Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (2024)

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  1. 4 days ago



    I don't get it

    • 4 days ago



      Me neither. I'm smart enough to understand fluids but not enough to understand factorio patchnotes

      • 4 days ago



        Thank frick. New players had to look on the wiki to find out why spamming underground pipes was 10x as effective as spamming regular pipes because of how flow worked.

        TLDR:1 Pump in 1 Pump out over distance instead of many pumps in between.

        • 4 days ago



          in ever used pumps and i sent rocket and left the planet then never launched the game again

        • 4 days ago



          I stumbled into underground pipes just because they made it not an unbearable pain in the ass to walk around my base. I've launched two rockets and I've never run into this whole pressure thing, honestly never even knew about it.

          • 4 days ago



            Exactly. 99% of the playerbase never ran into flow issues because regular bases don't ever come close to needing an entire pipe of anything. The ones that did had to deal with the janky flow rate. The expansion is all about production speed which means regular players might have started seeing the issues which is why they decided to just simplify it.

            • 4 days ago



              Simplification was the right move. If no one ever meaningfully interacted with it and it's otherwise a performance drop with no other purpose, what's the point? And no, tedium

              >This would add nothing to the actual gameplay
              That's what you think because you are too used to what you know.
              Having fluid that travels a lot slower like treacle down a pipe would force a player to think about layout, you can't use very long pipes and ideally a higher viscosity would have implications with pumps aswell, since pumps would not work that well on highly viscous fluids compared to something like water.
              Unless you totally saturate the input, any hiccup in the input would then have a ripple effect down the pipe.

              The solution would be to plan properly and have the creation of the liquid closer to the use of it.
              or it would make a more reasonable use for fluid wagons on trains as they could move it from a to b without the viscosity being a factor.

              But really the viscosity idea was simply a suggestion at better simulating fluid moving down the pipe, which they tried and failed to do.

              is not gameplay

              • 4 days ago


                i always thought the pump spam to get max throughput was stupid. But also they should make larger pipes for more throughput, like taking up 2 tiles and getting 4x throughput, same with undergrounds

    • 4 days ago



      Fluid flow used to be based off of how many input pipes there are.
      Now it's based off how big your storage is. Bigger storage = worse flow.

    • 4 days ago



      nothing has changed about why people don't get it

  2. 4 days ago



    on one hand I'm really happy. fluid was the biggest performance drain and was the very first thing to ruin your late game mega bases, specifically all the water that goes into nuclear energy. this means people will be able to make bases twice as big.

    on the other hand that means my oil field mod I wrote is now useless

    • 4 days ago



      It was never a problem if you built around it.
      Which means they removed an interesting late game challenge.

      • 4 days ago



        >It was never a problem if you built around it.
        it is a problem for ALL mega bases, but I mean actual endgame bases with insane rockets per minute. no matter how you build, if you start to run into performance issues on a high end PC, it's the fluids no exception.

        • 4 days ago



          i thought it was conveyors and therefore built everything with bots

          • 4 days ago



            Belts are a bottleneck, but bots push past that.
            Fluids are a bottleneck and there is nothing to push past it.

      • 4 days ago



        >Which means they removed an interesting late game challenge.
        It was never a late game challenge unless you went out of your way to make it one. Instead of fricking around with pumps you could just split your production so you didn't hit the throughput cap on a single pipe.

      • 4 days ago



        >Which means they removed an interesting late game challenge.
        You people are insufferable

      • 4 days ago



        I've got 4,000 hours in the game and they were a massive pain in the ass. Yeah it's really bending my brain being forced to add pumps between every pipe section, what'll we do without it.

      • 4 days ago



        Spamming undergrounds and pumps wasn't hard, just counterintuitive.

        >interesting challenge
        >known optimal solution that's trivial to implement
        Blow it out your ass.

        >This would add nothing to the actual gameplay
        That's what you think because you are too used to what you know.
        Having fluid that travels a lot slower like treacle down a pipe would force a player to think about layout, you can't use very long pipes and ideally a higher viscosity would have implications with pumps aswell, since pumps would not work that well on highly viscous fluids compared to something like water.
        Unless you totally saturate the input, any hiccup in the input would then have a ripple effect down the pipe.

        The solution would be to plan properly and have the creation of the liquid closer to the use of it.
        or it would make a more reasonable use for fluid wagons on trains as they could move it from a to b without the viscosity being a factor.

        But really the viscosity idea was simply a suggestion at better simulating fluid moving down the pipe, which they tried and failed to do.

        >dude what if I made fluid trains and in-place crafting even better LMAO

      • 4 days ago



        What fricking late game challenge lmao, just spam pumps or break down your facility blocks and be done with it.

      • 4 days ago




      • 4 days ago



        it was frustrating, not interesting. interesting would have had some chance of being figured out by the common player. What they had was so convoluted I didn't even know it was a problem to be solved, I always went way overboard making sure my pipes stayed filled because i had no idea what the problem was, when it happened, why it happened, or how badly it would affect things.

        flow is based on the order sh*t is built? that's just absolutely fricking moronic

  3. 4 days ago



    Explain, I have no idea what this does, fluids wont derp anymore when pumping huge amounts?

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (6)

      Basically fluids don't "travel" down a pipe and get less pressure the further the pipe goes.
      As soon as fluid hits a pipe it is spread across the whole pipeline connected to it.
      This stops throughput problems where a pipe is full or as mentioned previously the pipe it too long so you'd have to resort to putting a pump every few lengths of pipe to keep the fluid moving.

      • 4 days ago



        Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (7)

        Explain what these blocks are in a way thats self evident to somebody that has never played mindustry

        Have you ever seen factorio?

        • 4 days ago



          Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (8)

          Yes, it looks so much better than this rimworld wannabe

  4. 4 days ago



    Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (9)

    >an algorithm from the Minecraft mod Thermal Expansion
    Kovarex just can't beat old habits now can he

  5. 4 days ago



    Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (10)

    I already finished the game, but it was always moronic that you had to constantly utilize all of the 3 fluids in order to produce more of a single one.

    Also, was this autism?

    • 4 days ago



      >moronic that you had to constantly utilize all of the 3 fluids

      You didn't actually. If you use pumps with wires that only allow flow when X > Y you can avoid deadlocks entirely as long as your factory is running and using petroleum. You only needed a few chem plants turning heavy into light and light into petroleum to keep everything moving with zero issues.

      Alternatively you could do what I did when I was a n00b and spam dozens of storage tanks and just blow them up when they filled up. It's moronic but it works.

    • 4 days ago



      Factorio seems like a fun game to work on because it's 90% math, which is what people studying computer science in college are actually learning. As opposed to entering the workforce and doing boring CRUD apps

    • 4 days ago



      the 3 fluid problem was supposed to teach you about oil fracking and controlling pumps via simple tank checks

    • 4 days ago



      i remember on /egg/ people were talking about having a system setup where it'd check which fluid was the highest level and then changing around whats getting produced based off that in order to balance out the levels of all 3 but I was too much of a brainlet for that

      • 4 days ago



        Literally if [Heavy oil] > [Light oil], turn on pump that goes into heavy oil cracking, and send the resulting light oil into the light oil storage, and do the same with [Light oil] > [Petroleum gas]
        There are finer, more precise ways to do this, but the way factorio works, you will always consume way more petgas than anything else, so this setup should not break, and if it does, you're doing something horribly wrong

        • 4 days ago



          i remember when i first started fricking with oil my setups were always complicated and broke. Just kept refining it and this is literally the solution i arrived at lol. simple is better

      • 4 days ago




    • 4 days ago



      >was it autism
      yes, and it's a good thing
      Explains why most people only need 45 science per minute but crazy people can make 45 000

    • 4 days ago



      Undergrounds, moron....

      • 4 days ago



        You're moronic. That anon would have to check the wiki to know that undergrounds even worked differently since it's not explained in game. Hence the change.

        • 4 days ago



          They work the same. Storage tank is just a big pipe with restricted i/o positions, undergrounds are just a lomg pipe with restricted i/o
          The knowledge you need is the fact that fluid mechanics in the game aren't solvable, but rather an approximation of the correct behaviour that can be repeated to converge close to the answer. If you're a smart boy you can figure it out

          • 4 days ago



            >they work the same
            Except they don't when you factor in distance. Underground pipes can transport fluids a longer distance without losing as much flow as regular pipes over the same distance. A regular player has no way of knowing that.

            • 4 days ago



              I don't understand. Can't you solve any flow problems over long distances by having fluid pumps along the pipeline?

              • 4 days ago


                Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (12)

                Depends. If you want max throughput you need a pipe made entirely out of pumps that never turns. A player that doesn't know the mechanics would need WAY more pumps over the same distance if they aren't using underground pipes because of how for works per pipe section.

              • 4 days ago


                you can make turns using tanks.
                I've done this pump/tank autism for my megabase before.

              • 4 days ago


                >negligible difference between 10 and 200 pipes

              • 4 days ago


                thats why I always counted a single pipe as 1000, no matter how long, for calculations. only weird edge cases would i decide to calculate individual pipe line throughput

      • 4 days ago



        The tangible differences that underground pipes make tapers off as distance and/or number of attached machines/plants increases.
        If I've got 40+ plants that combined need around 1500 u/s over 10 chunks away from my petroleum processing, I'm still gonna need a sh*t ton of pumps, underground pipes or not.

  6. 4 days ago



    Satisfactory won.

    • 4 days ago



      GregTech won.

      • 4 days ago



        Gregtech the ic2 addon won
        The standalone mod is good but doesn't exhale that "modded minecraft" air

      • 4 days ago



        Gregtech the ic2 addon won
        The standalone mod is good but doesn't exhale that "modded minecraft" air

        Gregtech is fricking garbage
        Trash forces you to collect worthless sh*t for 30 hours going through the quest book to pad time

        • 4 days ago




          Gregtech the ic2 addon won
          The standalone mod is good but doesn't exhale that "modded minecraft" air

  7. 4 days ago



    >but it was always moronic that you had to constantly utilize all of the 3 fluids in order to produce more of a single one.
    ITT sh*tters and morons who probably couldn't launch a single rocket without pulling up the wiki or using online blueprints

  8. 4 days ago



    Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (13)

    Mindustry won

    • 4 days ago



      >everything looks the fricking same
      no thanks

      • 4 days ago



        what do you mean it looks more distinct than factorio

        • 4 days ago



          Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (14)

          Explain what these blocks are in a way thats self evident to somebody that has never played mindustry

          • 4 days ago



            Now take a screenshot of a Factorio base without alt mode

            • 4 days ago



              Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (15)

              Have you ever seen factorio?

              A belt looks like a belt
              A crafter looks like a crafter
              A furnace looks like a furnace
              A belt looks like a belt
              A crafter looks like a colored square
              A furnace looks like a colored square
              A press looks like a colored square
              A plasma drill looks like a colored square

              • 4 days ago


                Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (16)

                >A crafter looks like a crafter
                A mindustry crafter looks like a crafter, anon.
                A factorio crafter looks like... Hell I don't know what it looks like

              • 4 days ago


                Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (17)

                Why are you like this

              • 4 days ago


                anon why are you posting a TP?

              • 4 days ago


                nobody who already hasnt played that game will have any idea what hes looking at.

              • 4 days ago


                Nobody plays at this zoom level in either games
                Most objects in factorio are just low res real world things
                Mindustry is randomly selected colored squares with no cohesion

              • 4 days ago


                Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (18)

                >no cohesion with the other colored squares which they all are
                are you being moronic on purpose or do you just not know what that word means?

              • 4 days ago


                no cohesion between the real world object and the look of the random square you dumb b***h

              • 4 days ago


                so just learn what they do? it's a videogame

              • 4 days ago


                the graphics being so sh*t that you have to memorize arbitrary shapes is exactly my point you stupid c**t

              • 4 days ago


                so like 90% of items in factorio.

              • 4 days ago


                nice try Black person

              • 4 days ago


                >coming from low iq moron who confuses visual clarity with his personal opinion on graphical aesthetic

              • 4 days ago


                Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (19)

                I was talking about visual clarity from the very start you worthless fricking monkey Black person

              • 4 days ago


                then you are fricking moronic Black person

              • 4 days ago


                Never played factorio but I can guess what a few of those things are the same cannot be said of industry which I have also never played but could not even begin to guess what any of them are outside belts but given the way they design things some could be pipes

              • 4 days ago


                >can guess what a few of those things are
                in the end in both games you will need to learn what those things represent, hes original claim was they all look the same which is bullsh*t, from his comments its apparent real issue is his subjective opinion on the art style used in game. Personally i dont have a problem with it in a same way i dont care about chess figures being represented by simple and easy to distinguish flat 2D figures instead of some fancy overdesigned 3d object.

              • 4 days ago


                no one plays like this. turn on the alt mode chud

        • 4 days ago



          Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (20)

          he's just moronic, doesn't like the aesthetic but too stupid to communicate that
          mindustry is more fun than factorio for me by a longshot

  9. 4 days ago



    Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (21)

    Nothing can convince me to play a video game without my consent and that includes emotional blackmail.

  10. 4 days ago



    >easy fluids
    >they just made it so pipes actually work like pipes
    Why dont you play with your screen turned off while you are at it you masoch*stic hom*osexual?

    • 4 days ago



      >pipes actually work like pipes
      Pipes don't work like either
      >Pipes now
      >Fluid is like molasses that slowly works it's way down the pipe and runs out of energy after 10 segments.
      >Pipes after update
      >Fluid teleports to the end of the pipe and evenly distributes itself across the whole length.

      Ideally each fluid should have it's own viscosity and that viscosity determines how quickly the fluid travels down the pipes.

      • 4 days ago



        Game doesnt have the capability to simulate full fluid dynamics for every single pipe
        Rather have it instantly hit every output than not move for 30 minutes especially for gas

        • 4 days ago



          You don't have to actually simluate the fluid moving ingame.
          You just adjust the values traveling down the pipe to make it look like fluid is moving in there.

          Which is what they tried to do but couldn't get it to work, so they've given up and just had the pipe auto distribute throughout.

      • 4 days ago



        >Ideally each fluid should have it's own viscosity and that viscosity determines how quickly the fluid travels down the pipes.

        This would add nothing to the actual gameplay. The solution would still be spamming pumps.

        • 4 days ago



          >This would add nothing to the actual gameplay
          That's what you think because you are too used to what you know.
          Having fluid that travels a lot slower like treacle down a pipe would force a player to think about layout, you can't use very long pipes and ideally a higher viscosity would have implications with pumps aswell, since pumps would not work that well on highly viscous fluids compared to something like water.
          Unless you totally saturate the input, any hiccup in the input would then have a ripple effect down the pipe.

          The solution would be to plan properly and have the creation of the liquid closer to the use of it.
          or it would make a more reasonable use for fluid wagons on trains as they could move it from a to b without the viscosity being a factor.

          But really the viscosity idea was simply a suggestion at better simulating fluid moving down the pipe, which they tried and failed to do.

          • 4 days ago



            No, the solution would literally be the same as it is now but you would be waiting slightly longer for fluids to show up. People already use trains for long distance oil and viscosity wouldn't change that.

  11. 4 days ago



    it's over

  12. 4 days ago



    If you actually read the blog, fluids were literally not working well for the devs THEMSELVES due to new scaling methods in the expansion.
    This isn't them simplifying for anybody, it was an actual broken system.

  13. 4 days ago



    this is a godsend
    old fluids was moronic and didn't make sense most of the time
    2.0 is shaping up to be incredible
    the only thing we'll have to see is the quality stuff but even if that's sh*t, apparently you'll be able to disable it

  14. 4 days ago



    literally nothing changes from the brainlet perspective
    water in water out
    you still cant do it

  15. 4 days ago



    When you stop using pipes and have to use nothing but pumps because of fluid flow issues, then you know the system is fricking flawed. This new system looks infinitely better, especially for giant reactors.

  16. 4 days ago



    i read the blog and it seems like absolutely nothing changed about how smart you have to be to use the system

    • 4 days ago



      Newfriends can now thrive with the sh*ttiest vtubber setup imaginable and it will always work.
      Trains aren't mandatory for oil anymore.

  17. 4 days ago



    doesnt effect me, i use belts to transport fluids

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (22)

      Based barrel bro

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (23)

      Based barrel bro

      what's the point of using barrels instead of using pipes?

      • 4 days ago



        Mainly legacy content since barrels existed before fluid trains.
        One possible legit use case is to transport a small amount of heavy oil to jumpstart a coal liquifaction setup but in 99% of situations barrels are useless

        • 4 days ago



          Dont worry, the furgay will make sure you barrel your lube for space age
          The real question is, why dont we have science as a liquid or barrels of science that contain x10 as much science in them

      • 4 days ago



        maybe as like a challenge if you dont wanna use fluid wagons or something

      • 4 days ago



        I remember wanting to use a little bit of lubricant for something but didn't really want to route a train to that point since it was really just a small amount, so I used logistic bots with barrels instead.

      • 4 days ago



        Transporting fluids via bot network. That's about it

      • 4 days ago



        only use I had was transporting barrels over water with bots because I didn't want to make an ugly dirt line, but also to try it out

      • 4 days ago



        it allows you to never touch trains

      • 4 days ago



        I use them for flamethrower oil delivery to artillery outpost. Usually it doesn't get used as much as the rest of the stuff that gets delivered so you can use the remaining storage of regular wagon for shells etc.

  18. 4 days ago



    Is there a mod that makes the enemies humanoid instead of bugs OR a mod that gives you human defenses like a turret reskin or a new type of turret that is just a man with a gun

    • 4 days ago



      Probably. The original enemies were humanoid before they added the current bugs. I bet you can find a mod to bring them back.

  19. 4 days ago



    This is cool and all but how do you not get fricked over by enemies at the early stages?

    • 4 days ago



      Build turrets.
      Don't start in the desert because there's no trees to absorb pollution.

    • 4 days ago



      make three turrets, put some ammo in them, and lay them wherever you want to defend and manually give them some ammo
      Eventually enclose them with a layer of walls, by the time biters get close enough to hurt the walls you should have automated ammo production to be able to lay a perimeter of turrets taking ammo from a belt, and if you're not, just plot another three turrets next to those
      But you REALLY want to automate ammo production and bump ammo damage early

    • 4 days ago



      1. Manage your pollution, don't overbuild. Building 20 iron miners at the start like a speedrunner is a surefire way to get assfricked 20 minutes into the game and possibly softlocked because you can't defend against attack groups of 50-100+ biters.
      2. Build a bunch of turrets close together near polluters (miners, boilers, assemblers, furnaces) and surround them with stone furnaces or pipes, later walls
      3. Clear out nests that are too far into your pollution cloud. Always check the map with pollution enabled, if you see blinking squares there's a nest there. Turret creep is the only way to clear bigger nests in the early stages of the game. After that it's defender minions -> tank -> exo MK2 with personal lasers -> artillery train for the endgame
      4. Prevent enemy expansions by placing turrets in the wild at key locations, choke points between water/cliffs or 2-3 chunks away from other nests.
      5. If there's a nest you aren't able to take out deep inside your pollution cloud, you need to go and clear the assembling attack group every minute or two to prevent it from getting too big.

    • 4 days ago



      make a submachine gun
      make enough ammo
      clean the bases close to yours
      it's that easy

      • 4 days ago



        it works until it doesnt, eventually they evolve and unless you have fricking wall around your entire base they will be pushing your sh*t

        • 4 days ago



          >early stages

        • 4 days ago



          >unless you have fricking wall around your entire base they will be pushing your sh*t
          Solution: Build a fricking wall
          You live in a factory, if you're ever thinking sh*t like "gee where will I get all those walls or ammo" then you're doing something wrong

          • 4 days ago



            the wall is not the problem the fact i also need to connect pipes for flame throwers around entire base, which constantly needs to be rebuild and moved if I want to create some space. on top of it once i ran out of resources and needed to expand to completely new base i got weird decision paralysis because i had so much spaghetti to change i got overwhelmed and i decided to launch rocket and gtfo that planet.

            • 4 days ago



              Weird. I push out a bit and build my initial defense perimeter, by the time I'm ready to expand again I have bots so ctrl+x/ctrl+v makes rebuilding a complete non-issue

        • 4 days ago



          in later stages you can open the map, turn on the pollution viewer and go after the bases where the pollution is getting closer
          having a car or tank makes this even easier
          want to create a new base elsewhere? clean every one of their bases that are close
          but i would still recommend covering your bases with walls
          from my experience you don't even need to make advanced turrets, if one of your bases is being attacked, just put one of the submachine gun turrets and then deal with the enemy base later if you can't do it now

    • 4 days ago



      I build a row of turrets I fill it with ammo
      I build another row of turrets closer to the nest I fill those with ammo
      I repeat this process while driving around in a car and trying not to get caught by acid
      By selecting ammo and holding Z to drop I mouse over along the row of turrets very fast so that each time I mouse over a turret a new mag is deposited.

  20. 4 days ago



    It's dumb now. Fluids will teleport within a segment so you can have a 1000 mile pipe instantly transfer from one end to the other.

  21. 4 days ago



    i play with biters off

    • 4 days ago



      As you should. They're stressful when you're learning.

  22. 4 days ago



    I don't see the problem
    No player optimizes perfectly
    Not unless you're a sperg
    If you're a sperg play fricking Aurora

    • 4 days ago



      Spergs will optimize for one variable and think it's perfectly optimized. Engineering isn't perfection.

  23. 4 days ago



    fun mods for someone who has launched a rocket and wants a little more challenge but is not a turbo autist?

    • 4 days ago



      Krastorio2 adds new stuff without going completely moronic.
      Or just play vanilla deathworld and learn to love nukes.

      • 4 days ago



        deathworld is only hard at the beginning right?
        you reach bots and it's game over for biters, just like a normal game

    • 4 days ago



      Krastorio2 adds new stuff without going completely moronic.
      Or just play vanilla deathworld and learn to love nukes.

      Seconding K2. I liked Industrial Revolution 3 as well but it's a bit more autism than K2; there's a lot of intermediates but if you're smart you can make them inline especially since there's 1x1 assemblers

    • 4 days ago



      Krastorio2 is practically vanilla+
      Renai transportation for a funny gimmick
      Rampart to expand up on biters, but you may want to add some other for of military for them, leading into:
      Spiderlings to add a weaker spidertron that you can unlock before being practically done with the game
      Omnimatter to shake up the formula by having an universal goop that you turn into the different ores and raw materials for the game
      There's also literal randomizers that may or may not make the game hell

  24. 4 days ago



    >Brainlets win again.
    >You got your easy fluids.
    you're the brainlet anon. there were still many anomalias with the fluid system even after several years of fixing it, they just finally realized fluid dynamics in real life work by magic and cannot be simulated even in 2d

  25. 4 days ago



    Anyone has the centrifuge webm? or some other autism kino

  26. 4 days ago



    I'm more surprised that people apparently are building these long ass pipes. Proper base design makes this a complete non issue. Use fluid wagons or oilbarrels for long distance transport, if you have genuinely need 50 tiles lengths of pipe to get oil where they need to go or you have one pipe supplying literally every single facility, you messed up big time.

    • 4 days ago



      if you build any decent sized nuclear setup (8 or more reactors) reactor you WILL experience fluid glitches

    • 4 days ago



      It's not that, its the branching problem; fluids don't divide evenly at a junction. Hence the webms.
      That's the hype part.
      Idfc about pipes teleporting fluids.
      I care about less circuit tedium.

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (24)

      >he doesn't have a pipe bus

      • 4 days ago



        i like the mod that has an extra set of non-joining pipes. so those pipes could all be next to eachother with different liquids without them all trying to join together. makes it look a lot nicer

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (25)

      if you build any decent sized nuclear setup (8 or more reactors) reactor you WILL experience fluid glitches

      I built this nuclear plant that was completely run by trains bringing in water.
      There was a fluid glitch where -even though the system was completely symmetrical- the water in the pipes would prefer sitting in the top left of the system, there were no issues with pumps telling the water to go that way over any other way it just seemed to be a quirk of the way fluids worked.

      You can see it irregularity with the cyan lights, they show how much water is in each corner.
      All corners should be theoretically equal as the way the pumps work made it all one system.
      They will be equal after this update mind you.

      • 4 days ago




      • 4 days ago



        >nuclear plant melted down because hobos stole the copper cable from one of the signal boxes
        you will never be a civil engineer.

      • 4 days ago



        Absolutely elegant.

      • 4 days ago



        Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (26)

        Holy kino.

        • 4 days ago



          A.I. is so frickin neat

  27. 4 days ago



    wait this is a mod? nvm then factorio devs are the brainlets

  28. 4 days ago



    Why? I never had any problems with throughput, or was even close to having problems.
    The only case where it would matter would probably be nuclear reactor water consumption, and even then it's easier to just directly build the reactor setup on body of water with pumps having 0 distance from heat exchangers.

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (27)

      Because they're cranking up the throughput limit to insane heights and fluids just wouldn't fit with the jank system we have now.

      >and even then it's easier to just directly build the reactor setup on body of water with pumps having 0 distance from heat exchangers.
      Now you won't have to

      • 4 days ago



        Man I'd love to see how many belts of iron that thing's eating up.

        • 4 days ago



          Well they are in fact eating molten iron. Iron is a fluid now, that's one of the reasons why this fluid update is amazing.
          >(way) easier (big) nuclear reactors
          >easier Vulcanus foundry
          >easier petroleum processing
          >great for newfriends getting into the game again, great for autismo-megabasers

  29. 4 days ago



    Even satisfactory has pipe pressure, lmao factorio ez game

  30. 4 days ago



    Krastorio is the single most fun I've ever had in this game and then I tried SE and it's such unredeemable garbage that me and my buddy got bored and quit before even going into space. Fantastic idea. Horrendous execution. I hope the DLC they're eventually going to release is just SE but designed more balanced like the base game so it's actually fun to play.

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (28)

      Space age is going to be far less moronic than SE. You certainly won't need every single low tier inserter to make a higher tier stacker.

    • 4 days ago



      They have the SE modder on a leash.
      Every time he starts acting up with his sad*stic tendencies, they electrocute the mf
      When he tried to implement stone byproducts they made him sleep outside.

    • 4 days ago



      Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (29)

      Space age is going to be far less moronic than SE. You certainly won't need every single low tier inserter to make a higher tier stacker.

      They have the SE modder on a leash.
      Every time he starts acting up with his sad*stic tendencies, they electrocute the mf
      When he tried to implement stone byproducts they made him sleep outside.

      Does the expansion even have a release date yet?

      • 4 days ago



        apparently the rumor is that it's coming out in october.

        • 4 days ago




          • 4 days ago



            Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (30)

  31. 4 days ago



    maybe satisfactory will delete their god awful pipe pressure mechanic they badly copied

  32. 4 days ago



    Another change that ruins the game even further. It's amazing how every update justifies my refusal to get the expansion further.

    • 4 days ago



      For me it was the price raise. It was always overpriced but that did it for me along with the scummy no sale policy. Definitely not buying it now.

    • 4 days ago



      This is literally the best update Factorio has ever gotten because fluid throughput control absolutely did not fricking work in the slightest.

      • 4 days ago



        It worked fine. If you had an issue with the fluid dynamics then you were just a brainlet. It's far from the worst update, but it's still death by a thousand cuts.

        >It's amazing how every update justifies my refusal to get the expansion further.
        The various mechanic tweaks will be applied to the base game in 2.0, they have nothing to do with purchasing the expansion or not. So unless you never update, you're getting the changes too

        Then I'll never update or make a mod that undoes the new fluid handling and train mechanics, simple as.

        • 4 days ago



          Cry about it, puss*

    • 4 days ago



      >It's amazing how every update justifies my refusal to get the expansion further.
      The various mechanic tweaks will be applied to the base game in 2.0, they have nothing to do with purchasing the expansion or not. So unless you never update, you're getting the changes too

      • 4 days ago



        Factorio devs are awesome and have old versions of the game available to download if you don't want to update.
        I'm sure some autist is still playing the version when alien science was a drop from nests.

  33. 4 days ago



    This is lame as frick.
    Fluid flow caused a lot of niche situations where it was better to transport fluids via train than manually. Now fluid trains are completely worthless outside of outposts.

    I know on one save I wound up with a super cursed dedicated track full of water trains to fuel a nuclear plant, and it was cool.

  34. 4 days ago



    Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (31)

    frick now after this thread i feel like playing factorio. there's too many good games out rn

Brainlets win again. You got your easy fluids. Now you have NO excuse (2024)
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