i'iie Daily Argus. tfICQ B. 4. U. BUY Sage, brought init lut week to re-coyer (50,000 damage.
Judge Andrewi of New York, before whom tbe case wu argaed, decided araioet tbe plaintiff, on tbe ground, as it appear, tbat Liidlaw co'ild not prove that Sages act u' bim in any more danger than he was in heie he oiitf naily r-To d-NiZttune a crittik and a b. mb into conjunction with K'lseell Sgo it to be devoutiy I )jcJ that Judge Andre may be the only ASSMC Gdveus a Call and be convinced that we havq the most complete stock of PURE DRUGS IKOH-I-N 30R EMGUSlBfiOKFASTl THE BEST.CROWN IN CHINA. i tTHt IN AMERICA AMD INy2f0UNr AND POUND 4 c. LEAD FOAMS. U0FFE5; Patent Medicines To be bad in tbe city.
YOU Can get free a perfect art album, containing 24 beautiful photographs of Eastern life, by addressing CHASE 4 SANBORN. 87 Bread Sfewt CUatM. Maea, IK VOU DESJiE T1JE FINEST TEA, Toilet articles of every description. Lampa and Lamp trooda at greatly re. duced prices.
Perfumery Dd toilet waters in great variety. SOLD LN THIS CITY, USE CHASE For sale IN FACT WE HAVE EVERY Til I NQ USUALLY KEPT IN A FIR8T-CLA88 DRUGSTORE LB W. Walnut Street and at the Corner. Ezzjgxxoaj. pUE iiFccf ico, once rcgaided as lnxnry, lias 1 rinivcrpally an imperative necessity.
W1 i i third pari) prin-M ai a boff r. Hll 'ah The Bsrdea Mystery- The ttstimony for ih prosecution in the Hjrdc'i rape cam-j to an end yettrday. It line taken the widest suble range and jet has not actually thrown a single ray of light upon the mystery. Winner on circ*mstances have been presented at the trial, as at tho pre liminary hearing, that throw upon irden, but not one of them rises to the dignity ol evidence. It will bo generally agreed that tbe Common wealth has 4i led to make a caao Judging merely from the printed rtportf, tho defence might af ford to go to thejury without chII-ing any witnesses' ot its own.
Init there still icma'us the theory of 'exc ueive which constitutte all tho case there is against zz'e Borden, and it is evidently felt tbat this may be influential, for it is auaintt this that the opening testimony of tbo defense ia directed. Witnesses were called to show that L'zz Borden was not tho only person who bad the opportunity to commit tbe murders but tbat various strange persona had' been seen in tho immediate neighborhood at about tbe fatal ine It not necessary to cata! lisb a theory as to tho identity ot any of these or of bow or why they killed tbo Bordens it will hu sufficient if the theory of exclusive opportunity bo destroyed. Thus far tbe case is hb cjmplote a mystery as when the murder whs fust discovered, for even if L'zie Bofden ie gnilty, tho manner which sho accomplished theerimo is stiil inexplicable. It is not pot now tbat she can bo convicted. Tbe question is whether her counsel cm tccuro a positive nccpi tta'.
I'iild. Tunes, SUNDAY READING. Ma Up or Ditrera 1 1 1 I ni: The author of tbo old sonr, "Bon Bolt, so popular forty years ago written by Dr. Dunn English who S9W represents a New Jersey dis trict in Gong A writer for tho Philadelphia Tiviet, who saw him recently, says "Buvond wntiDg tbe sods of "lion Bolt," ho hai made a big pace in life, while looking serious enough to bolielna calling, lie is tall and thin, and tho last mm In the world whom you wo Id ever take to havo senti ment enough to write such a Jtm the benefit of older readers, who have forgotten it, and younger ones who never heard of it befoie, we reproduce tbe first 8tantz: Ob, don't jrou remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt Swtot Alioe whoso hair srsa so brownt She blushed with delight when you gavs Wr smile, And trambled with tear at jour frown, la the ld church yard in the valley, Btn Bolt, In a corner obtcarc and loae, Taey kava fitted a stab of granite so Aad awest Alice lies under th itane." Qu)FashiohlJi SANBORN'S. only by becom almost '1 is needed mi iuu I lfVr inn I IVjU.
in mi nH A ig uauiuilH Hie Clriftrminn anrl iMntr.nr a. a drj atruospbere and nniform tem. cy a perlect cjrcnktiqn of the Goldn.rro, Raleigh and Dtirbam. N. C.
CORN. MEAL AND C0FFEK Large fctocfc on hwd And for sale low at B. M. rRIVETTS. Ilavt yon seen tbM panta at vunsicu tu.nu n(m IV fOl a Mopdsy 7cU a yard.
7 si rnTe TebMoo PVara Smile Soaaetjp, when told that tobacco bortaOiern. tv.i. wtirea new do, bectvse shattered iietm weak eyes, chronic catarrh anr) lost nan- yourself about Ko-toae the WOTrral harralotft. gnaraatecd tobacco habit cur evvi.wi ilfu BUiiiim inns rtrkawt PCBL1IHED BT JOS. E.
KOBINS03T, EDITOR AND PKOPKIKTOK rut Aaoct n-it i tw reliable pair the peopieand the tamilr Democratic. aDd -r! a todtaoua do Im wherein tee people! rtt tak. alireaat if wo lOati alwjriTn)iTor tokrepour edl-nrtaT and local oolumn up to the day and Our clrtulfcUtHl rapid IJ lucrraJlMI i witkop to aoo 'cui rr It Hul I at lk4 a i U.DdBOUO. N. NK 1.
1W3 LET THE GOOD PREVAIL- OIJ Count De Loeaepa, has been discharged Irom prisoner in France, and we cannot say bat that we are glad that'll fa' afctUt ths) ood tbe old ma did In hta day to hn-manity baa won for him in bia great fall tbe unfeigned sorrow and sympathy of tbo it in fair to presume. Seldom baa there been painted a more touching picture of greatnoaa in miafortuno than that drawn by the sympathetic band ol 11. Sherard in the first number of Jc-Clurt't Mayanfif, entitled The Count I) Loaeepa ot To-day." Toe brave old enthusiast, ruined in body, mind and pocket, ia still! idol iod by bit fellow-towoamon, to whom hit always Keen a peticr-ous benefactor. Probably no higher tribute eo Id bare boeo paid alike to bia personal worth and to tbe Kaith which inspired him, than tbat expressed, strangely enough, by the unbeliever Kenan, when, welcoming De. Lesaopa to tho French Academy, bo said: ''Yon were good to all who came.
You made them feel that their paat wonld bo effaced and that a new life lay before them. In exchange you only asked tlioro to share your nth tabu to hi tbe1 work which yon had devoted to tho interest ot ranee, loo held that most peo-H pie can amend i only one will for get their paat. One day a whole gang of convicts arrived at Panama and took work at tbo canal. Tbo Austrian Consul demanded tbat they should be handed over to him; but yo delayed gmngjata isfaction to hit rcqne and at tbe end of tome weeks tbo Austrian consulate was folly occupied in remitting home to Austria, 4o ithair familica, or, lb tuay boj 14 Ubeir victim, tbe moneys which these outcast! whom yon a ad transformed into bonest workmen wire earning withlhe woVfr oi lhair bmrrth? You have declared your faith in human ity. Von hare convincod youraoJf and tried to convince others' tkat men ara loyal and good if only they have the wherewithal to live.
Ij is your opinion that it la op It ixf gcr tbat makes men bad, said yon in on of your lectures, 'have I bad for oti plaint against a.ny' bf' 1hr7w6rkmen, although I have employed ateaats, pariahs and convict. Work haa redeemed even the mort dishonest. 1 have neve hHnt rfebSsU, ntctCf of a haudtercfiief. It is a fact which I have proved, tiiat men can be brought to, anything (jibowlng them kiodneaa ana by persuading them tbat they are working ia a cause of universal intercaVj )Tbus yon have made green again what aeemed withered forever and aye. Yon have ivep, a CfltBry of unbelief, a atartling proof or tbe efficacy of faith." De Leeaepa haa experienced fall share of human ingratitude, too; but history will do him jostice aa a man who achieved gTSat deeds and, failing in greater ones, fell without loaa of honor or faith.
YtBKif the murderous crank Norcroes tried to kill the Rosaell Sage with a dynamite bomb, tbe attacked millionaire aaved bii life by palling a youns, man named Laid law between himself and the atfailanL -Saw sveaeed w1 little damag bt LaldJ yfaa Ufriblj Injured. KeftrroW and another man were killed- Laid law, after trying la tain to aeenre compeniation from Absolutely Pure. A f.vin ill l.irtur pow dyi Hib of all in lidveuintf (iiivcniiiaiit livirt. Itoyal Hakiu Ilt t'. 106, Wall St.
New York. Buoklen a Arnica Srivj Thb HaHTSAT.TEin tt) f- world lor(Juta Bniiaes, Borei, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Fevi oorea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chill Corns, anc! 8kin Eruptions, and r. i tively cdres Pilea, or no Ii Is guaraateod to (five perfect money relunded. Price 25 con's Ut. Y'it t)e bv J.
II. Hill A Son. All Free. Thole wild have ucil Dr. iik's New ilia coverjr know iu value, and who have not.
haye now the opportiuiity to try it free. Call on the verlUe I Jriwgiil ati'l krrt atrial bottle free. Semi your name aa'l adJresi to H. E. Bueklen Cblcaim, and K''t a sample box or Dr.
New Life I'llli Fre as wel as a eopy of (ful't to health and houne. hold In itructor, froe. All nf which is iriuranteed to do you irood and i i.nt you nothlntf. 11. lull Si Hon, druif store.
GOOD NEW 8. No other Medicine in tbe world was ever uiven such it test of its curative qualities as Otto's Cur. Thousands of ttottlis of this jjteiit German remedy art being distrilmti free of clia-ge, by drujj(ji8ts in tliis country, to those afflicted with C.msunidlion, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases, giving the pooplo rontthnt Otto's Cure will cure them, mid that it is the grandest triumph Medical scienc. For salo only by ,1. U.
Hill vt Son, sample free Large bott.es 50c, 8e tho World'H Fair 1'or 13 cents ITpiin n-cclpt of your adresi and flfioen oeuta ir poi lay utampn, Vi will ml you prepaid oui -Souvenir Portrold ofthd WorlJ's Columlilari F.x positlm tho reular prleq Go oent, hut as wc want you to hove one, wo niakf the price rvoinlna1. will find ll work ai and a thin to bo prized. It contains fu pave views of llio trreut liullill with descriptions or same, a-ul Is eTci utcil In highest style of art, 1 1 Jnot satiHled wll it, after you got It. wu will refund the stamps and lot you keep tho book. Address it.
E. IICCK I.RS, i'o. Chlcigo A Terrible Ilailroail Accident Is a dally ohroniclo In our paia-rn; a so thr death of mime dear filend, who has died wl'h Coiipumtitlon, wherea. if lie or ahc had taken Wtto'nt'i ro for Throat and l.un diseases In tl i e. life would have been rendered happier and perhap a snvml.
Heed Hie warning If you have a couuh or any atTeutlon of tho Throat and eall at J. II, II ill i Son sole ugen andi atrial bottle free. Large pizu fiie Engraving iir. u. if.
tfiiuiens, grndiiftte rarson liorolouical Institute. La l'orte is prepared to do all kinds of plain ana ianey entrraving at L. u. OlDDENS" Jewelry West Centre Street 'TO BUY A THING RIGHT, CO CL CO I CO 2 TJ CO a. w.
Merchant Tailor! OOLD8BOBO. N. O. GLAD TIDINGS. 1 lie grand specific for the nrevaillnT malady of the age, Liver Com plaint, General Uubili is Bacon's Celery core.
This treat herbal tonic atimulatea the digestive organ, regulate the Liver and resto-es our system to vigorous health aud enerri Samplea free. Larife pae kae-es 50c Sold I only by j. iuu A Son. PEACHES! PEACflES! Just receive I a lot of nice ripe pcachee, R.GRI FEIN'S, I Be atlam, neuraJgia, sprains, bru sei.l ack, it quick! i nnlVn ull I ly relierea pain. Sold binaon Bros.
Uoldaboro, N. C. GET A SIIAMPOOl Where? at Ward'i Tonsonal Palace. $18.00 SUITS. It will be to your interest to eall and examine my line of aamplea for auiti f- Ppring and.Snmnicr wear.
Also mr VA mum Lbe oua 1 hall DRUGGISTS, WEST CENTRE St. Goldsboro, N. C. We are selling mm. The best wearing and the hes fitting shirts on thai-market.
We now nave a nice stock of tlietn Laundered and Ualannflerefl, Very cheap quality considered We are headaarters for And if jou want to color it, joa caa bay from us 'CuHu'i PerfectioB Byes," Which are f.he beat dyea km fa Perfect FAST CULUKS. Hood Bkitt 4PST RECEIVED. IJO aacki Cflw Few. 25 boie LemoDS. 200 big.
Cow Peas, 75 Sacka horse feet. 3Q0 bale Choice Timoth 3 For sale low at a M. PRiyETT-S LJME, PIASTER, CEMENT. bbli Ljrn 100 bbla Cement and piaster, '-ALSO Lsifcs, Hair, etc, Low for paah af B. PBIVETr8.
9 ITS To make this ice tbe ruot Beryx-catle a RelnVorRtnr ine qnalitiee Boriht for in IMri I aa dnfliHa ontirolr nr. a a i VHI UD V()lvrd. thr. the cold air. i ne irincmie causes or decav ujLieiBiure, CaUelDif tiBMos winch hasten cay; henco The economical nae of ice in eunuucB touieir prceervatiOD, I1 L.a.r-J 1 i oinea oniy ihsj rijferator.
ana ltd condensation a the ice chamltor The LEADER REFRIGERATOR, which hii. bcienunc principles by which low temperature and dr? ness of air are naturally and inevitably obtained. It poeeseet, a proTiMoncIiitaber free from odor and -rodoce bet-ter results with less ice than an other RefrWnrnr It is the hcearett dry air Refrigerator qiade. I ricea from $5 00 to $25.00 It wUl doubly pay for itelt in one season, ROYALL BORDEN; JT3.i?xtcL3?Q Dealers Just Look. A lareo lot of Baldwin hio)cf.
uoo rioriaa orances an baoaoas ri i Jnst arrived at J. D. DANIEL'S. CHEAJ, CHEAP, CHEAP. WCl'S T0HS0rial FalaCe aa bt, ezperteDo of the Uatbw ino mom DoaineMia Unwi orn dot a bia to anuounoe to tba'puunu tlt maoofu.
All ta popular Barbera of th nitr.r. m.IimI In kla 1 i. nouraxoaa, aa folio -a JIM BATES, CHARLIE H. DENT, OLIVER-BADGER. JOHN D.
WILLIAMS. Wai. BEST. dud ulna to thank tbo puMlo pttoba they hare ex tended Btored with family Ooldaboro a4 pu efaaaed a boa ker. and iawriuiku.ik..
eoottnu to rxtoim mj beat efforts lc thotr ooo tin udcni fort aa aatiafaettoai la line 1 racnaia Ten rvapeetfulir. At Fordbaia a old atanA. lut pt 57, I'd a dream to-night As I tell asleep. Oh! the touching Bight Makes me atill to weep; Of my littls lad, Oons to leave me sad, Aye, the child I had. But waa not to keep.
As in Heaven high, I my child did seek, There, in train, came by Children fair and meek. Etch in lily-while. With a lamp alight. Each waa clear to aight. Bat they did not apeak.
Then, a little aad. Came my child ia tnrn. Bat the lamp he had. Ob! it did aot barn; Be to clear my doubt, Said, hall-tamed eboot, "Tour tears put it oat Mother, never moora," William Banes. HaTingjnst finished millinjr bare op hand aaerrl grarje new ripe, wh'ph ve of er at low fignrca.
Write for price and amiJeff Qidert proppf jjr filled, VeryiRe8pectfUUy, KfeL llif C3 G0tWH0E0j. enr2lnf for our littbj book titled "Don.t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lift Aw.y- mailed free. Drue gtnre pr. a'Ttfll N-toba. THB8TXJUJNO WE1T OO, Indiana Mineral Bprinp April lm.
LD-JW-SUBTT- pierchant Tai'c. Ooldaboro N. C..