Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D. - Department of Psychology · Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D. ... 2650 Yale Blvd. SE MSC11 6280 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) ... A cognitive-behavioral treatment - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D. - Department of Psychology· Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D. ... 2650 Yale Blvd. SE MSC11 6280 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) ... A cognitive-behavioral treatment


8/24/2015 1 Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D. University of New Mexico Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA) 2650 Yale Blvd. SE MSC11 6280 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 925-2388 [emailprotected] EDUCATION September, 1966 - June, 1969 B.S., Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana September, 1973 - August, 1974 Psychology Intern, Worcester State Hospital, Worcester, MA January, 1971 - August, 1975 Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI Dissertation: Psychological functioning in the alcohol misuser: An integrative model. Allen Berman, Ph.D., dissertation chair. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CURRENT POSITIONS July, 2008 - present Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of New Mexico August, 2007 - present Director, Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA), University of New Mexico July, 2008 - present Visiting faculty, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University PAST POSITIONS August, 2007 - June, 2008 Professor of Psychology, University of New Mexico August, 2005 - July, 2007 Chair, Department of Psychology, Rutgers University July, 2000 - July, 2007 Professor II, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ September, 1983 - July, 2007 Clinical Director, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University July, 1993 - July, 2005 Area Coordinator - Clinical Psychology (Director of Clinical Training), Department of Psychology, Rutgers University December, 1992 - July, 2007 Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine (also Department of Psychiatry, 6/98), University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey July, 1998 - July, 2005 and Director, Program for Addictions Consultation and Treatment, Rutgers

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Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D.

University of New Mexico Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA)

2650 Yale Blvd. SE MSC11 6280

Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 925-2388


EDUCATION September, 1966 - June, 1969 B.S., Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana September, 1973 - August, 1974 Psychology Intern, Worcester State Hospital, Worcester, MA January, 1971 - August, 1975 Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI Dissertation: Psychological functioning in the alcohol misuser: An

integrative model. Allen Berman, Ph.D., dissertation chair. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CURRENT POSITIONS July, 2008 - present Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of New Mexico August, 2007 - present Director, Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA), University of New Mexico July, 2008 - present Visiting faculty, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University PAST POSITIONS August, 2007 - June, 2008 Professor of Psychology, University of New Mexico August, 2005 - July, 2007 Chair, Department of Psychology, Rutgers University July, 2000 - July, 2007 Professor II, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ September, 1983 - July, 2007 Clinical Director, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University July, 1993 - July, 2005 Area Coordinator - Clinical Psychology (Director of Clinical Training), Department of Psychology, Rutgers University December, 1992 - July, 2007 Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine (also Department of Psychiatry, 6/98), University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey July, 1998 - July, 2005 and Director, Program for Addictions Consultation and Treatment, Rutgers



February, 1985 - March, 1987 University, St. Peter's Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ January, 1990 - January, 1992 Acting Director, Center of Alcohol Studies, Rutgers University July, 1989 - June, 2000 Professor, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Rutgers University September, 1983 - June, 1989 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University July, 1984 - August, 1998 Director, New Jersey Impaired Dentists Program January, 1986 - December, 1992 Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey October, 1976 - August, 1983 Chief, Problem Drinkers Program, Butler Hospital, Providence, RI January, 1976 - July, 1983 Instructor (1/76-1/78), Assistant Professor (1/78-6/80), Associate

Professor (7/80-6/83) Section of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University

July, 1975 - October, 1976 Chief, Psychological Assessment Program, Butler Hospital February, 1974 - June, 1975 Clinical Project Evaluator, Alcoholism Joint Admission Project, Butler Hospital August, 1972 - August, 1973 Psychology Trainee, Butler Hospital September, 1972 - June, 1973 Psychology Trainee, Child and Family Services, Newport, RI June, 1972 - August, 1972 Special Instructor in Psychology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI September, 1968 - June, 1970 Research Assistant in Neurobiology, Purdue University PUBLICATIONS BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS 1. Paolino, T. J., Jr. & McCrady, B. S. (1977). The alcoholic marriage: Alternative perspectives. New

York: Grune & Stratton, Inc. 2. Paolino, T. J., Jr. & McCrady, B. S. (Eds.) (1978). Marriage and marital therapy: Psychoanalytic,

behavioral and systems theory perspectives. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc. 3. McCrady, B. S., Noel, N. E. & Nirenberg, T. D. (1985). Future directions in alcohol abuse treatment

research, NIAAA Research Monograph No. 15. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

4. Nathan, P. E., Langenbucher, J. W., McCrady, B. S. & Frankenstein, W. (Eds.) (1991). Annual review of addictions research and treatment, Vol. I. Elmsford, N.Y.: Pergamon Press.

5. Langenbucher, J. W., McCrady, B. S., Frankenstein, W. & Nathan, P. E. (Eds.) (1992). Annual review of addictions research and treatment, Vol. II. Elmsford, N.Y.: Pergamon Press.



6. Langenbucher, J. W., McCrady, B. S., Brick, J., & Esterly, R. (1993). Socioeconomic evaluations of addictions treatment, Office of National Drug Control Policy, President's Commission on Model State Drug Laws, Washington, D.C.

7. McCrady, B. S., & Miller, W. R. (1993). Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: Opportunities and alternatives. New Brunswick, NJ: Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc., Rutgers University.

8. Langenbucher, J. W., McCrady, B. S., Frankenstein, W. & Nathan, P. E. (Eds.) (1994). Annual review of addictions research and treatment, Vol. III. Elmsford, N.Y.: Pergamon Press.

9. McCrady, B., Villarino, R. R., & Otero-López, J. M. (1998). Los problemas de la bebida: Un sistema de tratamiento paso a paso. Manual del terapeuta. Manual de autoayuda. Madrid, Spain: Psicología Pirámide.

10. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (1999). Addictions: A comprehensive guidebook. NY: Oxford University Press.

11. Roberts, L. J. & McCrady, B. S. (2003). Alcohol problems in intimate relationships: Identification and intervention. A guide for marriage and family therapists. NIH Publication No. 03-5284. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

12. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2009). Overcoming alcohol problems: A couples-focused program. New York: Oxford University Press.

13. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2009). Overcoming alcohol problems: Workbook for couples. New York: Oxford University Press.

14. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2009). A cognitive-behavioral treatment program for overcoming alcohol use problems: Therapist guide. New York: Oxford University Press.

15. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2009). A cognitive-behavioral treatment program for overcoming alcohol use problems: Client workbook. New York: Oxford University Press.

16. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2013). Addictions: A comprehensive guidebook, 2nd edition. NY: Oxford University Press.

REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. Altman, J. & McCrady, B. S. (1972). The influence of nutrition on neural and behavioral

development. IV. Effects of infantile undernutrition on the growth of the cerebellum. Developmental Psychology, 5, 111-112.

2. Paolino, T. J. & McCrady, B. S. (1976). Joint admission as a treatment modality for problem drinkers: A case report. American Journal of Psychiatry, 133, 222-225.

3. Paolino, T. J., McCrady, B. S., Diamond, S., & Longabaugh, R. (1976). Psychological disturbances in spouses of alcoholics: An empirical assessment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 37, 1600-1603.

4. Monti, P. M., McCrady, B. S., & Barlow, D. H. (1977). Effects of positive reinforcement, informational feedback and contingency contracting on a bulimic anorexic. Behavior Therapy, 8, 258-263.

5. McCrady, B. S., Paolino, T. J., & Longabaugh, R. L. (1978). Correspondence between problem drinker and spouse report of drinking behavior and impairment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 39, 1252-1257.

6. Paolino, T. J., McCrady, B. S. & Diamond, S. (1978). Some alcoholic marriage statistics: An overview. International Journal of Addictions, 13, 1285-1293.

7. Paolino, T. J., McCrady, B. S., & Kogan, K. B. (1978). Alcoholic marriages: A longitudinal empirical assessment of alternative theories. British Journal of Addiction, 73, 129-138.

8. McCrady, B. S., Paolino, T. J., Longabaugh, R. L. & Rossi, J. (1979). Effects of joint hospital admission and couples treatment for hospitalized alcoholics: A pilot study. Addictive Behaviors, 4, 155-165.

9. Faris, R., Paolino, T. J. & McCrady, B. S. (1980). Clinical and administrative aspects of joint hospital admissions for alcoholic couples. International Journal of Family Psychiatry, 1, 295-307.



10. McCrady, B. S., Moreau, J., Paolino, T. J. & Longabaugh, R. (1982). Joint hospitalization and couples' therapy for alcoholism: Four-year outcomes. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 43, 1244-1250.

11. Longabaugh, R. L., McCrady, B. S., Fink, E. & Stout, R., McAuley, T. & McNeill, D. (1983). Cost-effectiveness of alcoholism treatment in inpatient versus partial hospital settings: Six-month outcomes. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 44, 1049-1071.

12. McCrady, B. S., Longabaugh, R., Fink, E. & Stout, R. (1983). Behavioral alcoholism treatment in the partial hospital. International Journal of Partial Hospitalization, 2, 83-95.

13. Fink, E. B., Rudden, S., McCrady, B. S., Longabaugh, R., Stout, R. (1984). Adherence in a behavioral alcohol treatment program. International Journal of the Addictions, 19, 707-719.

14. McCrady, B. S., Duclos, S. E., Dubreuil, E., Stout, R. & Fisher-Nelson, H. (1984). Stability of drinking prior to alcoholism treatment. Addictive Behaviors, 9, 329-333.

15. Sher, K. J. & McCrady, B. S. (1984). The MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale: Severity of alcohol abuse. Addictive Behaviors, 9, 99-102.

16. Fink, E. B., Longabaugh, R., McCrady, B. S., Stout, R. L., Beattie, M., Ruggieri-Authelet, A., & McNeill, D. (1985). Effectiveness of alcoholism treatment in partial versus inpatient settings: Twenty-four month outcomes. Addictive Behaviors, 10, 235-248.

17. McCrady, B. S. & Sand, K. H. (1985). Differences in patterns of sex-role conflict among alcoholics. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 94, 237-239.

18. McCrady, B. S., Longabaugh, R., Fink, E., Stout, R., Beattie, M., Ruggieri-Authelet, A. & McNeill, D. (1986). Cost effectiveness of alcoholism treatment in partial hospital versus inpatient settings after brief inpatient treatment: Twelve month outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 708-713.

19. McCrady, B. S., Noel, N. E., Stout, R. L., Abrams, D. B., Fisher-Nelson, H. & Hay, W. (1986). Comparative effectiveness of three types of spouse involvement in outpatient behavioral alcoholism treatment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 47, 459-467.

20. McCrady, B. S. & Smith, D. (1986). Implications of cognitive impairment for the treatment of alcoholism. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 10, 145-149.

21. McCrady, B. S. (1987). Interpersonal contexts, alcohol consumption and alcoholism: Implications for treatment. Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy, 9, 127-143.

22. Nathan, P. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1987). Bases for the use of abstinence as a goal in the behavioural treatment of alcohol abusers. Drugs and Society, 1, 109-132.

23. Noel, N. E., McCrady, B. S., Stout, R. L. & Fisher-Nelson, H. (1987). Predictors of attrition from an outpatient alcohol couples treatment program. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 48, 229-237.

24. McCrady, B. S. (1989). Extending relapse prevention models to couples. Addictive Behaviors, 14, 69-74.

25. McCrady, B. S. (1989). The impaired professional: From retribution to rehabilitation. Journal of Drug Issues, 19, 337-349.

26. McCrady, B. S. (1990). The divine, the saturnine and the internecine: Comments on Ellis and Schoenfeld. Journal of Substance Abuse, 2, 477-480.

27. McCrady, B. S., Noel, N. E., Stout, R. L., Abrams, D. B. & Nelson, H. F. (1991). Effectiveness of three types of spouse-involved behavioral alcoholism treatment: Outcome 18 months after treatment. British Journal of Addictions, 86, 1415-1424.

28. Messer, S. B., Fishman, D. B., & McCrady, B. S. (1991). Conducting a self-study in a professional psychology program. Professional Psychology, 22, 405-406.

29. Niles, B., & McCrady, B. S. (1991). Detection of alcohol problems in a hospital setting. Addictive Behaviors, 16, 223-233.

30. Noel, N. E., McCrady, B. S., Stout, R. L. & Nelson, H. F. (1991). Gender differences in marital functioning of male and female alcoholics. Family Dynamics of Addiction Quarterly, 1, 31-38.



31. Smith, D., & McCrady, B. S. (1991). Cognitive impairment among alcoholics: Impact on drink refusal skill acquisition and treatment outcome. Addictive Behaviors, 16, 265-274.

32. Fishman, D. B., Messer, S. B., & McCrady, B. S. (1992). Evaluation-based planning of professional psychology training programs: A model and case example. Evaluation and Program Planning, 15, 357-367.

33. McCrady, B. S. (1992). A reply to Peele: Is this how you treat your friends? Addictive Behaviors, 17, 67-72.

34. Morgenstern, J., & McCrady, B. S. (1992). Curative factors in alcohol and drug treatment: Behavioral and disease model perspectives. British Journal of Addiction, 87, 901-912.

35. Bennett, M. E., & McCrady, B. S. (1993). Subtype by comorbidity in young adult substance abusers. Journal of Substance Abuse, 5, 365-378.

36. Bennett, M. E., McCrady, B. S., Frankenstein, W., Laitman, L. A., Van Horn, D., & Keller, D. (1994). Identifying young adult substance abusers: The Rutgers Collegiate Substance Abuse Screening Test. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 54, 522-527.

37. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1994). Research on the nature and treatment of alcoholism: Does one inform the other? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 1091-1095.

38. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Miller, K. J., & Steinberg, M. L. (1994). Attrition from conjoint alcoholism treatment: Do dropouts differ from completers? Journal of Substance Abuse, 6, 249-265.

39. Keller, D. S., Bennett, M. E., McCrady, B. S., Paulus, M. D., & Frankenstein, W. (1994). Treating college substance abusers: Description of a model program. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 11(6), 569-581.

40. McCrady, B. S. (1994). AA and behavior therapy: Can habits be treated as diseases? Can diseases be treated as habits? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 62, 1159-1166.

41. Miller, K. J., McCrady, B. S., Abrams, D. B., & Labouvie, E. W. (1994). Taking an individualized approach to the assessment of self-efficacy and the prediction of alcoholic relapse. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 16, 111-120.

42. Epstein, E. E., Kahler, C. W., McCrady, B. S., Lewis, K. D., & Lewis, S. (1995). An empirical classification of drinking patterns among alcoholics: Binge, episodic, sporadic, and steady. Addictive Behaviors, 20, 23-41.

43. Kahler, C., Epstein, E. E., & McCrady, B. S. (1995). Loss of control and inability to abstain: The measurement of and the relationship between two constructs in male alcoholics. Addiction, 90, 1025-1036.

44. Kahler, C. W., Epstein, E. E., & McCrady, B. S. (1995). On chefs, tailors, and toolmakers: A reply to the commentaries. Addiction, 90, 1037-1051.

45. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (1995). Directions for research on alcoholic relationships: Marital- and individual-based models of heterogeneity. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 9, 157-166.

46. Bennett, M. E., McCrady, B. S., Keller, D. S., & Paulus, M. D. (1996). An intensive treatment program for collegiate substance abusers: Progress six months after treatment entry. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 13, 219-225.

47. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Hirsch, L. S. (1996). Issues in the implementation of a randomized clinical trial that includes Alcoholics Anonymous: Studying AA-related behaviors during treatment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57, 604-612.

48. McCrady, B. S., & Langenbucher, J. W. (1996). Alcoholism treatment and health care reform. Archives of General Psychiatry, 53, 737-746

49. McCrady, B. S., Richter, S., Morgan, T. J., Slade, J., & Pfeifer, C. (1996). Involving health care workers in screening for alcohol problems. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 15, 45-58.

50. Morgenstern, J., Frey, R.M., McCrady, B.S., Labouvie, E. & Neighbors, C. (1996). Examining mediators of change in traditional chemical dependency treatment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57, 53-64.



51. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Hirsch. L.S. (1997). Marital functioning in early versus late onset alcoholic couples. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 21, 547-556.

52. Hirsch, L. S., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (1997). The Drinking-Related Locus of Control Scale: The factor structure with treatment-seeking outpatients. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 58, 162-166.

53. Morgenstern, J. Labouvie, E., McCrady, B. S., Kahler, C. W., & Frey, R. M. (1997). Affiliation with Alcoholics Anonymous following treatment: A study of its therapeutic effects and mechanisms of action. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 768-777.

54. Steinberg, M. L., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Hirsch, L. S. (1997). Sources of motivation in a couples' outpatient alcoholism treatment program. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 23, 191-205.

55. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1998). Behavioral couples treatment of alcohol and drug use disorders: Current status and innovations. Clinical Psychology Review, 18, 689-711.

56. Bennett, M. E., McCrady, B. S., Johnson, V., & Pandina, R. J. (1999). Problem drinking from young adulthood to adulthood: Patterns, predictors, and outcomes. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 605-615.

57. McCrady, B. S. & Bux, D. (1999). Ethical issues in informed consent with substance abusers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67, 186-193.

58. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Hirsch, L. S. (1999). Maintaining change after conjoint behavioral alcohol treatment for men: Outcomes at six months. Addiction, 94, 1381-1396.

59. Raytek, H. S., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Hirsch, L. S. (1999). Therapeutic alliance and the retention of couples in conjoint alcoholism treatment. Addictive Behaviors, 24, 317-330.

60. McCrady, B. S. (2000). Substance use disorders and the Division 12 Task Force of the American Psychological Association. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 14, 267-276.

61. Bates, M. E., Voelbel, G. T., Labouvie, E. W., McCrady, B. S., Blanchard, K. A. and Pinski. I. (2001). Asymmetric patterns of relations between performance on six tests of executive function in persons seeking addictions treatment. Brain and Cognition, 47, 230-259.

62. McCrady, B. S. (2001). Introduction to Special Series: “Behavior therapy perspectives on the American Psychiatric Association practice guidelines.” Behavior Therapy, 32, 209-210.

63. McCrady, B. S. & Ziedonis, D. (2001). American Psychiatric Association practice guideline for substance use disorders. Behavior Therapy, 32, 309-336.

64. Morgenstern, J., Morgan, T. J., McCrady, B. S., Keller, D. S., & Carroll, K. M. (2001). Manual-guided cognitive-behavioral therapy training: A promising method for disseminating empirically supported substance abuse treatments to the practice community. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 15, 83-88.

65. Chung, N., Langenbucher, J. L., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, S. (2002). Use of survival analyses to examine onset and staging of DSM-IV alcohol symptoms in women. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 16, 236-242.

66. Epstein, E. E., Labouvie, E., McCrady, B. S., Jensen, N. K., & Hayaki, J. (2002). A multisite study of alcohol subtypes: Classification and overlap of unidimensional and multidimensional typologies. Addiction, 97, 1041-1053.

67. McCrady, B. S., Hayaki, J., Epstein, E. E., & Hirsch, L. S. (2002). Testing hypothesized predictors of change in conjoint behavioral alcoholism treatment for men. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26, 463-470.

68. O‟Leary, T. A., Brown, S. A., Colby, S. M., Cronce, J. M., D‟Amico, E. J., Fader, J. S., Geisner, I. M., Larimer, M. E., Maggs, J. L., McCrady, B. S., Palmer, R. S., Schulenberg, J., & Monti, P. M. (2002). Treating adolescents together or individually? Issues in adolescent substance abuse interventions. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26(6), 890-899.

69. Kahler, C. W., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2003). Sources of distress among women in treatment with their alcoholic partners. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 24, 257-265.



70. Morgenstern, J., Riordan, A., McCrady, B. S., Blanchard, K., McVeigh, K. H., & Irwin, T. W. (2003). Barriers to employability among substance dependent and non-substance abusing women on Federal welfare: Implications for program design. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 64, 239-246.

71. Epstein, E. E., Labouvie, E., McCrady, B. S., Swingle, J., & Wern, J. (2004). Development and validity of drinking patterns classification: Binge, episodic, sporadic, and steady drinkers in treatment for alcohol problems. Addictive Behaviors, 29, 1745-1761.

72. Kahler, C. W., Read, J. P., Stuart, G. L., Ramsey, S. E., McCrady, B. S., & Brown, R. A. (2004). Motivational enhancement for 12-step involvement among patients undergoing alcohol detoxification. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, 736-741.

73. Humphreys, K., Wing, S., McCarty, K., Chappel, J., Gallant, L., Haberle, B., Horvath, A. T., Kaskutas, L. A., Kirk, T., Kivlahan, D., Laudet, A., McCrady, B. S., McLellan, A. T., Morgenstern, J., Townsend, M., & Weiss, R. (2004). Self-help organizations for alcohol and drug problems: Toward evidence-based practice and policy. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 26, 151-158.

74. Kelly, S., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2004). Pretreatment attrition from couple therapy for male drug abusers. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 30, 1-19.

75. McCrady, B. S. (2004). To have but one true friend: Implications for practice of research on alcohol use disorders and social networks. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 18, 113-121.

76. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Kahler, C. W. (2004). AA and relapse prevention as maintenance strategies after conjoint behavioral alcohol treatment for men: 18 month outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, 870-878.

77. Share, D., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2004). Stage of change and decisional balance for women seeking treatment. Addictive Behaviors, 29, 525-535.

78. Drapkin, M. L., McCrady, B. S., Swingle, J., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, S. M. (2005). Exploring bidirectional couple violence in a clinical sample of female alcoholics. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 66, 213-219.

79. Epstein, E. E., Drapkin, M. L., Yusko, D. A., Cook, S. M., McCrady, B. S. & Jensen, N. K. (2005). Is alcohol assessment therapeutic? Pretreatment change in drinking among alcohol dependent females. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 66, 369-378.

80. Blanchard, K. A., Sexton, C. C., Morgenstern, J., McVeigh, K. H., McCrady, B. S., Morgan, T. J. & Irwin, T. W. (2005). Children of substance abusing women on Federal welfare: Implications for child well-being and TANF policy. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 12, 89-110.

81. Longabaugh, R., Donovan, D. M, Karno, M. P., McCrady, B. S, Morgenstern, J., & Tonigan, J. S. (2005). Active ingredients: How and why evidence-based alcohol behavioral treatment interventions work. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 29, 235-247.

82. Haaga, D. A. F., McCrady, B., & Lebow, Jay. (2006). Integrative principles for treating substance use disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62, 675-684.

83. McCrady, B. S., Zucker, R. A.., Molina B. S., Ammon, L., Ames, G. M., & Longabaugh, R. (2006). Social environmental influences on the development and resolution of alcohol problems. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 30, 688-99. PMCID1472665

84. Epstein, E.E., Rhines, K. C., Cook, S., Zdep-Mattocks, B., Jensen, N. K., & McCrady, B. S. (2006). Changes in alcohol craving and consumption by phase of menstrual cycle in alcohol dependent women. Journal of Substance Use, 11, 323-332.

85. Kingree, J., Thompson, M., McCrady, B. S., & Tonigan, J. S. (2006). The development and initial evaluation of the Survey of Readiness for Alcoholics Anonymous Participation. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 20, 453-462.

86. Morgenstern, J., Blanchard, K. A., McCrady, B. S., McVeigh, K. H., Morgan, T. J., & Pandina, R. J. (2006). A randomized field trial examining the effectiveness of intensive case management for substance dependent women receiving temporary assistance for needy families (TANF). American Journal of Public Health, 96, 2016-2023.



87. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S., Morgan, T. J., Kugler, G, & Ziedonis, D. (2007). The successive cohort design: A model for developing new behavioral therapies for drug use disorders, and application to behavioral couple treatment. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, 6, 1-19.

88. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S., Morgan, T. J., Kugler, G, & Ziedonis, D. (2007). Couples treatment for drug-dependent males: Preliminary efficacy of a stand alone outpatient model. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, 6, 21-37.

89. Manuel, J. K., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., Cook, S., & Tonigan, J. S. (2007). The pretreatment social networks of females with alcohol dependence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 68, 871-878.

90. Green, K., Pugh, L., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2008). Unique aspects of female primary-alcoholic relationships. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, 7, 169-176.

91. Morgenstern, J., Blanchard, K. A., Kahler, C., Barbosa, K. M., McCrady, B. S., & McVeigh, K. H. (2008). Testing mechanisms of action for intensive case management. Addiction, 103, 469-477. PMCID1751803

92. Al-Otaiba, Z., Worden, B., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2008). Accounting for self-selected drinking goals in the assessment of treatment outcome. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 22, 439-443.

93. Worden, B., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2008). Assessment reactivity to follow-up in a study of women‟s treatment for alcohol dependence. Addictive Behaviors, 33, 831-835.

94. McCrady, B. S. (2008). Facilitando el cambio en personas con trastorno por uso de sustancias ¿Qué nos dicen las investigaciones? (Facilitating change for persons with substance use disorders: What does research suggest?) Special issue, “Mental Health Policies,” Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicológica, 17, 103-112.

95. Menges, D., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E. & Beem, C. (2008). Psychometric evaluation of the Drinking Patterns Questionnaire: A measure of high-risk drinking situations. Addictive Behaviors, 33, 1061-1066. PMCID3150847

96. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., Cook, S., Jensen, N. K., & Hildebrandt, T. (2009). A randomized trial of individual and couple behavioral alcohol treatment for women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77, 243-256. PMCID3150864

97. Zweig, R. D., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2009). Investigation of the psychometric properties of the Drinking Patterns Questionnaire. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, 8, 39-51.

98. Hunter-Reel, D., McCrady, B. S., & Hildebrandt, T. (2009). Emphasizing interpersonal factors: An extension of the Witkiewitz and Marlatt relapse model. Addiction, 104, 1281-1290. PMCID 2714871

99. Morgenstern, J., Neighbors, C. J., Kuerbis, A., Riordan, A., Blanchard, K. A., McVeigh, K. H., Morgan, T. J., & McCrady, B. S. (2009). Improving 24-month abstinence and employment outcomes for substance-dependent women receiving temporary assistance for needy families with intensive case management. American Journal of Public Health, 99, 328-333. PMCID26227881

100. Graff, F. S., Morgan, T. J., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S. M., Jensen, N. K., & Kelly, S. (2009). Engagement and retention in outpatient alcoholism treatment for women. American Journal on Addictions, 18, 277-288. PMC3137894

101. Hildebrandt, T., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., Cook, S., & Jensen, N. (2010). When should clinicians switch treatments?: An application of signal detection theory to two treatments for women with alcohol use disorders. Behavior Research and Therapy, 48, 524-530. PMCID2871965

102. Ladd, B. O., McCrady, B. S., Manuel, J. K., & Campbell, W. (2010). Improving the quality of reporting alcohol outcome studies: Effects of the CONSORT statement. Addictive Behaviors, 35, 660-666.

103. Hunter Reel, D., McCrady, B. S., Hildebrandt, T., & Epstein, E. E. (2010). The indirect effect of social support for drinking on drinking outcomes: the role of motivation. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, 930-937. PMCID2965492



104. Cohn, A. M., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, S.M. (2010). Men's avoidance coping and female partner's drinking behavior: A high-risk context for partner violence? Journal of Family Violence, 25, 679-687. PMCID3001677

105. Cohn, A., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Jensen, N., Hunter-Reel, D., Green, K. E., & Drapkin, M. L. (2011). Pre-treatment clinical and risk correlates of substance use disorder patients with primary depression. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72, 151-157.

106. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., Cook, S., Jensen, N. K., & Ladd, B. O. (2011). What do women want? Alcohol treatment choices, treatment entry and retention. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 25, 521-529.

107. Hussaarts, P., Roozen, H. G., Meyers, R. J., van de Wetering, B. J., M., & McCrady, B. S. (2012). Problem areas reported by substance abusing individuals and their concerned significant others. American Journal on Addictions, 21, 38-46.

108. Manuel, J. K., Austin, J. L., Miller, W. R., McCrady, B. S., Tonigan, J. S., Meyers, R. J., Smith, J. E., & Bogenschutz, M. P. (2012). Community Reinforcement and Family Training: A pilot comparison of group and self-directed delivery. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43, 129-136.

109. Farris, S., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Hunter-Reel, D. (2012). Do co-morbid anxiety disorders predict drinking outcomes in women with alcohol use disorders? Alcohol and Alcoholism, 47, 143-148.

110. McCrady, B. S. (2012). Treating alcohol problems with couple therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 68(5), 514-525. doi: 10.1002/jclp.21854

111. Monnig, M. A., Tonigan, J. S., Yeo, R. A., Thoma, R. J., & McCrady, B. S. (2012). White matter volume in alcohol use disorders: A meta-analysis. Addiction Biology, 1369-1600.

112. Al-Otaiba, Z., Epstein, E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2012). Age-based differences in treatment outcome among alcohol dependent women. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 26, 423-431.

113. McCrady, B. S. (2012). Overcoming the glass ceiling: Views from the cellar and the roof. Behavior Therapy, 43, 718-720.

114. Ladd, B. O., Glynn, L. H., Fischer, D. J., Owens, M., Hallgren, K. A., McLouth, C. J., Monnig, M. A., Campbell, W., & McCrady, B. S. (2012). A guide for starting a specialty training clinic: An alcohol treatment program example. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 44, 65-72.

115. Worden, B. L. & McCrady, B. S. (2013). Effectiveness of a feedback-based brief intervention to reduce alcohol use in community substance use disorders treatment. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 31, 186-205.

116. Hallgren, K. A. & McCrady, B. S. (2013). Interference in the alcohol Stroop task with college student binge drinkers. Journal of Behavioral Health, 2, 112-119.

117. Grosso, J. A., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Gaba, A., Cook, S., Backer-Fulghum, L., & Graff, F. S. (2013). Women‟s motivators for seeking treatment for alcohol use disorders. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2236-2245.

118. Tonigan, J. S., Rynes, K., & McCrady, B. S. (2013) Spirituality as a change mechanism in 12-step programs: A replication, refinement and extension. Substance Use and Misuse, 48, 1-13.

119. Hunter-Reel, D., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Eddie, D. (2013). Personality disorders and the prediction of alcohol use outcomes for women: Dimensional versus categorical classification. Addiction Research and Theory,

120. McCrady, B. S., Owens, M. D., Borders, A. Z., & Brovko, J. (2014). Psychosocial approaches to alcohol use disorders since 1940: A review. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75, Supplement 17, 68-78. PMID: 24565313

121. Owens, M., Hallgren, K. A., Ladd, B. O., Rynes, K., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. (2013). Associations between relationship satisfaction and drinking urges for women in alcohol behavioral couples and individual therapy. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 31, 415-430.



122. Owens, M. D., & McCrady, B. S. (2014). The role of the social environment in alcohol or drug use of probationers recently released from jail. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment, 13(4), 179-189. doi: 10.1097/ADT.0000000000000039.

123. Owens, M. D., McCrady, B. S., Borders, A. Z., Brovko, J. M., & Pearson, M. R. (2014). Psychometric properties of the System for Coding Couples‟ Interactions in Therapy – Alcohol. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1077-1088. doi: 10.1037/a0038332

124. Drapkin, M. L., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Eddie, D. (in press). Sudden Gains among women in treatment for alcohol dependence. Addiction Research and Theory.

125. Hallgren, K. A., & McCrady, B. S. (in press). We-language and sustained reductions in drinking in couple-based treatment for alcohol use disorders. Family Process.

126. Ladd, B. O. & McCrady, B. S. (in press). Typology of couples entering alcohol behavioral couple therapy: An empirical approach and test of predictive validity on treatment response. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.

127. Drapkin, M. L., Eddie, D.S., Buffington, A., & McCrady, B.S. (in press). Alcohol-specific coping styles of adult children of individuals with alcohol use disorders and associations with psychosocial functioning. Alcohol and Alcoholism.

128. Hallgren, K. A., Owens, M. D., Brovko, J. M., Ladd, B. O., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2015). Trajectories of drinking urges during individual- and couple-based cognitive-behavioral treatment for alcohol use disorders. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 33, 161-184.

BOOK CHAPTERS 1. McCrady, B. S. (1982). Women, alcohol abuse and the life cycle. In: M. Notman and C. Nadelson

(Eds.), The woman patient: Medical and psychological interfaces, (Vol. 3). NY: Plenum Press. 2. McCrady, B. S. (1982). Marital dysfunction. In: E. M. Pattison & E. Kaufman (Eds.), Encyclopedic

handbook of alcoholism, NY: Guilford Press. 3. McCrady, B. S. (1982). Conjoint behavioral treatment of an alcoholic and his spouse: The case of

Mr. and Mrs. D. In: W. Hay & P. Nathan (Eds.), Clinical case studies in the behavioral treatment of alcoholism. NY: Plenum Press.

4. McCrady, B. S. & Sher, K. (1983). Alcoholism treatment approaches: Patient variables, treatment variables. In: B. Tabakoff, P. B. Sutker & C. L. Randall (Eds.), Medical and social aspects of alcohol abuse (pps. 309-373). NY: Plenum Press.

5. Hingson, R., McCrady, B. S. & Walsh, D. (1984). Adverse social consequences of alcohol use and alcoholism. In: Fifth special report to Congress on alcohol and health. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

6. McCrady, B. S. (1984). Women, alcoholism and behavior therapy. In: E. Blechman (Ed.) Behavioral modification with women. NY: Guilford Press.

7. Noel, N. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1984). Target populations for alcohol abuse prevention. In: P. M. Miller & T. D. Nirenberg (Eds.), Prevention of alcohol abuse, NY: Guilford Press.

8. Noel, N. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1984). Behavioral treatment of an alcohol abuser with the spouse present: Two case studies. In: Kaufman, E. (Ed.), Family case studies in the treatment of alcoholism: The power to change. NY: Gardner Press.

9. McCrady, B. S. (1985). Alcoholism. In: D. H. Barlow (Ed.) Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual. New York: Guilford Press.

10. McCrady, B. S., Dean, L., Dubreuil, E. & Swanson, S. (1985). The Problem Drinkers Project: A programmatic application of social learning based treatment. In: G. A. Marlatt & J. Gordon (Eds.), Relapse prevention: Maintenance strategies in the treatment of addictive behaviors. NY: Guilford Press.



11. McCrady, B. S. & Sher, K. J. (1985). Treatment variables. In: B. S. McCrady, N. E. Noel & T. D. Nirenberg (Eds.) Future directions in alcoholism treatment research, NIAAA Research Monograph No. 15, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

12. McCrady, B. S. (1986). The family in the change process. In: W. R. Miller & N. Heather (Eds.), Treating addictive behaviors: Processes of change. NY: Plenum.

13. McCrady, B. S. & Frankenstein, W. (1986). Advice for friends and families. In: R. Kilburg, R. Thoreson, & P. Nathan (Eds.) Professionals in distress: Issues, syndromes and solutions in psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

14. McCrady, B. S. (1987). Implications of neuropsychological research findings for the treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics. In: O. Parsons, N. Butters & P. Nathan (Eds.), Neuropsychology of alcoholism: Implications for diagnosis and treatment. NY: Guilford Press.

15. McCrady, B. S. & Hay, W. (1987). Coping with problem drinking in the family. In: J. Orford (Ed.), Coping with disorder in the family. London: Croom Helm.

16. McCrady, B. S. (1988). Behavioral medicine and the woman alcoholic. In: E. A. Blechman & K. Brownell (Eds.), Handbook of behavioral medicine for women. NY: Plenum Press.

17. McCrady, B. S. (1989). The outcomes of family-involved alcoholism treatment. In: E. Gottheil & M. Galanter (Eds.), Recent developments in alcoholism, Vol. VII. Treatment Issues. NY: Plenum Press.

18. McCrady, B. S. & Irvine, S. (1989). Self-help groups in the treatment of alcoholism. In: R. Hester & W. R. Miller (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches. NY: Guilford Press.

19. McCrady, B.S. (1990). The marital relationship and alcoholism treatment. In: L. C. Collins, K. E. Leonard, B. A. Miller, & J. S. Searles (Eds.) Alcohol and the family. New York: Guilford Press.

20. Langenbucher, J. W., Frankenstein, W., McCrady, B. S., & Nathan, P. E. (1991). Editor's concluding remarks. In: P. E. Nathan, J. W. Langenbucher, B. S. McCrady, & W. Frankenstein (Eds.), Annual review of addiction research and treatment, Vol. I. Elmsford, N.Y.: Pergamon Press.

21. McCrady, B. S. (1991). Behavior therapy. In: R. Corsini & D. Wedding (Eds.), Five therapists and one client. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock. [Reprinted in Dumont, F. & Corsini, R. (2006), Six therapists and one client. NY: Springer Publishing Company.

22. McCrady, B. S. (1991). Behavioral marital therapy for alcoholics. In: P. A. Keller & S. R. Heyman (Eds.), Innovations in clinical practice. Sarasota, Florida: Professional Resource Exchange, Inc.

23. Langenbucher, J. W., McCrady, B. S., Frankenstein, W. & Nathan, P. E. (1992). Editor's overview. In: J. W, Langenbucher, B. S. McCrady, W. Frankenstein, & P. E. Nathan (Eds.), Annual review of addiction research and treatment, Vol. II. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.

24. McCrady, B. S. (1992). Behavioral treatment of the alcoholic marriage. In: E. Kaufman & P. Kaufman (Eds.) Family therapy of drug and alcohol abuse. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

25. McCrady, B. S. (1992). Commentary on "Lay Treatment." In: Langenbucher, J. W., McCrady, B. S., Frankenstein, W. & Nathan, P.E. (Eds.), Annual review of addiction research and treatment, Vol. II. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press.

26. McCrady, B. S. (1993). Alcoholism. In: D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders: A step-by-step treatment manual, second edition, NY: Guilford Press.

27. McCrady, B. S. (1993). Relapse prevention: A couples therapy perspective. In: T. J. O'Farrell (Ed.), Treating alcohol problems. Marital and family interventions. NY: Guilford Press.

28. McCrady, B. S. & Raytek, H. (1993). Women and substance abuse: Treatment modalities and outcomes. In: E. Gomberg & T. D. Nirenberg (Eds.), Women and substance abuse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Press.

29. McCrady, B. S., Morgenstern, J. (1993). Substance abuse in adults. In: R. T. Ammerman & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of behavior therapy with children and adults: A longitudinal perspective. NY: Pergamon Press.



30. Miller, W. R. & McCrady, B. S. (1993). The importance of research on Alcoholics Anonymous. In: B. S. McCrady & W. R. Miller (Eds.). Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: Opportunities and alternatives. New Brunswick, NJ: Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc., Rutgers University.

31. Noel, N. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1993). Alcohol-focused spouse involvement with behavioral marital therapy. In: T. J. O'Farrell (Ed.), Treating alcohol problems. Marital and family interventions. NY: Guilford Press.

32. McCrady, B. S. (1994). Family issues in collegiate alcohol use, misuse, and treatment. In: G. S. Howard & P. E. Nathan (Eds.), Issues in alcohol use and misuse by young adults, pps. 179-198. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.

33. McCrady, B. S., Delaney, S. I. (1995). Self-help groups. In: R. K. Hester & W. R. Miller (Eds.) Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: Effective alternatives. Needleham, MA: Allyn-Bacon.

34. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (1995). Marital therapy in the treatment of alcohol problems. In: N. Jacobson & A. Gurman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marital therapy, Second edition. NY: Guilford Press.

35. Wynne, R. D., McCrady, B. S., Kahler, C., Liddle, H. A., Palmer, R. B., Horberg, L. K., & Schlesinger, S. E. (1995). When addictions affect the family. In: M. Harway (Ed.), Understanding and treating the changing family. NY: Wiley Press.

36. McCrady, B. S. (1996). Treatment of alcohol and drug problems. Part. 1. In: R. K. Hester & S. Brown (Eds.), The study course for the American Psychological Association Examination for Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders (audiotape series). Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.

37. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E. (1996). Theoretical bases of family approaches to substance abuse treatment. In: F. Rotgers, D. S. Keller, & J. Morgenstern (Eds.) Treatment of substance abusers: Theory and technique. NY: Guilford Press.

38. McCrady, B. S. (1998). Recent research on twelve step programs. In: A. W. Graham, T. K. Schultz, & B. B. Wilford (Eds), Principles of addiction medicine, Second edition (pps. 707-718). Chevy Chase, MD: American Society of Addiction Medicine, Inc.

39. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Kahler, C. (1998). Families of alcoholics. In: N. N. Singh (Ed.), Comprehensive clinical psychology, Volume 9. Applications in diverse populations (pp. 199-218). Oxford, England: Elsevier Science.

40. McCrady, B. S. (2001). Alcohol use disorders. In: D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders, Third edition (pp. 376-433). New York: Guilford Publications.

41. McCrady, B. S. (2001). Addiction. In: W. E. Craighead & C. Nemeroff (Eds.), The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology and behavioral science, Third edition. NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

42. McCrady, B. S. (2001). Alcoholics Anonymous. In: N. S. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences. Oxford, England: Elsevier Science.

43. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2002). Marital therapy in the treatment of alcohol problems. In: A. S. Gurman & N. A. Jacobson (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marital therapy, Third Edition (pps. 597-628). NY: Guilford Press.

44. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Sell, R. D. (2003). Theoretical bases of family approaches to substance abuse treatment. In: F. Rotgers, D. S. Keller, & J. Morgenstern (Eds.). Treatment of substance abusers: Theory and technique, Second edition (pps. 112-139). NY: Guilford Press.

45. McCrady, B. S., Horvath, A. T., & Delaney, S. I. (2003). Self-help groups. In: R. K. Hester & W. R. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches. Effective alternatives, Third Edition (pps. 165-187). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

46. McCrady, B. S. & Share, D. (2003). Recent research on twelve step programs. In: A. W. Graham, T. K. Schultz, M. F. Mayo-Smith, R. K. Ries, & B. B. Wilford (Eds.), Principles of addiction medicine, Third edition (pps. 955-968). Chevy Chase, MD: American Society of Addiction Medicine, Inc.



47. McCrady, B. S., Haaga, D. & Lebow, J. (2005). Integrative principles in the treatment of substance use disorders. In: L. G. Castonguay & L. E. Beutler (Eds.), Principles of therapeutic change that work. NY: Oxford University Press.

48. McCrady, B. S. & Nathan, P. E. (2005). Impact of treatment factors on outcomes of treatment for substance use disorders. In: L. G. Castonguay & L. E. Beutler (Eds.), Principles of therapeutic change that work (pps. 319-340). NY: Oxford University Press.

49. McCrady, B. S. (2006). Alcohol and other substance use problems. In: A. Carr & M. McNulty (Eds.), Handbook of adult clinical psychology. London: Brunner-Routledge.

50. McCrady, B. S. (2006). Family and other close relationships. In: W. R. Miller, & K. M. Carroll (Eds.). Rethinking substance abuse: What the science shows and what we should do about it. New York: Guilford Press.

51. McCrady, B. S. (2007). Alcohol use disorders. In: D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders, Fourth edition (pp. 492-546). New York: Guilford Publications.

52. Green, K., Worden, B., Menges, D., & McCrady, B. S., (2008). Assessment of alcohol use disorders. In: J. Hunsley & E. Mash (Eds.), A guide to assessments that work (pps. 339-369). NY: Oxford University Press.

53. Kelly, J. F. & McCrady, B. S. (2008). Twelve-step facilitation in non-specialty settings. In: M. Galanter & L. A. Kaskutas (Eds.), Recent developments in alcoholism, Volume 18: Alcoholics Anonymous and spirituality in addiction recovery (pps. 321-346). New York: Springer.

54. McCrady, B. S. & Tonigan, J. S. (2009). Recent research into twelve step programs. In: R. Ries, D. Fiellin, S. Miller, & R. Saitz, (Eds), Principles of addiction medicine, Fourth edition (pps. 923-937). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

55. McCrady, B. S., & Glynn, L. H. (2010). Addiction. In I. B. Weiner and W. E. Craighead (Eds.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, v. 1, 4th Edition (pp. 24-26). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

56. McCrady, B. S., Ladd, B., Vermont, L., & Steele, J. (2010). Alcohol research methods – interviews. In: P. G. Miller, J. Strang, & P. M. Miller (Eds), Addiction research method (pps. 109-125). Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing.

57. Hallgren, K. A., Greenfield, B. L., Ladd, B., Glynn, L. H., & McCrady, B. S. (2012). Alcohol use disorders. In P. Sturmey and M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 133-166). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. doi: 10.1002/9781118156391.ebcp002007

58. McCrady, B. S., Ladd, B. O., & Hallgren, K. A. (2012). Theoretical bases of family approaches to substance abuse treatment. In: S. Walters & F. Rotgers (Eds.). Treating substance abuse: Theory and technique, third edition (pp. 224-255). NY: Guilford Press.

59. McCrady, B. S., Owens, M., & Brovko, J. (2013). Couples and family treatment methods. In: B. S. McCrady & E. E. Epstein (Eds.), Addictions: A comprehensive guidebook, second edition (pps. 454-481). NY: Oxford University Press.

60. McCrady, B. S. (2014). Alcohol use disorders. In: D. H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders, 5th edition (pps. 533-587). New York: Guilford Publications.

61. McCrady, B. S. & Tonigan, J. S. (2014). Recent research into twelve step programs. In: R. Ries, D. Fiellin, S. Miller, & R. Saitz, (Eds), Principles of addiction medicine, 5th edition (pps. 1043-1059). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

62. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2015). Couple therapy in the treatment of alcohol problems. In: D. K. Snyder & J. Lebow (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy, 5th edition. NY: Guilford Press.

63. McCrady, B. S. (in press). Mechanisms of change and the treatment of alcohol use disorders. In: D. McKay, J. Abramowitz, & E. Storch (Eds.), Mechanisms of syndromes and treatment for psychological problems. NY: Wiley Press.



64. McCrady, B. S., Borders, A., Fokas, K., Greenfield, B., Halger, K., & Muñoz, R. (in press). Treatment of alcohol use disorders. In: A. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

REVIEWS, OTHER NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONS 1. McCrady, B. S. (1978). Review of Miller, P.M. & Mastria, M.A. (1977). Alternatives to alcohol

abuse: a social learning model. Champaign, IL: Research Press. In: Behaviour Modification, 2, 285-287.

2. Rossi, J. S., McCrady, B. S., & Paolino, T.J . (1978). "A and B but not C": A note on item format. Psychological Reports, 42, 1346.

3. McCrady, B. S. (1981). Treating the alcoholic marriage. American Journal of Family Therapy, 9, 87-89. Reprinted in: A. Gurman, (Ed.) (1982). Questions and answers in practice of family therapy, Volume 2, NY: Brunner/Mazel. 4. McCrady, B. S. (1982). Experiencing couples therapy. (1980). Review of: Bockus, F. (1980).

Couple therapy. NY: Jason Aronson. In: Contemporary Psychology, 27, 120-121. 5. McCrady, B. S. (1982). Review of: Barnard, C.P. (1981). Families, alcoholism and therapy.

Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. In: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 8, 98-100. 6. McCrady, B. S. (1985). The impaired dentists program. Journal of the New Jersey Dental

Association, 52-54. 7. McCrady, B. S. (1984-85). Relative effectiveness of differing components of spouse-involved

alcoholism treatment. Substance Abuse, 6, 12-15. 8. McCrady, B. S. (1985, letter). Comments on the controlled drinking controversy. American

Psychologist, 40, 370-371. 9. McCrady, B. S. (1985). Review of: Coleman, S.M. (1985). Failures in family therapy. NY: Guilford

Press. In: Child and Family Behavior Therapy. 10. McCrady, B. S. (1986). Implications for behavior therapy of the changing alcoholism health care

delivery system. the Behavior Therapist, 9, 171-174. 11. Milgram, G. G. & McCrady, B. S. (1986). Employee assistance: Policies and programs. New

Brunswick: Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc. 12. McCrady, B. S. (1986). Review of: Kaufman, E. (1985). Substance abuse and family therapy.

Orlando, FL: Grune & Stratton. In: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 12, 105-107. 13. McCrady, B. S. (1988). Personality disorder or problem in living: The faces of "co-dependence."

Review of: Cermak, T. L. (1986). Diagnosing and treating co-dependence: A guide for professionals who work with chemical dependents, their spouses, their children. Minneapolis, MN: Johnson Institute Books. In: Contemporary Psychology, 33, 73.

14. McCrady, B. S. (October 1988). Review of: Steinglass, P., Bennett, L., Wolin, S. & Reiss, D. (1987). The alcoholic family. NY: Basic Books, Inc. In: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 14(4), 438-440.

15. McCrady, B. S. (1989, February). Step by step program evaluation: Economic, clinical factors making evaluations increasingly necessary. Addiction Program Management, 3(2), 26-28.

16. McCrady, B. S. (1989, March). Step by step program evaluation: Major designs, standards to be used when evaluating treatment outcomes. Addiction Program Management, 3(3), 41-43.

17. McCrady, B. S. (1989, April). Step by step program evaluation: Risk of bias must be addressed at each of evaluation study. Addiction Program Management, 3(4), 53-54.

18. McCrady, B. S. (1989, May). Step by step program evaluation: Follow guidelines to obtain accurate outcome data from follow-up sources. Addiction Program Management, 3(5), 68-70.



19. McCrady, B. S. (1989, June). Step by step program evaluation: Quality of life issues now important indications of program effectiveness. Addiction Program Management, 3(6), 82-84.

20. McCrady, B. S. (1989, July). Step by step program evaluation: Evaluating the outcomes of addiction treatment: Putting it all together. Addiction Program Management, 3(7), 98-100.

21. McCrady, B. S. (1991). Promising but under-utilized treatment approaches. Alcohol Health and Research World, 15, (3), 215-218.

22. McCrady, B. S. (1992, letter). Treatment field requires more than single perspective. Professional Counselor, 21.

23. McCrady, B. S. (1993). Behavioral approaches to the treatment of addiction. New Jersey Medicine, 90, 856-857.

24. McCrady, B. S. (1993, letter to the editor). the Behavior Therapist, 16(5), 132. 25. McCrady, B. S. (1993). Faith or reason: Alcoholics Anonymous and Rational Recovery. Review of:

Trimpey, J., (1992). The small book: A revolutionary alternative for overcoming alcohol and drug dependence (3rd ed.), In: Contemporary Psychology, 38, 582-583.

26. McCrady, B. S. (1993). Women and addictive behaviors. Review of: Bepko, Claudia, (1991). Feminism and addiction and Van Den Bergh, Nan, (1991). Feminist perspectives on addictions. In: Psychology of Women Quarterly, 17(4), 545-547.

27. McCrady, B. S. (1994). Review of Sobell, M. B. & Sobell, L. C., Problem drinkers: Guided self-change for treatment, In: Clinical Psychology Review, 14(7), 697-700

28. McCrady, B. S. (1995). Don Cahalan was right - The alcohol field does act like a "Ship of Fools." The Addiction Newsletter, APA Division 50, 2(2), 5, 16-17.

29. McCrady, B. S. & Miller, W. R. (1997, letter). Top twelve priorities for clinical research. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58, 557-558.

30. McCrady, B. S. (1998). Some meditations on spirituality. The Addictions Newsletter, 6, 25-26. 31. McCrady, B. S. (1999). Review of Margolis, R. D. & Zweben, J. E., Treating patients with alcohol

and other drug problems: An integrated approach. In: Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 44, 244-247.

32. McCrady, B. S. (Speaker). (2000). Couples therapy for addictions. [Videorecording]. In J. Lewis & J. Carlson (producers), Brief therapy for addictions. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Republished by Mill Valley, CA: Psychotherapy.Net 33. McCrady, B. S. (2000). Review of Galanter, M. Network therapy for alcohol and drug abuse, second

edition. In: Addiction, 95, 454. 34. Anonymous (2001). Conversation with Frederick B. Glaser. Addiction, 96, 1709-1723. 35. McCrady, B. S. (2001). Twenty-seven years with alcoholics and their partners, and still going.

AABT Couples Special Interest Group Newsletter, Vol. 7(1). 6-8. 36. McCrady, B. S. (2001). Division, Union, and the Desire to Help. The Addictions Newsletter

(President‟s Column), 9(1), 1, 13, 15. 37. McCrady, B. S. (2002). What‟s important to you as a Division 50 member? The Addictions

Newsletter (President‟s Column), 9(2), 1, 11. 38. McCrady, B. S. (2002). Growing - With not too many pains. The Addictions Newsletter (President‟s

Column), 9(3), 1, 4-5. 39. McCrady, B. S. (2004). What should psychologists know about alcohol and other drugs?

PsycCRITIQUES. 40. McCrady, B. S. (2004). Reflections on a career as an addictions researcher. Addiction, 99, 152-3. 41. Anonymous (2009). Conversation with William R. Miller. Addiction, 104, 883-893. 42. McCrady, B. S. (2013). Health-care reform provides an opportunity for evidence-based alcohol

treatment in the USA: The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline as a model. Addiction, 108, 231-232.




INVITED ADDRESSES AND WORKSHOPS 1. McCrady, B. S. (1978, June). Three aspects of alcoholism treatment. Presentation and workshop

presented, Seton Hall Conference on The Alcoholic Marriage, South Orange, New Jersey. 2. McCrady, B. S. (1979, March). The alcoholic marriage: A functional analysis. Second Annual

Cambridge City Hospital Department of Psychiatry Conference on Recent Advances in Alcoholism. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

3. McCrady, B. S. (1980, April). Marital therapy. Brockton Veterans Administration Hospital. Brockton, MA.

4. McCrady, B. S. (1980, May). The family system and alcoholism. Workshop and commentary, 2nd Annual Katherine M. Newman Memorial Conference, Northeastern University.

5. McCrady, B. S. (1981, March). The comparative cost-effectiveness of inpatient and partial hospital treatment of alcoholism. University of Rhode Island, Department of Psychology, Kingston, RI.

6. McCrady, B. S. (1982, February). Cost-effectiveness of alcoholism treatment in the partial hospital. University of Connecticut Alcohol Research Center, Farmington, CT.

7. McCrady, B. S. (1982, December). The role of the spouse in the treatment of alcoholism. University of Connecticut Alcohol Research Center, Farmington, Conn.

8. McCrady, B. S. (1983, February). The role of the spouse in the treatment of alcoholism. University of Missouri Psychology Department, Columbia, Mo.

9. McCrady, B. S. & Dubreuil, E. (1983, May). Workshop, Behavioral treatment of alcoholism. Liberation Programs, Stamford, CT.

10. McCrady, B. S. (1984, February). The role of the spouse in the treatment of alcoholism. Cornell Medical School/Payne-Whitney Clinic, New York City, NY.

11. McCrady, B. S. (1984, June). Intervention with alcoholic couples. John Jay College Conference on Alcoholism and the Family. New York City, NY.

12. McCrady, B. S. (1984, July). Theories of the etiology of alcoholism. York College Conference on Alcoholism and Nursing. New York City, NY.

13. McCrady, B. S. (1984, August). The family in the change process. Third International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviours. North Berwick, Scotland.

14. McCrady, B. S. (1984, August). Workshop: Family therapy in the treatment of addictive behaviours. Third International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviours. North Berwick, Scotland.

15. McCrady, B. S. (1984, August). Research strategies for evaluating treatment effectiveness. Conference on Early Intervention for Drinking Problems. Flesland, Norway.

16. McCrady, B. S. (1984, December). Recent findings on couples in treatment for alcoholism. Alcoholism Council of Greater New York Master Lecture Series, New York City.

17. McCrady, B. S. (1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, May, 1992, April). Marital and family therapy with alcoholics. Workshop, School for Addiction Studies, Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

18. McCrady, B. S. (1985, October). Social support systems and alcoholism. 13th Annual Friends Hospital Clinical Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

19. McCrady, B. S. (1986, May). Effectiveness of components of spouse-involved alcoholism treatment: Eighteen months. Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

20. McCrady, B. S. (1986, September). The teachable moment: Cognitive impairment & recovery. Saint John Hospital, Detroit, Michigan.

21. McCrady, B. S. (1986, September). Alcoholism treatment: The present, the future. Combined meeting of the North American Congress and the Alcoholism and Drug Problems Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Also presented, 1986, November, to the Alcoholism Treatment Network, Alaska.



22. McCrady, B. S. (1986, October). Social supports and relapse prevention in alcoholism treatment. Workshop, Delaware Psychological Association.

23. McCrady, B. S. (1986, December). The effectiveness of spouse-involved alcoholism treatment: Eighteen month results. Research Institute on Alcoholism, Buffalo, N.Y.

24. McCrady, B. S. (1987, April). The effectiveness of spouse-involved alcoholism treatment. University of Vermont, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Burlington, VT.

25. McCrady, B. S. (1987, July). Diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism. Three-day workshop, American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology Western Post-graduate Institute, Portland, OR.

26. McCrady, B. S. (1987, October). The effectiveness of spouse-involved alcoholism treatment. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

27. McCrady, B. S. (1988, May). Implications of cognitive impairment for the treatment of alcoholism. University of Connecticut, Alcohol Research Center, Hartford, CT.

28. McCrady, B. S. (1988, October). Marital and family therapy in the treatment of alcoholism. Second National Conference on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

29. McCrady, B. S. (1989, February). 'Til death do us part: a decade and a half of research with alcoholics and their spouses. Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.

30. McCrady, B. S. (1990, March). 'Til death do us part: Research perspectives on alcoholism and the family. University of Georgia, Institute for Behavioral Research, Athens, GA.

31. McCrady, B. S. (1990, March). Cognitive behavior therapy with alcoholics. Workshop, Domremy-Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

32. McCrady, B. S. (1990, April). Alcoholism and the family. Workshop, St. Cloud University, St. Cloud, Minnesota.

33. McCrady, B. S. (1991, January). Using a cognitive-behavioral analysis for treatment planning. Paper presented at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Conference on Drug Abuse Research and Practice, Washington, D.C.

34. McCrady, B. S. (1991, January). Effectiveness of behavioral couples therapy. Paper presented at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Conference on Drug Abuse Research and Practice, Washington, D.C.

35. McCrady, B. S. (1991, December). Marital and family issues in alcoholism. McGuire Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Richmond, VA.

36. McCrady, B. S. (1993, January). 'Til death do us part: Research perspectives on alcohol and the family. Drugs and Society Seminar, Columbia University, New York, NY.

37. McCrady, B. S. (1994, September). Substance abuse and the family. American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism & Addictions Review Course, Washington, D.C. Also presented, 1995, December, San Francisco, CA; 1996, December, Amelia Island, FL.

38. McCrady, B. S. (1995, April). Alcohol problems in marriage: Relationships and their treatment. Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Canada.

39. McCrady, B. S. (1995, May). Family influence: Working through significant others. Seventh International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, the Netherlands.

40. McCrady, B. S. (1995, May). Family-involved treatment of addictive behaviors. Workshop, Seventh International Conference on the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, the Netherlands.

41. McCrady, B. S. (1995, October). Using the family to influence the course of addictive disorders. Alcoholism Conference at the University of Kentucky, Department of Psychiatry, Lexington, KY.

42. McCrady, B. S. (1996, October). Influencing the course of alcohol abuse/dependence: The role of the family. New York University School of Medicine, Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, New York, NY.

43. McCrady, B. S. (1997, April). Married to the Maenad: Research perspectives on spouses of alcoholics. Brown University Center on Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Providence, RI.



44. McCrady, B. S. (1997, April). I have an alcoholic couple in my office...Now what do I do? Brown University Center on Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Providence, RI.

45. McCrady, B. S. (1997, April). What in the world should I do with the substance abusers in my practice? Peter M. Bry Memorial Lecture, Monmouth University, Long Branch, NJ.

46. McCrady, B. S. (1997, August). Advances in the assessment and treatment of alcohol problems. Preconvention Institute, American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

47. McCrady, B. S. (1997, September). Alcohol and marriage: A workshop. Two day workshop, North Stockholm Center for Addictions, Stockholm, Sweden.

48. McCrady, B. S. (1998, January). The man who painted his wife: A history of family approaches to alcohol treatment. Eighth International Meeting on the Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, Santa Fe, NM.

49. McCrady, B. S. (1998, October). The diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders: Recent research. Department of Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

50. McCrady, B. S. (1998, October). „Til death do us part: Working with families with substance abuse. Department of Counselor Education, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

51. Whisman, M. A. & McCrady, (1999, August). Couple therapy for depression and alcohol problems. Presented at the Postdoctoral Institute of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

52. McCrady, B. S. (1999, November). Helping families cope with chronic illnesses: Alcoholism, mental, and physical disorders. Presented at the Betty Ford Award Lecture at the Annual meeting of the Association for Medical Education and Research on Addictions, Alexandria, VA.

53. McCrady, B. S. (2000, October). Twelve step programs. Presented at the American Society of Addiction Medicine Review Course, Chicago, IL.

54. McCrady, B. S. (2000, October). Behavior therapy for substance abusers. Workshop for the York Behavioral Health Services Educational Series, York, PA.

55. McCrady, B. S. (2001, March). Research on families and substance abuse treatment: The past, the present, and the future. Presented at the Addictions Consortium Educational Series, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ. Also presented at the University of Missouri, Department of Psychology, April, 2001.

56. McCrady, B. S. (2001, April). Research on AA: New knowledge about an old program. Grand Rounds at Princeton House, Princeton, NJ.

57. McCrady, B. S. (2001, May). Self-help groups: Controversies and evidences. Presented at the Smithers Assessment Center, St. Luke‟s-Roosevelt Hospital, New York, New York.

58. McCrady, B. S. (2001, June). Involving couples in substance abuse treatment. Presented to the Wisconsin Bureau of Substance Abuse Services Teleconference Series.

59. McCrady, B. S. (2001, October). Couples therapy for substance abuse. Workshop for York/Wellspan Behavioral Health, York, PA.

60. McCrady, B. S. (2001, November). Self-help groups for addiction: Towards science-based practice and policy. Presented at SAMHSA Meeting, Washington, D.C.

61. McCrady, B. S. (2002, January). Involving intimate others in addiction treatment: Helping families cope with chronic illnesses (alcoholism, mental and physical disorders). Presented at Addictions and Mental Health Conference, Piscataway, NJ.

62. McCrady, B. S. (2002, May). Couples therapy for substance abuse. Presented at the University of New Mexico May School for Addictions, Santa Fe, NM.

63. Miller, W. R. & McCrady, B. S. (2002, May). Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: An update and panel discussion. Plenary lecture at the University of New Mexico May School for Addictions, Santa Fe, NM.

64. McCrady, B. S. (2002, May). How the disease model takes the disease out of the family: Perspectives on substance abuse, mental illness and physical illness. Plenary lecture at the University of New Mexico May School for Addictions, Santa Fe, NM.



65. McCrady, B. S. (2002, May). Research on treatment of alcohol use disorders: Implications for policy. Presented at Colloquium on Alcohol Research and Policy: Where do We Go from Here? Sponsored by the Smithers Institute for Alcohol-Related Workplace Studies and Cornell University, New York, NY.

66. McCrady, B. S. (2002, June). Alcohol and intimate relationships: Impact and intervention. Workshop for NJAMHA, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. Also presented at Portland State University, Portland, OR, May, 2003. Also presented for the Center of Alcohol Studies, Continuing Education Series, October, 2003.

67. McCrady, B. S. (2002, August). To have but one true friend: The role of families and others in recognizing and changing alcohol use disorders. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Also presented at Clemson University, October, 2002. 68. McCrady, B. S. (2003, June). What technology should we transfer: Perspectives from researchers

and practitioners. Presented at the Palo Alto VA Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA. 69. McCrady, B. S. (2003, October). Evaluation and treatment planning for substance abusers: A

cognitive-behavioral approach. Workshop presented to the Nebraska Psychological Association, Omaha, NE.

70. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2003, November). Treating alcohol and drug problems: Individualized treatment planning and intervention. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

71. McCrady, B. S. (2004, March). Empirically based principles of treatment: Effective psychosocial approaches. Presented at the Harvard University/Cambridge Hospital Lecture Series. Cambridge, MA.

72. McCrady, B. S. (2004, April). The treatment of alcohol use disorders: What do we know from research? Presented at the Hans Fisher Lecture Series, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

73. McCrady, B. S. (2004, April). 'Til death do us part: Perspectives on conjoint treatment and the intimate relationships of substance abusers Grand Rounds presented at the University of Connecticut Department Of Psychiatry, Farmington, CT.

74. McCrady, B. S. (2004, May). The effectiveness of AA: Empirical research perspectives. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New York, NY.

75. McCrady, B. S. (2004, May). Substance abuse in women. Presented at York Behavioral Health Care, York, PA.

76. McCrady, B. S. (2004, September). The treatment of alcohol use disorders. What do we know from research? Keynote address at the Centre for Alcohol and Drug Studies/Association of Nurses in Substance Abuse meeting, Paisley, Scotland.

77. McCrady, B. S. (2004, October). Families and other close relationships. Presented at the Conference on Approaches for Combating Troublesome Substances (CACTUS). Santa Fe, NM.

78. McCrady, B. S. (2005, February). Families, kin, communities and substance abuse treatment: Te Teha Whanau. Presented at the 2005 New Zealand School of the Addictions, Hamilton, New Zealand.

79. McCrady, B. S. (2005, February). Substance abuse and intimate relationships: Impact and intervention. Presented at the 2005 New Zealand School of the Addictions, Hamilton, New Zealand.

80. McCrady, B. S. (2005, November). Mechanisms of change in alcohol-focused behavioral couple therapy: Hypotheses and evidence. Presented at the NIAAA Consultant Group Meeting on Mechanisms of Behavior Change Initiative, Bethesda, MD.

81. McCrady, B. S. (2006, April). Women, alcohol and drugs: Challenges and treatments. Presented at the Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.



82. McCrady, B. S. (2006, May). To have but one true friend: The role of the social environment in the resolution of alcohol use disorders. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, New York, NY.

83. McCrady, B. S. (2006, May). Family therapy with substance abusing patients. Princeton House Behavioral Health, Princeton, NJ.

84. McCrady, B. S. (2006, October). Women, Alcohol and Drugs – Challenges and Treatments. Montefiore Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds Series. Bronx, New York.

85. McCrady, B. S. (2007, September). Behavioral Couples Therapy for Substance Abusers: Impact and Intervention. Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies, Center City, MN.

86. McCrady, B. S. (2008, February). Substance use disorders and social support. Presented to the Alcohol Research Group, Berkeley, CA.

87. McCrady, B. S. (2008, July). It takes a village to resolve an addiction…and certain kinds of villagers. Presented at the Addiction Summit, “A climate for change,” Melbourne, Australia.

88. McCrady, B. S. (2008, October). It takes a village to resolve an addiction…and certain kinds of villagers. Presented at the Research Institute on Addictions, Buffalo, NY. Also presented at the University of Arizona, Department of Psychology, February, 2009.

89. McCrady, B. S. (2009, April). Substance use disorders and social support. Presented at the Brown University Center for Addiction Studies, Providence, RI.

90. McCrady, B. S. (2009, May). New perspectives on family issues in alcohol treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, CA.

91. McCrady, B. S. (2010, April). Evidence-based treatments for women. Plenary presented at the 8th Blending Conference of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Albuquerque, NM.

92. McCrady, B. S. (2010, October). Social support and health. Invited presentation at the 50th anniversary of the Department of Psychology, University of Rhode Island.

93. McCrady, B. S. (2011, March). Substance use disorders and anxiety. Invited presentation at the Annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, New Orleans, LA.

94. McCrady, B. S. (2011, June). The state of research on mechanisms of behavior change: Empirical and conceptual perspectives. Presented at the 7th annual Mechanisms of Change workshop, Research on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

95. McCrady, B. S. (2011, September). Recent advances in psychotherapy research for alcoholism: Mechanisms of behavior change. Invited presentation at the German Congress on Addiction, Frankfurt, Germany.

96. McCrady, B. S. (2011, November). Family interventions for drug and alcohol problems. Invited Society Lecture to the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Addictions, York, England.

97. McCrady, B. S. (2013, May). Evidenced-based treatments for women with alcohol and drug dependence. Invited keynote address to the 29th Annual Idaho Conference on Alcohol and Drug Dependency, Boise, Idaho.

98. McCrady, B. S. (2013, May). Engaging and treating couples affected by alcohol dependence. Invited breakout session presentation at the 29th Annual Idaho Conference on Alcohol and Drug Dependency, Boise, Idaho.

99. McCrady, B. S. (2013, May). AA: What have we learned from research? Invited breakout session presentation at the 29th Annual Idaho Conference on Alcohol and Drug Dependency, Boise, Idaho.

100. McCrady, B. S. (2013, May.). Women-specific treatment: Themes and techniques. Invited breakout session presentation at the 29th Annual Idaho Conference on Alcohol and Drug Dependency, Boise, Idaho.

101. McCrady, B. S. (2013, May). State of the science for efficacious substance abuse treatments. Invited presentation to the National Institute on Drug Abuse Meeting, “Evidence-based treatments for substance abuse in Indian Country?: Charting a way forward,” Rockville, MD.

102. McCrady, B. S. (2013, July). Outpatient CBT for alcohol and other substance use disorders: Challenges in the real world. Webinar for the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.



103. McCrady, B. S. (2014, April). Outpatient cognitive behavior therapy for alcohol and other substance use disorders. Webinar for the National American Indian & Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center.

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS, POSTERS, OTHER PRESENTATIONS, AND LOCAL WORKSHOPS 1. Paolino, T. J. & McCrady, B. S. (1975, October). The alcoholic marriage: An historical perspective

and some current conceptualizations. Brown University Academic Grand Rounds, Providence, RI. 2. Monti, P. M., McCrady, B. S., & Barlow, D. H. (1976, December). Effect of positive reinforcement,

informational feedback and contingency contracting on a medically complicated bulimic anorexic. Presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York.

3. Mayfield, D., Monti, P., McCrady, B. S., & Paolino, T. (1977, August). Relationship between age and alcoholism diagnosis. Paper presented at the VI World Congress of Psychiatry, Hawaii.

4. McCrady, B. S., Paolino, T. J., & Longabaugh, R. (1977, August). Relationship between problem drinker and spouse report of drinking behavior and impairment. Paper presented at the NATO International Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Approaches to Alcoholism, Norway.

5. McCrady, B.S. & Furber, S. (1978, May). Treating the female alcoholic. Workshop, Third Annual Meeting of Rhode Island Social Workers, Kingston, Rhode Island.

6. McCrady, B. S., Norman, W., & Paolino, T. J. (1978, August). Establishing an empirical psychological assessment program in a traditional clinical setting. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.

7. McCrady, B. S. & Wiener, J. (1978, November). Verbal and nonverbal marital interactions in male and female alcoholics. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago, Illinois.

8. McCrady, B. S., Paolino, T. J., Longabaugh, R., & Rossi, J. (1979, April). Joint hospital admission and couples treatments of alcoholism: A pilot outcome study. Paper presented at the 10th Annual NCA/AMSA/RSA Medical-Scientific Conference, Washington, D.C.

9. McCrady, B. S. & Hay, W. (1979, September). The role of the spouse in the treatment of alcoholism. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York.

10. Fink, E. B., McCrady, B. S., Longabaugh, R., Rudden, S., McNeill, D., & Stout, R. (1979, September). Treatment of alcoholism in the partial hospitalization setting. Predictors of treatment success. Paper presented at the 23rd Conference of the Partial Hospital Study Groups, New Orleans.

11. McCrady, B. S. (1979, December). Behavior therapy and the female alcoholic. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.

12. McCrady, B. S., Paolino, T. J., Longabaugh, R., & Moreau, J. (1979, December). Joint hospitalization and couples' treatment for alcoholic couples: Four-year outcome. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.

13. McCrady, B. S., Fink, E., & Longabaugh, R. (1980, November). Behavioral alcoholism treatment in the partial hospital. Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York.

14. McCrady, B. S., Moreau, J., Paolino, T. J., Jr., & Longabaugh, R. (1980, November). Joint hospitalization and couples' treatment for alcoholism: Four-year outcomes. Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York.

15. McCrady, B. S., Noel, N. E., Abrams, D. & Hay, W. (1981, November). Components of spouse involvement in the behavioral treatment of alcoholism. Presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT), Toronto.



16. McCrady, B. S. (1982, March). Alcoholism and marriage. Presented at Brown University Conference on Alcoholism and the Life Span, Providence, RI.

17. Noel, N. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1982, August). Differences in marital functioning of male and female problem drinkers. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

18. McCrady, B. S. & Sher, K. (1982, October). Treatment variables. Presented at Conference on Directions in Alcohol Abuse Treatment Research, Newport, RI.

19. McCrady, B. S. & Noel, N. E. (1982, November). Assessing the optimal mode of spouse involvement in outpatient behavioral alcoholism treatment. Presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Los Angeles, CA.

20. McCrady, B. S., Longabaugh, R., Fink, E., & Stout, R. (1983, April). Cost-effectiveness of alcoholism treatment in the partial hospital setting. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, Boston, MA.

21. McCrady, B. S. (1983, August). Research trends in the 1980's in the alcohol and drug fields. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Alcohol and Drug Problems Association, Washington, D.C.

22. McCrady, B. S. (1984, May). Clinical implications of recent neuropsychological findings for the treatment of alcoholism. Presented at NIAAA Conference: Clinical Implications of Recent Neuropsychological Findings for the Treatment of Alcoholism. Boston, MA.

23. McCrady, B. S., Noel, N. E., & Stout, R. L. (1984, August). Spouse-involved behavioral treatment of alcohol abuse: 18-month results. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

24. McCrady, B. S. (1984, November). Relative effectiveness of differing components of spouse-involved alcoholism treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Medical Education and Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, D.C.

25. McCrady, B. S. (1985, January). Parental alcoholism and its effects on children. Presented at St. Peter's Medical Center Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, New Brunswick, N.J.

26. McCrady, B. S. (1985, February). Parental alcoholism and its effects on children. Presented at Somerset Medical Center Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Somerset, N.J.

27. McCrady, B. S. (1985, February). Alcohol: Recovering families. Presented at the Community Health Center of the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey - Rutgers Medical School. Piscataway, NJ.

28. McCrady, B. S. (1985, March). The identification and diagnosis of alcoholism in general medical setting. Presented at St. Peter's Medical Center Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, New Brunswick, N.J.

29. McCrady, B. S. (1985, March). Special problems in identifying and treating the client with a chemical addiction. Presented at Rutgers University Counseling Centers, New Brunswick, N.J.

30. McCrady, B. S. & Smith, D. (1985, April). Implications of cognitive impairment for the treatment of alcoholism. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism, Washington, D.C.

31. McCrady, B. S., Stout, R. L., & Noel, N. E. (1986, August). Interrelationships between drinking and marital functioning in alcoholic couples. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

32. McCrady, B. S. (1986, November). Interpersonal contexts, alcohol consumption and alcoholism: Implications for treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago, IL.

33. McCrady, B. S. (1986, November). Couple-involved treatment of excessive drinking. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Chicago, IL.



34. McCrady, B. S. (1987, January). Management of the user/abusers. Presented at the Rutgers University Student Health Center Conference, Development and manifestations of self-esteem in the college student. New Brunswick, NJ.

35. McCrady, B. S. (1987, April). Identification and diagnosis of abuse in employee populations. Presented at the Annual Training Conference for Occupational Health Staff, Merck Corporation, New Jersey.

36. McCrady, B. S. (1987, May, June, December). The New Jersey Impaired Dentists Program. Presented at the New Jersey Dental Association Annual Session, Atlantic City, NJ. Also at the Central Dental Society, Middlesex Dental Society and Southern Dental Society, New Jersey.

37. McCrady, B. S. (1987, August). Ethical and legal dilemmas in the treatment of the impaired professional. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.

38. McCrady, B. S. (1987, August). The role of the family in chemical dependency. Presented at the American Dental Association Second National Conference on Chemical Dependency, Chicago, IL.

39. McCrady, B. S. (1987, September). Diagnosis of the mentally ill chemical abuser. Presented at the Third Annual Conference, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser: New Perspectives, Asbury Park, NJ.

40. McCrady, B. S. (1987, November). Behavioral and disease model perspectives on alcoholism. Panel chair at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

41. McCrady, B. S. & Kouten, A. (1988, March). Alcoholism and the Family. Presented at Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, St. Peter's Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ.

42. McCrady, B. S. (1988, March). Implications of cognitive impairment for the treatment of alcoholism. Paper presented at Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Elizabeth General Hospital, Elizabeth, NJ.

43. Burns, W. D., McCrady, B. S., Frankenstein, W., Bierman, R. & Christensen, D. (1988, March). The New Jersey Collegiate Substance Abuse Program at Rutgers University: An innovative campus-based, partial-residential treatment program. Presented at The Annual Meeting of the National Council on Alcoholism, Washington, D.C.

44. McCrady, B. S. & Rotgers, F. (1988, June). Stress, burnout and the practicing dentist. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Dental Association, Atlantic City, NJ.

45. McCrady, B. S. (1988, August). Alcoholism treatment: What do we think? What do we know from research?" Presented at the American Dental Association Third National conference on Chemical Dependency, Chicago, IL.

46. Langenbucher, J., Irvine, S., & McCrady, B. S. (1988, October). Secondary prevention in the general hospital setting. Presented at the First Annual Symposium on the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, New Brunswick, NJ.

47. Frankenstein, W., Leeds, J., & McCrady, B. S. (1988, October). The New Jersey Collegiate Substance Abuse Program at Rutgers University. Presented at the First Annual Symposium on the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, New Brunswick, NJ.

48. Smith, D. & McCrady, B. S. (1988, November). Cognitive impairment among alcoholics: Impact on drink refusal skill acquisition. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY.

49. McCrady, B. S. (1988, November). Behavioral marital therapy for alcoholics. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY.

50. Niles, B. & McCrady, B. S. (1988, November). Identification of alcohol problems in a hospital setting. Presented at Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY.



51. McCrady, B. S. & Niles, B. (1989, January). The incidence of alcoholism in the general hospital: results of a study at St. Peter's. Presented at Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, St. Peter's Medical Center, New Brunswick, NJ.

52. McCrady, B. S. (1989, October). Discussant. New beginnings: Hope for the addicted dentist. Conference sponsored by The Dental Society of New York and The American Dental Association, New York, NY.

53. McCrady, B. S., Langenbucher, J. & Irvine, S. (1989, October). Stages of change: Individual and institutional perspectives on the development of a hospital-based addictions consult service: Berkshire Conference on Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Amherst, MA.

54. Smith, D. & McCrady, B. S. (1989, November). Neuropsychological impairment among chronic alcoholics and treatment outcome: Aftercare attendance and drinking status at follow-up. Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC.

55. Irvine, S., McCrady, B. S. & Langenbucher, J. (1989, November). Secondary prevention of alcoholism in the general medical center: Cognitive predictors of intention to change. Second Annual Symposium on the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, Ithaca, NY.

56. McCrady, B. S. (1990, May). Alcoholism treatment: What we believe, what we know from research. Union County Council on Alcoholism, Union County, NJ.

57. McCrady, B. S. (1990, November). Promising but under-utilized treatment approaches. Presented at National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Workshop, Linking alcoholism treatment research with clinical practice, Washington, D.C.

58. Breslin, S. C., Frankenstein, W., McCrady, B. S., Bierman, R., Morgan, T., & Carlson, V. (1990, November). Biological correlates of collegiate alcohol abuse. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.

59. Van Horn, D. and McCrady, B. S. (1990, November). Convergent validity in practice: Comparing collateral reports, biological markers, and alcoholics' self-reports of drinking in a treatment outcome study. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco.

60. McCrady, B. S. (1991, January). Couples treatment for alcoholics and their spouses. Presented at the Rutgers University - Center of Alcohol Studies Continuing Education Seminars, Piscataway, N.J.

61. McCrady, B. S. (1991, April). Post-treatment factors affecting outcome. Presented at the American Society of Addictive Medicine Annual Medical-Scientific Conference, Boston, MA.

62. McCrady, B. S. (1991, April). Alcoholics Anonymous and Behavior Therapy: Can habits be treated as diseases? Can diseases be treated as habits? Presented at the Cooper Colloquium Series, Rutgers University - Center of Alcohol Studies, Piscataway, N.J.

63. Miller, K. J., McCrady, B. S., Abrams, D. B., & Labouvie, E. (1991, November). Taking an individualized approach to the assessment of self-efficacy and the prediction of alcoholic relapse. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, N.Y.

64. Irvine, S., McCrady, B. S., & Langenbucher, J. (1991, November). Alcoholism and the general medical center: Predictors of change. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, N.Y.

65. Van Horn, D. & McCrady, B. S. (1991, November). The use of biological markers and collateral reports to validate alcoholics' self-reports of drinking following treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, N.Y.

66. McCrady, B. S. (1992, May). Motivating patients with alcoholism. Presented at St. Peter's Medical Center Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, New Brunswick, NJ.

67. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1992, June). Attrition from conjoint alcoholism treatment: Do dropouts differ from completers? Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.



68. McCrady, B. S. (1992, October). Invited comments on "Matching alcoholics to treatments based on sociopathy and psychiatric severity." Presented at Conference on Genetic Susceptibility, Biological Markers of Vulnerability, and Alcoholic Subtypes, University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT.

69. McCrady, B. S. (1992, November). No more co-dependency: A behavioral approach to working with alcoholics and their spouses. Workshop presented at Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

70. McCrady, B.S. (1992, November). Critical issues in the conduct of research on patient-treatment matching. Symposium - Discussant, Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

71. Bennett, M. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1992, November). Subtyping by comorbidity in young substance abusers. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

72. Cocco, K. M., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Stella, J. (1992, November). The relationship between alcohol expectancies and drinking behavior as a function of time and treatment intervention. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

73. Niles, B., McCrady, B. S., Irvine Delaney, S., Langenbucher, J. (1992, November). Gender differences in drinking-related measures of self-efficacy and locus of control: Predicting behavior three months later. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

74. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (1992, November). Conducting research on Alcoholics Anonymous: A model for using the randomized clinical trial and some preliminary results. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.

75. Mayne, T. J., O'Leary, A., McCrady, B. S., Contrada, R. & Labouvie, E. (1993, March). The differential effects of acute marital distress on emotional, physiological, and immune functions in men and women. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA.

76. McCrady, B. S., Richter, S., Slade, J., Morgan, T., & Pfeiffer, C. (1993, June). Involving health care Professionals in screening for substance use. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

77. McCrady, B. S. (1993, June). Participant. Round table discussion for female investigators. Research Society on Alcoholism Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

78. McCrady, B. S. (1993, June). Resources of the Alcohol Research Center for alcohol researchers. Presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

79. McCrady, B. S. (1993, September). Self-help groups: Research opportunities and alternatives. Presented at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism workshop, Chevy Chase, MD.

80. McCrady, B. S. (1993, November). Marital issues in treating Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders. Presented at N.J. Academy of Psychology (NJAP) Workshop Series, Center of Alcohol Studies, Piscataway, NJ.

81. Epstein, D., Rotgers, F., Pettinati, H., McCrady, B., Morgenstern, J. & Epstein, E. (1993, November). Consequences of alcohol and drug use: The Rutgers Consequences of Use Questionnaire (RCU), Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA.

82. McCrady, B. S., & Epstein E. E. (1993, November). Maintaining change after behavioral couples alcohol treatment: Relapse prevention and twelve-step approaches. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA.

83. McCrady, B. S., Miller, K., Epstein, E. E., & Van Horn D. (1993, November). Spouses of alcoholics: Measurement of coping behaviors and self efficacy for coping. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA.



84. McCrady, B. S., & Bennett, M. E. (1993, November). Comorbidity in young adult substance abusers: Impact of current diagnosis on functioning at follow-up. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA.

85. McCrady, B. S. (1993, November). No more codependency. A behavioral model for treating alcoholics and their partners. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA.

86. Epstein, E. E., Kahler, C. W., McCrady, B. S., Lewis, K. D., & Lewis, S. (1994, June). Computer generated drinking patterns using the Time-line Follow-back interviews: Discriminant & predictive validity. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Maui, Hawaii.

87. Kahler, C. W., & Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S. (1994, June). The relationship of loss control and inability to abstain. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Maui, Hawaii.

88. Morgan, T., Morgenstern, J., & McCrady, B. S. (1994, June). The reliability of the substance abuse treatment assessment scale: Using a theory-driven perspective to assess disease model treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Maui, Hawaii.

89. Morgan, T., McCrady, B. S., Richter, S., Pfeifer, C., Slade, J., & Bux, D. (1994, June). Screening medical settings for substance use: The Health Habits Questionnaire. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Maui, Hawaii.

90. Morgenstern, J., Frey, R., McCrady, B. S., Labouvie, E., & Neighbors, C. (1994, June). A process evaluation of traditional alcohol treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Maui, Hawaii.

91. Pople, L. E., Cybulski, K. A., Epstein, D., Rotgers, F., McCrady, B. S., & Morgenstern, J. (1994, August). Treatment Expectancies and Consequences of Use. New measures for the substance abuse field. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.

92. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (1994, November). Measuring therapists' adherence to manual-based treatment in a randomized clinical trial for conjoint therapies for alcoholism. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, CA.

93. McCrady, B. S. (1994, December). Alcoholism treatment with families. Presentation to the Richard Hall Mental Health Center, Bridgewater, NJ.

94. Morgan, T. J., Blanchard K. A., McCrady, B. S., Langenbucher, J. (1995, May). The Readiness to Change Algorithm: Development and concurrent validity of a method for assessing stage of change in alcoholism treatment. Poster presented at the Seventh International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, The Netherlands.

95. Morgan, T. J., McCrady, B. S., Morgenstern, J., Langenbucher, & Blanchard K. A. (1995, May). Assessing the factor structure of the SOCRATES with treatment and non-treatment seekers. Poster presented at the Seventh International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, The Netherlands.

96. McCrady, B. S., Kahler, C. W., Shraedley, P., Epstein, E. E., Hirsch, L. (1995, June). Coping and psychopathology: Models of wives of alcoholics. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

97. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Hirsch, L. S. (1995, June). Heterogeneity and marital functioning among alcoholic couples. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Steamboat Springs. Colorado.

98. Morgan, T. J., Neighbors, C., Franco, F. McCrady, B. S. (1995, June). Developing a Spanish-language questionnaire for screening medical settings for alcohol problems. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.



99. McCrady, B. S., Hirsch, L. S., & Epstein, E.E. (1995, August). Testing hypothesized mediators of change in conjoint behavioral alcoholism treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York.

100. McCrady, B. S. (1995, August). Treating substance abuse in marriage. Invited presentation at the medical education program of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Great Gorge, NJ.

101. McCrady, B. S. (1995, September). Using the family to influence the course of addictive disorders. Invited presentation at the Community Mental Health Center, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Piscataway, NJ.

102. McCrady, B. S. (1996, January). Was Dan Quayle really right? The impact of the family in the development of alcoholism. Presented at the Continuing Education Conference Center, New Brunswick, NJ.

103. McCrady, B. S. (1996, June). Images of alcoholism treatment: Snapshots from the research world. Presented at the 1996 Summer School of Alcohol and Drug Studies, New Brunswick, NJ.

104. Blanchard, K. A., McCrady, B. S., Morgan, T. J., O‟Donnell B., & Datta, N. B. (1996, June). Stages of change in an alcohol dependent medical population: Motivation and situational correlates. Poster presented at the Joint Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism and the International Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Washington, D.C.

105. Bennett, M. E., McCrady, B. S., Johnson, V., & Pandina, R. J. (1996, June). Problem drinking from youth to adulthood. Poster presented at the Joint Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism and the International Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Washington, D.C.

106. Kahler, C.W., Morgenstern, J., & McCrady, B. S. (1996, June). Negative lapse outcome expectancies and response to an initial substance use. Poster presented at the Joint Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism and International Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Washington, D.C.

107. Morgenstern, J., Labouvie, E., McCrady, B. S., Kahler, C. W., & Frey, R. M. (1996, June). Affiliating with Alcoholics Anonymous: Its impact on common change factors and substance use outcomes. Poster presented at the Joint Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism and International Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Washington, D.C.

108. McCrady, B. S. (1996, November). Alcohol abuse on college campus: Innovations in treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic College Health Association, Long Branch, NJ.

109. McCrady, B. S., Morgan, T. J., Blanchard, K. A., & Richter, S. (1996, November). Testing models for brief interventions with heavy drinking medical patients. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY.

110. McCrady, B. S., Bux, D. A., Jr., & Goldstein, T. (1996, November). Issues in informed consent with substance abusers. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY.

111. Bux, D. A., Jr., McCrady, B. S., & Richter, S. (1996, November). Ethical dilemmas in clinical addictions research: Prevalence and practice. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY.

112. McCrady, B. S. (1997, June). Images of alcoholism treatment: Snapshots from the research world. Presented at the Advanced School of Alcohol and Drug Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

113. Blanchard, K. A., Morgan, T. J., & McCrady, B. S. (1997, July). Cognitive and behavioral measures of stage of change in an alcohol dependent sample: Concurrent and predictive validity. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

114. McCrady, B. S., Hirsch, L. S., Blanchard, K. A., & Morgan, T. J. (1997, July). Integrated assessment of alcohol and drug use: The Timeline Followback Interview. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.



115. Rhines, K. C., McCrady, B. S., Morgan, T. J., & Hirsch, L. S. (1997, July). Integrated assessment of alcohol and drug use: The Rutgers Consequences of Use Questionnaire. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

116. Morgenstern, J., Labouvie, E., Kahler, C. W., Epstein, E., & McCrady, B. S. (1997, July). Subtyping substance abusers by level of severity and motivation: Predictive validity and process analysis. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

117. Bux, D. A., Jr., Epstein, E., Morgenstern, J., & McCrady, B. S. (1997, July). Concurrent and predictive validity of the revised NEO-Personality Inventory in a multisite sample of alcoholics. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

118. McCrady, B. S., Hirsch, L. S., Blanchard, K. A., & Bates, M. (1997, November). Motivation and severity of impairment as predictors of alcohol treatment outcome. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami Beach, FL.

119. McCrady, B. S. (1998, March). Cognitive-behavioral family therapy when drugs or alcohol are involved. Invited workshop, the New Jersey Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists. Kenilworth, NJ.

120. McCrady, B. S., Morgenstern, J., & Epstein, E. (1998, June). Beliefs, behavior, and the bottom line: Alcoholics Anonymous and the outcomes of treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Hilton Head, SC.

121. Epstein, E., Kugler, G., Jensen, N., Hirsch, L. & McCrady, B. (1998, June). Clinical validity of the primary/secondary distinction for depression and antisocial personality disorder among substance abusers. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Hilton Head, SC.

122. Morgenstern, J., Labouvie, E., McCrady, B. S., Neighbors, C., & Kahler, C. W. (1998, June). The impact of life stressors and social resources on 12-month substance abuse treatment outcomes. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Hilton Head, SC.

123. Neighbors, C. J., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Hirsch, L. S. (1998, June). Relationship power, partner coping, and marital triggers as predictors of individual distress and drinking severity. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Hilton Head, SC.

124. McCrady, B. S. (1999, April). Using the family to influence the course of addictive behaviors. Presented at the Smithers Institute, New York, NY.

125. McCrady, B. S. (1999, November). Alcohol dependent women in treatment: The women, their partners, their relationships. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

126. McCrady, B. S. (2000, May). Developing research strategies in a multicultural context. Panel discussion at the Ninth Annual Cultural Diversity Conference, Edison, NJ.

127. Chung, N., Langenbucher, J., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E., & Cook, S. (2000, June). Onset patterns of DSM-IV symptoms in women: Survival/hazard analyses. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.

128. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2000, June). Are bad marriages bad for conjoint alcohol treatment? Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.

129. Morgenstern, J., Keller, D., Blanchard, K. A., Irwin, T. W., McVeigh, T., Riordan, A., McCrady, B. S., & Sexton, C. (2000, June). Testing the effectiveness of a public health approach to treating substance abusing women on welfare. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.

130. Sell, R. D., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, S. M. (2000, June). Evaluation of discrepant perceptions and relationship quality in alcoholic couples. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.

131. Share, D. H., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, S. M. (2000, June). Disease model beliefs and pre-treatment distress. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.



132. Swingle, J. M., Wern, J., Epstein, E. E., Hirsch, L. S., & McCrady, B. S. (2000, June). Refined drinking patterns classifications: A SAS algorithm. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.

133. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2001, June). Alcohol behavioral couple therapy versus individual cognitive behavioral therapy for women alcoholic patients and their male partners. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Montreal, Canada.

134. McVeigh, K. H., Morgenstern, J., Irwin, T. W., Blanchard, K. A., & McCrady, B. S. (2001, June). Experiences of substance-dependent and non-substance-abusing women on welfare. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the College on Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ.

135. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2001, June). A randomized clinical trial investigating alcohol behavioral couple therapy (ABCT) and AA/Al-Anon facilitation: 18-month outcomes. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Montreal, Canada.

136. Morgenstern, J., McVeigh, K. H., Blanchard, K. A., Irwin, T. W., & McCrady, B. S. (2001, June). Outcomes of a public health model approach to assisting women on TANF with substance abuse problems. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Montreal, Canada.

137. Sell, R. D., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2001, June). Perceived high risk situations for men‟s and women‟s drinking: Similarities and differences. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Montreal, Canada.

138. Share, D. H., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2001, June). Readiness to change and decisional balance. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Montreal, Canada.

139. Swingle, J. M., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2001, June). Couple violence in a clinical sample of female alcoholics. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Montreal, Canada.

140. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2001, August). Adapting alcohol behavior marital therapy to treat drug abuse. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

141. McCrady, B. S. (2001, August). An overview of funding resources. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

142. McCrady, B. S. (2001, August). Couples therapy for addiction. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

143. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2002, June). Testing Alcohol Behavioral Couples Therapy for women. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

144. Drapkin, M. L., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., Cook. S. M. (2002, June). Variability in partner coping with substance use: Male and female partners of alcoholics, female partners of drug addicts. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

145. Blanchard, K. A., Bynoe, F. E., Mourad, M. R., Morgenstern, J., McVeigh, K. H., McCrady, B. S., & Irwin, T. W. (2002, June). Substance abusing women on welfare: Psychiatric comorbidity as a predictor of treatment retention. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

146. Share, D. H., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2002, June). Women inquiring about alcohol treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

147. Morgenstern, J., McVeigh, K. H., Blanchard, K. A., McCrady, B. S., & Irwin, T. W. (2002, June). Outcomes of a public health model approach to assisting women on TANF with substance abuse problems. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.



148. Nathan, P. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2002, August). What makes treatment effective: Treatment factors. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

149. Epstein, E. E., Cook, S., Jensen, N. K., McCrady, B. S., Rhines, K., & Zdep-Mattocks, B. (2003, June). Changes in alcohol craving and consumption by phase of menstrual cycle in alcoholic women. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

150. Share, D. H., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2003, June). Barriers and help-seeking women who inquired about alcohol treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

151. Drapkin, M. L., McCrady, B. S., Langenbucher, J., Zdep-Mattocks, B., Merrill, J. C., Ziedonis, D. (2003, June). What would constitute a science-based addiction services system? Results from a Delphi survey of experts. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

152. Blanchard, K. A., Morgenstern, J., & McCrady, B. S. (2003, June). Costs of two models of coordinated care for substance abusing women on welfare. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

153. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook. S. (2003, June). Predicting change in women's drinking: Outcomes 12 months after treatment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

154. Green, K. E., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Pugh, L. (2004, June). Drinking pattern incongruence as a correlate of relationship dissatisfaction. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

155. McCrady, B. S. (2004, June). Active ingredients in alcohol-focused behavioral couple therapy: Hypotheses and evidence. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

156. Epstein, E. E., Drapkin, M. L., Yusko, D. A., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2004, June). At what point in a treatment study do female alcoholics stop drinking? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

157. Kingree, J. & Thompson M., Sponsor: McCrady, B. (2005, June). A comparison of alcohol and marijuana expectancies for sexual situations among adolescent detainees. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA.

158. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Drapkin, M., & Cook, S. M., (2005, June). Prognostic value of baseline psychopathology comorbid with alcohol dependence among women in outpatient treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA.

159. Fischer, K. B., Epstein, E. E., Labouvie, E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2005, June). Subtyping alcohol dependent females: Applicability of type A/B and the role of Axis II disorders. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA.

160. Worden, B. L., Al-Otaiba, Z., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, S. M. (2005, June). Goal choice and outcome in abstinence-based alcohol treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA.

161. Green, K. E., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Labouvie, E. W. (2005, June). Do couples that drink together stay together? Within couple drinking differences in alcoholic couples. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA.

162. Morgenstern, J., Blanchard, K. A., McCrady, B. S., McVeigh, T. J., & Morgan, T. J. (2005, June). A public health approach to assisting substance dependent TANF women: 24 month outcomes. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA.

163. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2005, June). The relative influence on different family members on women's resolution of their drinking problems. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA.



164. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, W. (2006, June). What do women want? Characteristics of women choosing individual or couple therapy for alcohol problems. Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD.

165. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2006, June). Age-based differences in clinical presentation of alcohol use disorders and response to age non-specific treatment for women. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD.

166. Menges, D. P., McCrady, B. S., Coo, S. M., & Epstein, E. E. (2006, June). The role of women‟s physical health status in alcohol treatment. Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD.

167. Drapkin, M. L., Epstein, E. E., & McCrady, B. S. (2006, June). Determining the “when” to elucidate the “how” of treatment for alcohol dependent women. Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD.

168. Kingree, J. B., Thompson, M., McCrady, B. & Tonigan, J. S. (2006, June). Assessing changes in readiness for AA participation. Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD.

169. Green, K. E., Epstein, E. E., Fischer-Elber, K., & McCrady, B. S. (2006, June). Drinking patterns and relationship satisfaction of treatment-seeking alcoholic females and their male partners. Poster Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD.

170. McCrady, B. S. & Epstein, E. E. (2006, October). Women and alcohol abuse: Treatment issues. Presented at the Rutgers University Health Services Continuing Education Series, New Brunswick, NJ.

171. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Al-Otaiba, Z. (2007, July). Mechanisms of action in cognitive-behavioral treatments for women with alcohol use disorders. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

172. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2007, July). Contribution of therapeutic alliance to treatment outcome for women in alcohol behavioral couples therapy. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

173. Drapkin, M. L., Epstein, E. E., & McCrady, B. S. (2007, July). A comparison of the timing of change for alcohol dependent females randomized to individual or couple therapy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

174. Green, K. E., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2007, July). Changes in drinking patterns over treatment and recovery: Patterns of relapse. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

175. Hilton, N. V., Morgan, T. J., McCrady, B. S., & Buckman, J. F. (2007, July). The influence of social factors on women with addiction: Support for treatment and substance use at treatment entry. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

176. Hunter-Reel, D. A. & McCrady, B. S. (2007, July). Social-interpersonal correlates of drinking: An initial glance. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

177. Menges, D. P., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2007, July). Subscale validation of the drinking patterns questionnaire. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

178. Morgan, T. J., Violette, N., McCrady, B. S., & Pandina, R. (2007, July). Assessing a women's specific substance abuse treatment for mothers in the child welfare system: Within treatment outcomes. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

179. Morgenstern, J., Morgan, T. J., McVeigh, K. H., & McCrady, B. S. (2007, July). Twenty-four month outcomes of intensive case management for substance abusing TANF women. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.



180. Violette, N., Morgan, T. J., McCrady, B. S., Naranjo, J., Giocobbe, G., & Redding-Raines, A. (2007, July). Cigarette smoking in a sample of mothers enrolled in a women's specific outpatient treatment program for substance use. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Chicago, IL.

181. McCrady, B. S. (2007, August). Behavioral Couples Therapy for substance abusers: Impact and intervention. University of New Mexico, Clinical Trials Network Training Series, Albuquerque, NM.

182. McCrady, B. S. (2007, November). Implementing empirically supported substance abuse treatments in real-world settings. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

183. McCrady, B., S. (2008, July). Mentoring. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

184. Hunter-Reel, D., Hilton, N. V., Epstein, E. E., Cook, S., & McCrady, B. S. (2008, June). Are social networks comparable across alcohol versus drug abusing females? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

185. Ladd, B. O., McCrady, B. A., & Epstein, E. E. (2008, June). From whom is social support for alcoholic women provided? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

186. Menges, D. P., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2008, June). Latent factors of high-risk drinking situations and their differential salience among women and men. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

187. Tonigan, J. S., McCrady, B. S., Bogenschutz, M. P., & Forcehimes, A. (2008, June). A re-examination of AA attendance, self-efficacy, and drinking. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

188. Hilton, N. V., Morgan, T. J., Buckman, J. F., McCrady, B. S., & Pandina, R. J. (2008, June). The influence of type of addiction treatment on post-treatment social networks of women with addiction. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

189. Worden, B. L., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2008, June). Axis I comorbidity and relapse to drinking after treatment for alcohol dependence. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

190. Hunter-Reel, D., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Farris, F., & Cook, S. M. (2008, June). Prognostic value of depression in two groups of women undergoing outpatient alcohol use disorder treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Washington, DC.

191. McCrady, B. S. (2009, May). Family: The essential presentation. Presented at the University of New Mexico, Department of Psychology graduation, Albuquerque, NM.

192. McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Hildebrandt, T. (2009, June). Intimate partner and other social network influences on individual and conjoint cognitive behavioral treatment outcomes for women. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

193. Cohn, A. M., McCrady, B. S. Epstein, E. E., & Cooks. M. (2009, June). Intimate partner violence and relationship satisfaction influence drinking outcomes of female alcoholics after individual or couple CBT. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

194. Cohn, A. M., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Cook, S. M. (2009, June). Men‟s avoidance coping and female partner‟s drinking behavior: A high risk context for partner violence? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

195. Drapkin, M. L., Skalina, L. M., & McCrady, B. S. (2009, June). Components of an effective addictions services system: Five year follow-up survey results from a panel of experts. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

196. Graff, F. S., Cumes, C., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. M. (2009, June). Relationships of alcohol-dependent women who cease drinking during assessment in a trial of couple vs individual



treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

197. Graff, F. S., Cumes, C., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S. M., & Drapkin, M. L. (2009, June). Client factors associated with pretreatment drinking cessation during the assessment process in women with alcohol dependence. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

198. Hallgren, K. A., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Tonigan, J. S. (2009, June). Self versus collateral report of abstinence self-efficacy: Predicting pre- and post-treatment drinking outcomes. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

199. Hunter-Reel, D., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2009, June). Personality disorders and the prediction of drinking outcomes: Dimensional versus categorical classification. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

200. Ladd, B. O., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., Cook, S., & Tonigan, J. S. (2009, June). The factor structure of the Important People Interview: A replication study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

201. Marinchak, J. S., Farris, S. G., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Drapkin, M. (2009, June). Do alcohol dependent women with comorbid anxiety disorders experience sudden alcohol treatment gains in individual CBT sessions targeting anxiety? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

202. Tonigan, J. S. McCrady, B. S., & Toscova, R. (2009, June). Changes in abstinence during early AA attendance: Does pathway into AA moderate AA-related benefit? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

203. McCrady, B. S. (2009, November). Panelist, “Overcoming the glass ceiling – lessons learned and lessons to give: A conversation with the trailblazers.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

204. McCrady, B. S. (2010, February). Comments on Health Disparities. Panel on health equity and socioeconomic factors in mental health, University of New Mexico.

205. McCrady, B. S. (2010, June). Therapists‟ use of common and specific factors in alcohol behavioral couples therapy as predictors of treatment response. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX.

206. Ladd, B. O., McCrady, B. S., Hutchison, K. E., Tonigan, J. S., & Claus, E. (2010, June). The effects of drinkers‟ concerned significant others on alcohol cue reactivity. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX.

207. Cohn, A. M., Graff, F. S., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S., Schneider, M., & Bogden, J. (2010, June). Alcohol use outcomes following “cold turkey” or graduated reduction among women with an alcohol use disorder enrolled in treatment.

208. McCrady, B. S. (2010, October). Alcohol problems in intimate relationships: Identification and intervention. Presented at the fall meeting of the New Mexico Psychological Association, Albuquerque, NM.

209. McCrady, B. S. (2010, November). Panelist, Barriers to engaging couples in therapy for relationship problems and strategies to overcome them. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.

210. Epstein, E. E. & McCrady, B. S. (2011, June). Female-specific cognitive behavior therapy for alcohol dependent women. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

211. Cohn, A. M., McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., Armeli, S. A., & Haman, B. T. (2011, June). The relationship of pretreatment intimate partner violence and impulsivity to within-treatment daily urges and drinking among alcohol dependent women. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.



212. Graff, F. S., Epstein, E. E., Hildebrandt, T., & McCrady, B. S. (2011, June). Attendance is associated with increased coping during treatment for women with alcohol use disorders. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

213. Fink, B. C., McCrady, B. S., Violette, N. M., Pandina, R. J., & Morgan, T. J. (2011, June). Maternal substance abuse treatment does not predict improved child functioning. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

214. Haslam, A. K., Hallgren, K. A., Ladd, B. O., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2011, June). Mediational effects of homework completion on relationship adjustment in alcohol behavioral couples therapy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

215. Owens, M., Ladd, B., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2011, June). Predicting next day drinking urges and relationship satisfaction from daily logs of couples in alcohol treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

216. Monnig, M. A., Tonigan, J. S., Yeo, R. A., Thoma, R. J., & McCrady, B. S. (2011, June). Meta-analysis of white matter volumes in men with alcohol use disorders: Preliminary findings. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

217. Hallgren, K. A. & McCrady, B. S. (2011, June). The alcohol Stroop task with college student binge drinkers: Evidence for immediate and delayed effects. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Atlanta, GA.

218. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Hildebrandt, T., Jensen, J., Cook, S., & Gaba, A. (2011, November). Female specific cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for alcohol dependent women: Development and preliminary efficacy of a single gender group therapy modality. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

219. Gray, D., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2011, November). Gender differences in areas of relationship dissatisfaction in male primary versus female primary alcoholic couples seeking alcohol behavioral couple therapy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

220. Owens, M., McCrady, B. S., & Epstein, E. E. (2011, November). Children‟s roles in the social networks of women with alcohol use disorders. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

221. Grosso, J. A., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Gaba, A. L., Cook, S., Coleman, M., & Steinberg, M. L. (2011, November). Women‟s Motivations for Seeking Cognitive-Behavioral Alcohol Treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

222. McCrady, B. S. (panel chair), Donovan, D. M., Leonard, K. E., Monti, P., & Sobell, L. (2011, November). The reorganization of addictions research at the NIH: What does it mean for behavioral research? Panel discussion presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

223. Gray, D. A., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., & Cook, S. (2012, June). Do spouses understand how their partners want them to change? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

224. Hallgren, K. A., Epstein, E. E., & McCrady, B. S. (2012, June). Within-treatment drinking urges: The importance of drinking quantity and time since attending treatment sessions. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.

225. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Hildebrandt, T., Jensen, N., Cook, S., & Gaba, A. (2012, June). Preliminary efficacy of a single gender female-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) group therapy for alcohol dependent women. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA.



226. McCrady, B. S. & Briscoe, Y. (2012, August). Family support and collaboration in treatment. Presented at the New Mexico Behavioral Health Collaborative Symposium, Enhancing Practice through Partnerships in New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM.

227. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S., Hildebrandt, T. & Jensen, N. K. (2012, November). Change in depression and anxiety among women in female specific versus generic CBT for alcohol dependence. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. National Harbor, MD.

228. McCrady, B. S. (2013, May). Behavioral couples therapy. Workshop presented for the Clinical Trials Network Southwest Node, Albuquerque, NM.

229. McCrady, B. S. (2013, June). Symposium discussant, 12-Step processes and outcomes: Does gender matter? Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

230. Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook S., Jensen, N., Gaba, A., & Hildebrandt, T. (2013, June). Randomized trial comparing individual with group modality female specific cognitive behavior therapy for alcohol dependent adults: Treatment results. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

231. Bold, K. W., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S., Gaba, A., & Jensen, N. K. (2013, June). Baseline health status and collateral health benefits of treatment for alcohol use disorders among alcohol dependent women. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

232. McCrady, B. S., Moyers, T., Manuel, J. K., Ladd, B. O., Hallgren, K. A., Epstein, E., Tonigan, J. S., Brovko, J. M., Owens, M. D., Crotwell, S. M., Muñoz, R. E., Merriman, L. A., & Borders, A. (2013, June). Studying client, partner, and therapist behavior in alcohol behavioral couple therapy: Methodological considerations. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

233. Brovko, J. M., Ladd, B. O., Manuel, J. K., Hallgren, K. A., Owens, M. D., & McCrady, B. S. (2013, June). Studying client, partner, and therapist behavior in alcohol behavioral couple therapy: Adapting the MISO coding system. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

234. Crotwell, S. M., Brovko, J., Epstein, E., & McCrady, B. S. (2013, June). Studying client, partner, and therapist behavior in alcohol behavioral couple therapy: Relation among therapist common factors and change over time. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

235. Borders, A. Z., Gius, B. K., Hallgren, K. A., & McCrady, B. S. (2013, June). Studying client, partner, and therapist behavior in alcohol behavioral couple therapy: Change- and counter-change-talk in treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

236. Gius, B. K., Hallgren, K. A., & McCrady, B. S., (2013, June). Studying client, partner, and therapist behavior in alcohol behavioral couple therapy: Positive and negative partner interaction. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

237. Owens, M. D., Muñoz, R. E., & McCrady, B. S. (2013, June). Studying client, partner, and therapist behavior in alcohol behavioral couple therapy: Global ratings of interactions by gender. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

238. Owens, M. D., McCrady, B. S., Tonigan, J. S., & Moyers, T. (2013, June). Examining the role of social networks in alcohol or drug use among adult male probationers recently released from jail. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Orlando, FL.

239. McCrady, B. S. (2013, August). Symposium discussant, contributions of neuroscience to the treatment of alcohol use disorders. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.



240. McCrady, B. S. (2013, September). Cognitive behavior therapy for alcohol use disorders. Workshop presented to the Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico.

241. Grosso, J. A., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S.,& Backer-Fulgum, L. M. (2013, November). Readiness for drinking behavior change and drinking outcomes in a cognitive-behavioral trial for women with alcohol dependence. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Nashville, TN.

242. McCrady, B. S. (2014, June). Alcohol Behavioral Couple Therapy: Active ingredients and mechanisms of behavior change. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

243. Epstein, E.E., McCrady, B.S., Cook, S., Jensen, N., Gaba, A., Steinberg, M. L., & Bold, K. (2014, June). Non-ETOH drug use among women in outpatient treatment for alcohol dependence. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Puerto Rico.

244. Graff, F.S., Olmstead, T.A., Ames, A., McCrady, B.S., & Epstein, E.E. (2014, June). Cost and cost-effectiveness of individual vs. group female-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy for women with alcohol use disorders. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

245. Owens, M.D. & McCrady, B.S. (2014, June). Change talk and gender predicting drinking after alcohol behavioral couples therapy. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

246. Munoz, R., Owens, M.D., Gius, B., & McCrady, B.S. (2014, June). Therapist intervention in first session relates to drinking during treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

247. Brovko, J.M., McCrady, B.S. , & Tonigan, J.S. (2014, June). Have we forgotten the client in manual guided therapy? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

248. Hallgren, K.A., McCrady, B.S., Caudell, T.P., Tonigan, J.S., & Witkiewitz, K. (2014, June). Social networks and alcohol consumption modeled as dynamic systems: A longitudinal computer simulation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

249. Ladd, B.O. & McCrady, B.S. (2014, June). Typology of couples entering alcohol behavioral couple therapy: An empirical approach and test of predictive validity on treatment response. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

250. Puhalla, A.A., Epstein, E.E., Gaba, A., McCrady, B.S., & Eddie, D. (2014, August). Early versus late onset alcohol use disorder among alcohol dependent women in treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

251. Donnelly, M., Gaba, A., Epstein, E.E., & McCrady, B.S. (2014, August). Employment status and alcohol consumption in women in treatment for alcohol use disorders. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

252. Calixte-Civil, P., Gaba, A., Epstein, E. E., McCrady, B. S., Cook, S. & Jensen, N. (2014, August). Risks and buffers for drinking among alcohol dependent women during and after treatment. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

253. McCrady, B. S. (2014, November). An evaluation of a jail-based methadone maintenance program. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.


1. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Smartphone help for DWI offenders and their

families: A B-SMART app.” G. Woodall, Principal Investigator, B. McCrady, Co-Investigator. September 1, 2014 – August 31, 2015.



2. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Brief Motivational Interventions for Male Drinkers being Released from Jail.” M. Owens, Principal Investigator, B. McCrady, Primary mentor. July 1, 2014 –June 30, 2016.

3. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Neuroimaging mechanisms of change in psychotherapy for addictive behaviors.” S. Feldstein-Ewing, Principal Investigator, B. McCrady, Co-Investigator. July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2017.

4. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Adapting Alcohol Behavioral Couple Therapy for Service Members in Post-Deployment.” E. Epstein, Principal Investigator, B. McCrady, Co-Investigator. May 1, 2014 - April 30, 2017.

5. National Institute on Drug Abuse (subcontract from UCLA), “Injectible Pharmacotherapy for Opioid Use Disorders.” T. Condon, subcontract Principal Investigator, B. McCrady, Co-Investigator. March 1, 2014 - May 31, 2017.

6. Bernalillo County, NM, “An evaluation of the methadone maintenance program at the Bernalillo County Detention Center.” B. McCrady, Principal Investigator, April 15, 2013 – December 31, 2013.

7. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Imaging brain activity in substance use treatment.” J. Houck, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Primary mentor. July 15, 2013 - June 30, 2018.

8. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Review of the AA Literature: Clinical and Research Implications.” J. S. Tonigan, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Investigator. August 5, 2011 – September 31, 2013.

9. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Targeting Social Networks to Maximize Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment and Prevention.” K. A. Hallgren, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Primary mentor. December 1, 2011 – November 30, 2013.

10. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Alcohol Research Training: Methods & Mechanisms.” B. McCrady, Principal Investigator, July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2015. $2,516,875.

11. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Mechanisms of Change: Alcohol Behavioral Couple Therapy.” B. McCrady, Principal Investigator, August 1, 2010 – July 31, 2014. $1,154,413.

12. National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Clinical Trials Network: Southwest Node.” M. Bogenschutz, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Investigator, September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2015.

13. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Testing CBT Models and Change Mechanisms for Alcohol Dependent Women.” E. Epstein, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Investigator. September 2008 – August 2013. $2,722,525

14. Administration for Children, Youth, and Families. “Recovering Together Program.” D. S. Spear, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Investigator. September 2007 – December 2010. $2,500,000.

15. National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Clinical Trials Network: Southwest Node.” M. Bogenschutz, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Investigator. October 3, 2007 – August 31, 2010. $2,290,647.

16. State of New Jersey, Division of Substance Abuse, “Overall Evaluation of the DYFS MOMS Addiction Program.” T. J. Morgan, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Principal Investigator. January 30, 2005 – January 29, 2007. $600,000.

17. NIAAA Research Grant, R37 AA07070, “Testing Alcohol Behavioral & Couples Therapy for Women.” B. S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. June 1, 2003 – May 30, 2008. Funded under the Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) award program. $2,126,846. PI role transferred to E. E. Epstein when I moved to NM; grant converted to R01.

18. UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, PO125429, “Consultation to Redesign University Behavioral Health Care (UBHC) Clinical Services.” B. S. McCrady, Project Director. August 15, 2001-June 30 2002. $49,765



19. NIDA Research Grant, 1 R01 DA12256, “Restructuring Services for Drug Abusing TANF Women.” J. Morgenstern, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Principal Investigator. June 20, 1999-May 31, 2004. $2,810,246

20. NIDA Research Grant, 1R01 DA10835, “Adapting Behavioral Marital Therapy to Treat Drug Abuse.” E. E. Epstein, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Principal Investigator. January 1, 1999-December 30, 2001. $403,772

21. ACF Research Grant, 90XP0002, “Evaluation of NJ Substance Abuse Research Demonstration.” J. Morgenstern, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Investigator. September 30, 1998-September 30, 1999. $139,268

22. NIAAA Research Grant, R37 AA07070, “Testing Alcohol Behavioral Couples Therapy for Women.” B. S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. December 1, 1996 - November 30, 2002. Funded under the Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) award program. $1,489,210

23. NIAAA Research Grant, 1RO1 AA10268, “Applying Treatment Research Technologies in New Settings.” J. Morgenstern, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Investigator. September 30, 1995-September 29, 2000.

24. NIAAA Training Grant, T32 AA07569, "Rutgers Advanced Training Program in Clinical Research." B. S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. September 28, 1994-August 31, 1999, $891,182; September 1, 1999-August 31, 2004, $800,280; September 1, 2004 – August 31, 2009, $2,005,450 (transferred to E. E. Epstein when I relocated to the University of New Mexico).

25. Busch Biomedical Research Grant, "Issues in Informed Consent in Clinical Research with Alcohol and Drug Abusing Subjects." B. S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. July 1, 1994 - April 30, 1996. $3,277

26. NIAAA Research Grant, 2 RO1 AA07070-06, "Alcoholic Couples: Two Models of Heterogeneity." B. S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. May 1, 1994-April 30, 1996. $174,153

27. NIAAA Research Grant, 1 R13 AA09051-01, "Research on A.A.: Opportunities and Alternatives.” W. R. Miller, Principal Investigator, B. S. McCrady, Co-Principal Investigator. September 1, 1991 - August 31, 1992. $84,072

28. NIAAA Research Grant, 1 P50 AA08747-01, "Alcohol treatment: Integrating basic & applied research." B.S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. September 1, 1990 - November 30, 1996. $7,149,977

29. NIAAA Research Grant, 1RO1 AA07070-01A2, "Preventing relapses after couples' alcoholism treatment." B.S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. September 15, 1988 - August 31, 1993. $1,015,950

30. NIDA Research Grant, 1 R01 DA05688-01A1, "Multisite study of substance use diagnosis." J. Langenbucher, Principal Investigator, B.S. McCrady, Co-Investigator. December 1, 1988 - November 30, 1991. $1,567,171

31. Smithers Prevention Research Grant, "Secondary prevention in the general medical setting: Issues, outcomes, and process of change". J. Langenbucher, Principal Investigator, B.S. McCrady, Co-Principal Investigator. July 1, 1987 - June 30, 1989. $43,994

32. Smithers Prevention Research Grant, "Research and evaluation program development: The New Jersey Collegiate Substance Abuse Program at Rutgers University." W. Frankenstein, Principal Investigator, B.S. McCrady, Co-Principal Investigator. July 1, 1988 - June 30, 1989. $19,659

33. St. Peter's Hospital, "Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies - St. Peter‟s Medical Center Clinical Treatment Program for Substance Abuse." B.S. McCrady, Director (2/1/85-2/22/87); J. Langenbucher, Director, (3/1/87-8/1/94). Varied support to $111,216 per annum. February 1, 1985 - August 1, 1994.

34. New Jersey Dental Association, "Impaired Dentists Program." B.S. McCrady, Director. July 1, 1984 - August, 1998. $5,000 to $42,500 per annum.

35. NIAAA Research Grant, "Environmental Treatment of Alcohol Abusers." R.H. Longabaugh, Principal Investigator, B.S. McCrady, Co-Principal Investigator. July 1, 1984 - December 31, 1987. Grant award stayed at Butler Hospital/Brown University; role shifted to Consultant when I moved to Rutgers. $677,258



36. NIAAA Research Grant, 5 R13 AAO5562, "Conference: Directions in Alcohol Abuse Treatment Research." B.S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. March 1, 1982 - February 28, 1983. $19,982

37. NIAAA Research Grant, 5 RO1 AAO3984, "Marital, Spouse & Self-Control Therapy of Alcoholics." B.S. McCrady, Principal Investigator. July 1, 1979 - June 30, 1983. $340,230

38. NIAAA Research Grant, "Alcoholism Treatment in the Partial Hospital Setting." R.H. Longabaugh, Principal Investigator. B.S. McCrady, Investigator, 10%, April 1, 1980 – March 31, 1983. $103,613

39. Brown University General Research Support Grant. "Questionnaire for Knowledge about Alcoholism." B.S. McCrady, Principal Investigator, T.J. Paolino, Co-Principal Investigator. September 1976 - March 1977. $1,670

HONORS AND AWARDS September, 1971 - June, 1973 National Defense Education Act Fellowship January, 1993 - present Fellow, Division 12, American Psychological Association August, 1994 - present Fellow, Division 50, American Psychological Association May, 1997 MERIT Award, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, November, 1999 Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse,

Betty Ford Lectureship award November, 2006 Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Distinguished

Service Award August, 2007 American Psychological Association, Division 50 (Addictions),

Distinguished Career Contributions to Education and Training Award PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY June, 2014 – present Chair, Ad hoc committee on diversity, Research Society on Alcoholism January, 2014 – present Co-Chair, International Conference on the Treatment of Addictive

Behaviors (ICTAB-13), Odense, Denmark July, 2012 – June, 2014 President/Past-President, Research Society on Alcoholism July, 2011 – June, 2012 Vice-President, Research Society on Alcoholism April, 2012 External Reviewer and Site Visitor, Department of Psychology,

University of Maryland, Baltimore County March, 2010 Ad hoc NIH grant review for RFA DA 10-001 and DA-10-002 October, 2011 Ad hoc NIH grant review for T32 applications, NIAAA. April, 2008 External Reviewer and Site Visitor, Department of Psychology,

University of Southern California



October, 2007 Grant Consultant to David DiMatteo, Treatment Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA

2007 Member, APA Dissertation Research Award review committee January, 2006 - present Grant Consultant, Christopher Barrick, Research Institute on

Addictions January, 2005 - December, 2007 Science and Practice Committee, Division 12, American Psychological Association January 2004 - December 2006 Reviewer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Substance Abuse Policy Research Program November, 2005 - January, 2006 Special consultant, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism January, 2005 Special consultant, Oxford University Press. October, 2002 - October, 2005 Grant Consultant to Jeffrey Kingree, Ph.D., Clemson University June, 2002 - June, 2003 Member, Program Committee, Research Society on Alcoholism

April, 2002 - December, 2007 Member, Board of Directors, Pacific Institute on Research and

Evaluation. Chair of Board, January, 2004 to December, 2005. January, 2002 - July, 2003 Grant Consultant, Douglas Ziedonis, M.D. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School January, 2002 Member, Jellinek Award Selection Committee, Jellinek Memorial Fund. July, 2001 - June, 2004 Member, Division 12 Task Force on Defining Principles of Therapeutic

Change August, 2000 - August, 2003 President-elect (2000-2001), President (2001-2002), Past-President

(2002-2003), Division 50 (Addictions), American Psychological Association

June, 1998 - present International Advisory Board, SMART Recovery, Inc. April, 1998 Site Visitor, General Clinical Research Centers Program, National

Institutes of Health. October, 1997 National Advisory Committee, “A Matter of Degree,” College Student

Drinking Risk Reduction Program, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ.

October, 1997 - January, 1998 Consultant, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ June, 1997 - June, 2001 Board of Directors, Research Society on Alcoholism



May, 1997 Consultant, Alcohol Research Group, Berkeley, CA November, 1996 Consultant, Time Life Medical Series. November, 1995 Member, Editorial Review Panel for Alcoholism, Time Life Medical,

Patient Education Media, Inc. May, 1996 Consultant, NIAAA Behavioral Planning Group March, 1996 Consultant, Harvard University Division on Addictions. January, 1996 - December 2000 Member, Professional Advisory Committee, Division on Addictions,

State of New Jersey (Executive Committee, July, 1996-2000) December, 1995 Consultant, Advisory Group for Western Consortium for Public Health, Alcohol Research Group Grant. November, 1995 Participant, Special Review Committee, National Institute on Mental Health. November, 1995 - November, 1998 Secretary-Treasurer, Association for Advancement of Behavior

Therapy July, 1995 - December, 2001 Member, Hazelden Research Advisory Board June, 1994 - June, 1996 Member, Panel on Financing and Organization, National Advisory

Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Subcommittee on Health Services Research

January, 1993 - December, 1995 Member, Fellows Committee, Division 12, American Psychological

Association December, 1992 External Reviewer, Research Review Committee, Research Institute

on Alcoholism February, 1991 - November, 1993 Member, Finance Committee, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy January, 1991 Reviewer for Program Committee, American Society for Addiction Medicine February, 1989 - October, 1992 Member, Extramural Science Advisory Board, National Institute on

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism October, 1989 Reviewer, Annual Session, Society of Behavioral Medicine December, 1989 - December, 1992 Council Consultant, American Dental Association May, 1988 Presenter, Ad Hoc Committee Scientific Advisory Board on Treatment National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism



November, 1987 - November, 1989 Member, Institute of Medicine Panel on Research on the Treatment of

Alcohol Problems January, 1986 - December, 1989 Member, American Dental Association, Advisory Committee on Chemical Dependency Issues December, 1985 - December, 1986 Consultant, Sixth Report to Congress on Alcohol and Health, National

Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism December, 1985 - February, 1986; Reviewer, Program Committee Division 38, American Psychological December, 1986 - February, 1987 Association January, 1984 - June 1984 Consultant, Metrotec, Inc., Washington, D.C. April, 1983 to present Ad Hoc Reviewer, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism February, 1979 - November, 1980 Committee on Third Party Insurance, Association for Advancement of

Behavior Therapy May, 1979 - July, 1983 Board of Directors, Rhode Island Psychological Association July, 1979 - June, 1982 Alcohol Psychosocial Research Review Committee, National Institute

on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) August, 1978 - June 1981 State Coordinator, Committee on Health Planning, Rhode Island

Psychological Association July, 1977 - February, 1979 Chairperson, Research Committee, Rhode Island Coalition on Alcohol,

Drugs and Women's Health PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE Licensed Psychologist, New Mexico (2008 – present) Licensed Psychologist, New Jersey (1984 – 2009; inactive 2009 - present) Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders

(1996 – present; currently on inactive status) (American Psychological Association College of Professional Psychology)

Certified Psychologist, Rhode Island (1977 - 1990) EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE EDITORSHIPS 1990 - 1992 Executive Editor: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 1990 - 1994 Co-Editor: Annual Review of Addictions Research and Treatment 1998 –2003 Assistant Editor: Addiction 2003 – 2008 Regional Deputy Editor for the Americas, Addiction 2009 - present Senior Editor, Addiction



EDITORIAL BOARDS 1982 - 1996 Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 1983 - present American Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1990 - 1997 Journal of Substance Abuse 1991 - 2003 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1991 - 1996 Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 1992 - 2012 Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2002 - present Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice TEACHING AND MENTORING GRADUATE TEACHING Behavioral Couples Therapy Assessment and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Research Ethics for Clinical Psychologists Introduction to Clinical Science NIH T32 RESEARCH TRAINING GRANT Rutgers University - Principal Investigator September, 1993 - July, 2007

o Full support for six graduate students in Psychology and Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology

o Weekly Addictions Seminar (11 months per year) University of New Mexico – Principal Investigator July 2010 – present

o Full support for four graduate students in Psychology and 2-4 postdoctoral fellows o Weekly Addictions Seminar (11 months per year)

RUTGERS CENTER OF ALCOHOL STUDIES Continuing education programs

o Family-involved treatment for substance use disorders o Cognitive-behavioral treatment for substance use disorders


Degree Current Position and Location

Delia Smith 1989, Ph.D. University of Alabama Charles Johnson 1990, Psy.D. Private Practice, PA Victor Carlson 1991, Psy.D. Job Corps, NJ Barbara Niles 1993, Ph.D. National Center for PTSD and Tufts Medical School,

MA Deborah Van Horn 1993, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania Melanie Bennett 1995, Ph.D. University of Maryland School of Medicine Kevin Miller 1995, Ph.D. Private Practice, NJ Helen Raytek 1995, Psy.D. Private Practice, PA Jennifer Lager 1997, Psy.D. Private Practice, VA Christopher Kahler 1998, Ph.D. Brown University Program in Medicine, RI



Donald Bux 1998, Ph.D. Albert Einstein School of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center, NY

Stephanie Richter 1998, Ph.D. VA Medical Center; University of Wisconsin Medical School

Stephanie Sogg 1998, Ph.D. Psychologist, Emerson College Counseling Center and Massachusetts General Hospital, MA

Kimberly Blanchard

1999, Ph.D. Bristol-Myers Squibb

Charles Neighbors 1999, Ph.D. National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse and Columbia University Medical School, NY

Karen Rhines 2001, Ph.D. Northhampton Community College, PA Jonathan Peretz 2001, Psy.D. Private Practice, NJ Nancy Bloom 2002, Psy.D. Private Practice, NJ Amanda Marshall 2002, Psy.D. Private Practice, Bermuda Tina Sherry 2003, Psy.D. The Koch Center, NJ Nicola Chung 2004, Ph.D. Private Practice, FL Rene Sell Zweig 2005, Ph.D. American Institute for Cognitive Therapy, and John Jay

College for Criminal Justice, NY Mara Kailin 2004, Psy.D. Aurora Mental Health Center, CO Michelle Drapkin 2006, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania School

of Medicine Linda Kranitz 2007, Ph.D. Staff Psychologist, Bloomington VAMC outpatient clinic Kelly Green 2008, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, St. Edward‟s University Blaise Worden 2010, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow, Hartford Hospital Institute of Living,

Anxiety Disorders Center Zayed Al-Otaiba 2010, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Behavioral Sciences Pavilion,

Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, UAE David Menges 2007, M. S. Post-doctoral fellow, Pittsburgh VA Medical Center.

Worked with new mentor after I left Rutgers Dorian Hunter-Reel

2008, M.S. Post-doctoral fellow, University of Washington. Worked with new mentor after I left Rutgers

Jennifer Knapp Manuel

2010, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow, University of California at San Francisco

Julie Steele Seel 2010, Ph.D. Medical Instructor, Duke University Benjamin Ladd 2013, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow, Reed College Kevin Hallgren 2014, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow, University of Washington Julie Brovko Current Student On campus – University of New Mexico Mandy Owens Current Student On campus – University of New Mexico Adrienne Borders Current Student On campus – University of New Mexico Rosa Muñoz Current Student On campus – University of New Mexico Kathryn Fokas Current Student On campus – University of New Mexico Adam Wilson Current Student On campus – University of New Mexico FACULTY SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO: April 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 Member, Departmental Salary Committee January, 2015 – present Member, Clinical Area Courses Committee



August, 2014 – present Member, Departmental Faculty Professional Growth Committee August, 2014 – present Member, Search Committee, Vice President for Research August, 2014 – present Member, Distinguished Professors Promotion Review Committee July, 2014 – October, 2014 Member, Faculty Titles Committee September, 2013 – present Member, ADR/Center Directors OVPR Advisory Committee September 2013 – present Member, College of Public Health Planning Committee September, 2012 – July, 2013 Chair, Vice President for Research Search Committee June, 2012 – July, 2012 Chair, Interim Vice President for Research Search Committee September 2011 –December Member, UNM Presidential Search Committee September 2010 – July, 2011 Chair, Psychology faculty search committee June, 2010 - September 2010 Member, Provost‟s Strategic Focus Academic Renewal Task Force March, 2010 – June, 2012 Co-Chair, Alcohol and Drug Policy February 2010 – present Director, @UNM – Alcohol treatment specialty clinic in Department of Psychology October, 2009 – August, 2010 Co-Chair, Committee to Develop a Student Recovery Committee January, 2009 – July, 2011 Research Budget Committee August, 2008 - present Policy and Planning Committee, Department of Psychology August, 2008 – August, 2010 Bachelors in Addiction Concentration Committee, Department of Psychology September, 2007 – July, 2013 Executive Research Advisory Committee (Co-chair, 9/08-9/09; chair 9/09 – 8/11; past chair, 8/11 - present) August, 2007 - June, 2008 Outcomes Assessment Committee, Department of Psychology RUTGERS UNIVERSITY: September, 2006 - July, 2007 Executive Committee, School of Arts and Sciences August, 2006 - July, 2007 Ad hoc committee on F & A, School of Arts and Sciences May, 2006 - August, 2006 Dean‟s Transition Advisory Team, Faculty of Arts and Sciences



September, 2004 - October, 2004 Member, Associate Dean Search Committee, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology September, 2003 - March, 2004 Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology September, 2003 - March 2004 Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Psychology April, 2003 - July, 2003 Member, Search Committee, Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs September, 2001 - December, 2004 Chair, Addictions Consortium Working Group (a collaborative effort of the Center of Alcohol Studies, UMDNJ-RWJMS Department of Psychiatry and UMDNJ University Behavioral Health Care) September, 2001 - June, 2005 Member, Promotion Review Committee September, 2001 - August, 2004 Member, Long-Range Planning Committee, Psychology Department September, 1999 - August, 2005 Member, Operations Committee, GSAPP September, 1999 - July, 2007 Member, Executive Council, Department of Psychology (Chair, August 2005-July, 2007) February, 1998 - June, 1999 Member, Alcohol Policy Committee, Rutgers University January, 1998 - June, 1999 Chair, Clinic Advisory Committee, GSAPP December, 1996 - May, 1997 Member, Clinic Director Search Committee, GSAPP July, 1996 - June, 1999 Member, Executive Committee, The Graduate School June, 1996 - December, 1997 Member, Addictions Consortium Planning Committee, Joint Committee of the Center of Alcohol Studies and UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School January, 1996 - March, 1996 Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Psychology September, 1993 - June, 1994 Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Psychology December, 1992 - June, 1993 Chair, Search Committee for Dean of GSAPP September, 1991 - August, 1994 Member, Research Advisory Board July, 1990 - June, 1993 Member, Students Affairs and Services and Athletics Committee



August, 1990 - June, 1991 Member, Faculty Search Committee, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology September, 1990 - June, 1991 Member, Forum Committee, Clinical Psychology Training Program September, 1989 - February, 1991 Chair, Search Committee for Director, Center of Alcohol Studies April, 1989 - May, 1989 BRSG/Busch Grant Review Committee February, 1989 - April, 1989 Member, Ad Hoc Student Hearing Committee, Department of

Psychology February, 1989 - June, 1989 Member, Dean's Search Committee, Graduate School of Applied and

Professional Psychology February, 1988 - June, 1988 Member, Provost's Select Committee on Fraternity and Sorority Life September, 1986 - August, 1987 Chair, Search Committee, Director of Division of Prevention, Center of

Alcohol Studies June, 1986 - June, 1987 Member, Committee on Prevention Research Grant Awards, Center of

Alcohol Studies September, 1984 - September, 1987 Member, Long-range Planning Committee, Graduate School of Applied

and Professional Psychology September, 1984 - January 1989 Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Center of Alcohol

Studies September, 1984 - July, 1985 Member, University Hearing Board April, 1984 - June, 2007 Chair, Clinical Referrals Committee, Center of Alcohol Studies March, 1984 - March, 1986 Member, Committee on the evaluation of the Psychological Clinic, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology February, 1984 - July, 2007 Member, Committee on Troubled Employees, Center of Alcohol

Studies January, 1984 - July, 2007 Clinical Supervisor, GSAPP Psychological Clinic for 1-3 graduate

students per year December, 1983 - May 1984 Member, Committee on Minority Curriculum, Graduate School of

Applied and Professional Psychology December, 1983 - August, 1987 Member, Committee on Family Therapy Curriculum, Graduate School

of Applied and Professional Psychology November, 1983 - May 1984 Member, By-laws Committee, Graduate School of Applied and

Professional Psychology



September, 1983 - January, 1985 Member, Library Committee, Center of Alcohol Studies September, 1983 - July, 2007 Member, Operations Committee, Center of Alcohol Studies BROWN UNIVERSITY September, 1982 - July, 1983 Chairperson, Treatment Research Group, Brown University Center for

Studies on Alcohol October, 1980 - July, 1983 Chairperson, Internship Selection Committee, Brown University

Clinical Psychology Internship Consortium October, 1980 - July, 1983 Internship Training Committee, Brown University February, 1979 - July, 1983 Committee on Human Values and Ethics in Medicine, Brown University September, 1979 - July, 1983 Alcoholism Curriculum Committee, Brown University



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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.