a butterfly-shaped dimer of two peptide chains. This cartoon model is based on X-ray crystallographic data, showing alpha helix (pink coils) and beta sheet (orange arrows). (PDB code: 1J7N)

Figure 2.43

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Chapter 2

O b s e r vin g t h e Mic robial C ell

A limitation of X-ray analysis is the unavoidable deterioration of the specimen under bombardment by X-rays. The earliest X-ray diffraction models of molecular complexes such as the ribosome relied heavily on components from thermophiles, microbes that grow at high temperatures. Because these organisms have evolved to grow under higher thermal stress, their macromolecular complexes form more stable crystals than do their homologues in organisms growing at moderate temperatures. X-ray diffraction analysis of crystals from a wide range of sources was made possible by cryocrystallography. In cryocrystallography, as in cryo EM, crystals are frozen rapidly to liquid nitrogen temperature. The frozen crystals have greatly decreased thermal vibrations and diffusion, thus decreasing the radiation damage to the molecules. Models based on cryocrystallography can present multisubunit structures such as the bacterial ribosome complexed with transfer RNAs and messenger RNA. Much of our knowledge of microbial genetics (Chapters 7–12) and metabolism (Chapters 13–16) is based on crystal structures of key macromolecules.


X-ray diffraction analysis, or X-ray crystallography, uses X-ray diffraction (interference patterns) from crystallized macromolecules to determine structure at atomic resolution. Cryocrystallography uses frozen crystals with greatly decreased thermal vibrations and diffusion, enabling the determination of structures of large macromolecular complexes, such as the ribosome. Molecular visualization by crystallography can only model the “appearance” of a molecule at atomic resolution. Different models emphasize different structural features and levels of resolution.

Concluding Thoughts The tools of microscopy and molecular visualization described in this chapter have shaped our current understanding of microbial cells—how they grow and divide, organize their DNA and cytoplasm, and interact with other cells. Our current models of cell structure and function are explored in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, we learn how cells use their structures to obtain energy, reproduce, and develop dormant forms that can remain viable for thousands of years.

CHAPTE R R EVI EW Review Questions 1. What principle defi nes an object as “microscopic”? 2. Explain the difference between detection and

9. Summarize the optical arrangement of a compound

resolution. How do eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells differ in appearance under the light microscope? Explain how electromagnetic radiation carries information and why different kinds of radiation can resolve different kinds of objects. Defi ne how light interacts with an object through absorption, reflection, refraction, and scattering. Explain how refraction enables magnification of an image. Explain how magnification increases resolution and why “empty magnification” fails to increase resolution. Explain how angle of aperture and resolution change with increasing lens magnification.

10. Explain how to focus an object and how to tell when

3. 4.

5. 6. 7.


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microscope. the object is in or out of focus. 11. Explain the relative advantages and limitations of

wet mount and stained preparation for observing microbes. 12. Explain the significance (and limitations) of the Gram stain for bacterial taxonomy. 13. Explain the basis of dark-field, phase-contrast, and fluorescence microscopy. Give examples of applications of these advanced techniques. 14. Explain the difference between transmission and scanning electron microscopy and the different applications of each.

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■ The M icro b i al Ce l l


Key Terms aberration (49) absorption (45) acid-fast stain (54) Airy disk (47) angle of aperture (49) antibody stain (55) artifact (65) atomic force microscopy (AFM) (43, 65) bacillus (plural, bacilli) (42) bright-field microscopy (43) coccus (plural, cocci) (42) compound microscope (50) condenser (50) contrast (44) counterstain (54) cryocrystallography (70) cryoelectron microscopy (cryo EM) (64) dark-field microscopy (45) depth of field (51) detection (41) diaphragm (50) differential stain (52) electron microscopy (43, 62) emission wavelength (58)

empty magnification (46) excitation wavelength (58) fixation (52) flagella (56) fluorescence (45) fluorophore (59) focal plane (46) focal point (46) focus (48) Gram stain (52) gram-negative (54) gram-positive (54) immersion oil (50) interference (46) interference microscopy (58) laser scanning confocal microscopy (60) light microscopy (40, 43) magnification (41) microscope (40) mordant (52) negative stain (54) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (43, 68)

numerical aperture (NA) (49) objective lens (49) ocular lens (50) parfocal (50) reflection (45) refraction (45) refractive index (45) resolution (40) rods (42) scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (43, 62) scattering (45) simple stain (52) spirochete (42) spore stain (54) staining (52) tomography (65) total magnification (51) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (43, 62) wet mount (52) X-ray crystallography (43, 68) X-ray diffraction analysis (68)

Recommended Reading Chiu, Wah, et al. 2002. Deriving folds of macromolecular complexes through electron cryomicroscopy and bioinformatics approaches. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 12:263. Graumann, Peter L., and Richard Losick. 2001. Coupling of asymmetric division to polar placement of replication origin regions in Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Bacteriology 183:4052–4060. Jiang, Weihang, Juan Chang, Joanita Jakana, et al. 2006. Structure of epsilon15 bacteriophage reveals genome organization and DNA packaging-injection apparatus. Nature 439:612–616. Lucic, Vladan, Friedrich Förster, and Wolfgang Baumeister. 2005. Structural studies by electron tomography: From cells to molecules. Annual Review of Biochemistry 74:833–865.

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Matias, Valério R. F., Ashruf Al-Amoudi, Jacques Dubochet, and Terry J. Beveridge. 2003. Cryo-transmission electron microscopy of frozen-hydrated sections of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Bacteriology 185:6112–6118. Murphy, Douglas B. 2001. Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging. Wiley-Liss, Hoboken, N.J. Popescu, Aurel, and R. J. Doyle. 1996. The Gram stain after more than a century. Biotechniques in Histochemistry 71:145–151.

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Chapter 3

Cell Structure and Function 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

The Bacterial Cell: An Overview How We Study the Parts of Cells The Cell Membrane and Transport The Cell Wall and Outer Layers The Nucleoid and Gene Expression Cell Division Specialized Structures

Microbial cells face extreme challenges from their environment, enduring rapid changes in temperature and salinity, and pathogens face the chemical defenses of their hosts. To meet these challenges, microbes build complex structures, such as a cell envelope with tensile strength comparable to steel. Within the cytoplasm, molecular devices such as the the ribosome build and expand the cell. With just a few thousand genes in its genome, how does a bacterial cell grow and reproduce? Bacteria coordinate their DNA replication through the DNA replisome and the cell fission ring. Other devices, such as flagellar propellers, enable microbial cells to compete, to communicate, and even to cooperate in building biofilm communities. Discoveries of cell form and function have exciting applications for medicine and biotechnology. The structures of ribosomes and cell envelope materials provide targets for new antibiotics. And devices such as the rotary ATP synthase inspire “nanotechnology,” the design of molecular machines.

The filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. was engineered to make a cell division protein, FtsZ, fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). FtsZ-GFP proteins form a ring-like structure around the middle of each cell, where it prepares to divide. Source: Samer Sakr, et al. 2006. J. Bacteriol. 188.

73 5 µm

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■ C e ll S tr u c tu r e a nd Func t ion

Chapter 3

The microbial cell has formidable tasks: to obtain nutrients faster than its competitors, to protect itself from toxins and predators, and to reproduce itself. These tasks are accomplished by the cell’s molecular parts. To study the cell requires microscopy as well as isolating cell parts. Chapter 3 presents an overview of the bacterial cell, then explains how such views derive from cell fractionation and genetic analysis. We explore the structures common to most microbial cells, as well as more specialized devices such as light-harvesting complexes and magnetosomes. We dissect the cell’s complex outer layers and see how they interact with the replicat-



ing chromosome to accomplish cell fi ssion. Many of the cell’s structures offer targets for antibiotic design as well as opportunities for biotechnology. Overall, this chapter focuses on prokaryotes, with reference to eukaryotes for comparison (eukaryotic microbes are covered in Chapter 20). Our discussion assumes an elementary knowledge of cell biology (reviewed in Appendices 1 and 2). The Microbial Biorealm online provides a quick, readable reference for microbial species, including those mentioned in this book.



0.25 µm

©Dennis Kunkel



Model of a bacterial cell (Escherichia coli). Envelope: The cell membrane contains embedded proteins for structure and transport. The cell membrane is supported by the cell wall. In this gram-negative cell, the cell wall is coated by the outer membrane, whose sugar chain extensions protect the cell from attack by the immune system or by predators. Plugged into the membranes is the rotary motor of a flagellum. Cytoplasm: Molecules of nascent messenger RNA (mRNA) extend out of the nucleoid to the region of the cytoplasm rich in ribosomes. Ribosomes translate DNA-binding protein the mRNA to make proteins, which are folded by chaperones. Nucleoid: The chromosomal DNA is wrapped around binding proteins. Replication by DNA polymerase and transcription HU by RNA polymerase occur at the same time within the nucleoid. (PDB codes: ribosome, 1GIX,1GIY; DNA-binding protein, 1P78; RNA polymerase, 1MSW)

E P A 30S



Figure 3.1

Flagellar motor

RNA polymerase



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A Model of the Bacterial Cell

The Bacterial Cell: An Overview

Prokaryotic cells show a wide range of form, whose diversity is explored in Chapters 18 and 19. At the same time, most prokaryotes share fundamental traits: ■

■ The M icro b i al Ce l l

Thick, complex outer envelope. The envelope protects the cell from environmental stress and predators. It also mediates exchange with the environment and communication with other organisms. Compact genome. Prokaryotic genomes are compact, with relatively little noncoding DNA. Small genomes maximize the production of cells from limited resources. Tightly coordinated cell functions. The cell’s subcellular parts work together in a highly coordinate mechanism. Coordinate action enables high reproduction rate.

Here we present a model of the bacterial cell (Fig. 3.1). This model offers an interpretation of how the major components of one bacterial cell fit together. The model represents Escherichia coli, but its general features apply to many kinds of bacteria. Remember that we cannot literally “see” the molecules within a cell, but microscopy and subcellular analysis generate a remarkably detailed view. Within the bacterial cell, the cytoplasm consists of a gel-like network composed of proteins and other macromolecules. The cytoplasm is contained by a cell membrane (or inner membrane, for a gram-negative cell). The membrane is composed of phospholipids, hydrophobic proteins, and other molecules. The cell membrane prevents

Bacterial Cell Components Outer membrane proteins:

In the early twentieth century, the cell was envisioned as a bag of “soup” full of floating ribosomes and enzymes. Modern research shows that in fact the cell’s parts fit together in a structure that is ordered, though flexible.

Sugar porin (10 nm) Braun lipoprotein (8 nm) Inner membrane proteins: Glycerol porin Secretory complex (Sec)

Lipopolysaccharide Envelope

Outer membrane Cell wall Periplasm Inner membrane (cell membrane)

ATP synthase (20 nm diameter in inner membrane; 32 nm total height)


Arabinose-binding protein (3 nm x 3 nm x 6 nm) Acid resistance chaperone (HdeA) (3 nm x 3 nm x 6 nm) Disulfide bond protein (DsbA) (3 nm x 3 nm x 6 nm) Cytoplasmic proteins:

Peptide Cytoplasm


Periplasmic proteins:

RNA polymerase

Pyruvate kinase (5 nm x 10 nm x 10 nm) Phosphofructokinase (4 nm x 7 nm x 7 nm) Proteasome (12 nm x 12 nm x 15 nm) Chaperonin GroEL (18 nm x 14 nm) Other proteins Transcription and translation complexes: RNA polymerase (10 x 10 x 16 nm)

DNA bridging protein H-NS



DNA-binding protein HU

Ribosome (21 x 21 x 21 nm) Nucleoid components: DNA (2.4 nm wide x 3.4 nm/10 bp) DNA-binding protein (3 x 3 x 5 nm) DNA-bridging protein (3 x 3 x 5 nm)

50 nm

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Chapter 3

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

cytoplasmic proteins from leaking out and maintains gradients of ions and nutrients. It is covered by a cell wall, a rigid structure composed of polysaccharides linked covalently by peptides (peptidoglycan). The cell wall forms a single cage-like molecule that surrounds the cell. In gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli, the cell wall consists of a single layer of peptidoglycan, a polymer of sugars and peptides. The cell wall extends within the periplasm, an aqueous layer containg proteins such as sugar transporters. Outside the cell wall lies an outer membrane of phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides (LPSs), a class of lipids attached to long polysaccharides (sugar chains). LPS and other polysaccharides can generate a thick capsule surrounding the cell. The capsule polysaccharides form a slippery mucous layer that inhibits phagocytosis by macrophages (see Section 26.3). The cell wall and outer membrane constitute the envelope. The envelope includes cell surface proteins that enable the bacteria to interact with specific host organisms. For example, E. coli cell surface proteins enable colonization of the human intestinal epithelium, whereas Sinorhizobium cell surface proteins enable colonization of legume plants for nitrogen fi xation. Another common external structure is the flagellum, a helical protein filament whose rotary motor propels the cell in search of a more favorable environment. Within the cell, the cell membrane and envelope provide an attachment point for one or more chromosomes. The chromosome is organized within the cytoplasm as a system of looped coils called the nucleoid. Unlike the round, compact nucleus of eukaryotic cells, the bacterial nucleoid is not bounded by a membrane, and so the coils of DNA can extend throughout the cytoplasm. Loops of DNA from the nucleoid are transcribed by RNA polymerase to form messenger RNA (mRNA) as well as small functional RNA molecules (sRNA). As the mRNA transcripts grow, they bind ribosomes to start synthesizing polypeptide chains. As the polypeptides grow, protein complexes called chaperones help them fold into their functional conformations.

Microbial Eukaryotes How do eukaryotic microbes, such as euglenas and amebas, compare with prokaryotes? Most eukaryotic cells that have been studied are much larger than prokaryotes; some amebas are actually visible to the unaided eye. Yet DNA-based surveys of natural environments, such as the ocean and soil, reveal eukaryotes as small as the smallest bacteria. Thus, eukaryotic cells extend over the full sizerange encompassed by prokaryotes, in addition to reaching much larger sizes. Like bacteria, microbial eukaryotes typically possess a thick outer covering. Fungi possess cell walls of polysaccharide, whereas protists have a pellicle, consisting

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of membranous layers reinforced by protein microtubules. Other kinds of eukaryotic cell surface are reinforced by inorganic materials, such as the silicate shells of diatoms. Eukaryotic microbes contain subcellular organelles composed of membranes that are more extensive and specialized than those of prokaryotes. Examples include the nuclear membrane, golgi, mitochondria, and chloroplasts (reviewed in Appendix 2). These organelles perform some of the physiological functions that are provided by organ systems in multicellular organisms, such as circulation, digestion, and excretion. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the products of ancestral engulfment of prokaryotic cells, followed by evolution of endosymbiosis, as explained in Chapter 17. Eukaryotic microbial diversity is explored in Chapter 20.

Biochemical Composition of Bacteria The bacterial cell model indicates shape and size, but tells little about chemical composition. Chemistry explains, for example, why wiping a surface with ethanol eliminates microbial life, whereas water has little effect. Water is a universal constituent of cytoplasm, but is excluded by cell membranes. Ethanol, however, dissolves both polar and nonpolar substances; thus, ethanol disintegrates membranes and destroys the secondary structure of proteins. All cells share common chemical components: ■ ■

Water, the fundamental solvent of life Essential ions, such as potassium, magnesium, and chloride ions Small organic molecules, such as lipids and sugars that are incorporated into cell structures and that provide nutrition by catabolism Macromolecules, such as nucleic acids and proteins, which contain information, catalyze reactions, and mediate transport, among many other functions

Cell composition varies with species, growth phase, and environmental conditions. Table 3.1 summarizes the chemical components of a cell for the model bacterium Escherichia coli during exponential growth. Small molecules. The E. coli cell consists of about 70%

water, the essential solvent required to carry out fundamental metabolic reactions and to stabilize proteins. The water solution contains inorganic ions, predominantly potassium, magnesium, and phosphate. Inorganic ions store energy in the form of transmembrane gradients, and they serve essential roles in enzymes. For example, a magnesium ion is required at the active site of RNA polymerase to help catalyze incorporation of ribonucleotides into RNA.

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■ The M icro b i al Ce l l


Table 3.1 Molecular composition of a bacterial cell, Escherichia coli, during balanced exponential growth.a


Percentage of total weightb

Approximate number of molecules/cell

Number of different kinds

70% 16% 6% 0.7% 3% 1% 1% 1.3% 0.8% 0.1% 0.1%

20,000,000,000 2,400,000 250,000 4,000 25,000,000 1,400,000 2d 50,000,000 1 250,000,000 6,700,000

1 2,000c 200 2,000c 50 1 1 1,000 1 20 2

Water Proteins RNA: rRNA, tRNA, and other small regulatory RNA (sRNA), mRNA Lipids: phospholipids (membrane) lipopolysaccharide (outer membrane) DNA Metabolites and biosynthetic precursors Peptidoglycan (murein sacculus) Inorganic ions Polyamines (mainly putrescine and spermine) a

Values shown are for a hypothetical “average” cell cultured with aeration in glucose medium with minimal salts at 37°C.


The total weight of the cell (including water) is about 10–12 gram (g), or 1 picogram (pg).


The number of kinds of mRNA and of proteins is difficult to estimate because some genes are transcribed at extremely low levels and because RNA and proteins include kinds that are rapidly degraded. d

In rapidly growing cells, cell fission typically lags approximately one generation behind DNA replication; hence, two identical DNA copies per cell.

Source: Modified from Neidhardt, F., and H. E. Umbarger. 1996. Chemical composition of Escherichia coli, p. 14. In Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed. ASM Press, Washington, DC.

Frederick C. Neidhardt, U. of Michigan

The cell also contains many kinds of small charged organic molecules, such as phospholipids and enzyme cofactors. A major class of organic cations is the polyamines, molecules with multiple amine groups that are positively charged when the pH is near neutral. Polyamines balance the negative charges of the cell’s DNA, and they stabilize ribosomes during translation. Macromolecules. Many cells show similar content of

water and small molecules, but their specific character is defined by their macromolecules, especially their proteins. Proteins vary among different species; and a given species makes very different proteins, depending on environmental conditions such as temperature, nutrient levels, and entry into a host organism. Individual proteins, encoded by specific genes, are found in very different amounts, from 10 per cell to 10,000 per cell. The total proteins encoded by a genome, capable of expression in the cell, are known collectively as the proteome. Early attempts to define the proteome of a cell were conducted by Fred Neidhardt (Fig. 3.2) and colleagues at the University of Michigan, who created the fi rst protein catalog of E. coli using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE or 2-D gels) (Fig. 3.3). To obtain 2-D gels, cells are lysed by sonication or detergent to release and solubilize as many proteins as possible. The proteins are then subjected to two forms of separation, isoelectric focusing followed by electrophoresis. In isoelectric focusing, proteins are placed in a gel that has a pH gradient, and they migrate along the gradi-

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Proteins of E. coli. Fred Neidhardt and colleagues at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, used 2-D gel electrophoresis to create the first protein catalog of E. coli.

Figure 3.2

ent until they reach the point where the number of positively charged residues equals the number of negatively charged residues. At this point, their net charge is zero (that is, the pH equals the protein’s isoelectric point), and the protein stops moving. In electrophoresis, proteins deposited in an electrical field migrate toward a positive electrode. The proteins are coated with a reagent (SDS, or sodium dodecyl sulfate) to confer a uniform negative charge so that their distance of migration depends on

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Molecular weight (kD)

molecular weight (roughly a logarithmic function). The proteins are then stained for detection, and the protein spots can be identified, either by N-terminal protein sequencing or by mass spectrometry. 50 In a 2-D gel of E. coli (Fig. 3.3), about 500 different proteins can be distinguished. The most highly expressed proteins include ribo40 somal proteins and translation factors such as elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu). Outer membrane proteins such as OmpX and ProX also show high concentration. Conversely, many proteins of the inner (cell) membrane are too insoluble 30 in water to appear, and some important regulators are present at levels too low to be seen. Nevertheless, 2-D gels are useful for identifying changes in protein expression that occur 20 under different environmental conditions or when bacteria are invading host cells. Protein synthesis is directed by DNA and RNA. The content of nucleic acids in E. coli is nearly 8% by weight, much higher than in multicellular eukaryotes. For microbes, the high nucleic acid content is advantageous, allowing the cell to maximize reproduction of its chromosome while minimizing resources for proIsoelectric point (pl) 5.0 5.5 6.0 tein-rich cytoplasm. The high level of nucleic acids is actually toxic to human consumers, Figure 3.3 Proteins of E. coli. 2-D gel of proteins of Escherichia coli who lack the enzymes to digest the uric acid grown aerobically in a casein-yeast extract medium. Proteins were identified waste product of digested nucleotides. That is by N-terminal sequence and by mass spectroscopy. DnaK is a cytoplasmic why most kinds of bacteria cannot be eaten as chaperone; EF-Tu is an elongation factor for translation; MalE is an outer a major part of the diet. membrane maltose-binding protein; ProX and OmpX are periplasmic transporters; and AhpC is an antioxidant stress protein. Other kinds of macromolecules are found in the cell wall and outer membrane. The bacterial cell wall consists of peptidoglycan, an organic polymer that constitutes nearly 1% of the cell ■ The biochemical composition of bacteria includes mass, approximately the same mass as that of DNA. This shows the importance (for most species) of maintaining relatively high nucleic acid content, as well as proturgor pressure in dilute environments, where water would teins, phospholipids, and other organic and inorganic otherwise enter by osmosis, causing osmotic shock. constituents. ■ Proteins in the cell vary, depending on the species and environmental conditions. THOUGHT QUESTION 3.1 Which molecules occur in the greatest number in a prokaryotic cell? The smallest number? Why does a cell contain 100 times as many lipid molecules as strands of RNA?

3.2 TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Prokaryotic cells are protected by a thick cell envelope. Compact genomes maximize reproductive potential with minimal resources. The model bacterial cell contains a highly ordered cytoplasm in which DNA replication, RNA transcription, and protein synthesis occur coordinately.

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Joan Slonczewski, Kenyon College


How We Study the Parts of Cells

How can we determine how all the macromolecules listed in Table 3.1 interact and work together? Electron microscopy largely defi nes how we “see” the cell’s interior as a whole. In Figure 3.1, we clearly saw major parts of B. thuringiensis, such as the endospore and the parasporal crystal. But smaller parts, such as the ribosomes, appear only as small, densely packed particles. Furthermore,

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Subcellular fractionation enables isolation of cell parts such as ribosomes and membranes so that we can study their form and function. Structural analysis by X-ray crystallography and related methods reveals the form of cell components. Genetic analysis dissects the function of cell components based on construction of mutant cells with altered function.

In this section, we present these methods as applied to a key example of cellular function, that of the bacterial ribosome. Each method has its particular strengths and limitations to reveal form and function.

The ultracentrifuge. Different parts of the cell can be isolated by subcellular fractionation. A key tool of subcellular fractionation is the ultracentrifuge, a device in which solutions containing cell components are rotated in tubes at high speed. The high rotation rate generates centrifugal forces strong enough to separate subcellular particles (Fig. 3.4A). The ultracentrifuge was invented

Isolating Parts of Cells Cellular components, such as ribosomes and flagellar motors, can be isolated readily from cells. The cells must A.


Eric Kaufmann, USDA-ARS-CMAVE

Subcellular fractionation by ultracentrifugation. A. An ultracentrifuge is used to fractionate cell components. B. Salmonella ribosomes (TEM) isolated from the cytoplasm by ultracentrifugation through a linear sucrose density gradient. Polysomes consist of two or more ribosomes attached to mRNA. C. High-speed rotation generates high centrifugal forces, measured in units of gravity (g). The Svedberg unit (S) offers a measure of particle size based on its rate of travel in a tube subjected to high g force. The Svedberg coefficient (number of S units; for example, 30S) is defined in terms of the velocity of the particle in the tube (v), the radius of the rotor (r), and the rotational velocity (ω). The coefficient of S for a given particle depends on its mass (m) and its shape. After centrifugation, fractions are collected from the base of the centrifuge tube. The fractions contain radiolabeled ribosomes. The largest particles (whole ribosomes) sediment near the bottom of the tube, whereas the smaller particles (separate 50S and 30S subunits) appear in upper fractions.

Figure 3.4


100 nm

To centrifuge

From centrifuge

Rotor 30S Sample tube


Axis of rotation

Ribosomes 70S


Spins at up to 100,000 g

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Mild detergent lysis. Cells can be lysed with a detergent capable of dissolving membranes but not denaturing proteins. Freezing and thawing. Freezing and then thawing is another way to open cells gently, releasing particles such as ribosomes. Sonication. Cells can be lysed by intense ultrasonic vibrations above the range of human hearing. Enzymes. Enzymes such as lysozyme can break the cell wall, allowing the cell to be lysed by mild osmotic shock.

P. L. Clark and J. King. 2001. J. Bio. Chem. 276


be broken open by techniques that allow subcellular components to remain intact. Here are examples of such techniques:

even higher-resolution images from electron microscopy cannot tell us the chemical composition of ribosomes or how they function in the living cell. To study ribosome function requires isolation and analysis of subcellular parts: ■

■ The M icro b i al Ce l l


v Svedberg unit v S= 2 ␻ r

Collect fractions from base of tube

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by the Swedish physicist Theodor Svedberg (1884–1971), who won the 1926 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the use of ultracentrifugation to separate proteins. Modern ultracentrifuges have titanium rotors that spin in a vacuum to avoid frictional heating, generating forces up to 100,000 times gravity (100 k g). For fractionation, cells are fi rst lysed by one of the methods previously described to obtain a cell lysate, a general term for the contents of a broken cell. The cell lysate is placed in tubes containing a high-density solution, such as sucrose or cesium chloride solution, in which suspended particles sediment slowly. Under a high g force, however, particles sediment at different rates, depending on their size and density. The sedimentation rate is the rate at which particles of a given size and shape travel to the bottom of the tube under centrifugal force. The sedimentation rate is measured by the Svedberg unit, S, which is given by the particle’s rate of sedimentation (v), the radius at which the tube rotates (r), and the rotational velocity (ω): S = v/(ω2r) For a given type of particle in suspension, the sedimentation rate also depends on the particle’s mass and shape. The contribution of particle mass and shape is defi ned as its Svedberg coefficient; for example, the coefficient of the small subunit of the ribosome is 30, for a sedimentation value of 30S. The value of the Svedberg coefficient increases with the average cross-sectional area of the particle. For bacterial ribosomes, ultracentrifugation yields intact ribosomes (70S) as well as separated ribosomal subunits, the large subunit (50S) and the small subunit (30S). Within cells, ribosomes normally exist as a mixture of joined and separate subunits. To isolate the ribosomes, a cell lysate is layered onto a tube of sucrose solution, whose density decreases the sedimentation rate and increases the separation of particles of different size (Fig. 3.4A). The fractions shown in Figure 3.4C were drained sequentially from the base of the tube after centrifugation. The heaviest particle, the 70S ribosome, appears in the fractions nearest the bottom of the tube because it travels fastest under the centrifugal force. THOUGHT QUESTION 3.2 Why does the Svedberg coefficient of the intact ribosome (70S) differ from the sum of the individual subunits of the ribosome (30S and 50S)? The ribosomes can be seen in collected fractions by electron microscopy (Fig. 3.4B). In some cases, two or more ribosomes are connected by a strand of messenger RNA (mRNA). This multiple-ribosome structure, called a polysome, gives our fi rst clue as to the intracellular orga-

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nization of the translation apparatus within a bacterial cell (see Fig. 3.1), where a number of ribosomes translate each mRNA at the same time. Furthermore, ribosomes isolated by centrifugation can translate messenger RNA in cell-free systems. Experiments in cell-free systems provide the basis of much of our knowledge of protein synthesis (see Chapter 8). Limitations of subcellular fractionation. Subcellular

fractionation yields clues about internal structure but provides little information about processes that require overall integrity of the cell. For example, the role of the transmembrane electrochemical potential, or proton potential, in ATP synthesis was obscured for many years because biochemists were unable to isolate a cytoplasmic complex responsible for it. Transmembrane ion gradients were in fact observed within membrane vesicles— spheres of membrane isolated by cell disintegration and centrifugation. But it was harder to demonstrate that the entire cell membrane of an intact cell supports a proton potential.

Crystallographic Analysis Reveals Structure Isolated ribosomes can be crystallized for structure analysis by X-ray diffraction crystallography. A crystallographic model of the 30S ribosomal subunit is shown in Figure 3.5A. The 30S subunit consists of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 27 different proteins, each of which is encoded by a particular gene. The sequences of all the ribosomal genes, with their predicted protein and RNA products, were fitted with X-ray crystallography data to build a three-dimensional model of the 30S subunit. This model includes three bound transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules, each at a key position for translation: the acceptor site (A) for incoming aminoacyl-tRNA; the peptide site (P) attached to the growing peptide chain; and the exit site (E), where tRNA is released from the ribosome. A similar model was obtained of the 30S ribosomal subunit bound to streptomycin, an antibiotic produced by Streptomyces bacteria (Fig. 3.5B). In this model, the streptomycin molecule contacts a particular ribosomal protein, S12. The contact with S12 distorts the structure of the A site and thus halts protein synthesis. Only the ribosomes of bacteria, not of eukaryotes, have the precise shape to bind streptomycin; thus, this antibiotic kills bacterial pathogens without harming the human patient. Studying ribosome structure enables us to design new antibiotics. Limitations of crystallography. As discussed in Chapter 2, crystallographic analysis applies only to isolated particles and under conditions in which its full function cannot be observed. The technique can solve structures

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■ The M icro b i al Ce l l


A. The ribosome: x-ray diffraction model


X-ray diffraction models relate structure to function. A. The 30S ribosomal subunit, X-ray diffraction model of the 16S RNA (stereo view) showing the acceptor (A) site, the peptide (P) site, and the exit (E) site. To view, place a piece of cardboard vertically between the two images. Position your eyes on opposite sides of the cardboard and force them to focus behind the images. The images will merge and produce a 3-D image. (PDB codes: 1GIX, 1GIY) B. When the ribosome is crystallized with streptomycin, the antibiotic molecule binds to protein S12, near the A site. Streptomycin interferes with the tRNA binding to the A site.

Figure 3.5


p Promoter for str ybxF operon Ribosomal protein S12

Unknown function

rpsL rpsG Ribosomal protein S7



Elongation factor G

Elongation factor Tu

Ribosomal protein S12 Mutations in the gene rpsL, encoding ribosomal protein S12, confer resistance to the antibiotic streptomycin.

only for proteins and nucleic acids capable of crystallization. It remains impractical for proteins of flexible, nonrigid structure and for many membrane-soluble proteins.

Genetic analysis of the streptomycin-resistant ribosome. The str operon has genes encoding components of the ribosome. A mutation in rpsL, the gene encoding ribosomal protein S12, alters the protein’s interaction with streptomycin. The mutant gene makes the bacteria resistant to the antibiotic.

Figure 3.6

Genetic Analysis Reveals Function The crystal structure of a macromolecule only yields clues as to function; it does not show the structure in action. The function of cell components can be dissected by genetic analysis. In genetic analysis, mutant strains are selected for loss of a given function, or a strain can be intentionally mutated so as to lose or alter a gene. An example of genetic analysis is the use of ribosome-encoding genes to show how ribosome func-

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tion is blocked by the antibiotic streptomycin. The genes specifying each ribosomal protein and RNA (rRNA) are organized in operons of genes under one promoter, such as the str operon (Fig. 3.6). The str operon was named for streptomycin resistance, a phenotype conferred by mutations in the gene rpsL. Mutations conferring streptomycin resistance were known for decades before the structural basis was discovered. These mutations were

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mapped to the gene rpsL encoding the protein S12, whose position in the 30S subunit was shown by X-ray crystallography (see Fig. 3.5B). The S12 protein forms part of the ribosome’s tRNA acceptor (A) site, which receives the incoming aminoacyl-tRNA. Mutation in the gene encoding S12 generates a protein of altered shape, permitting function in the presence of streptomycin. Thus, genetic analysis and crystallography were combined to demonstrate the precise mode of action of an important antibiotic. An exciting extension of genetic analysis is the construction of strains with “reporter genes” fused to genes encoding structures of interest. An example of a reporter gene is green fluorescent protein, which fluoresces at the site of the fused protein. Fluorescent reporter genes enable us to observe the function of proteins within a live cell. In Section 3.6, we will discuss the use of fluorescent reporter genes to observe chromosome replication and cell division. The methods of gene manipulation are discussed in Chapters 8 and 12. THOUGHT QUESTION 3.3 What are the advantages and limitations of biochemical and genetic approaches to cell structure and function? TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Subcellular fractionation isolates cell parts for structural, biochemical, and genetic analysis. X-ray crystallography shows the three-dimensional form of cell components at the atomic level. Genetic analysis shows which genes and proteins are responsible for functions of subcellular complexes such as the ribosome. Mutation of a gene leads to altered function of the cell.


The Cell Membrane and Transport

The structure that defines the existence of a cell is the cell membrane (Fig. 3.7). The cell membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer containing lipid-soluble proteins. Overall, the membrane serves two kinds of function: It contains the cytoplasm within the external medium, mediating transport between the two; and it carries many proteins with specific functions, such as biosynthetic enzymes and environmental signal receptors.

Membranes Consist of Phospholipids and Proteins Cell membranes are composed of approximately equal parts phospholipids and proteins. Each phospholipid possesses a charged phosphate-containing “head” that con-

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Extracellular environment



Transporter protein

Proton-driven ATPase


Bacterial cell membrane. The cell membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer, with hydrophobic fatty acid chains directed inward, away from water. The bilayer contains stiffening agents such as hopanoids, which serve the same function as cholesterol in eukaryotic membranes. Half the volume of the membrane consists of proteins.

Figure 3.7

tacts the water interface, as well as a hydrophobic “tail” packed within the bilayer. A phospholipid consists of glycerol with ester links to two fatty acids and a phosphoryl polar head group (for review, see Appendix 2). The polar head group may have a side chain such as ethanolamine in phosphatidylethanolamine, the major phospholipid of E. coli (Fig. 3.8). Lipid biosynthesis is a key process of cells; for example, a bacterial enzyme for fatty acid biosynthesis, enoyl reductase, is the target of triclosan, a common antibacterial additive in detergents and cosmetics. In the bilayer, all phospholipids face each other tail to tail, keeping their hydrophobic side chains away from the water inside and outside the cell. The two layers of phospholipids in the bilayer are called leaflets. One leaflet of phospholipids faces the cell interior, whereas the other faces the exterior. As a whole, the phospholipid bilayer imparts fluidity and gives the membrane a consistent thickness (about 10 nm). The cell membrane can be thought of as a twodimensional fluid within which float a vast array of hydrophobic proteins and smaller molecules such as hopanoids (see Fig. 3.7). Membrane proteins serve numerous functions that define the capabilities of the cell, including transport, communication with the environment, and structural support. Examples include: ■

Structural support. Some membrane proteins anchor together different layers of the cell envelope (see Section 3.4). Other proteins attached to membranes form part of the cytoskeleton. Still others form the base of structures that extend out from the cell, such as pili,

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Glycerol derivative


Phosphatidylethanolamine. A major bacterial phospholipid consists of glycerol with ester links to two fatty acids and a phosphoethanolamine.

Figure 3.8

fi laments, and flagella; these enable adherence and motility. Detection of environmental signals. In Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, ToxR is a transmembrane protein whose amino-terminal part reaches into the cytoplasm. When ToxR detects acidity and elevated temperature—signs of the host digestive tract—its amino-terminal domain binds to DNA at a sequence that activates expression of cholera toxin and other virulence factors. Secretion of virulence factors and communication signals. Membrane proteins form secretion complexes to export toxins and cell signals across the envelope. For example, symbiotic nitrogen-fi xing rhizobia require membrane proteins NodI and NodJ to transport nodulation signals out to the host plant roots, where they induce formation of root nodules containing the bacteria.

Proteins embedded within a membrane must have a hydrophobic portion that is soluble within the membrane. Typically, several hydrophobic alpha helices thread back and forth through the membrane. Other regions of peptide extend outside the membrane, containing charged and polar amino acids that interact favorably with water. The combination of hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions effectively locks the protein into the membrane.

Transport across the Cell Membrane Overall, the cell membrane acts as a barrier to sequester water-soluble proteins of the cytoplasm. The membrane’s

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Phosphoryl head group

Fatty acid side chains

The M icro b i al Ce l l

specific components, particularly proteins, determine which substances cross the membrane between the cytoplasm and the outside. Selective transport is essential for cell survival; it means the ability to acquire scarce nutrients while excluding toxins.


Osmosis. Most cells maintain a concentration of total solutes (molecules in solution) that is higher inside the cell than outside. As a result, the internal concentration of water is lower than the concentration outside the cell. Because water can cross the membrane, but its charged solutes cannot, water tends to diffuse across the membrane into the cell, causing expansion of cell volume, in a process called osmosis. The resulting pressure on the cell membrane is called osmotic pressure (reviewed in Appendix 2). Osmotic pressure will cause a cell to burst, or lyse, in the absence of a countering pressure such as that provided by the cell wall. Various solutes cross the membrane by different means. Nonspecific transport, or passive diffusion, requires dissolving in the phospholipid bilayer. Specific transport—for example, of nutrients and toxins—requires specific transport proteins. The presence of specific transporters depends on the microbial species and environmental conditions. Passive diffusion. Small uncharged molecules, such as O2, CO2, and water, easily permeate the membrane. Some molecules, such as ethanol, also disrupt the membrane, an action that can make such molecules toxic to cells. By contrast, strongly polar molecules, such as sugars, generally cannot penetrate the hydrophobic interior of the membrane and require transport mediated by specific proteins. Water molecules permeate the membrane, but their rate of passage is increased by protein channels called aquaporins. Membrane-permeant weak acids and bases. A special case of movement across cell membranes is that of membrane-permeant weak acids and weak bases, which exist in equilibrium between charged and uncharged forms:

Weak acid: HA D H + + A– Weak base: B + H 2O D BH + + OH – Weak acids and weak bases cross the membrane in their uncharged form, HA (weak acid) or B (weak base). On the other side, upon reentering aqueous solution, they dissociate (HA to A– and H+) or reassociate with H+ (B to BH+). In effect, they conduct acid (H+) or base (OH– ) across the membrane, causing acid or alkali stress. A high-proton concentration outside the cell will increase the amount of uncharged weak acid that can freely enter the cell. Thus, if the H+ concentration (acidity) outside the cell is higher than inside, it will drive weak acids into the cell.

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Chapter 3

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The protonated form of a weak acid (RCOOH) crosses the membrane, _ whereas the deprotonated form (RCOO ) does not.












+ H





+ H+



NHC Penicillin




The protonated form of a weak base (RNH3+) does not cross the membrane, whereas the deprotonated form (RNH2) does. +



H3C + H+













Prozac (fluoxetine)



O OH Tetracycline

Common drugs are membrane-permeant weak acids and bases. bloodstream. The uncharged form is hydrophobic and penetrates the cell membrane.

Figure 3.9

Many key substances in cellular metabolism are membrane-permeant weak acids and bases, such as acetic acid. Most pharmaceutical drugs—therapeutic agents delivered to our tissues via the bloodstream—are weak acids or bases whose uncharged forms exist at sufficiently low concentration to cross the membrane without disrupting it. Examples of weak acids that deprotonate (acquiring negative charge) at neutral pH include aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and penicillin (Fig. 3.9). Examples of weak bases that protonate (acquiring positive charge) at neutral pH include Prozac (fluoxetine) and tetracycline. THOUGHT QUESTION 3.4 Amino acids have acidic and basic groups that can dissociate. Why are they not membrane-permeant weak acids or weak bases? Why do they fail to cross the phospholipid bilayer? Transport proteins. Proteins enable transport that is

highly selective; that is, a given protein will transport only certain nutrients or ions (Fig. 3.10). Molecules that carry net charge, such as inorganic ions (Na+, Cl– ), require specific transport by transport proteins, or transporters. So do organic molecules that carry charge at cytoplasmic pH, such as amino acids. Transporters are highly specific to different ions and organic substances under different environmental conditions. Much of the character and ecological niche of a microbe—the nutrients it can consume, the drugs it can

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In its charged form, each drug is soluble in the

Extracellular environment Substrate molecules

Transport driven by gradient of substrate or cotransported molecules. Cytoplasm

Figure 3.10 Membrane transport proteins. Transport proteins enable the uptake of nutrients into the cell. Uptake can be powered by movement down a gradient of substrate or of a cotransported molecule such as sodium ions. Alternatively, transport may be powered by a coupled chemical reaction that spends energy, such as ATP hydrolysis.

resist—depend on its set of transporters encoded by its genome. Transporters evolve in families common to many species; thus, analysis of known genomes predict the transport capabilities in a newly sequenced genome (discussed in Chapter 8). Organisms that live in complex, changing environments express numerous transporters. For exam-

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ple, the genome of Streptomyces coelicolor, a soil-dwelling actinomycete bacterium that produces several antibiotics, shows over 400 different transporters. These include exporters for toxic ions such as arsenate and chromate, uptake of oligosaccharides and peptides, and multipledrug pumps. Transport proteins act by various mechanisms, such as a structural channel, or pore, that allows a nutrient molecule to enter the cell or a toxin to be exported. Transport may be passive or active. In passive transport, molecules accumulate or dissipate along their concentration gradient. Active transport, that is, transport from lower to higher concentration, requires expenditure of energy. The energy for active transport may be obtained by cotransport of another substance down its gradient from higher to lower concentration. For example, many transporters couple uptake of amino acids to uptake of sodium ions. Alternatively, transport may be powered by a coupled chemical reaction that spends energy, such as ATP hydrolysis. Further transport mechanisms are discussed in Chapter 4. A medically important example of active transport is that of drug efflux proteins powered by the hydrogen ion gradient. Efflux proteins pump antibiotics such as tetracycline out of the bacterial cell, enabling harmful bacteria to grow in the presence of antibiotics. Pathogens and cancer cells evolve multiple drug resistance transporters that enable them to survive chemotherapy.

The M icro b i al Ce l l






Cell membrane Fo

b ␦

Cytoplasm F1





Transmembrane Ion Gradients Store Energy Ions such as H+ or Na+ usually exist in very different concentrations inside and outside the cell. The ion gradient (ratio of concentrations) across the cell membrane can store energy obtained from metabolizing food or from photosynthesis. For example, membrane proteins such as cytochrome oxidases use energy from respiration to pump hydrogen ions across the cell membrane, generating a hydrogen ion gradient. The hydrogen ion gradient plus the charge difference (voltage potential) across the membrane form an electrochemical potential. Because this electrochemical potential includes the hydrogen ion gradient, it is called the proton potential. The proton potential, or proton motive force, drives various cell devices, such as the rotary flagella and efflux pumps that expel antibiotics. Most importantly, the proton potential drives the membrane-bound ATP synthase (Fig. 3.11). The role of the proton potential in metabolism is discussed in detail in Chapters 13 and 14. The membrane-bound ATP synthase, also called F1Fo ATP synthase, provides most of the ATP for aerobic respiring cells such as E. coli; and essentially the same complex mediates ATP generation in our own mitochondria. The complex of peptides includes a channel (Fo) for

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Figure 3.11 Bacterial membrane ATP synthase. A. The F1Fo complex of ATP synthase is embedded in the cell membrane. The Fo channel/rotor admits hydrogen ions; the H+ current flow across the membrane is driven by the concentration and charge differences between inside and outside the cell. The flow of H+ causes the rotation of F1. Rotation of F1 drives conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP. B. An artificial “biomolecular motor” was built from an ATPase F1 unit attached to a nickel post and a nanopropeller.

hydrogen ions, which drive rotation of the ATPase complex (F1). Rotation of F1 mediates the formation of ATP. The idea that a living organism could contain rotating parts was highly controversial when such parts were first discovered in bacterial flagella (discussed in Section 3.7). Before this discovery, scientists had believed that living body parts could not rotate and that only humans had “invented the wheel.” The discovery of rotary biomolecules has inspired advances in nanotechnology, the engineering of microscopic devices. For example, a “biomolecular motor” was devised using an ATP synthase F1 complex to drive a metal submicroscopic propeller (Fig. 3.11B). In the future, such biomolecular design may be used to create microscopic robots that enter the bloodstream to perform microsurgery.

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Chapter 3

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

Membrane Lipids Differ in Structure and Function Membranes require a certain uniformity to maintain structural integrity and function. Yet individual membrane lipids differ remarkably in structure. Membrane lipids help determine whether an organism grows in a Yellowstone hot spring or in the human lungs, where it may cause pneumonia. Phospholipids vary with respect to their phosphoryl head groups and with respect to their hydrocarbon side chains. Some membrane lipids lack phosphate altogether, substituting other polar groups; and some replace mobile side chains with fused rings. Phosphoryl head groups. At the pH of most biological systems, the phosphoryl head group carries net negative charge, called a phosphatidate (Fig. 3.12A). The negatively charged phosphatidate can contain various organic groups, such as glycerol to form phosphatidylglycerol. A more complex phosphatidate is cardiolipin, or diphosphatidylglycerol, actually a double phospholipid linked by a glycerol (Fig. 3.12B). Cardiolipin increases in concentration in bacteria grown to starvation or stationary phase, possibly because its extended structure stabilizes the membrane.



















H Phosphatidylglycerol

H O–












Other phospholipids have a positively charged head group, such as phosphatidylethanolamine. Phospholipids with positive charge or with mixed charges are concentrated in portions of the membrane that interact with DNA, which has negative charge. Also, some transporter proteins require interaction with positively charged phospholipids. The fatty acid component of phospholipids also varies greatly among bacteria. Certain soil bacteria and pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis have several hundred different kinds of fatty acids. Fatty acid structures that stiffen the membrane are increased under stress conditions, such as starvation or acidity. Variant fatty acid structures in phospholipids enhance survival under environmental stress. The most common bacterial fatty acids are hydrogenated chains of varying length, typically between 6 and 22 carbons. These chains pack neatly to form a smooth layer. Some fatty acid chains, however, are partly unsaturated (possess one or more carbon-carbon double bonds). If the unsaturated bond is cis, meaning that both alkyl chains are on the same side of the bond, the unsaturated chain has a “kink,” as in oleic acid (Fig. 3.13). The kinked chains do not pack as closely as the straight hydrocarbon chains and thus make the membrane more “fluid.” This is why, at room temperature, unsaturated vegetable oils are fluid, whereas highly saturated butterfat is solid. The enhanced fluidity of a kinked phospholipid improves the function of the membrane at low temperature; hence, bacteria can respond to cold and heat by increasing or decreasing their synthesis of unsaturated phospholipids. Another interesting structural variation is cyclization of part of the chain to create a stiff planar ring with decreased fluidity. The double bond of unsaturated fatty acids can incorporate a carbon from S-adenosyl-LO HO Palmitic acid






P O–










HO Oleic acid (trans) O HO Oleic acid (cis)

H Cardiolipin (diphosphatidylglycerol)

Figure 3.12 Phospholipid head groups. Bacterial membranes contain phospholipids with several kinds of polar head groups. Common examples include phosphatidylglycerol (negatively charged, a phosphatidate), cardiolipin (a double phospholipid joined by a third glycerol), and phosphatidylethanolamine (with a positively charged amine).

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HO O Cyclopropane fatty acid

Figure 3.13 Phospholipid side chains. Bacterial lipid side chains include palmitic acid, oleic acid, and cyclopropane fatty acid.

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■ The M icro b i al Ce l l

Pa r t 1

methionine to form a three-membered ring, becoming a cyclopropane fatty acid (see Fig. 3.13). Bacteria convert unsaturated fatty acids to cyclopropane during starvation and acid stress, conditions under which membranes require stiffening. Cyclopropane conversion is an important factor in the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (causative agent of tuberculosis) and in the acid resistance of food-borne toxigenic E. coli. Many other structural variants are seen in different species, such as branched chains, hydroxyl and sulfate groups, and polycyclic groups. The less common forms are highly characteristic of particular species and strains. Thus, fatty acid profi les are used to identify certain kinds of pathogens, such as anthrax spores.










Figure 3.14 Hopanoids add strength to membranes. Hopanoids fit between the fatty acid side chains of membranes and limit their motion, thus stiffening the membrane. A hopanoid has five fused rings and an extended hydroxylated tail.

Terpene derivatives stiffen membranes. In addition to

phospholipids, membranes include planar molecules that fi ll gaps between hydrocarbon chains (Fig. 3.14). These stiff, planar molecules reinforce the membrane, much as steel rods reinforce concrete. In eukaryotic membranes, the reinforcing agents are sterols, such as cholesterol. In bacteria, the same function is fi lled by pentacyclic (five-ring) hydrocarbon derivatives called hopanoids, or hopanes. Hopanoids appear in geological sediments, where they indicate ancient bacterial decomposition; they provide useful data for petroleum exploration. Variations in phospholipid side-chain structures reach their extreme in archaea, many of which inhabit the planet’s most extreme environments. All archaeal phospholipids replace the ester link between glycerol and fatty acid

Ester-linked lipids (bacteria and eukaryotes)



with an ether link, C⫺O⫺C (Fig. 3.15). Ethers are much more stable than esters, which hydrolyze easily in water. Another modification is that archaeal hydrocarbon chains are branched terpenoids, polymeric structures derived from isoprene, in which every fourth carbon extends a methyl branch. The branches strengthen the membrane by limiting movement of the hydrocarbon chains. The most extreme hyperthermophiles, which live beneath the ocean at 110°C, have terpenoid chains linked at the tails, creating a tetraether monolayer. In some

Ether-linked lipids (archaea)




O Glycerol diester

HO Glycerol diether Diethers condensed here OH O



O HO Diglycerol tetraether

Figure 3.15 Terpene-derived lipids of archaea. In archaea, the hydrocarbon chains are ether-linked to glycerol, and every fourth carbon has a methyl branch. In some archaea, the tails of the two facing lipids of the bilayer are fused, forming tetraethers; thus, the entire membrane consists of a single layer of molecules (a monolayer).

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Isoprene cyclized to cyclopentane. H2C















Cyclopentane rings

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Chapter 3

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

Synthesis of terpene-derived lipids. Archaeal lipids are synthesized from isoprene chains. Two isoprene units (five carbons in each) link to form a terpene (ten carbons). Terpenoid multimers, such as the triterpene derivative squalene, generate the lipid chains of archaea, in which most of their double bonds have been hydrogenated. In bacteria, squalene cyclizes to form hopanes and hopanoids, and in eukaryotes, squalene is converted to cholesterol.

Figure 3.16 Isoprene





O OH Isopentenyl-pyrophosphate




O OH Geranyl-pyrophosphate (terpene) Double length with saturated double bonds Squalene (6 isoprene = tri-terpene)



O CH O CH2 Branched lipid ether (archaean membranes)

O ■

Squalene epoxide Cyclization







H Cholesterol (eukaryotic membranes)

Hopane (bacterial membranes)

species, the terpenoids cyclize to form cyclopentane rings. These planar rings stiffen the membrane under stress to an even greater extent than the cyclopropyl chains of bacteria. For more on archaeal cells, see Chapter 19. Both cholesterol and hopanoids are synthesized from the same precursor molecules as the unique lipids of archaea (Fig. 3.16). It may be that cholesterol and hopanoids persist in bacteria and eukaryotes as derivatives of lipids once possessed by a common ancestor of bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea.

Small uncharged molecules, such as oxygen, can penetrate the cell membrane by diffusion. Weak acids and weak bases exist partly in an uncharged form that can diffuse across the membrane and increase or decrease, respectively, the H+ concentration within the cell. Polar molecules and charged molecules require membrane proteins to mediate transport. Such facilitated transport can be active or passive. Active transport requires input of energy from a chemical reaction or from an ion gradient across the membrane. Ion gradients generated by membrane pumps store energy for cell functions. Diverse fatty acids are found in different microbial species and in microbes grown under different environmental conditions. Archaeal membranes have ether-linked terpenoids, which confer increased stability at high temperature and acidity. Some species have cyclized terpenoids, which generate a lipid monolayer.

3.4 TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

The cell membrane consists of a phospholipid bilayer containing hydrophobic membrane proteins. Membrane proteins serve diverse functions, including transport, cell defense, and cell communication.

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The Cell Wall and Outer Layers

A few prokaryotes, such as the mycoplasmas, have a cell membrane with no outer layers. In most bacteria and archaea, however, the cell envelope includes at least one structural supporting layer outside the cell membrane.

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The M icro b i al Ce l l


5 µm

Figure 3.17 The peptidoglycan sacculus. A. Isolated sacculus from Escherichia coli (TEM). B. The structure of the sacculus consists of glycan chains (parallel rings) linked by peptides (arrows). The spaces between links are open, porous to large molecules. C. Sacculus structure resembles the skeleton of a geodesic dome such as that of Epcot Center at Walt Disney World.

J. V. Holtje



The Cell Wall Is a Single Molecule The cell wall confers shape and rigidity to a bacterial cell and helps it withstand the intracellular turgor pressure that can build up as a result of osmotic pressure. The bacterial cell wall, also known as the sacculus, consists of a single interlinked molecule that encloses the entire cell. The sacculus has been isolated from E. coli and visualized by TEM (Fig. 3.17A). In the image shown, the isolated sacculus appears flattened on the sample grid like a deflated balloon. Its geometric structure encloses maximal volume with minimal surface area, analogous to a geodesic dome such as that of Epcot Center. The properties of the cell wall, or sacculus, are largely opposite to those of the membrane: a unimolecular, cage-like structure (Fig. 3.17B), highly porous to ions and small organic molecules. Peptidoglycan structure. Most bacterial cell walls are

composed of peptidoglycan, a polymer of peptide-linked chains of amino sugars. Peptidoglycan is synonymous with murein (“wall molecule”) and consists of parallel polymers of disaccharides cross-linked with peptides of four amino acids, called glycan chains (Fig. 3.18). Peptidoglycan, or murein, is unique to bacteria, although archaea build analogous structures whose overall physical nature is similar. (Archaeal cell wall structures are presented in Chapter 19.) Glycan chains are linked by peptide cross-bridges. The long chains of peptidoglycan consist of repeating units of the disaccharide composed of N-acetylglucosamine (an amino sugar derivative) and N-acetylmuramic acid

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©Kit Kittle/Corbis

The most common structural support is the cell wall. Many species possess additional coverings, such as an outer membrane and capsule.

(glucosamine plus a lactic acid group; see Fig. 3.18). The lactate group of muramic acid forms an amide link with the amino terminus of a short peptide containing four to six amino acid residues. The peptide extension can form cross-bridges connecting parallel strands of glycan. The peptide contains two amino acids in the unusual D mirror form, D-glutamate and D-alanine, a hint that peptidoglycan evolved very early in life’s history, before the bias toward the L form had been established. The third amino acid, m-diaminopimelic acid, has an extra amine group. It is also used by cells as a biosynthetic precursor of lysine. The fourth and sometimes the fi fth amino acids are D-alanine. The second amino group of m-diaminopimelic acid is needed to form a cross-link with the COOH of D-alanine from a neighboring peptide. The cross-link forms by removal of a second D-alanine (fi fth in the chain). The cross-linked peptides of neighboring glycan strands form the cage of the sacculus. The details of peptidoglycan structure vary among bacterial species. Some gram-positive species, such as Staphylococcus aureus (a cause of toxic shock syndrome) have peptides linked by bridges of pentaglycine instead of the D-alanine link to m-diaminopimelic acid. In gramnegative species, the m-diaminopimelic acid is linked to the outer membrane, as discussed shortly.

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Chapter 3

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

N-Acetylglucosamine N-Acetylmuramic acid


L-Alanine D-Glutamic

acid m-Diaminopimelic acid D-Alanine D-Alanine M G

C m-Diaminopimelic D-Glutamic D-Alanine acid acid























O D-Glutamic



















(CH2)3 NH




























H 3C
























Peptide cross-bridge forms with release of D-alanine. Blocked by penicillin.

O m-Diaminopimelic acid


Cross-bridge formation blocked by vancomycin, which binds D-ala-D-ala and prevents release of terminal D-alanine.

O N-Acetylmuramic acid

Figure 3.18 Peptidoglycan cross-bridge formation. A disaccharide unit of glycan has an attached peptide of four to six amino acids. The amino terminus of the peptide forms an amide bond with the lactate group of muramic acid. On the peptide, the extra amino group of m-diaminopimelic acid can cross-link to the carboxyl terminus of a neighboring peptide. The addition of d-alanine to the peptide is blocked by vancomycin, and the cross-bridge formation by transpeptidase is blocked by penicillin.

Peptidoglycan synthesis as a target for antibiotics.

Synthesis of peptidoglycan requires many genes encoding enzymes to make the special sugars, build the peptides, and seal the cross-bridges. Because peptidoglycan is unique to bacteria, these biosynthetic enzymes make excellent targets for antibiotics (see Fig. 3.18). For example, the transpeptidase that cross links the peptides is the target of penicillin. Vancomycin, a major defense against Clostridium difficile and drug-resistant staphylococci, prevents cross-bridge formation by binding the terminal D-ala-D-ala dipeptide, thus preventing release of the terminal D-alanine. Unfortunately, the widespread use of such antibiotics selects for evolution of resistant strains. One of the most common agents of resistance is the enzyme betalactamase, which cleaves the lactam ring of penicillin, rendering it ineffective as an inhibitor of transpeptidase.

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Strains resistant to vancomycin, on the other hand, contain an altered enzyme that adds lactic acid to the end of the branch peptides in place of the terminal D-alanine. The altered enzyme is no longer blocked by vancomycin. As new forms of drug resistance emerge, researchers continue to seek new antibiotics that target cell wall formation (discussed in Chapter 27).

Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria Most bacteria have additional envelope layers that provide structural support and protection from predators and host defenses (Fig. 3.19). Additional molecules are attached to the cell wall and cell membrane, in some cases interpenetrating them. Envelope composition defi nes two major

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The M icro b i al Ce l l


Capsule LPS Porin


S-layer Teichoic acids




Cell membrane

B. Gram-positive (TEM)

C. Gram-negative (TEM)


Outer membrane



Inner membrane

Inner membrane

Terry Beveridge

Terry Beveridge

Membrane proteins

Cell envelope: gram-positive and gram-negative. A. The gram-positive cell has a thick cell wall with multiple layers of peptidoglycan, threaded by teichoic acids. The cell wall may be covered by an S-layer. In some gram-positive species, carbohydrate filaments form a capsule. The gram-negative cell has a single layer of peptidoglycan covered by an outer membrane. Some gramnegative species include an S-layer or a capsule (not shown). The cell membrane of gram-negative species is called the inner membrane. B. Gram-positive envelope of Bacillus subtilis (TEM), showing cell membrane, cell wall, and capsule. C. Gram-negative envelope of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (TEM), showing inner membrane, thin cell wall in the periplasm, and outer membrane.

Figure 3.19

categories of bacteria distinguished by the Gram stain (discussed in Chapter 2): ■

Gram-positive bacteria have a thick cell wall with multiple layers of peptidoglycan, interpenetrated by teichoic acids. Gram-positive species make up the phylum Firmicutes, such as Bacillus thuringiensis and Streptococcus pyogenes, the cause of “strep throat.” Gram-negative bacteria have a thin cell wall (single layer of peptidoglycan) enclosed by an outer membrane. Gram-negative species make up the phylum Proteobacteria, such as Escherichia coli and nitrogenfi xing rhizobia.

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Outside these two groups, however, many bacterial species do not fit the Gram stain models; consider, for example, the mycobacterial envelope (Special Topic 3.1). Archaeal cell envelopes are highly diverse, and they do not fit the Gram models. THOUGHT QUESTION 3.5 The actual thickness of the cell wall is difficult to determine based solely on electron microscopic observation of the envelope layers. Devise a biochemical experiment that can show the number of layers of peptidoglycan in cells of a given species.

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Chapter 3

Special Topic 3.1

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

The Unique Cell Envelope of Mycobacteria

Cell envelopes of exceptional complexity are found in mycobacteria, such as M. tuberculosis and M. leprae, the causative agents of tuberculosis and leprosy, respectively. Some features of mycobacterial cell walls also appear in actinomycetes, a large and diverse family of soil bacteria, many of which produce antibiotics and other industrially useful products.

Figure 1 shows two unusual classes of lipids found in mycobacteria. Mycolic acids contain a hydroxy acid backbone with two hydrocarbon chains, one comparable in length to typical membrane lipids (about 20 carbons), the other about threefold longer. The long chain includes ketones, methoxyl groups, and cyclopropane rings. Only one type of mycolic acid is shown; hundreds of different forms are known. The phenolic glycolipids include a phePhenolic glycolipids nol group, also linked to sugar chains. OH The mycobacterial cell wall includes pepCH3 H tidoglycan linked to chains of galactose, called H HO H OH galactans (Fig. 2). The galactans are attached CH3 O H H to arabinans, polymers of the five-carbon sugar O H H arabinose. The arabinan-galactan polymers are H H known as arabinogalactans. Arabinogalactan O O biosynthesis can be inhibited by ethambutol, a O H3C H major drug against tuberculosis. Mycolic acid Phenol H derivative The ends of the arabinan chains form ester CH3 links to mycolic acids. Mycolic acids provide (CH2)17 the basis for acid-fast staining, in which cells H3C O Ketone retain the dye carbolfuchsin, an important diagnostic test for mycobacteria and actinomycetes (CH2)15 (shown in Chapter 2). In M. tuberculosis and Cyclopropane cis M. leprae, the mycolic acids form a kind of bilayer interleaved with phenolic glycolipids. Long chain with The extreme hydrophobicity of the phenol derivcyclopropanes, atives generates a waxy surface that prevents ketones, and methoxyl HC O phagocytosis by macrophages. branches Overall, the thick, waxy envelope excludes C O HC O many antibiotics and offers exceptional protecC O tion from host defenses, enabling the pathogens of tuberculosis and leprosy to colonize their cis hosts over long periods. However, the mycobacH3CO terial envelope also retards uptake of nutrients. As a result, M. tuberculosis and M. leprae grow extremely slowly and are a challenge to culture in the laboratory. Short chain

Mycobacterial envelope lipids. Mycobacterium tuberculosis possesses unusual envelope components, such as mycolic acids and phenolic glycolipids. These highly hydrophobic molecules form a waxy outer coating that protects cells from host defenses.

Figure 1


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The M icro b i al Ce l l

The Gram-Positive Cell Envelope

Phenolic glycolipid



Sugar mycolate

The capsule consists of glycolipids and sugar mycolates.

A section of a gram-positive cell envelope is shown in Figure 3.19. The gram-positive cell wall consists of multiple layers of peptidoglycan, up to 40 in some species. No space appears between the peptidoglycan layers, although the outer band of envelope appears more dense. The peptidoglycan is reinforced by teichoic acids threaded through its multiple layers (Fig. 3.20). Teichoic acids are chains of phosphodiester-linked glycerol or ribitol, with sugars or amino acids linked to the middle OH groups. The negatively charged cross-threads of teichoic acids, as well as the overall thickness of the gram-positive cell wall, help retain the Gram stain. Outside the cell wall, gram-positive cells are often encased in a slippery capsule consisting of loosely bound polysaccharides. The capsule can be visualized under the light microscope by using a negative stain consisting of suspended particles of India ink, which the capsule excludes (shown in Fig. 2.24C).


Mycolic acids (attached to arabinan)


Cell wall core Ethambutol blocks synthesis.







R = D-Ala, D-Lys, or sugar


Arabinan O


CH2 Galactan Peptidoglycan






HO Cell membrane




Mycobacterial envelope structure. A complex cell wall includes a peptidoglycan layer linked to a chain of galactose polymer (galactan) and arabinose polymer (arabinan). Arabinan forms ester links to mycolic acids, which form an outer bilayer with phenolic glycolipids. Outside the outer bilayer is a capsule of loosely associated phospholipids and phenolic glycolipids.

Figure 2

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Glycerol teichoic acid

Figure 3.20 Teichoic acids. Teichoic acids in the grampositive cell wall consist of glycerol or ribitol phosphodiester chains. The middle hydroxyl group of each glycerol or ribitol is typically linked to d-alanine, to d-lysine, or to a sugar such as galactose or N-acetylglucosamine.

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Chapter 3

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

The S-layer. An additional protective layer commonly

THOUGHT QUESTION 3.6 Why would laboratory culture conditions select for evolution of cells lacking an S-layer?

found in gram-positive cells, as well as in archaea, is the surface layer, or S-layer. The S-layer is a crystalline layer of thick subunits consisting of protein or glycoprotein (proteins with attached sugars) (Fig. 3.21). S-layers are found in most archaea, as well as in many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria freshly isolated from natural sources. Each subunit of the S-layer contains a pore large enough to admit a wide range of molecules. The subunits form a smooth layer on the cell wall or outer membrane (see Fig. 3.21). The proteins are arranged in a highly ordered array, either hexagonally or tetragonally. They present a formidable physical barrier to predators or parasites. The S-layer is rigid, but it also flexes and allows substances to pass through it in either direction. If S-layers are common, why were they observed only recently? Bacterial cell structures are generally studied in laboratory cultures. Upon repeated subculturing, however, bacteria lose the genetic ability to synthesize S-layer proteins. Genetic loss of a structure not required in laboratory culture, resulting from accumulation of deleterious mutations, is an example of reductive evolution, also known as degenerative evolution. Loss of a trait occurs in the absence of selective pressure for genes encoding the trait (discussed in Chapter 17). For example, the mycoplasmas are close relatives of gram-positive bacteria, yet they have permanently lost their cell walls as well as the S-layer. Mycoplasmas have no need for cell walls because they are parasites living in host environments, such as the human lung, where they are protected from osmotic shock.

Figure 3.21 The S-layer. The archaeon Thermoproteus tenax has a single tetraether membrane encased by an S-layer (SEM). Note the regular pattern of tiled proteins.

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The Gram-Negative Outer Membrane A gram-negative cell envelope is seen in Fig. 3.19C. The thin layer of peptidoglycan is believed to be a single sheet based on calculations of molecular density. The peptidoglycan is covered by an outer membrane. The gramnegative outer membrane confers defensive abilities and toxigenic properties on many pathogens, such as Salmonella species and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (strains that cause hemorrhaging of the colon). Between the outer and inner (cell) membranes is the periplasm. and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The inward-facing leaflet of the outer membrane has a phospholipid composition similar to that of the cell membrane (in gram-negative species, it is called the inner membrane or inner cell membrane). The outer membrane’s inward-facing leaflet includes lipoproteins that connect the outer membrane to the peptide bridges of the cell wall. The major lipoprotein is called murein lipoprotein, also known as Braun lipoprotein (Fig. 3.22A). Murein lipoprotein consists of a protein with an N-terminal cysteine triglyceride inserted in the inward-facing leaflet of the outer membrane. The C-terminal lysine forms a peptide bond with the m-diaminopimelic acid of peptidoglycan (murein). The outward-facing leaflet, however, consists of a special kind of phospholipid called lipopolysaccharide (Fig. 3.22B). The LPS lipids have shorter fatty acid chains than those of the inner cell membrane, and some are branched. LPS is of crucial medical importance because it acts as an endotoxin. An endotoxin is a cell component that is harmless so long as the pathogen remains intact, but when released by a lysed cell, endotoxin overstimulates host defenses, inducing potentially lethal endotoxic shock. Thus, antibiotic treatment of an LPS-containing pathogen can kill the cells but can also lead to death of the patient. In LPS the fatty acids are esterified to glucosamine, an amino sugar found also in peptidoglycan. Two glucosamine dimers each condense with two fatty acid chains, which makes four fatty acid chains in all. Like the glycerol of phospholipid, each glucosamine of LPS connects to a phosphate, whose negative charge interacts with water.


Paul Messner, et al. 1986. Journal of Bacteriology 166(3):1046

100 nm

THOUGHT QUESTION 3.7 Suppose that one cell out of a million has a mutant gene blocking S-layer synthesis, and suppose that the mutant strain can grow twice as fast as the S-layered parent. How many generations would it take for the mutant strain to constitute 90% of the population?

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Lipoprotein and lipopolysaccharide. A. Murein lipoprotein consists of a protein with an N-terminal cysteine triglyceride inserted in the inwardfacing leaflet of the outer membrane. The protein’s C-terminal lysine forms a peptide bond with the mdiaminopimelic acid of the peptidoglycan (murein) cell wall. B. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) consists of branched and unbranched short-chain fatty acids linked to a dimer of phosphoglucosamine (also called disaccharide diphosphate). The disaccharide is linked to a core polysaccharide extending out from the cell, which is attached to about 40 repeating units of a distinct polysaccharide known as O antigen.

Figure 3.22

One of the glucosamines is attached to a core polysaccharide, a sugar chain that extends outside the cell. The core polysaccharide consists of about five sugars with side chains such as phosphoethanolamine. It extends to the O polysaccharides, a chain of as many as 200 sugars. The O polysaccharide may extend longer than the cell itself. These polysaccharide chains form a layer that helps bacteria resist phagocytosis by white blood cells.

The M icro b i al Ce l l


A. Gram-negative envelope


Outer membrane











Terminal D-Ala removed


Murein lipoprotein (aa)65 Lys







D-Glu L-Ala





Proteins of the outer membrane. The outer mem-

brane also contains unique proteins not found in the inner membrane. The various layers of the cell envelope need to maintain distinct identities and properties that distinguish them from each other and from the cytoplasm and periplasm. The composition of the inner and outer membranes and aqueous compartments is characterized by ultracentrifugation. Fractions containing various cell components show that each protein is confi ned to a specific component of the cell (Table 3.2). For example, the proton-translocating ATPase is found

Cytoplasmic membrane

B. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

man abe O-polysaccharide repeat 40 units



Table 3.2 Subcellular location of proteins in gram-negative bacteria. Cell fraction

Proteins (examples)


Glycolytic enzymes Biosynthesis of amino acids Cytoplasmic chaperones Proton-translocating ATPase Electron transport chain Porins for water and glycerol Sugar taxis receptors Periplasmic chaperones Porins for sugars and peptides Sugar-binding proteins



Inner membrane (cell membrane) Periplasm (periplasmic space) Outer membrane

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Core polysaccharide gln P Glucosamine O phosphate dimer NH

Lipid A Fatty acids

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Chapter 3

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

only in the inner membrane fractions, whereas sugarbinding proteins are only in the outer membrane. THOUGHT QUESTION 3.8 Why would the proteins listed in Table 3.2 be confined to specific cell fractions? Why could a protein not function throughout the cell? Outer membrane proteins of pathogens are important targets for vaccine development. For example, the outer membrane proteins were characterized for Borrelia burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease. In the experiment shown in Figure 3.23, fractions of Borrelia outer membrane are separated from whole cells by density gradient centrifugation. The sample is located on a tube of sucrose solution whose concentration (and density) increases with depth in the tube. Within the gradient, suspended fragments of membrane migrate to the position where their density equals that of the solution. The outer membrane fractions collect at a density different from that of fractions containing unbroken cells. The gradient contents are then removed sequentially through an opening at the base of the tube. Once isolated, the outer membrane components are separated by gel electrophoresis to reveal distinctive proteins that may serve as vaccine targets. NOTE: Another type of gradient centrifugation, called equilibrium density gradient centrifugation, uses a cesium chloride solution that forms a gradient when subjected to centrifugal force. Cesium chloride gradients are used most commonly to separate DNA molecules such as plasmids (discussed in Chapter 7).

Outer membranes contain a class of transporters called porins that permit entry of nutrients such as sugars and peptides. Outer membrane porins have a distinctive cylinder of beta sheets, also known as a beta barrel. A typical outer membrane porin exists as a trimer of beta barrels, each of which acts as a pore for nutrients. Figure 3.24 shows a model of the sucrose porin based on a crystal structure. Cells express different outer membrane porins under different environmental conditions. In a dilute environment, cells express porins of large pore size, maximizing the uptake of nutrients. In a rich environment—for example, within a host—cells downregulate expression of large porins and express porins of smaller pore size, selecting only smaller nutrients and avoiding the uptake of toxins. For example, the porin regulation system of gram-negative bacteria enables them to grow in the intestinal region containing bile salts—a hostile environment for grampositive bacteria. Periplasm. The outer membrane is porous to most ions and many small organic molecules, but it prevents passage of proteins and other macromolecules. Thus, the region between the inner and outer membranes of gramnegative cells, including the cell wall, defi nes a separate membrane-bounded compartment of the cell known as the periplasm (see Fig. 3.19). The periplasm contains specific enzymes and nutrient transporters not found within the cytoplasm, such as periplasmic binding protein for sugars, amino acids, or other nutrients. Periplasmic proteins are subjected to fluctuations in pH and salt concentration, because the outer membrane is porous to ions.

Low-density component

Steep sucrose gradient (e.g., 20–70%)

The sample is loaded on top of the sucrose density gradient.

From centrifuge

0.5 µm


High-density component

Components have migrated to a region in the gradient that matches their own density. 0.5 µm

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J. D. Radolf, et al. 1995. Infection and Immunity 63:2154

To centrifuge

Outer membrane analysis by centrifugation. Borrelia burgdorferi outer membrane vesicles are separated from the cell by equilibrium density gradient ultracentrifugation. The lighter fractions contain outer membrane vesicles, whereas the denser fractions contain unbroken whole cells (inset images, freeze-fracture TEM).

Figure 3.23

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■ The M icro b i al Ce l l


Figure 3.24 Sucrose porin. Outer membrane porin (OMP) for sucrose transport in Salmonella typhimurium (stereo view) based on X-ray crystallography. The porin comprises three beta barrel channels (red, yellow, and blue). Each transports a molecule of sucrose through its channel. To view, place a piece of cardboard vertically between the two images. Position your eyes on opposite sides of the cardboard and force them to focus behind the images. The images will merge and produce a 3-D image. (PDB code: 1A0S)

possess a contractile vacuole to pump water out of the cell, avoiding osmotic shock (Fig. 3.25). The vacuole takes up water from the cytoplasm through an elaborate network of intracellular channels, and then expels the water through a pore.

Eukaryotic Microbes: Protection from Osmotic Shock The problems confronting bacteria, such as adjusting to environmental change, also challenge eukaryotes. A key example is osmotic shock. Eukaryotic microbes possess their own structures to avoid osmotic shock. Algae form cell walls of cellulose fibers, and fungi form walls of chitin. Diatoms form intricate exoskeletons of silicate. Other eukaryotes, however, such as amebas and ciliated protists, possess a flexible outer coating, the pellicle. The pellicle allows great flexibility of shape; it enables uptake of large particles by endocytosis and of larger objects, even entire cells, by phagocytosis. Thus, eukaryotic cells have the nutritional option of engulfi ng prey, an option unavailable to prokaryotes and to eukaryotes with cell walls. Eukaryotic microbes that lack a cell wall A.

THOUGHT QUESTION 3.9 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of a contractile vacuole, compared with a cell wall?


The cell wall maintains turgor pressure. The cell wall is porous, but its rigid network of covalent bonds protects the cell from osmotic shock. The gram-positive cell envelope has multiple layers of peptidoglycan, interpenetrated by teichoic acids.


Pore for water expulsion

©Michael Abbey/Visuals Unlimited

Contractile vacuoles

Microtubules for stabilizing position

Ampulla for collecting water

Vacuole filled with water Vacuole after water has been expelled

Protection from osmotic shock in eukaryotic microbes. A. A paramecium, showing two contractile vacuoles (phase-contrast micrograph). The inset images show radiating channels that collect water and expel it from the cytoplasm. B. Diagram of a contractile vacuole.

Figure 3.25

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Chapter 3

Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

The S-layer, composed of proteins, is highly porous, but can prevent phagocytosis and phage infection. In archaea, the S-layer serves the structural function of a cell wall. The capsule, composed of polysaccharide and glycoprotein filaments, protects cells from phagocytosis. Either gram-positive or gram-negative cells may possess a capsule. The gram-negative outer membrane regulates nutrient uptake and excludes toxins. The envelope layers include protein pores and transporters of varying selectivity. Eukaryotic microbes are protected from osmotic shock by polysaccharide cell walls or by a contractile vacuole.


The Nucleoid and Gene Expression

An important function of the cell envelope is to contain and protect the cell’s genome. Figure 3.26 compares the organization of chromosomal material in enteropathogenic E. coli cells with that in a cultured human cell that they have colonized. In this thin-section TEM, each bacterium contains a fi lamentous nucleoid region that extends through the cytoplasm. In contrast, the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell, only a fraction of which

Cell membrane Endoplasmic reticulum Nuclear membrane

is visible in the figure, is many times larger than the entire bacterial cell, and the chromosomes it contains are separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane.

In Prokaryotes, DNA Is Organized in the Nucleoid All living cells on Earth possess chromosomes consisting of DNA. The genetic functions of microbial DNA are discussed in detail in Chapters 7–12. Here we focus on the physical organization of DNA within the nucleoid of the prokaryotic cell (Fig. 3.27). NOTE: The prokaryotic genome typically consists of a single circular chromosome, but some species have a linear chromosome or multiple chromosomes. In this chapter, we focus on the simple case of a single circular chromosome.

In a bacterial cell, the DNA is organized in loops called domains. All domains connect back to a central point. The central point is the origin of replication (ori), which is attached to the cell envelope at a point on the cell’s “equator,” halfway between the two poles (Fig. 3.28). DNA is replicated by DNA polymerase; the process

Human cell


Bacterial nucleoid and eukaryotic nucleus. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria attaching to the surface of a tissue-cultured human cell (TEM). The human cell has a well-defined nucleus delimited by a nuclear membrane, whereas the E. coli cells have nuclear material more loosely arranged in the nucleoid region. E. coli cells are 1.0–2.0 µm in length.

Figure 3.26

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0.25 µm

©Dennis Kunkel/Visuals Unlimited

R. P. Rabinowitz, et al.

Envelope Cytoplasm E. coli Nucleoid

The nucleoid. The E. coli nucleoid appears as clear regions that exclude the dark-staining ribosomes and contain DNA strands (colorized orange in TEM).

Figure 3.27

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The M icro b i al Ce l l


In bacteria, as in eukaryotic cells, the direction of the extra turns opposes the natural twist of the duplex. Turns that oppose the natural twist are called negative superhelical turns. Negative superhelical turns actually unwind the DNA slightly and help expose the base pairs for transcription. In archaea, however, most supercoiling is in the positive direction, tending to wind the DNA more tightly and therefore increase stability of the duplex. The increased stability of positive supercoils is an advantage for archaea growing in extreme environments, such as temperatures above 100°C.

DNA origin

DNA-binding proteins. Prokaryotic DNA is condensed DNA-binding protein

DNA domain

Figure 3.28 Nucleoid organization. The nucleoid forms approximately 50 loops of chromosome called domains, which radiate from the center (shown shaded). Within each domain, the DNA is supercoiled and partly compacted by DNA-binding proteins (shown in green).

is covered in more detail in Chapter 7. At the origin, the DNA double helix begins to unzip, and replication proceeds outward in both directions. Growing cells replicate their DNA continuously, with no resting phase; in fact, the two replicated origins may split again to begin a second round of replication before the fi rst is completed. NOTE: In biology, the word domain is used in several

different ways, each referring to a defi ned portion of a larger entity. ■ DNA domains of the nucleoid are distinct loops of DNA that extend from the origin. ■ Protein domains are distinct functional or structural regions of a protein. ■ Taxonomic domains are genetically distinct classes of organisms, such as bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. How does all the cell’s DNA fit neatly into the nucleoid? The DNA is compacted over several levels by supercoiling and by DNA-binding proteins. Supercoiling. The chromosome includes a number of

extra twists, called supercoils or superhelical turns, beyond those inherent in the structure of the DNA duplex (double helix). The supercoiling causes portions of DNA to double back and twist upon itself, which results in compaction. Supercoiling is generated by enzymes such as gyrase and maintained by DNA-binding proteins (shown in green in Fig. 3.28). The enzyme gyrase is a major target for antibiotics such as quinolones, used, for example, to treat bacterial pneumonia and urinary tract infections.

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by winding around various classes of binding proteins (see Fig. 3.28). Some binding proteins, such as Hns and Hu, also function as regulators of gene expression. Binding proteins can respond to the state of the cell; for example, under starvation conditions, when most transcription of RNA ceases, the binding protein Dps is used to organize the DNA into a protected crystalline structure. Such “biocrystallization” by Dps and related proteins may be a key to the extraordinary ability of microbes to remain viable for long periods in stationary phase or as endospores.

Transcription and Translation Are Tightly Coupled The information encoded in DNA is “read” by the processes of transcription and translation to yield gene products. Within the prokaryotic cell, DNA transcription to RNA is coupled tightly to RNA translation to proteins. DNA transcription to RNA. The initial product of a gene

is a single strand of ribonucleic acid (RNA), produced when DNA is transcribed by RNA polymerase (Fig. 3.29). In some cases, the newly made RNA has a function of its own, such as one of the RNA components of a ribosome, the cell’s protein-making machine. For most genes, however, the RNA is a messenger RNA (mRNA)

Rifampin blocks RNA synthesis.

RNA polymerase

Opening to secondary channel for ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP Nascent RNA DNA

DNA transcription to RNA. The DNA information is transcribed into a single strand of RNA.

Figure 3.29

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■ Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

replicated. This remarkable coordination of replication, transcription, Erythromycin blocks peptide elongation by and translation is a hallmark of the binding 50S subunit. Peptide exit prokaryotic cell; it explains why Transfer RNA channel Chaperone some bacteria can double in as little (GroEL-GroES) as 10 minutes. Tetracycline blocks tRNA As peptide chains are syntheby binding Incoming sized, some kinds bind to chap50S Correctly 30S subunit. amino acid folded protein erones, enzyme complexes that The new peptide needs help from a chaperone 30S help fold the new peptide into its Ribosome to fold properly. functional tertiary structure (see Fig. 3.30). Chaperones were fi rst discovered in E. coli as “heat-shock RNA spontaneously proteins,” expressed at high temforms hairpin loops. perature to protect proteins from denaturation by heat. Since then, Figure 3.30 Translation and protein folding. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is translated chaperones have been discovered into a peptide by the ribosome. Nascent polypeptides are folded into their proper in all organisms, including humans, conformation, assisted by chaperones. where chaperone defects are associated with genetic diseases. that immediately binds to a ribosome for translation to In eukaryotes, note that transcription and translation generate a polypeptide, a linear sequence of amino acid occur only during interphase, when the cell is not underresidues (discussed in Chapter 8). going division. Within the nucleus, nascent (elongating) mRNA is translated by ribosomes, which check the transcript for errors and target faulty transcripts for destrucmRNA translation to protein. A growing bacterial cell tion. The majority of eukaryotic translation, however, typically invests 40% of its energy in translation of mRNA occurs outside the nucleus, in the cytoplasm. by ribosomes. The ribosome, with its large number of protein and RNA components, is probably the most complex subcellular machine to be discovered (Fig. 3.30). Its Compaction Expansion task of converting the four-letter RNA code into 20 amino acids requires the assistance of 27 different transfer RNAs DNA binding Ribosome SRP Protein RNA Origin proteins (tRNAs) and an equal number of aminoacyltransferase enzymes, each encoded by a different gene. Each amino acid is brought by a tRNA to fit into the acceptor site within the ribosome, sandwiched between the 30S and 50S subunits. The amino acid is then transferred onto a peptide chain, where the peptide bond forms. The process of translation is discussed further in Chapter 8. Because of its complexity, the ribosome is targeted by many kinds of antibiotics. For example, tetracyclines block aminoacyl-tRNA from arriving at the 30S subunit. Erythromycin blocks peptide elongation at the 50S subunit. Coupling of transcription and translation. In prokary-

otes, translation is tightly coupled to transcription; the ribosomes bind to mRNA and begin translation even before the mRNA strand is complete. Thus, a growing bacterial cell is full of mRNA strands dotted with ribosomes. These composite mRNA-ribosome structures are known as polysomes. Polysomes can be observed as the mRNA elongates, attached by RNA polymerase to the DNA strand (Fig. 3.31). In rapidly growing bacteria, both transcription and translation occur at top speed while the DNA itself is being

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Figure 3.31 Protein synthesis and secretion. Bacterial transcription of DNA to RNA is coordinated with translation of RNA to make proteins. Even before the RNA chain is complete, ribosomes bind to commence translation. Growing peptides destined for the membrane bind the signal recognition particle (SRP) for insertion into the membrane. The DNA is compacted by binding proteins (shown in green), but it is also pulled outward by the nascent chains of RNA (blue) and membraneinserted peptides (orange). Each mRNA is translated by multiple ribosomes, called a polysome (highlighted yellow).

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Inserting proteins in the membrane. Some of the

newly translated proteins are destined for the membrane or for secretion outside the cell. Proteins destined for membrane insertion must be hydrophobic and hence are poorly soluble in the aqueous cytoplasm where translation occurs. How can proteins that are insoluble in water be folded correctly in the cytoplasm? In prokaryotes, membrane and secreted proteins are synthesized in association with the cell membrane (Fig. 3.31). Protein secretion in prokaryotes is managed by several different classes of protein complexes, many of which export toxins and virulence factors, as discussed in Chapter 8. One major secretion system relies on a signal sequence, a short N-terminal sequence rich in hydrophobic residues that heads the coding sequence of a growing polypeptide. As translation begins, the signal sequence binds to a signal recognition particle (SRP), an RNA-protein complex, plus other helper proteins. The SRP complex transfers the polypeptide-ribosome-mRNA complex bearing the signal sequence to the secretory complex within the cell membrane. Translation then continues at the cell membrane, and as it does so, the waterinsoluble protein progressively translocates into or across the membrane. In eukaryotes, membrane proteins are synthesized at the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). From the ER, eukaryotic proteins are packaged within the Golgi complex for transport to the cell membrane.


Cell Division

Cell division, or cell fission, requires highly coordinated growth and expansion of all the cell’s parts. Unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes synthesize RNA and proteins continually while the cell’s DNA undergoes replication. Bacterial DNA replication is coordinated with the expansion of the cell wall and ultimately the separation of the cell into two daughter cells. The DNA replication process is outlined here as it relates to cell division; molecular details are discussed in Chapter 7.

DNA Is Replicated Bidirectionally In prokaryotes, a circular chromosome begins to replicate at its origin, or ori site, a sequence of base pairs on the genetic map. Replication proceeds in both directions (bidirectionally) all around the circle. Some prokaryotes have linear chromosomes, but their replication is poorly understood. At the origin, the DNA double helix begins to unzip, forming two replication forks. At each replication fork, DNA is synthesized by DNA polymerase (Fig. 3.32). The replication fork is propagated by helicase, which unwinds the DNA helix ahead of replication, and pri-

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Lagging strand 3′ 5′

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Leading strand 5′ 3′

5′ 3′ DNA polymerase

Primase RNA primer



RNA primer

DNA replication

ssDNA-binding proteins 5′ 3′

Figure 3.32 DNA replication. DNA replication proceeds by unzipping the helix and synthesizing a complement for each strand. The replisome consists of two DNA polymerase complexes, one of which synthesizes the leading strand, while the other synthesizes the lagging strand. Further details are discussed in Chapter 7.

mase, which generates RNA primers. The complex of DNA polymerase with its accessory components is called a replisome. The replisome actually includes two DNA polymerase enzymes, one to replicate the “leading strand,” the other for the “lagging strand.” The actual lag time is short compared with the overall time of replication; thus, as the replisome travels along the DNA, it converts one helix into two progeny helices almost simultaneously. NOTE: Each replisome contains two DNA polymerase complexes (for leading and lagging strands), and each dividing nucleoid requires two replisomes (for bidirectional replication), thus four DNA polymerase complexes overall.

Within the cell, replication proceeds outward in both directions around the genome. Thus, bidirectional replication requires two replisomes, one for each replicating fork. A long-standing question has been: Do the two replisomes move oppositely around the DNA, or do they stay in the middle while the DNA helices slide through them?

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C h ap t e r 3

■ Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

Origin of replication

Courtesy of Melanie Berkmen, MIT


Two replisomes

Terminator sequence Origin of replication DNA origin replicates and migrates.


2 µm

The replisome and the DNA origin. A. Melanie Berkmen, working in the laboratory of Alan Grossman, obtains the fluorescence micrographs shown. B. Fluorescence microscopy reveals the DNA origin, labeled blue by a protein fused to cyan fluorescent protein, binding at a sequence near the origin (Ori-CFP). Replisomes are labeled yellow by fusion of a DNA polymerase subunit to yellow fluorescent protein (Pol-YFP) in dividing cells of Bacillus subtilis. The cell envelope is labeled red with the membrane stain FM4-64.

Courtesy of Melanie Berkmen, MIT

B. Terminator sequence DNA replication continues bidirectionally.

Figure 3.33

DNA starts next round.

Septum forms.

To answer this question, fluorescence microscopy is used to observe the process of DNA replication within a growing cell of Bacillus subtilis (Figure 3.33). The DNA origin of replication (ori) and the pair of replisomes are labeled by fluorescence. The origin of replication is labeled blue by a hybrid protein fused to a gene encoding cyan fluorescent protein (CFP). The CFP protein binds to a promoter sequence cloned in B. subtilis near its origin site. The pair of replisomes are labeled yellow by a hybrid protein expressed from a gene encoding a DNA polymerase subunit fused to a gene encoding yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). The replisomes usually locate together near the center of the cell, but sometimes they separate, visible as two yellow spots. The fluorescence data are consistent with a model in which two replisomes are located at the midpoint of the growing cell (Fig. 3.34 ). Each of the two replisomes forms a replicating fork that directs two daughter strands of DNA toward opposite poles. The two copies of the DNA origin of replication (green), attached to the cell envelope, move apart as the cell expands. The termination site (red) remains in the middle of the cell. The two replisomes continue replication at both forks in the middle of the cell. Finally, as the termination site replicates, the two replisomes separate from the DNA. At each new ori site, however, two pairs of new replisomes

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Division into two cells

Replisome movement within a dividing cell. The DNA origin of replication sites (green) move apart in the expanding cell as the pair of replisomes (yellow) stay near the middle, where they replicate around the entire chromosome, completing the terminator sequence last (red). Source: Ivy Lau, et al.

Figure 3.34

2003. Molecular Microbiology 49:731.

have formed. The replication of the new ori sites begins, sometimes even before termination of the previous round of replication. Note that the contents of the cytoplasm must expand coordinately with DNA replication for the cell to generate progeny equivalent to the parent. In a rod-shaped

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200 nm

200 nm

Ahmed Touhami, et al. 2004. J. Bacteriol. 186

200 nm

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Ahmed Touhami, et al. 2004. J. Bacteriol. 186


Ahmed Touhami, et al. 2004. J. Bacteriol. 186


Septation in Staphylococcus aureus. A. Furrows appear in the cell envelope, all around the cell equator, as new cell wall grows inward (TEM). B. Two new envelope partitions are complete. C. The two daughter cells peel apart. The facing halves of each cell contain entirely new cell wall.

Figure 3.35

For the cell to divide, DNA replication must be complete. Replication of the DNA termination site triggers growth of the dividing partition of the envelope, called the septum. The septum grows inward from the sides of the cell, at last constricting and sealing off the two daughter cells. This process is called septation. Septation and envelope extention require rapid biosynthesis of all envelope components, including membranes and cell wall. The biosynthetic enzymes required are all of great interest as antibiotic targets. Cell wall biosynthesis poses an interesting theoretical problem: How is it possible to expand the covalent network of the sacculus without breaking links to insert new material, thus weakening the wall? The answer remains unclear. Septation of spherical cells. In spherical cells (cocci), such as Staphylococcus aureus, the process of septation generates most of the new cell envelope to enclose the expanding cytoplasm (Fig. 3.35). Furrows form in the cell envelope, in a ring all around the cell equator, as new cell wall grows inward. The wall material must compose two separable partitions. When the partitions are complete, the two progeny cells peel apart. The facing halves of each cell consist of entirely new cell wall. The spatial orientation of septation has a key role in determining the shape and arrangement of cocci (Fig. 3.36A). When septation always occurs in parallel planes, such as in Streptococcus species, cells form chains. If septation occurs in random orientations, or if cells reassociate loosely after septation, they form compact hexagonal arrays similar to the grape clusters portrayed in classical paintings; hence the Greek-derived term staphylococci.

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A. Eye of Science/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Septation Completes Cell Division

Such clusters are found in colonies of Staphylococcus aureus. If subsequent septation occurs at right angles to the previous division, the cells may form tetrads and even cubical octads called sarcinae. Tetrads and sarcinae are formed by Micrococcus species (Fig. 3.36B).


Kwangshin Kim/Photo Researchers, Inc.

cell, the cell envelope and cell wall must elongate as well to maintain progeny of even girth and length.

Septation orientation determines the arrangement of progeny cells. A. A chain of cocci results from septation in the same plane (Streptococcus, colorized TEM). B. Septation in two planes generates a tetrad (Micrococcus tetragenus, negative stain).

Figure 3.36

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■ Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

Septation of rod-shaped cells. In rod-shaped cells,

unlike cocci, cell division requires the envelope to elongate before septation, followed by formation of a new polar envelope for each progeny cell. The process of septation involves an intricate series of molecular signals that is at the frontier of current research. Certain mutant strains of E. coli form long filaments instead of dividing normally. This fi lamentation results from a failure to form a septum between cells. The mutant genes responsible for this behavior were called fts for “fila-


mentation temperature sensitive” because the cells divide normally at the permissive temperature but fail to septate at the restrictive temperature, forming long filaments. Some of the fts genes encode proteins directly involved in the formation of the septum. The most dramatic example is the protein FtsZ, which assembles to form the “Z ring,” a constriction ring around the equator (Fig. 3.37). FtsZ is universally found in bacteria and archaea as a key septation protein. FtsZ is also an ancient homolog of tubulin, which is the major component of the mitotic apparatus in eukaryotes. The discovery of FtsZ is interesting because it implies that the processes of mitosis in eukaryotes and cell division in prokaryotes might have evolved from a common process in an ancestral cell. Other bacterial homologs of eukaryotic structural proteins suggest that bacteria possess a kind of cytoskeleton beneath the cell wall (Special Topic 3.2). What signals the cell as to when and where to form the septum? What keeps the cell from septating at positions other than the equator? In fact, defective gene products can lead cells to divide incorrectly with a septum near the pole of the cell. This incorrect septation generates a “minicell,” a small cellular compartment with no DNA. Genes whose defects lead to minicells are called min genes. In E. coli, the protein encoded by minD oscillates in rings from pole to pole (Fig. 3.38). The Min proteins somehow regulate the formation of the septum, ensuring symmetrical cell division. Note, however, that normal division of bacteria is not always symmetrical. For example, Bacillus species undergo an asymmetrical cell division to form an endospore. In this process, one daughter nucleoid forms an inert endospore capable of remaining dormant but viable for many years (discussed in Chapter 4). Other bacteria expand their cells by polar extension; an example is Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the causative agent of diphtheria. Polar extension occurs at variable rates and direction, and thus generates irregularly shaped rods.

Septation and the Z ring. Fluorescence microscopy of E. coli based on FtsZ-GFP, a genetic fusion of FtsZ with green fluorescent protein (GFP). The Z ring of FtsZ subunits forms around the equator of the constricting cell, as the septum grows inward.

Figure 3.37

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B. 30 seconds

Yu-Ling Shih, et al. 2003. PNAS 100:7856

New z-rings

Q. Sun and W. Margolin. 1998. J. Bacteriol.

A. 0 seconds

Yu-Ling Shih, et al. 2003. PNAS 100:7856


MinD protein rings regulate cell division. Fluorescence shows MinD-YFP protein rings in an E. coli cell completing division. The rings oscillate from pole to pole (times 0 to 30 s shown).

Figure 3.38

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Bacteria Have a Cytoskeleton

A major distinction of prokaryotes was thought to be the lack of a cytoskeleton, a structural feature prominent in eukaryotes. Bacterial shape was thought to be maintained by the cell wall. In fact, bacterial shape and cell division require cytoskeletal proteins homologous to eukaryotic cytoskeletal components such as tubulin and actin. The first such protein recognized was the Z ring subunit FtsZ, an analog of tubulin. Further components of the bacterial cytoskeleton were revealed by several means: gene defects that confer the loss of cell shape, fluorescent labeling of the corresponding gene products in wild-type cells, and genomic analysis showing bacterial homologues of eukaryotic cytoskeletal components. An example of a “shape loss” mutant is shown in Figure 1. The bacterium Shigella is an enteric pathogen closely related to E. coli that normally grows as a rod, or bacillus (see Fig. 1A). The opposite poles of the rod bind specific pole proteins, which are marked in the micrographs by fluorescentlabeled antibodies. A mutant strain of Shigella was isolated that grows as amorphous spheres (see Fig. 1B). Unlike the rod-shaped cells, the spherical mutants show multiple polemarker proteins at undefined locations. The mutation eliminates expression of mreB, encoding the MreB cytoskeletal protein. Sequence analysis shows a strong relationship between MreB and the eukaryotic filament-forming protein actin. How do MreB proteins maintain the rod shape of the bacterium? Like actin filaments in eukaryotes, MreB proteins form elongated structures beneath the cell membrane. Figure 2A shows how MreB proteins polymerize in a helical arrangement around the cell, thus determining the axis of elongation. Because MreB is required for rod elongation, its gene is absent from bacteria that normally grow as cocci, such as Streptococcus. In Figure 2B, the helical arrangement of MreB is observed by confocal fluorescence microscopy of Caulobacter crescentus, a pond-dwelling bacterium. The MreB proteins are labeled by fluorescent antibodies. Crescent-shaped cells such as C. crescentus usually possess a third kind of shape-determining protein, CreS, in addiA. Parent strain

tion to FtsZ and MreB (see Fig. 2A). CreS is a homologue of the eukaryotic intermediate filament protein. CreS polymerizes along the inner curve of a crescent cell, as seen in Figure 2C. In the micrograph shown, CreS proteins are labeled by recombination of the creS gene with a gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP). The result is a gene fusion expressing the hybrid protein CreS-GFP, which fluoresces green. In the confocal fluorescence micrograph, the CreS-GFP appears blue-green, whereas the cell membrane is labeled red by a membrane-binding fluorophore. The membrane-binding fluorophore reveals the overall crescent outline of the cell and the localization of CreS to the cell’s inner curve. Other bacterial proteins contributing to cell shape and division include the Min proteins, required for equal division of cells, and the Par proteins, which segregate replicated plasmids during cell division. In one group of bacteria, the phylum Verrumicrobia, a tubulin homolog has been discovered that forms tubules in vitro. Such tubules may contribute to the unusual extended shapes of Verrumicrobia. A. Staphylococcus aureus


N. Ausmees, et al. 2003


Escherichia coli


Caulobacter crescentus

B. mreB mutant


N. Ausmees, et al. 2003

Special Topic 3.2

Spherical mreB mutants of rod-shaped bacteria. A. Rod-shaped Shigella cells show a poleassociated protein (IcsA-GFP) localized to opposite poles. B. Mutant MreB cells form bloated spherical cells with multiple sites localizing IcsA-GFP.

Figure 1

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Trine Nilsen, et al. 2005. J. Bacteriol. 187:6187

5 µm

Trine Nilsen, et al. 2005. J. Bacteriol. 187:6187


Shape-determining proteins. A. Spherical cell size and shape is maintained by FtsZ polymerization to form the Z ring. Elongation of a rod-shaped cell is accomplished by helical polymerization of Mre proteins. Crescent-shaped cells possess a third shape-determining protein, CreS (crescentin), which polymerizes along the inner curve of the crescent. B. MreB localizes in a helical coil within Caulobacter crescentus cells. Images of MreB immunostaining were obtained by confocal fluorescence microscopy. C. Crescentin protein fused to green fluorescent protein GFP (CreS-GFP) localizes to the inner curve of C. crescentus. CreS-GFP colocalizes with the membrane-specific stain FM4-64 (red fluorescence).

Figure 2

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■ Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion


■ ■

The nucleoid region contains loops of DNA, supercoiled and bound to DNA-binding proteins. Transcription of DNA occurs in the cytoplasm, often simultaneously with DNA replication. The ribosome translates RNA to make proteins, which are folded by chaperones and in some cases secreted at the cell membrane. DNA is replicated bidirectionally by the replisome. Cell expansion and septation are coordinated with DNA replication. Cell shape is determined by the FtsZ “Z ring” and other cytoskeletal proteins.


Specialized Structures

We have introduced the major structures required to contain the cell, organize its contents, maintain its DNA, and express its genes. The cell envelope, the nucleoid, and the gene expression and protein translocation complexes are essential for all living prokaryotes. In addition to these fundamental structures, different species have evolved different kinds of specialized devices adapted to diverse metabolic strategies and environments.

Thylakoids and Carboxysomes Conduct Photosynthesis Photosynthetic bacteria, also called phototrophs, need to collect as much light as possible to drive photosynthesis. Light is harvested by protein complexes called phycobilisomes (see Section 14.6). Some of the energy obtained is stored in the form of storage granules.

W. Kili & F. Partensky, Bedford Institute of Oceanography


To maximize their photosynthetic membranes, phototrophs have evolved specialized systems of extensively folded intracellular membrane called thylakoids (Fig. 3.39A). Thylakoids consist of layers of folded sheets (lamellae) or tubes of membranes packed with photosynthetic proteins and electron carriers. Cyanobacteria containing thylakoids structurally resemble chloroplasts, which are believed to have evolved from a common ancestor of modern cyanobacteria. The thylakoids conduct only the “light reaction” of photon absorption and energy storage. The energy obtained is rapidly spent to fi x carbon dioxide, which occurs within carboxysomes. Carboxysomes are polyhedral, protein-covered bodies packed with the enzyme rubisco for CO2 fi xation. Aquatic and marine phototrophs, as well as archaea, often possess gas vesicles to increase buoyancy and keep themselves high in the water column, near the sunlight (Fig. 3.39B). Gas vesicles are specialized vacuoles composed of specific proteins. The vesicles trap and collect gases such as hydrogen or carbon dioxide produced by the cell’s metabolism.

Storage Granules During times of starvation, phototrophs may digest their phycobilisomes for energy and as a source of nitrogen. Alternatively, energy is stored in storage granules composed of glycogen or other polymers, such as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and poly-3-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA). PHB and PHA polymers are of interest as a biodegradable plastic, which bacteria are engineered to produce industrially. Similar storage granules are also produced by nonphototrophic soil bacteria.


Thylakoids Cell envelope

Polyhedral body

0.1 µm

©Tom E. Adams/Visuals Unlimited


Organelles of phototrophs. A. The marine phototroph Prochlorococcus marinus (TEM). Beneath the envelope lie the photosynthetic double membranes called thylakoids. Carboxysomes are polyhedral, protein-covered bodies packed with rubisco enzyme for CO2 fixation. B. Filaments (chains of cells) of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix. Gas vesicles provide buoyancy, enabling the phototroph to remain at the surface of the water, exposed to light.

Figure 3.39

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The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

motility) is the magnetosome. Magnetosomes are microscopic membrane-bounded crystals of the magnetic mineral magnetite, Fe3O4 (Fig. 3.41). They are found in anaerobic pond-dwelling organisms such as Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. The crystals generate a magnetic dipole moment along the length of a bacterium, constraining it to swim along a magnetic field. This magnetic orientation of swimming is called magnetotaxis, the ability to sense and respond to magnetism. Magnetotactic bacteria can be collected by placing a magnet within a jar of pond water; bacteria orienting by the field lines collect nearby. The natural function of magnetosomes appears to be to orient bacterial swimming toward the bottom of the pond. Magnetotactic organisms are anaerobes, which prefer the lower part of the water column, where oxygen concentration is lowest. Because Earth’s magnetic field lines point downward in the northern latitudes, bacteria that are magnetotactic swim “downward” toward magnetic north.

Courtesy of Juergen Wiegel and Manfred Rohde

1 µm

External sulfur particles. Sulfur globules dot the surface of Thermoanaerobacter sulfurigignens, an anaerobic thermophilic bacterium that gains energy by reducing thiosulfate (S2O32–) to elemental sulfur (S0).

Figure 3.40

Another type of storage device is sulfur, granules of elemental sulfur produced by purple and green phototrophs through photolysis of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Instead of disposing of the sulfur, the bacteria store it in granules, either within the cytoplasm (purple phototrophs) or as “globules” attached outside of the cell. Sulfur-reducing bacteria also make extracellular sulfur globules (Fig. 3.40). The sulfur may be usable as an oxidant when reduced substrates become available. Alternatively, the presence of potentially toxic sulfur granules may help cells avoid predation.

THOUGHT QUESTION 3.10 How would a magnetotactic species have to behave if it were in the Southern Hemisphere instead of in the Northern Hemisphere?

Magnetotactic bacteria are being studied for their potential applications in wastewater treatment. Through their anaerobic metabolism, some magnetotactic bacteria accumulate high concentrations of toxic metals from the water. They and the toxic metals they scavenge can then be removed by application of a magnetic field to attract and concentrate the bacteria.

Magnetosomes of Magnetite Direct Motility An unusual structure possessed by magnetotactic species of bacteria (bacteria showing magnetically directed

The Sustainable Energy Research Group, U. of Southampton

Pili and Stalks Enable Attachment

Magnetotactic bacterium. A magnetospirillum is a spiral-shaped magnetotactic bacterium. The spiral cell contains a chain of magnetosomes, magnetite crystals (TEM).

Figure 3.41

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In a favorable habitat, such as a running stream full of fresh nutrients or the epithelial surface of a host, it is advantageous for a cell to adhere to a substrate. Adherence, the ability to attach to a substrate, requires specific adherence structures, such as pili (protein filaments). As bacteria grow and proliferate, however, they face the question of whether to stay where they are or leave their present habitat, where nutrients may be depleted and waste products increased. In rapidly changing environments, cell survival requires motility, the ability to move and relocate. Motility requires structures such as rotary flagella. Some bacteria have it both ways by producing two kinds of progeny, one adherent, the other motile (see Special Topic 3.3). The most common structures that bacteria use to attach to a substrate are pili (singular, pilus), or fi mbriae (singular, fi mbria), straight fi laments of protein monomers called pilin. For example, fi mbriae attach the

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C h ap t e r 3

■ Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

Special Topic 3.3

Two Kinds of Progeny: One Stays, One Swims

What if a single species encounters very different environments throughout its life history, some favorable, others unfavorable? Sometimes, adherence might be advantageous; at other times, motility would be desirable. Bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella species possess more than one kind of filamentous structure: flagella for motility and pili for attachment once a favorable substrate is reached. An even more dramatic strategy for “having it both ways” is to generate two kinds of daughter cells: one that stays, and one that swims away. This strategy is exemplified by the flagellum-to-stalk transition of the aquatic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus. Caulobacter crescentus exists in two forms, one with a stalk (stalked cell) and one with a single flagellum at one pole (swarmer cell). The swarmer cell swims about freely in an aqueous habitat, such as a pond or a sewage bed. After half an hour of swimming, the swarmer cell undergoes differentiation to shed its flagellum and replace it with a stalk (Fig. 1). Once attached, the stalked cell immediately starts to replicate its DNA. How do the two progeny cells develop different forms? Lucy Shapiro and colleagues at Stanford University showed that the identities of swimmer and stalked cells are determined by the methylation state of their DNA (Fig. 2). The original DNA has methyl groups on its cytosine bases, added during the previous round of DNA replication. These methyl groups allow expression of genes needed for a stalked cell. As the DNA now undergoes a new round of replication, each daugh-

oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis to gum epithelium, where they are associated with periodontal disease (Fig. 3.42). A different kind of pili, the sex pili, serve to attach a “male” donor cell to a “female” recipient cell for transfer of DNA. This process of DNA transfer is called conjugation. The genetic consequences of conjugation are discussed in Chapter 9. Another kind of attachment organelle is a membranebound extension of the cytoplasm called a stalk. The tip of the stalk secretes adhesion factors called holdfast, which fi rmly attach the bacterium in an environment that has proved favorable. The mechanism of stalk and holdfast attachment has been extensively studied in iron-oxidizing bacteria that interfere with mining operations by producing massive biofi lms. An example is Gallionella ferruginea, an iron-oxidizing species that grows a long stalk (Fig. 3.43). The long twisted stalks of adherent Gallionella cells become coated by iron hydroxides, and Gallionella contributes a major part of the process of biomineralization (biological crystallization of minerals) in iron mines.

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ter duplex receives a new unmethylated strand, base-paired with the old strand containing methyl groups. The original two parental strands differ in their methylation patterns; thus, the methylation patterns of the two daughter duplexes allow different gene expression in the two daughter cells, one of which is stalked, the other a swarmer. Once DNA synthesis is complete and the cells have differentiated into different forms, the

Free-swimming Caulobacter crescentus

Stalk Holdfast


Stalked cell

Asymmetrical cell division: A model for development. A swarmer cell of C. crescentus loses its flagellum and grows a stalk. The stalked cell divides to produce a swarmer cell. Photo courtesy of Yves Brun, Indiana University.

Figure 1

Tsute Chen and Margaret J. Duncan, The Forsyth Institute


200 µm

Pili: protein filaments for attachment. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a causative agent of gum disease or gingivitis. The P. gingivalis cells show fimbriae along with vesicles budding from the cell’s outer membrane.

Figure 3.42

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B. New DNA becomes methylated, restoring state of stalked cell.

Swarmer methylation pattern

Stalked cell methylation pattern

Bacteria and archaea that are motile generally swim by means of rotary flagella (singular, flagellum). Flagella are helical propellers that drive the cell forward like the motor of a boat. First shown by Howard Berg at the

B. Eleanora I. Robbins, U.S. Geological Survey


Rotary Flagella Enable Motility and Chemotaxis

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DNA segregation into progeny cells. A. Lucy Shapiro and colleagues at Stanford University determined the molecular mechanism of Caulobacter differentiation into stalked and swarmer cells. B. As the stalked cell divides, one daughter helix inherits the strand methylated in the swarmer pattern while the other inherits the stalked cell pattern. After cell division and replication, both new DNA strands are methylated to set the original pattern. The swarmer cell eventually loses its flagellum and reverts to a stalked cell.

Eleanora I. Robbins, U.S. Geological Survey

Gallionella ferruginea: iron-oxidizing stalked bacteria. A. The oval cell of Gallionella ferruginea generates a long twisted stalk encrusted with iron oxides. B. Karen L. Prestegaard, of the University of Maryland, studies iron-oxidizing bacteria attached to iron surfaces, such as this rod in the stream, where the bacteria promote rusting, coating the surface orange.

Figure 3.43

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

Figure 2


Lucy Shapiro, Stanford University

new DNA becomes methylated, restoring the complementary methylation patterns in each cell. The remaining stalked daughter cell undergoes another round of cell division to produce yet another swarmer cell, as well as a stalked cell. Each swarmer cell eventually converts to a stalked cell and reproduces progeny. By this means, Caulobacter can hedge its bets. Half its progeny always remain at a location that, however favorable, may eventually deteriorate, whereas the other half swims away to find a potentially better environment. Caulobacter represents a simple example of cell differentiation that resembles phenomena seen in more complex developmental systems, such as DNA methylation during cell morphogenesis. Thus, it offers an informative model system for cell differentiation in the development of multicellular organisms.

California Institute of Technology, the bacterial flagellar motor was the fi rst rotary device to be discovered in a living organism. Different bacterial species have different numbers and arrangements of flagella. Peritrichous cells, such as E. coli and Salmonella species, have flagella randomly distributed around the cell (Fig. 3.44A). The

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C h ap t e r 3

■ Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

5 µm

flagella rotate together in a bundle behind the swimming cell (Fig. 3.44B) Lophotrichous cells, such as Rhodospirillum rubrum, have flagella attached at one or both ends. In monotrichous (polar) species, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the cell has a single flagellum at one end. Each flagellum is a spiral fi lament of protein monomers called flagellin. The filament is actually rotated by means of a motor driven by the cell’s transmembrane proton current, the same proton potential that drives the membrane-bound ATPase. (Alternatively, the motor is driven by a sodium ion potential, particularly in marine bacteria such as Vibrio cholerae.) The flagellar motor is embedded in the layers of the cell envelope (Fig. 3.45). The motor is observed by electron microscopy, and its parts are defi ned by genetic analysis of mutants with aberrant motility. The motor actually possesses an axle and rotary parts, all composed of specific proteins. Much of the structure and function of the motor were elucidated by Scottish microbiologist Robert Macnab (1940–2003) at Yale University.

Robert Macnab. 1976. J. Clinical Microbiology 4:258

1 µm

Flagellated Salmonella bacteria. A. Salmonella enterica bacterium has multiple flagella (colorized TEM). B. The flagella collect in a bundle behind a swimming cell. Under darkfield microscopy, the cell body appears overexposed, about five times as large as the actual cell.

Figure 3.44


CAMR/A. Barry Dowsett


Flagellar motility benefits the cell by causing dispersal of progeny, decreasing competition. In addition, most flagellated cells have an elaborate sensory system that enables them to swim toward favorable environments (attractant signals, such as nutrients) and away from inferior environments (repellent signals, such as waste products). This sensory system is known as chemotaxis. Chemotaxis requires a way for the cell to move toward attractants and away from repellents. This is accomplished by flagellar rotation either clockwise or counterclockwise relative to the cell (Fig. 3.46A ). When a cell is swimming toward an attractant chemical, the flagella rotate counterclockwise (CCW), enabling the cell to swim smoothly for a long stretch. When the cell veers away from the attractant, receptors send a signal that allows one or more flagella to switch rotation clockwise (CW), against the twist of the helix. This switch in the direction of rotation disrupts the bundle of flagella, causing the cell to tumble briefly, ending up pointed in a random direc-

David DeRosier/Brandeis University



L ring Outer membrane Cell wall

P ring

Inner membrane Rotor C ring 25 nm

Julius Adler, U. of Wisconsin, and May Macnab, Yale Univ.


Figure 3.45 The flagellar motor. A. The basal body, or motor, of the bacterial flagellum (TEM). The image is based on digital reconstruction, in which electron micrographs of purified hook-basal bodies were rotationally averaged. The rings (L, P, and C) correspond to those labeled in the diagram. B. Diagram of the flagellar motor, including major protein components. C. Robert Macnab (University of Wisconsin) identified many components of the motor and chemotaxis signaling.

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■ The M ic ro b i al Ce l l



A. Counterclockwise (CCW) rotation moves cell toward attractant.

CCW swim toward attractant Attractant Receptors for attractants CW tumble

Random walk Clockwise (CW) rotation stops forward motion so cell tumbles and changes direction.

Swim toward attractant

Figure 3.46 Chemotaxis. A. In peritrichous bacteria, flagella are oriented in a bundle extending behind one pole, while their chemotactic receptors are concentrated at the opposite pole. When the cell veers away from the attractant, the receptors send a signal that allows one or more flagella to switch rotation from counterclockwise (CCW) to clockwise (CW). This switched rotation disrupts the bundle of flagella, causing the cell to tumble briefly before it swims off in a new direction. B. The pattern of movement resulting from alternating swimming and tumbling is a “biased random walk” in which the cell sometimes moves randomly but overall tends to migrate toward the attractant.

tion (Fig. 3.46B ). The cell then swims off in the new direction. The resulting pattern of movement generates a “biased random walk” in which the cell tends to migrate toward the attractant. THOUGHT QUESTION 3.11 Most strains of E. coli and Salmonella commonly used for genetic research actually lack flagella entirely. Why do you think this is the case? How can a researcher maintain a motile strain? Note that bacterial flagella differ completely from the whiplike flagella and cilia of eukaryotes. Eukaryotic flagella are much larger structures containing multiple microtubules enclosed by a membrane. They move with a whiplike motion that forms a flat sine wave, propagated by ATP hydrolysis all along the flagellum. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Phototrophs possess thylakoid membrane organelles packed with photosynthetic apparatus and carboxysomes for carbon dioxide fi xation. Other subcellular structures may include sulfur granules from H 2S photolysis and gas vesicles for buoyancy in the water column.

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■ ■

Storage granules store polymers for energy. Magnetosomes orient the swimming of magnetotactic anaerobic bacteria. Adherence structures enable prokaryotes to remain in an environment with favorable environmental factors. Major adherence structures include pili or fi mbriae (protein fi laments) and the holdfast (a cell extension). Flagellar motility occurs by rotary motion of helical flagella. Chemotaxis involves a biased random walk up a gradient of attractant substance or down a gradient of repellents.

Concluding Thoughts Research techniques of cell fractionation and biochemistry, together with genetic analysis, continue to reveal the structure and function of cells. The intricate mechanisms derived by microbial evolution challenge the inventers of antibiotics as well as designers of molecular machines. As a journalist observed in Science, “When it comes to nanotechnology, physicists, chemists, and materials scientists can’t hold a candle to the simplest bacteria.”

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C h ap t e r 3

■ Ce ll S t r u c t u r e and Func t ion

CHAPTE R R EVI EW Review Questions 1. What are the major features of a bacterial cell, and

5. Compare and contrast the structure of gram-positive

how do they fit together for cell function as a whole? 2. What fundamental traits do most prokaryotes have in common with eukaryotic microbes? What traits are different? 3. Give examples of how our views of ribosome structure and function have emerged from microscopy, cell fractionation, X-ray diffraction crystallography, and genetic analysis. Explain the advantages and limitations of each technique. 4. Outline the structure of the peptidoglycan sacculus, and explain how it expands during growth. Cite two different kinds of experimental data that support our current views of the sacculus.

and gram-negative cell envelopes. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each kind of envelope. Outline the process of DNA replication, and explain how it is coordinated with cell wall septation. Explain how DNA transcription to RNA is integrated with translation and protein processing and secretion. What are kinds of subcellular structures found in certain cells with different functions, such as magnetotaxis or photosynthesis? Compare and contrast bacterial structures for attachment and motility. Explain the molecular basis of chemotaxis.

6. 7.



Key Terms active transport (85) adherence (107) ATP synthase (85) capsule (76, 93) carboxysome (106) cardiolipin (86) cell membrane (75) cell wall (76) chaperone (100) chemotaxis (110) cholesterol (87) contractile vacuole (97) core polysaccharide (95) cross-bridge (89) diphosphatidylglycerol (86) electrochemical potential (85) electrophoresis (77) endotoxin (94) envelope (76) fimbria (plural, fimbriae) (107) flagellum (plural, flagella) (76, 109) gas vesicle (106) genetic analysis (81) glucosamine (94) glycan (89) helicase (101) holdfast (108) hopane (hopanoid) (87) inner membrane (75, 94) isoelectric focusing (77)

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leaflet (82) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (76, 94) lysate (80) magnetosome (107) magnetotaxis (107) membrane-permeant weak acid (83) membrane-permeant weak base (83) motility (107) murein (89) murein lipoprotein (94) nucleoid (76) O polysaccharide (95) origin of replication (ori) (98) osmosis (83) osmotic pressure (83) outer membrane (76) passive transport (85) pellicle (76) peptidoglycan (78) periplasm (76) peritrichous (109) permissive temperature (104) phosphatidate (86) phosphatidylethanolamine (82) phosyphatidylglycerol (86) phycobilisome (106) pilin (107) pilus (plural, pili) (107) polyamine (77) polysome (100)

porin (96) proteome (77) reductive evolution (degenerative evolution) (94) replisome (101) restrictive temperature (104) sacculus (89) sedimentation rate (80) septation (103) septum (103) sex pilus (108) signal recognition particle (SRP) (101) S-layer (94) solutes (83) stalk (108) staphylococcus (plural, staphylococci) (103) subcellular fractionation (79) supercoil (99) Svedberg coefficient (80) teichoic acid (93) terpenoid (87) thylakoid (106) transport protein (transporter) (84) two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE, 2-D gels) (77) ultracentrifuge (79)

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■ The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Recommended Reading Ausmees, Nora, Jeffrey R. Kuhn, and Christine JacobsWagner. 2003. The bacterial cytoskeleton: An intermediate fi lament-like function in cell shape. Cell 115:705–713. Begic, Sanela, and Elizabeth A. Worobec. 2006. Regulation of Serratia marcescens ompF and ompC porin genes in response to osmotic stress, salicylate, temperature and pH. Microbiology 152:485–491. Carter, Andrew P., William M. Clemons, Ditlev E. Brodersen, Robert J. Morgan-Warren, Brian T. Wimberly, and V. Ramakrishnan. 2000. Functional insights from the structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit and its interactions with antibiotics. Nature 407:340–348. Feucht, Andrea, and Jeff Errington. 2005. ftsZ mutations affecting cell division frequency, placement and morphology in Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology 151:2053–2064. Gitai, Zemer, Natalie Dye, and Lucy Shapiro. 2004. An actinlike gene can determine cell polarity in bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 101:8643–8648. Komeili, Arash, Zhuo Li, Dianne K. Newman, and Grant J. Jensen. 2006. Magnetosomes are cell membrane invaginations organized by the actin-like protein MamK. Science 311:242–245. Lemon, Katherine P., and Alan D. Grossman. 1998. Localization of bacterial DNA: Evidence for a factory model of replication. Science 282:1516–1519.

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Nilsen, Trine, Arthur W. Yan, Gregory Gale, and Marcia B. Goldberg. 2005. Presence of multiple sites containing polar material in spherical Escherichia coli cells that lack MreB. Journal of Bacteriology 187:6187–6196. Noji, Hiroyuki, Ryohei Yasuda, Masasuke Yoshida, and Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Jr. 1997. F1F0 Direct observation of the rotation of F1-ATPase. Nature 386:299–302. Parkinson, John S., Peter Ames, and Claudia A. Studdert. 2005. Collaborative signaling by bacterial chemoreceptors. Current Opinion in Microbiology 8:116–121. Ruiz, Natividad, Daniel Kahne, and Thomas J. Silhavy. 2006. Advances in understanding bacterial outer-membrane biogenesis. Nature Reviews Microbiology 4:57–66. Schäffer, Christina, and Paul Messner. 2005. The structure of secondary cell wall polymers: How Gram-positive bacteria stick their cell walls together. Microbiology 151:643–651. Shih, Yu-Ling, Trung Le, and Lawrence Rothfield. 2003. Division site selection in Escherichia coli involves dynamic redistribution of Min proteins within coiled structures that extend between the two cell poles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100:7865–7870. Sutcliffe, Joyce A. 2005. Improving on nature: Antibiotics that target the ribosome. Current Opinion in Microbiology 8(5):534–542.

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Chapter 4

Bacterial Culture, Growth, and Development 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

Microbial Nutrition Nutrient Uptake Culturing Bacteria Counting Bacteria The Growth Cycle Biofilms Cell Differentiation

The adage “To eat well is to live well” is as true for microbes as it is for humans. Microorganisms constantly struggle to survive in natural habitats because they compete for food. Yet a single microbial pathogen can multiply within the course of a day to cause deadly illness, and a few algae can abruptly bloom and cover the entire surface of a lake. In each of these cases, the population explosion results from the sudden availability of food. Over eons, bacteria have evolved ingenious strategies to find, acquire, and metabolize a wide assortment of potential food sources, ranging from glucose to mothballs. This metabolic diversity arose by necessity, from the need to find new sources of food ignored by competitors. The remarkable plasticity of microbial genomes enables adaptation to new food sources. During the course of DNA replication, gene systems involved in the use of one food naturally undergo duplications and mutations, some of which sculpt new biochemical pathways capable of metabolizing novel substrates. This genomic flexibility raises hopes that we can engineer microbial biochemistry to remediate pollution and produce tomorrow’s wonder drugs.

This elaborate bacterial colony is formed by an undomesticated strain of Bacillus subtilis isolated from soil. The complex architecture is the result of a tightly regulated developmental process and provides insight into the organization of bacterial communities. Source: Cover. 2004. Journal of Bacteriology 186(12).


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C h ap t e r 4

■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

Microorganisms need sources of carbon in order to grow. Understanding how they use food to increase their cell mass and, ultimately, cell number enables us to control their growth and manipulate them to make useful products. Yeast, for example, consume glucose and break it down to ethanol and carbon dioxide gas. These end products are merely waste to the yeast but are extremely important to humans who enjoy beer. Brewers have learned to control the amount of sugar supplied to yeast growing in fermentation vats to produce just the right amount of alcohol and CO2, which produces beer’s bubbling carbonation. Many a home brewer has learned the hard way that providing too much sugar (in malt) will cause yeast to make too much CO2 gas, turning a homemade fermentor into an unpredictable explosive device. Learning how bacteria grow has also provided a window through which to view the core processes of life. As a result of studying bacterial growth and nutrition, we now know how DNA replicates, how RNA is made, and how proteins are assembled. We have also learned that the availability of nutrients has influenced the evolution of sophisticated microbial processes designed to avoid or survive starvation. For example, bacteria communicate with each other to build elaborate multicellular reproductive structures, such as fruiting bodies, or complex multispecies biofilms, such as those that erode our teeth and rust the surface of ocean liners. In this chapter, we consider the microbial biosphere and the basics of bacterial growth. We’ll consider a variety of questions: How diverse is this biosphere? Is it true that we have identified only about 0.1% of the bacterial species that inhabit Earth? Where do bacteria get their energy? You might be surprised to learn that some bacteria gain energy from light (photosynthesis), whereas others gain energy from oxidizing sulfur. With so many microbes consuming nutrients, how has nature arranged biosystems to avoid depleting Earth of key compounds? To understand the biochemistry behind metabolic diversity, we need to grow microbes. How do we ensure

their growth and measure it? Some bacteria make elaborate, multicellular structures, whereas others form environmentally resistant fortresses called spores. In this chapter, we discuss how microbes obtain energy and nutrients for growth, and how cell populations develop. A more detailed treatment of mechanisms of energy gain and biosynthesis is presented in Chapters 13–15.


Microbial Nutrition

Bacterial cells, for all their apparent simplicity, are remarkably complex and efficient replication machines. One cell of Escherichia coli, for example, can divide into two cells every 20–30 minutes. At a rate of 30 min per division, one cell could potentially multiply to over 1 × 1014 cells in 24 hours—that is, 100 trillion organisms! Although 100 trillion cells would only weigh about 1 g, after another 24 hours (a total of two days) of replicating every 30 minutes, the mass of cells would explode to 1014 g, or 107 tons. So why are we not buried under mountains of E. coli?

Nutrient Supplies Limit Microbial Growth One factor limiting growth is that microbes commonly encounter environments where essential nutrients are limited. Essential nutrients are those compounds a microbe cannot make itself but must gather from its environment if the cell is to grow and divide. Microbial cells obtain all the essential nutrients for growth from their immediate environment. Consequently, when an environment becomes depleted of one or more essential nutrients, the microorganism will stop growing. How various organisms cope with these periods of starvation until nutrients are restored is a rapidly developing field of microbiology. All microorganisms require a minimum set of macronutrients, nutrients needed in large quantities. Six of these—carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, hydrogen, oxygen,

Table 4.1 Growth factors and natural habitats of organisms associated with disease. Organism


Natural habitats

Growth factors

Shigella Haemophilus

Bloody diarrhea Meningitis, chancroid

Nicotinamide (NAD)a Haemin, NAD

Staphylococcus Abiotrophia Legionella Bordetella Francisella Mycobacterium Streptococcus pyogenes

Boils, osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis Legionnaires’ disease Whooping cough Tularemia Tuberculosis, leprosy

Humans Humans and other animal species, upper respiratory tract Widespread Humans and other animal species Soil, refrigeration cooling towers Humans and other animal species Wild deer; rabbits Humans

Pharyngitis, rheumatic fever


Glutamate, alanine

Complex requirement Vitamin K, cysteine Cysteine Glutamate, proline, cystine Complex, cysteine Nicotinic acid (NAD),a alanine


Both nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are derived from NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

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and sulfur—make up the carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins of the cell. Four other macronutrients are cations whose roles range from serving as enzyme cofactors (Mg2+, Fe2+, and K+) to acting as regulatory signal molecules (Ca2+). In addition to macronutrients, all cells require very small amounts of certain trace elements, called micronutrients. These include cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc, which are ubiquitous contaminants on glassware and in water. As a result, these trace elements are not added to laboratory media unless heroic measures have been taken to fi rst remove the elements from the medium. Micronutrients are required by cells because these elements are frequently essential components of enzymes or can themselves be components of cofactors. Cofactors are small molecules that fit into specific enzymes and aid in the catalytic process. Cobalt, for example, is part of the cofactor vitamin B12. Some organisms, such as the laboratory “workhorse” bacterium E. coli, make all their proteins, nucleic acids, and cell wall and membrane components from this very simple blend of chemical elements and compounds. For many other microbes, this basic set of nutrients is not enough. One example is Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative

■ The M ic r o b i al Ce l l


agent of Lyme disease, which requires an extensive mixture of complex organic supplements to grow.

Microbes Evolved to Grow in Different Environments Based in part on the ecological niche it inhabits, an organism may have evolved to require additional growth factors (Table 4.1), specific nutrients that are not required by all cells. For example, why should an organism like Streptococcus pyogenes make glutamic acid or alanine if those amino acids are readily available in its normal environment (such as, the human oral cavity)? Because it never needs to make these compounds, S. pyogenes, as a matter of efficiency, has lost the genes whose protein products synthesize glutamic acid and alanine. A defined minimal medium contains only those compounds needed for an organism to grow (Table 4.2). In the case of S. pyogenes, this would include glutamic acid and alanine in addition to the macro- and micronutrients mentioned earlier. Other organisms have adapted so well to their natural habitat that we still do not know how to grow them in the laboratory. For example, Rickettsia prowazekii, the causative agent of Rocky Mountain

Table 4.2 Composition of commonly used media. Media

Ingredients per liter a

Organisms cultured

Luria Bertani (complex)

Bacto tryptone Bacto yeast extract NaCl pH 7

10 g 5g 10 g

Many gram-negative and gram-positive organisms

M9 medium (defined)

Glucose Na2HPO4 KH2PO4 NH4Cl NaCl MgCl2 CaCl2 pH 7

2.0 g 6.0 g (42 mM) 3.0 g (22 mM) 1.0 g (19 mM) 0.5 g (9 mM) 2.0 mM 0.1 mM

Gram-negative organisms such as E. coli

Azotobacter medium (defined)

Mannitol K2HPO4 MgSO4 • 7H2O FeSO4 • 7H2O

2.0 g 0.5 g 0.2 g 0.1 g


Sulfur oxidizers (defined)

NH4Cl KH2PO4 MgSO4 • 7H2O CaCl2 Elemental sulfur CO2 pH 3

0.52 g 0.28 g 0.25 g 0.07 g 1.56 g 5%

Thiobacillus thiooxidans


Bacto tryptone is a pancreatic digest of casein (bovine milk protein).

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6 µm

D. J. Silverman, C. L. Wisseman, Jr., and A. Wadell


spotted fever, grows only within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells (Fig. 4.1). This obligate intracellular bacterium lost key pathways needed for independent growth because the host cell supplies them. Despite extensive efforts to grow them outside a host cell (axenic growth), cells of R. prowazekii have proved uncooperative in this endeavor. Although it will not grow in a defined medium, we can at least grow Rickettsia in the laboratory using eggs or animal cell tissue culture. But it is estimated that 99.9 % of all the microorganisms on Earth cannot be grown in the laboratory at all. How do we even know that these microbes exist if we cannot grow them? Evidence for their existence has been discovered only recently using newly developed tools of molecular biology. All known microorganisms have a set of genes, associated with ribosomes, whose DNA sequences are highly conserved across the phylogenetic tree. A DNAamplifying procedure called polymerase chain reaction (PCR, described in Section 7.6) can be used to screen for the presence of these genes in soil and water samples. Comparing the DNA sequences of the PCR products with the DNA sequences of similar genes from known organisms reveals that nature harbors many microbes hitherto undiscovered because we cannot grow them in the laboratory. Even though the growth and nutritional requirements of these phantom microbes are unknown, modern genomic techniques can expose their existence. We can gain remarkable insight into the physiology of these “invisible,” nonculturable organisms by comparing their gene sequences, mined by PCR, with known gene sequences from culturable organisms that have well-characterized physiologies.

Microbes Build Biomass through Autotrophy or Heterotrophy Maintaining life on this planet is an amazing process. All of Earth’s life-forms are based on carbon, which they acquire by delicately choreographed processes that recycle key nutrients. The carbon cycle, a critical part of this process, involves two counterbalancing metabolic groups of

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Rickettsia prowazekii growing within eukaryotic cells. A. R. prowazekii growing within the cytoplasm of a chicken embryo fibroblast (SEM). B. Giemsa stain of R. prowazekii growing within cultured human L cells.

Figure 4.1 David Wood, U. of South Alabama College of Medicine


organisms, heterotrophs and autotrophs. Their pathways of metabolism are discussed in chapters 13 and 14. Heterotrophs (such as E. coli) rely on other organisms to form the organic compounds, such as glucose, that they use as carbon sources. During heterotrophic metabolism, organic carbon sources are disassembled to generate energy and then reassembled to make cell constituents such as proteins and carbohydrates. This process converts a large amount of the organic carbon source to CO2, which is then released to the atmosphere. Thus, left on their own, heterotrophs would deplete the world of organic carbon sources (converting them to unusable CO2) and starve to death. For life to continue, CO2 must be recycled. Autotrophs assimilate CO2 as a carbon source, reducing it (adding hydrogen atoms; see Chapter 15) to make complex cell constituents made up of C, H, and O (for example, carbohydrates, which have the general formula CH2O). These organic compounds can later be used as carbon sources by heterotrophs. As will be discussed below, autotrophs are subclassified, based on how they obtain energy, into photoautotrophs, organisms that use light for photosynthesis, and chemoautotrophs also known as chemolithotrophs or lithotrophs (literally, rock-eaters), organisms that gain energy by oxidizing inorganic substances such as iron or ammonia. Both photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs carry out the autotrophic process of CO2 fi xation, which forms part of the carbon cycle between autotrophs and heterotrophs (Fig. 4.2). THOUGHT QUESTION 4.1 In a mixed ecosystem of autotrophs and heterotrophs, what happens when a heterotroph allows the autotroph to grow and begin to make excess organic carbon?

Microbes Obtain Energy through Phototrophy or Chemotrophy Although the macronutrients mentioned earlier provide the essential building blocks (in other words, carbon) to

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B. Autotrophy

A. Heterotrophy

Light absorption


CO2 + H2O

Photolysis NADPH or ATP

Mineral oxidation

Glucose (6C) Lipids Peptides Lignin





Pyruvate (3C) Acetyl-CoA Acetate (2C) TCA Cycle


Wim von Egmond

Fermentation products

CO2 + H2O Oxidative respiration

The carbon cycle. The carbon cycle requires both autotrophs and heterotrophs. A. Heterotrophs gain energy from degrading complex organic compounds, such as polysaccharides, to smaller compounds, such as glucose and pyruvate. The carbon from pyruvate moves through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and CO2 is released. In the absence of a TCA cycle, the carbon can end up as fermentation products, such as ethanol or acetic acid. B. Autotrophs use light energy or energy derived from the oxidation of minerals to capture CO2 and convert it to complex organic molecules. C. Nostoc is an autotroph. These cyanobacteria live in a gelatinous sphere. The spheres shown are colonies (approx. 1 mm diameter) that are just beginning to divide. The individual cyanobacteria are the small cells forming the long strands inside the spheres. Figure 4.2

make proteins and other cell structures, those synthetic processes require an energy source. Depending on the organism, energy can be obtained from chemical reactions triggered by the absorption of light (phototrophy, or photosynthesis) or from oxidation-reduction reactions that transfer electrons from high-energy compounds to make products of lower energy (chemotrophy). Chemotrophic organisms include two classes that use different sources of electron donors: chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs. Chemoautotrophs oxidize inorganic chemicals H2, H2S, NH4, NO2–, and Fe2+ for energy. Chemoheterotrophs oxidize organic compounds such as sugars to obtain energy. NOTE: The following prefi xes for “-trophy” terms help distinguish different forms of energy-yielding metabolism. Carbon source for biomass AutoCO2 is fi xed and assembled into organic molecules. HeteroPreformed organic molecules are acquired from outside and assembled.

Energy source PhotoLight absorption excites electron to high-energy state. Chemo- Chemical electron donors are oxidized. Electron source LithoInorganic molecules donate electrons. Organo- Organic molecules donate electrons.

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In chemotrophy, the amount of energy harvested from oxidizing a compound is directly related to the compound’s reduction state. The more reduced the compound is, the more electrons it has to give up and the higher the potential energy yield. A reduced compound, such as glucose, can donate electrons to a less reduced (more oxidized) compound, such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), releasing energy (in the form of donated electrons) and becoming oxidized in the process. NAD is a cell molecule critical to energy metabolism and is discussed, along with oxidation-reduction reactions, in Chapter 13. In short, microbes are classified on the basis of their carbon and energy acquisition as follows: ■

Autotrophs. Autotrophs build biomass by fi xing CO2 into complex organic molecules. Autotrophs gain energy through one of two general metabolic routes that either use or ignore light: Photoautotrophy generates energy through light absorption by the photolysis (light-activated breakdown) of H 2O or H2S. The energy is used to fi x CO2 into biomass. Chemoautotrophy (or lithotrophy) produces energy from oxidizing inorganic molecules such as iron, sulfur, or nitrogen. This energy is also used to fi x CO2 into biomass. Heterotrophs. Heterotrophs break down organic compounds from other organisms to gain energy and to harvest carbon for building their own biomass. Heterotrophic metabolism can be divided into two classes, also based on whether light is involved.

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Photoheterotrophy produces energy through photolysis of organic compounds. Organic compounds are broken down and used to build biomass. Chemoheterotrophy (or organotrophy) yields energy and carbon for biomass solely from organic compounds. Chemoorganotrophy is commonly called heterotrophy. Note that many species, particularly free-living soil and aquatic bacteria, can utilize more than one of these strategies, depending on environmental conditions. They do this by having multiple gene systems that are expressed under different conditions and whose products carry out different functions. For example, Rhodospirillum rubrum grows by photoheterotrophy when light is available and oxygen is absent; but when oxygen is available, the organism grows by respiration, without absorbing light. The survival and metabolism of any one group of organisms depend on the survival and metabolism of other groups of organisms. Even metazoa (multicellular organisms) rely on microbial metabolism to survive. For example, the cyanobacteria, a type of photosynthetic microorganism that originated 2.5–3.5 billion years ago, produce most of the oxygen we and other metazoa breathe. In fact, cyanobacteria also form the base of the marine food chain. The autotrophic cyanobacteria fi x carbon in the ocean and are eaten by heterotrophic protists. The protists then are devoured by fish that produce the CO2 that is fi xed by the cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria also depend on the heterotrophic bacteria to consume the molecular oxygen that the cyanobacteria produce, since molecular oxygen is toxic to cyanobacteria.

Energy Is Stored for Later Use Whatever the source, energy once obtained must be converted to a form useful to the cell. This form can be chemical energy, such as that contained in the highenergy phosphate bond in adenosine triphosphate (ATP), or electrochemical energy, where energy is stored in the form of an electrical potential existing between compartments separated by a membrane (see Chapter 14). Energy stored by an electrical potential across the membrane is known as the membrane potential. A membrane potential is generated when chemical energy is used to pump protons (and in some cases Na+) outside of the cell, so that the proton (or Na+) concentration is greater outside the cell than inside. This ion movement produces an electrical gradient across the cell membrane, making the inside of the cell more negatively charged than the outside. The energy stored in the membrane potential can be used directly to move nutrients into the cell via specific transport proteins (see Section 3.3), to drive motors that rotate flagella, and to drive synthesis of ATP.

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The Nitrogen Cycle Depends on Bacteria and Archaea Nitrogen is an essential component of proteins, nucleic acids, and other cellular constituents, and as such is required in large amounts by living organisms. Nitrogen gas (N2) makes up nearly 79% of Earth’s atmosphere, but nitrogen gas is unavailable for use by most organisms because the triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms is highly stable and requires considerable energy to split them. For nitrogen to be used for growth, it must first be “fixed,” or converted to ammonium ions (NH4+). As with the carbon cycle, various groups of organisms collaborate to interconvert nitrogen gas, ammonium ions, and nitrate (NO3–) ions in what is called the nitrogen cycle. One group “fixes” atmospheric nitrogen while other bacteria do the opposite, transforming ammonia to nitrate (nitrification) and then converting nitrate to N2 (denitrification) (Fig. 4.3). For the environmental significance of nitrogen metabolism, see Chapter 22. Nitrogen-fi xing bacteria may be free-living in soil or water or they may form symbiotic associations with plants or other organisms. A symbiont is an organism that lives in intimate association with a second organism. Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, and Bradyrhizobium species, for example, are nitrogen-fi xing symbionts in leguminous plants such as soybeans, chickpeas, and clover (Fig. 4.4). These plant symbionts take atmospheric nitrogen and convert it to the ammonia that the plant needs to form proteins and other essential compounds. This type of beneficial symbiosis is called mutualism. Although symbionts are the most widely known nitrogen-fi xing bacteria, the majority of nitrogen in soil and marine environments is fi xed by free-living bacteria and archaea. Once fi xed, how does nitrogen get back into the atmosphere? The nitrifying bacteria, such as Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, and Bacillus, gain energy by oxidizing ammonia to produce nitrate (a form of chemoautotro-



Nitrogen fixers


NH4+ Nitrifiers

The nitrogen cycle. Dinitrogen gas (N2) is fixed by species of bacteria (nitrogen fixers) that possess the enzyme nitrogenase. Other bacteria oxidize ammonia (NH4+) to generate energy. Still others use oxidized forms of nitrogen, such as NO3–, as an alternative electron acceptor in place of O2. Figure 4.3

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Frank Dazzo, Michigan State University


Tip of clover root hair 3 µm

Inga Spence/Photo Researchers, Inc.


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fungi require complex organic molecules for growth; their lifestyle involves predation, parasitism, or scavenging the dead. Most protists and fungi need mitochondria, which are the products of an ancient symbiotic partnering with internalized prokaryotes (discussed in Section 17.6). Heterotrophic fungi possess the exceptional ability to digest complex organic compounds such as lignin, a major component of wood and bark. In marine and aquatic systems, protists form a huge part of the food chain, so that eating trout or swordfish means, in effect, consuming trillions of protists. Just like photosynthetic bacteria, eukaryotic algae are photoautotrophs that produce biomass through photosynthesis. In addition to needing chloroplasts for photosynthesis, however, algae require mitochondria for energy production. (Recall that chloroplasts, like mitochondria, evolved from internalized bacteria; see Section 1.7.) Protist algae such as single-celled Euglena are mixotrophic, capable of utilizing photosynthesis or heterotrophic respiration, depending on environmental conditions. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Rhizobium and a legume. A. Symbiotic Rhizobium cells clustered on a clover root tip (SEM). The rhizobia shown here are clustered on the surface of the root. Soon they will start to invade the root and begin a symbiotic partnership that will benefit both organisms. B. Root nodules. After the rhizobia (approx. 0.9 µm × 3 µm) invade the plant root, symbiosis between plant and microbe produces nodules. Two partly crushed nodules (arrowheads) are shown with pink-colored contents. This color is caused by the presence of the pigment leghaemoglobin, which is found only in the nodules and is not produced by either the bacterium or the plant when grown alone.

Figure 4.4

phy). Denitrifying bacteria are heterotrophs that use the nitrate provided by the nitrifiers to produce a series of nitrogen compounds, ending with gaseous N2. The activity of denitrifying bacteria results in a substantial loss of nitrogen into the atmosphere that roughly balances the amount of nitrogen fi xation that occurs each year. As in the carbon cycle, this, once again, illustrates how nature manages to replenish the planet Earth.

Eukaryotic Microbes Include Consumers and Producers Eukaryotic microbes such as protists and fungi are heterotrophic consumers (discussed in Chapter 20). Protists and

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Microorganisms require certain essential macroand micronutrients to grow. Microbial genomes evolve in response to nutrient availability. Obligate intracellular bacteria lose metabolic pathways provided by their hosts and develop requirements for growth factors supplied by their hosts. In the global carbon cycle, autotrophs use CO2 as a carbon source, either through photosynthesis or through lithotrophy. Autotrophs make complex organic compounds that are consumed by heterotrophs. Nitrogen fi xers, nitrifiers, and denitrifiers contribute to the nitrogen cycle. All the preceding reactions are carried out by prokaryotes (bacteria or archaea), whereas eukaryotes carry out only a limited range of heterotrophic and photosynthetic reactions.


Nutrient Uptake

Whether a microbe is propelled by flagella toward a favorable habitat or, lacking motility, drifts through its environment courtesy of Brownian movement, it must be able to fi nd nutrients and move them across the membrane into the cytoplasm. The membrane, however, presents a daunting obstacle. Membranes are designed to separate what is outside the cell from what is inside. So, for a cell to gain sustenance from the environment, the membrane must be selectively permeable to nutrients the cell can use. A few compounds, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide,

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can passively diffuse across the membrane, but most cannot. Selective permeability is achieved in three ways: ■

By the use of substrate-specific carrier proteins (permeases) in the membrane With the aid of dedicated nutrient-binding proteins that patrol the periplasmic space Through the action of membrane-spanning protein channels, or pores, that discriminate between substrates

Microbes must also overcome the problem of low nutrient concentrations in the natural environment (for example, lakes or streams). If the intracellular concentration of nutrients were no greater than the extracellular concentration, the cell would remain starved of most nutrients. To solve this dilemma, most organisms have evolved efficient transport systems that concentrate nutrients inside the cell relative to outside. However, moving molecules against a concentration gradient requires some form of energy. In contrast to environments where nutrients are available but exist at low concentrations (for example, aqueous environments), certain habitats have plenty of nutrients, but those nutrients are locked in a form that cannot be transported into the cell. Starch, a large, complex carbohydrate, is but one example. Many microbes unlock A. Glycerol porin

these nutrient vaults by secreting digestive proteins that break down complex carbohydrates or other molecules into smaller compounds that are easier to transport. The amazing techniques that cells use to extrude these large digestive proteins through the membrane and into their surrounding environment are discussed in Chapter 8.

Facilitated Diffusion: Transport Down a Concentration Gradient Although most transport systems use cellular energy to bring compounds into the cell, a few do not. Facilitated diffusion is a type of system that simply uses the concentration gradient of a compound to move that compound across the membrane from a compartment of higher concentration to a compartment of lower concentration. The best these systems can do is to equalize the internal and external concentrations of a solute; facilitated transport cannot move a molecule against its gradient. The most important facilitated diffusion transporters are those of the aquaporin family that transport water and small polar molecules such as glycerol. Glycerol transport is performed by an integral membrane protein in E. coli called GlpF. The structure of a glycerol channel is shown in Figure 4.5A. This protein channel allows passive uptake B.



1. Glycerol enters the GlpF channel. GlpF

Extracellular fluid

Cell membrane

Cytoplasm 2. A conformational change in GlpF opens the channel to the cytoplasm, and glycerol enters the cell.

Extracellular fluid

Cell membrane

In passive transport, solutes move down the concentration gradient.


Figure 4.5 Facilitated diffusion. A. The glycerol transporter of E. coli, viewed from the external side of the membrane, consists of a tetramer of four dimer channels formed by hydrophobic alpha helices alternating back and forth across the cell membrane. Each channel (blue and yellow) contains a glycerol (magenta). (PDB code: 1FX8) B. Facilitated diffusion of glycerol through GlpF. The protein facilitates the movement of the compound from outside the cell, where glycerol is at high concentration, to inside the cell where the concentration of glycerol is low.

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of glycerol, a polar molecule useful to cells for energy and for building phospholipids. The glycerol channel complex is viewed from the outer face of the membrane. The complex is a tetramer of four channels. Each channel transports a molecule of glycerol (magenta). In the membrane, GlpF reversibly assumes two conformations. One form exposes the glycerol-binding site to the external environment, whereas the second form exposes this site to the cytoplasm. When the concentration of glycerol is greater outside than inside the cell, the form with the binding site exposed to the exterior is more likely to fi nd and bind glycerol. After binding glycerol, GlpF changes shape, closing itself to the exterior and opening to the interior (Fig. 4.5B). Bound glycerol is then released into the cytoplasm (influx). Once the cytoplasmic concentration of glycerol equals the exterior concentration, bound glycerol can be released to either compartment. If the internal concentration exceeds the external concentration, a situation that can arise if a cell is moved from a high- to a low-glycerol environment, glycerol will move out of the cell (efflux). However, facilitated diffusion normally promotes glycerol influx, because the cell consumes the compound as it enters the cytoplasm, keeping cytoplasmic concentrations of glycerol low. GlpF homolog

Active Transport by Membrane Transporters Requires Energy Most forms of transport expend energy to take up molecules from outside the cell and concentrate them inside. The ability to import nutrients against their natural gradients is critical in aquatic habitats, where nutrient concentrations are low, and in soil habitats, where competition for nutrients is high. The simplest way to use energy to move molecules across a membrane is to exchange the energy of one chemical gradient for that of another. The most common chemical gradients used are those of ions, particularly the positively charged ions Na + and K+. These ions are kept at different concentrations on either side of the cell membrane. When an ion moves down its concentration gradient (from high to low), energy is released. Some transport proteins harness that free energy and use it to drive transport of a second molecule up, or against, its concentration gradient. This is called coupled transport. The two types of coupled transport systems are symport, where the two molecules travel in the same direction, and antiport, in which the actively transported molecule moves in the direction opposite to the driving ion. An example of a symporter is the lactose permease

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LacY of E. coli, one of the fi rst transport proteins whose function was elucidated. This work was carried out by the pioneering membrane biochemist H. Ronald Kaback. LacY moves lactose inward, powered by a proton that is also moving inward (symport). LacY proton-driven transport is said to be electrogenic because an unequal distribution of charge results (for example, symport of a neutral lactose molecule with H+ results in net movement of positive charge). An example of electroneutral coupled transport, in which there is no net transfer of charge, is that of the Na+/H + antiporter. The Na+/H + antiporter couples the export of Na+ with the import of a proton (antiport). Because molecules of like charge are exchanged, there is no net movement of charge. The mechanism by which Na+/H + antiporters function was elucidated by the Israeli biochemist Etana Padan. Sodium exchange is of universal importance for all organisms and is particularly critical for organisms living in a high-salt habitat (see Section 5.4). THOUGHT QUESTION 4.2 In what situation would antiport and symport be passive rather than active transport? THOUGHT QUESTION 4.3 What kind of transporter, other than an antiporter, could produce electroneutral coupled transport? Symport and antiport transporter proteins function by alternately opening one end or the other of a channel that spans the cell membrane. The channel contains solute-binding sites (Figs. 4.6A and B). When the channel is open to the high-concentration side of the membrane, the driving ion (solute) attaches to binding sites. The transport protein then changes shape to open that site to the low-concentration side of the membrane and the ion leaves. When and where the second (cotransported) solute binds depends on whether the transport protein is an antiporter or a symporter. Movie on antiport With all this ion traffic going on across the membrane, a careful accounting must be kept of how many ions are inside relative to outside. The cell must recirculate ions into and out of the cell to maintain certain gradients if the organism is to survive. Because key ATP-producing systems require an electrochemical gradient across the membrane, it is especially important to keep the interior of the cell negatively charged relative to the exterior. However, because the movement of many compounds is coupled to the import of positive ions, the electrochemical gradient will eventually dissipate, or depolarize, unless positive ions are also exported. Depolarization must be avoided

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

B. Antiport

A. Symport

Antiporter opens to the outside, where the concentration of A is less.

Energy is released as one substrate (red) moves down its concentration gradient. This energy moves a second substrate (blue) against its gradient and into the cell.

Substrate A leaves its binding site, and substrate B (blue) then binds to its site.



Cell membrane Inside


Antiporter binds substrate A (red) on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane.

Coupled transport. A. Symport. B. Antiport. Substrate B (blue) is taken up against its gradient because of the energy released by substrate A (orange) traveling down its gradient. C. Ronald Kaback (left) of UCLA elucidated the mechanism of transport by the proton-driven lactose symporter LacY. D. Etana Padan (second from right) of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem dissected the molecular mechanism of the Na+/H+ antiporter NhaA.

Figure 4.6

because a depolarized cell loses membrane integrity and cannot carry out the simple transport functions needed to sustain life. A healthy cell maintains a proper charge balance using the electron transport chain to move protons out of the cell and by exchanging negatively and positively charged ions as needed. In addition to the direct linking of ion transport described for symport and antiport systems, ion circuitry is such that movement of one ion can be linked indirectly to movement of another molecule. For example, proton concentrations are typically greater outside than inside the cell. The inwardly directed proton gradient is called proton motive force. Proton motive force can impel the exit of Na+ through the Na+/H+ antiporter. The resulting Na+ gradient can drive the symport of amino acids into the cell. In this case, Na+ moves back into the cell down its gradient, and the energy released is tied to the import of an amino acid against its gradient.

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Antiporter opens to the inside of the cell. Substrate B is released in exchange for substrate A.


Courtesy of Etana Padan

Courtesy of Ronald Kaback


ABC Transporters Are Powered by ATP As we pointed out in Section 3.3, a major function of proton transport is to create the proton motive force that powers ATP synthesis (for details on proton motive force, see Chapter 14). The energy stored in ATP, whether generated by the proton current or by cytoplasmic means such as fermentation, can drive membrane transport of nutrients. The largest family of energy-driven transport systems is the ATP-binding cassette superfamily, also known as ABC transporters. These transporters are found in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. It is impressive to note that nearly 5% of the E. coli genome is dedicated to producing the components of 70 different varieties of uptake and efflux ABC transporters. The uptake ABC transporters are critical for transporting nutrients such as maltose, histidine, arabinose, and galactose. The efflux ABC transporters are generally used as multidrug efflux pumps that allow microbes to

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survive exposures to hazardous chemicals. Lactococcus, for example, can use one pump, LmrP, to export a broad range of antibiotics, including tetracyclines, streptogramins, quinolones, macrolides, and aminoglycosides, conferring resistance to those drugs (see Section 27.6). An ABC transporter typically consists of two hydrophobic proteins that form a membrane channel and two peripheral cytoplasmic proteins that contain a highly conserved amino acid motif involved with binding ATP. Any conserved amino acid sequence found in a family of proteins is viewed as a “cassette” because the sequence appears to have been inserted into those proteins for specific functions (hence, ATP-binding cassette). The ABC transporter superfamily contains both uptake and efflux transport systems. The uptake systems (but not the efflux systems) possess an additional, extracytoplasmic protein, called a substrate-binding protein (SBP), that initially binds the substrate (also called solute). In gram-negative bacteria, these substrate-binding proteins float in the periplasmic space between the inner and outer membranes. In gram-positive bacteria, which lack an outer membrane, the proteins must be tethered to the cell surface. ABC transport (Fig. 4.7) starts with the SBP snagging the appropriate solute, either as it floats by a gram-positive microbe or as the molecule enters the periplasm of a gramnegative cell. Most substrates nonspecifically enter the periplasm of gram-negative organisms through the outer membrane pores, although some high-molecular-weight substrates, like vitamin B12, require the assistance of a spe-

Solutebinding protein


1. Solute binds to its cognate periplasmic binding protein, and the complex then binds to the membrane transporter. Periplasm

Cell membrane


2. The ATPase activity of one component (yellow) signals the opening of the channel (blue) and movement of the solute into the cell. ATP ADP + P

Figure 4.7

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ABC transporters.

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


cific outer membrane protein to move the substrate into the periplasm. Because SBPs have a high affinity for their cognate (matched) solutes, their use increases the efficiency of transport when concentrations of solute are low. Once united with its solute, the SBP binds to the periplasmic face of the channel protein and releases the solute, which now binds to a site on the channel protein. This interaction triggers a structural (or conformational) change in the channel protein that is telegraphed to the nucleotide-binding proteins associated with the cytoplasmic side. On receiving this signal, the nucleotide-binding proteins start hydrolyzing ATP and send a return conformational change through the channel, signaling the channel to open its cytoplasmic side and allow the solute to enter the cell. The three proteins that constitute ABC transporters appear to have arisen from a common ancestral porter and share a considerable amount of amino acid sequence homology. One unusual feature of ABC transporters is that although the membrane channel components and ATP-hydrolyzing components are generally present as distinctly separate polypeptides in uptake transporters, they are fused in efflux systems.

Siderophores Are Secreted to Scavenge Iron Iron, an essential nutrient of most cells, is mostly locked up in nature as Fe(OH)3 , which is insoluble and unavailable for transport. Many bacteria and fungi have solved this transport dilemma by synthesizing and secreting specialized molecules called siderophores (Greek for “iron bearer”) that have a very high affinity for whatever soluble ferric iron is available in the environment. These iron scavenger molecules are produced and sent forth by cells when the intracellular iron concentration is low (Fig. 4.8). In most gram-negative organisms, the siderophore binds iron in the environment, and the siderophore-iron complex then attaches to specific receptors in the outer membrane. At this point, either the iron is released directly and is passed to other transport proteins or the complex is transported across the cytoplasmic membrane by a dedicated ABC transporter. The iron is released intracellularly and reduced to Fe2+ for biosynthetic use. Other gram-negative microorganisms, such as Neisseria gonorrhaeae (the causative agent of gonorrhea), do not use siderophores at all but employ receptors on their surface that bind human iron complexes (for example, transferrin or lactoferrin) and wrest the iron from them.

Group Translocation against a Concentration Gradient The ABC transporters we have just considered increase concentrations of solute inside the cell relative to the outside concentration. They move nutrients “uphill” against

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(PEP), an intermediate in glycolysis, to attach a phosphate to specific sugars during their transport into the cell. Glucose, for example, is conFe3+ verted during transport to glucose 3+ 6-phosphate. The system has a modFe ular design that accommodates dif2a. The complex is transported to the periplasm Enterochelinferent substrates. There are common through an outer membrane protein (FepA) . . . iron complex elements used by all sugars that are transported by the PTS system and elements that are unique to a given carbohydrate (Fig. 4.9 ). Common Outer membrane elements located in the cytoplasm include Enzyme I (PtsI) and a histidine-rich protein called HPr (PtsH). FepA Enzyme I strips the high-energy 2b. . . . and is transported into the cell by an FepB phosphate from PEP and passes it ABC transporter that includes a periplasmic to HPr, which in turn distributes solute-binding protein (FepB) and the integral membrane proteins FepC, G, and D. the phosphate to various substratespecific transport proteins called Enzyme II. A typical Enzyme II comprises three domains (A, B, and C) that may be fused together as a single FepG FepD Cell polypeptide or assembled in a variety membrane of combinations. Regardless of the configuration, the phosphorylated FepC FepC ATPase HPr (HPr-P) transfers its phosphate ATP ATP to the Enzyme IIA domains/proteins, ADP + P ADP + P which relay the phosphate to their 3. Inside the cell, the iron is cognate Enzyme IIB domains/ released and reduced to Fe2+. proteins. Enzyme IIB fi nally delivers the phosphate to the specific 3+ 2+ + sugar that has been transported into Fe Fe the cell by the Enzyme IIC domain embedded in the cytoplasmic memFigure 4.8 Siderophores and iron transport. brane (for example, glucose is transported by Enzyme IIC and converted to glucose 6-phosphate by Enzyme IIB). In Chapter 9, we will see how this physiological sysa concentration gradient. An entirely different system tem impacts the genetic control of many other systems. known as group translocation cleverly accomplishes the same result but without really moving a substance “uphill.” Group translocation alters the substrate during Eukaryotes Transport Nutrients transport by attaching a new group (for example, phosby Endocytosis phate) on it. Because the modified nutrient inside the cell is a different chemical entity than the related compound Like prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells possess antiporters outside, the parent solute entering the cell is always movand symporters and use ABC transport systems as multiing down its concentration gradient, regardless of how drug efflux pumps, but they also employ another process, much solute has already been transported. Note that called endocytosis, which often precedes nutrient transthis process uses energy to chemically alter the solute. port across membranes. The lack of a rigid cell surface ABC transporters and group translocation systems both allows areas of the cytoplasmic membrane to invaginate involve active transport, but group translocation systems and pinch off to form membrane-enclosed vesicles called are not ABC transporters. endosomes (see Appendix 2, Fig. A2.8). Pinocytosis is The phosphotransferase system (PTS) is a wella form of endocytosis that pinches off small packets of characterized group translocation system present in medium to spawn small vacuoles (endosomes). Eukarymany bacteria. It uses energy from phosphoenolpyruvate otic microbes such as amebas engulf prey bacteria by a 1. E. coli synthesizes and secretes an iron-binding enterochelin that binds Fe3+.

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Enzyme II

Enzyme II components are modular.

2. Substrates are transformed by phosphorylation during transport.

1. Phosphate from PEP is passed along common elements of the PTS to the modular Enzyme II and ultimately to the substrate.





IIC Mannitol

Common elements of PTS



HPr ~ P Mannitol 6-P


EI ~ P

3. Enzyme IIC transports substrate across the cell membrane. Enzyme IIB transfers phosphate to the sugar transported across the cell by IIC.






Enzyme I Glucose

Glucose 6-P




P P Mannose 6-P Cytoplasm


Cell membrane

Extracellular fluid

Group translocation: the phosphotransferase system (PTS) of E. coli. The phosphate group from PEP is ultimately passed to the substrate during transport. The common elements of the PTS are Enzyme I (PtsI) and HPr (histidine-rich protein; PtsH). Each Enzyme II is specific for a given substrate and consists of modular components. Enzyme II for mannitol is one protein with three domains: A, B, and C. Enzyme II for glucose is really two proteins: One protein contains the A domain, and the B and C domains are joined to form the second protein. Mannose Enzyme II is designed with the opposite arrangement. Its A and B domains are fused into one protein, whereas the membrane protein is simply the C domain.

Figure 4.9

form of endocytosis called phagocytosis, producing large vacuoles (phagosomes). Lysosomes, cytoplasmic vacuoles that contain various digestive enzymes, then fuse with phagosomes or endosomes, creating phagolysosomes. As a result of the fusion, digestive enzymes gain access to the endocytosed material, degrading it to a form and size that can be transported across the vacuolar membrane and into the cytoplasm.

Siderophores are secreted to bind ferric iron and transport it into the cell, where it is reduced to the more useful ferrous form. Siderophore-iron complexes enter cells with the help of ABC transporters. Group translocation systems chemically modify the solute during transport. Eukaryotes use endocytosis, a process in which small areas of the cytoplasmic membrane invaginate, trap extracellular fluid, and pinch off into the cytoplasm.


Transport systems move nutrients across semipermeable membranes. Facilitated diffusion helps solutes move across a membrane from a region of high concentration to one of lower concentration. Antiporters and symporters are coupled transport systems in which energy released by moving a driving ion (H+ or Na+) from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration is harnessed and used to move a solute against its concentration gradient. ABC transporters use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to move solutes “uphill” against their concentration gradients.

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Culturing Bacteria

Microbes in nature usually exist in complex, multispecies communities, but for detailed studies, they must be grown separately in pure culture. It is nothing short of amazing—and humbling—that after 120 years of trying to grow microbes in the laboratory, we have succeeded in culturing only 0.1% of the microorganisms around us. Since the time of Koch in the late nineteenth century, microbiologists have used the same fundamental techniques to culture bacteria in the laboratory. It is true that improvements have been made, but the vast majority of the microbial world has yet to be tamed.

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

Bacteria Are Grown in Culture Media For those organisms that can be cultured, we have access to a variety of culturing techniques that can be used for different purposes. Bacterial culture media may be either liquid or solid. A liquid, or broth, medium, in which organisms can move about freely, is useful when studying the growth characteristics of a single strain of a single species (that is, a pure culture). Liquid media are also convenient for examining growth kinetics and microbial biochemistry at different phases of growth. Solid media, usually gelled with agar, are useful when trying to separate mixtures of different organisms as they are found in the natural environment or in clinical specimens. University of Manitoba

Pure Cultures Can Be Obtained by Dilution Streaking or by Spread Plate Technique


Yellow-pigmented bacterial colonies

Parm Randhawa, California Seed & Plant Lab, Inc.


20 mm

Wrinkled bacterial colonies Fungus

Solid media are basically liquid media to which a solidifying agent has been added. The most versatile and widely Figure 4.10 Separation and growth of microbes on an agar surface. A. Colonies (1 to 5 mm diameter) of Acidovorax used solidifying agent is agar (for the development of aveane separated on an agar plate. This organism is a plant agar medium, see Section 1.5). Derived from seaweed, pathogen that causes watermelon fruit blotch. B. Mixture of agar forms an unusual gel that liquefies at 100°C but yellow-pigmented bacterial colonies, wrinkled bacterial colonies, does not solidify until cooled to about 40°C. Liquefied and fungus separated by dilution on an agar plate. agar medium poured into shallow, covered petri dishes cools and hardens to provide a large, flat surface on which a mixture of microorganisms can be streaked to separate individual cells. A. B. Each cell will divide and grow to form a distinct, Holding loop visible colony of cells (Fig. 4.10). As shown in Figure 4.11, a drop of liquid culture is collected using an inoculating loop and streaked across the agar plate surface in a pattern called dilution streaking. Organisms fall off the loop as it moves along the agar surface. Toward the end Hold the loop of the streak, few bacteria remain on the loop, flat against the so at that point, individual cells will land and agar and streak across surface. stick to different places on the agar surface. If the medium, whether artificial (for example, laboratory medium) or natural (for example, crab carapace) contains the proper nutrients and Reflame loop Start growth factors, a single cell will multiply into before changing many millions of offspring, forming a microcoldirection of streaking. ony. At fi rst visible only under a microscope, the microcolony grows into a visible droplet called Figure 4.11 Dilution streaking technique. A. A liquid culture is sampled with an inoculating loop and streaked across the plate in three to a colony (Figs. 4.11B and 4.12). A pure culture four areas, with the loop flamed between areas. The result is that dragging of the species, or one strain of a species, can the loop across the agar diminishes the number of organisms clinging to the be obtained by touching a single colony with a loop until only single cells are deposited at a given location. B. Salmonella sterile inoculating loop and inserting that loop enterica culture obtained by dilution streaking. into fresh liquid medium. It is important to note that the “one cell equals one colony” paradigm does not hold for all bacteria. Organisms such as Streptococci or

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John Foster, University of South Alabama


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Harry F. Ridgway, The Orange County Water District



1.0 ml

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l








9.0 ml 5 µm

Unknown concentration of colony forming units

0.1 ml

B. Too many to count 311 colonies

27 colonies

3 colonies

Bacterial colonies. A. A three-day-old microcolony (biofilm) on the surface of a membrane used to treat municipal wastewater in Fountain Valley, California (SEM). B. Bacterial colony attacking a crab carapace.

John Foster, U. of South Alabama

Douglas Prince, U. of New Hampshire


Figure 4.12

Staphylococci usually do not exist as single cells, but occur as chains or clusters of several cells. Thus, a cluster of 10 Staphyloccocus cells will only form one colony on an agar medium and is called a colony-forming unit (CFU). Another way to isolate pure colonies is the spread plate technique. Starting from a liquid culture of bacteria, a series of tenfold dilutions is made, and a small amount of each dilution is placed directly on the surface of separate agar plates (Fig. 4.13). The sample is spread over the surface of the plate using a heat-sterilized, bent glass rod. The early dilutions, those containing the most bacteria, will produce confluent growth that covers the entire agar surface. The later dilutions, containing fewer and fewer organisms, yield individual colonies. As we shall see later, spread plates not only enable us to isolate pure cultures but also can be used to enumerate the number of viable bacteria in the original growth tube. A viable organism is one that successfully replicates to form a colony. Thus, each colony on an agar plate represents one viable organism present in the original liquid culture.

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Figure 4.13 Tenfold dilutions, plating, and viable counts. A. A culture containing an unknown concentration of cells is serially diluted. One milliliter (ml) of culture is added to 9.0 ml of diluent broth and mixed, and then 1 ml of this 101 dilution is added to another 9.0 ml of diluent (10–2 dilution). These steps are repeated for further dilution, each of which lowers the cell number tenfold. After dilution, 1 ml of each dilution is spread onto an agar plate. B. Plates prepared as in (A) are incubated at 37°C to yield colonies. By multiplying the number of countable colonies (11 colonies on the 10–6 plate) by the reciprocal of the dilution factor you can calculate the number of cells (colony-forming units; CFUs) per milliliter in the original broth tube (11 × 106 = 1.1 × 107 CFUs per ml).

There is some disagreement about the use of the term viable cell. Is an organism that does not replicate but continues to metabolize viable? Consider, for instance, that human beings who have undergone sterilization are incapable of producing offspring, but they are certainly alive. Nevertheless, based on a tradition dating back to the time of Koch, it remains convention within the scientific community that a “viable” cell reproduces to form a colony on a plate. Organisms that appear to metabolize but for some reason cannot replicate have been referred to as

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

dormant or “viable but nonculturable.” Increasingly, it seems probable that all viable but nonculturable organisms simply appear that way to us because we have not yet discovered the culture conditions necessary for them to reproduce.

Growth in Complex Media or in Synthetic Media Bacteria can be grown in nutrient-rich but poorly defi ned complex media or in precisely defi ned synthetic media. Recipes for complex media usually contain several poorly defi ned ingredients, such as yeast extract or beef extract, whose exact composition is not known. These additives include a rich variety of amino acids, peptides, nucleosides, vitamins, and some sugars. Some organisms are particularly fastidious, requiring that components of blood be added to a basic complex medium. The complex medium is now called an enriched medium. Complex, or rich, media provide many of the chemical building blocks that a cell would otherwise have to synthesize on its own. For example, instead of making proteins that synthesize tryptophan, all the cell needs is a membrane transport system to harvest prefabricated tryptophan from the medium. Likewise, fastidious organisms that require blood in their media may reclaim the heme released from red blood cells as their own, using it as an enzyme prosthetic group, a group critical to enzyme function (for example, the heme group in cytochromes). All of this saves the scavenging cell a tremendous amount of energy, and as a result, bacteria tend to grow fastest in complex media. An argument can be made that complex media mimics the rich environment that pathogens encounter in an animal host. However, the metabolism of a microbe growing in a complex medium is hard to characterize. How would you know whether E. coli possesses the ability to make tryptophan if the bacterium grows only in complex media? Fortunately, some organisms grow in fully defi ned synthetic media. In preparing a synthetic medium, one starts with water, then adds various salts, carbon, nitrogen, and energy sources in precise amounts. For self-reliant organisms like E. coli or Bacillus subtilis, that is all that is needed. Other organisms, such as Shigella species or mutant strains of E. coli or B. subtilis, require additional ingredients to satisfy requirements imposed by the absence of specific metabolic pathways. THOUGHT QUESTION 4.4 What would be the phenotype (growth characteristic) of a cell that lacks the trp genes (genes required for the synthesis of tryptophan)? What would be the phenotype of a cell missing the lac genes (genes whose products catabolize the carbohydrate lactose)?

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Selective and Differential Media Reveal Differences in Metabolism Microorganisms are remarkably diverse with respect to their metabolic capabilities and resistance to certain toxic agents. These differences are exploited in selective media, which favor the growth of one organism over another, and in differential media, which expose biochemical differences between two species that grow equally well. For example, gram-negative bacteria, with their outer membrane, are much more resistant than gram-positive microbes to detergents like bile salts and certain dyes, such as crystal violet. A solid medium containing bile salts and crystal violet is considered selective because it favors the growth of gramnegative organisms over gram-positive ones. On the other hand, E. coli and S. enterica are both gram-negative, but only E. coli can ferment lactose. Colonies of each can be distinguished on solid media containing lactose, the dye neutral red, and a nonfermentable carbon source like peptone. Both organisms grow in the medium, but E. coli ferments the lactose and produces acidic end products. The lower pH surrounding an E. coli colony causes the dye to enter the cells, turning the colony red. In stark contrast, S. enterica, a major cause of diarrhea, will grow on nonfermentable peptides, but, because it cannot ferment lactose, acidic end products are not produced and the colonies remain white, the natural color of the colony. In this example, growth in differential media easily distinguishes colonies of lactose fermenters from nonfermenters. Several media used in clinical microbiology are both selective and differential. MacConkey medium, for example, selects for growth of gram-negative bacteLactose fermenting (Lac+)

Nonfermenting (Lac–)

John Foster, University of South Alabama


Figure 4.14 MacConkey medium, a culture medium both selective and differential. Dilution streak of a mixture of Lac+ and Lac– bacteria. Only gram-negative bacteria grow on lactose MacConkey (selective). Only a species capable of fermenting lactose produces pink colonies (differential).

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ria because it contains bile salts and crystal violet, which prevent the growth of gram-positives. The medium also includes lactose, neutral red, and peptones to differentiate lactose fermenters from nonfermenters. Thus, a culture grown in MacConkey medium will consist of gram-negative organisms that can be identified as lactose fermenters (red colonies) or nonfermenters (uncolored colonies; Fig. 4.14). This medium is of particular benefit when diagnosing the etiology (cause) of diarrheal disease because most normal flora are lactose fermenters, whereas two important pathogens, Salmonella and Shigella, are lactose nonfermenters. THOUGHT QUESTION 4.5 The addition of sheep blood to agar produces a very rich medium called blood agar. Do you think blood agar can be considered a selective medium? A differential medium? Hint: Some bacteria can lyse red blood cells. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

■ ■

Microbes in nature usually exist in complex, multispecies communities, but for detailed studies they must be grown separately in pure culture. Bacteria can be cultured on solid or liquid media. Minimal defi ned media contain only those nutrients essential for growth. Complex, or rich, media contain many nutrients. Other media exploit specific differences between organisms and can be defined as selective or differential.


Counting Bacteria

Counting or quantifying organisms invisible to the naked eye is surprisingly difficult because each of the available techniques measures a different physical or biochemical aspect of growth. Thus, a cell density value (given as

1. Slide with shallow wells and inscribed grid (~400 squares, 0.0025 mm2 each).

2. Coverslip is placed over slide.


The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

cells per milliliter) derived from one technique will not necessarily agree with the value obtained by a different method.

Direct Counting Enumerates Both Living and Dead Cells Microorganisms can be counted directly using a microscope. A dilution of a bacterial culture is placed on a special microscope slide called a hemocytometer (or, more specifically for bacteria, a Petroff-Hausser counting chamber, Fig. 4.15). Etched on the surface of the slide is a grid of precise dimensions, and placing a coverslip over the grid creates a space of precise volume. The number of organisms counted within that volume is used to calculate the concentration of cells in the original culture. However, “seeing” an organism under the microscope does not mean that the organism is alive. Living and dead cells are indistinguishable by this basic approach. Living cells may be distinguished from dead cells by fluorescence microscopy using fluorescent chemical dyes, as discussed in Chapter 2. For example, propidium iodide, a red dye, intercalates between DNA bases but cannot freely penetrate the energized membranes of living cells. Thus, only dead cells stain red under a fluorescence scope. Another dye, Syto-9, enters both living and dead cells, staining them both green. By combining Syto-9 with propidium iodide, living and dead cells can be distinguished: Living cells will stain green, whereas dead cells appear orange or yellow because both dyes enter, and Syto-9 (green) plus propidium (red) appears yellow (Fig. 4.16). Direct counting without microscopy can be accomplished by a Coulter counter. In the Coulter counter, a microbial culture is forced through a small orifice, through which flows an electrical current. Electrodes placed on both sides measure resistance. Every time

3. Bacterial suspension is added to wells and seeps under the coverslip to fill the shallow space of known volume over the grid.

4. Bacterial cells in each square are counted under a microscope.

0.2 mm apart

Figure 4.15 The Petroff-Hausser chamber for direct microscopic counts. Special slides have a precision grid etched on the surface. The organisms in several squares are counted, and their numbers are averaged. Knowing the dimensions of the grid and the height of the coverslip over the slide enables one to calculate the number of organisms in a milliliter.

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what conditions that gene is expressed and whether all cells in the population express that gene at the same time and to the same extent (Fig. 4.17B). Cheek cell nuclei


Molecular Probes, Inc.


Live-dead stain. Live and dead bacteria visualized on freshly isolated human cheek epithelial cells using LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit. Dead bacterial cells fluoresce orange or yellow because propidium (red) can enter the cells and intercalate the base pairs of DNA. Live cells fluoresce green because Syto-9 (green) enters the cell. The faint green smears are the outlines of cheek cells.

Figure 4.16

a cell passes through the orifice, electrical resistance increases, and the cell is counted. The Coulter counter, however, works best with larger eukaryotic cells, such as red blood cells; the instrument is not generally sensitive enough to detect individual bacteria. An electronic technique more suited to counting and separating bacterial cells requires an instrument called a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). In the FACS technique, bacterial cells that synthesize a fluorescent protein (see cyan fluorescent protein, Section 3.6) or that have been labeled with a fluorescent antibody or chemical are passed through a small orifice, as in the Coulter counter, and then past a laser (Fig. 4.17A). Detectors measure light scatter in the forward direction, a measure of particle size, and to the side, which indicates shape or granularity. In addition, the laser activates the fluorophore in the fluorescent antibody, and a detector measures fluorescence intensity. The FACS technique can be used to identify and count different populations of cells within a single culture based on cell size and level of fluorescence (that is, one subpopulation may fluoresce more than or less than another). For example, by placing the green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) under the control of the regulatory DNA sequences of a bacterial gene (creating a gene fusion), researchers can count the cells expressing that gene using FACS analysis; this, in turn, makes it possible to determine under

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Viable Counts Estimate the Number of Cells That Can Form Colonies Viable cells, as noted previously, are those that can replicate and form colonies on a plate. To obtain a viable cell count, dilutions of a liquid culture can be plated directly on an agar surface or added to liquid agar cooled to about 42–45°C. The agar is subsequently poured into an empty Petri plate (pour plate), where the agar cools further and solidifies. Because many bacteria resist short exposures to that temperature, individual cells retain the ability to form colonies on, and in, the pour plate. After colonies form, they are counted, and the original cell number is calculated. For example, if 100 colonies are observed in a pour plate made with 100 microliters (µl) of a 10 –3 dilution of a culture, there are 106 organisms per milliliter of the original culture. Although viable counts are widely used in research, there are problems using this method to measure cell number and determine cultural characteristics. One issue is that colony counting does not reflect cell size or growth stage. Even more problematic is that colony counts usually underestimate the number of living cells in a culture. As noted earlier, metabolically active cells that do not form colonies on agar plates will typically not be counted as alive. Cells damaged for one reason or another, while still alive, may be too compromised to divide. Comparing a viable count with a direct count obtained from a live-dead stain can expose the presence of damaged cells. Organisms such as Streptococci pose another problem. These organisms grow in chains. If individual cells in a chain are not separated prior to plating, each colony seen will have formed from a group of cells. This will cause actual cell numbers to be underestimated and is why the results of this counting technique are reported as colony-forming units (CFUs) rather than cells.

Biochemical Assays Measure Overall Population Size In contrast to methods that visualize individual cells, assays of cell mass, protein content, or metabolic rate measure the overall size of a population of cells. The most straightforward but time-consuming biochemical approach to monitoring population growth is to measure the dry weight of a culture. Cells are collected by centrifugation, washed, dried in an oven, and weighed. Because bacterial cells weigh very little, a large volume of culture must be harvested to obtain measurements, which makes this technique quite insensitive. A more accurate alternative is to measure increases in protein levels, which correlate with increases in cell number. Protein levels are more easily measured and use relatively sensitive assays.

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Optical Density: A Rapid Measure of Population Growth The phenomenon of light scattering was introduced in Chapter 2. We noted that although individual bacteria could not be resolved based on the detection of scattered light by the unaided human eye, the presence of numerous bacteria in a tube of medium could be detected as a cloudy appearance. The decrease in intensity of a light beam due to the scattering of light by a suspension of particles is measured as optical density. Note that only parA. Flow cell body

Sample stream


Charging collar 3,000 volts (–) 3,000 volts (+) Deflection plate

Sorted cell

Cell collector



Figure 4.17 Fluorescence-activated cell sorter. A. Schematic diagram of a FACS apparatus (bidirectional sorting). B. Separation of GFP-producing E. coli from non-GFP-producing E. coli. The low-level fluorescence in the cells on the left is baseline fluorescence (autofluorescence). The scatterplot displays the same FACS data, showing the size distribution of cells (x-axis) with respect to level of fluorescence (y-axis). The larger cells may be ones that are about to divide.

Fluorescent cells of increasing size Non-GFPproducing cells


High 104


Fluorescence level



Numbers of organisms

Large fluorescent cells

GFP-producing (fluorescent) cells




0 0 10

101 Low

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ticles in suspension, such as cells and macromolecules, can scatter light. True solutions, such as a solution of salt or of glucose, are clear even at high concentration. The optical density of light scattered by bacteria is a very useful tool for estimating population size. The method is quick and easy, but because light scattering is a complex function of cell number and volume, optical density provides only an approximate result that must be corrected using a standard curve. Typically, a standard curve is obtained that plots viable counts for cultures versus optical densities as measured by a spectrophotometer. Thereafter, the optical density of a growing culture is measured, and the standard curve is used to estimate cell number at any given point during growth. One inherent problem in estimating cell numbers based on optical density is that a cell’s volume can vary, depending on its growth stage, altering its light-scattering properties. Thus, the cell number estimated by the standard curve may deviate from the true number. Another problem is that dead cells also scatter light. Clearly, using optical density to estimate viable count can be misleading, especially when measuring populations in stationary phase.


Tube of cells

102 103 104 FL1-GFP High Fluorescence level

Low 100


Small nonfluorescent cells Increasing cell size

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment


Microorganisms in culture may be counted directly under a microscope, with or without staining, or by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Microorganisms can be counted indirectly, as in viable counts and measurement of dry weight, protein levels, or optical density. A viable bacterial organism is defined as being capable of replicating and forming a colony on a solidmedium surface.


The Growth Cycle

How do microbes grow? What determines their rate of growth? And when does growth start in a nongrowing population? In nature, the answers to these questions are extremely complex. Most microbes in nature do not exist alone, but in complex communities of microbes and multicellular organisms. Studying the growth of multicellular forms requires considering them as a unit. Yet these same multicellular forms can send off planktonic cells, freeliving organisms that grow and multiply on their own. Nevertheless, all species at one time or another exhibit both rapid growth and nongrowth, as well as many phases in between. For clarity, we present here the principles of rapid growth, while bearing in mind the actual diversity of growth situations in nature. The ultimate goal of any species is to make more of its own kind. This fundamental law ensures survival of the species. A typical bacterium (at least the typical bacterium that can be cultured in the laboratory) grows by increasing in length and mass, which facilitates expansion of its nucleoid as its DNA replicates (see Section 3.3). As DNA replication nears completion, the cell, in response to com-

plex genetic signals, begins to synthesize an equatorial septum that ultimately separates the two daughter cells. In this overall process called binary fission, one parent cell splits into two equal daughter cells (Fig. 4.18A). Note, however, that although a majority of culturable bacteria divide symmetrically in two equal halves, some species divide asymmetrically. For example, the bacterium Caulobacter forms a stalked cell that remains fixed to a solid surface but reproduces by budding from one end to produce small, unstalked motile cells. The marine organism Hyphomicrobium also replicates asymmetrically by budding, releasing a smaller cell from a stalked parent (Fig. 4.18B). Eukaryotic microbes divide by a special form of cell fission involving mitosis, the segregation of pairs of chromosomes within the nucleus (see Section 20.2 and Appendix 2). Some eukaryotes also undergo more complex life cycles involving budding and diverse morphological forms. Nevertheless, a large population of eukaryotic microbes will exhibit the same mathematical functions of growth seen in bacteria; indeed, these same growth patterns are seen in large populations of multicellular organisms, including ourselves.

Unlimited Population Growth Is Exponential The process of reproduction has implications for growth not only of the individual, but also of populations. If we assume that growth occurs without limits, what happens to the population? The unlimited growth of any population obeys a simple law: The growth rate, or rate of increase in population numbers or biomass, is proportional to the population size at a given time. Such a growth rate is called exponential because it generates an exponential curve, a curve whose slope increases continually. Figure 4.18 Symmetrical and asymmetrical cell division. A. Symmetrical cell division, or binary fission, in Lactobacillus sp. (SEM). B. Budding of the marine bacterium Hyphomicrobium (approx. 4 µm long).


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Budding cell

Ellen Quardokus

1 µm

©Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc.


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How does binary fission of cells generate an exponential curve? If each cell produces two cells per generation, then the population size at any given time is proportional to 2n, where the exponent n represents the number of generations (replacement of parents by offspring) that have taken place between two time points. Thus, cell number rises exponentially. Many microbes, however, have replication cycles based on numbers other than two. For example, some cyanobacteria form cell aggregates that divide by multiple fission, releasing dozens of daughter cells. The cyanobacterium enlarges without dividing, and then suddenly divides many times without separating. The cell mass breaks open to release hundreds of progeny cells. It is important to note that simple binary fission is not the only kind of reproduction that would generate an exponential curve. Any generation size will yield exponential growth. For example, the imaginary, softballsized, fuzzy creatures called “tribbles” created in an episode of the television series Star Trek supposedly produced 11 offspring per generation and soon overran the starship. The rate of increase of the tribble population is proportional to 11n, where n is the number of tribble generations (Fig. 4.19A). In comparison with bacterial reproduction, which produces only 2 cells per generation, we might expect the growth rate of tribbles to be dramatically faster. In fact, this is the case for the fi rst few generations. But after a few more generations, the bacterial growth curve eventually achieves the same steep slope (that is, rate) as the tribble curve (Fig. 4.19B); the two curves are, in fact, graphical representations of the same kind of exponential function.

A Constant Generation Time Results in Logarithmic Growth A variable not accounted for in Figure 4.19B is the length of time from one generation to the next. In an environment with unlimited resources, bacteria divide at a constant interval called the generation time. The length of that interval varies with respect to many parameters, including the bacterial species, type of medium, temperature, and pH. The generation time for cells in culture is also known as the doubling time, because the population of cells doubles over one generation. For example, one cell of E. coli placed into a complex medium will divide every 20 minutes. After 1 hour of growth (three generations), that one cell will have become eight (1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8). Because cell number (N) doubles with each division, the increase in cell number over time is exponential, not linear. A linear increase would occur if cell number rose by a fixed amount after every generation (for example, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4). Starting with any number of organisms (N0 ), the number of organisms after n generations will be N0 × 2n. For example, a single cell after three generations (n = 3) will produce 1 cell × 23 = 8 cells



11 offspring per generation 11 tribbles 11 tribbles 11 tribbles 11 tribbles 11 tribbles 11 tribbles 11 tribbles 11 tribbles

12,000 10,000 Population size

11 tribbles 11 tribbles


The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

THOUGHT QUESTION 4.6 A virus such as influenza virus might produce 800 progeny virus particles from one infected host cell. How would you mathematically represent the exponential growth of the virus? What practical factors might limit such growth?


1 tribble

11 tribbles



8,000 6,000 4,000

2 offspring per generation

2,000 0

1 cell 8 cells

16 cells

32 cells

5 10 Generation number (n)


Reproduction: from one to many. A. Exponential growth of a hypothetical organism (tribbles from the Star Trek series) that produces 11 progeny per generation, compared with an organism that produces 2 offspring per generation. B. Growth curves for a population that increases 11-fold per generation and for a population that increases twofold per generation.

Figure 4.19

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

B. Bacterial growth curve

A. 1.0 –0.40 –0.60 –0.80 –1.00 0.1 –1.20 0.05

–1.40 Exponential growth converted to log scale

Number of microbes (log scale)

Optical density (OD600)



4 Death phase

1. Bacteria are preparing their cell machinery for growth. 2. Growth approximates an exponential curve (straight line, on a logarithmic scale). 3. Cells stop growing and shut down their growth machinery while turning on stress responses to help retain viability.

107 106

4. Cells die with a “half-life” similar to that of radioactive decay, a negative exponential curve.


20 40 60 80 Growth time (min)

Time (arbitrary)


becomes log10 Nt = log10 N0 + n log10 2

109 Population density (cells/ml)

3 Stationary phase


10 0.01

1 2 Lag Log phase phase

n log10 2 = log10 Nt – log10 N0 n = (log10 Nt – log10 N0) ÷ log10 2



n = log10 (Nt/N0) ÷ log10 2 n = log10 (Nt/N0) ÷ 0.301


Thiobacillus thiooxidans grown on sulfur at different starting concentrations.




8 Time (days)


Bacterial growth curves. A. Theoretical growth curve of a bacterial suspension measured by optical density at a wavelength of 600 nm. B. Phases of bacterial growth in a typical batch culture. C. Published growth curves of Thiobacillus thiooxidans, an acidophile that oxidizes sulfur to sulfuric acid. Whatever the starting cell density, the culture grows exponentially until it runs out of sulfur; then it enters the stationary phase.

Figure 4.20

Source: C. Yasuhiro Konishi, et al. 1995. Applied and Environmental Biology 61:3617.

The number of generations that an exponential culture undergoes in a given time period can be calculated if the number of cells at the start of the period (N0 ) and the number of cells at the end of the period (Nt) are known. Methods such as viable count are used to make those determinations. To simplify calculations, instead of using base 2 logarithms, the log2 expressions are converted to base 10 through division by a factor of log10 2, which is approximately 0.301. Thus: Nt = N0 × 2n

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In practice, exponential growth occurs only for a short period when all nutrients are in full supply and the concentration of waste products has not become a limiting factor. The rate of exponential growth can be expressed as the mean growth rate constant (k), which is the number of generations (n) per unit time (usually generations per hour). Even if we do not know the generation time, we can calculate k if we know the number of organisms at time zero (N0 ) and the number of organisms after incubation time t (Nt ) as follows: k = n/t = (log10 Nt – log10 N0) ÷ 0.301t Thus, a culture with a generation time of 20 minutes (0.33 hour) will have a mean growth rate constant of 3 generations per hour (k = 3). For a culture doubling every 120 minutes (2 hours), k is 0.5. Note from these examples that the mean generation time (g) in hours is the reciprocal of the mean growth rate constant: g = 1/k The growth rate constant can also be calculated from the slope of log10 N over time, where N is a relative measure of culture density, such as the optical density measured in a spectrophotometer (Fig. 4.20A). The units of N do not matter because we are always looking at ratios of cell numbers relative to an earlier level. For example, we can use the following series of optical density (OD) measurements to measure N:

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Pa r t 1

Time (min)


log10 OD600

0 15 30 45 60

0.05 0.08 0.13 0.20 0.33

–1.30 –1.10 –0.89 –0.69 –0.48

If we plot log10 OD600 versus time, we obtain a line with a slope of 0.0136/min. Substituting in equation 4.1, we obtain k, the growth rate constant (doubling time): k = (0.0136/min)(60 min/h) ÷ 0.301 = 2.7 doublings per hour The steeper the slope, the faster the organisms are dividing. THOUGHT QUESTION 4.7 Suppose 1,000 bacteria are inoculated in a tube of minimal salts medium, where they double once an hour; and 10 bacteria are inoculated into rich medium, where they double in 20 minutes. Which tube will have more bacteria after 2 hours? After 4 hours? THOUGHT QUESTION 4.8 An exponentially growing culture has an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.2 after 30 minutes and an OD600 of 0.8 after 80 minutes. What is the doubling time? THOUGHT QUESTION 4.9 Figure 4.20C shows growth curves for different population densities of Thiobacillus thiooxidans when the concentration of sulfur in the medium is constant. Draw the growth curves you would expect to see if the initial population density was constant but the concentration of sulfur varied. The mathematics of exponential growth is relatively straightforward, but remember that microbes grow differently in pure culture (very rare in nature) than they do in mixed communities, where neighboring cells produce all kinds of substances that may feed or poison other microbes. In mixed communities, the microbes may grow planktonically (floating in liquid), as in the open ocean, or as a biofi lm on solid matter suspended in that ocean. In each instance, the mathematics of exponential growth apply at least until the community reaches a density at which different species begin to compete. THOUGHT QUESTION 4.10 It takes 40 minutes for a typical E. coli cell to completely replicate its chromosome and about 20 minutes to prepare for another round of replication. Yet the organism enjoys a 20-minute generation time growing at 37°C in complex medium. How is this possible?

Stages of Growth in Batch Culture Exponential growth never lasts indefi nitely because nutrient consumption and toxic by-products eventually slow

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the growth rate until it halts altogether. The simplest way to model the effects of changing conditions is to culture bacteria in liquid medium within a closed system, such as a flask or test tube. This is called batch culture. In batch culture, no fresh medium is added during incubation; thus, nutrient concentrations decline and waste products accumulate during growth. These changing conditions profoundly affect bacterial physiology and growth and illustrate the remarkable ability of bacteria to adapt to their environment. As medium conditions deteriorate, alterations occur in membrane composition, cell size, and metabolic pathways, all of which impact generation time. Microbes possess intricate, self-preserving genetic and metabolic mechanisms that slow growth before their cells lose viability. Because many bacteria replicate by binary fission, the plotting of culture growth (as represented by the logarithm of the cell number) versus incubation time allows us to see the effect of changing conditions on generation time and reveals several stages of growth (Fig. 4.20B). Lag phase. Cells transferred from an old culture to fresh

growth media need time to detect their environment, express specific genes, and synthesize components needed to institute rapid growth. As a result, bacteria inoculated into fresh media typically experience a lag period, or lag phase, where cells do not divide. There are several reasons for this. Cells taken from an aged culture may be damaged and require time for repair. Carbon, nitrogen, or energy sources different from those originally used by the seed culture must be sensed, and the appropriate enzyme systems must be synthesized. The length of lag phase varies, depending on the age of the culture, changes in temperature, and the differences between the new and old media (for example, changes in nutrient levels, pH, and salt concentrations). For example, transferring cells from a complex medium to a fresh complex medium results in a very short lag phase, whereas cells grown in a complex medium and then plunged into a minimal defined medium experience a protracted lag phase, during which time they readjust to synthesize all the amino acids, nucleotides, and other metabolites originally supplied by the complex medium. Early log, or exponential, phase. Once cells have retooled their physiology to accommodate the new environment, they begin to grow exponentially and enter what is called exponential, or logarithmic (log) phase. Exponential growth is balanced growth, where all cell components are synthesized at constant rates relative to each other. At this stage, cells are growing and dividing at the maximum rate possible based on the medium and growth conditions provided (such as, temperature, pH, and osmolarity). Cells are largest at this stage of growth. This is the linear part of the growth curve. If cell division were synchronized and all cells divided at the same time, the growth curve during this period would appear as a series of steps with cell

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

numbers doubling instantly after every generation time. But batch cultures are not synchronous. Every cell has an equal generation time, but each cell divides at a slightly different moment, making the cell number rise smoothly. Cells enjoying balanced, exponential growth are temporarily thrown into metabolic chaos (unbalanced growth) when their medium is abruptly changed. Nutritional downshift (moving cells from a good carbon source such as glucose to a poorer carbon source such as succinate) or nutritional upshift (moving cells to a better carbon source) casts cells into unbalanced growth. Downshift to a carbon source with a lower energy yield not only means that a different set of enzymes must be made and employed to use the carbon source, but also means that the previous high rate of macromolecular synthesis (such as ribosome synthesis) used to support a fast generation time is now too rapid relative to the lower energy yield. Failure to adjust will lead to increased mistakes in RNA, protein, and DNA synthesis, depletion of key energy stores, and ultimately death. Microbes, however, possess molecular fail-safe systems that immediately dampen rates of macromolecular synthesis until they come into balance with the rest of metabolism. In contrast, nutritional upshift means that the cell will start making more energy (ATP) than it can use at its current rate of macromolecular synthesis. The same fail-safe mechanisms used during downshift will, during upshift, kick macromolecular synthesis into a higher gear, once again establishing balanced growth. Nutritional upshift causes cells to reenter log phase but with a shorter generation time. Late log phase. As cell density (number of cells per milliliter) rises during log phase, the rate of doubling eventually slows, and a new set of growth-phase–dependent genes are expressed. At this point, some species can also begin to detect the presence of others by sending and receiving chemical signals in a process known as quorum sensing (discussed in Chapter 10). Stationary phase. Eventually, cell numbers stop rising

owing to lack of a key nutrient or buildup of waste products. This occurs for bacteria grown in a complex medium when cell density rises above 109 cells per milliliter, but it can occur at lower cell densities if nutrients are limiting. At this point, the growth curve levels off and the culture enters what is called stationary phase. In contrast to bacteria, eukaryotic microorganisms, such as protozoa, enter stationary phase at much lower cell numbers, usually around 106 organisms per milliliter. The reason for this is simply that eukaryotic cells are bigger than bacteria. Bigger cells use more nutrient and run out of it sooner. If they did not change their physiology, microbes would be very vulnerable once entering stationary phase. Because cells in stationary phase are not as metabolically nimble as cells in exponential phase, damage from oxygen radicals and toxic by-products of metabolism would read-

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ily kill them. As an avoidance strategy, some bacteria differentiate into very resistant spores in response to nutrient depletion (see Section 4.7), while other bacteria undergo less dramatic but very effective molecular reprogramming. The microbial model organism E. coli, for example, adjusts to stationary phase by decreasing its size, minimizing the volume of its cytoplasm compared with the volume of its nucleoid. Less nutrient is required to sustain the smaller cell. New stress resistance enzymes are also synthesized to handle oxygen radicals, protect DNA and proteins, and increase cell wall strength through increased peptidoglycan cross-linking. As a result, E. coli cells in stationary phase become more resistant to heat, osmotic pressure, pH changes, and other stresses that they might encounter while waiting for a new supply of nutrients. Death phase. Without reprieve in the way of new nutrients, cells in stationary phase will eventually succumb to toxic chemicals present in the environment. Like the growth rate, the death rate, the rate at which cells die, is logarithmic. The death rate, however, is a negative exponential function. Recall that the increase in cell number during exponential phase is a positive exponential function of time. In death phase, the number of cells that die in a given time period is proportional to the number that existed at the beginning of the time period. Determining microbial death rates is critical to the study of food preservation and to antibiotic development (further discussed in Chapters 5, 16, and 27). Although death curves are basically logarithmic, exact death rates are difficult to defi ne because mutations arise that promote survival, and some cells grow by cannibalizing others. Consequently, the death phase is extremely prolonged. A portion of the cells will often survive for months, years, or even decades. In Figure 4.20C, we see an actual bacterial growth curve from a study of T. thiooxidans, an organism that oxidizes sulfur to sulfuric acid and grows below pH 1. Growth curves are shown for several different starting concentrations of bacteria. In each case, the bacteria grow exponentially for several days, until they have exhausted the sulfur in their growth medium. Their growth then slows until they enter stationary phase.

THOUGHT QUESTION 4.11 What can happen to the growth curve when a culture medium contains two carbon sources, one a preferred carbon source of growth-limiting concentration and a second, nonpreferred source? (See Section 10.3.) THOUGHT QUESTION 4.12 How would you modify the equations describing microbial growth rate to describe the rate of death? THOUGHT QUESTION 4.13 Why are cells in log phase larger than cells in stationary phase?

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Pa r t 1


Sterile air inlet


The M ic ro b i al Ce l l



Courtesy of Global Medical Instrumentation, Inc.

Fresh media (ingested food) Fresh medium

Culture “flask” (intestines) Culture flask Spent medium, wastes, and excess microbes

Wastes and excess microbes

Chemostats and continuous culture. A. The basic chemostat ensures logarithmic growth by constantly adding and removing equal amounts of culture media. B. Note that the human gastrointestinal tract is engineered much like a chemostat in that new nutrients are always arriving from the throat while equal amounts of bacterial culture exit in fecal waste. C. A modern chemostat.

Figure 4.21

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Bacterial mass

Generation time

Generation time (min)

In the classic growth curve that develops in closed systems, the exponential phase spans only a few generations. In open systems, however, where fresh medium is continually added to a culture and an equal amount of culture is constantly siphoned off, bacterial populations can be maintained in exponential phase at a constant cell mass for extended periods of time. In this type of growth pattern, known as continuous culture, all cells in a population achieve a steady state, which permits detailed analysis of microbial physiology at different growth rates. The chemostat is a continuous culture system in which the diluting medium contains a limiting amount of an essential nutrient (Fig. 4.21). Increasing the flow rate increases the amount of nutrient available to the microbe. The more nutrient available, the faster a cell’s mass will increase. Because cell division is triggered at a defined cell mass, it follows that the growth rate in a chemostat is directly related to the dilution rate, or flow rate (milliliters per hour divided by the vessel volume). The more nutrient a culture receives as a result of increasing flow rate, the faster those cells can replicate (that is, the shorter the generation time). The complex relationships among dilution rate, cell mass, and generation time in a chemostat are illustrated in Figure 4.22. The curves in this figure represent a typical experimental result, which can vary with organism, limiting nutrient, temperature, and so on. Depending on the experimental conditions, the shapes of the curves may change, but the general relationships will remain similar. Note that at moderate dilution rates (defined differently for each species), an increased flow rate of medium

Steady state


Nutrient Bacterial mass

Continuous Culture Maintains Constant Cell Mass during Exponential Growth

Nutrient concentration in vessel

Dilution rate (flow rate)

Washout Faster

Relationships between dilution rate, cell mass, and generation time. As the dilution rate increases in a chemostat (meaning more nutrient is fed to the culture), the generation time decreases (the cells divide more quickly) and the cell mass of the culture increases. This continues until the rate of dilution exceeds the division rate, at which point cells are washed from the vessel faster than they can be replaced by division and the cell mass decreases. The y-axis varies, depending on the curve, as labeled in figure.

Figure 4.22

through the system increases division rate (thus, generation time decreases as the cells divide faster). A constant cell mass, or density, is maintained over a range of flow rates because the amount of culture (and cells) removed from the vessel exactly compensates for the increased rate of cell division.

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

At faster and faster flow rates, cells are eventually removed more quickly than they can be replenished by division, so cell density (cell mass) decreases in the vessel. This is called washout. Notice, in contrast, that at very low dilution (flow) rates, an increase in rate will actually increase cell density. This is because at extremely low dilution rates, the nutrient is so limiting that cell mass cannot increase to the point necessary for division. If more nutrient becomes available, the system can maintain a higher cell mass and cell density because the cells are able to divide faster than they are removed. With slow flow rates, the removal of fluid is not a significant factor in determining cell density. The turbidostat is essentially a chemostat in which a photoelectric cell constantly monitors the optical density (turbidity) of the culture. The flow of medium through the vessel is then regulated to maintain a constant turbidity and thus cell density. The turbidostat is most suited to high dilution rates, where the numbers of cells can change quickly and overwhelm a less responsive system; the chemostat, which must be adjusted manually, is better suited at low dilution rates. Continuous cultures are used to study large numbers of cells at constant growth rate and cell mass for both research and industrial applications. Most bacteria in nature grow at very slow rates, a situation that can be mimicked in a chemostat. The physiology of these cells is quite different from what is typically observed using batch culture.

Biofilms: A Multicellular Microbe? Biofi lms can be constructed by a single species or by multiple, collaborating species and can form on a range of organic or inorganic surfaces (Fig. 4.23). The gramnegative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, for example, can form a single-species biofi lm on the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis or on medical implants (Special Topic 4.1). Distinct stages in biofi lm development include initiation, maturation, maintenance, and dissolution. Bacterial biofi lms form when nutrients are plentiful. The goal is to stay where food is plentiful. Why should a microbe travel off to hunt for food when it is already available? Once nutrients become scarce, however, individuals detach from the community to forage for new sources of nutrient. Biofi lms in nature can take many different forms and serve different functions for different species. In addition, formation of biofi lms can be cued by different environmental signals in different species. Such signals include pH, iron concentration, temperature, oxygen availability, and the presence of certain amino acids.


The growth cycle of organisms grown in liquid batch culture consists of lag phase, log phase, stationary phase, and death phase. The physiology of a bacterial population changes with growth phase. Continuous culture can be used to sustain a population of bacteria at a specified growth rate and cell density.




Bacteria are typically thought of as unicellular; but in nature, many, if not most, bacteria form specialized, surface-attached communities called biofilms. Indeed, within aquatic environments, bacteria are found mainly associated with surfaces, a fact that underscores the importance of biofi lms in nature. Biofi lms also play critical roles in microbial pathogenesis and environmental quality, and cost the nation billions of dollars each year in equipment damage, product contamination, and medical infections. For example, pseudomonad or staphylococcal biofi lms can damage ventilators used to assist respiration and can act as direct sources of infection.

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©J. D. Ruby, K. F. Gerencser

Wendy Love, MSU-CBE



Biofilms. A. A thermophilic microbial mat found attached to a rock in Yellowstone National Park (confocal scanning laser microscope image). The autofluorescence of these cyanobacterial cells of the genus Synechococcus was generated using a 568-nm krypton laser and a 590LP filter. B. Biofilm on a tooth. The biofilm that forms on teeth is called plaque.

Figure 4.23

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The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

Biofilms, Disease, and Antibiotic Resistance

When causing diseases of plants, animals, or humans, bacteria preferentially exist in surface-attached biofilms. Attachment to host tissues and multicellular growth are important in many situations, from simple wound infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus to colonization of the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. One characteristic of bacterial biofilms is a marked increase in antibiotic tolerance. The failure to cure infections that stem from bacterial-pathogen biofilm formation is well documented, but the basis of persistence remains unclear. The literature offers different explanations for increased tolerance of antibiotics by microcolonies, including reduced penetration of drug into the microcolony and an altered stress-resistant physiology by the cells in the interior of the colony. A study of P. aeruginosa biofilms clearly demonstrated the importance of multicellular cooperativity of cells within the biofilm. It appears that quorum sensing induces the drug-

tolerant state. Cells in the biofilm release a chemical signal molecule called an acyl homoserine lactone (AHL). The population of cells respond to these molecules by increasing resistance to certain antimicrobial agents. As shown in Figure 1, cells within a typical biofilm are resistant to the antibiotic tobramycin. The fluorescent stain used in this experiment will stain live cells green and dead cells red. However, simultaneous treatment of P. aeruginosa biofilms with a specific quorum-sensing blocker and the antibiotic tobramycin led to the effective killing of the cells by the antibiotic. The quorumsensing blocker, a novel, synthetically produced brominated furanone, did not reduce the viability of the P. aeruginosa cells. This result is consistent with the furanone specifically interfering with the AHL quorum-sensing system as seen by a microarray analysis. Hence, the shutdown of the AHL quorum-sensing system in the biofilm cells made them sensitive to the antibiotic. B. 10 µg/ml furanone; 100 µg/ml tobramycin Hentzer, et al. 2003. European Molecular Biology Organization

A. No furanone; 100 µg/ml tobramycin

Hentzer, et al. 2003. European Molecular Biology Organization

Special Topic 4.1

Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms to the antibiotic tobramycin is mediated by cell-cell signaling. Tobramycin sensitivity was tested in the presence and absence of the furanone compound C-30, which specifically inhibits cell-cell signaling. P. aeruginosa biofilms were grown in the absence (left panel) and presence (right panel) of 10 mM C-30. After three days, the biofilms were exposed to 100 µg/ml tobramycin for 24 hours. Bacterial viability was assayed by staining using the LIVE/DEAD BacLight BacterialViability Kit. Red areas are dead bacteria and green areas are live bacteria. Views are top and cross-sectional. Panels show top and side views of the biofilms.

Figure 1

Nevertheless, a common pattern emerges in the formation of many kinds of biofi lms (Fig. 4.24). First, the specific environmental signal induces a genetic program in planktonic cells. The planktonic cells then start to attach to nearby inanimate surfaces by means of flagella, pili, lipopolysaccharides, or other cell

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surface appendages, and begin to coat that surface with an organic monolayer of polysaccharides or glycoproteins to which more planktonic cells can attach. At this point, cells may move along surfaces using a twitching motility that involves the extension and retraction of a specific type of pilus. Ultimately, they stop moving and

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment


Planktonic forms

Attachment monolayer

Figure 4.24

Biofilm development.



Biofilm development in Pseudomonas.

fi rmly attach to the surface. As more and more cells bind to the surface, they can begin to communicate with each other by sending and receiving chemical signals in a process called quorum sensing. These chemical signal molecules are continually made by individual cells. Once the population reaches a certain number (analogous to an organizational “quorum”), the chemical signal reaches a specific concentration that the cells can sense. This triggers genetically regulated changes that cause cells to bind tenaciously to the substrate and to each other. Next, the cells form a thick extracellular matrix of polysaccharide polymers and entrapped organic and inorganic materials. These exopolysaccharides (EPSs), such as alginate produced by P. aeruginosa and colanic acid produced by E. coli, increase the antibiotic resistance of residents within the biofi lm. As the biofi lm matures, the amalgam of adherent bacteria and matrix takes on complex three-dimensional forms such as columns and streamers, creating channels through which nutrients flow. Sessile cells in a biofi lm chemically “talk” to each other in order to build microcolonies and keep water channels open. Little is known about how a biofi lm dissolves, although the process is thought to be triggered by starvation. P. aeruginosa produces an alginate lyase that can strip away the EPSs, but the regulatory pathways involved in releasing cells from biofi lms are not clear. It is important to keep in mind that most biofi lms in nature are consortia of several species. Multispecies biofi lms certainly demand interspecies communication, and individual species may perform specialized tasks in the community. Organisms adapted to life in extreme environments also form biofilms. Members of Archaea form biofilms in acid mine drainage (pH 0), where they contribute to the recycling of sulfur, and cyanobacterial biofilms are common in thermal springs. Suspended particles called “marine snow” are found in ocean environments and appear to be floating biofilms comprising many organisms that have

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Exopolysaccharide (EPS) production

not yet been identified. The particles appear capable of methanogenesis, nitrogen fi xation, and sulfide production, indicating that biofilm architecture can allow anaerobic metabolism to occur in an otherwise aerobic environment. Biofi lms TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Biofilms are complex multicellular surface-attached microbial communities. Chemical signals enable bacteria to communicate (quorum sensing) and in some cases to form biofi lms. Biofilm development involves adherence of cells to a substrate, formation of microcolonies, and, ultimately, formation of complex channeled communities that generate new planktonic cells.


Cell Differentiation

Many bacteria faced with environmental stress undergo complex molecular reprogramming that includes changes in cell structure. Some species, like E. coli, experience relatively simple changes in cell structure, such as the formation of smaller cells or thicker cell surfaces. However, select species undergo elaborate cell differentiation processes. An example is Caulobacter crescentus, whose cells convert from the swimming form to the holdfast form before cell division. Each cell cycle then produces one sessile cell attached to its substrate by a holdfast, while its sister cell swims off in search of another habitat. Other species undergo far more elaborate transformations. The endospore formers generate heat-resistant capsules (spores) that can remain in suspended animation for thousands of years. Yet another group, the actinomycetes, form complex multicellular structures analogous to those of eukaryotes. In this case, cell struc-

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Pa r t 1

ture can change radically; and individual, freewheeling members of a species can relinquish their independence and band together, forming multicellular “organisms.” The actinomycete that produces streptomycin is one example. These differentiation programs illustrate the distinction between the presence of genes in a bacterial genome and their activation. Genes for differentiation are expressed only when the cell needs to survive stress. We will discuss gene activation in more detail in Chapter 10. Eukaryotic microbes also undergo highly complex life cycles. For example, Dictyostelium discoideum is a seemingly unremarkable ameba that grows as separate, independent cells. However, when challenged by adverse conditions such as starvation, the microbe secretes chemical signal molecules that choreograph a massive interaction of individuals to form complex multicellular structures. The developmental cycle of this organism may be compared to other eukaryotic microbes that are human parasites (discussed in Chapter 20). A.


The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

Endospores Are Bacteria in Suspended Animation Certain gram-positive genera, including important pathogens such as Clostridium tetani (tetanus), Clostridium botulinum (botulism), and Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) have the remarkable ability to develop dormant spores that are heat- and desiccation-resistant. Dessication and heat resistance are properties that make B. anthracis spores a potential bioweapon. Most of our knowledge of bacterial sporulation comes from the gram-positive soil bacterium B. subtilis. When growing in rich media, this microbe undergoes normal vegetative growth and can replicate every 30–60 minutes. However, starvation initiates an elaborate 8-hour genetic program that directs an asymmetrical cell division process and ultimately yields a spore (see Section 10.4). As shown in Figure 4.25 , sporulation can be divided into discrete stages primarily based on morphological

John Foster, U. of South Alabama


Endospore formation. A. Photomicrograph of Bacillus subtilis spores. The cells (approx. 2 µm long) are stained with crystal violet. B. Peter Setlow (right) of the University of Connecticut figured out how proteins regulate the process of differentiation of endospores. C. Stages of endospore formation.

Courtesy of Peter Setlow

Figure 4.25

C. Sporulation

Vegetative growth

Axial filament

Mother cell Germination Stage I. DNA extends into an axial filament.


Stage II. Septum forms near one pole, separating forespore from mother cell.

Stage VII. Mother cell releases spore.


Spore coat

Stage III. Mother cell engulfs the forespore, surrounding it with a second membrane.

Stage VI. Synthesis of dipicolinic acid and incorporation of calcium into spore coat.


Cortex Stage V. Forespore develops a cortex layer of peptidoglycan between original forespore membrane and the membrane from the mother cell.

Stage IV. Chromosomes of mother cell disintegrate. Exosporangium

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

appearance. Stage 0 (not shown) represents the point at which the vegetative cell decides to use one of two potential polar division sites to begin septum formation instead of the central division site used for vegetative growth. Stage I involves replicating and stretching the DNA into a long axial fi lament that spans the length of the cell. Ultimately, one of the polar division sites wins out, and in stage II, septation occurs, dividing the cell into two unequal compartments, the forespore, which will ultimately become the spore, and the larger mother cell, from which it is derived. Each compartment contains a chromosome. In stage III of sporulation, the mother cell membrane engulfs the forespore. Next, the mother cell chromosome is destroyed and a thick peptidoglycan layer (cortex) is placed between the two membranes surrounding the forespore protoplast (stage IV). Layers of coat proteins are then deposited on the outer membrane in stage V. Stage VI completes development of spore resistance to heat and chemical insults. This last process includes the synthesis of dipicolinic acid and the uptake of calcium into the core of the spore. Finally, the mother cell, now called a sporangium, releases the mature spore (stage VII). Spores are resistant to many environmental stresses that would kill vegetative cells. The nature of this resistance is due, in part, to desiccation of the spore (they have only 10–30% of a vegetative cell’s water content). But, as discovered by Peter Setlow and colleagues, spores are also packed with small acid-soluble proteins (SASPs) that bind to and protect DNA. The SASP coat protects the spore’s DNA from damage by ultraviolet light and various toxic chemicals. A fully mature spore can exist in soil for at least 50– 100 years and spores have been known to last thousands of years. Once proper nutrient conditions arise, another genetic program, called germination, is triggered to wake the dormant cell, dissolve the spore coat, and release a viable vegetative cell.

Cyanobacteria Differentiate into Nitrogen-Fixing Heterocysts Some of the autotrophic cyanobacteria, such as Anabaena, not only make oxygen through photosynthesis but “fi x” atmospheric nitrogen to make ammonia. This is surprising because nitrogenase, the enzyme required to fi x nitrogen, is very sensitive to oxygen, so one might expect that photosynthesis and nitrogen fi xation would be two mutually exclusive physiological activities. Anabaena have solved this dilemma by developing specialized cells, called heterocysts, that function in nitrogen fi xation (Fig. 4.26). A tightly regulated genetic program converts every tenth photosynthetic cell to a heterocyst, which loses the capacity to fi x CO2 and forms a spe-

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B. 20 µm

20 µm


C h ap t e r 4

William Buikema, U. of Chicago


Cyanobacteria and heterocyst formation. A. Light microscope image of cyanobacteria Phanizomenon. B. The cyanobacterial genus Anabaena. The expression of genes in heterocysts is different from their expression in other cells. All cells in the figure contain a cyanobacter gene to which the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been spliced. Only cells that have formed heterocysts are expressing the fused gene, which makes the cell fluoresce bright green.

Figure 4.26

cialized envelope to limit O2 access. How this organism produces such a precise spacing of heterocysts is currently the subject of intensive research.

Starvation Induces Differentiation into Fruiting Bodies Certain species of bacteria, in the microbial equivalent of barn raising, produce architectural marvels called fruiting bodies. The gram-negative species Myxococcus xanthus uses a gliding motility (involving a type of pilus, not a flagellum) to travel on surfaces as individuals or to move together as a mob (Fig. 4.27). Starvation triggers a developmental cycle in which 100,000 or more individuals aggregate, rising into a mound called a fruiting body. At this point, the system resembles a stage in P. aeruginosa biofi lm formation. However, myxococci within the interior of the fruiting body differentiate into thick-walled, spherical spores that are released into the surroundings. The changes involved in this differentiation process require many cell-cell interactions and a complex genetic program that we do not fully understand.

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7 hours

12 hours

20 µm

20 µm

20 µm

72 hours


The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

61 hours

31 hours

20 µm

J. M. Kuner and D. Kaiser

0 hours

20 µm

20 µm

Myxococcus swarm erecting a fruiting body. Approximately 100,000 cells begin to aggregate, and over the course of 72 hours they erect a fruiting body.

Figure 4.27

Some Bacteria Differentiate to Form Eukaryotic-like Structures The actinomycetes (see Chapter 19) such as Streptomyces are bacteria that form mycelia and sporangia analogous to the fi lamentous structures of eukaryotic fungi (Fig. 4.28). Several developmental programs tied to nutrient availability are at work in this process (Fig. 4.29). Under favorable nutrient conditions, a germ tube emerges from a germinating spore, grows from its tip (tip extension), and forms branches that grow along the surface of its food source. This type of growth produces an intertwined net-


Aerial hypha Spore-filled hyphae C. Society for General Microbiology, Reading, UK

Kim Findlay and Mark Buttner, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK

Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc.


work of long multinucleate fi laments (hyphae) collectively called substrate mycelia. After a few days, new genes are activated that cause the hyphae to grow upward, rising above the surface to form aerial mycelia. Compartments at the tips of these aerial hyphae contain 20–30 copies of the genome. Aerial hyphae stop growing as nutrients decline, triggering a developmental program that synthesizes antibiotics and produces spores (arthrospores) that are fundamentally different from endospores. This program lays down multiple septa that subdivide the compartment into single-genome prespores. The shape of the prespore then changes, its cell wall thickens, and deposits

10 µm 1 µm

Mycelia. A. Streptomyces lavendulae substrate mycelia. B. Filamentous colonies of Streptomyces coelicolor, an actinomycete known for producing antibiotics such as streptomycin. C. Streptomyces aerial hyphae. Arrow points to a hyphal spore (approx. 1 µm each).

Figure 4.28

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■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

1. Under favorable conditions one or two germ tubes emerge from a spore and produce a substrate mycelium. Germ tubes

Substrate mycelium

bld genes expressed

18 hrs

30 hrs

10 hrs

2. After 48 to 72 hours, bld genes cause production of aerial hyphae (i.e., aerial mycelia).

Free spore

whi genes expressed

2A. The tips of the hyphae form a spiral compartment containing multiple copies of the genome. Aerial mycelia Mycelia 3. When growth stops, the compartment segments (which requires the whi genes). Each segment changes shape and its wall thickens to become a dessication-resistant spore.

3 days

4 to 10 days

Figure 4.29

Developmental cycle of Streptomyces coelicolor.

are made in the spore that increase resistance to desiccation. These organisms are of tremendous interest, both for their ability to make antibiotics and for their fascinating developmental programs.

THOUGHT QUESTION 4.14 How might Streptomyces and Actinomyces species avoid committing suicide when they make their antibiotics?


Microbial development involves complex changes in cell forms. Endospore development in Bacillus and Clostridium involves production of dormant, stress-resistant endospores. Heterocyst development enables cyanobacteria to fi x nitrogen anaerobically while maintaining oxygenic photosynthesis. Multicellular fruiting bodies in Myxococcus and Dictyostelium and mycelia in actinomycetes develop in response to starvation, dispersing dormant cells to new environments.

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Concluding Thoughts All systems of microbial development share a common theme. They are all triggered in response to a change in their environment, such as depletion of resources, desiccation, or changes in temperature. Microbial responses to the environment have major implications for the function of ecosystems and for the microbial communities that inhabit the human body for good or ill. In Chapter 5, we survey the mechanisms of some of the major environmental responses of microbes.

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The M ic rob i al Ce l l


C H A P T E R R E V I EW Review Questions 1. What nutrients do microbes need to grow? 2. Explain the differences between autotrophy, hetero-

6. Under what circumstances would you use a selective

trophy, phototrophy, and chemotrophy. 3. Explain the basics of the carbon and nitrogen cycles. 4. Describe the various mechanisms of transporting nutrients in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. What are facilitated diffusion, coupled transport, ABC transporters, group translocation, and endocytosis? 5. Why is it important to grow bacteria in pure culture?

7. What are the factors that defi ne the growth phases of

medium? A differential medium? bacteria grown in batch culture? 8. Describe the important features of biofi lms. 9. Name three kinds of bacteria that undergo differ-

entiation, and give highlights of the differentiation processes.

Key Terms ABC transporter (124) antiport (123) ATP-binding cassette (124) autotroph (118, 119) axenic growth (118) batch culture (137) binary fission (134) biofilm (140) chemoautotroph/chemoautotrophy (118, 119) chemoheterotroph/chemoheterotrophy (119, 120) chemolithotroph (118) chemostat (139) chemotrophy (119) cofactor (117) colony (128) complex medium (130) confluent (129) continuous culture (139) Coulter counter (131) coupled transport (123) death phase (138) death rate (138) defined minimal medium (117) denitrification (120) differential medium (130) dilution streaking (128) doubling time (135)

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electrogenic (123) electroneutral (123) endosome (126) enriched medium (130) essential nutrient (116) exopolysaccharide (EPS) (142) exponential phase (137) fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) (132) forespore (144) generation time (135) germination (144) gliding motility (144) group translocation (126) growth factor (117) growth rate (134) heterotroph (118, 119) lag phase (137) lithotroph (118) logarithmic (log) phase (137) MacConkey medium (130) macronutrient (116) mean growth rate constant (136) membrane potential (120) microcolony (128) micronutrient (117) mitosis (134) mixotrophic (121) mother cell (144)

mycelium (145) nitrification (120) nitrogen-fixing bacterium (120) optical density (133) permease (122) phagocytosis (127) phagosome (127) phosphotransferase system (PTS) (126) photoautotroph/photoautotrophy (118, 119) photoheterotrophy (120) phototrophy (119) pinocytosis (126) planktonic cells (134) pour plate (132) pure culture (128) quorum sensing (142) selective medium (130) siderophore (125) spread plate (129) stationary phase (138) substrate-binding protein (125) symbiont (120) symport (123) synthetic medium (130) turbidostat (140) twitching motility (141) viable (129) viable but nonculturable (130)

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C h ap t e r 4

■ Ba c te r ia l C u lture, Growt h, and Dev elopment

Recommended Reading Angert, Esther R. 2005. Alternatives to binary fission in bacteria. Nature Reviews Microbiology 3:214–224 . Branda, Steven S., Ashlid Vik, Lisa Friedman, and Robert Kolter. 2005. Biofi lms: the matrix revisited. Trends in Microbiology 13:20–26. Davidson, Amy L., and Jue Chen. 2004. ATP-binding cassette transporters in bacteria. Annual Reviews in Biochemistry 73:241–268. England, Jennifer C., and James W. Gober. 2001. Cell cycle control of cell morphogenesis in Caulobacter. Current Opinion in Microbiology 4:674–680. Finkel, Steven E., and Robert Kolter. 1999. Evolution of microbial diversity during prolonged starvation. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 96:4023–4027.

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Higgins, Christopher F. 2001. ABC transporters: physiology, structure and mechanism—an overview. Research in Microbiology 152:205–210. Nystrom, Thomas. 2004. Stationary-phase physiology. Annual Review of Microbiology 58:161–181. Piggot, Patrick J., and David W. Hilbert. 2004. Sporulation of Bacillus subtilis. Current Opinion in Microbiology 7:579–586. Skerker, Jeffrey M., and Michael T. Laub, 2004. Cell-cycle progression and the generation of asymmetry in Caulobacter crescentus. Nature Reviews Microbiology 2:325–337.

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Chapter 5

Environmental Influences and Control of Microbial Growth 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9

Environmental Limits on Microbial Growth Microbial Responses to Changes in Temperature Microbial Adaptation to Variations in Pressure Microbial Responses to Changes in Water Activity and Salt Concentration Microbial Responses to Changes in pH Microbial Responses to Oxygen and Other Electron Acceptors Microbial Responses to Nutrient Deprivation and Starvation Physical and Chemical Methods of Controlling Microbial Growth Biological Control of Microbes

Microbes have both the fastest and the slowest growth rates of any known organism. Some hot-springs bacteria can double in as little as 10 minutes, whereas deep-sea sediment microbes may take as long as 100 years. And while the rapid growth of pathogens underlies the rapid spread of disease, Earth’s crust is shaped by microbes that grow very slowly in soil and rock. What determines these differences in growth rate? Nutrition is one factor, but niche-specific physical parameters like temperature, pH, and osmolarity are equally important. A microbe’s physiology is geared to work only within a narrow range of physical parameters. But in nature, the environment can quickly change. Many marine microbes, for instance, can move from deep-sea cold to the searing heat of a thermal vent. How do these organisms survive? Stopgap measures called stress survival responses help, but a more permanent solution is when a species slowly evolves to thrive, not just survive, in extreme environments. How does the biology of these so-called extremophiles permit growth under conditions that seem uninhabitable? In this chapter, we explore the limits of microbial growth and show how this knowledge has helped us control the microbial world.

1 µm

The extremophile Halorubrum lacusprofundi, an Antarctic haloarchaeon that forms biofilms at subzero temperatures in 5 M NaCl. Extremophiles are considered model systems for astrobiology. Source: Shiladitya DasSarma. 2006. Microbe 1:120.


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C h ap t e r 5

■ E n vir o n m e n ta l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h

In 1998, apple and pear growers in Washington and northern Oregon lost crops worth an estimated $68 million owing to outbreaks of fi re blight, a devastating bacterial disease; the causative agent, Erwinia amylovora, destroys apple and pear trees, making them appear as if they were torched by fi re. As with human disease, we try to control microbial plant infections by controlling the growth of microbes. It should not be surprising, then, that antibiotics are often utilized for this purpose. But while many antibiotics are used to protect humans, only two are currently approved for use on plants: streptomycin and oxytetracycline. The fact that resistance to streptomycin has already been demonstrated in Erwinia amylovora underscores the importance of studying all aspects of bacterial growth in the effort to control pathogens of plants, animals, and humans. We begin this chapter by discussing how physical and chemical changes in the environment modify the growth of different groups of microbes. We will also explore how microorganisms adapt to different environments in ways both transient (involving temporary expression of inactive genes) and permanent (modifications of the gene pool). The permanent genetic changes have led to biological diversity. Finally, we will examine the different ways humans try to limit the growth of microorganisms to protect plants, animals, and ourselves. As you proceed through this chapter, you will encounter two recurring themes: that different groups of microbes live in vastly different environments and that microbes can respond in diverse ways when confronted by conditions outside their niche, or comfort zone.


Environmental Limits on Microbial Growth

With our human frame of reference, we tend to think that “normal” growth conditions are those found at sea level with a temperature between 20°C and 40°C, a nearneutral pH, a salt concentration of 0.9%, and ample nutrients. Any ecological niche outside this window is called extreme and the organisms inhabiting them extremophiles (R. MacElroy fi rst used the term extremophile in 1974). Extremophiles are prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) that are able to grow in extreme environments. For example, one group of organisms can grow at temperatures above boiling, while another group requires a pH 2 acidic environment to grow. Based on our defi nition of normal conditions, conditions on Earth when life began were certainly extreme. Consequently, the earliest microbes likely grew in these extreme environments. Organisms that grow under conditions that seem “normal” to humans likely evolved from an ancient extremophile that gradually adapted as the environment evolved to that of our present-day Earth.

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Be aware that multiple extremes in the environment can be encountered simultaneously. For instance, in Yellowstone National Park, one can fi nd an extreme acid pool next to an extreme alkali pool, both at extremely high temperatures. Thus, extremophiles typically evolve to survive multiple extreme environments. Extremophiles may provide insight into the workings of extraterrestrial microbes we may one day encounter, since outer space certainly qualifies as an extreme environment. Our experiences with extremophiles should alert us to the dangers of underestimating the precautions necessary in handling extraterrestrial samples. For example, we should not assume that irradiation would be sufficient to sterilize samples from future planetary or interstellar missions. Such treatments do not even kill the extremophile Deinococcus radiodurans found on Earth. Pyrodictium How do we even begin to study organisms that grow in boiling water or sulfuric acid solutions or organisms that we cannot even culture in the laboratory? How do we dissect the molecular response of organisms to changes in an environment such as acid rain or to changes in the human body? Genome sequences present new opportunities for investigating these questions. Bioinformatic analysis allows us to study the biology of organisms that we cannot culture. First, genome sequences from novel organisms are amplified by polymerase chain reaction, or PCR (a technique that multiplies a small sample of DNA; see Section 7.6). PCR amplification can be done directly from the natural environment in which the organisms are found, and the sequences are compared with those of model systems, such as E. coli, whose biochemistry is well known. Genomic comparison quickly reveals whether an organism under study may possess specific metabolic pathways and regulatory responses. Global arrays of DNA and proteins allow us to study the response of an organism to changing environments. Global approaches can reveal in a single experiment the response of all an organism’s genes to a single environmental change, such as change in temperature or pH (Fig. 5.1). DNA microarrays (see Section 10.8) consist of slides with a grid containing DNA probes for every gene in an organism’s genome. They are used to assess which genes are expressed to make RNA in a given organism at a given time or under a given condition. Two- dimensional protein gels (see Section 3.5) achieve two-dimensional separation of proteins based on differences in each protein’s isoelectric point (fi rst dimension) and molecular weight (second dimension). They show which proteins the cell produces when cultured in different environments. Knowing what genes and proteins are expressed in a given situation helps elucidate the molecular strategies that microbes use to grow under different conditions and to defend themselves against environmental stresses.

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The M ic ro b i al Ce l l



Joan Slonczewski, Kenyon College

Alfred Pasieka/Photo Researchers, Inc.







Figure 5.1 Response to environmental stress: global analysis of genes and proteins. A. This microarray contains DNA probes (small pieces of DNA sequence) representing each gene in the genome. The DNA probes hybridize to preparations of fluorescent-labeled cDNA (complementary DNA) made from whole-cell RNA of cultures grown under different conditions. Each colored disk represents one gene. Red fluorescence indicates RNA expressed under one condition; green indicates expression under the second condition; yellow indicates expression under both conditions. B. Two-dimensional gels separate the proteins expressed in the cell. Proteins are separated in one dimension by their charge (isoelectric pH point) and in the second dimension by their molecular weights. Gel images are obtained from cultures grown under two different conditions (in this case, Escherichia coli K-12 grown at pH 4.9 versus pH 7.0). Pink spots denote proteins expressed only at pH 4.9; green indicates expression only at pH 7.0. Circled spots were chosen for additional studies.

These techniques of molecular analysis are discussed further in Chapters 8 and 10. We have already mentioned the fundamental physical conditions (temperature, pH, osmolarity) that define an environment and select for (favor) the growth of specific groups of organisms. And within a given microbial community, each species is further localized to a specific niche defined by a narrower range of environmental factors. The reason for this is that every protein and macromolecular structure within a cell is affected profoundly by changes in environmental conditions and through reaction with the by-products of oxygen consumption. For example, a single

enzyme works best under a unique set of temperature, pH, and salt conditions because those conditions allow it to fold into its optimum shape, or conformation. Deviations from these optimal conditions cause the protein to fold a little differently and become less active. While all enzymes within a cell do not boast the same physical optima, these optima must at least be similar and matched to the organism’s environment for the organism to function effectively. As may be apparent from the preceding discussion, there are many different classes of microbes based on their environmental niche. Table 5.1 summarizes these environmental classes.

Table 5.1 Basic environmental classification of microorganisms. Environmental parameter



Hyperthermophile* (growth above 80°C)


Alkaliphile* (growth above pH 9)


Halophile* (growth in high salt > 2M NaCl) Aerobe (growth only in oxygen)



Barophile* (growth at high pressure, greater than 380 atm)

Thermophile* (growth between 50°C and 80°C) Neutralophile (growth between pH 5–8)

Mesophile (growth between 15°C and 45°C) Acidophile* (growth below pH 3)

Psychrophile* (growth below 15°C)

Facultative (growth with or without oxygen)

Microaerophile (growth only in small amounts of oxygen) Barotolerant (grown between 10–495 atm)

Anaerobe (growth only without oxygen)

*considered extremophiles

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C h ap t e r 5

■ E n vir o n m e n ta l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h


Extremophiles inhabit fringe environmental conditions that do not support human life. The environmental niche (such as high salt or acidic pH) inhabited by a particular species is defi ned by the tolerance of that organism’s proteins and other macromolecular structures to the physical conditions within that niche.

rate versus temperature, we get a straight line whose slope (C) can be obtained by substituting in equation 5.1: log (k2/k1) = C/(T1 – T2) The general result of the Arrhenius equation is that growth rate roughly doubles for every 10°C rise in temperature (Fig. 5.2). This is the same relationship observed for any chemical reaction. A.

Microbial Responses to Changes in Temperature

Unlike humans (and mammals in general), microbes cannot control their temperature; thus, bacterial cell temperature matches that of the immediate environment. Because temperature affects the average rate of molecular motion, changes in temperature impact every aspect of microbial physiology, including membrane fluidity, nutrient transport, DNA stability, RNA stability, and enzyme structure and function. Every organism has an optimum temperature at which it grows most quickly, as well as minimum and maximum temperatures that defi ne the limits of growth. These limits are imposed, in part, by the thousands of proteins in a cell, all of which must function within the same temperature range. The fastest growth rate for a species occurs at temperatures where all of the cell’s proteins work most efficiently as a group to produce energy and synthesize cell components. Growth stops when rising temperatures cause critical enzymes or cell structures (such as the cell membrane) to fail. At cold temperatures, growth ceases because enzymatic processes become too sluggish and the cell membrane less fluid. The membrane needs to remain fluid so that it can expand as cells grow larger and so that proteins needed for solute transport can be inserted into the membrane.

Maximum Growth Rate Increases with Temperature


T is the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin, and C is a second constant that combines the gas constant and the average activation energy of cellular reactions. Over a defi ned temperature range, which differs for each species, growth rate increases (that is, cells divide faster) as temperature increases. If we plot the logarithm of the growth

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Mesophile Psychrophile




40 50 60 80 Temperature °C




At higher temperatures, growth rates fall because enzymes denature.


4.0 3.0 2.0 42° 39° 45° 46°


37° 36° 33°

At lower temperatures, growth rates fall because of decreases in membrane fluidity and enzymatic activity. 30°



28° 30°

23° 21°

0.5 0.4

23° 19°


17° 0.2

In general, microbes that grow at higher temperatures can achieve higher rates of growth. Remarkably, the relationship between the maximum growth temperature and the growth rate constant k (number of generations per hour; see Section 4.5) obeys the Arrhenius equation for simple chemical reactions: log k = C/T


Growth rate constant, k (hr –1)


Generations per hour

Extreme thermophile


0.1 3.1

Growth in rich media Growth in minimal media Extrapolated Arrhenius plot 3.2

3.3 1,000/T (°K)

15° 13.5° 3.4


Relationship between temperature and growth rate. A. Relationship between temperature and growth rates of different groups of microbes. Note that the growth rate increases linearly with temperature and obeys the Arrhenius equation. B. Growth rate constant (k) of the enteric organism Escherichia coli is plotted against the inverse of growth temperature on the Kelvin scale (1,000/T is used to give a convenient scale on the x-axis). This is a more detailed view of a mesophilic growth temperature curve. As temperature rises above or falls below the optimum range, growth rate decreases faster than predicted by the Arrhenius equation.

Figure 5.2

Source: B. Sherrie L. Herendeen, et al. 1979. Journal of Bacteriology 139:185.

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At the upper and lower limits of the growth range, however, the Arrhenius effect breaks down. At high temperatures, critical proteins denature. Lower temperatures decrease membrane fluidity and limit the conformational mobility of enzymes, thereby lowering their activities. As a result, growth fails to occur. The typical growth temperature range spans about 30–40°C, but some organisms have a much narrower range. Within a species, we can identify mutants that are more sensitive to one extreme or the other (heat sensitive or cold sensitive). These mutations often defi ne key molecular components of stress responses, such as the heat-shock proteins (discussed in Chapter 10). Thermodynamic principles limit a cell’s growth to a narrow temperature range. For example, heat increases molecular movement within proteins. Too much or too little movement will interfere with enzymatic reactions. As a result, there is a great biological diversity among microbes as different groups have evolved to grow within very different thermal niches. A species grows within a specific thermal range because its proteins have evolved to tolerate that range. Outside that range, proteins will denature or function too slowly for growth. The upper limit for protists is around 50°C, while some fungi can grow at temperatures as high as 60°C. Prokaryotes, however, have been found to grow at temperatures ranging from below 0°C to above 100°C. Temperatures over 100°C are usually found around thermal vents deep in the ocean, where water temperature can rise to 350°C but the pressure is sufficient to keep water liquid. THOUGHT QUESTION 5.1 Why haven’t cells evolved so that all their enzymes have the same temperature optimum? If they did, wouldn’t they grow even faster?

Microorganisms Are Classified by Growth Temperature Based on their ranges of growth temperature, microorganisms can be classified as mesophiles, psychrophiles, or thermophiles (Fig. 5.2A). Mesophiles include the typical “lab rat” microbes, such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Their growth optima range between 20°C and 40°C, with a minimum of 15°C and a maximum of 45°C. Because they are easy to grow and because human pathogens are mesophiles, much of what we know about protein, membrane, and DNA structure came from studying this group of organisms. Current advances, particularly in obtaining detailed three-dimensional (3-D) views of protein structures, are frequently based on studies of two other classes of organisms whose optimum growth temperature ranges flank

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The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Transfer RNAs


Figure 5.3 Thermophilic proteins. Special properties of thermophilic proteins facilitate 3-D structure analysis, as shown here. The structure of the Thermus thermophilus 70S ribosome is shown here at 7.8 Å (or 0.78 nm) resolution. Transfer RNAs (green, blue, and yellow) occupy a cavity between two ribosomal subunits. (PDB codes: 1GIX, 1GIY)

that of the mesophiles, namely psychrophiles (on the low temperature side) and thermophiles (on the high temperature side; Fig. 5.3). Because of their more stable folding structures, proteins from the thermophilic extremophiles are generally easier to crystallize than those of mesophiles or psychrophiles, so it is possible to determine their structures by X-ray crystallography (see Section 2.7). Psychrophiles are microbes that grow at temperatures as low as 0°C, but their optimum growth temperature is usually around 15°C. Psychrophiles are prominent flora beneath icebergs in the Arctic and Antarctic (Fig. 5.4). In addition to true psychrophiles, whose growth optima are below 20°C, there are mesophiles that are cold resistant. For instance, the modern practice of refrigeration has selected for cold-resistant, yet mesophilic, pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes (one cause of food poisoning and septic abortions). Why do these organisms grow so well in the cold? One reason psychrophilic microbes prefer cold is that their proteins are more flexible than those of mesophiles and require less energy (heat) to function. Of course, the downside to the increased flexibility of psychrophilic proteins is that they denature at lower temperatures than their mesophilic counterparts. As a result, psychrophiles grow poorly, if at all, when temperatures rise above 20°C. Another reason psychrophiles favor cold is that their membranes are more fluid at low temperature owing to the high proportion of

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■ E n vir o n m e n ta l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h


© Gerald & Buff Corsi/Visuals Unlimited

unsaturated fatty acids present; at higher temperatures, their membranes are too flexible and fail to maintain cell integrity. Psychrophilic enzymes are of commercial interest because their ability to carry out reactions at low temperature has potential utility in food processing and bioremediation. Many food products require enzymatic processing. Enzymes help brew beer more quickly, break down lactose in milk, and can remove cholesterol from various foods. Production of foods at lower temperatures would be beneficial, since lower processing temperatures would minimize the growth of typical mesophiles that

1 µm

degrade and spoil food. Another goal is to fi nd organisms that can safely degrade toxic organic contaminants (for example, petroleum) in the cold. Arctic environments are particularly sensitive to pollution because contaminants are slow to degrade in the freezing temperatures. Consequently, the ability to seed Arctic oil spills with psychrophilic organisms armed with petroleumdegrading enzymes could rapidly restore contaminated environments. Thermophiles (Fig. 5.5) are species adapted to growth at high temperature, typically 55°C and higher. Hyperthermophiles grow at temperatures as high as




Psychrophilic environment and psychrophiles. A. Iceberg, in which psychrophilic organisms like those shown in (B) can be found. These organisms are unclassified. B. Bacteria from South Polar snow (SEM).

Figure 5.4


3 µm

2 µm

B. Boonyaratanakornkit et al., University of California, Berkeley


Douglas G. Capone, U. of Southern California

C h ap t e r 5

Thomas D. Brock, U. of Wisconsin, Madison


Photo by Dudley Foster from RISE expedition, courtesy of William R. Normark, USGS


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Figure 5.5 Thermophilic environments and thermophiles. A. Yellowstone National Park hot spring. B. Thermus aquaticus, a hyperthermophile first isolated at Yellowstone by Thomas Brock. Cell length varies from 3 to 10 µm. C. Thermophile Methanocaldococcus jannaschii grown at 78°C and 30 psi. D. A “smoker,” a hydrothermal vent 2 miles deep in the Pacific Ocean. M. jannaschii was isolated in 1983 in the area of this vent.

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110°C, which occur under extreme pressure (for example, at the ocean floor). These organisms flourish in hot environments such as composts or near thermal vents that penetrate Earth’s crust on the ocean floor and on land (for example, hot springs). The thermophile Thermus aquaticus was the fi rst source of a DNA polymerase used for PCR amplification of DNA. T. aquaticus was discovered in a hot spring at Yellowstone National Park by microbiologist Thomas Brock, a pioneer in the study of thermophilic organisms. Its application to the polymerase chain reaction has revolutionized molecular biology (discussed in Chapter 7). Extreme thermophiles often have specially adapted membranes and protein sequences. The thermal limits of these structures determine the specific high-temperature ranges in which various species can grow. Because enzymes in thermophiles (thermozymes) do not unfold as easily as mesophilic enzymes, they more easily hold their shape at higher temperatures. Thermophilic enzymes are stable, in part, because they contain relatively low amounts of glycine, a small amino acid that contributes to an enzyme’s flexibility. In addition, the amino-termini of proteins in these organisms often are “tied down” by hydrogen bonding to other parts of the protein, making them harder to denature. Like all microbes, thermophiles have chaperone proteins that help refold other proteins as they undergo thermal denaturation. Thermophile genomes are packed with numerous DNA-binding proteins that stabilize DNA. In addition, these organisms possess special enzymes that function to tightly coil DNA in a way that makes it more thermostable and less likely to denature (think of a coiled phone cord that has twisted and bunched up on itself). Special membranes also help give cells additional stability at high temperatures. Unlike the typical lipid bilayers of mesophiles, the membranes of thermophiles manage to “glue” together parts of the two hydrocarbon layers that point toward each other, making them more stable. They do this by incorporating more saturated linear lipids into their membranes. Saturated lipids form straight hydrocarbon tails that align well with neighboring lipids and form a highly organized structure stable to heat. The membranes of mesophiles are composed mostly of unsaturated lipids that bend against each other and align poorly. This property makes the membranes of mesophiles more fluid at lower temperatures.

High Temperatures Induce the Heat Shock Response As insurance against extinction, most microorganisms possess elegant genetic programs that remodel their physiology to one that can temporarily survive inhospitable conditions. Rapid temperature changes experienced

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during growth activate batches of stress response genes, resulting in the heat shock response (discussed in Chapter 10). The protein products of these heat-activated genes include chaperones that maintain protein shape and enzymes that change membrane lipid composition. The heat-shock response, fi rst identified in E. coli by Yamamori and Yura in 1982, has since been documented in all living organisms examined thus far. THOUGHT QUESTION 5.2 If microbes lack a nervous system, how can they sense a temperature change? The appearance of different branches of life in the course of evolution reflects, in some ways, the narrowing of tolerance to heat. Different archaeal species, for example, can grow in extremely hot or extremely cold temperatures and some can grow in the middle range. Bacteria, for the most part, tolerate a temperature range that bridges the archaeal extremes. Eukaryotes are less temperature tolerant than bacteria, with individual species capable of growth between 10°C and 65°C. Archaeal species have been found to grow at greater extremes than bacterial species, and bacteria at greater extremes than eukaryotes. As we will see, this evolutionary relationship holds for other environmental conditions. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Different species exhibit different optimal growth values of temperature, pH, and osmolarity. The Arrhenius equation applies to growth of microorganisms: Growth rate doubles for every 10°C rise in temperature. Membrane fluidity varies with the composition of lipids in a membrane, which in turn dictates at what temperature an organism can grow. Mesophiles, psychrophiles, and thermophiles are groups of organisms that grow at moderate, low, and high temperatures, respectively. The heat shock response produces a series of protective proteins in organisms exposed to temperatures near the upper edge of their growth range.


Microbial Adaptation to Variations in Pressure

Living creatures at Earth’s surface (sea level) are subjected to a pressure of 1 atmosphere (atm), which is equal to 0.101 megapascal (Mpa) or 14 pounds per square inch (psi). At the bottom of the ocean, however, thousands of meters deep, hydrostatic pressure averages a crushing 400 atm and can go as high as 1,000 atm (101 Mpa, or 14,000 psi) in ocean trenches (Fig. 5.6). Organisms adapted to

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■ E n vir o n m e n ta l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h

designed ribosome structures that can withstand pressures even higher than that. Specific applications for barotolerant proteins and pressure-regulated genes have not yet been developed. However, many food processes are carried out at high pressure to minimize bacterial contamination (destructive bacteria will not tolerate the pressure), so it is expected that barophiles will ultimately offer useful biotechnology products, such as enzymes that will carry out food processing at high pressure. Highpressure processing has been used on cheeses, yogurt, luncheon meats, and oysters to kill contaminating bacteria without destroying the flavor or texture of the food.

A. Average height of the land, 870 m B. J. W. Deming & R. Colwell, Applied Environmental Microbiology, 44.

Average depth of the ocean, 3,730 m

Mount Everest, 8,848 m

Mariana Trench, 11,035 m 1.5 µm


Figure 5.6 Barophilic environments and barophiles. A. Ocean depths. The deepest part of the ocean is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, a depression in the floor of the western Pacific Ocean, just east of the Mariana Islands. The Mariana Trench is 1,554 miles long and 44 miles wide. Near its southwestern extremity, 210 miles southwest of Guam, lies the deepest point on Earth. This point, referred to as the “Challenger Deep,” plunges to a depth of nearly 7 miles. B. Barophile Shewanella violacea. Length is approx. 1.5 µm.

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THOUGHT QUESTION 5.3 What could be a relatively simple way to grow barophiles in the laboratory?

Barophiles require high pressure to grow, though they die at still higher pressures. Barotolerant organisms grow up to a certain pressure, but die at higher pressures.

Growth rate

grow at overwhelmingly high pressures are called barophiles or piezophiles. From the curves in Figure 5.7, we can see that barophiles actually require elevated pressure to grow, while barotolerant organisms grow well over the range of 1–50 Mpa, but their growth falls off thereafter. Many barophiles are also psychrophilic because the average temperature at the ocean’s floor is 2°C. However, barophilic hyperthermophiles form the basis of thermal vent communities that support symbiotic worms and giant clams (see Chapter 21). How bacteria can survive pressures of 12,000 psi is still a mystery. It is known that increased hydrostatic pressure and cold temperatures similarly reduce membrane fluidity. Because fluidity of the cell membrane is critical to survival, the phospholipids of deep-sea bacteria commonly have high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids to increase membrane fluidity. It is thought that in addition to these membrane changes, internal structures must also be pressure adapted. For example, ribosomes in the barosensitive organism E. coli dissociate at pressures above 60 Mpa, so barophiles must contain uniquely

Barophiles can grow at pressures up to 1,000 atm but fail to grow at low pressures. Membrane fluidity can be compromised at high pressures and cold temperatures. Specially designed membranes and protein structures are thought to enable the growth of barophiles.






Pressure (Mpa)

Barosensitive organisms die as pressure increases.

Figure 5.7

Relationship between growth rate and


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■ The M ic rob i al Ce l l


Microbial Responses to Changes in Water Activity and Salt Concentration

Water is critical to life, but environments differ in terms of how much water is actually available to growing organisms; microbes can only use water that is not bound to ions or other solutes in solution. Water availability is measured as water activity (aw), a quantity approximated by concentration. Because interactions with solutes lower water activity, the more solutes there are in a solution, the less water is available for microbes to use for growth. Water activity is typically measured as the ratio of the solution’s vapor pressure relative to that of pure water. A solution is placed in a sealed chamber and the amount of water vapor determined at equilibrium. If the air above the sample is 97% saturated relative to the moisture present over pure water, the relative humidity is 97% and the water activity is 0.97. Most bacteria require water activity to be greater than 0.91 for growth (the water activity of seawater). Fungi can tolerate water activity levels as low as 0.86.

Osmotic Stress Osmolarity is a measure of the number of solute molecules in a solution and is inversely related to aw. The more particles there are in a solution, the greater the osmolarity and the lower the water activity (see Appendix 1). Osmolarity is important for the cell because it is related to water activity and also because a semipermeable membrane surrounds microbial cells, so osmolarity inside the cell can be, and often is, different from the osmolarity outside. The principles of physical chemistry dictate that solute concentrations in two chambers separated by a semipermeable membrane will tend to equilibrate. Equilibrating osmolarity across a semipermeable cell membrane, which does not allow the movement of solutes, requires the movement of water. In hypertonic medium, where the external osmolarity is higher than the internal, water will try to leave the cell in an attempt to equalize osmolarity across the membrane. In contrast, suspension of a cell in a hypotonic medium (one of lower osmolarity than the cell) will cause an influx of water (see Fig. A2.6). This movement of water across cell membranes does not occur primarily by simple diffusion. Special membrane water channels formed by proteins called aquaporins enable water to traverse the membrane much faster than by diffusion and help protect cells against osmotic stress (Fig. 5.8). However, too much water moving in or out of a cell is detrimental. Cells may ultimately explode or implode, depending on the direction in which the water moves. Even bacteria with a rigid cell wall suffer. They may not explode like a human cell, but the forces placed on the cell wall are great.

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Aquaporin. Transverse view of the channel. Complementary halves of the channel are formed by adjacent protein monomers. The curvilinear, size-selective (~4 ± 0.5 nm) core of the channel (~18 nm) is primarily lined by hydrophobic residues. (PDB code: 1J4N)

Figure 5.8

Cells Minimize Osmotic Stress across Membranes In addition to moving water, microbes have at least two other mechanisms to minimize osmotic stress across membranes. When stranded in a hypertonic medium (higher osmolarity than the cell), bacteria try to protect their internal water by synthesizing or importing compatible solutes that increase intracellular osmolarity. Compatible solutes are small molecules that do not disrupt normal cell metabolism, even when present at high intracellular concentrations. Increasing intracellular levels of these compounds (for example, proline, glutamic acid, potassium, or betaine) elevates cytoplasmic osmolarity without any detrimental effects, making it unnecessary for water to leave the cell. Cells also contain pressure-sensitive (mechanosensitive) channels that can be used to leak solutes out of the cell. It is believed that these channels are activated by rising internal pressures in cells immersed in a hypotonic medium. When activated, the channels allow solutes to escape, which lowers internal osmolarity. Outside their osmotic comfort range—that is, where the aforementioned housekeeping strategies become ineffective at controlling internal osmolarity—microbes launch a global response in which cellular physiology is transformed to tolerate brief encounters with potentially lethal salt concentrations. Some changes are similar to those provoked by heat shock, such as the increased synthesis of chaperones that protect critical cell proteins from denaturation. Other changes include alterations in outer membrane pore composition (for gram-negative organisms).

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■ E n vir o n m e n ta l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h


Halophiles Require High Salt Concentration

Some species of archaea have evolved to require high salt (NaCl) concentration. These are called halophiles (Fig. 5.9). In striking contrast to most bacteria, which prefer salt concentrations from 0.1 to 1 M (0.2–5% NaCl), the extremely halophilic archaea can grow at an aw of 0.75 and actually require 2–4 M NaCl (10–20% NaCl) to grow. For comparison, seawater is about 3.5% NaCl. All cells, even halophiles, prefer to keep a relatively low intracellular Na+ concentration. One reason for this is that some solutes are moved into the cell by symport with Na+. To achieve a low internal Na+ concentration, halophilic microbes use special ion pumps to excrete sodium and replace it with other cations, such as potassium, which is a compatible solute. In fact, the proteins and cell components (for example, ribosomes) of halophiles require remarkably high intracellular potassium levels to maintain their structure. Halophilic algae use a different strategy for dealing with hypertonic media. They redirect photosynthesis to make glycerol (a compatible solute) instead of starch. Increasing glycerol production raises internal osmolarity, which stops water from leaving the cell and prevents dehydration. Although halophilic bacteria appear to have lost ecological flexibility by adapting to such an extreme environment, they have gained access to environments that other organisms are not equipped to use. THOUGHT QUESTION 5.4 How might the concept of water availability be used by the food industry to control spoilage?


Microbial Responses to Changes in pH

As with salt and temperature, the concentration of hydrogen ions (H +)—actually, hydronium (H 3O +)— also has a direct effect on the cell’s macromolecular structures. Extreme concentrations of either hydronium or hydroxyl ions (OH – ) in a solution will limit growth. In other words, too much acid or base is harmful to cells. Despite this sensitivity to pH extremes, living cells tolerate a greater range in environmental concentration of H + than of virtually any other chemical substance. E. coli, for example, tolerates a pH range of 2–9, a 10,000,000-fold difference. For a brief review of pH, refer to Section A1.7.


Wayne P. Armstrong


Water activity (aw) is a measure of how much water in a solution is available for a microbe to use. Osmolarity is a measure of the number of solute molecules in a solution and is inversely related to aw. Aquaporins are membrane channel proteins that allow water to move quickly across membranes to equalize internal and external pressures. Compatible solutes are used to minimize pressure differences across the cell membrane. Mechanosensitive channels can leak solutes out of the cell when internal pressure rises. Halophilic organisms grow best at high salt concentration.

0.5 µm

C. Courtesy of S. DasSarma, U. of Maryland Biotechnology Institute

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Courtesy of S. DasSarma, U. of Maryland Biotechnology Institute


Halophilic salt flats and halophilic bacteria. A. The halophilic salt flats along Highway 50, east of Fallon, Nevada, are colored pinkish red by astronomical numbers of halophilic bacteria. B. Halobacterium sp. (TEM). Cross section cell width 0.5 to 0.8 µm. C. Shiladitya DasSarma and colleagues at the University of Maryland completed the genome sequence of Halobacterium species NRC-1. They demonstrated novel features of archaeal genetics, including intriguing similarities with molecular regulatory structures in eukaryotes.

Figure 5.9

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Enzymes Show pH Optima, Minima, and Maxima

Growth pH

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

[H+] (molarity)






pOH H 3O


14 13

The charges on various amino or carboxyl groups Acidophiles 10–2 2 12 within a protein help forge the intramolecular 10–3 3 11 bonds that dictate protein shape and thus pro–4 10 4 10 tein activity. Because H+ concentration affects the 10–5 5 9 protonation of these ionizable groups, altering pH –6 10 6 8 Intracellular can alter the charges on these groups, which in levels –7 Neutralophiles 10 7 7 turn changes protein structure and activity. The compatible –8 10 8 6 with life result is that all enzyme activities exhibit optima, 10–9 9 5 minima, and maxima with regard to pH, much –10 as they do for temperature. As we saw with tem10 10 4 perature, groups of microbes have evolved to 10–11 11 3 inhabit diverse niches, for which pH values can Alkalophiles 10–12 12 2 range from pH 0 to pH 11.5 (Fig. 5.10). However, 10–13 13 1 – species differences in optimum growth pH are not –14 OH 10 14 0 dictated by the pH limits at which critical cell proFigure 5.10 Classification of organisms grouped by optimal teins function. growth pH. Generally speaking, the majority of enzymes, regardless of the pH at which their source organism thrives, tend to operate best between pH 5 and 8.5 (which, if you think about it, is still a range in which the hydrogen ion concentration varies more than 1,000-fold), yet many microbes grow in even more acidic or alkaline environments. pHinitial = 7 pHextracellular = 5 Unlike its temperature, the intracellular pH of a microbe, as well as its osmolarity, is not necessarily the pHfinal = 6 pKa = 5 same as that of its environment. Biological membranes are + – H +A HA HA A– + H+ relatively impermeable to protons, a fact that allows the 99% 1% 50% 50% cell to maintain an internal pH compatible with protein 99 mM 1 mM 1 mM 1 mM function when growing in extremely acidic or alkaline environments. When the difference between the intracellular and extracellular pH (∆pH) is very high, protons can leak through either directly or via proteins that thread the Cell membrane membrane. Excessive influx or efflux of protons can cause problems by altering internal pH. Figure 5.11 Effect of organic acids on internal pH. In Membrane-permeant organic acids, also called this contrived example, the organic acid (HA) has an extracellular weak acids (discussed in Chapter 3), can accelerate the concentration of 2 mM and has a dissociation constant of pH 5. leakage of H+. Unlike H+, the uncharged form of an Because the medium is also pH 5, half of the acid is protonated organic acid (HA) can freely permeate cell membranes (undissociated, or un-ionized) and half is dissociated (ionized). The un-ionized form, because it is uncharged, diffuses across and dissociate intracellularly, releasing a proton that then the membrane to establish equilibrium between the inside and acidifies internal pH (Fig. 5.11). The extent of the pH outside of the cell. However, because the inside of the cell is drop depends on the buffering capacity of the cell’s propH 7 (2 units above the external pH), 99% of the acid will teins. This shuttling of protons can turn a relatively mild dissociate. This lowers the internal HA concentration, so more external pH level (say, pH 6) into a deadly acid stress. A HA enters the cell in search of equilibrium. Because neither the naturally occurring example of organic acid stress is the ionized form of the acid nor the released proton can diffuse out lactic acid produced by lactobacilli during the formation of the cell, both accumulate. At equilibrium, the concentrations of yogurt. The buildup of lactic acid limits the bacterial of HA inside and outside the cell are equal, but for every HA that growth, leaving yogurt with plenty of food value. The enters the cell, ionization of HA has yielded 99 A– molecules and food industry has taken advantage of this phenomenon an equal number of protons, which lower the internal pH to an by preemptively adding citric acid or sorbic acid to cerextent that depends on the buffering capacity of cellular proteins. tain foods. This allows manufacturers to control microbial growth under pH conditions that do not destroy the

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Concentration of hydrogen ions compared to distilled water

Example of solutions at this pH


pH = 0

Battery acid (strong), hydrofluoric acid


pH = 1

Hydrochloric acid secreted by stomach lining


pH = 2

Lemon juice, gastric acid, vinegar


pH = 3

Grapefruit, orange juice, soda


pH = 4

Acid rain, tomato juice


pH = 5

Soft drinking water, black coffee


pH = 6

Urine, saliva


pH = 7

“Pure” water


pH = 8



pH = 9

Baking soda solution


pH = 10

Great Salt Lake, milk of magnesia


pH = 11

Ammonia solution


pH = 12

Soapy water


pH = 13

Bleaches, oven cleaner


pH = 14

Liquid drain cleaner

Figure 5.12

pH values of common substances.

8.5 Acid added at a constant rate pHint

7.5 pH



Base added at a constant rate






Time (min)

Figure 5.13 Maintaining internal pH (pH homeostasis) over a wide range of external pH. Internal pH of Escherichia coli measured following the addition of acid (HCl, indicated by arrow at t = 10 min) to change external pH (circles) and subsequent addition of base (NaOH at t = 52 min). In this experiment, internal pH (pHint) was determined using nuclear magnetic resonance to measure changes in cellular phosphate (closed circles/squares) and methyl phosphate (open circles/ squares). The two phosphate species titrate over different pH ranges. Source: Joan L. Slonczewski, et al. 1981. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 78:6271.

flavor or quality of the food. Figure 5.12 illustrates the pH values of various everyday items. Food microbiology is further discussed in Chapter 16.

Neutralophiles, Acidophiles, and Alkaliphiles Grow in Different pH Ranges Cells have evolved to live under different pH conditions not by drastically changing the pH optima of their enzymes but by using novel pH homeostasis strategies that maintain intracellular pH above pH 5 and below pH 8, even when the cell is immersed in pH environments well above or below that range. There are three classes of organisms marked by the pH of their growth range. Neutralophiles generally grow between pH 5 and pH 8, and include most human pathogens. Many neutralophiles, including E. coli and Salmonella enterica, adjust their metabolism to maintain an internal pH slightly above neutrality, which is where their enzymes work best. They maintain this pH even in the presence of moderately acidic or basic external environments (Fig. 5.13). Others allow their internal pH to fluctuate with external

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pH but usually maintain a pH difference (∆pH) of about 0.5 pH units across the membrane at the upper and lower limits of growth pH. The ∆pH value is an important component of the transmembrane proton potential, a source of energy for the cell (see Chapter 13). NOTE: The older term neutrophile used for this group of organisms is also similar to the descriptor for a specific type of white blood cell (neutrophil). To avoid confusion, the term neutrophil should be reserved for the white blood cell and the term neutralophile used to designate microbes with growth optima near neutral pH.

Acidophiles are bacteria and archaea that live in acidic environments. They are often chemoautotrophs (lithotrophs) that oxidize reduced metals and generate strong acids such as sulfuric acid. Consequently, they grow between pH 0 and pH 5. The ability to grow at this pH is due partly to altered membrane lipid profi les (high levels of tetraether lipids) that decrease proton permeability as well as to ill-defi ned proton extrusion mecha-

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The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


1 µm

Thomas D. Brock, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Sonny X. Li

C. Thomas D. Brock, University of Wisconsin, Madison


Figure 5.14 Sulfur Caldron acid spring and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. A. Sulfur Caldron, in the Mud Volcano area of Yellowstone National Park, is one of the most acidic springs in the park. It is rich in sulfur and in Sulfolobus, a bacterium that thrives in hot, acidic waters with temperatures from 60°C to 95°C and a pH of 1–5. B. Thin-section electron micrograph of S. acidocaldarius. Under the electron microscope, the organisms appear as irregular spheres that are often lobed. C. Fluorescent photomicrograph of cells (green) attached to a sulfur crystal. Fimbrial-like appendages (not seen here) have been observed on the cells attached to solid surfaces such as sulfur crystals. Crystal size is approx. 55 mm in real life.

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Wolfgang Kaehler/Corbis

Kazuyoshi Nomachi/Corbis

nisms. Often, an organism that is A. an extremophile with respect to one environmental factor is an extremophile with respect to others. Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, for example, is a thermophile and an acidophile (Fig. 5.14). It uses sulfur as an energy source and grows in acidic hot springs rich in sulfur. Alkaliphiles occupy the opposite end of the pH spectrum, growing best at values ranging from pH 9 to pH 11. They are commonly found in saline soda lakes, which have high salt concentrations and pH values (as high as pH 11). Soda lakes, like Lake Magadi in Africa (Fig. 5.15A), are steeped in carbonates, which explains their extraordinarily alkaline pH. An alkaliphilic organism fi rst identified in Lake Magadi is Halobacter salinarum (also known as a NatronobacteFigure 5.15 A soda lake ecosystem. rium gregoryi), a halophilic archaeon A. Lake Magadi in Kenya. Its pink (Fig. 5.15B). color is due to Spirulina. B. Alkaliphile The cyanobacterium Spirulina is Natronobacterium gregoryi. Cell size another alkaliphile that grows in soda approx. 1 × 3 µm. C. Pink flamingo lakes. Its high concentration of carocolored by ingestion of Spirulina. tene gives the organism a distinctive pink color (note the color of the lake in Fig. 5.15A). Spirulina is also a major food for the famous pink flamingos indigenous to these African lakes and is, in fact, the reason pink flamingos are pink. After the birds ingest these organisms, digestive

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work of the cell (see Section 14.3). They also rely heavily on Na+/H+ antiporters (see Section 4.2) to bring protons into the cell, and this keeps the internal pH well below the extremely alkaline external pH. This is partly why many alkaliphiles are resistant to high salt (NaCl) concentrations; sodium ions are expelled while protons are sucked in. Important aspects of sodium circulation in alkaliphiles are depicted in Figure 5.16. In contrast to proteins within the cytoplasm, enzymes secreted from alkaliphiles are able to work in very alkaline environments. The inclusion of base-resistant enzymes like lipases and cellulases in laundry detergents helps get our “whites whiter and our brights brighter.” Other commercially useful alkaliphilic enzymes produce cyclodextrins from starch. The cyclodextrins are complex cyclic carbohydrates whose structure resembles a hollow truncated cone with a hydrophobic (water-hating) core and hydrophilic (water-loving) exterior (Fig. 5.17). It is a superb vehicle for drug delivery. For example, cyclodextrins have been used in eyedrops to deliver the antibiotic chloramphenicol. The hydrophobic cavity of cyclodextrin can harbor a poorly soluble drug, while the hydrophilic exterior increases its apparent water solubility. The drug goes into solution more easily, permitting smoother absorption into the body.

processes release the carotene pigment to the circulation, which then deposits it in the birds’ feathers, turning them pink (Fig. 5.15C). NOTE: Humans also consume Spirulina as a health food supplement, but do not turn pink because the cyanobacteria are only a small component of the diet.

The internal enzymes of alkaliphiles, like those of acidophiles, exhibit rather ordinary pH optima (around pH 8). The key to the survival of alkaliphiles is the cell surface barrier that sequesters fragile cytoplasmic enzymes away from harsh extracellular pH. Key structural features of the cell wall, such as the presence of acidic polymers and an excess of hexosamines in the peptidoglycan, appear to be essential. The reason for this is not clear. At the membrane, some alkaliphiles also possess a high level of diether lipids, which are more stable than ester-linked phospholipids, that prevent protons from leaking out of the cell (see Section 3.4). Because external protons are in such short supply at alkaline pH, most alkaliphiles use a sodium motive force in addition to a proton motive force to do much of the

Terminal cytochromes pump Na+ instead of H+.

Decarboxylases couple Na+ export with decarboxylation of substrates (e.g., oxalocetate f pyruvate).






RCOO– + H+

RH + CO2 Na+-driven ATPases export Na+.


Bacterial cytoplasm is negatively charged relative to the exterior.

ADP + Pi


ADP + Pi ATP Na+ motive force powers motility.

Symport Na+

Flagellar motor Solute

Na+ motive forces drive symport of some substrates.

ATP synthase Na+ Cell membrane Na+

Na+ import through F1Fo ATPase drives ATP synthesis in some organisms.

Na+ circulation in alkaliphiles. Cells of alkaliphiles are designed to use Na+ in place of H+ to do the work of the cell. They require an inwardly directed sodium gradient that can be used to rotate flagella, transport nutrient solutes, and generate energy. The Na+/H+ antiporter is used to keep internal pH lower than exterior pH. Sodium homeostasis inside the cell is maintained by the net effects of efflux and influx mechanisms. Figure 5.16

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pH Homeostasis and Acid Tolerance Mechanisms Enable Cells to Live in Different pH Environments

Hydrophilic hydroxyl group

When cells are placed in pH conditions below their optimum, protons can enter the cell and lower internal pH to lethal levels. Microbes can prevent the unwanted influx of protons by exchanging extracellular K+ for intracellular protons when internal pH becomes too low. At the other extreme, under extremely alkaline conditions, the cells can use the Na+/H+ antiporters mentioned previously (and in Section 4.2) to recruit protons into the cell in exchange for expelling Na+ (Fig. 5.18). Some organisms can also change the pH of the medium using various amino acid decarboxylases and deaminases. Helicobacter pylori, the causative agent of gastric ulcers, employs an exquisitely potent urease to generate massive amounts of ammonia, which neutralizes the acid pH environment. These acid stress and alkaline stress protection systems are usually not made or at least do not become active until the cell encounters an extreme pH. Many, if not all, microbes also possess an emergency global response system referred to as acid tolerance or acid resistance. In a process analogous to the heat-shock response, bacterial physiology undergoes a major molecular reprogramming in response to hydrogen ion stress. The levels of a large number of proteins increase, while the levels of others decrease. Many of the genes and proteins involved in the acid stress response overlap with other stress response systems, including the heat-shock response. These physiological responses include modifications in membrane lipid composition, enhanced pH homeostasis,

Hydrophobic ether group

Figure 5.17 A cyclodextrin. View down the channel in the hydrophobic core lined by C-O-C ether groups, which is surrounded by a hydrophilic exterior covered in -OH hydroxyl groups. The hydrophobic core can harbor drugs that are poorly soluble in water.

THOUGHT QUESTION 5.5 In Chapter 4, we stated that an antiporter couples movement of one ion down its concentration gradient with movement of another molecule uphill, against its gradient. If this is true, how could a Na+/H+ antiporter work to bring protons into a haloalkiliphile growing in high salt at pH 10? Since the Na+ concentration is lower inside the cell than outside and H+ concentration is higher inside than outside (see Fig. 5.16), both ions are moving against their gradients.

Figure 5.18 Proton circulation and pH homeostasis. A typical E. coli cell uses various proton transport strategies to maintain an internal pH near pH 7.8 in the face of different external pH stresses. Proton pumping through cytochromes also establishes a proton gradient, which drives flagellar rotation and solute transport.

In a strongly acidic (pH 2) environment, amino acid decarboxylases drain protons RH from the cell.

Under alkaline stress (pH 9) Na+/H+ antiport systems scavenge protons from the environment.




RH + CO2 Under slightly acidic conditions (pH 5), cells use a K+/H+ antiport system K+ to remove internal protons.




pH 7.8 H+

ADP + Pi


– Symport +


Flagellar motor Solute

ATP synthase

Cell membrane H+

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H+ E. coli cytoplasm is negatively charged relative to the exterior.

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■ E n vir o n m e n ta l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h

Special Topic 5.1

Signaling Virulence

One of the burning questions in the study of infectious disease is, “How does a microbe know when it has entered a suitable host?” Most, if not all, pathogens express certain genes only after infection, so they must sense that something in their environment has changed. A change in environment that causes increased virulence is called a virulence signal. One of these virulence signals is pH. On their way to causing disease, many pathogens travel through acidic host compartments. The most obvious are the stomach, which is extremely acidic (pH 1–3), and infected host cell phagosomes and phagolysosomes, which are mildly acidic (pH 4.5–6). Salmonella enterica, a major causative agent of diarrheal disease, provides an intriguing example of virulence that is triggered by low pH. After gaining entrance to the intestine via the mouth and subsequently penetrating intestinal epithelia, this pathogen tricks certain white blood cells, called macrophages, into engulfing the bacterium, placing it within a phagosome (Fig. 1). The microbe then waits for the phagosome (initially pH 6) to partially fuse with a lysosome and form a phagolysosome, after which the pH of the compartment drops to about pH 4.5. Numerous bacterial proteins are then expressed, many of which enable Salmonella to survive in the macrophage. Drugs that prevent phagolysosome acidification, however, render Salmonella extremely susceptible to the various antimicrobial weapons wielded by the macrophage. Salmonella “knows” it

and numerous other changes with unclear purpose. Some pathogens, such as Salmonella, sense a change in external pH as part of the signal indicating the bacterium has entered a host cell environment (Special Topic 5.1). TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Hydrogen ion concentration affects protein structure and function. Thus, enzymes have pH optima, minima, and maxima. Microbes use pH homeostasis mechanisms to keep their internal pH near neutral when in acidic or alkaline media. The addition of weak acids to certain foods undermines bacterial pH homeostasis mechanisms, which prevents food spoilage and kills potential pathogens. Neutralophiles, acidophiles, and alkaliphiles prefer growth under neutral, low, and high pH conditions, respectively. Acid and alkaline stress responses occur when placing a given species under pH conditions that slow its growth. The cell increases the levels of proteins designed to mediate pH homeostasis and protect cell constituents.

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is in a macrophage phagolysosome in part because the pH drops. Recent studies have started to map the complex bacterial regulatory circuits involved in sensing acid pH signals and translating them into defensive actions by the pathogen.

Salmonella Phagosome Brett Finlay, U. of British Columbia


Salmonella (1 lm in length) within human epithelial cell phagosomes.

Figure 1


Microbial Responses to Oxygen and Other Electron Acceptors

Many microorganisms can grow in the presence of molecular oxygen (O2). Some even use oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, a group of membrane proteins (cytochromes) that convert energy trapped in nutrients to a biologically useful form. The use of O2 as the terminal electron acceptor is called aerobic respiration (see Chapter 14).

Oxygen Has Benefits and Risks Electrons pulled from various energy sources (for example, glucose) possess intrinsic energy, an energy that cytochrome proteins can harness. They do this by extracting the energy in incremental stages and using it to move protons out of the cell. This unequal distribution of H+ across the membrane produces a transmembrane electrochemical gradient, a sort of biobattery called proton motive force (discussed in Section 14.2). Once the cell has drained as much energy as possible from an electron,

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Figure 5.19 Role of oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor in respiration. This pumping of protons out of the cell by cytochromes produces more positive charges outside the cell than inside, creating an electrochemical gradient (also called proton motive force). An electron from a high-energy source is passed from one member of the chain to the next. With each transfer of an electron to the next member of the chain, more energy is extracted and converted to proton motive force. At the end of the chain, the electron must be passed to a final or terminal electron acceptor, clearing the path for the next electron. This net process is called respiration.

Terminal electron acceptor ½ O2 H2O

Cytochromes H+ 2. Shuttle molecules like NAD move the electrons to a series of membrane proteins called cytochromes.

2 e–



3. Cytochromes extract energy from the electrons and use that energy to pump H+ out of the cell.

– – 2 e 2 e– 2 e + H+ H


Energy source






Glucose 6-P (reduced)

Acetate (oxidized)

1. Cells remove protons and high-energy electrons from energy sources like glucose. Cell membrane

that electron must be passed to a diffusible, fi nal electron acceptor molecule floating in the medium. This clears the way for another electron to be passed down the cytochrome chain (Fig. 5.19). One such terminal electron acceptor is dissolved oxygen. However, oxygen and its breakdown products are dangerously reactive, a serious problem for all cells. As a result, different species have evolved to either tolerate or avoid oxygen all together. Table 5.2 gives examples of microbes that grow at different levels of oxygen.

Microbes Are Classified by Their Relationship with Oxygen The relationships between microbes and oxygen are varied. Figure 5.20 illustrates a test tube with growth medium. The top of the tube, closest to air, is oxygenated; the bottom of the tube has much lower levels of oxygen. Some microbes grow only at the top of the tube, while others prefer to grow at the bottom, the distributions based on each organism’s relationship with oxygen. A

Table 5.2 Examples of aerobes and anaerobes. Aerobic




Neisseria spp. Causative organisms of meningitis, gonorrhea

Azoarcus tolulyticus Degrades toluene

Escherichia coli Normal GI flora; additional pathogenic strains

Helicobacter pylori Causative organism of gastric ulcers

Pseudomonas fluorescens Found in soil and water; degrade pollutants such as TNT and aromatic hydrocarbons

Bacteroides spp. Normal GI flora

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yeast; used in baking

Lactobacillus Ferments milk to form yogurt

Mycobacterium leprae Causative organism of leprosy

Clostridium spp. Soil microorganisms; causative agents of tetanus and botulism

Bacillus anthracis Causative organism of anthrax

Campylobacter spp. Causative organism of gastroenteritis

Azotobacter Soil microorganisms; fix atmospheric nitrogen

Actinomyces Soil microrganisms; synthesize antibiotics

Vibrio cholerae Causative organism of cholera

Treponema pallidum Causative organism of syphilis

Rhizobium spp. Soil microorganisms; plant symbionts

Desulfovibrio spp. Reduce sulfate

Staphylococcus spp. Found on skin; causative agent of boils

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High oxygen

Low oxygen




Growth zones

No oxygen

Oxygen-related growth zones in a standing

Figure 5.20

test tube.

strict aerobe is an organism that not only exists in oxygen but also uses oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor. In fact, a strict aerobe can only grow with oxygen present and possesses an aerobic metabolism (aerobic respiration). An aerobe will grow at the top of the tube shown in Figure 5.20. In contrast, a strict anaerobe dies in the least bit of oxygen. Strict anaerobes do not use oxygen as an electron acceptor, but this is not why they die in air. They die because this type of microbe is vulnerable to reactive oxygen molecules (also called reactive oxygen species; ROS) produced by its own metabolism when it is exposed to oxygen. Anaerobes will grow at the bottom of the tube shown in Figure 5.20. Do not confuse the ability of an organism to exist in the presence of oxygen with its ability to use oxygen as

a terminal electron acceptor. Some aerobes can survive in oxygen but do not have the ability to use oxygen. Any organism that possesses NADH dehydrogenase II, aerobe or anaerobe, will, in the presence of oxygen, inadvertently autooxidize the FAD cofactor within the enzyme and produce dangerous amounts of superoxide radicals – ( •O2 ; Fig. 5.21). Superoxide will degrade to hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2), another reactive molecule. Iron, present as a cofactor in several enzymes, can then catalyze a reaction with hydrogen peroxide to produce the highly toxic hydroxyl radical ( •OH). All of these molecules seriously damage DNA, RNA, proteins, and lipids. Consequently, oxygen is actually an extreme environment in which survival requires special talents. Aerobes, but not anaerobes, destroy reactive oxygen species with the aid of enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (to remove superoxide) and peroxidase and catalase (to remove hydrogen peroxide). Aerobes also have resourceful enzyme systems that detect and repair macromolecules damaged by oxidation.

Anaerobes Ferment and Respire without Oxygen Anaerobic microbes fall into several categories. Some anaerobes actually do respire using cytochrome systems, but instead of using oxygen, they rely on alternative terminal electron acceptors like nitrate to conduct anaerobic respiration and produce energy. Anaerobes of another ilk do not possess cytochromes, cannot respire, and so must rely on carbohydrate fermentation for energy (that is, they conduct fermentative metabolism). Fermentation involves the production of ATP energy through substrate-level phosphorylation in a process that does not involve cytochromes. Facultative organisms are

O2 + e–


These reactions generate ROS.

O2– Superoxide radical union

O2– + H+

superoxide dismutase

H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide Fe2+

(Fenton reaction) catalase 2 H2O2 2 H2O + O2 2 H2O2

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Fe3+ OH– + OH Hydroxyl radical


These reactions destroy ROS.

Generation and destruction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The autoxidation of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and the Fenton reaction occur spontaneously to produce superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, respectively. The other reactions require enzymes. FAD is a cofactor for a number of enzymes (for example, NADH dehydrogenase II). Catalase and peroxidase do not produce ROS but detoxify hydrogen peroxide.

Figure 5.21

The production of ROS often begins with the autooxidation of FAD.


2 H2O + NAD+

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microbes that can live with or without oxygen. They will grow throughout the tube shown in Figure 5.20. Facultative anaerobes (sometimes called aerotolerant) only use fermentation to provide energy but contain superoxide dismutase and catalase (or peroxidase) to protect them from reactive oxygen species. This allows them to grow in oxygen while retaining a fermentation-based metabolism. Facultative aerobes (such as E. coli) also possess enzymes that destroy toxic oxygen by-products, but have both fermentative and aerobic respiratory potential. Whether a member of this group uses aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or fermentation depends on the availability of oxygen and the amount of carbohydrate present. Microorganisms that possess decreased levels of superoxide dismutase and/or catalase will be microaerophilic, meaning they will grow only at low oxygen concentrations. The fundamental composition of all cells reflects their evolutionary origin as anaerobes. Lipids, nucleic acids, and amino acids are all highly reduced—which is why our bodies are combustible. We never would have evolved that way if molecular oxygen were present from the beginning. Even today, the majority of all microbes are anaerobic, growing buried in the soil, within our anaerobic digestive tract, or within biofi lms on our teeth.

Many anaerobic bacteria cause horrific human diseases, such as tetanus, botulism, and gangrene. Some of these organisms or their secreted toxins are even potential weapons of terror (for example, Clostridium botulinum). Because of their ability to wreak havoc on humans, culturing these microorganisms was an early goal of microbiologists. Despite the difficulties involved, conditions were eventually contrived in which all, or at least most, of the oxygen could be removed from a culture environment. Three techniques are used today. Special reducing agents (for example, thioglycolate) or enzyme systems (Oxyrase®) that eliminate dissolved oxygen can be added to ordinary liquid media. Anaerobes can then grow beneath the culture surface. A second, very popular, way to culture anaerobes, especially on agar plates, is to use an anaerobe jar (Fig. 5.22A). Agar plates streaked with the organism are placed into a sealed jar with a foil packet that releases H2 and CO2 gases. A palladium packet hanging from the jar lid catalyzes a reaction between the H2 and O2 in the jar to form H2O and effectively removes O2 from the chamber. The CO2 released is required by some reactions to produce key metabolic intermediates. Some microaerophilic microbes, like the pathogens H. pylori (the major cause of stomach ulcers) and Campylobacter jejuni (a major cause of diarrhea), require low levels of O2 but elevated amounts of CO2. These conditions are obtained by using similar gas-generating packets. For strict anaerobes exquisitely sensitive to oxygen, even more heroic efforts are required to establish an oxygen-free environment. A special anaerobic glove box must be used in which the atmosphere is removed by

THOUGHT QUESTION 5.7 How can anaerobes grow in the human mouth when there is so much oxygen there?


Catalyst in lid mediates reaction. H2 + ½O2 f H2O


Tracy Grosshans

©Jack Bostrack/Visuals Unlimited

GasPak envelope generates H2 and CO2.

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Culturing Anaerobes in the Laboratory

THOUGHT QUESTION 5.6 If anaerobes cannot live in oxygen, how do they incorporate oxygen into their cellular components?


Glove ports

Anaerobic growth technology. B. An anaerobic chamber with glove ports.

Figure 5.22

A. An anaerobic jar.

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vacuum and replaced with a precise mixture of N2 and CO2 gases (Fig. 5.22B). THOUGHT QUESTION 5.8 What evidence led people to think about looking for anaerobes? Hint: Look up Spallanzani, Pasteur, and spontaneous generation on the Web.

Starvation Slows Cell Metabolism but Activates Key Survival Genes


Oxygen is a benefit to organisms (aerobes) that can use it as a terminal electron acceptor to extract energy from nutrients. Oxygen is toxic to all cells (anaerobes) that do not have enzymes capable of efficiently destroying the reactive oxygen species. Anaerobic metabolism can either be fermentative or respiratory. Anaerobic respiration requires the organism to possess cytochromes that can use compounds other than oxygen as terminal electron acceptors. Facultative anaerobes grow either in the presence or in the absence of oxygen, but use fermentation as their primary, if not only, means of gathering energy. These microbes also have enzymes that destroy reactive oxygen species, allowing them to grow in oxygen. Facultative aerobes, like facultative anaerobes, grow with or without oxygen and have enzymes that destroy reactive oxygen species. In addition, they possess both the ability for fermentative metabolism and the ability to use oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor.


Microbial Responses to Nutrient Deprivation and Starvation

It is intuitively obvious that limiting the availability of a carbon source or other essential nutrient will limit

Numerous gene systems are affected when nutrients decline (see Section 10.3 for details). Growth rate slows, and daughter cells become smaller and begin to experience what is termed a “starvation” response, where the microbe senses a dire situation developing but still strives to fi nd new nourishment. The resulting metabolic slowdown generates increased concentrations of critically important small signal molecules such as cyclic AMP and guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) that globally transform gene expression. During this metabolic retooling, transport systems for potential nutrients are produced even if the matching substrates are unavailable. Cells begin to make and store glycogen, presumably as an internal emergency store in case no other nutrient is found. Some organisms growing on nutrient-limited agar plates can even form colonies with intricate geometrical shapes that help the population cope, in some unknown way, with nutrient stress (Fig. 5.23). As a cultural environment progressively worsens, the organism must prepare for famine, and many different stress survival genes become active. The products of these genes afford protection against stressors such as reactive oxygen radicals or temperature and pH extremes. No cell can predict the precise stresses it might encounter while incapacitated, so it is advantageous to be prepared for as many as possible. As described in Chapter 4, some species undergo elaborate developmental processes that ultimately produce dormant spores.

Effects of starvation on colony morphology. A. Starving E. coli colony. B. Pseudomonas dendritiformis C morphotype, grown on hard agar (1.75%) under starvation conditions. The colony consists of branches with chiral twists (colored green), all with the same handedness. The added coloration indicates time of growth (yellow = oldest; red = most recent).

Figure 5.23


John Foster, U. of South Alabama


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growth. Not so obvious are the dramatic molecular events that cascade through a cell undergoing nutrient limitation and ultimately starvation. Optimizing growth rate at suboptimal nutrient levels is an important aim of free-living bacteria, given that intestinal, soil, and marine environments rarely offer nutrient excess.

Eshel Ben-Jacob, Tel Aviv University


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Some Organisms Only Grow in Nutrient-Poor Media Most well-studied organisms thrive on organically rich media (more than 2 g of carbon per liter) but struggle to grow at very low nutrient concentration (1–5 mg of carbon per liter). In natural ecosystems, however, the majority of existing microbes appear to be oligotrophs, organisms with a high rate of growth at extremely low organic substrate concentrations. Oligotrophs are well suited for growth in the nutrient-poor, or oligotrophic, environments found in certain lakes and streams. Some oligotrophs are actually poisoned by concentrated organics or commit suicide in rich media by overproducing excess toxic hydrogen peroxide. Consequently, they require low nutrient levels to survive. In soil, for example, there exist a variety of uncharacterized oligotrophic bacteria that are very sensitive to NaCl and various L-amino acids. How do oligotrophs manage to grow in such impoverished conditions? Some oligotrophic bacteria have thin extensions of their membrane and cell wall called prothecae (stalks) that essentially expand the surface area of the cell and increase capacity to transport nutrients. How other oligotrophs grow remains a mystery.

Microbes Encounter Multiple Stresses in Real Life In keeping with the reductionist approach to science, bacterial stress responses have traditionally been studied in terms of individual stresses. Escherichia coli, for example, increases synthesis of a specific set of proteins when exposed to high temperature and a different set of proteins when exposed to high salt. There are overlapping members of the two sets; that is, several proteins may be highly expressed under both conditions, but each stress response also includes proteins unique to each stress. Environmental situations in the world outside of the laboratory, however, can be quite complex, involving multiple, not just single, stresses. An organism could simultaneously undergo carbon starvation in a high salt, low pH environment. A classic study by Kelly Abshire and Frederich Neidhardt examined this situation using the pathogen Salmonella enterica, a cause of diarrhea. S. enterica invades human macrophage cells and survives in phagocytic vacuoles, where numerous stresses, such as low pH, oxidative stress, and nutrient limitations, are simultaneously imposed on the bacteria. Comparing the proteins synthesized by Salmonella growing in this compartment with the proteins synthesized under single stresses in the laboratory revealed an unexpected response pattern. Although many stress-related proteins were induced in the intracellular environment, no one set of stress-induced proteins was induced in its entirety.

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Furthermore, several bacterial proteins were induced by growth only within the macrophage phagolysosome, suggesting the presence of unknown intracellular stresses. Thus caution is advised when trying to predict cell responses to real-world situations based solely on controlled laboratory studies that alter only single parameters.

Humans Influence Microbial Ecosystems Natural ecosystems are typically low in nutrients (oligotrophic) but teem with diversity, so that numerous species compete for the same limiting nutrients. Maximum diversity in a given ecosystem is maintained, in part, by the different nutrient-gathering profi les of competing microbes. Take a scenario in which microbe A is better than microbe B at gathering phosphate when phosphate levels are low, but microbe B is superior to A at culling limited quantities of nitrogen (Fig. 5.24). Neither organism dominates when both phosphate and nitrogen are in short supply. So even though B can harvest more nitrogen than A, it cannot outgrow A, since the phosphate concentration is low. However, if phosphate is suddenly increased so that it is no longer limiting for either organism, the one better adapted to low nitrogen (microbe B) will outgrow and overwhelm the other. The sudden infusion of large quantities of a formerly limiting nutrient, a process called eutrophication, can lead to a “bloom” of microbes. Organisms initially held in check by the limiting nutrient now exhibit unrestricted growth, consuming other nutrients to a degree that threatens the existence of competing species. Humans have caused nutrient pollution in several ways. Runoff from agricultural fields, urban lawns, and golf courses is one source. Untreated or partially treated domestic sewage is another. Sewage was a primary source of phosphorus eutrophication of lakes in the 1960s and 1970s, when detergents contained large amounts of phosphates. The phosphates acted as water softeners to improve cleaning action, but when washed into lakes, they also proved to be powerful stimulants to algal growth (Fig. 5.25). The resulting algal “blooms” in many lakes led to oxygen depletion and resultant fish kills. Many native fish species disappeared, to be replaced by species more tolerant of the new conditions. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Starvation is a stress that can elicit a starvation response in many microbes. Enzymes are produced to increase the efficiency of nutrient gathering and to protect cell macromolecules from damage. The starvation response is usually triggered by the accumulation of small signal molecules such as cyclic AMP or ppGpp.

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Maintaining microbial diversity through nutrient limitation. Species A and species B require both nitrogen and phosphate to grow. Top: Neither species dominates because each has a limiting nutrient (N = nitrogen; P = phosphate). Bottom: Following phosphate eutrophication, species B will outgrow species A because while both species have enough phosphate, B is better able to assimilate the limited quantity of nitrogen.

Figure 5.24

Low P Transports phosphate efficiently

Transports phosphate poorly





Species B

Species A



Transports nitrogen poorly Low N



Transports nitrogen efficiently

Neither organism has an advantage. Increase phosphate concentration


















Species B can outcompete species A.

Fish and Oceans Canada, Experimental Lake Areas

Oligotrophs are organisms that thrive in nutrientpoor conditions. Human activities can cause eutrophication, which damages delicately balanced ecosystems by introducing nutrients that can allow one member of the ecosystem to flourish at the expense of other species.



Eutrophication. Algal bloom in an experimental lake resulting from phosphate eutrophication. A divider curtain separates the lake and prevents mixing of water. The bright green color results from cyanobacteria growing on phosphorus added to the near side of the curtain.

Figure 5.25

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Physical and Chemical Methods of Controlling Microbial Growth

Prevention, control, or elimination of microbes that are potentially harmful to humans is one of the primary goals of our health care system. Within the recent past, infectious disease was an imminent and constant threat to most of the human population. The average family in the United States prior to 1900 had four or five children, in part because parents could expect half of them to succumb to deadly infectious diseases. What today would be a simple infected cut in years past held a serious risk of death, and a trip to the surgeon was tantamount

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Sterilization is the process by which all living cells, spores, and viruses are destroyed on an object. Disinfection is the killing, or removal, of diseaseproducing organisms from inanimate surfaces; it does not necessarily result in sterilization. Pathogens are killed, but other microbes may survive. Antisepsis is similar to disinfection, but it applies to removing pathogens from the surface of living tissues, like the skin. Antiseptic chemicals are usually not as toxic as disinfectants, which frequently damage living tissues. Sanitation, closely related to disinfection, consists of reducing the microbial population to safe levels and usually involves cleaning an object as well as disinfection.

Antimicrobials can also be classified on the basis of the specific groups of microbes destroyed, leading to the terms bactericide, algicide, fungicide, and virucide. Furthermore, these agents can be classified either as -static (inhibiting growth) or -cidal (killing cells). For example, antibacterial agents are called bacteriostatic or bactericidal. Chemical substances that kill microbes are germicidal if they kill pathogens (and many nonpathogens). Germicidal agents do not necessarily kill spores. Although these descriptions place emphasis on killing pathogens, it is also important to note that antimicrobial agents can also kill or prevent the growth of nonpathogens. Many public health standards are based on total numbers of microorganisms on an object, regardless of pathogenic potential. For example, to gain public health certification, the restaurants we frequent must demonstrate low numbers of bacteria in their food preparation areas.

Cells Treated with Antimicrobials Die at a Logarithmic Rate Exposure of microbes to lethal chemicals or conditions does not instantly kill all microorganisms. Microbes die according to a negative exponential curve, where cell numbers are reduced in equal fractions at constant intervals. The efficacy of a given agent or condition is measured as decimal reduction time (D-value), which is the length of time it takes that agent (or condition) to

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8 7 Log10 viable organisms

to playing Russian roulette with an unsterilized scalpel. Improvements in sanitation procedures and antiseptics and the advent of antibiotics have, to a large degree, curtailed the incidence and lethal effects of many infectious diseases. Success in this endeavor has played a major role in extending life expectancy and in contributing to the population explosion. A variety of terms are used to describe antimicrobial control measures. The terms convey subtle, yet vitally important, differences in various control strategies and outcomes.


6 5 4

100% 10% (90% killed)

3 2

D 100

1 0 0











Exposure (min)

The death curve and the determination of D-values. Bacteria were exposed to a temperature of 100°C, and survivors were measured by viable count. The D-value is the time required to kill 90% of cells (that is, for the viable cell count to drop by one log10 unit). In this example, the D-value at 100°C (D100) is approximately 1 minute.

Figure 5.26

kill 90% of the population (a drop of 1 log unit, or a drop to 10% of the original value). Figure 5.26 illustrates the exponential death profi le of a bacterial culture heated to 100°C. The D-value is a little over 1 minute. Several factors influence the D-value—that is, the ability of an antimicrobial agent to kill microbes. These include the initial population size (the larger the population, the longer it takes to decrease it to a specific number), population composition (are spores involved?), agent concentration, and duration of exposure. Although the effect of concentration seems intuitively obvious, only over a narrow range is an increase in concentration matched by an increase in death rate. Increases above a certain level might not accelerate killing at all. For example, 70% ethanol is actually better than pure ethanol at killing organisms. This is because some water is needed to help ethanol penetrate cells. The ethanol then dehydrates cell proteins. So, why is death a logarithmic function? Why don’t all cells in a population die instantly when treated with lethal heat or chemicals? The reason is based, in part, on the random probability of the agent causing a lethal “hit” in a given cell. Cells contain thousands of different proteins and thousands of molecules of each. Not all proteins and not all genes in a chromosome are damaged by an agent at the same time. Damage accumulates. Only when enough molecules of an essential protein or a gene encoding that protein are damaged will the cell die. Cells that die fi rst are those that accumulate lethal hits early. Members of the population that die later have, by random chance, absorbed more hits on nonessential proteins or genes, sparing the essential ones.

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Why, if 90% of a population is killed in 1 minute, aren’t the remaining 10% killed in the next minute? It seems logical that all should have perished. Yet after the second minute, 1% of the original population remains alive. This can also be explained by the random hit concept. Although there are fewer viable cells after 1 minute, each has the same random chance of having a lethal hit as when the treatment began. Thus, death rate is an exponential function, much like radioactive decay is an exponential function. A fi nal consideration involves the overall fitness of individual cells. It is mistaken to assume that all cells in a population are identical. For example, at any given time, one cell may express a protein that another cell has just stopped expressing (for example, superoxide dismutase). In that instant, the fi rst cell might contain a bit more of that protein. If the protein is essential or confers a level of stress protection (such as against superoxide), the cell can absorb more punishment before it is dispatched. The presence of lucky individuals expressing the right repertoire of proteins might also explain why death curves commonly level off after a certain point.

Physical Agents That Kill Microbes Physical agents are often used to kill microbes or control their growth. Commonly used physical control measures are temperature extremes, pressure (usually combined with temperature), fi ltration, and irradiation. High temperature and pressure. Even though microbes

were discovered less than 400 years ago, thermal treatment of food products to render them safe has been practiced for over 5,000 years. Moist heat is a much more effective killer than dry heat, thanks to the ability of water to penetrate cells. Many bacteria, for instance, easily withstand 100°C dry heat but not 100°C in boiling water. We humans are not so different, fi nding it easier to endure a temperature of 32°C (90°F) in dry Arizona than in humid Louisiana. While boiling water (100°C) can kill most vegetative (actively growing) organisms, spores are built to withstand this abuse, and thermophiles prefer it. Killing spores and thermophiles usually requires combining high pressure and temperature. At high pressure, the boiling point of water rises to a temperature rarely experienced by microbes living at sea level. Even endospores quickly die under these conditions. This combination of pressure and temperature is the principle behind sterilization using the steam autoclave (Fig. 5.27). Standard conditions for steam sterilization are 121°C (250°F) at 15 psi for 20 minutes, a set of conditions that experience has taught us will kill all spores. These are also the conditions produced in pressure cookers used for home canning of vegetables.

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Safety valve Exhaust valve (to remove steam after sterilization)

Operating valve (controls steam from jacket to chamber) Pressure gauge

Steam to chamber

Steam Steam chamber


Perforated shelf

Steam jacket

Automatic ejector valve is thermostatically controlled and closes on contact with pure steam when air is exhausted To waste Steam supply line

Figure 5.27

Sediment screen Thermometer Pressure regulator for steam supply

Steam autoclave.

Failure to adhere to these heat and pressure parameters can have deadly consequences, even in your own home. For instance, Clostridium botulinum is a sporeforming soil microbe that commonly contaminates fruits and vegetables used in home canning. The improper use of a pressure cooker while canning these goods will allow spores of this pathogen to survive. Once the can or jar is cool, the spores will germinate and begin producing their deadly toxin. All of this happens while the canned goods sit on a shelf waiting to be opened and consumed. Once ingested, the toxin makes its way to the nervous system and paralyzes the victim. Several incidents of this disease, called botulism, occur each year in the United States. (For more on food poisoning, see Chapter 16.) THOUGHT QUESTION 5.9 How would you test the killing efficacy of an autoclave? The food industry uses several parameters to evaluate the efficiency of heat killing. The D-value has already been described. Two additional measures are 12D, the amount of time required to kill 1012 spores (or reduce a population 12 logs); and the z-value, the increase in temperature needed to lower the D-value to 1 /10 its previous value. If, for example, D100 (the D-value at 100°C) and D110 (the D-value at 110°C) for a given organism are 20 minutes and 2 minutes, respectively, then 12D100 equals 240 minutes (that is, 20 minutes × 12), and the z-value

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is 10°C (because a 10°C increase in temperature reduced the D-value to 1 /10, from 20 minutes to 2 minutes). These measurements are extremely important to the canning industry, which must ensure that canned goods do not contain spores of Clostridium botulinum, the previously described anaerobic soil microbe that causes the paralyzing food-borne disease botulism. Because the tastes of certain foods suffer if they are overheated, z-values and 12D-values are used to adjust heating times and temperatures to achieve the same sterilizing result. Take the following example, where D121 is 10 minutes and 12D121 is 120 minutes. Sterilizing food at 121°C for 120 minutes might result in food with a repulsive taste, whereas reducing the temperature and extending the heating time may yield a more palatable product. The D- and z-values are used to adjust conditions for sterilization at a lower temperature. If D121 is 15 minutes and the z-value is known to be 10°C, then reducing temperature by 10°C to 110°C will mean D111 is 150 minutes (10 times D121). As a result, 12D111 is 1,800 minutes. Sterilization may take longer, but food quality is likely to remain high, because the sterilizing temperature is lower. Pasteurization. Originally devised by Louis Pasteur to save products of the French wine industry from devastating bacterial spoilage, pasteurization today involves heating a particular food (such as milk) to a specific temperature long enough to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Coxiella burnetii. These two organisms, the causative agents of tuberculosis and Q fever, respectively, are the most heat-resistant nonspore-forming pathogens known. Many different time and temperature combinations can be used for pasteurization. The LTLT (low-temperature/long-time) process involves bringing milk to a temperature of 63°C (145°F) for 30 minutes. In contrast, the HTST (high-temperature/short-time, also called flash pasteurization) method brings the milk to a temperature of 72°C (161°F) for only 15 seconds. Both processes accomplish the same thing: the destruction of M. tuberculosis and C. burnetii. Cold. Low temperatures have two basic purposes in microbiology: to temper growth and to preserve strains. Bacteria not only grow more slowly in cold, but also die more slowly. Refrigeration temperatures (4–8°C, or 39–43°F) are used for food preservation because most pathogens are mesophilic and grow poorly, if at all, at those temperatures. One exception is the gram-positive bacillus Listeria monocytogenes, which can grow reasonably well in the cold and causes disease when ingested. Long-term storage of bacteria usually requires placing solutions in glycerol at very low temperatures (–70°C). Glycerol prevents the production of razor-sharp ice crys-

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■ The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


tals that can pierce cells from without or within. This deep-freezing suspends growth altogether and keeps cells from dying. Another technique called lyophilization freeze-dries microbial cultures for long-term storage. In this technique, cultures are quickly frozen at very low temperatures (quick-freezing also limits ice crystal formation) and placed under vacuum, where the resulting sublimation process removes all water from the media and cells, leaving just the cells in the form of a powder. These freeze-dried organisms remain viable for years. Finally, viruses and mammalian cells must be kept at extremely low temperatures (–196°C), submerged in liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen freezes cells so quickly that ice crystals do not have time to form. Filtration. Filtration through micropore fi lters with

pore sizes of 0.2 µm can remove microbial cells, but not viruses, from solutions. Samples from 1 ml to several liters can be drawn through a membrane fi lter by vacuum or can be forced through it using a syringe (Fig. 5.28). Filter sterilization has the advantage of avoiding heat, which can damage the material sterilized. Of course, since these fi lters do not trap viruses, the solutions are not really sterile. Air can also be sterilized by fi ltration. This forms the basis of several personal protective devices. A surgical mask is a crude example, while laminar flow biological safety cabinets are more elaborate (and more effective). These cabinets force air through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) fi lters and remove over 99.9% of airborne particulate material 0.3 µm in size or larger. Biosafety cabinets are critical to protect individuals working with highly pathogenic material (Fig. 5.29). Newer technologies have been developed that embed antimicrobial agents or enzymes directly into the fibers of the fi lter

Syringe filter

Bottle top filter Filtration device Unsterile media Sterile membrane filter Connect to vacuum

Syringe with fluid attached here Sterile membrane filter

Sterile solution collected

Sterile solution collected in a sterile container

Figure 5.28

Membrane filtration apparatus.

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■ E n vir o n m e n t a l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h

Biological safety cabinet. Air is drawn into the chamber and continually passed through the HEPA filter to remove hazardous agents. This prevents the escape of aerosolized infectious agents.

Figure 5.29



HEPA filter

Labconco Corporation


(Fig. 5.30). Organisms entangled in these fibers are not just trapped; they are attacked by the antimicrobials and lyse. Irradiation. Public health authorities worldwide are

increasingly concerned about food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella species, E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes, and Yersinia enterocolitica. Irradiation, the bombardment of foods with highenergy electromagnetic radiation, has long been a potent, if politically sensitive, strategy for sterilizing food after harvesting. The food consumed by NASA astronauts, for example, has for some time been sterilized by irradiation as a safeguard against food-borne illness in space.

Nikki-Universal Co., Ltd., 2000

Lysed organism

Filter fiber

3 µm

Figure 5.30 Immobilized enzyme filter. The primary function of this enzyme filter is to kill airborne microorganisms caught on the surface of the filter to protect against secondary contamination from microorganisms in air filtration systems. The photo shows lysed bacteria (Bacillus subtilis). The cell walls have been hydrolyzed by enzymatic action, and cell membranes are broken as a result of osmotic pressure pushing outward against the membrane.

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Until recently, public pressure severely limited the use of this technology because of concerns about product safety and exposure of workers. However, the recent use of the U.S. mail service by a bioterrorist to disseminate anthrax spores across the eastern United States has renewed interest in sterilization by irradiation. Foods do not become radioactive when irradiated, but there are concerns that reactive molecules potentially dangerous to humans are produced when high-energy particles are absorbed by the natural chemicals in the food and react to produce toxic substances. Aside from ultraviolvet light, which, owing to its poor penetrating ability, is only useful for surface sterilization, there are three other sources of irradiation: gamma rays, electron beams, and X-rays. Radiation dosage is usually measured in a unit called the gray (Gy), which is the amount of energy transferred to food, microbe, or other substance being irradiated. A single chest X-ray delivers roughly half a milligray (1 mGy = 0.001 Gy). To kill Salmonella, freshly slaughtered chicken can be irradiated at up to 4.5 kilograys (kGy), about 7 million times the energy of a single chest X-ray. When microbes present in food are irradiated, water and other intracellular molecules absorb the energy and create transient reactive chemicals that damage DNA and scramble genetic information. Unless the organism repairs this damage, it will die while trying to replicate. Microbes differ greatly in their sensitivity to irradiation, depending on the size of their DNA, the rate at which they can repair damaged DNA, and other factors. It also matters if the irradiated food is frozen or fresh, as it takes a higher dose of radiation to kill microbes in frozen foods.

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Some Bacteria Are Highly Resistant to Physical Control Measures Deinococcus radiodurans could be nicknamed “Conan the bacterium” and designated as a poster microbe for extremophiles (Fig. 5.31). It was discovered in 1956 in a can of meat that spoiled despite having been sterilized by radiation. The microbe has the greatest ability to survive radiation of any known organism. Based on the amount of radiation it can handle, it has been estimated that it could even survive the amount of radiation released in an atomic blast. The bacterium’s ability to withstand radiation may have evolved as a side effect of developing resistance to extreme drought, since dehydration and radiation produce similar types of DNA damage. Deinococcus

Chemical Agents Supplement Physical Means of Controlling Microbes Disinfection by physical agents is very effective, but numerous situations arise where their use is impractical (kitchen countertops) or plainly impossible (skin). In these instances, chemical agents are the best approach. There are a number of factors that influence the efficacy of a given chemical agent. These include: ■

The presence of organic matter. A chemical placed on a dirty surface will bind to the inert organic material present, lowering the agent’s effectiveness against microbes. It sometimes is not possible to clean a surface prior to disinfection (as in a blood spill), but the presence of organic material must be factored in when estimating how long to disinfect a surface or object. The kinds of organisms present. Ideally, the agent should be effective against a broad range of pathogens. Corrosiveness. The disinfectant should not corrode the surface or, in the case of an antiseptic, damage skin.



1 µm

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John R. Battista, Louisiana State University

Deinococcus radiodurans. A. Based on the amount of radiation this organism can survive, the bacterium could withstand radiation equivalent to that from an atomic blast. The nature of the dark inclusion bodies in three of the four cells in the quartet is not known. B. John Battista of Louisiana State University showed that D. radiodurans has exceptional capabilities for repairing radiation-damaged DNA.

Figure 5.31


repairing its damaged DNA, although the precise mechanisms remain a mystery. One possible mechanism is that a damaged chromosome in one member of the quartet shown can restore itself using DNA from another member of the quartet. Based on this research, D. radiodurans has been genetically engineered to treat radioactive mercury-contaminated waste from nuclear reactors, a process called bioremediation (discussed in Chapter 22). The genes for mercury conversion were spliced from a strain of E. coli resistant to particularly toxic forms of mercury and inserted into D. radiodurans. The genetically altered superbug was able to withstand the ionizing radiation and transform toxic waste into forms that could be removed safely. Fortunately, there is little need to worry about its being a super pathogen, because the organism does not cause disease and is susceptible to antibiotics.

Research by microbiologist John Battista has shown that D. radiodurans possesses an unusual capacity for

The M ic rob i al Ce l l

John R. Battista, Louisiana State University

The size of the DNA “target” is a major factor in radiation efficacy. Parasites and insect pests, which have large amounts of DNA, are rapidly killed by extremely low doses of radiation, typically with D-values of less than 0.1 kGy (in this instance, the D-value is the dose of radiation needed to kill 90% of the organisms). It takes more radiation to kill bacteria (D-values in the range of 0.3–0.7 kGy) because they have less DNA per cell unit (less target per cell). It takes even more radiation to kill a bacterial spore (D-values on the order of 2.8 kGy) because they contain little water, the source of most ionizing damage to DNA. Viral pathogens have the smallest amount of nucleic acid, making them resistant to irradiation doses approved for foods (viruses have D-values of 10 kGy or higher). Prion particles associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, also known as mad cow disease) do not contain nucleic acid and are only inactivated by irradiation at extremely high doses. Thus, irradiation of food is effective in eliminating parasites and bacteria, but is woefully inadequate for eliminating viruses or prions.

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Chapter 5

E n vir o n m e n t a l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h

Stability, odor, and surface tension. The chemical should be stable upon storage, possess a neutral or pleasant odor, and have a low surface tension so it can penetrate cracks and crevices.

The Phenol Coefficient Compares the Effectiveness of Disinfectants Phenol, fi rst introduced by Joseph Lister in 1867 to reduce the incidence of surgical infections, is no longer used as a disinfectant, but its derivatives, such as cresols and orthophenylphenol, are still in use. The household product Lysol is a mixture of phenolics. Phenolics are useful disinfectants because they denature proteins, are effective in the presence of organic material, and remain active on surfaces long after application. Today we know phenolics are toxic and should not be used on living tissues. Nevertheless, based on its potency and its history, phenol is the benchmark against which other disinfectants are measured. The phenol coefficient test involves inoculating a fi xed number of bacteria—for example, Salmonella typhi or Staphylococcus aureus—into dilutions of the test agent. At timed intervals, samples are withdrawn from each dilution and inoculated into fresh broth (which contains no disinfectant). The phenol coefficient is based on the highest dilution (lowest concentration) of a disinfectant that will kill all the bacteria in a test after 10 minutes of exposure, but leaves survivors after only 5 minutes of exposure. This concentration is known as the maximum effective dilution. Dividing the reciprocal of the maximum effective dilution for the test agent (for example, ethyl alcohol) by the reciprocal of the maximum effective dilution for phenol gives the phenol coefficient (Table 5.3). For example, if the maximum effective dilution for agent X is 1 /900 and that of phenol is 1 /90, then the phenol coefficient of X is 900/90 = 10; the higher the coefficient, the higher the efficacy of the disinfectant.

Table 5.3 Phenol coefficients for various disinfectants. Chemical agent Phenol Chloramine Cresols Ethyl alcohol Formalin Hydrogen peroxide Lysol Mercury chloride Tincture of iodine

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Staphylococcus aureus 1.0 133.0 2.3 6.3 0.3 — 5.0 100.0 6.3

Salmonella typhi 1.0 100.0 2.3 6.3 0.7 0.001 3.2 143.0 5.8

Commercial Disinfectants Ethanol, iodine, chlorine, and surfactants (for example, detergents) are all used to reduce or eliminate microbial content from commercial products (Fig. 5.32). The first three are highly reactive compounds that damage proteins, lipids, and DNA. Iodine complexed with an organic carrier forms an iodophor, a compound that is water-soluble, stable, nonstaining, and capable of releasing iodine slowly to avoid skin irritation. Wescodyne and Betadyne (trade names) are iodophors used respectively, for the surgical preparation of skin and for wounds. Chlorine is a disinfectant with universal application. It is recommended for general laboratory and hospital disinfection and kills the HIV virus. Detergents can also be antimicrobial agents. The hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends of detergent molecules (which makes them amphipathic) will emulsify fat into water. Cationic (positively charged) but not anionic (negatively charged) detergents are useful as disinfectants because the cationic detergents contain positive charges that can gain access to the negatively charged bacterial cell and disrupt membranes. Anionic detergents are not antimicrobial but do help in the mechanical removal of bacteria from surfaces. Low-molecular-weight aldehydes such as formaldehyde are highly reactive, combining with and inactivating proteins and nucleic acids. This, too, makes them useful disinfectants. Disposable plasticware like petri dishes, syringes, sutures, and catheters are not amenable to heat sterilization or liquid disinfection. These materials are best sterilized using antimicrobial gases. Ethylene oxide gas (EtO) is a very effective sterilizing agent; it destroys cell proteins, is microbicidal and sporicidal, and rapidly penetrates packing materials, including plastic wraps. Using an instrument resembling an autoclave, EtO at 700 milligrams per liter (mg/L) will sterilize an object after 8 hours at 38°C or 4 hours at 54°C if the relative humidity is kept at 50%. Unfortunately, EtO is explosive. A less hazardous gas sterilant is betapropiolactone. It does not penetrate as well as EtO, but it decomposes after a few hours, which makes it easier to dispose of than EtO.

Antibiotics Selectively Control Bacterial Growth Antibiotics as made in nature are chemical compounds made by one microbe that selectively kill other microbial species. Naturally occurring antibiotics act like tiny molecular land mines. As a defense against competitors, some organisms secrete antibiotic compounds into their surrounding environment, where they remain until encountered by an intruder. If the interloper is susceptible to the antibiotic, the compound will target specific structures or proteins, disrupting their function. The target cell is either rendered helpless (by bacteriostatic antibiot-

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Quaternary ammonium compounds







Cl H 3C

Cl Cl Cl Cl Hexachlorophene


Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol)



Cetylpyridinium chloride






C O H Formaldehyde


Phenol OH



O Glutaraldehyde








■ The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


O Ethylene oxide



CH3 R = alkyl, C8H17 to C18H37




Benzalconium chloride (mixture)



Figure 5.32

Structures of some common disinfectants and antiseptics.

ics) or made nonviable (by bactericidal compounds). (See Chapter 27 for detailed modes of action.) When purified and administered to patients suffering from an infectious disease, these antibiotics can produce seemingly miraculous recoveries. As we saw in Chapter 1, penicillin, produced by Penicillium notatum, was discovered serendipitously in 1929 by Alexander Fleming. Figure 5.33A shows a threedimensional representation of this molecule, which mimics a part of the microbial cell wall. Because of this mimicry, penicillin binds to biosynthetic proteins involved in peptidoglycan synthesis and prevents cell wall formation. The drug is bactericidal because actively growing cells lyse without the support of the cell wall (Fig. 5.34). Other antibiotics target protein synthesis, DNA replication, cell

membranes, and various enzyme reactions. These interactions are described throughout Parts 1–3 of this text. So how do antibiotic-producing microbes avoid suicide? In some instances, the producing organism lacks the target molecule. Penicillium mold, for instance, lacks peptidoglycan and is immune to penicillin by default. Some bacteria produce antimicrobial compounds that target other members of the same species. In this case, the producing organism can modify its own receptors so that they no longer recognize the compound (as with some bacterial colicins). Another strategy is to modify the antibiotic if it reenters the cell. This is the case with streptomycin produced by Streptomyces griseus. Streptomycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis and does not discriminate between the protein synthesis machinery of Streptomyces




Christine L. Case/Skyline College


Penicillin. A. Three-dimensional and flat views of penicillin G molecule produced by the Penicillium mold. To view, place a piece of cardboard vertically between the two images. Position your eyes on opposite sides of the cardboard and force them to focus behind the images. The images will merge and produce a 3-D image. B. U.S. postal stamp showing Penicillium notatum. C. P. notatum culture. The mold excretes penicillin, which inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus.

Figure 5.33

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■ E n vir o n m e n t a l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h



Effect of ampicillin (a penicillin derivative) on E. coli. Cells were incubated for 1 hour at the antibiotic concentrations shown. Swollen areas of cells in panels B–D reflect weakening cell walls. Cells shown are approx. 2 um long.

Figure 5.34

1.25 µm/ml

2.5 µm/ml

5 µm/ml

10 µm/ml

Art Girard, Anne Klein & A.J. Milici, Pfizer Global Research and Development



and that of others. However, while making enzymes that synthesize and secrete streptomycin, S. griseus simultaneously makes the enzyme streptomycin-6-kinase, which remains locked in the cell. If any secreted streptomycin reenters the cell, this enzyme renders the drug inactive by attaching a phosphate to it. Because many microorganisms have become resistant to commonly used antibiotics, pharmaceutical companies are continually using a variety of drug discovery approaches to search for new antibiotics. Traditional procedures include scouring soil and ocean samples collected from all over the world for new antibiotic-producing organisms and chemically redesigning existing antibiotics so that they can bypass microbial resistance strategies. These procedures are now supplemented by “mining the genomes” of microbes for potential drug targets. The frontiers of chemistry include rational drug design, which relies on computer-based methods for predicting the structure and function of potential new antibiotics.

The autoclave uses high pressure to achieve temperatures that will sterilize objects. The z-value is a measure of how much more heat is needed to reduce D-value to 1 /10 its original value. Pasteurization is a heating process designed to kill specific pathogens in milk and other food products. Refrigeration is used to prevent microbial growth in foods. Extreme cold (freezing) is used to preserve bacteria. Filtration can remove cells from a solution, but it cannot remove the smallest viruses. Irradiation can kill pathogens in foods without damaging the food itself. Chemical disinfectants are compared to one another based on the phenol coefficient. Antibiotics are compounds produced by one living microorganism that kill other microorganisms.

5.9 TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■ ■ ■

Sterilization kills all living organisms. Disinfection kills pathogens on inanimate objects. Antisepsis is the removal of potential pathogens from the surfaces of living tissues. Antimicrobial compounds can be bacteriostatic or bactericidal. The D-value is the time (or dose, in the case of irradiation) it takes an antimicrobial treatment to reduce the numbers of organisms to 10% of the original value.

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Biological Control of Microbes

Pitting microbe against microbe is an effective way to prevent disease in humans and animals. One of the hallmarks of a healthy ecosystem is the presence of a diversity of organisms. This is true not only for tropical rain forests and coral reefs, but also for the complex ecosystems of human skin and the intestinal tract. In these environments, the presence of harmless microbial flora can retard the growth of undesired pathogens. The pathogenic fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi, for example, causes root rot in plants but is biologically controlled by fungi belonging to the genus

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Myrothecium. Naturally occurring Staphylococci on human skin produce short-chain fatty acids that retard the growth of pathogenic strains. Another illustration is the human intestine, which is populated by as many as 500 microbial species. Most of these species are nonpathogenic organisms that exist in symbiosis with their human host. Vigorous competition between members of the normal intestinal flora and the production of permeant weak acids by fermentation help control the growth of numerous pathogens. Microbial competition has been widely exploited for agricultural purposes and to improve human health in a process known as probiotics. In general, a probiotic is a food or supplement that contains live microorganisms and improves intestinal microbial balance. Newborn baby chicks, for instance, are fed a microbial cocktail of normal flora designed to quickly colonize the intestinal tract and prevent colonization by Salmonella, a frequent contaminant of factory-farmed chicken. In another example, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have been used to prevent and treat diarrhea in children. Russian Nobel laureate Elie Metchnikoff in 1908 fi rst suggested that a high concentration of lactobacilli in intestinal flora was important for health and longevity in humans. Yogurt is an example of a probiotic containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and a number of other lactobacilli. It is often recommended as a way to restore a normal balance to gut flora (for example, after it has been disturbed by antibiotic treatment) and appears useful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Phage therapy is another biocontrol method fi rst described in 1907 by Felix d’Herelle at France’s Pasteur Institute, long before antibiotics were discovered. Bacteriophages are viruses that prey on bacteria (discussed in Section 6.1). Each bacterial species is susceptible to a limited number of specific phages. Because the culmination

■ The M ic rob i al Ce l l


of a phage infection is often bacterial lysis, it was considered feasible to treat infectious diseases with a phage targeted to the pathogen. At one time, doctors used phages as medical treatment for illnesses ranging from cholera to typhoid fever. In some cases, a liquid containing the phage was poured into an open wound. In other cases, phages were given orally, introduced via aerosol, or injected. Sometimes the treatments worked; sometimes they did not. When antibiotics came into the mainstream, phage therapy largely faded. Now that strains of bacteria resistant to standard antibiotics are on the rise, the idea of phage therapy has enjoyed renewed interest from the worldwide medical community. Several biotechnology companies have even been formed in the United States to develop bacteriophage-based treatments. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Biocontrol is the use of one microbe to control the growth of another. Probiotics contain certain microbes that, when ingested, aim to restore balance to intestinal flora. Phage therapy offers a possible alternative to antibiotics in the face of rising antibiotic resistance.

Concluding Thoughts Microbiology as a science was founded on the need to understand and control microbial growth. The initial impetus was to control the diseases of humans as well as the diseases of plants and animals. But as we will see in later chapters, microbiology has developed into a science that has helped us understand the molecular processes of life. Concepts such as biological diversity, food microbiology, microbial disease, and antibiotics will be revisited in later chapters.

C H A P T E R R E V I EW Review Questions 1. Explain the nature of extremophiles and discuss why 2. 3.

4. 5.

these organisms are important. What are the parameters that defi ne any growth environment? List and defi ne the classifications used to describe microbes that grow in different physical growth conditions. What do thermophiles have to do with the PCR reaction? Why is water activity important to microbial growth? What changes water activity?

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6. How do cells protect themselves from osmotic stress? 7. Why do changes in H+ concentration affect cell growth? 8. How do acidophiles and alkaliphiles manage to grow

at the extremes of pH? 9. Because an organism can live in an oxygenated envi-

ronment, does that mean that the organism uses oxygen to grow? Because an organism can live in an anaerobic environment, does that mean it cannot use oxygen as an electron acceptor? Why or why not? 10. What happens when a cell exhausts its available nutrients?

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E n vir o n m e n ta l I nfluenc es and C ont rol of M ic robial Growt h

11. List and briefly explain the various means by which

humans control microbial growth. What is a D-value? What is a phenol coefficient?

12. How do microbes prevent the growth of other


Key Terms 12D (172) acidophile (160) aerobic respiration (164) alkaliphile (161) anaerobic respiration (166) antibiotic (176) antisepsis (171) bactericidal (171) bacteriostatic (171) barophile (156) bioremediation (175) decimal reduction time (D-value) (171) disinfection (171) DNA microarray (150) electron transport chain (164) eutrophication (169) extremophile (150) facultative (166)

facultative aerobe (167) facultative anaerobe (167) fermentation (166) fermentative metabolism (166) germicidal (171) halophile (158) heat shock response (155) hyperthermophile (154) laminar flow biological safety cabinet (173) lyophilization (173) membrane-permeant organic acid (159) mesophile (153) microaerophilic (167) neutralophile (160) oligotroph (169) osmolarity (157)

pasteurization (173) phage therapy (179) phenol coefficient test (176) piezophile (156) probiotic (179) psychrophile (153) reactive oxygen species (166) sanitation (171) starvation response (168) steam autoclave (172) sterilization (171) strict aerobe (166) strict anaerobe (166) thermophile (153) two-dimensional protein gels (150) water activity (157) z-value (172)

Recommended Reading Alpuche-Aranda, Celia M., Joel A. Swanson, Wendy P. Loomis, and S. I. Miller. 1992. Salmonella typhimurium activates virulence gene transcription within acidified macrophage phagosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 89:10079–10083. Atomi, Haruyuki. 2005. Recent progress towards the application of hyperthermophiles and their enzymes. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 9:163–173. Bang, I. S., Jonathan P. Audia, Y. K. Park, and John W. Foster. 2002. Autoinduction of the ompR by acid shock and control of the Salmonella enterica acid tolerance response. Molecular Microbiology 44:1235–1250. Biswas, Biswajit, Sankar Adhya, Paul Washart, et al. 2002. Bacteriophage therapy rescues mice bacteremic from a clinical isolate of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Infection and Immunity 70:204–210. Ferenci, Thomas. 1999. Regulation by nutrient limitation. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2:208–213. Fredrickson, Jim K., H. M. Kostandarithes, S. W. Li, A. E. Plymale, and Mark J. Daly. 2000. Reduction of Fe(III), Cr(VI), U(VI), and Tc(VII) by Deinococcus radiodurans R1. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66:2006–2011. Horikoshi, Koki. 1998. Barophiles: Deep-sea microorganisms adapted to an extreme environment. Current Opinion in Microbiology 1:291–295. Horikoshi, Koki. 1999. Alkaliphiles, some applications of their products for biotechnology. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Review 63:735–750.

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MacElroy, Robert D. 1974. Some comments on the evolution of extremophiles. Biosystems 6:74–75. Makarova, Kira S., L. Aravind, Yuri I. Wolf, Roman L. Tatusov, Kenneth W. Minton, et al. 2001. Genome of the extremely radiation resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans viewed from the perspective of comparative genomics. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 65:44–79. Maurer, Lisa M., Elizabeth Yohannes, Sandra S. BonDurant, Michael Radmacher, and Joan L. Slonczewski. 2005. pH regulates genes for flagellar motility, catabolism, and oxidative stress in Escherichia coli K-12. Journal of Bacteriology 187:304–319. Peitzman, Steve J. 1969. Felix d’Herelle and bacteriophage therapy. Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia 37:115–123. Rathman, M., Michael D. Sjaastad, and Stan Falkow. 1996. Acidification of phagosomes containing Salmonella typhimurium in murine macrophages. Infection and Immunity 64:2765–2773. Rhen, Mikael, and Charles J. Dorman. 2005. Hierarchical gene regulators adapt Salmonella enterica to its host milieus. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 294:487–502. Saxelin, Maija, Soile Tynkkynen, Tiina Mattila-Sandholm, and Willem M. de Vos. 2005. Probiotic and other functional microbes: From markets to mechanisms. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 16:204–211. Thomas, D. N., and G. S. Dieckmann. 2002. Antarctic Sea Ice—a habitat for extremophiles. Science 295:641–643.

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Chapter 6

Virus Structure and Function 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7

What Is a Virus? Virus Structure Viral Genomes and Classification Bacteriophage Life Cycles Animal and Plant Virus Life Cycles Culturing Viruses Viral Ecology

All kinds of cells, including bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea, can be infected by particles called viruses. Viruses are the smallest known units of reproduction, some with genomes of less than ten genes. Upon entering a cell, a viral genome subverts the cell’s machinery to reproduce more virus particles, usually killing the host cell. Alternatively, some viral genomes are copied into the host genome, where they replicate silently with the host. Degenerate viral genomes from ancient viral insertions take up a large part of the human genome. Virus structure varies in complexity from single RNA molecules to spore-like packages containing multiple layers of protein and membranes. Some viruses resemble degenerate cells. Viral intracellular life cycles enable them to divert complex host cell processes to the formation of new viruses. How can such particles, barely large enough to be detected by an electron microscope, subvert and consume entire cells and multicellular organisms? Alter-

Tail hub

Tail spikes

natively, how can viruses integrate their genomes into the genome of their host, replicating with their host for future generations?

dsDNA end Coiled dsDNA 0 Capsid

30 nm

The bacteriophage epsilon 15 attacks Salmonella bacteria, pathogens of the human digestive tract. Such bacteriophages help control our enteric bacterial populations, but they also transfer DNA encoding resistance to antibiotics. The structure of the epsilon 15 bacteriophage was solved by cryo-electron microscopy, revealing details of the tail apparatus that inserts the DNA into the host cell. Source: Wen Jiang, et al. 2006. Nature 439:612.


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C h ap t e r 6

■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

In February 2003, travelers from Guangdong, China, began succumbing to a mysterious respiratory syndrome from which one in ten died. The disease spread alarmingly through hospitals in Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Toronto, Canada. Its rapid spread caused thousands of travelers worldwide to cancel plans, while residents of affected cities donned face masks (Fig. 6.1A). The disease became known as sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). SARS was caused by a new virus, a member of the coronavirus family, named for their characteristic “corona” of spike proteins (Fig. 6.1B). To fi nd clues for the treatment of SARS, the RNA genome of the new virus was sequenced by Canadian researchers with unprecedented speed. Comparison with known viruses showed SARS virus to be related to coronaviruses infecting pigs and birds (Fig. 6.1C). So the researchers hypothesized that SARS evolved from an animal virus in the food markets of Guangdong. Viruses evolve new strains even faster than cellular pathogens because of their tiny genomes and little or no proofreading of replication. Despite their small size, viruses generate frightening epidemics, from smallpox and polio to AIDS and influenza. Other viruses play crucial roles in the environment, particularly in marine ecosystems, where they cycle carbon and curb toxic blooms of algae. Viral predation selects for much of the species diversity of marine protists and invertebrates.

In research, viruses have provided both tools and model systems for our discovery of the fundamental principles of molecular biology. The fi rst genes mapped, the fi rst regulatory switches defi ned, and the fi rst genomes to be sequenced were all those of viruses. Vectors for gene cloning and gene therapy today continue to be derived from viruses. In this chapter, we introduce major themes of virus structure and function and the fundamental challenges that all viruses face: genome packaging, cell attachment and entry, and the molecular strategies that enable viruses to divert the metabolism of their host cell. Viruses provide key tools and model systems for molecular biology. Our understanding of viruses, particularly bacterial viruses, called bacteriophages, provides a useful background for the molecular biology we will encounter in Part 2 of this book (Chapters 7–12). The molecular biology of viral life cycles is explored further in Chapter 11, and viral disease pathology and epidemiology are discussed in Chapters 25–27.


What Is a Virus?

A virus is a noncellular particle capable of infecting a host cell, where it reproduces. The virus particle, or virion, consists of an infective nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) con-

CDC/Fred Murphy



C. Coronavirus phylogenetic tree Avian infectious bronchitis virus

Bovine coronavirus

Mouse hepatitis virus

China Photo/Reuters

Porcine gastroenteritis virus SARS Human coronavirus

0.1 substitution/residue

Figure 6.1 Sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): an emerging viral disease. A. In 2003, as SARS first breaks out, a bride and groom in Hubei, China, wear masks to protect themselves from airborne infection. B. A SARS virion (diameter, 78 nm) bristles with spike proteins (TEM). C. The family tree of coronavirus shows that the SARS branch is as distant from a human cold-causing coronavirus as from animal coronaviruses.

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THOUGHT QUESTION 6.1 Which viruses do you know that have a narrow host range, and which have a broad host range?

American Society for Virology International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses

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Jean Kayira/MicrobeLibrary


Simon. 1969. Virology 38


400 nm

Lowell Georgia/Photo Researchers, Inc.


Courtesy of Claire Moore and Shmuel Rozenblatt, Tel-Aviv University



Virus envelope



Norm Thomas/Photo Researchers, Inc.

TMV virions Thomas Shalla, J. Cell. Bio. 21

tained within a protective shell made of protein, called the capsid. The capsid usually has a molecular delivery device that enables transfer of the virion’s genome into the host cell. Viruses that infect bacteria are known as bacteriophages or phages. An example is bacteriophage T2, which infects Escherichia coli (Fig. 6.2A). The T2 and T4 phages have a capsid with a tail that inserts the viral genome into the host cell, where it directs reproduction of progeny virions. Virions are released when the host cell lyses. As cells lyse, their disappearance can be observed as a plaque, a clear spot against a lawn of bacterial cells (Fig. 6.2B). Each plaque arises from a single virion or phage particle that lyses a host cell and spreads progeny to infect adjacent cells. Plaques can be counted as representing individual infective virions from a phage suspension. An example of a virus that infects humans is measles virus. The measles virion has an envelope of membrane that, during infection, fuses with the host cell membrane. After replicating within the infected cell, newly formed measles capsids become enveloped by host cell membrane as they bud out of the host cell (Fig. 6.2C). The spreading virus generates a rash of red spots on the skin of infected patients (Fig. 6.2D) and is occasionally fatal (one in 500 cases). Plants are also infected by viruses, such as tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Within the plant cell, virions accumulate to high numbers (Fig. 6.2E) and travel through interconnections to neighboring cells. Infection by tobacco mosaic virus results in mottled leaves and stunted growth (Fig. 6.2F). Plant viruses cause major economic losses in agriculture worldwide. Each species of virus infects a particular group of host species, known as the host range. Some viruses can infect only a single species; for example, HIV infects only humans. Close relatives of humans, such as the chimpanzee, are not infected, although they are susceptible to a closely related virus, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). On the other hand, the West Nile virus, transmitted by mosquitoes, has a much broader host range, including many species of birds and mammals.

1 µm

Figure 6.2 Virus infections. A. Bacteriophage T2 particles form a semicrystalline array within an E. coli cell (TEM). B. Bacteriophage infection forms plaques of lysed cells on a lawn of bacteria. C. Measles virions (diameter, 200–600 nm) bud out of human cells in tissue culture (TEM). D. Child infected with measles shows a rash of red spots. E. Tobacco leaf section is packed with tobacco mosaic virus particles. F. Tobacco leaf infected by tobacco mosaic virus shows mottled appearance.

Viruses Propagate Their Genomic Information Viral propagation exemplifies the central role of information in biological reproduction. The propagation of viruses is mimicked by the spread of “computer viruses,” whose information “infects” computer memory (Fig. 6.3).

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C h ap t e r 6

■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

industry; for example, bacteriophages (literally, “bacteria-eaters”) infect cultures of Lactococcus during the production of yogurt and cheese. Plant Infects host computer pathogens such as cauliflower mosaic A GA T virus and rice dwarf virus continue to T C C 01001011 Host computer cause substantial losses in agriculture. 01001011 Host genome 01001011 memory In contrast to our vast arsenal 01001011 Infects host cell of antibiotics (effective against bac01001011 01001011 01001011 01001011 01001011 teria), the number of antiviral drugs 01001011 01001011 01001011 remains depressingly small. Because 01001011 01001011 01001011 A A A A A 01001011 01001011 the machinery of viral growth is T T T T T 01001011 01001011 01001011 01001011 01001011 C C C C C largely that of the host cell, viruses 01001011 01001011 G G G G G 01001011 01001011 present relatively few targets that can A A A A A 01001011 01001011 C C C C C 01001011 be attacked by antiviral drugs with01001011 01001011 T T T T T 01001011 01001011 01001011 out harming the host. However, an 01001011 01001011 01001011 understanding of viral life cycles at the molecular level is now leading to the development of new antiviInfect new computers Infect new cells ral drugs, such as AZT and protease Figure 6.3 Biological viruses and computer viruses. From the standpoint of inhibitors, which combat HIV. information, the behavior of biological viruses and computer viruses are analogous. Despite their lethal potential, viruses have made surprising contributions to medical research. A bacWhen a biological virus infects a host cell, the informateriophage provides a protein that lyses the cell walls of tion in its genome subverts the host cell machinery to anthrax bacteria. Other bacteriophages are used as clonproduce multiple copies of the virus; the multiple copies ing vectors, small genomes into which foreign genes can then escape to infect more host cells. Similarly, when a be inserted and cloned for gene technology. Even lethal computer virus infects a host computer, its program code viruses such as HIV are being developed as vectors for subverts the host to produce multiple copies of the virus, human gene therapy. which then escape to infect more host computers. ComSome viruses introduce copies of their own genomes puter viruses generate epidemics analogous to those of into the host’s genome, a process that can mediate evobiological viruses. The virus’s code can even be designed lution of the host genome. Indeed, studies of molecular to “mutate” in order to foil the “immune system” of antievolution reveal that viral genomes are the ancestral virus software. source of about a tenth of the human genome. Biological virus A GA T T C C

Computer virus 01001011

Viruses Infect All Forms of Life

Viral Genomes

Viruses are ubiquitous, infecting every taxonomic group of organisms, including bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. In marine ecosystems, viruses act as major predators and sequester significant amounts of nutrients. For humans, viruses cause many forms of illness, whose influence on our history and culture would be hard to overstate. More people died of influenza in the global epidemic of 1918 than in the battles of World War I. In the past 30 years, the AIDS pandemic caused by HIV has killed 25 million people worldwide and continues to grow. Viruses are part of our daily lives. The most frequent infections of college students are due to respiratory pathogens such as rhinovirus (the common cold) and EpsteinBarr virus (infectious mononucleosis), as well as sexually transmitted viruses such as herpes simplex (HSV) and papilloma (genital warts). Viruses also impact human

The genome of a virus can be small, encoding fewer than ten genes. In cauliflower mosaic virus, for example, the genome encodes only seven genes (Fig. 6.4A), which actually overlap each other in sequence. This overlap in sequence is made possible by the use of different reading frames, start positions for translating codons to amino acids. Many viral genomes, such as that of avian leukosis genome, are encoded by RNA. The RNA genome of avian leukosis virus has protein-encoding genes grouped by functional categories of core capsid, replicative enzymes, and envelope proteins. On the other hand, larger viral genomes, such as that of herpes virus or of bacteriophage T4, have genes dispersed around the chromosome, similar to the genomes of bacteria. The giant Mimivirus, which infects amebas and may cause human pneumonia, is as large as some bacteria

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A. Cauliflower mosaic virus genome (DNA)




100 nm

B. Avian leukosis virus genome (RNA) gag pol LTR



Mimivirus infecting an ameba. About 300 nm across, the Mimivirus is larger than some bacteria.

Figure 6.5

env LTR


Simple viral genomes. A. Cauliflower mosaic virus has a circular genome of double-stranded DNA, whose strands are interrupted by nicks. The genome encodes seven overlapping genes (open reading frames, ORFs). B. Avian leukosis virus: a single-stranded RNA retrovirus resembling eukaryotic mRNA. Three genes (gag, pol, and env) encode polypeptides that are eventually cleaved to form a total of nine functional products. LTR = long terminal repeat.

Figure 6.4

(Fig. 6.5). Furthermore, Mimivirus has a bacterium-sized genome of 1.2 million base pairs. The Mimivirus virion conducts numerous cellular functions, including DNA repair and protein-folding by chaperones. It probably represents a descendant of a cell that parasitized protist cells until most of its cellular traits were lost through degenerative evolution.

Viroids: Infective Genomes with No Capsid Early in the twentieth century, viruses were believed to be the smallest particles capable of infecting hosts and propagating themselves. Then even smaller virus-like infectious agents were discovered for which the nucleic acid genome is itself the entire infectious particle; there is no protective capsid. Such infectious agents are called viroids. Most viroids are RNA molecules that infect plants. An example is the potato spindle tuber viroid. This viroid consists of a circular, single-stranded molecule of RNA that doubles back on itself to form base pairs interrupted by short unpaired loops (Fig. 6.6A). The RNA folds up into a globular structure that interacts with host

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Didier Raoult, Mediterranean University, Marseille

DNA strands

cell proteins. Most critically, the RNA genome requires a host RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to replicate itself and transcribe its genes. RNA-dependent RNA polymerases occur normally in plant cells, where they contribute to regulation of gene expression. During viroid infection, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase replicates progeny copies of the viroid, which encodes no products other than itself. Viroids can cause as much host destruction as “true viruses,” and some authors, particularly in plant pathology, classify them as “viruses without capsids.” Some viroids have catalytic ability, comparable to enzymes made of protein. An RNA molecule capable of catalyzing a reaction is called a ribozyme. One class of plant-infecting viroids are the hammerhead ribozymes (Fig. 6.6B). Named for their hammer-shaped tertiary structure, hammerhead ribozymes possess the ability to cleave themselves or other specific RNA molecules. Their ability to cleave very specific RNA sequences has applications in medical research. Hammerhead ribozymes have been engineered to cleave human RNA molecules involved in cancer or in infection by viruses such as HIV. The engineering of ribozymes for medical therapy is an exciting field of biotechnology.

Prions: Infection without Nucleic Acid? A remarkable class of infectious agents is believed to consist of protein only. These agents, known as prions, are believed to be aberrant proteins arising from the host cell. Prions gained notoriety when they were implicated in brain infections such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, popularly known as “mad cow” disease because it may

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C h ap t e r 6

■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

A. Potato spindle tuber viroid−circular ssRNA C G G A A C U A A A C U C G U GG U U C C U UGA CG C C A A GG U C C U UGG











Figure 6.6 Viroids: infective RNA. A. Potato spindle tuber viroid consists of a circular single-stranded RNA that hybridizes internally. A viroid encodes no genes, but it hijacks the plant cell’s RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to replicate itself. B. A hammerhead ribozyme catalyzes cleavage of itself (at “self-cleavage site”) or of another RNA molecule. (PDB code: 1HMH)

B. Hammerhead ribozyme

form of a normally occurring cell protein that assumes an abnormal conformation or tertiary structure (Fig. 6.7A). The prion form of the protein acts by binding to normally folded proteins of the same class and altering their conformation to that of the prion. The multiplying prion then alters the conformation of other normal subunits, forming harmful aggregates in the cell and ultimately leading to cell death. In the brain, prion-induced cell death leads to tissue deterioration and dementia (Fig. 6.7B). Prion diseases can be initiated by infection with an aberrant protein. More rarely, the cascade of protein misfolding can start with the spontaneous misfolding of an endogenous host protein. The chance of spontaneous unfolding is greatly increased in individuals who inherit certain alleles encoding the protein; thus, spontaneous prion diseases can be inherited genetically. Overall, prion diseases are unique in that they can be transmitted by an infective protein instead of by DNA or RNA; and they propagate conformational change of existing molecules without synthesizing entirely new infective molecules.

Self-cleavage site

Catalytic strand catalyzes RNA cleavage.

be transmitted through defective proteins in beef from diseased cattle. Other diseases believed to be caused by prion transmission include scrapie, a disease of sheep, and kuru, a degenerative brain disease found in a tribe of people who customarily consumed the brains of deceased relatives. In prion-associated diseases, the infective agent is unaffected by treatments that destroy RNA or DNA, such as nucleases or UV irradiation. A prion is an aberrant


Ralph C. Eagle/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Normal conformation

Prion disease. A. The normal conformation of a prion, compared to the abnormal conformation. The abnormal form “recruits” normally folded proteins and changes their conformation into the abnormal form. (PDB code: 1AG2) B. Section of a human brain showing “spongiform” holes typical of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Figure 6.7


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Aberrant conformation

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Viruses consist of noncellular particles that infect a host cell and direct its expression apparatus to produce virus particles. A virion consists of a capsid enclosing a nucleic acid genome. Some viruses are further enclosed by a membrane envelope. All classes of organisms are infected by viruses. Usually the hosts are limited to a particular host range of closely related strains or species. Viruses contain infective genomes that take over a cell, reprogramming its cell machinery to make progeny virus particles (virions). Some viral genomes consist of less than 10 genes; others have 100 or 200 genes and may represent degenerate cells. Viroids that infect plants consist of RNA hairpins with no capsid. Prions consist of infectious proteins that induce a cell’s native proteins to fold incorrectly and impair cell function.


Virus Structure

A packaged structure of a virus achieves two goals: It keeps the viral genome intact, and it enables infection of the appropriate host cell. First, the stable capsid protects the viral genome from degradation and enables it to be transmitted outside the host. Second, in order for the viral genome to reproduce, the virion must either insert its genome into the host cell or disassemble within the host. In the process, the original particle loses its stable structure and its own identity as such, but it generates numerous progeny virions. THOUGHT QUESTION 6.2 What would happen if a virus particle remained intact within a host cell instead of releasing its genome?

Symmetrical Virus Particles Different viral species make different forms of capsids. Virus particles may be symmetrical, in which case the capsid is one of two types, icosahedral or fi lamentous (helical). Each type of capsid exhibits geometrical symmetry. The advantage of symmetry is that it provides a way to form a package out of repeating protein units generated by a small number of genes and encoded by a short chromosomal sequence. The smaller the viral genome, the more genome copies can be synthesized from the host cell’s limited supply of nucleotides. Nevertheless, other viruses, such as smallpox virus, are asymmetrical and may have much larger genomes. Large genomes offer a greater range of functions for viral components.

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Icosahedral viruses. Many viruses package their genome in an icosahedral (20-sided) capsid; examples include poliovirus and the herpes viruses. Icosahedral viral capsids take the form of a polyhedron with 20 identical triangular faces. Bacteriophages often supplement the icosahedral capsid or head coat with an elaborate delivery device. For example, bacteriophage T4 (Fig. 6.8A) has a complex structure consisting of an icosahedral headpiece containing the genome, six jointed “legs” that stabilize the structure on the host cell surface, and a neck piece that channels the nucleic acid into the host cell (Fig. 6.8B). The structure of phage T4 was first observed by microbiologists during the rise of the NASA space program, and its form was compared to that of the “lunar module” that landed on the moon (Fig. 6.8C). Indeed, in the 1960s, the “tailed phages,” such as phage T4 and phage lambda, were to molecular biology what the lunar landings were to space exploration.

T4 Bacteriophage Cell-Puncturing Device, a 3-D interactive tutorial In the capsid, each triangle can be composed of three identical but asymmetrical protein units. An example of an icosahedral capsid is that of the herpes simplex virus (Fig. 6.9A). Each triangular face of the capsid is determined by the same genes encoding the same protein subunits. No matter what the pattern of subunits in the triangle, the structure overall exhibits rotational symmetry characteristic of an icosahedron (Fig. 6.9B): threefold symmetry around the axis through two opposed triangular faces; fivefold symmetry around an axis through opposite points; and twofold symmetry around an axis through opposite edges. Capsid symmetry is important for structure determination and visualization and for the design of antiviral drugs. THOUGHT QUESTION 6.3 Why do viral capsids take the form of an icosahedron instead of some other polyhedron? Virus particles can be observed by standard transmission electron microscopy (TEM), but the details of capsid structure as in Figure 6.9A require visualization by digital reconstruction of cryo EM (discussed in Section 2.6). Recall from Chapter 2 that in cryo EM, the viral samples for TEM are prepared flash-frozen, preventing formation of ice crystals. Flash freezing enables observation without stain. The electron beams penetrate the object; thus, images of individual capsids actually provide a glimpse of the virus’s internal contents. By digitally combining and processing cryo TEM images from a number of capsids, a three-dimensional reconstruction is built for the entire virus particle. In some icosahedral viruses, the capsid is enclosed in an envelope composed of membrane from the host cell in which the virion formed. Figure 6.10A shows how herpes virions capture cell membrane to form their envelopes as

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C h ap t e r 6

■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

A. Phage T4

500 nm

©George Chapman/Visuals Unlimited




Genome Capsid (head): 100 nm

Bacteriophage T4 capsid. A. E. coli infected by phage T4 (colorized blue, TEM). B. Phage T4 particle with protein capsid containing packaged double-stranded DNA genome. The capsid is attached to a sheath with tail fibers that facilitate attachment to the surface of the host cell. After attachment, the sheath contracts and the core penetrates the cell surface, injecting the phage genome. C. The structure of phage T4 resembles an Apollo lunar module that landed on the moon.

Figure 6.8 Collar Tail fibers Tail sheath





Capsid proteins

Fivefold axis

DNA Threefold axis Twofold axis

Threefold Depth into virion

0 10



65 nm


Twofold 0 10 30 50 65 nm

Depth into virion

Herpes: Icosahedral capsid symmetry. A. Icosahedral capsid of herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1), envelope removed. Imaging of the capsid structure is based on computational analysis of cryoelectron microscopy (cryo TEM). Images of 146 virus particles were combined digitally to obtain this model of the capsid at 2 nm resolution. B. Icosahedral symmetry includes fivefold, threefold, and twofold axes of rotation. C. The icosahedral capsid contains spooled DNA. Source: Z. H. Zhou, et al. 1999. J. Virology 73:3210

Figure 6.9

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University of Leeds


Envelope forms from cell membrane.



Envelope Tegument Alasdair Steven, NIH


National Institute for Arthritis, Musculoskeletal Disease and Skin Disease



100 nm


they bud out of the cell. (Other viral species may derive their envelope from intracellular membranes, such as the nuclear membrane or endoplasmic reticulum.) The envelope and capsid contents of herpes virus are shown in Figure 6.10B. The mature envelope (Fig. 6.10C) bristles with glycoprotein spike proteins that plug it onto the capsid. The spike proteins enable the virus to attach and infect the next host cell. Between the envelope and the capsid, additional proteins may be found, called the tegument (Fig. 6.10D). Tegument proteins, also called accessory proteins, serve the virus during the early stages of infection. As the virus enters its host cell, its envelope is dissolved and the tegument proteins are released to start reproduction of new viruses. NOTE: Distinguish the viral envelope (membrane derived from a host cell membrane) from the bacterial cell envelope (protective layers outside the bacterial cell membrane). The bacterial envelope is discussed in Chapter 3.

Filamentous viruses. A second major category of virus

structure is that of filamentous viruses. Filamentous viruses include bacteriophages, such as phage M13 (Fig. 6.11A), as well as animal viruses, such as Ebola virus, which causes a swiftly fatal disease of humans and related primates (Fig. 6.11B). Filamentous phages have applications in human medicine and industry. Phages similar to M13 infect the gram-positive species Propionibacterium freudenreichii, a key fermenting agent for Swiss cheese. Another fi lamentous phage, CTXφ, integrates its sequence into the genome of Vibrio cholerae, where it car-

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Alasdair Steven, NIH

Figure 6.10 Envelope and tegument surround the Herpes capsid. A. TEM of sectioned herpes virions budding off from an infected cell. B. Section showing envelope and tegument proteins surrounding capsid (cryo TEM). C. Reconstruction of Herpes capsid. D. Cutaway reconstruction: spike envelope glycoproteins (yellow), envelope membrane (dark blue), tegument proteins (orange), capsid (light blue).

100 nm

ries the deadly toxin genes required for cholera. On the other hand, an application in nanoscience is the use of fi lamentous phages to nucleate the growth of crystalline “nanowires” for electronic devices. The fi lamentous bacteriophage M13 (Fig. 6.11A) consists of a relatively simple capsid of protein monomers. The monomers are stacked around a coiled genome consisting of a circle of single-stranded DNA. At one end of the fi lament, short tail fibers mediate specific attachment to the host. Attachment occurs at the F pilus of an E. coli bacterium containing an F plasmid that encodes pili. Filamentous viruses show helical symmetry. The pattern of capsid monomers forms a helical tube around the genome, which usually winds helically within the tube. In a helical capsid, the genome is a single-stranded DNA (as in phage M13) or RNA (as in tobacco mosaic virus). Figure 6.12A shows how the RNA strand of tobacco mosaic virus winds in a spiral within a tube of capsid monomers laid down in a spiral array. Such a tube can be imagined as a planar array of subunits that coils around such that each row connects to the row above, generating a spiral (Fig. 6.12B). The length of the helical capsid may extend up to 50 times its width, generating a flexible fi lament. Unlike the icosahedral capsid, which has a fi xed size, the helical capsid can vary in length to accommodate various lengths of nucleic acid. Furthermore, some viruses package several genome segments into separate

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■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Tail fibers

Marcus Drechsler, U. of Bayreuth


B. Frederick A. Murphy, School of Veterinary Medicine, U. of California, Davis


0.2 µm

Filamentous viruses. A. The filamentous bacteriophage M13 has a relatively simple helical capsid that surrounds the genome coiled within (TEM). B. Ebola virus filaments.

Figure 6.11

helical capsids. For example, influenza virus packages several different genome segments into separate helical packages of different sizes, contained together within a membrane envelope. Multiple helical packaging enables influenza virus to package different numbers of RNA segments into different virions, thus facilitating rapid evolution of new strains.

stranded DNA genome is stabilized by covalent connection of its two strands at each end (Fig. 6.13B). Instead of a capsid, the DNA is enclosed loosely by a core envelope studded with spike proteins, surrounded by an outer membrane. The core envelope also encloses a large number of accessory proteins needed early in viral infection, such as initiation proteins for transcription of viral genes and RNA-processing enzymes that modify viral mRNA molecules. Asymmetrical viruses usually contain a large number of accessory proteins. The fi rst viruses to be studied, including TMV and poliovirus, had extremely simple

Asymmetrical Virus Particles Some viruses lack a symmetrical capsid. In poxviruses, such as vaccinia and smallpox (Fig. 6.13A), the double-



A planar net of identical subunits a. b.

b. a.



a.′ b.′

J.-Y. Sgro, U. of Wisconsin, Madison


Figure 6.12 Tobacco mosaic virus: helical symmetry. A. The helical filament of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) contains a single-stranded RNA genome coiled inside. Image reconstruction is based on X-ray crystallography. B. An array corresponding to helical capsid structure can be simulated by rolling up a planar array into a cylinder, then displacing the array along the vertical axis of the cylinder so that the horizontal elements are displaced by one unit.

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B. Outer membrane A. J. Malkin, et al. Journal of Virology 77:6332

500 nm

Core envelope Envelope protein DNA genome Accessory proteins

Figure 6.13 Vaccinia pox virus. A. Vaccinia virions observed in aqueous medium by atomic force microscopy (AFM). B. A pox virion includes an outer membrane and a core envelope membrane containing envelope proteins enclosing the double-stranded DNA genome and accessory proteins. The DNA is stabilized by a hairpin loop at each end.

structures that consisted only of nucleic acid and packaging proteins. Based on these models, it was concluded that a virion consists solely of a packaged genome. Further research, however, revealed that other kinds of viruses contain enzymes and regulatory proteins— encoded by the virus, its host, or both. The proteins may be found either inside the capsid or in the tegument between the capsid and the envelope. Examples include the reverse transcriptase and protease enzymes of HIV and the dozen different enzymes contained by vaccinia poxvirus. Large, asymmetrical viruses contain so many enzymes that they appear to have evolved from degenerate cells. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

The viral capsid is composed of repeated protein subunits, a structure that maximizes the structural capacity while minimizing the number of genes needed for construction. The capsid packages the viral genome and delivers it into the host cell. Icosahedral capsids have regular, icosahedral symmetry. Filamentous (helical) capsids have uniform width, generating a flexible fi lamentous virion. Enveloped viruses consist of a protein capsid and tegument proteins enclosed within membrane derived from the host cell. The envelope includes virus-specific spike proteins. Accessory proteins are contained within the capsid or as tegument components between the capsid and envelope.

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Viral Genomes and Classification

Living organisms today are classified based on relatedness of their gene sequences. Genetic relatedness can also be used to compare closely related viruses, such as SARS and other coronaviruses. The definition of a virus species, however, is problematic, given the small size and high mutability of viral genomes and the ability of different viruses to recombine their genome segments within an infected host cell. Furthermore, it is not clear whether all viral species are monophyletic, that is, descended from a common ancestor. In fact, it is more likely that different classes of viruses arose from different sources—such as from parasitic cells or from host cell components such as DNA replication enzymes. Viruses are classified based on genome composition, virion structure, and host range.

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses For purposes of study and communication, a working classification system has been devised by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). The ICTV classification system is based on several criteria: ■

Genome composition. The nucleic acid of the viral genome can vary remarkably with respect to physical structure: it may consist of DNA or RNA; it may be single- or double-stranded; it may be linear or circular; and it may be whole or segmented (that is, divided into separate “chromosomes”). Genomes are classified by the Baltimore method (discussed next).

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■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Capsid symmetry. The protein capsid may be helical or icosahedral, with various levels of symmetry. Envelope. The presence of a host-derived envelope, and the envelope structure if present, are characteristic of related viruses. Size of the virus particle. Related viruses generally share the same size range; for example, enteroviruses such as poliovirus are only 30 nm across (about 1 / 30 the size of bacteria such as E. coli), whereas pox viruses are 200–400 nm, as large as a small bacterium. Host range. Closely related viruses usually infect the same or related hosts. However, viruses with extremely different hosts can show surprising similarities in genetics and structure. For example, both rabies virus and potato yellow dwarf virus are enveloped, bullet-shaped viruses of the rhabdovirus family.

NOTE: In nomenclature, families of viruses are designated by Latin names with the suffi x -viridae: for example, Papovaviridae. Nevertheless, the common forms of such family names are also used, for example, the papovaviruses. Within a family, a virus species is simply capitalized, as in Papillomavirus.

The Baltimore Virus Classification Based on Genome Structure Of the classification criteria just described, many virologists consider genome composition the most fundamental; that is, viruses of the same genome class (such as double-stranded DNA) are more likely to share ancestry with each other than with viruses of a different class of genome (such as RNA). In 1971, David Baltimore proposed that the primary distinction among classes of viruses be the genome composition (RNA or DNA) and the route used to express messenger RNA (mRNA). Baltimore, together with Renato Dulbecco and Howard Temin, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1975 for discovering how tumor viruses cause cancer. All cells and viruses need to make messenger RNA (mRNA) to make their fundamental protein components. The production of mRNA from the viral genome is central to a virus’s ability to propagate its kind. Cellular genomes always make mRNA by copying double-stranded DNA. For viruses, however, different kinds of genomes require fundamentally different mechanisms to produce mRNA. The different means of mRNA production generate distinct groups of viruses with shared ancestry. So far, the known mechanisms of replication and mRNA expression defi ne seven fundamental groups of

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viral species (Fig. 6.14). These seven fundamental groups form the basis of the taxonomic survey of viruses in Table 6.1. Viral Biorealm Group I. Double-stranded DNA viruses such as herpes and smallpox make their own DNA polymerase or use that of the host for genome replication. Their genes can be transcribed directly by a standard RNA polymerase, in the same way that a cellular chromosome would be transcribed. The RNA polymerase used can be that of the host cell, or it can be encoded by the viral genome. Group II. Single-stranded DNA viruses require the host DNA polymerase to generate the complementary DNA strand. The double-stranded DNA can then be transcribed by host RNA polymerase. An example is canine parvovirus. Group III. Double-stranded RNA viruses, such as the plant pathogenic reoviruses, require a viral RNAdependent RNA polymerase to generate messenger RNA by transcribing directly from the RNA genome. Since the RNA polymerase is required immediately upon infection, such viruses usually package a viral RNA polymerase with their genome before exiting the host cell. Group IV. (+) sense single-stranded RNA viruses consist of a positive-sense (+) strand, that is, the strand that can serve directly as mRNA to be translated to viral proteins. Replication of the RNA genome, however, requires synthesis of the template (–) strand, that is, the strand complementary to the (+) strand, to form a double-stranded RNA intermediate. Positive-sense (+) RNA viruses are very common. They include the coronaviruses, such as SARS, as well as hepatitis C virus and the flavivirus that causes West Nile encephalitis. Group V. (–) sense single-stranded RNA viruses such as influenza virus have genomes that consist of template or “negative-sense” RNA. Thus, they need to package a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase for transcribing (–) RNA to (+) mRNA. The (–) RNA viral genomes are often segmented, that is, they consist of more than one separate linear chromosome—a key factor in the evolution of killer strains of influenza (see Section 11.4). Group VI. Retroviruses, or RNA reversetranscribing viruses such as HIV and feline leukemia virus, have genomes that consist of (+) strand RNA. Instead of RNA polymerase, they package a reverse transcriptase, which transcribes the RNA

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Pa r t 1


Group I: Double-stranded DNA Uses its own or host DNA polymerases for replication.

Group VI: Retrovirus Packages its own reverse transcriptase to make dsDNA.


Group V: (–) Single-stranded RNA Requires RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to make mRNA and replicate its genome.



Group II: Single-stranded DNA Requires DNA polymerase to generate a complementary strand.



+ mRNA



Group IV: (+) Single-stranded RNA Requires RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to make a template for mRNA and genome replication.

Group VII: Double-stranded DNA pararetrovirus Requires plant host reverse transcriptase to make dsDNA.

California Institute of Technology


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The M ic ro b i al Ce l l



into a double-stranded DNA (for details, see Section 11.5). The double-stranded DNA is then integrated into the host genome, where it directs the expression of the viral genes. Group VII. DNA reverse-transcribing viruses, or pararetroviruses, have a life cycle that requires reverse transcriptase. Animal viruses such as hepatitis B (a hepadnavirus) fi rst copy their double-stranded DNA genomes into RNA, then reverse-transcribe the

Group III: Double-stranded RNA Requires RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to make mRNA and genomic RNA.

Figure 6.14 Baltimore classification of viral genomes. A. Seven categories of viral genome composition: I. Double-stranded DNA is transcribed to mRNA. II. Single-stranded DNA generates a double-stranded form within the host cell, which is transcribed to mRNA. III. Double-stranded RNA makes mRNA using RNAdependent RNA polymerase. IV. Single-stranded RNA (+) makes a complementary (–) strand, which is transcribed to mRNA. V. Single-stranded RNA (–) is transcribed to mRNA. VI. Single-stranded RNA (+) is reverse-transcribed to DNA, which is transcribed to mRNA. VII. Double-stranded DNA is transcribed to mRNA, which is reverse-transcribed to regenerate viral genomes for packaging into virions. B. David Baltimore (left), with a graduate student at the California Institute of Technology. Baltimore won the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on retroviruses; co-winners were Renato Dulbecco and Howard Temin.

RNA to progeny DNA using a reverse transcriptase packaged in the original virion. In contrast, plant pararetroviruses, such as cauliflower mosaic virus, generate an RNA intermediate that replicates using a reverse transcriptase made by the host cell. Many plant genomes include a gene for reverse transcriptase. Cauliflower mosaic virus is of enormous agricultural significance for its use as a vector to construct pesticide-resistant food crops.

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Table 6.1 Groups of viruses−Baltimore classification. Viruses

Taxonomic group with key traits and examples

Group I. Double-stranded DNA viruses

60 nm

©Gopal Murti/Visuals Unlimited

Replicate using host or viral DNA polymerase.

10 nm

©Tim Baker/Visuals Unlimited

Bacteriophage lambda


Nonenveloped bacteriophages Structure includes head, neck, and tail. Myoviridae. Bacteriophage T4 infects Escherichia coli. Siphoviridae. Bacteriophages lambda and Mu infect E. coli. Others infect gram-positive hosts such as Lactobacillus and Streptococcus. Tectiviridae. Infect enteric bacteria. Nonenveloped viruses of animals and protists Adenoviridae. Adenovirus generates tumors in humans. Papillomaviridae. Papillomavirus causes genital warts. Phycodnaviridae. Infect chlorella, algal symbionts of paramecia and hydras. Iridoviridae. Infect insects and amphibians. Regular packaging of capsids in cell confers an iridescent color on the infected cells. Mimiviridae. The largest known viruses, infect Acanthameba. Enveloped viruses of animals Herpesviridae. Herpes simplex I and II cause oral and genital herpes, and varicella-zoster virus causes chickenpox. Poxviridae. Include smallpox and cowpox viruses. Baculoviridae. Baculoviruses infect insects.

50 nm


Archaeal viruses Fuselloviridae. Fusellovirus STIV infects Sulfolobus sp., growing at pH 2 at 80°C. Fusellovirus His1 infects Haloarcules sp., growing in concentrated salt. Rudiviridae and Lipothrixviridae infect Sulfolobus and Thermoproteus species. Gultaviridae. Rod-shaped virus infect Sulfolobus sp. Ampullaviridae. Bottle-shaped viruses infect Acidianus sp. Haloviridae. Haloviruses infect haloarchea such as Haloferax, Halobacterium, and Haloarcula.


Group II. Single-stranded DNA viruses

100 nm


Robert G. Milne, CNR, Instituto de Fitovirologica Applicata, Torino, Italy

Genome consists of (+) sense DNA; require a host DNA polymerase to generate the complementary strand; nonenveloped. Nonenveloped bacteriophages Inoviridae. Bacteriophage M13 infects E. coli and has a slow-release life cycle. Microviridae. Bacteriophage φX174 infects E. coli. Nonenveloped animal viruses Parvoviridae. Cause various diseases in cats, pigs, and other animals. Circoviridae. Infect pigs and birds. These viruses target the lymphoid tissues and cause immunosuppression. Nonenveloped plant viruses Geminiviridae.Transmitted by aphids to tomato plants and other important crops. Their virions group in “twins,” each member of the pair carrying one DNA circle with part of the genome. Infection requires transmission of both parts.


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Table 6.1 Groups of viruses−Baltimore classification (continued) Viruses

Taxonomic group with key traits and examples

Group III. Double-stranded RNA viruses

150 nm

Gary Gaugler/Visuals Unlimited

Require viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; usually package the polymerase before exiting host cell.


Nonsegmented, enveloped bacteriophages Cystoviridae. Infect Pseudomonas species of bacteria. Segmented, nonenveloped viruses of animals and plants Birnaviridae. Infect marine and aquatic fish. Reoviridae. Orthoreoviruses and rotaviruses infect humans and other vertebrates. Cypovirus infects insects. Fijivirus infects plants. Rice dwarf virus (phytoreovirus) is transmitted by leafhopper beetles and causes major economic damage to rice crops worldwide. Varicosaviridae. Infect plants.

Group IV. (+) Sense single-stranded RNA viruses

50 nm

©Hans Ackermann/Visuals Unlimited

Require viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to generate (–) template for progeny (+) genome; usually nonsegmented.

30 nm

Kenneth Eward/Photo Researchers, Inc.

Bacteriophage MS2

Nonenveloped bacteriophages Leviviridae. Bacteriophages MS2 and Qβ infect E. coli. Nonenveloped animal and plant viruses Bromoviridae. Infect many kinds of plants and are often carried by beetles. Picornaviridae. Poliovirus causes poliomyelitis. Rhinovirus causes the common cold. Apthovirus causes hoof and mouth disease in cattle and other stock. Tobamoviridae. Tobacco mosaic virus infects plants. Potyviridae. Viruses such as plum pox virus infect fruits, peanuts, potatoes, and other plants. Enveloped animal and plant viruses Coronaviridae. Coronaviruses include SARS and animal viruses. Flaviviridae. Flaviviruses infecting humans include West Nile virus, yellow fever virus, and hepatitis C virus. Togaviridae. Include rubella virus and equine encephalitis virus.

Rhinovirus 14

Group V. (–) Sense single-stranded RNA viruses

Sciecne VU/Visuals Unlimited

Require viral RNA-dependent RNA transcriptase.

©Science VU/CDC/ Visuals Unlimited

Influenza virions

Segmented, enveloped viruses Orthomyxoviridae. Influenza virus causes major epidemics among humans and animals. Nonsegmented, enveloped viruses Filoviridae. Ebola virus causes outbreaks among humans and chimpanzees. Rhabdoviridae. Rabies virus infects mammals. Paramyxoviridae. Infect humans and cause measles, mumps, and parainfluenza. Segmented (+/–) strand, enveloped viruses Arenaviridae. Spread by rodents, arenaviruses cause hemorrhagic fever and lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Bunyaviridae. Hantaviruses are spread by rodents and infect humans. Tospoviruses are transmitted by thrips, infecting peanuts, onions, garlic, and other plants.

Ebola virus


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■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Table 6.1 Groups of viruses−Baltimore classification (continued) Viruses

Taxonomic group with key traits and examples

Group VI. Retroviruses (RNA reverse-transcribing viruses)

100 nm

©Hans Gelderblom/ Visuals Unlimited

Require viral reverse transcriptase to generate DNA copy for integration into host; chromosome package transcriptase before exiting host cell. Retroviridae. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is causing a human pandemic (worldwide epidemic). Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is endemic among cats.


Group VII. Pararetroviruses (DNA reverse-transcribing viruses)

Encyclopedia of Virology. 1995 Academic Press Ltd All Rights Reserved

DNA is transcribed to RNA intermediate; reverse-transcribed to DNA; infect plant cells, which have cytoplasmic reverse transcriptase; or package a viral reverse transcriptase. Nonenveloped plant viruses Caulimoviridae. Transmitted by aphids, cauliflower mosaic virus and related viruses infect cauliflower, broccoli, groundnuts, soybeans, and cassava. The cauliflower mosaic virus promoter sequence is used to construct vectors to put genes into transgenic plants. Badnaviridae. Badnaviruses infect bananas, cocoa plants, citrus, yams, and sugarcane. Enveloped animal viruses Hepadnaviridae. Hepatitis B virus causes widespread disease of the human liver.

Cauliflower mosaic virus

Molecular Evolution of Viruses The phylogeny, or genetic relatedness, of viruses can be determined within families. For example, the herpes family includes double-stranded DNA viruses that cause several human and animal diseases, such as chickenpox, oral and genital herpes infection, and equine herpes respiratory and genital infections. Herpes genomes consist of double-stranded DNA, 120–220 kilobases (kb) encoding about 70–200 genes; an example is that of varicella-zoster virus, the causative agent of chickenpox (Fig. 6.15A). The genome includes two “unique” segments of genes, one long and one short (U L and US), joined by two inverted repeats (IRs). Other herpes genomes share similar structure, though they differ in gene order and IR position. The relatedness of different herpes viruses can be measured by comparing their genome sequences. Comparison is based on orthologous genes, or orthologs. Orthologs are genes of common ancestry in two genomes that share the same function, a topic discussed in Chapter 8. An example is the ribosomal RNA genes whose sequence is used to measure relatedness of cellular organisms. Viruses have no ribosomal RNA, but closely related viruses share other orthologous genes. In pairs of orthologs, the amount of difference in sequence correlates approximately with

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the time following divergence from a common ancestor (a topic discussed in Chapter 17). Sequence comparison places herpes into three classes designated alpha, beta, and gamma (Fig. 6.15B). The alpha class includes human varicella-zoster virus and the oral and genital herpes viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2), as well as equine herpes virus. The beta class includes cytomegalovirus, a common cause of congenital infections (present at birth), as well as two less known viruses. The gamma class includes Epstein-Barr virus, the cause of infectious mononucleosis, as well as several viruses of animals. The more ancient evolution of viruses, however, is difficult to assess based on DNA or RNA sequence. Unlike cells, viruses do not possess genes common to all species, such as the ribosomal RNA genes used to estimate times of divergence of cellular organisms (discussed in Chapter 17). Furthermore, the genomes of viruses are highly mosaic, that is, derived from multiple sources. Mosaic genomes result from recombination between different viruses coinfecting a host. In some cases, phylogeny is inconsistent with the fundamental chemical composition of the genome. For example, some DNA bacteriophages actually share closer ancestry with RNA bacteriophages than they do with DNA animal viruses. This is because two or more viruses can coinfect a cell and exchange genetic components.

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Pa r t 1

A. Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Genome (120 kb) Unique long region (UL )




Alpha herpes viruses


Varicella-zoster (VZV) 100

61 ORFs

Equine herpes (EHV-1) 77

10 ORFs

Figure 6.15 Phylogeny of herpes viral genomes. A. Genome structure of human varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the causative agent of chickenpox. B. Phylogeny of human and animal herpes viruses, based on whole-genome sequence analysis comparing clusters of orthologous groups of genes. Numbers measure genetic divergence.


The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

Equine herpes (EHV-4) Herpes simplex (HSV-1) Herpes simplex (HSV-2)

Root (common ancestor)

Beta herpes viruses Cytomegalovirus (CMV)


Thus, the genomic content of a virus can be influenced by its host range.

Herpes 6 (HHV-6)


Herpes 7 (HHV-7)

THOUGHT QUESTION 6.4 How can viruses with different kinds of genomes (RNA versus DNA) combine and exchange genetic information?


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

As more viral genomes are sequenced, classification methods have been devised to take advantage of sequence information without requiring gene products common to all species. One promising approach is that of proteomics, analysis of the proteome, the proteins encoded by genomes (discussed in Chapter 8). Proteins are identified through biochemical analysis of virus particles and through bioinGram-positive Siphophage hosts formatic analysis of protein sequences encoded (dsDNA) in the genomes. Proteomic analysis is useful for phage λ viruses because their small genomes encode a small number of proteins, which can be readGram-negative ily analyzed. Furthermore, because proteomic hosts analysis is based on numerous gene products, it does not require a single gene (such as rRNA) common to all species. Statistical comparison of all proteins generated by a set of viral speLactobacillus cies reveals underlying degrees of relatedness. An example of viral classification based on proteomic analysis is that of the “proteomic Podophage Gram-positive bacillus tree” of bacteriophages proposed by Rohwer and Edwards (Fig. 6.16). Unlike earlier trees based on a single common gene sequence, the proteomic tree is based on the statistical comparison of Myophage (dsDNA) Gram-negative phage protein sequences predicted by genomic phage T4 enteric DNA of many different species of phages. The proteomic analysis predicts seven major

The bacteriophage proteomic tree. Comparison of all proteins encoded by each genome predicts distinct groups of bacteriophages. Within each group, there are subgroups of phages with shared hosts, since sharing of hosts facilitates genetic recombination and horizontal transfer of genes between different phages. Source: Based on

Figure 6.16

F. Rohwer and R. A. Edwards. 2002. J. Bacteriol. 184:4529.

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Gamma herpes viruses

Saimiriine herpes (HVS-2)

87 82

Equine herpes (EHV-2) Murine herpes (MHV-68)

Lactobacillus or Streptococcus Inophage (ssDNA) phage M13 Plectrophage (ssDNA)

Gramnegative hosts Leviphage (ssRNA)

E. coli

Mycobacteria Gramnegative

Gramnegative E. coli



Microphage (ssDNA) phage X174

Podophage (dsDNA) phage T7

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■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

evolutionary categories of phage species. These categories appear to group phage species according to host bacteria. For example, phages that infect gram-negative hosts will show more genetic commonality with each other than with phages that infect gram-positive hosts. Shared hosts have a significant impact on phage evolution because coinfecting a host enables phages to exchange genes.

Lambda binding sites



Classification of viruses is based on genome composition, virion structure, and host range. The Baltimore virus classification emphasizes the form of the genome (DNA or RNA, single- or doublestranded) and the route to generate messenger RNA. Proteomic classification includes information from all viral proteins. Statistical analysis reveals common descent of viruses infecting a common host.

Beta barrel within outer membrane



Bacteriophage Life Cycles

All viruses require a host cell for reproduction. While viruses display a remarkable diversity of reproductive strategies, they all face these same needs for host infection: ■

Host recognition and attachment. Viruses must contact and adhere to a host cell that can support their particular reproductive strategy. Genome entry. The viral genome must enter the host cell and gain access to the cell’s machinery for gene expression. Assembly of virions. Viral components must be expressed and assembled. Components usually “selfassemble”; that is, the joining of their parts is favored thermodynamically. Exit and transmission. Progeny virions must exit the host cell, then reach new host cells to infect. In the case of multicellular organisms, the virus must eventually reach other multicellular hosts (as discussed in Chapters 27 and 29).

Bacteriophages Attach to Specific Host Cells To commence an infectious life cycle, bacteriophages need to contact and attach to the surface of an appropriate host cell. Contact and attachment is mediated by cell surface receptors, proteins on the host cell surface that are specific to the host species and that bind to a specific viral component. Receptor proteins. The cell surface receptor for a virus

is actually a protein with an important function for the host cell, but the virus has evolved to take advantage of its existence. An extensively studied model system of virusreceptor binding is that of bacteriophage lambda (see Table 6.1, top row). The phage lambda virion attaches

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Figure 6.17 Bacteriophage lambda interacts with its host receptor. Phage lambda enters E. coli by first binding to the maltose porin. The “beta barrel” of maltose porin, shown in blue, is buried in the outer membrane. The phage lambda–binding sites, shown in green, were identified by amino acid substitution mutations that prevent phage binding and confer resistance to lambda on the host cell. (PDB code: 1MAL)

specifically to the maltose porin in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli (Fig. 6.17). Although the protein is often called “lambda receptor protein,” it actually evolved in the host as a way to acquire the sugar maltose to metabolize. Thus, natural selection maintains the maltose porin in E. coli despite the danger of phage infection. The precise domain of the maltose porin that binds to phage lambda was defi ned experimentally by mutations in E. coli that cause amino acid substitution in the protein. Some of the mutant E. coli strains were resistant to phage lambda infection. The mutations that conferred host resistance mapped to the domain of maltose porin that binds the phage capsid.

Phage Genomes Direct Host Cells to Produce Progeny Phages Historically, the life cycles of bacteriophages have provided some of the most fundamental insights in molecular biology. In 1952, Alfred Hershey and Margaret Chase showed that the transmission of DNA by a bacteriophage to a host cell led to production of progeny bacteriophages, thus confi rming that DNA is the hereditary material. In 1950, André Lwoff and Antoinette Gutman showed that a phage genome could integrate itself within a bacterial genome—the fi rst recognition that genes could enter and leave a cell’s genome. Other

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A. Phage T4 DNA insertion Phage T4 attaches to bacterium.

Pa r t 1 Sheath contracts and viral DNA enters bacterium.

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


fundamental concepts of the genetic unit and the basis of gene transcription came from experiments on bacteriophages, as discussed in Chapters 7–9. Most bacteriophages (or phages) insert only their genome into a cell through the cell envelope, thus avoiding the need for the capsid to penetrate the molecular barrier of the cell wall. For example, the phage T4 virion has a neck tube that contracts, bringing the headpiece near the cell surface to insert its DNA (Fig. 6.18A ). After the genome is inserted, the phage capsid remains outside attached to the cell surface and is termed a “ghost.”

B. Phage lambda reproductive cycle

The lytic cycle. In a lytic cycle, when a phage particle injects

Host genome

Phage attaches to host cell and inserts DNA.

Linear dsDNA cyclizes to circular DNA.

Phage particle

its genome into a cell, it immediately proceeds to reproduce as many progeny phage particles as possible. The process of reproduction involves replicating the phage genome as well as expressing phage mRNA to make enzymes and capsid proteins. Some phages, such as T4, digest the host DNA to increase efficiency of phage production. Finally, the host cell lyses, releasing progeny phages. Lysogeny Phage DNA integrates into host genome to form prophage.

Lytic cycle Viral DNase cleaves host cell DNA. Cell synthesizes capsid proteins.

Phage recombines by rejoining the ends of its phosphodiester chain and enters the lytic cycle.

Cell replicates phage DNA. DNA is packaged into capsids. Stress induces excision of phage DNA.

Integrated phage DNA reproduces with host genome.

Phage lyses cell, and progeny phage are released.

Integrated phage DNA replicates with host genome.

Figure 6.18 Bacteriophage reproduction: lysis and lysogeny. A. Phage T4 attaches to the cell surface by its tail fibers, then contracts to inject its DNA. The empty capsid remains outside as a “ghost.” B. Lysis occurs when the phage genome reproduces progeny phage particles, as many as possible, then lyses the cell to release them. In phage lambda, lysogeny can occur when the phage genome integrates into that of the host. The phage genome is replicated along with that of the host cell. The phage DNA, however, can direct its own excision by expressing a site-specific DNA recombinase. This excised phage chromosome then initiates a lytic cycle.

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■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Phage T4 reproduces entirely by the lytic cycle; this is called a virulent phage. Other phages, such as phage lambda, have the options of reproducing by lysis or by lysogeny (Fig. 6.18B ). Lysis. After phage lambda inserts its DNA, its genes are expressed by the host cell RNA polymerase and ribosomes. “Early genes” are expressed early during the lytic cycle. Other phage-expressed proteins then work together with the cellular enzymes and ribosomes to replicate the phage genome and produce phage capsid proteins. The capsid proteins self-assemble into capsids and package the phage genomes, a process that takes place in defi ned stages, like a factory assembly line. At last, a “late gene” from the phage genome expresses an enzyme that lyses the host cell wall, releasing the mature virions. Lysis is also referred to as a burst, and the number of virus particles released is called the burst size. Lysogeny. A temperate phage, such as phage lambda, can infect and lyse cells like a virulent phage, but it also has an alternative pathway: to integrate its genome into that of the host cell (see Fig. 6.18B). Phage lambda has a linear genome of double-stranded DNA, which circularizes upon entry into the cell. The circularized genome then recombines into that of the host by site-specific recombination of DNA. In site-specific recombination, a recombinase enzyme aligns the phage genome with the host DNA and exchanges the phosphodiester backbone links with those of the host genome. The process of exchange thus integrates the phage genome into that of the host. The integrated phage genome is called a prophage. Integration of the phage genome as a prophage results in lysogeny, a condition in which the phage genome is replicated along with that of the host cell as the host reproduces. Implicit in the term lysogeny, however, is the ability of such a strain to spontaneously generate a lytic burst of phage. For lysis to occur, the prophage (integrated phage genome) directs its own excision from the host genome by an intramolecular process of site-specific recombination. The two ends of the phage genome exchange their phosphodiester backbone linkages so as to come apart from the host molecule. As the phage DNA exits the host genome, it circularizes and initiates a lytic cycle, destroying the host cell and releasing phage particles. The “decision” between lysogeny and lysis is determined by proteins that bind DNA and repress transcription of genes for virus replication (see Section 10.7). Exit from lysogeny into lysis can occur at random, or it can be triggered by environmental stress such as UV light, which damages the cell’s DNA. The regulatory switch of lysogeny responds to environmental cues indicating the likelihood that the host cell will survive and continue to propagate the phage genome. If a cell’s growth is strong, it is more likely that the phage

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DNA will remain inactive, whereas events that threaten host survival will trigger a lytic burst. An analogous phenomenon occurs in animal viral infections such as herpes, in which environmental stress triggers painful outbreaks arising from latent infection, reactivation of a virus that was dormant within cells. The lysogeny of phage lambda provided an early model system for investigating viral persistence in human viral diseases. Viruses transfer host genes. During the exit from lysog-

eny or during latent growth of animal viruses, the virus can acquire host genes and pass them on to other host cells. This process of transferring host genes is known as transduction. A transducing bacteriophage can pick up a bit of host genome and transfer it to a new host cell. In some forms of transduction, the entire phage genome is replaced by host DNA packaged in the phage capsid, resulting in a virus particle that only transfers host DNA. Host DNA transferred by viruses can become permanently incorporated into the infected host genome. The mechanisms of phage-mediated transduction (generalized and specialized) are discussed in Chapter 9. The integration and excision of viral genomes make extraordinary contributions to the evolution of host genomes. Lysogenic prophages often contribute key toxins and virulence factors to pathogens: For example, the CTXφ prophage encodes cholera toxin in V. cholerae; the Shiga toxin prophage confers virulence on enteric pathogens Shigella and E. coli H7:O157; and prophages encode toxins for Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria) and Clostridium botulinum (botulism). In natural environments, phage-mediated transduction mediates much of the recombination of bacterial genomes. In the laboratory, the ability of phages to transfer genes provided vectors for recombinant DNA technology, the artificial construction of phages to carry genes from animals and plants for gene cloning. When viral transfer of genes was fi rst discovered in the 1960s, it was thought that multicellular eukaryotes had a much lower tolerance for genome change. We have since learned, however, that much of the human genome also shows evidence of gene transfer mediated by ancient viruses, including possible retroviruses similar to HIV (discussed in Chapter 11). Slow release. The slow-release cycle differs from lysis

and lysogeny in that phage particles reproduce without destroying the host cell (Fig. 6.19). Slow release is performed by filamentous phages such as phage M13. In the slow-release life cycle, the single-stranded circular DNA of M13 serves as a template to synthesize a double-stranded intermediate. The double-stranded intermediate slowly generates single-stranded progeny genomes, which are packaged by supercoiling and coating with capsid proteins. The phage particles then extrude through the cell envelope

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Pa r t 1

Phage attaches to host cell and inserts DNA.

Host genome ■

Cell synthesizes duplex.

Cell replicates circular, single-stranded DNA.


Host cell surface receptors mediate attachment of bacteriophages to a cell and confer host specificity. Lytic cycle. A bacteriophage injects its DNA into a host cell, where it utilizes host gene expression machinery to produce progeny virions. Lysogeny. Some bacteriophages can copy their genome into that of the host cell, which then replicates the phage genome along with its own. A lysogenic bacterium can initiate a lytic cycle. Slow release. Some bacteriophages use the host machinery to make progeny that bud from the cell slowly, slowing growth of the host without lysis.

6.5 Phages assemble and exit without lysis.

While phages reproduce and exit cell, the cell reproduces slowly.

Figure 6.19 Bacteriophage life cycle: slow release. In the slow-release life cycle, a filamentous phage produces phage particles without lysing the cell. The host continues to reproduce itself, but more slowly than uninfected cells because much of its resources are being used to make phages.

without lysing the cell. The host cell continues to reproduce, though more slowly than uninfected cells because much of its resources are diverted to virus production. Some phage genomes consist of RNA. RNA phages include the leviviruses such as phage MS2 and Qβ. The RNA phages replicate their genomes through a double-stranded RNA intermediate, analogous to the double-stranded DNA intermediate of the filamentous phage M13; but RNA phages lyse their hosts. RNA phages have very simple genomes composed of only three or four genes. These genes encode a replicase, a coat protein, and a maturation factor. The RNA genomes of these phages are of historical interest as model systems to study ribosomal translation. THOUGHT QUESTION 6.5 What are the relative advantages and disadvantages (to a virus) of the slowrelease strategy, compared with the strategy of a temperate phage, which alternates between lysis and lysogeny?

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The M ic rob i al Ce l l


Slow release

Phage particle

Animal and Plant Virus Life Cycles

Animal and plant viruses solve problems similar to those faced by bacteriophages: host attachment, genome entry and gene expression, virion assembly, and virion release. The more complex structure of eukaryotic cells, however, leads to greater complexity and diversity of life cycles than is seen in phages. Viral reproduction may involve intracellular compartments such as the nucleus or secretory system and may depend on tissue and organ development in multicellular organisms. Study of animal virus life cycles reveals potential targets for antiviral drugs, such as protease inhibitors for HIV. NOTE: The virus life cycles in Chapter 6 are simplified. For greater molecular detail, see Chapter 11.

Animal Viruses Bind Receptors and Uncoat Their Genomes Like bacteriophages, animal viruses evolve to bind specific receptor proteins on their host cell. An example of a human virus-receptor interaction is that of rhinovirus (see Table 6.1, Group IV), which causes the common cold. Rhinovirus attaches to ICAM-1, a human glycoprotein needed for intercellular adhesion (Fig. 6.20A). The rhinovirus binds to a domain of ICAM-1 essential for it to bind a lymphocyte protein called integrin. The host receptors play a key role in determining the host range, the group of host species permitting growth. Within a host, receptor molecules can also determine the tropism, or tendency to infect a particular tissue type. Some viruses, such as Ebola virus, exhibit broad tropism, infecting many kinds of host tissues, whereas others, such as papillomavirus, show tropism for only one type, the epithelial tissues. Poliovirus infects only a specific class of human cells that display the immunoglobulin-like receptor protein PVR. Children under age 3 do not yet

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A. Host receptor binding

B. Uncoating at the cell membrane COO


Measles virus Cell exterior S

ICAM-1 Receptor protein


Uncoating of RNA genome




Cell membrane

S S NH 3+ Lymphocyte integrin Lfa-1–binding site

Rhinovirus-binding site

D. Uncoating at the nuclear membrane

C. Uncoating within endosomes


Hepatitis C

Cytoplasm Receptor protein

Cytoplasm Receptor protein

Cell membrane Cell membrane

Endosome Lysosome fuses with and acidifies endosome.


Viral envelope fuses with endosome membrane. Docking onto nuclear membrane

H+ Uncoating of RNA genome Nucleus Uncoating of dsDNA genome

Nuclear membrane

Receptor binding and genome uncoating. A. Rhinovirus attaches to the intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1), a glycoprotein required by the host cells to bind a lymphocyte integrin, a cell surface matrix protein required for cell-cell adhesion. After binding a specific receptor on the host cell membrane, an animal virus enters the cell, where its genome is uncoated. B. Uncoating at the cell membrane. C. Uncoating within endosomes. D. Uncoating at the nuclear membrane. Source: A. Based on J. Bella, et al. 1998. PNAS 95:4140.

Figure 6.20


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express the receptor PVR; thus, they do not experience polio infection of the nervous system. Mice are not normally infected by polio, but when transgenic mice were created to express PVR on their cells, the mice could then be infected. Different strains of a virus may show radically different host tropisms based on their receptor specificity. An example is that of avian influenza strain H5N1. The H5N1 strain infects birds by binding to a glycoprotein (protein with sugar chains) receptor on cell surfaces of the avian respiratory tract. The H5N1 strain requires a receptor protein with a sialic acid sugar chain terminating in galactose linked at the C-3 position (α2, 3), common in the avian respiratory tract. In humans, however, most nasal upper respiratory cells have receptors with galactose linked at the C-6 position (α2, 6). Cells with the C-3 linkage are more common in the human lower respiratory tract. That is why avian influenza H5N1 infection of humans has been relatively rare. However, only a small mutation in the H5N1 envelope protein could enable it to bind to the (α2, 6) receptor more effectively, allowing rapid transmission between humans. THOUGHT QUESTION 6.6 How could humans evolve to resist rhinovirus infection? Is such evolution likely? Why or why not? Genome uncoating. Some animal viruses, such as

poliovirus, attach to the host cell surface and insert their genome into the host cell, as do bacteriophages. In animal virology, this process is called “extracellular uncoating” of the genome. Most animal viruses, however, enter the host cell as intact virions, then undergo intracellular uncoating, a process of virion disassembly in which the genome is released for replication and gene expression. Uncoating of the genome takes place in several different ways. For example, measles virus, a paramyxovirus, enters the cell by binding host receptor proteins, which causes the viral envelope to fuse with the host cell membrane (Fig. 6.20B). The measles RNA genome is then uncoated and released directly into the cytoplasm. Alternatively, a flavivirus such as hepatitis C is taken up by endocytosis (Fig. 6.20C). In endocytosis, the cell membrane forms a vesicle around the virion and engulfs it, forming an endocytic vesicle. The endocytic vesicle fuses with a lysosome, whose acidic environment activates entry of the capsid into the cytoplasm. The capsid then comes apart, uncoating the viral genome. Still other species, such as adenovirus, enter by endocytosis but require transport to the nucleus (Fig. 6.20D). At the nuclear membrane, the virion docks at a nuclear pore and injects its DNA genome into the nucleus. The adenoviral DNA then has access to cellular DNA polymerase and RNA transcriptase.

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The M ic rob i al Ce l l


Animal Virus Life Cycles The primary factor determining the life cycle of an animal virus is the physical form of the genome. A viral genome made of DNA can utilize some or all of the host replication machinery. If, however, the genome consists of single-stranded RNA, it fi rst needs to synthesize either an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to generate an RNA template or a reverse transcriptase to generate a DNA template (in the case of retroviruses). DNA virus life cycle. An example of a double-stranded

DNA virus is human papillomavirus (HPV) (see Table 6.1, Group I), the cause of genital warts (Fig. 6.21A). HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States and one of the most common worldwide. Certain strains infect the skin, whereas others infect the mucous membranes through genital or anal contact (sexual transmission). Like phage lambda, papillomavirus has an active reproduction cycle and a dormant cycle in which the viral genome integrates into that of the host. Genome integration leads to abnormal cell proliferation causing cauliflower-like warts and can progress to cervical or penile cancer. HPV initially infects basal epithelial cells (Fig. 6.21B). In the basal cells, papilloma virions enter the cytoplasm by receptor binding and membrane fusion. The virion then undergoes uncoating, the disintegration of the protein capsid or coat, releasing its circular double-strand genome (Fig. 6.22). The uncoated viral genome enters the nucleus, where it gains access to host DNA and RNA polymerases. The process of viral reproduction is complicated by the developmental progression of basal cells into keratinocytes and ultimately cells to be shed or sloughed off from the surface (see Fig. 6.21B). Viral replication is largely inhibited until the basal cells start to differentiate into keratinocytes (mature epithelial cells). Host cell differentiation induces the viral DNA to replicate and undergo transcription by host polymerases. The mRNA transcripts then exit the nuclear pores, as do host mRNAs, for translation in the cytoplasm. The translated capsid proteins, however, return to the nucleus for assembly of the virion. Nuclear virion assembly is typical of DNA viruses (with the exception of poxviruses, which replicate entirely in the cytoplasm). As the keratinocytes complete differentiation, they start to come apart and are shed from the surface. The DNA virions are released from the cell during this shedding process. Unfortunately, in the basal cells, HPV has an alternative pathway of integrating its genome into that of the host (analogous to phage lysogeny). Genome integration can disrupt the expression of key host genes, causing transformation to cancer.

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Chapter 6

Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion


dsDNA virus Receptor protein Epithelial cell Genome is uncoated. Nuclear pore

©Ken Greer/Visuals Unlimited

Host RNA polymerase



DNA replication


Host DNA polymerase


Capsid proteins 2. Keratinocytes differentiate; virus replication is activated.

1. HPV infects basal cells, where it remains dormant.

Assembly Nucleus

3. Shedding cells release HPV virions. Only shedding epithelial cells release virions.

HPV integration into host genome transforms cells to cancer.

Human papillomavirus. A. Certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) cause warts on the genitals or anus. B. HPV infects basal epithelial cells, where the DNA uncoats but remains dormant. As cells differentiate, viral synthesis is activated. Shedding cells then release virions. An alternative fate of HPV is to integrate in the genome of host basal cells, where it leads to carcinogenesis.

Figure 6.21

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Progeny virions

Papillomavirus life cycle. HPV, a double-stranded DNA virus, enters the cytoplasm, where the protein coat disintegrates. The viral DNA enters the nucleus for replication and transcription by host polymerases. Viral mRNA returns to the cytoplasm for translation of capsid proteins, which return to the nucleus for assembly of virions.

Figure 6.22

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RNA virus life cycle. The picornaviruses include poliovirus as well as rhinovirus, which causes the common cold (see Table 6.1, Group IV). Picornavirus genomes contain (+) strand RNA, allowing viral reproduction to occur entirely in the cytoplasm, without any use of DNA. Picornaviruses bind to a surface receptor, such as ICAM-1 for rhinovirus or the PVR receptor for poliovirus. The (+) strand RNA is uncoated by insertion through the cell membrane into the cytoplasm (Fig. 6.23). The role of endocytosis is debated; poliovirus requires no endocytosis, but rhinovirus genome uncoating may require endocytosis and low-pH induction.

(+) RNA genome

+ RNA genome is inserted into cytoplasm.

Viral (+) RNA is translated to make RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.


Viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase + Replication – Replication

+ Assembly

Progeny virions

Picornavirus life cycle. A picornavirus inserts its (+) strand RNA into the cell. Reproduction occurs entirely in the cytoplasm. A key step is the early translation of a viral gene to make RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase uses the picornavirus RNA template to make (–) strand RNA, which then serves as a template for other viral mRNAs as well as progeny genomic RNA.

Figure 6.23

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The M ic rob i al Ce l l


After uncoating, a gene in the viral RNA is translated by host ribosomes to make RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The RNA-dependent RNA polymerase uses the viral RNA template to make (–) strand RNA. The (–) strand RNA then serves as a template for other viral mRNAs as well as progeny genomic RNA. Capsid proteins are translated by host ribosomes, and the capsids self-assemble in the cytoplasm. Virions then assemble at the cell membrane and are released by budding out. Note that other kinds of RNA virus, such as influenza virus, encapsidate a (–) strand genome. In this case, the (–) strand must serve as template to generate mRNA as well as (–) strand progeny genomes. Influenza virus replication includes other interesting molecular complications, discussed in Chapter 11.


Capsid proteins

RNA retroviruses. Retroviruses include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS, and feline leukemia virus (FeLV), a disease commonly affl icting domestic cats (see Table 6.1, Group VI). A retrovirus uses a reverse transcriptase to make a DNA copy of its RNA genome (Fig. 6.24). Instead of being translated from an early gene, the reverse transcriptase is actually carried within the virion, bound to the RNA genome with a primer in place. The virion contains two copies of the HIV genome, each carrying its own reverse transcriptase. After uncoating in the cytoplasm, the viral RNA is copied into double-stranded DNA. The DNA copy then enters the nucleus, where it integrates by recombining with the host genome. The viral genome then replicates silently in the host cell, generating only a small number of virions without apparent effect on the host. To generate virions, a host RNA polymerase transcribes viral mRNA and viral genomic RNA. The viral mRNA reenters the cytoplasm for translation to produce coat proteins and envelope proteins. The coat proteins are transported by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cell membrane, where virions selfassemble and bud out. At a certain point, the host cell can suddenly begin to generate large numbers of virions. The cause of accelerated reproduction is poorly understood, although it

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Chapter 6

RNA genome

Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Reverse transcriptase Envelope protein

Virion binds receptor protein.

Uncoating of envelope releases capsid.

Figure 6.24 Retrovirus life cycle. A retrovirus such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) uses reverse transcriptase to copy its RNA into double-stranded DNA. The DNA then enters the nucleus to recombine in the host genome, where a host RNA polymerase generates viral mRNA and viral genomic RNA. The viral mRNA enters the cytoplasm for translation. Viral coat proteins are transported by the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell membrane, where virions assemble and bud out.

in Chapter 12). For example, adenovirus and related viruses are being engineered to deliver a corrective gene to the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis.

Receptor protein

Uncoating of capsid releases ss (+) RNA and viral reverse transcriptase.

+ +

THOUGHT QUESTION 6.7 What are the advantages and disadvantages to the virus of replication by the host polymerase, compared with using a polymerase encoded by its own genome?

RT Reverse transcriptase dsDNA copy of genome Translation yields viral proteins.

dsDNA integrates into host genome.

RT Host RNA Pol II

Host RNA polymerase transcribes viral DNA.

Capsid proteins

Plant Virus Life Cycles All kinds of plants are subject to viral infection. Plant viruses pose enormous challenges to agriculture, where the concentrated growth of a single strain (monoculture) provides ideal conditions for a virus to spread.

Plant virus entry to host cells. In contrast to animal viruses and bacteriophages, plant viruses infect cells by mechanisms Assembly Glycoproteins that do not involve specific membrane receptors. This may be because plant cell membranes are covered by thick cell walls impenetrable to virion uptake or genome insertion. Thus, the entry of plant viruses Budding usually requires mechanical transmission, nonspecific access through physical can involve stress conditions such as poor health or pregdamage to tissues, such as abrasions of the leaf surface by nancy. The mechanism of control involves several protein the feeding of an insect. The means of mechanical transregulators encoded by the virus. The full process and mission of plant viruses are limited by the cell wall and by regulation of HIV reproduction is exceedingly complex; the sessile nature of plants. Most plant viruses gain entry further molecular details are discussed in Chapter 11. to cells by one of three routes: Oncogenic viruses. DNA viruses such as HPV and adenovirus can insert their genomes into the chromosome of a host cell in a manner analogous to that of a lysogenic bacteriophage. In some cases, the transfer of host genes to abnormal chromosome locations can generate oncogenes, genes whose expression at inappropriate times causes uncontrolled proliferation of the cell and ultimately cancer. Viruses that carry oncogenes are known as oncogenic viruses. This capacity for gene transfer may be manipulated artificially for gene therapy (discussed

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Contact with damaged tissues. Viruses such as tobacco mosaic virus appear to require nonspecific entry into broken cells. Transmission by an animal vector. Insects and nematodes transmit many kinds of plant viruses. For example, the geminiviruses are inoculated into cells by plant-eating insects such as aphids, beetles, or grasshoppers. Transmission through seed. Some plant viruses enter the seed and infect the next generation.

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Scott Bauer, Agricultural Research Service, USDA


Marina Barba, Istituto Sperimentale per la Patologia Vegetale

Frederick E. Gildow, Pennsylvania State University



Frederick E. Gildow, Pennsylvania State University

■ The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Plum pox is caused by potyvirus. A. Potyvirus, a filamentous (+) strand RNA virus, approximately 800 nm in length (TEM). B. Potyvirus is transmitted by aphids, which suck the plant sap and release potyvirus into the damaged tissues. C. Streaking of flowers caused by potyvirus infection. D. Ring-shaped “pox” appear on the infected fruit and the stone inside.

Figure 6.25

An economically important plant virus is the potyvirus plum pox virus (see Table 6.1, Group IV), a major pathogen of plums, peaches, and other stone fruits. Plum pox virus, a (+) strand RNA virus, is transmitted by aphids (Fig. 6.25). Following infection, the spread of the virus generates streaked leaves and flowers as well as ring-shaped “pox” marks on the surfaces of the fruit and of the stone within.

Cell membrane Nucleus

Plasmodesma Cellulose cell wall

Plant virus transmission through plasmodesmata.

Within a plant, the thick cell walls prevent a lytic burst or budding out of virions. Instead, plant virions spread to uninfected cells by traveling through plasmodesmata (singular, plasmodesma). Plasmodesmata are membrane channels that connect adjacent plant cells (Fig. 6.26). The outer channel connects the cell membranes of the two cells, whereas the inner channel connects the endoplasmic reticulum. Passage through the plasmodesmata requires action by movement proteins whose expression is directed by the viral genome. In some cases, the movement proteins transmit the entire plant virion; in other cases, only the nucleic acid itself is small enough to pass through. The independent movement and transmission of plant viral genomes suggest infective strategies in common with those of viroids, which lack capsids altogether. DNA pararetroviruses. Pararetroviruses possess a DNA

genome that requires transcription to RNA in the cytoplasm, followed by reverse transcription to form DNA genomes for progeny virions (Fig. 6.27). While some pararetroviruses infect humans, such as hepadnavirus, the best-known pararetrovirus is cauliflower mosaic virus, or caulimovirus (see Table 6.1, Group VII). Cauli-

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Cytoplasm Nucleus

Endoplasmic reticulum


Plant cells connected by plasmodesmata. Plasmodesmata offer a route for plant viruses to reach uninfected cells.

Figure 6.26

movirus is an important tool for biotechnology because it has a highly efficient promoter for gene transcription, allowing high-level expression of cloned genes. Vectors derived from caulimoviruses are often used to construct transgenic plants. Caulimovirus is transmitted by secretions from an insect whose bite damages plant tissues, providing access to the cytoplasm. The caulimovirus genome moves from

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Chapter 6

Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

the cytoplasm to the cell nucleus through a nuclear pore. Within the nucleus, two promoters on its DNA genome direct transcription to RNA. The two RNA transcripts exit the nucleus for translation by host ribosomes to make viral proteins. A host reverse transcriptase, present in plant cells, generates DNA viral genomes. After virions are assembled in the cytoplasm, movement proteins help transfer them through plasmodesmata into an adjacent cell. A caulimovirus promoter sequence is commonly used in gene transfer vectors for plant biotechnology. The advantage of viral promoters is their highly efficient transcription of a transferred gene, such as one conferring pesticide resistance. In the field, 10% of cruciferous vegetables are typically infected with caulimovirus. Some critics of gene technology are concerned that the prevalence of the caulimovirus promoter in transgenic crops may lead to the evolution of new pararetroviruses. TO SU M MAR I Z E:

dsDNA genome is transmitted through aphid bite.

Plant host cell Nucleus Uncoating of capsid releases genome. RNA transcription


Virions travel through plasmodesma to uninfected cell. Progeny virions

Host reverse transcriptase RT transcribes RNA to viral DNA.

Assembly of virions

Mature virion with DNA

Capsid proteins Viral gene products are translated.

Movement proteins Capsid proteins

Host cell surface receptors Figure 6.27 Caulimovirus life cycle. The cauliflower mosaic virus, a caulimovirus, mediate animal virus attachuses host RNA polymerase to copy its DNA into RNA and uses host reverse ment to a cell and confer host transcriptase to make DNA copies. The DNA genomes are packaged into progeny specificity and tropism. virions that use virus-encoded movement proteins to travel through plasmodesmata ■ Animal DNA viruses either to an adjacent uninfected cell. inject their genome or enter the host cell by endocytosis. The viral genome requires uncoating for gene expression. tion of virus culture is the need to grow the virus within ■ RNA viruses use an RNA-dependent RNA polya host cell. Therefore, any virus culture system must be a merase to transcribe their messenger RNA. double culture of host cells plus viruses. Culturing viruses ■ Retroviruses use a reverse transcriptase to copy of multicellular animals and plants creates additional their genomic sequence into the chromosome of a complications, as viruses show tropism for particular tishost cell. sues or organs. ■ Plant viruses enter host cells by transmission through a wounded cell surface or an animal vector. Plant viruses Batch Culture of Bacteriophages travel to adjacent cells through plasmodesmata. in Large Populations ■ Pararetroviruses contain DNA genomes but generBatch culture, or culture in liquid medium, enables growth ate an RNA intermediate that requires reverse tranof a large population of viruses for study. Bacteriophages scription to DNA for progeny virions. can be inoculated into a growing culture of bacteria, usually in a culture tube or a flask. The culture fluid is then sampled over time and assayed for phage particles. The growth pat6.6 Culturing Viruses tern usually takes the form of a step curve (Fig. 6.28). To observe one cycle of phage reproduction, phages are To study any living microorganism, we must culture it in added to host cells at a multiplicity of infection (MOI, ratio the laboratory. Culturing viruses provides large numbers of phage to cells) such that every host cell is infected. The of virions and their components for analysis. A complica■

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Burst size =

Rise period

10 phages/ml 200 phages/ml (inoculum)

= 500 phages/ cell infected

Eclipse period 0


Plaque-forming units/ml




The M ic rob i al Ce l l


Cell lysis complete




108 Extracellular 106

Latent period


Eclipse period

102 Rise period

20 Time (min)




8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Hours after viral absorption

Figure 6.28

One-step growth curve of a bacteriophage. After initial infection of a liquid culture of host cells, the titer of virus drops near zero as all virions attach to the host. During the eclipse period, progeny phages are being assembled within the cell. As cells lyse (the rise period), virions are released until they reach the final plateau. The infectious cycle is typically complete within less than an hour.

Figure 6.29

phage particles immediately adsorb to surface receptors of host cells and inject their DNA. As a result, virions are virtually undetectable in the growth medium for a short period after infection; this is called the eclipse period. For some species, it is possible to distinguish between the eclipse period and a latent period, which includes the eclipse period plus the time during which progeny viruses have been formed but remain trapped within the cell. The latent period is particularly significant in animal viruses, where large numbers of virions usually generate progeny through budding out of the host cell (Fig. 6.29).

inoculated virions, assuming that all the original virions infect a cell. The burst size, together with the cell density prior to lysis, determines the concentration of the resultant suspension of virus particles, called a lysate. In the case of bacteriophages, a lysate of phage particles can be extremely stable, remaining infective at room temperature for many years. Eukaryotic viruses tend to be less stable and need to be maintained in culture or deep freeze.

NOTE: The latent period of a lytic virus is the period between initial phage-host contact and the fi rst appearance of progeny phage. This must be distinguished from the latent infection of a virus that maintains its genome within a host cell without reproducing virions.

As cells begin to lyse and liberate progeny viruses, the culture enters the rise period, in which virus particles are appearing in the growth medium. The rise period ends when all the progeny viruses have been liberated from their host cells. If the number of viruses that go on to reinoculate further host cells is small, then the virus concentration at the end point divided by the original concentration of inoculated phage approximates the burst size; that is, the number of viruses produced per infected host cell. The burst size may be estimated by dividing the concentration of progeny virions by the concentration of

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One-step growth curve for a virus. The titer of extracellular virus drops near zero during the latent period, as all virions adsorb to the host. Then progeny virions begin to emerge by budding out from the infected cell. The growth curve of a rapidly replicating animal virus typically takes hours to level off; the “burst” event is not defined as clearly as for phages.

THOUGHT QUESTION 6.8 Why does bacteriophage reproduction give a step curve, whereas cellular reproduction generates an exponential growth curve? Could you design an experiment in which viruses generate an exponential curve? Under what conditions does the growth of cellular microbes give rise to a step curve?

Animal Viruses Are Grown in Tissue Culture In the case of animal and plant viruses, the multicellular nature of the host is an important factor in the pathology and transmission of the pathogen (discussed in Chapters 26 and 27). Animal viruses can be cultured within whole animals by serial inoculation, where virus is transferred from an infected animal to an uninfected one. Culture within animals ensures that the virus strain maintains its original virulence (ability to cause disease). But the process is expensive and laborious, involving large-scale use of animals.

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C h ap t e r 6

5.5 h cells round up

8 h cells detach

24 h cells lyse and clump R. Compans, Emory University, School of Medicine

0 h uninfected

■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Figure 6.30 Poliovirus replication in human tissue culture. Before infection (0 hours), the cultured cells grow in a smooth layer. At 5.5 hours after infection, cells are starting to retract and round up. At 8 hours, infected cells detach from the culture dish. By 24 hours, cells have lysed or in some cases clumped with other cells.

A historic event in 1949 was the fi rst successful growth of a virus in tissue culture. Poliovirus, the causative agent of the devastating childhood disease poliomyelitis, was grown in human cell tissue culture (Fig. 6.30) by John F. Enders, Thomas J. Weller, and Frederick Robbins at the Children’s Hospital in Boston. As heralded that year in Scientific American, “It means the end of the ‘monkey era’ in poliomyelitis research. . . . Tissue-culture methods have provided virologists with a simple in vitro method for testing a multitude of chemical and antibiotic agents.” Since then, tissue culture has remained the most effective way to study the molecular biology of animal and plant viruses and to develop vaccines and antiviral agents. Some viruses can be grown in a tissue culture of cells growing confluently on a surface. The fluid bathing the tissue layer is sampled for virus concentration. As in the case of bacteriophage batch culture, we can defi ne an eclipse period, a latent period before appearance of the fi rst progeny virions in the culture fluid, and a rise period. The intracellular completion of virion assembly within the cell is important for transmission of viral infection because some viruses have the ability to spread their virions from cell to cell without ever existing as such outside. In this way, they can avoid detection by the immune system to which they might be vulnerable. In tissue culture, the time course of animal virus replication is usually much longer (hours or days) than that of bacteriophages (typically less than an hour under optimal conditions). The burst size, however, of animal viruses is typically several orders of magnitude larger than that of phages. The reason for the larger burst size is probably that the volume of the eukaryotic host cell is usually much larger than that of a bacterial host, thus providing a larger supply of materials to build virions. Not all animal viruses exhibit growth that can be represented by a step curve. Some species, called slow viruses, bud off virions relatively slowly, without immediately lysing the host cell. A well-known family of slow viruses is the lentiviruses (literally, “slow viruses”), a group of retroviruses that includes HIV. HIV and related retroviruses are known for their long incubation periods, in some cases many years, during which time extremely low concentrations of virions are produced by infected cells.

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Plaque Isolation and Assay of Bacteriophages For the investigation of cellular microbes, an important tool is the culturing of individual colonies on a solid substrate that prevents dispersal throughout the medium, as described in Chapters 1 and 4. Plate culture of colonies enables us to isolate a population of microbes descended from a common progenitor. But viruses cannot be isolated as “colonies.” The reason is that although viruses can be obtained at incredibly high concentrations, they disperse in suspension. Even on a solid medium, viruses never form a solid visible mass comparable to the mass of cells that constitutes a cellular colony. In viral plate culture, viruses from a single progenitor lyse their surrounding host cells, creating a clear area called a plaque. The plaque assay for lytic bacteriophages was invented early in the twentieth century by the French microbiologist Felix d’Herelle, who was the first to recognize that bacterial cells can be infected by bacteriophages. To perform a plaque assay of bacteriophages, a diluted suspension of bacteriophages is mixed with bacterial cells in soft agar, and the mixture is then poured over a nutrient agar plate (Fig. 6.31). If no bacteriophages are present, the bacteria grow homogeneously as an opaque sheet over the surface (confluent growth). The presence of a phage is detected as a plaque, a clear circle seemingly cut out of the bacterial growth. A plaque is formed when a single virus infects a cell, replicates, and spreads progeny phages to adjacent cells, killing them as well (Fig. 6.32). In contrast to the clear plaques produced by lytic phages (as shown in the figure), temperate (lysogenic) phages make cloudy plaques containing lysogenized viable cells. The prophage in the host genome protects the cells from subsequent infection and lysis by another phage. Plaques offer a convenient way to isolate a recombinant DNA molecule contained in a bacteriophage vector. In Figure 6.32B, the blue plaques result from the phage vector, a derivative of phage M13 that carries a gene encoding the enzyme β-galactosidase. This enzyme converts a colorless compound into a blue dye. When the indicator gene is interrupted by an inserted recombinant gene, the phage produces white plaques, which indicate

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Pa r t 1

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E. coli in rich broth culture

Lambda phage stock 2. Add phage-infected bacteria to molten top agar. Molten top agar

Plaque Isolation and Assay of Animal Viruses

3. Pour immediately onto the agar plate.

Multiplicity of infection MOI = 0.1

50°C H2O bath

4. Rotate to spread evenly. Agar solidifies.

Bottom (broth) agar plate 5. Incubate at 37°C overnight. Bacterial lawn

Soft agar (0.75%) Bottom agar (1.5%) Each plaque contains about 106 phage from one parent.

Plating a phage suspension to count isolated plaques. A suspension of bacteria in rich broth culture is inoculated with a low proportion of phage particles (multiplicity of infection is approximately 0.1). This means that only a few of the bacteria become infected immediately, while the rest continue to grow. Each plaque arises from a single infected bacterium that bursts, its phage particles diffusing to infect neighboring cells.

Figure 6.31


B. Plaques


For animal viruses, the plaque assay has to be modified because it requires infection of cells in tissue culture. Tissue culture usually involves growth of cells in a monolayer on the surface of a dish containing fluid medium, which would quickly disperse any viruses released by lysed cells. To solve this problem, in 1952 Renato Dulbecco, at the California Institute of Technology, modified the tissue culture procedure for plaque assays (Fig. 6.33A). In Dulbecco’s method, the tissue culture with liquid medium is first inoculated with virus. After sufficient time to allow for viral attachment to cells, the fluid is removed and replaced by a gel medium. The gel retards dispersal of viruses from infected cells, and as the host cells die, plaques can be observed. Figure 6.33B shows a plate culture of adenovirus. Animal viruses that do not kill their host cells require a different kind of assay based on identification of a focus (plural, foci), a group of cells infected by the virus. In a fluorescent-focus assay, the infected cells under the gel overlay are incubated for a sufficient period to allow production of progeny virions. The plasma membranes of the cells are then made permeable by treatment with an organic solvent, and an antiviral antibody is added. Unattached antibodies are then washed away, and a second antibody is added that recognizes the fi rst antibody molecule. The second antibody is conjugated to a fluorophore whose fluorescence reveals

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l

1. Add phages to bacteria.

Blue plaques

Nick Bowlby, Michigan State University

the successful production of recombinant DNA phages. Plaques can be counted and used to calculate the concentration of phage particles, or plaque-forming units (PFUs), in a given suspension of liquid culture. The liquid culture can be analyzed by serial dilution in the same way one would analyze a suspension of bacteria.

White plaques

Phage plaques on a lawn of bacteria. A. Phage lambda plaques on a lawn of Escherichia coli K-12. B. Plaques of recombinant phage M13 on E. coli. The original phage expresses β-galactosidase, an enzyme that makes a blue product (blue plaques). White plaques are produced by phage particles whose genome is recombinant (contains a cloned gene interrupting the gene for β-galactosidase).

Figure 6.32

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C h ap t e r 6

■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion


A. 1. Infect monolayer with virus.

2. Remove liquid medium.

Jane Flint

3. Add gelatin medium.

4. Virus reproduces. Host cells lyse, forming plaques.

Courtesy of Jane Flint, Princeton University


Plate culture of animal viruses. A. Modified plaque assay for animal viruses. The gelled medium retards dispersal of progeny virions from infected cells, restricting new infections to neighbor cells. The result is a visible clearing of cells (a plaque) in the monolayer. B. Plaque assay in which a serial dilution of adenovirus suspension was plated on a monolayer of cells in tissue culture.

100 µm

Focus assays of animal viruses. A. GFP fluorescent-focus assay. B. Transformed-focus (cancer-forming) assay of an oncogenic virus. Cells infected by an oncogenic virus have produced three foci of transformed cells. Transformed cells grow in an uncontrolled manner, which can produce a tumor.

Figure 6.34


Figure 6.33

foci of cells, each of which has arisen from a single virion in the original inoculum. Another kind of fluorescent-focus assay uses green fluorescent protein (GFP). The viruses are genetically engineered to contain a GFP gene fusion, a labeling technique discussed in Chapter 3. The GFP fluorescence reveals foci of virus-infected cells (Fig. 6.34A). A focus assay can also be used to isolate oncogenic viruses. Oncogenic, or cancer-causing, viruses actually transform their host cells into cancer cells. Cancer cells lose contact inhibition; they grow up in piles instead of remaining in the normal monolayer. These piles of transformed cells, or transformed foci, can easily be visualized and counted. This is known as the transformed-focus assay (Fig. 6.34B).

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H. Kisanuki, et al. 2005. European Journal of Cancer 41:2170


■ ■

Culturing viruses requires growth in host cells. Bacteriophages may be cultured either in batch culture or as isolated plaques on a bacterial lawn. Batch culture of viruses generates a step curve. Animal viruses are cultured within animals or as plaques in a tissue culture. Fluorescent-focus assays reveal foci of virusinfected cells. Oncogenic viruses are cultured as foci of cancertransformed host cells.


Viral Ecology

Viruses exist naturally within host organisms in complex ecosystems. Viral persistence in natural ecosystems is significant for human health and for agricultural plants and animals. Persistence in wild populations provides a reservoir of infection that hinders eradication of a pathogen, especially when it is associated with an insect vector (carrier organism) such as ticks or mosquitoes.

Environmental Change Leads to Emergence of Viral Pathogens Changing distribution patterns of insect vectors and animal hosts can generate new epidemics of a pathogen in

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Packaged capsid

Society for General Microbiology, Reading, UK

1 µm


regions where the virus could not spread before. Such changes in distribution can be brought about by many factors, including global climate change (Special Topic 6.1). Some emerging viruses arise as variants of endemic milder pathogens. Viruses long associated with a host, such as the common cold viruses (rhinoviruses), tend to have evolved a moderate disease state that provides ample opportunities for host transmission. A virus that “jumps” from an animal host, however, may cause a more acute syndrome with higher mortality. The best-known case is the exceptionally virulent emerging strains of influenza, which generally result from intracellular recombination of human strains with strains from pigs or ducks (discussed in Chapter 11). Wild animals consumed for food introduce entirely new species of viruses to human populations. For example, HIV is believed to have emerged from apes whose meat was consumed by humans.

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Viruses infect algae. A. A virus attaches to the surface of a marine phytoplankton, Emiliana huxleyi (SEM). B. Progeny virions assembling within the phytoplankton Pavlova vivescens.

Figure 6.35

Unfilled capsid

250 nm

Society for General Microbiology, Reading, UK


in diversity is exemplified in marine phytoplankton, which are highly susceptible to viruses and display an exceptional range of species diversity. In the oceans, viruses are the most numerous and genetically diverse forms of life. The number of bacteriophages and algal viruses can reach 107 (10 million) per milliliter. Figure 6.35 shows examples of marine viruses infecting phytoplankton such as the algae Emiliana huxleyi and Pavlova vivescens. When marine algae overgrow, generating an algal bloom, viruses play a decisive role in controlling the bloom, such as the overgrowth of Emiliana huxleyi (Figure 6.36). Consumer organisms apparently cannot grow fast enough to control such blooms, but Plymouth

Viruses Have Important Roles in Ecosystems

Limiting host population density. An increase in host population density increases the rate of transmission of viral pathogens. As the host population declines, natural selection results in individuals that are less susceptible. Thus, viruses can limit host density without extinction of the host. An example is the myxovirus introduced into Australia to curb the population of rabbits (which had been previously introduced by British colonists). The myxovirus ultimately maintained the rabbits at a reduced density, less destructive to the ecosystem. Selecting for host diversity. Each viral species has a limited host range and requires a critical population density to sustain the chain of infection. The virus limits its host species to a population density far lower than that sustainable by the available resources, thus preventing the dominance of any one species. In this way, the presence of viruses fosters the evolution of many distinct host species. The role of viruses

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Society for General Microbiology, Reading, UK

Viruses fi ll important niches in all ecosystems. Two important roles of viruses are:

Viral control of marine algal blooms. Phytoplankton bloom of E. huxleyi in the English Channel, satellite image, July 30, 1999. Algal populations are generally controlled by viruses. Source: From the Plymouth Marine Laboratory Remote Sensing Group,

Figure 6.36

based on data from the NERC Dundee Satellite Receiving Station.

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■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Special Topic 6.1

West Nile Virus, an Emerging Pathogen

In the spring of 1999, New Yorkers noticed an unusual number of dead crows and other local birds. Then people began falling ill with an unfamiliar form of encephalitis (brain inflammation) caused by an avian virus never before seen in North America. The virus, a (+) single-stranded RNA virus, comes from the flavivirus family, which includes yellow fever and dengue (breakbone fever). These pathogens are all endemic to warmer environments, such as the Mediterranean and North Africa— hence the name, West Nile virus. Like yellow fever, a disease made infamous by its devastation of the southern United States in the nineteenth century, West Nile virus is transmitted between humans and animals by mosquitoes (Fig. 1). Why the sudden appearance of West Nile virus in the United States? The answer is not known for certain, but some climatologists argue that West Nile and other emerging pathogens arise from unusual weather patterns related to global climate change (Fig. 2). West Nile virus is generally found in species of mosquitoes that fare poorly in the cold of winter. In 1998–1999, however, the unusually warm winter enabled a few mosquitoes carrying the virus to survive until the spring. The spring that followed was drier than usual, forcing birds to spend more time at dwindling water pools, where mosquitoes were concentrated. The July heat wave then increased the rate of viral replication in the mosquitoes, which reached unusual population densities later that summer. As the cycle continued, mosquitoes reinfected birds, which then infected more mosquitoes. Eventually, the cycle included mosquitoes infecting humans. As of this writing, West Nile virus has spread to most of the United States and appears to be endemic to North America. Meanwhile, research continues to determine whether clearer links can be established between climate changes and emerging pathogens.

viruses spread rapidly through the population. By lysing the algae as they grow, viruses return algal carbon and minerals to the surface water before the algae starve to death and their bodies sink to less productive depths. On a global scale, marine viruses play a significant role in the carbon balance. Models of ocean carbon flux typically emphasize the consumption of phytoplankton by grazers and the consumption of grazers by carnivores

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CDC/James Gathany

C h ap t e r 6


CDC/Cynthia Goldsmith



NS2a C



NS4a NS3


NS5 NS4b

West Nile virus. A. The mosquito carries West Nile virus. B. West Nile virus particles (50 nm in diameter) forming within an infected cell (TEM). C. Like hepatitis C, West Nile virus is a flavivirus, with a (+) strand RNA of 10,000 nucleotides. The genome encodes ten proteins, three of which are structural proteins (C, M, and E) and seven of which are nonstructural proteins (NS1, NS2a, NS2b, NS3, NS4a, NS4b, and NS5).

Figure 1

(Fig. 6.37). At each level, some of the carbon fi xed as biomass sinks to the ocean floor, removed from the carbon cycle. But at each level, viral infection and lysis converts the bodies of phytoplankton, grazers, and carnivores into detritus consisting of small organic particles. The organic material is consumed by bacteria, whose rapid respiration releases much CO2. Thus, carbon is diverted from the ocean sink into CO2 returning to the atmo-

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Pa r t 1

More mosquitoes than usual survived the winter in sewers, damp basements and other sources of still water.

1. Mild winter

The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Mosquito population flourished in spring and summer.

2. Dry spring and summer

Lack of rain killed predators of mosquitoes (frogs, lacewings, ladybugs). Many birds congregated at dwindling water sources.

As water in breeding sites evaporated, organic compounds became concentrated, nourishing mosquito larvae.

Mosquito population grew large.

3. July heat wave Once mosquitoes infected with the West Nile virus appeared, the heat caused the virus to proliferate rapidly inside them.

Drenching August rains Downpours formed new breeding sites for mosquitoes, yielding a new crop of the insects.

4. Vicious cycle began.

Infected mosquitoes transmitted the virus to initially uninfected birds.

Infection spread to people. As more and more mosquitoes become infected, they spread the virus to still more birds and ultimately to people.

Initially uninfected mosquitoes picked up the virus from infected birds.

An emerging pathogen. In the changing global climate, an emerging pathogen threatens wildlife and people. West Nile virus, originally found in Africa and the Mediterranean, is now spreading through the Western Hemisphere, probably owing to an increase in warm weather. The spread of the virus involves transfer between mosquitoes and avian, animal, or human hosts.

Figure 2

Source: Adapted from P. Epstein. 2000. Scientific American, August: 36–43.

sphere—a factor that must be considered in models of global warming. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Environmental change results in new emerging viral pathogens. Host population density is limited by virus infection, and host genetic diversity is increased.

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Marine viruses are the major consumers of phytoplankton. Viral activity substatially impacts the global carbon balance.

Concluding Thoughts In this chapter, we have covered general approaches to studying the structure and function of all kinds of

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C h ap t e r 6

■ Vir u s S tr u c tu r e and Func t ion

Marine viruses recycle carbon. Viruses divert the flow of carbon from marine phytoplankton and bacteria away from consumers and into organic particles (detritus). The organic particles are consumed by bacteria that respire CO2.

Figure 6.37

Grazers Carnivores Phytoplankton

Viral shunt Viruses catalyze the movement of nutrients from organisms to organic particles and minerals.

Organic particles

Virus infection returns more carbon as CO2 to atmosphere.

Uninfected cells sink; carbon is removed from cycle.

Heterotrophic bacteria


viruses. As devastating as viruses can be to their hosts, they also provide engines of genomic change (see Chapter 9) and ecological balance (see Chapter 21). Understanding virus function prepares us to discuss microbial genetics in Chapters 7–10. Chapter 11 then explores in

depth the molecular basis of viral genomes and reproduction. Molecular virology is a field of growing importance for medical and agricultural research, for genetic engineering and gene therapy, and for understanding natural ecosystems.

CHAPTE R R EVI EW Review Questions 1. Compare and contrast the form of icosahedral and fi l-

7. Explain the plate titer procedure for enumerating

amentous (helical) viruses, citing specific examples. How do viral genomes gain entry into cells in bacteria, plants, and animals? Explain the structure and function of the seven Baltimore groups of viral genomes. How do viral genomes interact with host genomes, and what are the consequences for host evolution? Compare and contrast the lytic, lysogenic, and slowrelease life cycles of bacteriophages. What are the strengths and limitations of each? Compare and contrast the life cycles of RNA viruses and DNA viruses in animal hosts. What are the strengths and limitations of each?

viable bacteriophages. How must this procedure be modified to titer animal viruses? Oncogenic viruses? 8. Explain the generation of the step curve of virus proliferation. Why is virus proliferation generally observed as a single step, or generation, in contrast to the life cycles of cellular microbes, outlined in Chapter 4? 9. Explain the key contributions of viruses to natural ecosystems. What may happen in an ecosystem where viruses are absent or fail to cause significant infection?

2. 3. 4. 5.


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Pa r t 1

■ The M ic ro b i al Ce l l


Key Terms accessory protein (189) bacteriophage (phage) (183) burst (200) burst size (200, 209) capsid (183) cell surface receptor (198) cloning vector (184) DNA reverse-transcribing virus (193) double-stranded DNA virus (192) double-stranded RNA virus (192) eclipse period (209) endocytosis (203) envelope (187) filamentous virus (189) fluorescent-focus assay (211) focus (211) hammerhead ribozyme (185) host range (183) icosahedral (187) latent period (209) lentivirus (210) lysate (209) lysogeny (200)

mechanical transmission (206) (–) sense single-stranded RNA virus (192) movement protein (207) oncogene (206) oncogenic virus (206) ortholog (196) orthologous gene (196) pararetrovirus (193) plaque (183) plaque assay (210) plaque-forming unit (PFU) (211) plasmodesma (207) (+) sense single-stranded RNA virus (192) prion (185) prophage (200) proteome (197) proteomics (197) reading frame (184) retrovirus (192) reverse transcriptase (192) ribozyme (185)

rise period (209) RNA reverse-transcribing virus (192) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (192) segmented genome (191) single-stranded DNA virus (192) site-specific recombination (200) slow-release cycle (200) slow virus (210) spike protein (189) tegument (189) temperate phage (200) transduction (200) transform (212) transformed-focus assay (212) tropism (201) uncoating (203) viral envelope (189) virion (182) viroid (185) virulence (209) virulent (200) virus (182)

Recommended Reading Baltimore, David. 1971. Expression of animal virus genomes. Bacteriology Reviews 35:235–241. Edwards, Robert A., and Forest Rohwer. 2005. Viral metagenomics. Nature Reviews Microbiology 3:504–510. Flint, S. Jane, Lynn W. Enquist, Vincent R. Racaniello, and A. M. Skalka. 2003. Principles of Virology: Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis, and Control of Animal Viruses. 2nd ed. ASM Press, Washington, DC. Gromeier, Matthias. 2002. Viruses for treating cancer. ASM News 68:438. Grünewald, Kay, Prashant Desai, Dennis C. Winkler, J. Bernard Heymann, David M. Belnap, et al. 2003. Threedimensional structure of Herpes Simplex Virus from cryoelectron tomography. Science 302:1396–1398. Hull, Roger. 2001. Matthews’ Plant Virology. Academic Press, New York.

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Moineau, Sylvain, et al. 2002. Phages of lactic acid bacteria: From genomics to industrial applications. ASM News 68:388–391. Ptashne, Mark. 2004. Genetic Switch: Phage Lambda Revisited. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Raoult, Didier, Stéphane Audic, Catherine Robert, Chantel Abergel, and Patricia Renesto. 2004. The 1.2-megabase genome sequence of Mimivirus, Science 306:1344–1350. Suttle, Curtis A. 2005. Viruses in the sea. Nature 437:356–361. Suttle, Curtis A. 2007. Marine viruses—major players in the global ecosystem. Nature Reviews Microbiology 5:801–812. Wilson, Willie. 2002. Giant algal viruses: Lubricating the great engines of planetary control. Microbiology Today 29(November):180.

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Part 2

Genes and Genomes AN INTERVIEW WITH Courtesy of Richard Losick


Richard Losick has taught at Harvard for more than three decades, and his creative teaching was honored when he was named a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Professor. A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Losick has authored more than 200 research articles on bacterial genetics and cell biology. He discovered how Bacillus sporulation is controlled by alternative sigma factors that regulate transcription. To dissect sporulation and the cell division cycle, he uses fluo-

Richard Losick, Harvard College Professor. Losick has made major discoveries on the molecular and cellular biology of Bacillus subtilis.

rescent proteins to visualize individual subcellular parts of bacteria.

Why did you decide to make a career in microbiology? Did you begin research as an undergraduate?

When I was in grade school, I used to read science books and do experiments on my own. I thought that school was boring, and I didn’t realize that science was a subject that I would learn about later in school! When I was an undergraduate at Princeton, I joined the laboratory of a newly arrived professor, Charles Gilvarg, who studied amino acid biosynthesis in bacteria. I fell in love with bacteria from that experience, and I have remained fascinated by bacteria ever since. Why do you study Bacillus subtilis? How is your work relevant to the insecticide B. thuringiensis and the human pathogen B. anthracis?

Bacillus subtilis is extraordinarily rich in its biology. Its ability to metamorphose into a spore is endlessly fascinating. B. subtilis has the capacity to differentiate into specialized cells for DNA uptake (competence), to swim, to swarm on surfaces, to cannibalize sibling cells, and to form architecturally elaborate, multicellular communities. At the same time, its property of genetic competence (gene transfer between

cells) makes it exceptionally facile for molecular genetic manipulation. B. thuringiensis and B. anthracis are less favorable than B. subtilis for genetic manipulation, but the main features of spore formation are very similar in all three organisms. The crystal toxin of B. thuringiensis that has useful insecticidal properties is produced under sporulation control. The remarkable environmental resistance properties of B. subtilis spores are shared with its evil cousin B. anthracis and help us understand the challenge posed by the bioterrorism agent. Your career has spanned a generation of revolutionary developments in genetics and molecular biology, such as the discovery of the sigma factors that regulate transcription of many genes. Would you describe how one of these developments came about?

After winning my PhD from MIT, I came to Harvard to work on a project involving the effect of a virus on bacterial cell membranes. The sigma subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase had just been discovered (by Dick Burgess and Andrew Travers at Harvard and by John Dunn and Ekkehard Bautz at Rutgers), and people were excited about the possible exis-

tence of alternative sigma factors (proteins that regulate large groups of genes). Meanwhile, A. L. Sonenshein was studying how certain bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) get trapped during spore formation by Bacillus subtilis. The phage is virulent but is shut off transcriptionally upon entering a sporulating cell. The phages are unable to grow in cells that have started to sporulate and instead become trapped in what will become the spore. So the poor spore, after waiting for long periods of time to germinate, gets killed upon germination by the enemy within. Putting two and two together, we reasoned that maybe changes in the RNA polymerase during entry into sporulation could help explain the shutdown in viral gene expression. We got so excited about this idea that we began to work on RNA polymerase full time. This eventually led to the discovery that sporulation is governed by a cascade of bacterial sigma factors. Meanwhile, in collaboration with Jan Pero, we found that phage SP01 encodes and produces two alternative sigma factors upon infecting growing cells. These regulatory proteins, the first examples of alternative sigmas, drive the phage program of gene transcription. Since then, alternative sigmas have emerged as a widespread


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Courtesy of Richard Losick

Sporulating cells of Bacillus subtilis with molecular parts labeled by fluorophores. Red fluorescence (FM4-64) labels the cell membrane; blue (DAPI) the DNA; and green (green fluorescent protein) a DNA pump that translocates a chromosome across the division septum from the mother cell (the big cell) into the forespore (the small cell on the upper right). (Cell length, 2–3 µm.)

theme in the control of gene sets in many different kinds of bacteria. What is the significance of sporulation as a developmental process?

Sporulation is an extremely attractive system for understanding cellular differentiation because it is both complicated enough to mimic features of development in higher organisms and accessible enough to be subject to genetic, biochemical, and cytological manipulation. Sporulating cells undergo a true process of cellular differentiation, in which the two cellular compartments of the sporangium communicate with each other in a back-and-forth manner by intricate signaling systems.

cent protein (GFP) as a tool for visualizing the subcellular localization of proteins in cells. Andrew Murray and Andrew Belmont figured out that GFP could also be harnessed to visualize the location of sites on DNA by attaching the fluorescent protein to a protein that binds to specific sequences in DNA. Murray and Belmont used this trick to visualize centromeres in yeast. Andrew Wright and I extended this methodology to visualizing sites on chromosomes in bacteria. Traditional thinking was that origins tended to remain in cell middles, but we found that replication origins moved toward the cell poles during chromosome segregation, and with GFP we could visualize this in living cells. How do students get involved with your research? Do you work with undergraduates as well as graduate students?

Yes, I always have undergraduates as well as graduate students in my lab, and both have contributed to some of our most significant fi ndings. One special undergraduate was Aurelio Teleman, who was both a brilliant student and a gifted investigator. Working with a graduate student, Teleman helped create and exploit the system for visualizing the movement of a specific site in the bacterial chromosome that had been tagged with tandem lactose operon operators. He is now at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.

As an educator, what innovations have you developed?

I enjoy the challenge of explaining complicated concepts and of making large-class instruction lively and interactive. I run a program for placing freshmen from disadvantaged backgrounds in laboratories of faculty for long-term research mentoring. Such students are often at greatest risk for dropping out of science, but a longterm relationship with a laboratory that begins early during the college years can keep these students (indeed all students) excited about science throughout college and beyond. I believe that a positive experience in experimental work can represent one of the most memorable aspects of undergraduate education. And its benefit is not limited to future scientists. A science major with an associated experience in discovery research is excellent preparation for a wide variety of careers, including medicine, business, law, public policy, journalism, and education. What advice do you have for today’s students?

Join a lab! In science you can learn something that nobody else on Earth ever knew before. There’s a special thrill about learning how living things function—the inner workings of living things. If you learn some new aspect of it, even if it’s a tiny part, you’ve advanced knowledge for the whole of humankind.

In the old days, bacteria were viewed as an amorphous vessel with enzymes floating around inside. Now we understand that bacteria are highly organized, that proteins often have subcellular addresses in bacteria; thus, cytology has become an important aspect of bacterial research. One of the keys to this revolution was the introduction of green fluores-

Photo by Kris Snibbe

How was the technology developed to visualize chromosome dynamics in Bacillus?

Losick teaching undergraduates at Harvard. Harvard Gazette staff photo by Kris Snibbe.


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Chapter 7

Genomes and Chromosomes 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6

DNA: The Genetic Material Genome Organization DNA Replication Plasmids and Bacteriophages Eukaryotic Chromosomes: Comparison with Prokaryotes DNA Sequence Analysis

A genome is all the genetic information that defines a species. We have known that chromosomes consist of DNA for over a hundred years, yet we have only recently been able to sequence complete genomes. Now we are in the postgenomic era in which biological research is driven, in large part, by knowledge of complete genome sequences. Microbial genomes consist of one or more chromosomes made of DNA. Many bacteria have a single, circular chromosome, but some species have multiple chromosomes or even a mixture of linear and circular chromosomes. For example, the genome of Sinorhizobium melliloti, a major contributor to nitrogen fixation, consists of three circular chromosomes. This chapter addresses basic as well as some advanced issues of DNA and genomes. What is DNA? How is it packaged in the cell? Because DNA is essential to life, nature must have devised a remarkable machine to replicate it. But how does this machine work? And do different species use different machines? Microbiology has played a leading role in answering these difficult questions−opening the door to post-genomic studies of all living things.



All cells accurately time the initiation of chromosome replication to cell division. In bacteria, DnaA protein accomplishes this by accumulating during growth and binding to the origin of replication, forming a right-handed helical filament. The figure shows four DnaA tetramers bound to origin DNA. On the left, the initial monomer of is colored grey to distinguish a single subunit of the filament. Gold, green and red mark different domains of subsequent monomers. The image on the right uses different colors to show individual monomers. The torsional strain caused by the filament may destabilize the adjacent DNA to allow assembly of the replication machine. Source: Melissa L. Mott and James M. Berger. 2007. Nature Reviews Microbiology 5:343–354.


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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

Gopal Murti/Visuals Unlimited

What makes each species unique is its genome, the sum total of its genes. The human genome is also supplemented by the genomes of all the microbes in the digestive tract. Collectively, intestinal microbes contain 100 times more genes than the human genome and provide key metabolic capabilities that humans lack, such as digesting complex plant materials. In the mid-twentieth century, one intestinal bacterium, Escherichia coli, became the focus of efforts to understand genes and genetics. The choice of E. coli was fortunate, as its genetics proved to be especially pliable. In one remarkable experiment, a cell of E. coli was lysed, releasing its chromosome for electron microscopy. What spewed out of this single cell was a strand of DNA 1,500 times longer than E. coli itself. Scientists wondered how this enormous molecule could fit into a single cell, and how an enzyme could duplicate that much DNA (over 4.6 million base pairs) without the whole DNA molecule getting tangled up (Fig. 7.1). And how did it manage to do this in under 20 minutes, the doubling time of the organism? Half a century later, those questions continue to intrigue us. Chapter 7 explores the nature of DNA, the structure of prokaryotic genomes, and the mechanisms used for their replication. We also examine how microbial enzymes that manipulate DNA were used to develop the fundamental techniques of present-day biotechnology, such as DNA restriction analysis, DNA sequencing, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The expression of genes to make RNA and protein is discussed in Chapter 8. The remaining chapters of Part 2 present gene recombination and transmission (Chapter 9), the regulation of gene expres-

Osmotically disrupted bacterial cell with its DNA released.

Figure 7.1

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sion (Chapter 10), the specialized genetic mechanisms of viruses (Chapter 11), and the use of microbial genetic tools for research and biotechnology (Chapter 12). From the advances of the last 50 years, a new molecular and genomic perspective of biology has emerged.


DNA: The Genetic Material

The ability of plants and animals to transfer genetic traits was known well before we knew that DNA was the carrier of genetic information. Early researchers understood the Mendelian model of gene inheritance and how it dictated the passage of traits from parent to offspring in eukaryotes. This type of gene transfer is known as vertical transmission, as from parent to child. Bacteria, however, appeared to operate differently, because in addition to vertical transmission, they were able to conduct horizontal transmission—the transfer of small pieces of genetic information from one cell into another. The study of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria ultimately led to the discovery of horizontal transfer throughout animals and plants, albeit on a slower time scale because of their longer generation times. Mechanisms of horizontal transmission are discussed in Chapter 9. Our path to understanding DNA began in 1928 with the discovery by Fred Griffith (1881–1941) that some unknown substance from dead cells of a virulent strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae could transfer virulence to living but otherwise harmless strains when both strains were coinjected into mice. This form of horizontal gene transfer, called transformation, led to the discovery in 1944 that genetic information is embedded in the base sequence of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (see Section 1.6). A more contemporary example of transformation is the toxic shock gene that can be moved horizontally among strains of Staphylococcus aureus. As a result of these and many other experiments, we now appreciate that chromosomes are made of contiguous packets of information, called genes. Genes are units of information composed of a sequence of DNA nucleotides of four different types, adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine (C). (For review at the level of introductory biology, see Appendix 1.) A structural gene is a string of nucleotides that can be decoded by an enzyme to produce a functional RNA molecule. A structural gene usually produces an RNA molecule that in turn encodes a protein. A DNA control sequence, on the other hand, regulates the expression of a structural gene. DNA control sequences do not encode RNA but regulate the expression (RNA production) of an adjacent structural gene, for example, by binding a repressor protein (discussed in Chapter 8). DNA control sequences are not really genes, since they do not encode RNA or protein. Control sequences include the promoters that signal the start of RNA synthesis from a structural

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Pa r t 2

gene and the binding sites for regulatory proteins that can activate or inactivate that promoter. As noted previously, the entire genetic complement of DNA in a cell that defi nes it as a species is called its genome. Our primary goal in this chapter is to convey what is known about how genomes are maintained and replicated. Information about how computers are used to mine the informational content of DNA sequences and genes is described more fully in Chapters 8 and 10.

Bacterial Genomes Can Be Circular or Linear In the early twentieth century, the chromosomes of bacteria, unlike those of eukaryotes, could not be observed by light microscopy. The reason for this is that bacteria, unlike eukaryotes, do not undergo mitosis, a process in which chromosomes are condensed and thickened about 1,000-fold. Important clues to bacterial chromosome structure were, however, gleaned from painstaking genetic studies. In the 1950s, it was discovered that conjugation, a horizontal gene transfer mechanism requiring cell-tocell contact, could transfer large segments of the bacterial chromosome—not all at once, as in the established Mendelian model of plants and animals, but sequentially over a period of time (it takes 100 minutes to move the entire E. coli chromosome from one cell to another). Thus, even though the bacterial chromosome could not be seen, conjugation allowed genes to be mapped relative to each other based on time of transfer. For example, a donor strain that can synthesize the amino acids alanine and proline can directly transfer the responsible genes to a recipient cell defective in those genes. The transfer process is nonspecific; any gene can be transferred in this way. Completion of transfer also requires recombination, in which the donor DNA fragment replaces the recipient DNA fragment. Successful transfer of the genes for amino acid synthesis enables the formerly defective recipient to form colonies on minimal media lacking either amino acid. But because transfer occurs over time from a fi xed starting point (that is, not all genes are transferred at the same time), it might take one gene 10 minutes of cell contact to be transferred while the second gene, farther away from the starting point of DNA transfer, takes an additional 20 minutes. Knowing that eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, scientists initially expected that bacterial chromosomes would be linear, too. However, the early genetic maps drawn from conjugation experiments just would not fit together in a manner consistent with a linear model— for the simple reason that the bacterial chromosome in E. coli, the organism under study at the time, is circular. We now know that many microbes have circular chromosomes, although some, like the Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferi, have linear chromosomes and others,

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■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


like Agrobacterium tumefaciens, have a mixture of circular and linear chromosomes (Table 7.1). It is instructive to compare genome sizes across the phylogenetic tree, from viruses to humans. The size range is enormous. In general, the simpler the organism, the smaller its genome. At some point, as DNA content is trimmed, the organism loses independence and must parasitize another organism. This begs the question, what constitutes a “minimal” genome? How “lean” can a chromosome become and still support independent growth? TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

A genome is all the genetic information that defi nes a species. Prokaryotic genomes are made up of chromosomes and plasmids made of DNA. Prokaryotic chromosomes can be circular or linear, as can plasmids. Functional units of DNA sequences include structural genes and regulatory sequences.


Genome Organization

New techniques for constructing physical maps of genomes and determining the sequences of whole genomes have revealed tremendous diversity in the size and organization of prokaryotic genomes.

Genomes Vary in Size Bacterial chromosomes range from 580 kilobase pairs (kbp) to 9,400 kbp, and archaeal chromosomes range from 935 kbp to 6,500 kbp. For comparison, eukaryotic chromosomes range from 2,900 kbp (microsporidia) to over 4,000,000 kbp (humans). NOTE: The designation kbp refers to the length of a double-stranded DNA molecule. A 1,000-base-pair double-stranded genome is 1 kbp in size. In contrast, a 1,000-base single-stranded genome (as in some viruses) is referred to as 1 kb.

The smallest cellular genomes identified thus far are those of Mycoplasma. These pathogens rely on their host environment for many products but can still grow outside a host cell. The complete genome of Mycoplasma genitalium consists of only 580 kbp and encodes 480 proteins. M. genitalium lacks the genes required for many biosynthetic functions. These organisms cannot synthesize amino acids or construct cell walls, and they do not have a functional tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. In contrast, free-living bacteria that can grow in soil have larger genomes and dedicate many genes

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Chapter 7

Table 7.1

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

Genomes of representative bacteria and archaea.

Species (strain)

Genomic chromosome(s)* (kilobase pairs, kbp)

Plasmid(s)* (kbp)

Total (kbp)

Bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuberculosis



Mycoplasma genitalium Normal flora, human skin



Burkholderia cepacia

3,870 + 3,217 + 876



Escherichia coli K-12 (W3110) Model strain for E. coli proteomics


Anabaena species (PCC 7120) Cyanobacteria: Major photosynthetic producer of carbon source for aquatic ecosystems


110 + 190 + 410



21 plasmids with sizes between 9–58


2,840 + 2,070

214 + 542



16 + 58


3,130 + 288

33 + 33 + 39 + 50 + 155 + 132 + 410


1,000 kbp

500 kbp

Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme disease Agrobacterium tumefaciens Tumors in plants; genetic engineering vector


Archaea Methanocaldococcus jannaschii Methanogen from thermal vent Haloarcula marismortui Halophile from volcanic vent

*Colored schematics indicate relative sizes of genomic elements and whether these are circular or linear. Size bars are provided under each column.

to the synthesis or acquisition of amino acids or TCA cycle intermediates. Even different strains of one species, such as Salmonella enterica, may vary considerably in gene distribution (Fig. 7.2). Another feature that distinguishes prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes is the amount of so-called noncoding DNA. Many, but not all, eukaryotes contain huge amounts of noncoding DNA scattered between genes. In some species (such as humans), over 90% of the total DNA is noncoding. These noncoding regions include

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enhancer sequences needed to drive transcription of eukaryotic promoters and DNA expanses that separate enhancers. Enhancer sequences can function at large distances from the gene they regulate. A promoter is the DNA sequence immediately in front of a gene that is needed to activate the gene’s expression. Most of the noncoding spacers appear to be remnants of genes lost over the course of evolution and pieces of defunct viral genomes. Noncoding regions may, however, provide raw material for future evolution.

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Pa r t 2

The genome of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2. The circular chromosome. Base pairs are indicated around the perimeter. The two outer multicolored circles indicate genes encoded on the separate strands, which means they are transcribed in opposite directions. Color codings represent homologies between eight compared species. Blue indicates genes present only in S. typhimurium LT2. Orange indicates that the gene has a close homolog in all eight genomes compared. Green indicates genes with a close homolog in at least one other Salmonella (S. typhi, S. paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B, S. arizonae, or S. bongori) but not in E. coli K12, E. coli O157:H7, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Gray indicates other combinations. The black inner circle is the GC content of the LT2 DNA (peaks pointing outward indicate GC-rich areas).

Figure 7.2

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


0 4,500,000 bp

500,000 bp

4,000,000 bp

1,000,000 bp Genes on (+) strand Genes on (–) strand GC ratio

3,500,000 bp

1,500,000 bp

3,000,000 bp

2,000,000 bp 2,500,000 bp

Gene distribution key S. typhimurium-specific Salmonella-specific All eight genomes Others

In contrast to many eukaryotes, prokaryotes tend to have very little noncoding DNA (typically less than 15% of the genome). The completed genome sequence of the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, however, has a substantial amount (about 50%) of DNA with no known or predicted function, and this noncoding DNA may represent degenerate or inactivated genes. Still, this is less than the percentage of noncoding DNA seen in most eukaryotes.

A. Operon Promoter

Genes Are Organized into Functional Units

B. Regulon

In the simplest case, a gene can stand alone, operating independently of other genes. The RNA produced from a stand-alone gene is said to be monocistronic, coding for one protein. Alternatively, a gene may exist in tandem with other genes in a unit called an operon (Fig. 7.3A). All genes in an operon are situated head to tail on the chromosome and are controlled by a single regulatory sequence located in front of the first gene. The single RNA molecule produced from the operon contains all the information from all the genes in that operon. On a functional level, a collection of genes and operons at multiple positions on the chromosome can hold membership in a regulon when they have a unified biochemical purpose (such as amino acid biosynthesis; Fig. 7.3B). The various mechanisms regulating expression of these functional genetic units are discussed in Chapter 10.

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Promoter Gene 1 Gene 2

Monocistronic RNA

Gene 3

Polycistronic RNA

Transcription start site Operon This gene is transcribed to form the regulatory protein.

Control protein


Figure 7.3 Gene organization. A. Diagram of a segment of DNA containing a single gene producing a monocistronic message (codes for one protein) and an operon of three genes producing a polycistronic message (from which three different proteins are made, one corresponding to each gene). B. Diagram of a circular bacterial genome, containing genes and operons coordinately controlled by a regulatory protein.

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

DNA Function Depends on Chemical Structure

NOTE: In bacteria, the names of genes are given as

a three-letter abbreviation of the encoded enzyme’s name (for example, the gene dam encodes deoxyadenosine methylase) or the function of related genes (for example, genes designated proA, proB, and proC encode enzymes involved in proline biosynthesis). Bacterial gene names are written in italics with lowercase letters. For example, the genes involved in catabolizing lactose are the lac genes. If several genes are involved in the pathway, a fourth letter, capitalized, is used. Thus, the three genes lacZ, lacY, and lacA are all associated with lactose catabolism. When speaking of a gene product, a nonitalic (roman) font is used, and the fi rst letter is capitalized. Thus, lacZ is the gene, and LacZ is the protein product of that gene.

DNA is composed of four different nucleotides linked by a phosphodiester backbone (Fig. 7.4A). Each nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base attached through a ring of nitrogen to carbon 1 of 2-deoxyribose in the phosphodiester backbone. The 2-deoxy position that distinguishes DNA from RNA is circled in the figure. A phosphodiester bond (marked) joins adjacent deoxyribose molecules in DNA to form the phosphodiester backbone. Phosphodiester bonds link the 3′ carbon of one ribose to the 5′ carbon of the next ribose. The two backbones are antiparallel so that at either end of the DNA molecule, one strand ends with a 3′ hydroxyl group and the opposite strand ends with a 5′ phosphate. This antiparallel arrangement is necessary so that complementary bases protruding from the two strands can pair properly via hydrogen bonding. Base pairing is not possible if one tries to model DNA strands in a parallel arrangement.

Microbial Genome Database

A. Chemical structure of DNA 5′ end

B. Chemical structure of RNA 5′ end

O –


O –



















Phosphodiester bond
















3′ 2′




3′ end


221-256_SFMB_ch07.indd 226

Cytosine (C) O














Cytosine (C)


Guanine (G)

Guanine (G)













3′ O














Uracil (U) O

O O–


Structures of DNA and RNA.





Figure 7.4










Adenine (A) H


O H C 2























2′ Hydroxyl




































The 2-deoxy position that distinguishes DNA and RNA



H 2′ O 3′












Adenine (A) O



3′ end

Thymine (T)




3′ end

5′ end

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Pa r t 2

The nitrogenous bases in DNA are planar heteroaromatic structures stacked perpendicular to the phosphodiester backbone and parallel to each other (see Fig. 7.4A). Purines (bicyclic bases, adenine or guanine) pair with pyrimidines (monocyclic bases, thymine or cytosine). Under physiological conditions of salt (about 0.85%) and pH (pH 7.8), the hydrogen bonding of the bases permits adenine to pair only with thymine (via two hydrogen bonds) and likewise guanine with cytosine (via three hydrogen bonds). These complementary base interactions enable the two phosphodiester backbones to wrap around each other to form the classic double helix, or duplex. The thousands of H-bonds that form between purines and pyrimidines along the interior of a DNA duplex (Fig. 7.5) make the bonding of the two complementary strands of DNA highly specific, so that a duplex is formed only between complementary strands.


Sugar Bases Pyrimidine (Cytosine or thymine) Purine (Adenine or guanine)


Phosphate group






















Progressive magnification of the DNA helix. The top half of the molecule illustrates the typical double-helix structure that becomes magnified in the lower half to show individual bases and hydrogen bonding.

Figure 7.5

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THOUGHT QUESTION 7.1 What do you think happens to two single-stranded DNA molecules isolated from different genes when they are mixed together at very high concentrations of salt? At high temperatures (50–90°C), the hydrogen bonds in DNA break, and the duplex falls apart, or denatures, into two single strands. The temperature required to denature a DNA molecule depends on the GC/AT ratio of a sequence. More energy is required to break the three hydrogen bonds of a GC base pair than the two bonds of an AT base pair. Thus, DNA with a high GC content requires a higher denaturing temperature than a similarsized DNA with a lower GC content. The black center ring in Figure 7.2 illustrates how the GC content of bases can change around a single chromosome. When DNA has been heated to the point of strand separation, lowering the temperature permits the two single strands to fi nd each other and reanneal into a stable double helix. The kinetics of DNA denaturation is much faster than that of renaturation, since the latter is a random, hit-or-miss process of complementary sequences fi nding each other. This melting/reannealing property of DNA is exploited in a number of molecular techniques (see the discussion of the polymerase chain reaction in Special Topic 7.3). Note, however, that bacteria and archaea growing at extreme pH or temperature protect their DNA from denaturation through the use of remarkable DNA-binding proteins. The role of DNAbinding proteins in microbial survival is the subject of considerable research. THOUGHT QUESTION 7.2 How do you think the kinetics of denaturation and renaturation are dependent on DNA concentration?



Although H-bonds govern the specificity of strand pairing, the thermal stability of the helix is predominantly due to the stacking of the hydrophobic base pairs. Stacking creates interactions between these base pairs so that water and ions can interact with the negatively charged, hydrophilic phosphate backbone but not with the interior of the double helix.









■ Genes and G e n o m e s

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Differs Slightly from DNA As we learned in Chapter 3, the growing cell continually makes temporary copies of its genes in the form of RNA molecules that direct the synthesis of proteins. DNA and RNA are chemically similar, except that in RNA the sugar ribose replaces deoxyribose and the pyrimidine base uracil replaces thymine (Fig. 7.4B). Functionally,

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Chapter 7

A. Space-filled

Major groove

Minor groove

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

groove and the narrow minor groove. The two grooves are generated by the angles at which the paired bases meet each other. These grooves provide DNA-binding proteins access to base sequences buried in the center of the molecule, so that proteins can interact with the bases without the strands being separated (Fig. 7.7).

B. Surface

Major groove

Bacterial Chromosomes Are Compacted into a Nucleoid

Minor groove

Models of DNA. A. Space-filling model of DNA. B. DNA surface modeled using nuclear magnetic resonance. (PDB code: 1K8J)

Figure 7.6

Cro protein

DNA Major groove

Protein recognizing DNA. Cro repressor protein binds DNA within the major groove. (PDB code: 6CRO)

The chromosome of E. coli has over 4.6 million bases in one strand, or over 9 million counting both strands. This is a huge molecule. In fact, this one molecule contributes greatly to the overall negative charge of the cytoplasm. This is because at the normal pH of the cell (pH 7.8), all the phosphates in the backbone (9 million) are unprotonated and negatively charged. You might wonder how the cell handles this macromolecule. In Figure 7.1, we see DNA spewing out of a damaged bacterial cell. Laid out, the chromosome is 1,500 times longer than the cell. It is obvious from this photomicrograph that an intact, healthy cell must compact a huge bundle of DNA into a very small volume. DNA is the second largest molecule in the cell (only peptidoglycan is larger) and comprises a large portion of a bacterial cell’s dry mass, about 3–4%. While packaging 3% of a cell’s dry weight may not seem like a challenge, realize that DNA is further confi ned only to ribosome-free areas of the cell, so the chromosome-packing density reaches about 15 mg/ml. In a test tube, DNA at 15 mg/ml is almost a gel, so how can anything move inside a cell? And how does all this DNA keep from getting hopelessly entangled? As introduced in Chapter 3, cells pack their DNA into a manageable form that still allows ready access to DNAbinding proteins. While bacteria lack a nuclear membrane, they pack their DNA into a series of protein-bound domains collectively called the nucleoid (see Section 3.5). The bacterial nucleoid is distributed throughout the cytoplasm, unlike the compact nucleus of eukaryotes.

Figure 7.7

these two differences prevent enzymes meant to work on DNA, such as DNA polymerases, from acting on RNA. However, uracil can still base-pair with adenine, which means that hybrid RNA-DNA double-stranded molecules (hybridization) can form when base sequences are complementary. In fact, hybridization is a necessary step in the decoding of genes to make proteins. Also, note that DNA in a cell is usually double-stranded, whereas RNA is usually single-stranded. As seen in the space-fi lling model of DNA in Figure 7.6A and the contour map in Figure 7.6B, the B form of the DNA double helix has grooves: the wider major

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DNA Supercoiling Compacts the Chromosome A nucleoid gently released from E. coli appears as 30–100 tightly wound loops (Fig. 7.8A). The boundaries of each loop are defi ned by anchoring proteins called histone-like proteins for their similarity to histones, the DNA-binding proteins of eukaryotes. The double helix within each domain is itself helical, or supercoiled. The easiest way to envision supercoiling is to picture a coiled telephone cord. After much use, a phone cord twists, or supercoils, upon itself. Note that supercoiled phone cords are quite compact, taking up less space than a relaxed cord. Circular DNA works the same way, a property used by the cell to pack its chromosome.

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Pa r t 2

Bacterial nucleoid. Nucleoid showing domain loops after gentle release from cells. The single-strand nick unwinds (relaxes) only one loop.

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


Figure 7.8

Histone-like anchoring proteins

Remarkably, the supercoiling of one domain of DNA is maintained independently of other loops. The independence of supercoiled domains was demonstrated by introducing one single-strand nick in the phosphodiester backbone of one domain (see Fig. 7.8). You can do this by adding very small amounts of a nuclease (an enzyme that cleaves a nucleic acid). The ends of the broken strand, driven by the energy inherent in the supercoil, rotate about the unbroken complementary strand of the duplex and relax the supercoil. However, supercoils were removed from only the one domain. How is this possible if the chromosome is one circular molecule? The unaffected chromosomal domains remained supercoiled because they were constrained at their bases by anchoring proteins such as Hu and HNS (histone-like proteins) that prevent rotation. How does DNA achieve the supercoiled state? The bacterial cell produces enzymes that can twist DNA into supercoils and relieve supercoils. A single twist introduced into a 300-bp circular DNA molecule creates a single supercoil as shown in Figure 7.9. An enzyme makes a double-stranded break at one point in the circle, passes another part of the DNA through the break, and reseals it. This produces the same result as if one end of the broken circle were twisted one full turn. Twisting in the opposite direction of the helical turn tightens the helix by adding more turns (overwinding). Think of the phone cord again. Look down the length of the cord from one end. If the cord turns left to right (that is, clockwise) down its length, twist it from one end right to left (counterclockwise). This increases the number of twists. The resulting torsional stress of overwinding is relieved when the DNA (or phone cord) subsequently twists upon itself, introducing positive supercoils. In contrast, negative supercoils are formed if one end of a DNA molecule is turned in the same direction as the helix (thereby underwinding the DNA). In terms of the phone cord, if the cord naturally turns clockwise down its length, turn one end clockwise several more times. Torsional stress results in this case, as well, because the maneuver tries to decrease the number of turns in the helix. To maintain the same number of turns, the molecule must supercoil in the opposite direction and form negative supercoils that reduce the torsional strain. The nucleoids of bacteria and most archaea, as well as the nuclear DNA of eukaryotes, are

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Nick made in single strand

Supercoiling relaxed in nicked strand


Pass a section of DNA through the break, then reseal.

Figure 7.9 Supercoiling of 300-bp circular DNA. A supercoil can be introduced into a double-stranded circular DNA molecule by (1) cleaving both strands at one site in the molecule, (2) passing an intact part of the molecule between ends of the cut site, and (3) reconnecting the free ends.

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

kept negatively supercoiled. Because the DNA is underwound, the two strands of negatively supercoiled DNA are easier to separate than positively supercoiled DNA. This is important for transcription enzymes like RNA polymerase that must separate strands of DNA to make RNA. Note, however, that some archaeal species living in acid at high temperature have nucleoids that are positively supercoiled to keep DNA double-stranded in these inhospitable environments (discussed below). Positively supercoiled DNA is harder to denature because it takes excess energy to separate overwound DNA.

Topoisomerases Regulate the Supercoiling of DNA Supercoiling changes the topology of DNA. Topology is a description of how spatial features of an object are connected to each other. Thus, enzymes that change DNA supercoiling are called topoisomerases. To maintain proper DNA supercoiling levels, a cell must delicately balance the activities of two types of topoisomerases. Type I topoisomerases cleave only one strand of a double helix, while type II enzymes cleave both strands. Type I enzymes are generally used to relieve or unwind supercoils, while type II enzymes use energy to introduce them. Figures 7.10 and 7.11 illustrate the mechanisms used by type I and type II topoisomerases, respectively. Type I enzymes are usually single proteins, while type II enzymes have multiple subunits. An example of a type II topoisomerase

is DNA gyrase, whose function is to introduce negative supercoils in DNA (see Fig. 7.11). The active gyrase complex is a tetramer composed of two GyrA and two GyrB proteins. Figure 7.12 shows a three-dimensional representation of DNA gyrase in the midst of generating a supercoil. Enzymes that make or manage bacterial DNA, RNA, and proteins are common targets for antibiotics. For instance, the quinolone antibiotics specifically target bacterial type II topoisomerases. A modern quinolone, ciprofloxacin, was the treatment of choice for anthrax pneumonia during the 2001 anthrax attacks. The patriarchs of this drug family, nalidixic and oxolinic acids, were used to map gyrA and gyrB, the fi rst drug resistance genes identified in E. coli. The modern successors of these drugs, the fluoroquinolones, are among the most widely used antimicrobials in the world. These drugs do not block topoisomerase action but stabilize the complex in which DNA gyrase is covalently attached to DNA (see Fig. 7.11). This forms a physical barrier in front of the DNA replication complex, and the bacterial cell dies. Extreme thermophiles (hyperthermophilic archaea) possess an unusual gyrase called reverse DNA gyrase. In contrast to the DNA gyrase from mesophiles, reverse gyrase introduces positive supercoils into the chromosome. It is proposed that tightening the coil helps protect the chromosome against thermal denaturation. Because the DNA has extra turns, it takes more energy (heat) to separate the strands.

Topoisomerase I cleaves one strand of a double helix, holds on to both ends, and . . .

The helix unwinds in this region, resulting in one less negative supercoil.

Topoisomerase I


. . . passes the other, intact strand through the break and religates the strand. 1

2 2 3 3 4 5

4 6 Loops

Circular double-stranded DNA with 5 negative supercoils

4 Loops

4 Negative supercoils

Mechanism of action for type I topoisomerases (Topo I of E. coli). Topoisomerase I relaxes a supercoiled DNA molecule. From left to right: Circular, supercoiled, double-stranded DNA is nicked by topoisomerase I, unwound, and released with one less superturn.

Figure 7.10

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Pa r t 2

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


DNA duplex cleaved by gyrase


GyrB GyrA




GyrA introduces double-strand break in this section (cylinder) and holds the two ends apart while remaining covalently attached to the DNA.

Courtesy of James Berger

GyrB grabs one section of double-stranded DNA (represented by cylinder).

DNA duplex to pass through break in the duplex above

Three-dimensional representation of DNA gyrase. The 3-D model of gyrase was determined using data from X-ray crystallographic studies (blue and red regions). The gyrase complex is modeled in the process of gripping a broken DNA duplex (shown in green) and transporting a second duplex (the multicolored rosette).

Figure 7.12 GyrA ATPase passes the intact double-stranded section through the double-stranded break.

GyrB rejoins the cleaved DNA and opens at the other end to allow the strand that has passed through to exit.


Mechanism of action for type II topoisomerases (DNA gyrase of E. coli). The gyrase enzyme grabs DNA and, in an ATP-dependent process, introduces a double-strand break, passes another part of the double helix through the break, and then reseals the break. The result is the introduction of a negative supercoil.

Figure 7.11

THOUGHT QUESTION 7.3 DNA gyrase is essential to cell viability. Why, then, are nalidixic acid–resistant cells that contain mutations in gyrA still viable? THOUGHT QUESTION 7.4 Bacterial cells contain many enzymes that can degrade linear DNA. How, then, do linear chromosomes in organisms like Borrelia burgdorferi (the causative agent in Lyme disease) avoid degradation?

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The smallest genome known for a free-living microbe encodes a possible 480 proteins. Noncoding DNA can constitute a large amount of a eukaryotic genome, while prokaryotes have very little noncoding DNA. DNA is composed of two antiparallel chains of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in which phosphate links the 5′ carbon of one nucleotide with the 3′ carbon of the next in the chain. This forms a double helix containing a deep major groove and a more shallow minor groove. Hydrogen bonding and interactions between the stacked bases hold together complementary strands of DNA. Supercoiling by topoisomerases compacts DNA into an organized nucleoid. Bacteria, eukaryotes and most archaea possess negatively supercoiled DNA. Archaea living in extreme environments have positively supercoiled genomes. Type I topoisomerases cleave one strand of a DNA molecule and relieve supercoiling; type II enzymes cleave both strands of DNA and use ATP to introduce supercoils.

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Chapter 7

Table 7.2

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

Some genes and proteins involved in DNA replication of E. coli.

Protein DnaA DnaB DnaC Pol III (alpha) Primase (DnaG) Gamma and tau subunits Beta (EFI) Single-stranded binding protein Delta (EFIII) Delta prime Psi Chi Theta Epsilon subunit DNA gyrase (subunit beta) DNA Pol II RNA Pol, beta subunit Pol I DNA ligase





oriC dnaA dnaB dnaC dnaE dnaG dnaX dnaN ssb

245 bp 52,300 Da 52,200 Da 27,800 Da 129,700 Da 65,400 Da 47,500 Da; 71,000 Da 40,400 Da 19,000 Da

holA holB holD holC holE dnaQ (mutD) gyrB

38,500 Da 36,700 Da 15,000 Da 16,500 Da 8,700 Da 27,000 Da 89,800 Da

polB rpoB

120,000 Da 150,000 Da

DNA repair Initiation of replication, also bulk RNA synthesis

polA ligA

103,000 Da 73,400 Da

Gap filling Joins phosphodiester ends

Origin of replication Initiation, binds oriC, DnaB loading Helicase (hexamer), prepriming priming, DNA-dependent rNTPase Loading factor for DnaB DNA Pol III holoenzyme, elongation Priming, RNA primer synthesis, rifampin resistant RNA polymerase Synthesis, part of the gamma complex, promotes dimerization of Pol III Beta clamp, processivity Helix destabilizing Part of gamma complex, clamp loading Part of gamma complex, clamp loading Part of gamma complex, clamp loading Part of gamma complex, clamp loading Pol III dimerization Proofreading, 3′-to-5′ exonuclease Relaxation of supercoils

DNA Replication

Microbial DNA needs to replicate itself as accurately and as quickly as possible so that the organism can grow and compete with other species. Replication efficiency is one reason why bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella can cause disease so quickly after ingestion. In this respect, bacteria differ from multicellular organisms, which need to regulate cell division carefully within their tissues; unregulated growth within tissues leads to cancer. The process of bacterial replication involves an amazing number of proteins and genes coming together in a complex

machine (Table 7.2). Its operation is all the more remarkable considering that some bacteria, such as thermophilic Bacillus species that live in hot springs, can double in less than 15 minutes. The molecular details of bacterial DNA replication are important because they provide targets for new antibiotics, as well as tools for biotechnology such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In addition, the proteins of DNA replication have homologs in the human genome, in which defects are the basis of inherited human diseases such as xeroderma pigmentosum, and can cause a predisposition to certain cancers.

Parental strand 3′




New daughter strands 3′


Replication fork

221-256_SFMB_ch07.indd 232

Semiconservative replication. A replication bubble with two replication forks. Parental strands are gray, and newly synthesized daughter strands are purple. Replication is called semiconservative because one parental strand is conserved and inherited by each daughter cell genome. It is called bidirectional because it begins at a fixed origin and progresses in opposite directions.

Figure 7.13




Replication fork

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Pa r t 2

Overview of Bacterial DNA Replication To replicate a molecule containing millions of base pairs poses formidable challenges. How does replication begin and end? How can two identical copies be generated? How is accuracy checked and maintained?

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


Origin, oriC

1. Replication begins at origin.

Semiconservative replication. Replication of cellular

DNA in most cases is semiconservative, meaning that each daughter cell receives one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand (Fig. 7.13). At the replication fork, the advancing DNA synthesis machine separates the parental strands while extending the new, growing strands. The semiconservative mechanism provides a means for each daughter duplex to be checked for accuracy, based on its parent strand. Enzymes that synthesize DNA or RNA can only connect nucleotides together in a 5′-to-3′ direction. That is, every newly made strand begins with a 5′ triphosphate and ends with a 3′ hydroxyl group (see Fig. 7.4A). A polymerase (a chain-lengthening enzyme complex) fastens the 5′ alpha-phosphate of an incoming nucleoside triphosphate to the 3′ hydroxyl end of the growing chain, thus forming a phosphodiester bond. (The alpha-phosphate is the phosphate closest to the sugar base.) This 5′-to-3′ enzymatic constraint produces an interesting mechanistic puzzle. If polymerases can only synthesize DNA in a 5′-to-3′ direction and the two phosphodiester backbones of the double helix are antiparallel, how are both strands of a moving replication fork synthesized simultaneously? One strand presents no problem because it is synthesized in a 5′-to-3′ direction toward the fork, but synthesizing the other new strand in a 5′-to3′ direction would seem to dictate that it move away from the fork (Fig. 7.14). How is this possible? The answer was revealed in Chapter 3 but is discussed in greater detail here.

Terminus, ter

2. Replication bubble forms. Replication forks progress in opposite directions.

3. One strand at each fork is synthesized continuously 5′ to 3′.

Replication bubble

5′ 3′

Fork movement 3′ 5′

4. Second strand at each fork is synthesized discontinuously in Okazaki fragments 5′ to 3′.

Okazaki fragment 3′

5′ Fork 5′ movement 3′


THOUGHT QUESTION 7.5 Suppose you have the following capabilities: You can label DNA in a bacterium by growing cells in medium containing either nitrogen 14N or the heavier isotope 15N; you can isolate pure DNA from the organism; and you can subject DNA to centrifugation in a cesium chloride solution, a solution that forms a density gradient when subjected to centrifugal force, thereby separating the light (14N) and heavy (15N) forms of DNA to different locations in the test tube. Given these capabilities, how might you prove that DNA replication is semiconservative? The process of DNA replication is divided into three phases: (1) initiation, which is the melting (unwinding) of the helix and the loading of the DNA polymerase enzyme complex; (2) elongation, which is the sequential addition of deoxyribnucleotides from deoxynucleotide triphosphates, followed by proofreading; and (3) termination,

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5. Replication ends at terminus. 3′



Comparing direction of fork movement with direction of DNA synthesis.

Figure 7.14

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

in which the DNA duplex is completely duplicated, the negative supercoils are restored, and key sequences of new DNA are methylated!

Replication from a Single Origin Replication begins at a single defined DNA sequence called the origin (oriC). Following initiation, a circular microbial chromosome replicates bidirectionally (see Fig. 7.14, step 1) until it terminates at defined termination (ter) sites located on the opposite side of the molecule. Once the process has begun, the cell is committed to completing a full round of DNA synthesis. As a result, the decision of when to start copying the genome is critical. If it starts too soon, the cell accumulates unneeded chromosome copies; if it starts too late, the dividing cell’s septum “guillotines” the chromosome, killing both daughter cells. Consequently, elaborate fail-safe mechanisms link the initiation of DNA replication with cell mass, generation time, and cellular health, making the timing of initiation remarkably precise. Fundamentals of DNA replication. The basic process

of chromosome replication is outlined in Figure 7.14. After initiation of replication, a replication bubble forms at the origin. The bubble contains two replication forks that move in opposite directions around the chromosome (Fig. 7.14, step 2). DNA polymerases synthesize DNA in a 5′-to-3′ direction. Thus, at each fork, one new DNA strand can be synthesized continuously until the terminus region (Fig. 7.14, step 3). However, because the two DNA strands are antiparallel and the DNA polymerases only synthesize 5′-to-3′, the other daughter strand has to be synthesized discontinuously, in stages—seemingly backward relative to the moving fork (Fig. 7.14, step 4). The fragments of DNA formed on this discontinuously synthesized strand are called Okazaki fragments, after the scientist who discovered them. As we will discuss later, the Okazaki fragments are progressively stitched together to make a continuous, unbroken strand. Ultimately, the two replicating forks meet at the terminus sequence (see Fig. 7.14, step 5) and the two daughter chromosomes separate. Overall, copying of the whole chromosome in E. coli takes about 40 minutes. Chromosome-partitioning processes then move each chromosome to different ends of the cell so that a cell wall can form at midcell. Once the cell wall is complete (this time is variable but generally about 20 minutes), the two daughter cells, with their new chromosomes, can separate. So you would imagine the whole process from the start of replication to cell separation would take about 60 minutes for E. coli. Under optimal growth conditions, however, E. coli cells divide in 20 minutes. How is this possible if the process of replication takes at least 40 minutes? The answer is that a partially replicated chromosome can start new rounds of replication at the two daughter origins even before the

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fi rst round is complete. This overlapping of generations enables the cell to accommodate the 40-minute DNA replication time within a 20-minute generation time. During these rapid cell divisions, the DNA-partitioning mechanisms ensure that the two actively replicating chromosomes move to different ends of the cell, which keeps them from being severed when the cell septum forms. Now let’s examine each step in molecular detail to answer some important questions about mechanism.

Initiation of Replication What determines when replication begins? Initiation is controlled by DNA methylation, and by the binding of a specific initiator protein to the origin sequence. Further molecular events load the elaborate DNA polymerase complex and generate the first RNA primer for the new DNA strand.

DNA Methylation Controls Timing The chromosomal origin of E. coli is a sequence of 245 base pairs designated oriC. It is subject to a critical molecular control mechanism that dictates the precise timing of replication initiation. Initiation of replication at oriC is activated by one protein, DnaA, and inhibited by another, SeqA. Immediately after a cell has divided, the level of active DnaA (DnaA bound to ATP) is low, and the inhibitor SeqA will bind to oriC and prevent ill-timed initiations (before the cell has grown enough to divide again). How does SeqA know to bind just after the origin has replicated? The key is DNA methylation. E. coli uses the enzyme deoxyadenosine methylase (Dam) to attach a methyl group to the adenine residue at position N-6. The methylated adenines appear in all GATC sequences. GATC sequences (the recognition sites of Dam methylase) are scattered throughout the chromosome and occur on both strands. However, just after the origin has replicated, there is a short lag before the newly synthesized strand is methylated. As a result, the origin is temporarily hemimethylated, a situation in which only one of the two complementary strands is methylated. Because SeqA has a high affi nity for hemimethylated origins, this inhibitor will bind most tightly immediately after the origin has been replicated and prevent another initiation event. Eventually, the Dam methylase will methylate the new strand and decrease SeqA binding. The replication initiator protein, DnaA. The onset of

the initiation phase is determined by the concentration of the replication initiator protein, DnaA. DnaA protein recognizes specific 9-bp repeats at oriC. As the cell grows, the level of active DnaA initiator protein rises until it is sufficient to bind to a series of 9-bp repeats at oriC (Fig. 7.15 , step 1). DnaA actually binds as a complex with ATP (DnaA-ATP). This binding initiates the assembly of

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Initiation of replication A

3′ 13-mer


DnaA-ATP 5′ 1. DnaA-ATP proteins bind to the repeated 9-mer sequences within oriC.


9-mer 3′ 5′

2. Binding of DnaA leads to strand separation at the 13-mer repeats.




DNA helicase loader (DnaC)


3. DNA helicase (DnaB) and DNA helicase loader (DnaC) associate with the DnaA bound origin.

5′ 5′

A A DNA helicase (DnaB)


3′ 5′






4. DNA helicase loaders open the DNA helicase protein ring and place the ring around the ss (single-stranded) DNA at the origin. Loading of the DNA helicase leads to release of the helicase loader.

DNA primase A 3′





5. The DNA helicases each recruit a DNA primase, which synthesizes an RNA primer on each template.

3′ 3′

5′ Sliding clamp DNA polymerase III


6. The clamp loader with DNA polymerase III loads a sliding clamp onto each leading-strand DNA at an RNA primer.

Clamp loader



Sliding clamp


Leading strand

7. DNA polymerase binds to the clamp. Leading-strand synthesis begins and continues to the end of the template. At each lagging strand, a sliding clamp is then loaded.








Clamp loader opens clamps


5′ 3′

Reloaded with new sliding clamps

5′ Leading strand

Initiation of DNA replication. The start of DNA replication is precisely timed and linked to the ratio of DNA to cell mass. In E. coli, the initiator protein DnaA accumulates during growth and then triggers the initiation of replication. It begins with DnaA-ATP complexes binding to 9-mer (9-bp) repeats upstream of the origin. This binding (along with other proteins not shown), first causes the DNA to loop in preparation for melting open by the helicase (DnaB).

Figure 7.15


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a membrane-bound replication hyperstructure, a complex assembly of numerous proteins forming a functional unit, at midcell (at the cell equator). The origin sequence (Ori), after moving through the replication complex, cannot trigger another round of replication because of inhibition by SeqA and decreasing levels of unbound DnaA-ATP. Another round of replication can only begin after (1) the origin becomes fully methylated, (2) SeqA dissociates, and (3) the DnaA-ATP concentration rises.

Initiation Requires RNA Polymerases An unexpected feature of DNA replication is that its initiation actually requires RNA polymerases. One RNA polymerase helps separate the strands of the DNA helix at the origin, and a second RNA polymerase produces the primer, or starter, fragments needed to synthesize new DNA. The fi rst of these polymerases (the housekeeping RNA polymerase used to make most of the RNA in the cell; discussed in Chapter 8) transcribes DNA at oriC to produce RNA that helps separate the two DNA strands (Fig. 7.15, step 2, this RNA polymerase is not shown). This separation allows a special DNA helicase (protein DnaB) in association with a DNA helicase loader (DnaC) to bind the two replication forks formed during bidirectional replication (Fig. 7.15, step 3, and see Fig. 7.16). As the lead protein of the replication machine, the helicase (DnaB) uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to unwind the DNA helix as the DNA moves into the DNA polymerase replicating complex. The ringlike DnaB is Beta clamp subunits form a ring that slides along the DNA.

assembled around one DNA strand at each replication fork. After loading DnaB at the origin, DnaC is released (Fig. 7.15, step 4). Coincident with the unwinding of DNA, small single-strand DNA binding proteins (ssb, seen in Fig. 7.17) coat the exposed single-stranded DNA, protecting it from nuclease activities patrolling the cell. DNA-dependent DNA polymerases possess the unique ability to “read” the nucleotide sequence of a DNA template and synthesize a complementary DNA strand. The discovery of this activity earned Arthur Kornberg (1918–) the Nobel Prize in 1959. As remarkable as these enzymes are, no DNA polymerase can start synthesizing DNA unless there is a preexisting DNA or RNA fragment to extend—a primer fragment. The primer fragment possesses a 3′ OH end that can receive incoming deoxy nucleotides. Consequently, once DnaB (helicase) is bound to DNA, the next step in initiation is to make RNA primers at each fork (Fig. 7.15, step 5). In contrast to DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases can synthesize RNA without a primer. A specific RNA polymerase called DNA primase (DnaG) synthesizes short (10–12 nucleotides) RNA primers at the origin, which launches DNA replication. One primase is loaded at each of the two replication forks. Note that primase is different from the RNA polymerase involved in initially separating the DNA strands at the origin.

A Sliding Clamp Tethers DNA Polymerase to DNA At this point, the DNA is almost ready for DNA polymerase. But fi rst, a sliding clamp protein (the beta subunit) must be loaded to keep the DNA polymerase affi xed to the DNA (Fig. 7.15, step 6). Without this clamp, DNA polymerase would frequently “fall off” the DNA molecule (see Special Topic 7.1). A multisubunit complex (called the clamp-loading complex) places the beta clamp, along with an attached pair of DNA polymerase molecules, onto DNA. DNA polymerase (specifically DNA Pol III; discussed later) can then bind to the 3′ OH terminus of the primer RNA molecule and begin to synthesize new DNA (Fig. 7.15, step 7). Figure 7.16 presents the molecular structure of the beta clamp loaded onto DNA.

Elongation: DNA Polymerases Synthesize DNA DNA to be replicated

DNA replication: The sliding clamp of E. coli. The clamp dimer encircles the gray and purple DNA strand. (PDB codes: 1OK7, 1K8J)

Figure 7.16

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Escherichia coli contains five different DNA polymerase proteins designated Pol I through Pol V. All polymerases catalyze synthesis of DNA in the 5′-to-3′ direction. However, only the replication polymerases Pol III and Pol I participate directly in chromosome replication. The other polymerases conduct operations to rescue stalled replication forks and repair DNA damage.

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Special Topic 7.1

Trapping a Sliding Clamp

Michael O’Donnell and colleagues in 1991 performed an elegant experiment that supports the sliding clamp model. O’Donnell hypothesized that if the beta subunit were really a sliding clamp, then once it was loaded onto a small circular DNA molecule, the protein would never come off. It would continually slide around the circle. However, the protein complex would easily slide off a linear DNA molecule. The experiment required detecting differences in molecular weight (or size) between DNA and DNA-protein complexes. Free protein is smaller than the DNA-protein complex formed when the same protein binds to DNA. To measure these size differences, various mixtures of DNA and 3H-labeled clamp proteins were passed through a gel filtration column, a column filled with tiny, hollow gel beads, each of which contains channels that serve as molecular sieves (Fig. 1A). The smaller the molecule, the more easily it can enter the bead channel. Thus, small molecules become temporarily trapped in each bead, taking a long time to move from the top of the gel column to the bottom. Larger molecules, however, are too large to enter the beads. They flow quickly around the beads and exit the column first. Fractions of defined volume are collected over A. Flow

time. Proteins collected in early fractions are larger than those collected in later fractions. Consequently, a DNA–clamp protein complex, being large, will move more quickly through the gel and will appear in the early fractions. Unbound protein will travel more slowly and appear in later fractions. The beta clamp complex was loaded onto a circular DNA molecule and onto the same molecule cut with the restriction enzyme SmaI. The separate mixtures were passed through identical gel filtration columns. Fractions were collected and counted for radioactivity (see Fig. 1B). Note that the protein loaded onto the circular molecule eluted in a much earlier fraction (fraction 12) than did protein loaded onto the linear molecule (fraction 25). The earlier elution indicated that the protein did not slide off the circular molecule and was maintained as a large complex. The late-elution profile of the protein loaded onto the linear molecule indicated that the protein was free to slide off the DNA and failed to maintain a large complex. The bottom panel, however, shows that a protein (for example, eukaryotic EBNA1) bound to the ends of the linear molecule will block exit of the beta clamp. This is evident in the fact that both the circular and linear DNA molecules eluted in the same fractions. B.

Small proteins can enter beads and their movement is retarded.

Beta 100 SmaI 80

Glass column H-Beta dimers (fmol)

Large proteins are excluded from the beads and pass through the column first.



Polysaccharide gel beads

Circular DNA Linear DNA

40 SmaI

20 0 50




30 EBNA1 20 10 0 0


10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fraction Gel filtration evidence supports the sliding fmol = fempto mole clamp model. A. Principle of gel filtration. Porous beads separate small molecules from large molecules because small molecules are temporarily trapped inside the beads. B. Top: 3H-labeled beta clamp dimers were added to nicked, circular DNA (red line) or linear DNA (black line). After passing through separate gel filtration columns, radioactivity was measured in the material that eluted from the column. The results show that the clamp cannot leave the circular model, so the large protein–DNA complex elutes from the column in an early fraction (fraction 12). The second red peak eluting at fraction 25 is protein that did not load onto DNA. Protein loaded on linear DNA, however, slides off of the molecule and does not form a large complex. Bottom: This is the same experiment, but the DNA contained two EBNA1 binding sites. Clamp protein was loaded onto circular DNA (red line) or the same DNA cut between the sites with EcoRV (linear). EBNA1 protein blocks the ends and prevents the beta clamp from sliding off the linear molecule. Note that the beta clamp mixed with linear DNA (black line) in the bottom panel eluted earlier from the column than in the top panel. Again, the peaks at fraction 28 reflect protein that did not load onto DNA. Source: B. P. Todd

Figure 1

Stukenberg, et al. 1991. Journal of Biological Chemistry 266:11328.

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G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

Elongation of DNA synthesis 1. The leading-strand DNA Pol III enzyme replicates the leading strand. SSBs cover and protect the unreplicated single strand. The DNA helicase remains on the lagging strand, unwinding the dsDNA moving into the replisome complex.

3′ Sliding clamp


Leading-strand DNA polymerase 3′ OH

Sliding clamp

2. Lagging-strand DNA polymerase synthesizes the lagging strand. The lagging strand loops out after passing through the polymerase.

Clamp loader

5′ DNA helicase

Actual strand movement threading through the replisome.

5′ SSB bound to DNA

3′ OH


Lagging-strand DNA polymerase




Okazaki fragments

3′ 5′ 3′ OH 3′

3. After DNA helicase has moved approximately 1,000 bases, a second RNA primer is synthesized on each lagging strand.

5′ RNA primer 3′ 5′

DNA primase



Lagging-strand pol completing 3′ OH previous Okazaki fragment

3′ 5′ 3′ OH 3′

4. When the lagging-strand polymerase bumps into the 5′ end of a previously synthesized fragment, the DNA polymerase is released and the clamp is disengaged.

5′ DNA primase is released 3′


3′ 5′


A. The DNA polymerase dimer acting at a replication fork. Both the leading and lagging strands are synthesized simultaneously in the 5′-to-3′ direction. For clarity, the beta clamp on the lagging strand is shown on the opposite side of Pol III as compared to its position on the leading strand. If the clamp was placed on the left side of polymerase, as it is shown in many models, the lagging strand would have to completely loop around the polymerase and enter the polymerase from the left.

Figure 7.17

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Pa r t 2

DNA polymerase III. The main replication polymerase, Pol III, is a complex, multicomponent enzyme. Because of its complexity, it is often referred to as a “molecular machine.” The DNA synthesis activity of Pol III is held in the alpha subunit of the complex, while other subunits are used for improving fidelity (accuracy of replication) and processivity (a measure of how long the polymerase remains attached to, and replicates, a template). The Pol III epsilon subunit (DnaQ), for example, contains a proofreading activity that prevents mistakes and improves fidelity. Proofreading activities within DNA polymerases scan for mispaired bases that have been inappropriately added to a growing chain. Mispaired bases are detected by their increased mobility. A mispaired base mistakenly linked by a phosphodiester bond to a growing DNA chain is more mobile than the correct base because it does not hydrogen-bond to the template base. This motion halts DNA elongation by Pol III because the base is not properly positioned at the enzyme’s active site. This stalling of Pol III activity triggers an intrinsic 3′-to-5′ exonuclease activity in the epsilon subunit. Exonucleases degrade DNA starting from either the 5′ end or the 3′ end. The exonuclease activity of Pol III cleaves the phosphodiester bond, releasing the improperly paired base from the growing chain. Once the wayward mispaired base has been excised, Pol III activity can proceed.

Both DNA Strands Are Elongated Simultaneously After initiation, each replication fork contains one elongating 5′-to-3′ strand called the leading strand (look back

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


at Fig. 7.15, step 7). But how is the opposite strand at each fork replicated? There are no known DNA polymerases capable of synthesizing DNA in the 3′-to-5′ direction, which would seem to be needed if both strands are to be synthesized simultaneously. DNA synthesis of one strand continuing all the way back to the origin is not a solution because it would leave the unreplicated strand at each fork exposed to possible degradation for too long and would double the time needed to complete DNA replication. The cell has solved this dilemma by coordinating the activity of two DNA Pol III enzymes in one complex, one for each strand. The two associated Pol III complexes together are called the replisome. As the dsDNA unwinds at the fork, the problem strand loops out and primase (DnaG) synthesizes a primer. The second Pol III enzyme binds to the primed section of the loop and synthesizes DNA in the 5′-to-3′ direction (imagine the lower template strand in Fig. 7.17A threading from left to right, through the polymerase ring). All the while the second polymerase is moving along in tandem with the fi rst polymerase (on the leading strand) relative to the fork (Fig. 7.17A, step 1). Realize that in actuality, the replisome remains at a fi xed, midcell location in the cell, probably attached to the membrane, and the template DNA threads through it (discussed later). Note that simultaneous extension of the two strands requires that synthesis of the looped strand lag behind the leading strand and that new RNA primers be synthesized periodically by primase (DnaG) every thousand bases or so. Thus, the lagging strand is synthesized discontinuously, in pieces called Okazaki fragments, while the leading strand can be synthesized continuously. As the leading strand moves forward,


3′ 5′

5′ 3′ OH


3′ OH 3′







5. A new clamp is assembled on the newly primed lagging strand. 3′ 5′

Figure 7.17 (continued)

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3′ 5′

6. The DNA polymerase binds to that clamp and begins synthesizing another Okazaki fragment.

B. The DNA polymerase dimer acting at a replication fork.

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

advancing the fork, there remains a long stretch of lagging strand complementary to the already replicated leading strand. This lagging strand remains singlestranded but protected by single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) (Fig. 7.17A, step 2). After about 1,000 bases, DNA primase reenters and synthesizes a new RNA primer in anticipation of lagging strand DNA synthesis (Fig. 7.17A, step 3). At some point, the lagging-strand polymerase bumps into the 5′ end of the previously synthesized fragment. This interaction causes DNA polymerase to disengage from that strand (Fig. 7.17A, step 4), and the clamp loader loads a new clamp near the new RNA primer (Fig. 7.17B, step 5). The DNA polymerase binds to that clamp and begins synthesizing another Okazaki fragment (Fig. 7.17B, step 6). This process repeats every 1,000 bases or so around the chromosome.


Lagging strand OH 3′

THOUGHT QUESTION 7.6 How fast does E. coli DNA polymerase synthesize DNA (in nucleotides per second), given that the genome is 4.6 million base pairs, replication is bidirectional, and the chromosome completes a round of replication in 40 minutes?

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Parental template strand

RNase H cleaves RNA at any point along the hybrid RNA-DNA section.

RNase H

OH 3′



DNA Pol I fills the gap using 3′ OH end of DNA fragment.



5′ O–

DNA polymerase I. Discontinuous DNA synthesis

results in a daughter strand containing long stretches of DNA punctuated by tiny patches of RNA primers. This RNA must be replaced with DNA to maintain chromosome integrity. To remove the RNA, cells typically use an RNase enzyme specific for RNA-DNA hybrid molecules (called RNase H). A DNA Pol I enzyme enters after the RNase and synthesizes a DNA patch using the 3′ OH end of the preexisting DNA fragment as a priming site (Fig. 7.18). When DNA Pol I reaches the next fragment, the enzyme removes the 5′ nucleotide and resynthesizes it. This process of replicating DNA increases accuracy and decreases mutations. Once DNA Pol I stops synthesizing, it cannot join the 3′ OH of the last added nucleotide with the 5′ phosphate of the abutting fragment. The resulting nick in the phosphodiester backbone is repaired by DNA ligase, which in E. coli uses energy gained by cleaving nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to create the phosphodiester bond (see Fig. 7.18). DNA ligase from eukaryotes and some other microbes uses ATP rather than NAD in this capacity. A cleavage fragment of DNA Pol I, which can be made in the laboratory, containing DNA polymerase activity is shown with an associated DNA molecule in Figure 7.19. The figure illustrates DNA fi lling a crevice in the protein. The polymerase activity is located in the N terminus of the protein.

RNA primer

DNA ligase






5′ 5′ O– O



DNA ligase repairs the phosphodiester nick.

5′ 5′

RNase H removing the RNA primer. RNase H cleaves the RNA primer (blue). DNA polymerase I uses the preexisting 3′ OH end of the DNA fragment to fill the gap. Finally, DNA ligase repairs the phosphodiester nick using energy derived from the cleavage of NAD.

Figure 7.18

DNA polymerase Klenow fragment

DNA molecule

Active site of DNA Pol I. The DNA molecule fits into a molecular pocket of the polymerase. (PDB code: 1KLN)

Figure 7.19

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Pa r t 2

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


near midcell (Fig. 7.20). Cellular DNA stained with a blue fluorescent dye (DAPI) clearly occupied most of the cytoplasmic space.

DNA Replication Generates Supercoils As template DNA is threaded through the replisome, the helicase continually pulls apart the two strands of the DNA helix. This causes the DNA ahead of the fork to twist, introducing positive supercoils. (Try this yourself. Twist two pieces of string together, staple one end of the pair to a piece of cardboard, and then pull the two strands apart from the free end. Notice the supercoiling that takes place beyond, or downstream of, the moving fork.) The increasing torsional stress in the chromosome could stop replication by making strand separation more and more difficult. What prevents the buildup of torsional stress is the DNA gyrase that is located ahead of the fork, removing the positive supercoils as they form. Another topological question, noted earlier, is how DNA polymerase maneuvers through the cell. Although many descriptions of replication give the impression that the polymerase complex travels around the chromosome like a train along a track, DNA is actually fed through a stationary pair of replisomes (each a double Pol III complex) located at the cell membrane. This was shown by Katherine Lemon and Alan Grossman using Bacillus subtilis. The replisomes in this organism were each tagged with green fluorescent protein, and the location of the complex was monitored in replicating cells using fluorescence microscopy. If the replisomes moved like a train on a track, the polymerase-GFP protein would be found at different positions in each cell. Instead, however, in every replicating cell, replisomes were observed as distinct fluorescent foci located at or

Bidirectional replication of a circular bacterial chromosome results in the two membrane-associated replication machines attempting to replicate through the same DNA sequences 180° from the origin—that is, halfway around the chromosome. What tells the polymerases to stop? There are at least two and as many as six terminator sequences (ter) on the chromosome that polymerases enter but rarely, if ever, leave (Fig. 7.21A). One set of terminators deals with the clockwise-replicating polymerase, while the other set halts DNA polymerases replicating counterclockwise relative to the origin. A protein called Tus (terminus utilization substance) binds to these sequences and acts as a counter-helicase when it comes in contact with an advancing helicase (DnaB). The bound Tus protein effectively halts polymerase movement. Six terminator sites ensure that the polymerase complex does not escape and continue replicating DNA. Once DNA polymerases have completed duplicating the chromosome and have been removed at the ter sites, the cell is still faced with what could be called a “knotty” problem. Because of the topology of the chromosome, the two daughter molecules will appear as a catenane of linked rings after replication (Fig. 7.21B). The cell resolves this structure using enzymes called




1 µm

Lemon, et al. 1998. Science 282:1516

1 µm

Lemon, et al. 1998. Science 282:1516


Terminating Replication

Location of replicative DNA polymerase in living cells. Bacillus subtilis cells containing PolC-GFP (DNA polymerase III tagged with green fluorescent protein) were grown at 30°C in defined minimal medium. Images were captured with a cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. A. PolC-GFP is seen localized as discrete green foci. Membranes were stained orange with vital membrane stain FM4-64. B. Using the same cells, DNA was stained blue with DAPI (blue) and the image overlayed with the one in part A. This image shows that DNA is distributed throughout the cell while PolC-GFP is localized to midcell.

Figure 7.20

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Chapter 7


G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

Figure 7.21 Terminating replication of the chromosome. A. Terminator regions for DNA replication on the E. coli chromosome. Replication forks moving clockwise are trapped by terG, terF, terC, and terB. Counterclockwise moving forks are trapped by terA, terD, and terB. B. Resolution of DNA replication catenanes. On the left is a linked chromosome catenane. The highlighted area is enlarged to the right. XerC and XerD catalyze a breaking and rejoining that passes the chromosomes through each other, resolving the link.


Counterclockwise fork

Clockwise fork

terG terF terB terC Clockwise fork trap

terB terD terA Counter-

have resolved and move toward the poles, the cell can begin to divide, forming the cell septum.

clockwise fork trap

THOUGHT QUESTION 7.7 Individual cells in a population of E. coli typically initiate replication at different times (asynchronous replication). However, depriving the population of a required amino acid can synchronize reproduction of the population. What happens is that ongoing rounds of DNA synthesis finish, but new rounds do not begin. Replication stops until the amino acid is once again added to the medium, an action that triggers simultaneous initiation in all cells; that is, reproduction of the population becomes synchronized. Why?


Linked catenane

THOUGHT QUESTION 7.8 The antibiotic rifampin inhibits transcription by RNA polymerase, but not by primase (DnaG). What happens to DNA synthesis if rifampin is added to a synchronous culture?

Completed replication

DNA replication in archaea TO SU M MAR I Z E:


Holiday junction ■



■ ■

XerC and XerD that recognize a specific site (called dif ) on both DNA molecules and catalyze a series of cutting and rejoining steps that essentially pass one molecule through the other. Once the two daughter chromosomes

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Replication is semiconservative, with newly synthesized strands lengthening in a 5′-to-3′ direction. It involves initiation, elongation, and termination. Initiation of replication occurs from a fi xed DNA origin attached to the cell membrane. Initiation depends on the mass and size of the growing cell. It is controlled by the accumulation of initiator and repressor proteins and by methylation at the origin. Elongation requires that primase (DnaG) lay down an RNA primer, that DNA polymerase III act as a dimer at each replication fork, and that a sliding clamp keep DNA Pol III attached to the template DNA molecule. The 3′-to-5′ proofreading activity of Pol III corrects accidental errors during polymerization. DNA ligase joins Okazaki fragments. Two replisomes, each containing a pair of DNA Pol III complexes, are fi xed at the membrane, and DNA feeds through them. Termination involves stopping replication forks halfway around the chromosome at ter sites that inhibit helicase (DnaB) activity.

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Pa r t 2

Ringed catenanes formed at the completion of replication are separated by the proteins XerC and XerD.




Plasmids and Bacteriophages

Two kinds of extragenomic DNA molecules can interact with bacterial genomes: plasmids and the genomes of bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacterial cells. Plasmid-encoded functions can contribute to the physiology of the cell, and in some cases the plasmid or phage DNA itself will integrate into the bacterial genome (see Section 9.2). Eukaryotic genomes and the genomes of eukaryote-specific plasmids and viruses are similarly subject to sharing of proteins and chromosomal interactions, such as insertions. Viruses of eukaryotes and their applications in genetic engineering are discussed in greater detail in Chapters 11 and 12.



©Science VU/H. Potter & D. Pressler/Visuals Unlimited

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s

Hind III BamHI amp


Pst I pBR322 4362 bp

Plasmids Replicate Autonomously within Cells ori

Plasmids are much smaller than chromosomes (Fig. 7.22) and are found in archaea and bacteria as well as in eukaryotic microbes. Plasmids are usually circular, and circular plasmids, like circular chromosomes, are typically negatively supercoiled. Replication of many of these extrachromosomal elements is not tied to chromosome replication. Each plasmid contains its own origin sequence for DNA replication, but only a few of the genes needed for replication. Thus, even when the timing of plasmid replication is not linked to that of the chromosome, many of the proteins used for plasmid replication are actually host enzymes. Which host proteins are used depends on the plasmid. Plasmids can replicate in two different ways. Bidirectional replication, as described in Figure 7.23A, occurs in two directions simultaneously, while rollingcircle replication (Fig. 7.23B) is unidirectional. In rollingcircle replication, a replication initiator (RepA, encoded by a plasmid gene) binds to the origin of replication, nicks one strand, and holds on to one end (5′ PO4) of it while the other end (3′ OH) serves as a primer for host DNA polymerase to replicate the intact, complementary strand. The RepA protein recruits a helicase that unwinds DNA, which becomes coated by single-strand binding proteins. As replication proceeds, the nicked strand progressively peels off until replication is complete. Then the two ends of the nicked single strand are rejoined by the Rep protein and released. A complementary strand is replicated by host enzymes to produce a double-stranded molecule. Although most known plasmids use one or the other strategy, a few can use either bidirectional or unidirection replication, depending on the cell circumstance.

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Figure 7.22 Plasmid map. A. Note the huge difference in size between a circular plasmid DNA molecule and chromosomal DNA after both are gently released from a cell (approx. 1 µm). The arrow points to the circular plasmid. B. Map of plasmid pBR322. This plasmid contains an origin of replication (ori) and genes encoding resistance to ampicillin (amp) and tetracycline (tet). The locations of three unique restriction sites are shown (HindIII, BamHI, and PstI).

If plasmids replicate autonomously, can cells easily lose their plasmids? Plasmids come equipped with selfpreservation genes that help maintain the plasmid in the host (Special Topic 7.2). Plasmids can ensure their inheritance by carrying genes whose functions benefit the host bacterium under certain conditions. For instance, bacterial plasmids can carry genes responsible for antibiotic resistance (discussed in Chapter 28). As long as the antibiotic is present in the environment, any cell that loses the plasmid will be killed or stop growing. Antibiotic resistance plasmids benefit bacteria, but they are a major problem for modern hospitals, where plasmids carrying multiple drug resistance genes are transmitted from harmless bacteria into pathogens. On the other hand, plasmids (such as pBR322) containing drug resistance genes are the workhorses of genetic technology and have benefited society tremendously. Other kinds of host survival genes carried by plasmids include genes providing resistance to toxic metals,

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes



B. ori



Nick made by RepA at plus origin and extended by DNA polymerase Initiation of replication at oriV


ori B

+ A



– C

C New strand

Replication fork

Replication fork

C Synthesis of new plus strand


+ ori





Synthesis of complementary minus strand



Rep releases old plus strand.


+ – B





Plasmid replication: bidirectional versus rolling circle. A. DNA replication begins at a fixed origin (ori ) and proceeds bidirectionally. B. Replication begins at a fixed origin but only moves in one direction. As the polymerase moves, it displaces one strand as it replicates the other. At the end of a round, the polymerase releases the displaced strand as a single-stranded circle that is then replicated.

Figure 7.23

genes encoding toxins that aid pathogenesis, and genes encoding proteins that enable symbiosis. These will be discussed in later chapters. Most of the genes involved in the nitrogen-fi xing symbiosis of Rhizobium, for example, are plasmid-borne. Far from being freeloaders, plasmids often contribute significantly to the physiology of an organism.

In this case, the conjugation mechanism produced by one plasmid will act on the other plasmid. Plasmids released from dead cells can also be taken up intact by some bacteria in a process called transformation. Finally, plasmid transmission in nature can occur by the accidental packaging of plasmids into bacteriophage head coats—in other words, by bacteriophage transduction (discussed in Section 9.2).

Plasmids Are Transmitted between Cells Some plasmid molecules are self-transferable via conjugation, a process that involves cell-to-cell contact to move the plasmid from a donor cell to a recipient (as discussed in Section 9.2). Other plasmids are incapable of conjugation (nontransmissible). A third group can be transferred only if a self-transferable plasmid resides in the same cell.

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Replication Mechanisms of Bacteriophages Bacteriophages show diverse mechanisms of DNA replication, which may differ considerably from those of cells. For instance, many phage genomes replicate unidirectionally rather than bidirectionally, and they may copy

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Special Topic 7.2

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


Plasmid Partitioning and Addiction

ence of an addiction molecule ensures that the plasmid is By virtue of sheer numbers in a cell, high-copy-number plasmids maintained in a population even if that plasmid does not proensure their inheritance into daughter cells through simple difvide any other selective advantage to the cell. fusion (Fig. 1). Low-copy-number plasmids, however, require dedicated partitioning mechanisms to guarantee that each daughter cell receives a A. For low-copy-number plasmids, B. For high-copy-number plasmids, replication is coordinated with random partitioning occurs. copy prior to cell division. Some enterprising plasmids even have chromosome replication. addiction systems designed to kill cells that lose the plasmid. A typical addiction system includes a long-lived toxin and an antidote protein. The antidote is very labile and in Plasmid Plasmid need of constant synthesis if it is to neureplication replication tralize the more stable toxin. Consequently, failure to inherit the plasmid means that the antidote can no longer be made. The antidote that remains will decay, leaving active toxin to kill the errant, plasmid-less cell. Why Cell division Cell division and is this necessary? What happens if a cell and partitioning random segregation division produces a cell with no plasmid? into plasmid into daughter cells daughter cells The cell without the plasmid may be at a competitive advantage for growth because maintaining a plasmid drains energy. Thus, the cells without plasmids could overgrow the plasmid-containing cells, eventually eliminating them from the population. Pres- Figure 1 Partitioning of low-copy-number and high-copy-number plasmids.

only one strand. Often a phage genome encodes specialized polymerase enzymes to conduct its own replication, coordinated with host components (see Section 7.3). Representative phage replication pathways are shown in Figure 7.24. For example, the linear DNA duplex of phage T4 replicates bidirectionally from multiple origins using T4 gene products such as gene product 43, the T4 DNA polymerase. An interesting feature of T4 is that each capsid packs a linear DNA molecule containing redundant sequences at each end. Consequently, the genome is said to be terminally redundant. As indicated in Figure 7.24A, genes at one end of the packaged DNA are identical to genes at the other end. After the T4 DNA has replicated, it must be packaged into new capsids. The packaging apparatus, however, requires a long concatemer of DNA in which multiple genomes are joined end to end. The concatemer is made when the terminally redundant ends of individual copies of T4 DNA recombine to make a single DNA molecule (Fig. 7.24A). From the linear T4 DNA concatemer the individual genomes are packaged into head coats, then cleaved in such a way that 3% of each

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encapsidated DNA is redundant. Because each cleavage occurs farther along the genome, every T4 DNA molecule has a different terminal repeat. The genome is linear, but when the genes in a population of T4 phages are examined as a whole, the terminal repeats make the genome seem circular. For other mechanisms of bacteriophage and viral genome replication, see Chapters 6 and 11.


■ ■

Plasmids are autonomously replicating circular or linear DNA molecules that are part of a cell’s genome and can be transferred to other cells. Plasmids replicate by rolling-circle and/or bidirectional mechanisms. Plasmids can be transferred between cells. Phage can replicate by forming linear concatemers that are cut up to fi ll capsid heads. Some phage incorporate single-stranded DNA or RNA into their capsids.

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

B. Phage: Lambda Form of genome: Linear DNA, double strand, linear map

A. Phage: T4 Form of genome: Linear DNA, double strand, permuted map ABCDEF

YZABC Bidirectional replication



Cohesive ends YZABC X ABCDEF



Recombination ABCDEF






Linear DNA circularizes at cos sites.

cos YZABC Concatemer

Gene O product ori

Phage head containing 103% of genome

ABC DEF–ABCDEF GHI–DEFGHI JKL GHI JKL Cleavage points after packaging phage head

Genome replication in bacteriophages. A. Phage T4 replicates by the rolling-circle method. Initially, the linear genome circularizes, then replicates as a linear concatemer. From the concatemer, the individual genomes are packaged into head coats, then cleaved. Because the phage head carries 103% of the genome, each encapsidated DNA contains an end-duplicated 3% of its genome. B. Phage lambda replicates its doublestranded DNA in two stages. In the first stage, each strand serves as a template for a complementary strand, replicated in opposite directions (bidirectional rope). In the second stage, rolling-circle replication generates a concatemer, which is precisely cleaved at cos sites.

Genome is cut at cos sites during packaging into a capsid. One phage genome starts at a cos site and ends at a second cos site. cos

Long concatemer

Gene O product initiates replication.

Bidirectional replication

Figure 7.24


Rolling-circle replication

Circle-to-circle “θ” replication


Eukaryotic Chromosomes: Comparison with Prokaryotes

The chromosomes of eukaryotic microbes such as protists and algae have much in common with those of prokaryotes. Both consist of double-stranded DNA, and both usually replicate by bidirectional replication. Yet important differences are revealed as well—differences in genome structure. Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, contained within a nucleus, and their replication involves the process of mitosis.

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Eukaryotic Genomes Are Large and Linear Overall, the genomes of eukaryotic nuclei are larger than those of bacteria, sometimes by several orders of magnitude (see Chapter 18). In addition, most eukaryotic chromosomes are linear, whereas most (though not all) bacterial chromosomes are circular. Eukaryotic chromosomes require segregation by mitosis, in order to ensure that each daughter cell receives the correct combination of daughter chromosomes.

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Because their genomes are linear, eukaryotes require a special process to duplicate the chromosome ends, providing a primer for the lagging strand. The primer is provided by a special enzyme called telomerase. At each end of the chromosome (called a telomere) there often is not enough room on the lagging strand to add an appropriate RNA primer. So after each round of replication, the chromosome would be a little shorter and information would eventually be lost. Telomerase is actually a reverse transcriptase, an enzyme that reads RNA as a template to synthesize a complementary DNA molecule. Telomerase uses an intrinsic RNA (an RNA that is part of the enzyme) as a template to add DNA repeat sequences to the end of a lagging strand forming the telomere. The telomere allows for an RNA primer to be synthesized so that the end of the chromosome can be replicated. In this way, genetic information is not lost during division. Telomerase may have evolved from the ancient progenitor cells that contained RNA rather than DNA genomes (see Section 17.2). For cells with RNA genomes to evolve modern chromosomes made of DNA, a reverse transcriptase must have been necessary. The reverse transcriptase may also be the evolutionary source of retroviruses (see Section 11.5). Eukaryotic cells pack their DNA within the confines of a nucleus, using a series of proteins called histones. Histones are rich in arginine and lysine, and therefore, are positively charged, basic proteins that easily bind to the negatively charged DNA. The DNA becomes wrapped around the histones to form units called nucleosomes. For

Genes and G e n o m e s


protection and condensation, all eukaryotic chromosomes are packaged by histones, proteins that play a regulatory role through methylation and acetylation. Bacteria, too, have DNA-packaging proteins, but they are more diverse and less essential for function (see Sections 3.5 and 7.2). The detailed structure of the genomes of eukaryotes and prokaryotes reveal surprising differences (Fig. 7.25). The genome of the bacterium E. coli is packed with genes (green) encoding proteins or RNA molecules. These genes are separated by very little unused or noncoding DNA (purple) and with only an occasional mobile element, such as an insertion sequence, that can move from one DNA molecule to another. Most prokaryotic genes are organized in coordinately regulated operons such as thrABC, which encodes three enzymes needed to synthesize the amino acid threonine (see Section 10.1). In contrast, 95% of the human genome consists of noncoding sequences composed largely of regulatory sequences and the fossil genomes of ancient viruses. The coding genes are separated by large stretches of noncoding sequences and usually are not situated together in operons. Moreover, coding genes in the human genome are interrupted by introns (DNA within a gene that is not part of the coding sequence for a protein; shown as yellow in the figure) and ancient gene duplications that have decayed into nonfunctional, vestigial pseudogenes (orange). Bacteria also have pseudogenes, but they account for much less of the genome than in eukaryotes. The more rapid replication of bacteria causes pseudogenes to be lost more quickly.

Genome sample, 50 kb Escherichia coli thrB thrA thrC










50 kb

Human V28








50 kb

Gene Intron Human pseudogene Genome-wide repeat (small DNA sequence repeated several times throughout the genome)

Genome structure in a prokaryote and in a eukaryote. The genome of the prokaryote Escherichia coli is packed with coding genes (green), with very little unused sequence between them (purple), only an occasional mobile element, such as an insertion sequence (IS). Most genes are organized in operons coordinately regulated by a single regulatory molecule such as thrABC. By contrast, the human genome consists of 95% noncoding sequences consisting largely of regulatory sequences and the decayed genomes of ancient viruses. The coding genes are separated by large stretches and usually are not situated together in operons. Moreover, coding genes are interrupted by introns (yellow). Ancient gene duplications have decayed into pseudogenes (orange). Figure 7.25

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

The amount of noncoding DNA present in a eukaryote varies with the complexity of the eukaryotic species (for example, yeasts contain a much lower percentage of noncoding DNA than humans). It is believed that eukaryotes have retained noncoding DNA in their genomes because they rely heavily on it somehow for survival. By themselves, promoters of eukaryotic genes have a very low activity and require enhancer DNA sequences to drive transcriptional activity. Enhancer sequences act at large distances from promoters, and scientists suspect that once enhancers became important, it was necessary to place enough DNA between them to reduce activation of other, unrelated but adjacent promotors.


DNA Sequence Analysis

We have just described the core concepts of DNA structure, packaging, and replication. This knowledge is crucial to understanding genomics and the fundamentals of genomic analysis. It is now appropriate to discuss the basic techniques used to manipulate DNA. These include isolating genomic DNA from cells, snipping out DNA fragments with surgical precision, splicing them into plasmid vehicles, and reading their nucleotide sequences. These are the techniques that drove the genomic revolution.

DNA Isolation and Purification Archaeal Genomes Combine Features of Bacteria and Eukaryotes Like bacteria, archaea have polygenic operons, and their reproduction is predominantly asexual. Archaea are true prokaryotes in that their cells lack a nuclear membrane. On the other hand, in most species of archaea, the structures of the DNA-packing proteins, RNA polymerase, and ribosomal components more closely resemble those of eukaryotes. Even the DNA polymerase and the origin recognition sequence show greater similarity to those of eukaryotes. Finally, it should be noted that archaeal genomes encode certain unique components such as the metabolic pathway of methanogenesis. (For more on archaea, see Chapter 19.) What experimental data allow us to make such comparisons? Overwhelmingly, we rely on new data from the growing number of microbial genomes sequenced. Comparison of genomes has revolutionized our understanding of evolutionary relationships among microbes. We will now examine the tools of DNA sequence analysis that have made these studies possible. The most important of these tools—restriction mapping, DNA sequencing, and amplification by the polymerase chain reaction—actually harness the molecular apparatus used by bacteria to replicate or protect their own chromosomes. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Eukaryotic chromosomes are always linear doublestranded DNA molecules that replicate by mitosis. A reverse transcriptase called telomerase is needed to finish replicating the ends of a eukaryotic chromosome. Histones (eukaryotic DNA-packing proteins) play a critical role in forming chromosomes. Introns and pseudogenes are noncoding DNA sequences that make up a large portion of eukaryotic chromosomes. Archaeal chromosomes resemble those of bacteria in size and shape, but archaeal DNA polymerases are more closely related to eukaryotic enzymes.

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The chemical uniformity of DNA means that simple and reliable purification methods can be used to isolate it. A variety of techniques are used to extract DNA from bacterial cells. The cells may be lysed using lysozyme to degrade the peptidoglycan of the cell wall, followed by treatment with detergents to dissolve the cell membranes. The next step is to remove most proteins by precipitating them in a high salt solution. These proteins are removed by centrifugation, and the cleared lysate containing DNA is passed through a column containing a silica resin that specifically binds DNA. The remaining proteins are washed out of the column because they do not stick, and the DNA is eluted with water. The DNA is then concentrated via alcohol precipitation (ethanol or isopropanol). DNA may be precipitated from aqueous solution by adding ethanol and salt because the charge density of the phosphates makes the molecule particularly insoluble in nonaqueous solvents. The precipitated DNA is then redissolved in water or a weak buffer. At this point, the extracted DNA can be examined with a variety of analytical tools. Plasmid or chromosomal DNA molecules released from lysed cells can also be purified using a technique known as equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. (The principles of centrifugation are discussed in Chapter 3.) The density gradient is typically generated using a cesium chloride (CsCl) solution. Under high centrifugal force, the heavy Cs + atoms will increase in concentration towards the end of the tube, decreasing their concentration near the top. This forms a gradient at equilibrium ranging from the least dense at the top of the tube to the densest at the bottom. DNA molecules dissolved in the solution prior to centrifugation will migrate along the gradient according to each molecule’s density. Adding the DNA-binding dye ethidium bromide to the mix will magnify these differences. Because the dye binds in between bases (intercalates), it binds more to linear DNA (such as fragmented chromosomal DNA) than it does to supercoiled molecular plasmids. The different molecules will stop moving down the

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DNA purification protocols


Enyzme from: 5′

3′ A G C T T C G A


Arthrobacter luteus



5′ HaeIII

Haemophilus agypticus




3′ G G A T C C C C T A G G


Restriction Enzyme Digestion

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

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BamHI, Hind III, and EcoRI produce “sticky” ends.



3′ A A G C T T T T C G A A

Hind III

Haemophilus influenzae RD




3′ G A A T T C C T T A A G


AluI and HaeIII produce blunt ends.

3′ G G C C C C G G


Although the method has largely been supplanted in recent years by PCR techniques (Special Topic 7.3), cloning genes for study typically required cutting the chromosome into distinct pieces, or fragments, that could be selectively “plucked” from the sea of other genes composing the chromosome. Fortunately, bacteria themselves provided a way to produce these small fragments (discussed in Section 9.2). The bacterial proteins involved are called restriction enzymes, which naturally function to clip the “foreign DNA” of invading plasmids and phages at specific points. Different species of bacteria use restriction enzymes that recognize different DNA sequences. The most useful restriction enzymes for molecular biology recognize specific base sequences (usually four to six bases in length) in a DNA molecule and cleave both phosphodiester backbones at sites either near or within the center of the site. The cut may produce blunt ends or staggered ends; in staggered ends, the top strand is cut at one end of the site and the bottom strand cut at the other (Fig. 7.26A). Staggered ends are also called cohesive ends because the protruding strand of one of those ends can base-pair with complementary protruding strands from any DNA fragment cut with the same restriction enzyme, regardless of the source organism. This ability of cohesive ends from different organisms to base-pair forms the basis of recombinant DNA technology. Notice in Figure 7.26A that each recognition sequence, also called a restriction site, is a palindrome in which the top and bottom strands read the same in the 5′-to-3′ direction. This is typical of the sequences recognized by one class of restriction enzymes (there are three general classes). But how do bacteria making these scissor-like DNA enzymes keep from destroying their own DNA? They protect themselves by producing a companion methylating enzyme that recognizes the same DNA sequence recognized by the restriction enzyme and methylates a base in both strands of the


Escherichia coli RY13


5′ Clones

B. M 8 4 3 2








– pole Samples loaded here Fragments move toward + pole

1 Size (kb)

+ pole

Courtesy of Marligen BioSciences, Inc.

gradient at different points where their apparent densities match the density of the Cs + gradient. No matter how long you spin, the bands stop at one density point, and they are extremely sharp. In this way, CsCl density gradient centrifugation differs from the sucrose gradient centrifugation, described in Chapter 3, where the gradient is prepared in a test tube before centrifugation. Besides isolating DNA molecules, CsCl density gradient centrifugation can be used to purify DNA/protein complexes and virus particles.

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s

Bacterial DNA restriction enzymes. A. Target sequences of sample enzymes. The names of these enzymes reflect the genus and species of the source organism. For example, EcoRI comes from Escherichia coli. B. Agarose gel size analysis of EcoRI-restricted DNA fragments. M refers to marker fragments of known size. Smaller fragments move toward the bottom. Figure 7.26

recognition sequence. The restriction enzyme cannot cut a site if either one or both of the strands are methylated. Thus, newly replicated double-stranded molecules are protected, since one strand, the template, remains methylated at all times. Phage DNA that originates from a cell with one type of restriction modification system will not be protected once it infects a cell with a different restriction modification system because the phage will not be methylated in the right places. As such, it faces a greater chance of destruction than of undergoing protective methylation.

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Chapter 7

Special Topic 7.3

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

The Polymerase Chain Reaction

A technique that relies on thermostable DNA polymerases isolated from thermophiles has revolutionized many fields, including biological research, medicine, and forensics. The technique is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), briefly described in Chapter 1. The basic PCR process, outlined in Figure 1, can produce over a millionfold amplification of target DNA. Using PCR, one can produce large quantities of a specific DNA sequence within a few hours. In this technique, specific oligonucleotide primers (usually between 20 and 30 bp) are annealed to known DNA sequences flanking the target gene. A thermostable DNA polymerase uses these primers to replicate the target DNA. Heat-stable DNA polymerases must be used in this process because the reaction mixture must be subjected to repeated cycles of heating to 95°C (to separate DNA strands so that they are available for primer annealing), cooling to 55°C (to allow primer annealing), and heating to 72°C (the optimum reaction temperature for the polymerase). The polymerase Taq, from the thermophile Thermus aquaticus, is often used for this purpose (polymerases from other thermophiles are also used). Because PCR reactions require 25–30 heating and cooling cycles, a machine called a thermocycler is used to reproducibly and rapidly deliver these cycles. This basic PCR technique has been modified to serve many different purposes. Primers can be engineered to con-

tain specific restriction sites that simplify subsequent cloning. Cloning is the process by which DNA from one source is spliced into DNA from another source. Restriction sites are small (4–8 bp) sequences that are recognized and cleaved by endonucleases called restriction enzymes. If the primers used for PCR are highly specific for a gene that is present in only one microorganism, PCR can be used to detect the presence of that organism in a complex environment, such as the presence of the pathogen E. coli O157:H7 in hamburger. PCR has profoundly impacted human society. By making it possible to amplify the tiniest amounts of DNA contaminating a crime scene, PCR has changed our judicial system by providing conclusive evidence in court cases where no evidence would have existed previously. And there may come a day when individual human genomes are sequenced as a standard medical test−with profound ethical and societal implications. The hopes and fears raised by the invention of PCR-based genomic sequencing inspired the science fiction film GATTACA, directed by Andrew Niccol, depicting an imaginary future in which everyone’s destiny is determined by his or her DNA sequence. This knowledge could impact which jobs are available to someone, whether insurance coverage can be withheld, and even whether two individuals can marry.

55°C, 30 seconds primers annealed. 72°C, Taq polymerase Segment to amplify 5′



95°C, 30 seconds denaturation separates strands.

Taq polymerase, replicates sequence, 72°C, 60 seconds.

95°C, denaturation 55°C, anneal primers

30 Cycles 95°C, denaturation; 55°C, anneal primers; 72°C, Taq polymerase

The polymerase chain reaction. 1. DNA template is heated to 95°C (30 seconds) to separate strands. 2. The reaction is cooled to 55°C for 30 seconds, which allows amplifying DNA primers to anneal. 3. Within seconds, the temperature is raised to 72°C, optimal for Taq polymerase activity. Polymerization is allowed to proceed for about 60 seconds, and then the strands are separated again at 95°C to prepare for another cycle. Each polymerization step increases (amplifies) the target sequence until, ultimately, only the fragment bounded by the primers is amplified. Thus, from a single DNA molecule, potentially 1030 copies of a fragment can be made.

Figure 1

Restriction enzymes from hundreds of bacteria are now commercially available for analyzing DNA. A few examples of such enzymes are shown in Figure 7.26A. Agarose gels can be used to analyze the DNA fragments obtained by treatment with these enzymes. In Figure 7.26B, each lane represents a different, homogeneous

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population of DNA molecules cut with the same restriction enzyme. Because DNA is negatively charged, all DNA molecules travel to the positive pole during electrophoresis. Pore sizes in the agarose are such that they allow small molecules to speed through the gel, while larger molecules take longer to move. Thus, DNA fragments in

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this gel separate on the basis of size—the smaller the fragment is, the farther it travels down the lane. The inserted DNA fragments were of different sizes and so travel different distances in the gel. The sum of the sizes of fragments in each lane yields the size of the original, intact, uncut molecule.


Plasmid vector Cleavage site

Cleavage by EcoRI endonuclease



Cleavage sites 1







Cloning: The Birth of Recombinant DNA Technology

The ability to clone genes rests on several seemingly unrelated findings. The discovery of restriction enzymes in the late 1960s was initially considered interesting but esoteric, and its significance was grossly underestimated at the time. Only B. later would the full impact of these enzymes on biological research be realized. The beginning of the recombinant DNA revolution can be traced to 1972. It was known at that time that plasmids were small circular DNA molecules capable of independent replication in bacterial cells. Some of the known plasmids contained a single site for certain restriction enzymes. As already noted, many restriction enzymes generate cohesive ends that can base-pair with the ends of any DNA cut with the same enzyme. The significance of these facts went unrecognized until Stanley Foreign DNA Cohen, Herb Boyer, and Stanley Falkow were relaxing with colleagues in a Waikiki deli after a scientific meeting in 1972 (Figs. 2 3 7.27A and B). In something of a “eureka” moment, the scientists Cleavage by EcoRI endonuclease suddenly realized that it might be possible to use a restriction enzyme (such as EcoRI) to cut a A AT T A AT T piece of DNA from one organism’s chromosome and graft it in T TA A T TA A vitro into a plasmid cut in a single place with the same enzyme (Fig. 7.27C). They also knew that DNA ligase (see earlier discussion) would seal the fragment to the plasmid and form a new artificial Steve Northrup/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images

Steve Northrup/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images


■ Genes and Ge n o m e s




DNA ligase A A T TT T A A T A AT TT


Plasmid chimera

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Figure 7.27 Formation of recombinant DNA olecules. A. Stanley Cohen of Stanford University and B. Herbert Boyer of the University of California, San Francisco, two of the founders of recombinant DNA technology. C. A plasmid vector is cut with a restriction enzyme (EcoRI) that produces cohesive ends. The same enzyme is used to digest foreign DNA, producing a series of fragments all with identical cohesive ends. The cut vector and foreign DNA fragments are mixed. Cohesive ends of the foreign DNA and vector anneal to form a chimeric molecule containing two nicks. DNA ligase is used to seal the nicks and connect the phosphodiester backbones.

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

DNA molecule. This gene, as part of the recombinant molecule, could then be introduced into E. coli by transformation (discussed in Section 9.2) and be produced in large numbers through plasmid replication. Three months later, the strategy worked. This seminal work was published by Boyer and Cohen along with students Annie Chang and Robert Helling. Over the next decade, the technique became known as gene cloning, an immensely powerful technology that thrust biology into the genomic era. Cloning strategies One problem with earlier cloning techniques is that E. coli plasmid origins will not function (that is, will not initiate replication) in most other bacterial species, but especially eukaryotes or archaea. This means that cloned genes from these groups of organisms could be studied only in E. coli. The problem with studying these foreign genes in E. coli is that the processing of RNA or proteins naturally carried out in the eukaryote, for instance, will not be possible in E. coli because E. coli does not possess those systems. Nor can function of these eukaryotic proteins be tested in the prokaryotic cell. The solution to these problems is to use a shuttle vector. A shuttle vector is a plasmid that contains a replication origin compatible with E. coli and a second origin that will allow the plasmid to replicate in an unrelated bacterial species, or in a eukaryote or archaeon. In this way, the cloned gene can be genetically manipulated in E. coli using wellcharacterized molecular protocols (that is, creating specific mutations) and then be reintroduced into the source organism to study function. THOUGHT QUESTION 7.9 Knowing that E. coli possesses restriction enzymes that cleave DNA from other species, how is it possible to clone a gene from one organism to another without the cloned gene sequence being degraded? THOUGHT QUESTION 7.10 PCR is a powerful technique, but one can easily contaminate a sample and amplify the wrong DNA−perhaps sending an innocent person to jail. What might you do to minimize this possibility?

DNA Sequencing Based on Sanger Dideoxynucleotides Even with the development of gene cloning, our advance into the genomic age would not have been possible without a rapid way to sequence large pieces of DNA. The most commonly used DNA-sequencing method relies on the Sanger dideoxy strategy. Ingenious in its simplicity, the dideoxy method relies on the fact that the 3′ hydroxyl

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O –










Cannot form a phosphodiester bond with next incoming deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP).

Figure 7.28 Dideoxy nucleotide. DNA nucleotides lack the 2′ OH group on ribose but retain the 3′ OH needed for DNA synthesis. Dideoxy nucleotides lack both the 2′ OH and the 3′ OH. Thus, the 5′ phosphate of a dideoxy nucleoside triphosphate can still form a phosphodiester bond to a growing chain but lacks the 3′ OH acceptor for a new incoming nucleotide.

group on 2′-deoxyribonucleotides (shown in Fig. 7.3A) is absolutely required for a DNA chain to grow. Thus, incorporation of a 2′,3′-dideoxynucleotide (Fig. 7.28) into a growing chain prevents further elongation because without the 3′ OH, extension of the phosphodiester backbone is impossible. The dideoxy method begins with a short (20–30-bp) oligonucleotide DNA primer molecule designed to anneal to the plasmid vector at a site immediately adjacent to the cloned insert to be sequenced. The mixture is first heated to 95°C to separate the DNA strands and then cooled, which allows the primer to bind. DNA polymerase can then build on this primer and synthesize DNA using the cloned insert as a template. A small amount of dideoxyadenosine triphosphate (dideoxy ATP) is included in the DNA synthesis reaction, which already contains all four normal deoxyribonucleotides. Because normal 2′deoxyadenosine is present at high concentration, chain elongation usually proceeds normally. However, the sequencing reaction contains just enough dideoxy ATP to make DNA polymerase occasionally substitute the deadend base for the natural one, at which point the chain stops growing. The result is a population of DNA strands of varying size, each one truncated at a different adenine position. Now imagine using four different dideoxynucleotides corresponding to A, T, C, and G, with each dideoxy base tagged with a different-colored fluorescent dye (Fig. 7.29A ). The result will be a series of different-sized strands tagged at their 3′ end with different colors, depending on the base incorporated. Analyzing the results of this reaction by electrophoresis in a single lane of a polyacrylamide gel will separate the various fragments based on their size. A laser and detector positioned at the bottom of the gel reads the individual fragments as they pass (Fig. 7.29B). Because we know the color of each tagged base, we can use a computer to print a series of colored peaks whose order corresponds to the template DNA sequence (Figs. 7.29C and 7.30). Although the fig-

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■ Genes and Ge n o m e s



A. Single-stranded DNA to be sequenced 3′ 5′ C T G A C T T C G A C A A T Add DNA polymerase, 5′ T dATP, dGTP, dCTP, dTTP G plus limiting amounts of T fluorescently labeled C ddATP, ddGTP, G ddCTP, ddTTP A A G T C A G

Load sample Band movement

Polyacrylamide gel


+ Detector

5′ Chain elongation stops with incorporation of dideoxynucleotide.


Electrophoresis is performed. Bands pass through a laser to activate the fluorescent dideoxynucleotides, then through a detector to distinguish the colors.



























Larger fragments


Smaller fragments





















3’ G A C T G A A G C T G T T 5’ So the sequence of the template strand is













5’ C T G A C T T C G A C A A 3’

Figure 7.29 DNA sequencing using fluorescently tagged dideoxynucleotides to randomly stop chain elongation. The steps consist of synthesizing tagged strands using dideoxynucleotides and then separating the strands. A, B. The reaction products are separated based on size using a polyacrylamide gel apparatus that includes a laser and detector to specifically identify the different tagged fragments. C. The bases are then read and printed out as differently colored peaks.

ure depicts a standard polyacrylamide slab gel, the rapid automated DNA sequencers used today for large-scale projects utilize small capillary tube gels.

Sequencing a genome begins by indiscriminately cloning all the fragments of chromosomal DNA that have been randomly generated, either by restriction digestion (for small fragments) or by sonic breakage (for large pieces). The fragments can either be cloned into conventional plasmid vectors, which may only hold 40–50 kbp of insert DNA, or be cloned into super vectors known as bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) that can harbor inserts of 150–1,000 kbp. This random “shotgun” cloning approach must be done in such a way as to ensure overlapping cloned fragments. This is important when finally reassembling the DNA sequences read from various fragments into one contiguous sequence representing the entire chromosome.

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Keith Weller, USDA

Sequencing an Entire Genome

Figure 7.30 Rapid DNA sequencing using an automated DNA sequencer. Cletus Kurtzman inspects a yeast DNA sequence from a previous run while Larry Tjarks loads samples of new sequencing reactions at the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research. The lanes on the screen represent the sequences of different DNA molecules.

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

NOTE: Sonication and some restriction enzymes

generate blunt, rather than cohesive ends. These molecules can still be cloned into linearized plasmids that also contain blunt ends. However, the efficiency of cloning blunt end molecules is much lower than with cohesive ends.

ticularly intriguing recent discovery was finding the entire genome of the bacterium Wolbachia (which infects 20% of the world’s insect population) is embedded within the genome of Drosophila, the common fruit fly. The evolutionary implications of this are under intense investigation. TO SU M MAR I Z E: ■

Next, each clone is sequenced using primers that originate from a sequence in the vector. The vector provides a clear starting point and a known sequence to design a primer. Typically, 500–1,000 bases can be read using the Sanger sequencing technique previously described. New primers are then designed based on the previously read sequence, and the sequencing team continues to “walk” along the fragment until its sequencing is complete. An alternative to “walking” along the chromosome is to break large (greater than 5 kb) cloned fragments into many overlapping, smaller fragments, which are then subcloned into another plasmid vector. The entire sequence of the smaller subclones can usually be determined using the vector primers. It is important to remember that both complementary strands must be sequenced in order to verify a fragment’s sequence and that the region should be sequenced at least two or three times. Once the fragment sequences are verified, overlapping sequences from different fragments are identified using supercomputers and assembled in silico (in a computer) into contigs, which are contiguous sequences spanning several fragments. Ideally, each chromosome of a genome will assemble into a single contig. However, if some gaps remain between contigs, focused sequencing can span them. Due to constantly improving technologies, the length of time it takes to sequence an entire genome has shortened remarkably over the past decade. It originally took many years to sequence the 4.6-million-bp genome of E. coli. Today it would take less than a month. The top DNA sequencing laboratories can sequence nearly 10 million bases per month. How the information from sequences is mined will be discussed more in Chapter 8. Suffice it to say, many important discoveries have resulted from this technology. A par-

DNA restriction enzymes used for DNA analysis cleave DNA at specific recognition sequences, which are usually 4–6 bp in length and produce either a blunt or a staggered cut. Agarose electrophoresis will separate DNA molecules based on their size. Restriction enzyme digested DNA molecules were fi rst cloned into plasmids in the early 1970s. The most commonly used DNA sequencing technique (Sanger technique) uses nucleotides that lack both the 2′ OH and 3′ OH groups to terminate chain elongation. Entire genomes are sequenced by shotgun cloning of overlapping DNA fragments, each of which is sequenced. Overlapping regions are matched and joined by computer analysis until the entire genome is reconstructed.

Concluding Thoughts We used to think of bacteria as simple, single-celled organisms. While they are single cells, they are far from simple. Complexity is evident in the elegant mechanisms they use to organize and replicate their genomes. The next three chapters will expand on this idea and discuss the way bacteria make proteins, regulate genes, exchange DNA, and, in the process, evolve. Knowing how a bacterial cell replicates and genetically controls the repertoire of available proteins and enzymes provides a unique perspective from which to study the physiology of microbial growth, explored in Part 3 of this textbook. Furthermore, understanding the bacterial genome allows us to explore the physiology of pathogenic as well as nonculturable organisms and gain greater insight into the evolutionary diversity of species that we will discuss in Part 4.

CHAPTE R R EVI EW Review Questions 1. What is the difference between vertical and horizon-

tal gene transmission? 2. Explain the structural types of bacterial genomes. What is a structural gene?

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3. Describe

the four functional levels of gene organization. 4. What are the differences between DNA and RNA?

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Pa r t 2

5. Explain DNA supercoiling. Why is it important to 6. 7. 8. 9.

microbial genomes? Discuss the mechanisms of topoisomerases. What drug targets a topoisomerase? What are the basic mechanisms involved in DNA replication? How does the bacterial cell regulate the initiation of chromosome replication? What is the gamma complex? Primase? DnaB? DnaC? DNA proofreading?

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


10. How is the problem of replicating both strands at a

replication fork solved? 11. What is a catenane? What does it have to do with

DNA replication? 12. Explain the polymerase chain reaction. 13. What is rolling-circle replication? 14. What is DNA restriction and modification? Why is it

important to bacteria? Why is it important to forensic scientists? 15. Explain the basic technique of DNA sequencing.

Key Terms antiparallel (226) catenane (241) cloning (250) conjugation (223) contig (254) denature (227) DNA control sequence (222) DNA ligase (240) enhancer (224) exonuclease (239) histone (247) horizontal transmission (222) hybridization (228) intron (247)

Okazaki fragments (234) operon (225) origin (oriC) (234) palindrome (249) phosphodiester bond (226) plasmid (243) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (250) primase (236) promoter (224) proofreading (239) pseudogene (247) purine (227) pyrimidine (227) quinolone antibiotic (230)

recombination (223) regulon (225) replication fork (233) restriction enzyme (249) restriction site (250) semiconservative (233) shuttle vector (252) sliding clamp (236) structural gene (222) termination (ter) site (234) topoisomerase (230) vertical transmission (222)

Recommended Reading Actis, Luis, Marcelo E. Tolmasky, and Jorge H. Crosa. 1998. Bacterial plasmids: Replication of extrachromosomal genetic elements encoding resistance to antimicrobial compounds. Frontiers in Bioscience 3:D43–62. Amick, Jean D., and Yves V. Brun. 2001. Anatomy of a bacterial cell cycle. Genome Biology 2:1020.1–1020.4. Boeneman, Kelly, and Elliott Crooke. 2005. Chromosomal replication and the cell membrane. Current Opinion in Microbiology 8:143–148. Cohen, Stanley N., Annie C. Chang, Herbert W. Boyer, and Robert B. Helling. 1973. Construction of biologically functional bacterial plasmids in vitro. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 70:3240–3244. Dame, Remus T. 2005. The role of nucleoid-associated proteins in the organization and compaction of bacterial chromatin. Molecular Microbiology 56:858–870. Falkow, Stanley. 2001. I’ll have chopped liver please, or how I learned to love the clone. ASM News 67:555.

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Forterre, Patrick, Simon Gribaldo, Daniele Gadelle, and Marie-Claude Serre. 2007. Origin and evolution of DNA topoisomerases. Biochimie 89:427–446. Giovannoni, Stephen J., H. James Tripp, Scott Givan, Mircea Podar, Kevin L. Vergin, et al. 2005. Genome streamlining in a cosmopolitan oceanic bacterium. Science 309:1242–1245. Khodursky, Arkady B., and Nicholas Cozzarelli. 1998. The mechanism of inhibition of topoisomerase IV by quinolone antibacterials. Journal of Biological Chemistry 273:27668–27677. Lemon, Katherine P., and Alan D. Grossman. 1998. Localization of bacterial DNA polymerase: Evidence for a factory model of replication. Science 282:1516–1519. Mott, Melissa L., and James M. Berger. 2007. DNA replication initiation: Mechanisms and regulation in bacteria. Nature Reviews Microbiology 5:343–354. Myllykallio, Hannu, Philippe Lopez, Purificación LópezGarcia, Roland Heilig, William Saurin, et al. 2000. Bacterial mode of replication with eukaryotic-like machinery in a hyperthermophilic archaeon. Science 288:2212–2215.

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Chapter 7

G e n o m e s a n d C hromosomes

Rothfield, L.awrence, Sheryl Justice, and Jorge GarciaLara. 1999. Bacterial cell division. Annual Review of Genetics 33:423–428. Stukenberg, P. Todd, Patricia S. Studwell-Vaughn, and Mike O’Donnell. 1991. Mechanism of the sliding β clamp of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. Journal of Biological Chemistry 266:11328–11334.

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Thanbichler, Martin, Patrick H. Viollier, and Lucy Shapiro. 2005. The structure and function of the bacterial chromosome. Current Opinion in Genetic Development 115:153–162. Vicente, Miguel, Ana Isabel Rico, Rocio Martinez-Arteaga, and Jesus Mingorance. 2006. Septum enlightenment: Assembly of bacterial division proteins. Journal of Bacteriology 188:19–27.

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Chapter 8

Transcription, Translation, and Bioinformatics 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7

RNA Polymerases and Sigma Factors Transcription Initiation, Elongation, and Termination Translation of RNA to Protein Protein Modification and Folding Secretion: Protein Traffic Control Protein Degradation: Cleaning House Bioinformatics: Mining the Genomes

The cell accesses the vast store of data in its genome through transcription, which is the reading of a DNA template to make an RNA copy, and translation, the decoding of RNA to assemble protein. The molecular machines that carry out these processes have been studied relentlessly, yet they still hold secrets. After translation, each polypeptide must be properly folded and placed at the correct cellular or extracellular location. How does the cell do this? And what does the cell do with proteins it no longer needs? As we will discuss, elegant chaperone pathways help fold proteins; complex transport systems move proteins out of the cytoplasm; and regulated proteolytic systems properly dispose of unneeded or damaged proteins. What emerges is a picture of remarkable biomolecular integration, homeostatically controlled to maintain balanced growth and ensure survival.

The Escherichia coli DegP protein is a periplasmic protease that degrades misfolded proteins including “sentry” regulators that control certain stress responses. It has been hypothesized that unfolded polypeptides are threaded in an extended conformation into the cage to access the proteolytic sites. The image is a close-up view of the inner cavity of DegP. Source: Ahmad Jomaa, et al. 2007. Journal of Bacteriology 189:706; © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Chapter 8

Tr a n s c r ip t io n , Translat ion, and B ioinformat ic s

By 1960, it was clear that the genetic code was embedded in DNA, but the code itself remained a mystery, as was the mechanism by which the code produced protein. RNA was a suspected, but unproven, intermediate. Marshall Nirenberg and Heinrich Matthaei, a postdoctoral student of Nirenberg’s at the National Institutes of Health, set out in 1959–1960 to design a cell-free system (a cell lysate of E. coli) to test the hypothesis (Fig. 8.1A). Key to their investigation was the use of synthetic RNA molecules containing simple, known, repeated sequences such as poly-A (consisting only of adenylic acid), poly-U (polyuridylic acid), poly-AAU, and poly-AAAAU. These RNA molecules were tested in a cell-free protein-synthesizing system to see if the repetitive sequence might direct incorporation of a specific amino acid into a protein. Each synthetic polynucleotide was tested in the presence of a radiolabeled amino acid. If the radioactive amino acid was incorporated into a polypeptide, the polypeptide would also be radioactive. On the morning of May 27, 1960, the results of experiment 27Q indicated that the poly-U RNA specified the assembly of radioactive poly-phenylalanine. It was the fi rst break in the genetic code. B.

Courtesy of National Library of Medicine/ National Institute of Health

Courtesy of Maxine Singer


Many scientists contributed to understanding the genetic code. A. Heinrich Matthaei (left) and Marshall Nirenberg (right) were first to crack the genetic code. An early hand-drawn model of what would eventually be known as translation is behind them. B. Maxine Singer, a key contributor to the genetic code experiments, also helped develop guidelines for recombinant DNA research.

Figure 8.1

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Nirenberg reported the result at a conference in Moscow at the height of the Cold War. News that Nirenberg’s poly-U experiment had determined the fi rst “word” of the genetic code was an international media event. In January 1962, the Chicago Sun-Times announced: “No stronger proof of the universality of all life has been developed since Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species . . . In the far future, the . . . hereditary lineup will be so well known that science may deal with the aberrations of DNA . . . that produce cancer, aging, and other weaknesses of the flesh.” This statement was truly prophetic, for understanding the genetic code was the fi rst step in discovering the basis of many genetic diseases. For his work, Nirenberg, along with Har Gobind Khohara (who developed methods for making synthetic nucleic acids) and Robert Holley (who solved the structure of yeast transfer RNA), won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Maxine Singer, who also played an important role in deciphering the genetic code by synthesizing the RNA molecules used in the Nirenberg experiments, became a leader in developing guidelines for recombinant DNA research (Fig. 8.1B). Since Nirenberg’s breakthrough, we have learned a tremendous amount about genes and proteins and, in this electronic age, we can use the information in ways never before possible. A new discipline called bioinformatics uses powerful computer technologies to store and analyze gene and protein sequences. Bioinformatic programs can compare a new gene sequence with hundreds of thousands of known genes. These comparisons help predict for any given microbe what genes are present, what proteins are made, and even what food it consumes. Patterns in DNA sequences across species also allow us to pose new questions about microbial life, disease, and evolution. In this chapter, we use E. coli as a paradigm to explore the way microbes interpret the nucleotide sequence of DNA and convert it to proteins. From there we look at what the cell does with those proteins once they are made. Specific proteins are targeted for movement into the periplasm, while other proteins must be inserted into membranes. We also show how damaged proteins are selectively degraded. We conclude with bioinformatics, now an essential tool of the new microbiology. Chapters 9 and 10 then discuss how microbes respond to their environment by controlling the expression of their genes.


RNA Polymerases and Sigma Factors

To survive and reproduce, every cell needs to form proteins using the information encoded within DNA. Chromosomal DNA is large and cumbersome, so the first step in the process is to make multiple copies of the information in snippets of RNA that can move around the cell and, like

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Pa r t 2

disposable photocopies, be destroyed once the encoded protein is no longer needed. This copying of the DNA to RNA is called transcription. Much of what we have learned about transcription has come from studying E. coli. However, bioinformatic analyses indicate that the mechanisms and components of transcription in other bacterial species are similar to those characterized in E. coli.

RNA Polymerase Transcribes DNA to RNA An enzyme complex called RNA polymerase, also known as DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, carries out the process of transcription, making RNA copies (called transcripts) of a DNA template. The DNA template strand specifies the base sequence of the new complementary strand of RNA. Transcription involves (1) initiation, which is the binding of RNA polymerase to the beginning of the gene, followed by melting of the helix and synthesis of the fi rst nucleotide of the RNA; (2) elongation, the sequential addition of ribonucleotides from nucleoside triphosphates; and (3) termination, in which

■ Genes and Ge n o m e s


sequences at the end of the gene trigger release of the polymerase and the completed RNA molecule. RNA polymerase in bacteria consists of a “core polymerase,” which is a protein complex containing the essential components required for elongation of the RNA chain, plus a sigma factor, a protein needed only for initiation of RNA synthesis, not for its elongation. Core polymerase plus sigma factor together are called “holoenzyme.” Core RNA polymerase is a complex of four different subunits: two alpha (α) subunits, one beta (β) subunit, and one beta-prime (β′) subunit for every core enzyme (Fig. 8.2). The beta-prime subunit contains the Mg2+ -containing catalytic site for RNA synthesis, as well as sites for the ribonucleotide and DNA substrates and the RNA products. The three-dimensional structure of RNA polymerase resembles a hand, whose “fi ngers” consist of the beta and beta-prime subunits (Fig. 8.3). DNA fits into a cleft formed by the beta and beta-prime subunits (Fig. 8.2). The alpha subunit assembles the other two subunits into a functional complex and communicates through physical “touch” with

DNA channel



5 nm

Figure 8.2 Subunit structure of core RNA polymerase. Two stereo-image views of RNA polymerase. The channel for the DNA template is shown by the yellow line. The molecule is rotated as shown. Subunits are color-coded. Omega is a subunit of unclear function sometimes associated with RNA polymerase. To view the stereo-images, place a piece of cardboard vertically between the two images. Position your eyes on opposite sides of the cardboard and force them to focus behind the images. The images will merge and produce a 3-D image. (PDB code: 1HQM) Source: Robert D. Finn, Elena V. Orlova, Brent Gowen, Martin Buck, and Marin van Heel. 2000. Escherichia coli RNA polymerase core and holoenzyme structures. EMBO J. 19(24):6833–6844.

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Chapter 8

Tr a n s c r ip t io n , Translat ion, and B ioinformat ic s

Three-dimensional structure of RNA polymerase. RNA polymerase holoenzyme. Note the open channel able to accept DNA. To view the stereo-image, follow the instructions from Figure 8.2. (PDB code: 1L9U)

Figure 8.3

various regulatory proteins that can bind DNA. The resulting protein-protein communications instruct RNA polymerase in what to do after binding DNA. Promoter binding. Where does a gene begin and end?

The helical structure of a DNA sequence appears largely homogeneous compared to proteins, which bend and fold in complex ways. In fact, without sigma factor, the core RNA polymerase binds and releases DNA at random. Yet there must be a mechanism that tells RNA polymerase where a gene starts, because random transcription is extremely wasteful. The proteins responsible for guiding RNA polymerase to genes are the sigma (σ) factors (see Fig. 8.3B). A sigma factor binds RNA polymerase through the alpha subunit and then helps the core enzyme detect a specific DNA sequence, called a promoter, which signals the beginning of a gene. We will discuss how sigma recognizes a promoter later. A single bacter